MUtatH WKt VJ'J! SRrXT"33 Jiu... 4 TAILY CAPITAL JOUUNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY AI'IUL 7, 1000. TT V1 Unheard of Bargains AT THE VHiHH C G. GI VENS SHOE STORE SALEM, OREGON Made Possible by the Great and Mighty The Northwestern Brokerage an Sales Co who are in complete charge of this huge up-to-date stock. We are surely making things hum, and the huge crowds who have been flocking to the store daily saving dollars and cents are more than satisfied. When you can get boots and shoes for less than manufacturer's cost, then is the time to rejoice; so come along and make merry with the rest who are jostling and elbowing about the avalache of bargains. 2000 Pairs of Shoes, high and low cuts sBS2i Are now on sale at this store, which have been brought from the up-to-date stock of THE OREGON are on sale at figures that tell n tale of price destruction that you can scarcely credit the goods with your own eyes. All Spring goods. Remember, Only PIVE DAYS MORE to Raise Money Furious selling at almost any price will be the main feature The Northwestern Brokerage & W. R. SMALL, Special Sales Expert in charge Sales Co. THE SLEEP1NQ SICKNESS WHICH MEANS DEATH How mnnjr reader havo hoard of tbli terrlblo dlnwwe? It prevails In that far-away country Africa -ospeclally tho Coiiko (Hit r let. It la caused by tho blto of Itio Isetao fly. When It bllua a person tho sleeping symptoms t'fftln RliJ filially tho ouHerr sleeps until death ocur. Contrast this with the peaceful, balmy sleop of hoalth. la thero any thing more vrearlnu than to llo awaks ut night, toaalm; about, nerYous, with cold feet, hot lioml and morcy knows whnt elsef abort of letting tho Uotie fly blto ua wo would do almoat any thluK for rollsf. How can wo pre vent It? Mr. aeorso llnyiw. of I'nlon City. I'a.. writes: MI had lost my appetite, was all rundown, eould not hluop nlithta. I had tried every thing without relief. Vlnol waa roo ommeuded. and In my surprise, It helped me at our; ravo me a splendid appetite, and now I sleep soundly." What Vlnol did fur Mr. will io for mery run-donn. nervous an "verworked m'(u who eannot slu (J. W. PUTNAM IX). WORKING ON ROAD INTO THE SANTIAM AIRSHIP WAS UP $ ruumexw nuuno (Pulled t'rM L Wire. I llorllH. April T. Count 3Siolin b'K alroklp which started from Fried orlohsatou at 10 o'clock last night fulled to rowaln aloft for SI honrs. H came to wirt today after twin In the nlr H hour. I'ouHl Xeooelln did not command tho htiRO croft, the crew bolng com posed of Qerutau army ofttcors With tho advent of good weather ti work Iih started In tho San tlam district. The several mltilng companies have raarnod an nKre ment by which thi four mile of road yet to build to tho smeller site wilt be completed JuhI hh quickly as men and tnonoy ohii do it. Mr. Otto Hansen, president of the Gold Croek Company. In on tlt ground. dlrectliiK the work, and there Is no doubt but that In a couple of monthH tho nm ohluery for ihe monitor will bo on the way to the mouth of Hold orek The work on the mine has been proaecutod vigorously durliiK the winter. Consulting ISHglneer VmIIo. ' of the (iold Creok. Free land and Hlectrtc having laid the work out. and It has betn done systematical The SantlaiH will make people alt up ' and take notice thla summer, and before snow NIm the smelter returns will show that It la really Jiiat what It U claimed la be by those interest ml. one of the ureal mining omiiiiw of the eoaat. Mr. fal Uauedeu deeorvsw un- boun44 pratae for U eoHetotMc of kla faith and Uw Herateiamey uf hu puak lor tke iImUiuh dtotftat. It l a raae of faith wna worka. aad l er muck alive Zi'IiIh Selli. IhtldHiu'a thhd dniiKh if. hIiomo fxlktene huh unknown until ufii'i 1it fjiilHMH iIhhiIi mid Mrs. Anltn McCliuighry and Mr Clmit Stocker, dnuxhtora and prlu elMl benofnetora under tho will, nil oltatat'lt-a to a hietd aeltleiupnt of ' thv vatntv haw Uvu rvnioved. Uuld wIu'h widow, who waa practically cut! off from the fortune by the will, ha , UK reed to accept a coiuproinlaf avt tlemeut offered by the dmiKhtera and ' Mra Selby cupltulated after a con- j forence of tho holrs lust night. ' Although tho terms of tho aettle m. " l i men' with the two dlaantlaflHd heirs lmv not Iteen made public. It la understood that they will receive more than double the amounta left them lu the win. The widow la re ported to have accepted approximate ly t loo. 000 und the dnughtoru aomo thliiK more than $150,000. INCREASE DUE TO FOREST POLICY San Francisco, April 7. Tho pol icy of tho government In Bogrogatlnt; lands of the foreat roeorve aultablo for heop and cattle raiting, 1. ac cording to Assistant Forester A. F. Potter, tho rcoaon for tho 10 pr cent Ineronso In the value of the cattle on the forest grazing lands during tho pant year. Potior, who Is making his nemi annual tour of tho torost bureaus of tho wostorn division, Is hero today. Ass'stonco of the govornmont In rogulattng tho forest grazing lands he attribute tho notablo Incrcaso In both tho voUimo and total valuo of Hie western live stock produco. SnyH He Is Snno. (I'nltMl I'rca litnitnl Wire. J Santa Barbara, Cal.. April 7. At torneys for Stanley McConnlck, son of the harvester king, nro making preparatlona today to combat chnrgos made by h's wife, Mra. Catherlno D. McConnlck, that ho Is montnlly In compotont. McConnlck, under the caro of a phyalclan, Is at his country homo, nt Itlven nock, nonr hero. Mrs. McConnlck Is on her way wost fnotn Doston to bo present whon her husband Is given a hearing; Thursday. GRAND OPERA HOUSE JOlll 1 COUDUAY, Mgr. FRIDAY, APRIL 9 Tho fllHgvrhrvad Mini (iinwn). PrvaoHt the great musical fantasy and Comic Opera The Gingerbread Man h Frderlek O Nankin and A. UW- wIh Sloaae FUUNII I-'ttOM T1IK MVSIO.l. lUUKUY. A latK mpny ami beautiful chor us Au oAnuUtto prwtutillon through out The most dollghtful wuslo that wver ear llatoned 10, up-to-dsle. ome dy and unusual enstiutbllea. PrUfl 18. It. 00. Ik SQc Boats ua salr Friday at 9 a m. CITIZENS DEDICATE DALRYMPLE HALL The ICaglewood Iwuroventettt lMmHe held the rtrat meetlHg lu Dal Dwple'a kail, corner of ike ear Mue Juurtlou n Asylum avenue. It la a i well built. comommUom )Htklk meet- ' lug place, and oUlioaa will try ' to have eteotlnua aad ether puUIU gath ering held there lu future. The eowmlttee oh sewors waa gl- eu twi wNka wore to make a report The oommltee on opeHlac Sven umk street ntortel trorie. and uiauy fet of fronuuie atgue! up . Several good Ulk were made for strwot lNttovMnta. and a snral 4Ucuakn un booster It a look place o- BALDWIN HEIRS MAKE COMPROMISE It tiJ ! I.wt Vtr.I kWn Krnciax). Anrtl T I'nUk otne new eialwant to a urtton t ike KMurauMut entate loft Wy K J (Lucky) Baldwin appears at Los An ' lod ike wil of the fKniuu turfman will bo admltetd to pro bate without content. With a compromise botweon Mrs. Have You Seen the New Styles IN t V oa.TOitiA. jp jITwtHiilajg SVT&A BISHOP'S READY TAILORED SUITS $ 1 0 to $35 Our spring line of suits, recently arrived, is mak ing a tremendous hit with those who have seen them. It's but right that they should. The patterns are simply great. Beautiful fabrics backed up with quality. The tailoring is the best, and prices are especially attractive. I Mm wmw TX'7 JmtJpW fivp SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE