Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 07, 1909, Image 7

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When a remedyhas lived for over thirty years, steadily
growing in popularity and influence, and thousands upon
thousands of women declare they owe their very lives to it,
is it not reasonable to believe that it is an article of great
merit ?
"We challenge the world to show any other one remedy
for a special class of disease which has attained such an
enormous demand and maintained it for so many years as
has Lydia E. Pinkhdm's Vegetable Compound, the famous
woman's remedy for woman's ills. Unless it is a very good
medicine and the claims made for it arc honest, such a record
would have been impossible fraud or misrepresentations
would long ago have been detected and the business gone
into oblivion. Read this unsolicited letter:
Melbourne, Iewa: MI suffered for many years ivith fcmnlo
troubles, In Humiliation, nud lcurlug-dovn pains, ho Hint I was
tumble to do my work.
"liVdlaE.Plnkluun'sVcirotablo Compound was recommended,
nnd I am so tlinnkful for tho tfrent cootl it has done me. I feel
that I am a living advertisement lor this medicine as I have
Influenced so many of my friends to use It, so thankful am I
that It restored mo to health." Mrs. Clara AVatcrmauu, H. D. 1,
Melbourne, Iowa.
When a woman like Mrs. Watcrmann is generous enough
to write such a letter as the above for publication, she
should at least be given credit for a sincere desire to help
other suffering women. For we assure you there is no
other reason wny she should court such publicity.
We say it in all sincerity and friendship try this medicine.
For 30 years Lydla 13. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound has been the standard remedy for
female ills. No .sick woman does Justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine.
Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and
has thousands of cures to Its credit.
taC Mrs. lMukham invites all sick women
WtfF to write her for advice. She has
guided thousands to health free of charge.
Address Mrs. IMnkham, Lynn, MnhS.
I Ua v II
Foley's Honey and Tar In a safe
guard against Horlotia results from
spring col do, which Inflamo tho lungs
and develop Into pneumonia. Avoid
counterfeits by insisting upon hav
ing tho gonulno Foley's Honey and
Tar, which contains no harmful
drugB. For salo by J. 0. Perry,
Then, again, if tlioro aro no artlsVi
outsldo ot Europo, why doos King
Oscar nsk an American to paint his
Pcoplo past middle Ufo usually
havo some kidnoy or bladdor dUordor
that sapB tho vitality, which is natur
ally lowor In old ago. Foley's Kid
ney Romcdy corrects urinary trou
bles, stimulates tho kldnoys, and ro
storos strongtlunnd vigor. It cures
uric acid trouble by strongthonlng
tho k'dnoya so thoy will strain ouc
tho uric acid that sottles In tho mus
cles and Joints causing rheumatism.
For salo by J. C. Perry.
You get the best spray orf the market. Made by Salem
people and guaranteed by Salem people. Guarantee
and test tacked on every barrel. Manufactured by the
For sale by tho following dealers!
TiG hold nnos.
mm ii MH44a-fM- i i m i m h
Representatives of tho Woolen
Mill Co., tho Water Co. and tho Sa
lem Flouring Mills Co. had n hear
ing beforo tho joint committees on
bridges nnd Btrcots Tuesday after
noon at tho city hall. Statements
were made by T. D. Kay, Charles
Park and W. P. Bnbcock, and tho
owners wera also represented in tho
legal argument by Counsel J. A.
Carson, to show that tho city ordl
nnnco requiring them to fonco, covor
and bridgo across streets wns in
equitable and unfnir nud unlawful.
The owners aro to go over tho prop
erty damaged with Aldermen Stolr.
and MoUltt today. Th Flouring
Mills Co. asked to bo further hoard
by Counsel Qcorgo O. Ulnghnm, nnd
Mr. Stolz nsked thnt another meet
ing of tho commlttco might bo had
at which ho hoped tho mayor could
be present. It Is believed thnt nu
adjust ment of tho wbolo matter can
bo hnd, In which tho pcoplo living
along tho ditch can bo protected
without injury to tho proporty The
owners of the ditch expressed n
rondlnesR to do anything in their
power to protect tho public nnd cave
human life. Mr. Stolz prosonted the
side of the enso for the city with a
great deal of energy, nnd demanded
full protection for people nnd prop
orty against tho ditch.
Everyone Is looking forwnrd to
tho coming or the Gingerbread Man,
that dullgVUul com c oporn by Frod
G. Ranken and A. llaldw u Slonno,
nnd everyone will bo whUtllng its '
vory pretty tunes nnd It la doubtful
it nny comic opera In our remem
brance hns quite a-, mnny protty onen
as tho aforesaid Olngorbread. From
tho time thnt the apparently luanl
mnto form of tho Gingerbread Man In
tho linker 'a Widow moves nnd comes
to llfo until tho final fall nf tho cur
tain In tho Inst act, the p'eco Is one
long series of Mirprlso1, lnughnblo
dialogues and situations, beautiful
soio, picturesque numiiers ana tab-
fl'iiltcd l'renH I.cnurtl Vlri.
San Frnnclco, April 7. Potltlons
demanding tho recall of Mayor Tay
lor are being prepared todny Uy the
county commlttco of tho Indopen
donee pnrty. Tho decision to begtn
an active campaign ngnlnst tho mayor
was reached last night after a spir
ited meeting of tho committee Hugh
J. Mclsancs, chalrmnn of tho stnte
central commlttco, opposed tho move
ment to lnvoko tho recall, Ho call ' I
attention to tho fact thnt tho labor
council, while condemning tho city
ndmlnltrntion, had decided that an
attompt to recall tho mayor nt this
time would bo futllo.
Daniel O'Connolly, chnlrman of the
county comm'tteo. led tho fight for
the recall. He declared that tho time
was rlpo for tho movomont nnd that
tho labor olomont would glvo It unit
ed support. He nlso proml ed to
pay the expomog of proparlbg tho pe
titions. Alleged Incompetency of Mayor Tay
lor, Is tho basis of the rocall movement.
(United l'rcm I.fnurd Wire.
San Ilsfaol. Cnl., April 7. After
having been beaten Into Insensibil
ity by a protty young woman, II.
Witt, a grocer at Kontllold, Is slowly
recovering from hln Injuries todny.
Witt was attacked by Mrs. Flolds,
the wlfo of a San Francisco plumber,
who had boon sent n grocory bill sho
cla'mod nho did not owo. When Witt
rendorcd his first account to Mrs.
Fields Bho became vory Indignant
nud absolutely denied thnt alio had
contracted bucIi an obligation. Witt
way inslstnnt nnd sent tho woman a
second bill.
Upon rocolvlng the socond state
ment Mrs. Fields dashed to tho gro
cery tori and after a plrlted ox
ehnngo of remark the pa'r olashud.
Witt received a sovero beating nt tho
hands of the-woman and whon passers-by
Interfered ho wns Just lapsing
Into unconsciousness.
Tho hill remains unpaid.
The ownorx of Wlllametot addi
tion. In Euht Salum, which was adver
tised in this paper, have sold off
over GO lots and on Monday merit
1C deedh for lots ueleetod on Sunday.
Shows how good prupert. well ad
vertised KOl'S off
Pierce Bicycles
None Better
M MP 1 VW t I'M II I'l I 111 III
Snell and Harvard
Bicycles 2
$25$30, $35, $40
According to
PIERCE BICYCLES are too. wall and.favorably known to noed much praise. This year
we have a new model In the Pierce Line, THE HEAVY SERVICE MODEL, built to
stand abnormal use; extra heavy frome and forks, steel rims, G. & J. tires and coaster,,
S45.00. Please note we make no extra charge for steel rims on this model,
SNELL BICYCLES The old reliable) Hussoy bars, G, & J. tirw, ooMter braka S40.00.
HARVARd BICYCLES This is a bicycle that we equip to suit the rtdar; prloa range
from$25.00 to $45.00, according to equipment.
BICYCLE REPAIRING Our repair departmant is in charge of tho list. Wpycle man In
Salem; sick bicycles call ad for and doiivorod. Give us a trial,
A Full
ILine of
A Full
Line of
Till (.IM.I I ll'M VI) M V.
lenux n. .; nu , IhiIckuhh' lnughnblo
comwly dr.lni'Uted by clever coiu
edlnim of the llroadway Htamp. Just
stir this whole combination up with
a lot of pretty Kill u n variety of
bountiful rostunien and you havo a
nectar lit for the (loiltt.
It I small wonder that theatre
goort prufir musical comedy, for
everything such uu unusual nspoct
nnd It offers Mich a vnrloty of on
tertalument and () much amuoment
Is crowded Into the small spncu of
three liouri thnt one Is transported
fur the tliur being Into a dlfforont
land. A land where all Is light and
brilliancy, pretty music, delightful
femininity and the whole atmosphoro
prowiitN nu enchanted aspect.
The UliiKerbrttHd Mnii with his
myriad of enterlK'ners will be with
us at the Orand Opera Hoiiho Frluny
ilKht. April 9.
8Hti on -ale at box otlk-e Friday
at 0 a. m.
The Hiret depart mem on Tue
duj clminttl ISaat fjtiUe street, from
Twelft hto Nlnwtuuntli. and did a
vory good J'- Wliwi HuUhed It was
nlmoM tas nice aa paving, hut tho
property owners on that street are
still talking paving,
Ita n Top Notch Doer.
fir sat deds oompol rsgnrd. Tho
world crowns Its doers. That's why
the American people have crowno.1
Dr. ICIac's New Discovery the King
of Throat and Lung ramwlles. Kvury
atomls a health fore. It kill gorms,
and colds and la grippe vnnl4i. it
liw: eouKh-rackcHl membranes an I
coughing stop. Sore, Inflamed
bronchial tubas and I units are ourol
and hemorrhage eeao. Dr. Oso.
More, Illark Jaek, N. 0., writes "li
cured me of lung trouble, pronounced
hopeless by kll doetors." 60c, 1. 00.
Trial bottle fre. (ltiHrantel by J.
C. Porr.
KlUiMaMU wiMX lyM" " "p ii i & ffc B CCt to
The Kind You Havo Always Bought, anil which has Dee
in line for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of
9 niul hns been mado under his per-
7r, '&CA4te Allow no ono to dccolvo yoti In this.
All OountrfoltH, Iinltntioun mul JuHt-na-jfooil"are Jbufc
Experiments that trillo with nnd cmlnnjror tho health of
Infimts nnd Children Exnorlcnco against Exiioruncnt
Cnatorla !s n. harmless stthstltuto fbr Castor OHt Paro
Korlo, Dr i) nud Soothing' Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains ncidier Opium, Morphino nor other Nareotio
mtbsUncj. It- rvo in its guanintco. It destroys Worms
i ml c4!ys Fci erinhness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Coliu. Ii relieves Teething' Troubles, euros Constipation
I FIr.t-:!oucy. It assimilates tlio Pood, regulates tho
; ; mtu ti nnd Itowls, giving healthy and natural sleep.
'i'ho Children's Puniicciv Tho mother's IMond.
Soars tho Signaturo of
(i8 KM Yoii Have Always Bought
in Use For Over 30, Years.
ono adopting It must romatn in door?
for a day or two, or a froah cold Is
almost suro to bo contracted, nnd In
many Instances pnoumonla follows.
In it not bottor to pin your fntth to
an old .ollablo preparation Ilk
Chamhorlaln'a Cough Itomody, that
Is famous for Its cures of colda a4
can always bo doponded upon? Fo?
anlo by all good druggist
Grocery and Meat Markets
Pcoplo residing In North Snlom should npproclntu tho convenience
of a woll ostnbllBhod grocory nnd mont market nt 740 Highland nvo.
Old Whcclcr Store
This grocory la equipped with a lull lino of up-to-dato goods, with
lowest prlcoss possible Phono 100 Q GIBSON PfOD.
Meat Market in Same Building
Wo havo Just Installed a large Ico box for summor uuo. Quality of
moat nnd prices cannot bo excelled. Wo certainly duHlro the pat-
'. rojiagu of peoplo residing In North Snlem. Phono 887.
i r: c
f u
l'p to date I'rea'dent Hooeevelt ban
beui ooinparwl with every great man
In hi tory except 81. Patrick,
Hetvare ot Ointments for Catarrh
that Contain Mercury.
a. mercury will surely destroy tho
tenso of smell and completely do-
range the whole system whon entor
Ing It through tho mucous surface).
Such articles should never be use J
except on proiclptlons from reputable
phy 'clans, as the damage thoy will
do It tsn-fold to tho good you oiq
poulbly derivo from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V J
Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contalus
no mercury, and Is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and
mucous sHrfaes of the system, la
buying hall's Catarrh Curo bo aura
you get lbs genuine. It Is taken In.
terimlly and made In Toledo, Ohlc,
by F. J Cheney &. Co., Testimonial
Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Beer Sold in Carload Lots.
Shipments in Kegs or Bot
tled Beer to any Point on
the Pacific Coast : : : :
1 1
I Brewing Plant and Offices ; I
On Trade St.. In Wholcsole District
1 4.
Salem, Oregon ;;
4 H f !!
New mtdlrsl prtptratlon In liquid sod powder form. Tits only known ruidy
for Alcohol diMAici. fan t jUen wltb coKe. Its, eo ot milk wlltiout pstlent
I il I aoo i'WKMiBH or ruin vm.vmii.h 1 lLL
i iius. ur.uicisi; to ua my us away vuuu
A HrcUIUt tis lately dUcorrrl s uw mulltlii for tb eura ot tte drink
hatil l)o tou wUU a natkaet If you bn lu your family a Ulu) tHubaud,
fattier, brotbtr or uu. who U slrlna you trouble, or uaklns Ufa ulserabla rr yow,
awl wbwn yo wUU to be cured frwu Ibla dlieaaa. do uot bealiale a wowent. but
art at usee Alcoliol baa tbla victim tn bU ctutehea and tbe unfortunate va U
not iMe to oi Mm DIHCOIIOli baa cured tbouaanda and will mre sy oat
b4asln ta you. Write to ua at once, before It la too lale. II U Kuarantel barm
lta and Ha effecta are poaltlre. If you wlab free treatment od furtber J
lloaa. fill out coupon below and mall to ua. Don't blate. a tbe 600 poekaitni
will au.n lu. fflmn i,r and urh further uarkaee will colt It NOW jrou ran
aeeure one KltKK. Cut out tbla Coupon. Heud If todar. Bent In plain wriur
Oovpoit for (rt Drink-llallt Ourt.
M" 'TUKlKny AHBOtlATION 62 Beat 131st Ht. New York, N Y