ARE YOU TAKING OREGON'S INDEPENDENT ANTI-GRAFT DAILY THE CAPOTAL JOURNAL ON TRIAL 4 MOS. FOR $1.00 BY MAIL lilon.noi feK 3 O VOL. XL. . DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON, WKDNKSHAY AP1HL 7, 1000. OT. ; g fciUi9jjQISlfllQlSi ISl POUlQllojioj a"l nfl a r." f GIBSON GIRLS IN ENGLAND PKIM LITTLK DKMUIl ENGLISH -.MAIDS NO LONGF.K EXIST, HAVING LKAILi'Kl) THU MODKS AND MANNHHS OK TIIHIK SiltKNUOUS AMHUIGAN COUSINS. Z3 , v2 o frequently doplctod In American tl tira nrltk nr. lllfrv.t In l.n nl. I. -'to, IT .VII IIUOV b.tlVU 'II IUU Uli GIRLS ARE NOW BOYS 8o- the Stalil llrltlsh Matrons Who Mount (lie Decadence of tlio Kng Hull Maidens, Whom the Older Matrons oiiy Art Now Kxtlnct. (United Press Leased Wire.) London, April 7. Horrid Gibson girls from tho United Statca are spoiling tho mannors of tho prim lit tlo Engllnh maids, according to anon ymotiB communications printed today in tho press. Fond mamas havo rU on In wrath and declaro against tho naughty oxamplo of tholr American cousins who allow their daughters to wear really shocking hosiery "and show 'cm, too." "Tho ulmplo, modest British maid en of tho old dnyB Is practically ex tinct," wrltos ono doting parent who fools that her finer sensibilities havo boon outragod by tho Ynnkoo invasion. "Our girls aro now boys. Somo I uuu" flounces and ruffles and gaudy Blockings (unduly exposed. Speci mens of tho typo are overrunn'ng London theatres, ball rooms and parks. Not only Is tholr dross Intolerable, but their cold, calm man ner and fcrenco to nil beautiful and lovlp- ngs mako thorn Impos sible." ' x 01 a. j WILL B'KD FARM MACHINERY United Tree Leaned 'lre.l Uorlln, April 7. Tho formation of n stock company for tl. manufac ture of farm implements by throe of tho most poworful Gorman farmers' organizations Is bollovod to be tho first stop on tho part of tho German ngrlcuturlstB to break tho American monopoty on farm mnchinory Hint has existed for many oars. Tho now compnpjr is capitalized at $1,000,000 and tho plant which it will erect will hnvo a capacity of 20,000 mowing machines annually,. Tho plant will bo constructed and put In to operation Immodlatoly. Tho rapidly growing dotnand for mowors, blndors and othor farm im plomonts, resulting In Importations during tho last two years valued at $10,000,000, In tho direct cause of tho action of tho Gormnn organiza tions. SEATTLE W0M"aN KICKED AT TARIFF Sonttlo, Wash., April 7. In reso lutions passed by tho Women's Im provement Club tho women of West Seattle, through that organization, hnvo voiced tho'r protest against tho proposod Increnso of tho tariff on hoslory, kid gloves, mittens, woolen fabrics and sugar. Mombors of tho Washington dolo gatlon in congress will soon receive copies of tho resolutions, with" an ur gont request thnV thoy oxorclro tholr Influence to koep tho tar'ff on those articles as low as posslblo. Thu women arctiod at their mcot- of these young women rrsomblo al-ing yesterday that It tho tax Is raised most exactly tho horrid Gibson girl, I It will increnso their oxponses. WHEAT'S RECORD PRICE NKAKLY FOUK CUNTS HIGHKU THAN DUHING THIS FAMOUS GATKS COItXKIl IN 101KI L1VU LY SCKNKS IN T1IK 1MT DUItING SIfeSiOX. SHORTS HAVE10 DIG One Firm Sells Half Million Hushels, Hammering the Prlco Down, Hut It Hecovervil In Few Mlnutw, and Higher Price Are Kxpectod. FIFTEEN HUNDRED DROWNED HUSSIAN FISHKKMKX FHOM ICK HKItG SWKPT OUT TO SUA ONIC KKPORT SAYS THAT THK IIKIIU TUHNUD OVKIt, DUOWN ING NKAHLY ALL. O O O O O O 00 OOOO O HAhKUALL. O O At Onkland Portland C, O O Oakland S. O O. . .At Sacramento -Snn Frnncli-.O O co 2, Sacramento 3. O O At Los Angeles Los Angolos O O I, Vornon 1. O OOOOOOOOOOOO SAN DIEGO VOTES AGAINST PROHIBITION ONLY A FEW ESCAPE Another Report Snys Iceberg; Was Swept Out to Sen and There In Still Hopes or Having Most of (he Marooned Fishermen. United Treat I-eased Wire.) Chicago, April 7. May wheat started Honrlng nt tho opening today nnd Jumped Immediately to $1.2-1, and then by leaps and bounds went up to $1.25 Vi. This is 3 cents higher than tho high water mark recorded during tho famous Gates corner In 1005. Tho sudden ndvanco was caused by tho offortH of tho shorts to cover up. It was followed by a disposition of the Pntton interests to tnko profits In both May and July wheat, and shortly nfter tho opening Pntton bo gan selling. It Is bollovod that ho disposed of nonrly 500,000 bushels of May wheat at prices close to the highest figures. (Contlnuod on Pngo Fivo.) EASTER OPENING Of the Latest Spring Merchandise Wo nover oftor premiums of nny kind to Induco trndo. Wo aro horo all tho time with tho Dost, Latest and Nowost of Merchandise nt Lowest Prices. Thoso nro tho Premiums tho Chicago Rtoro has to offer. Thnt Is why wo grow. No schomes but honest vnluos. Tho best prices you enn got olsowhoro wo will boat. Spot cash buying doos tho work. j frTft iff VMi Easter Suits The swollest lino of up to date now Spring Suits shown In Salem and at about half what you havo to pay else where. Mr. Laakgiy, our buyer in Mew York, is the man behind the gun, We are here with the values, the mate rials and Jhi styles. Easter Millinery r-s W J 8I.-..00 SPUING SUITS Now only $18.00 SPUING SUITS Now only 2fl.00 SPUING SUITS $7.50 $9.50 Now only $14.50 ll Tallor-Made. Long Coats. Sine Coats. Silk Lined, Skirts, Full Flnro and Latest trimmings MIm Dodd, of Now York. Is our millinery buy er, awl In the big city she I considered one of the beet millinery experts in r,ow York. 8ho sends us new trimmed hats every wook orenrions of her own and Parih modols. What she recommends Is right p to the minute stylo. e . 0 now hats here on exhibition and not any two alike. Wo are not look ing for profits. What wo want Is QUlok sales. Keep turning the stock over and ovor. Quick Sales and Little Profits. Sale Prices $1 .95, $2.50 $2.95, $3.50, $3.95 and up (United I'rc Leased Wire.) Dorliu, April 7. According to dls patches received today by tho Loknl Anzolgor, an Icoburg on which 1500 KtiBsInn fhhormon woro working, nor near Hlgn, wnB driven townrd tho opon sen today by n honvy wind nnd only 37 woro nhlo to escape. Ono vorslon of tho report snyB that tho icoborg overturned far out nt son and thnt all of tho 1-103 mon who had been unable to got ashnro, woro drowned. . Another dlspntch snyn that tho Ico borg l still drifting far out to sea nnd thnt scores of tho flshormon hnvo fnllon Into tho ocenn nnd drownod. Bovernl boats havo put out to fol low the Icoborg, nnd If poBslblo, to roscuo tho strandod flBhormon. It Is roportcd thnt tho mon wore, fishing from tho Ico pack whon It broko loom from tho mass and was cnrrlod to sen by tho curront and tide. MIDDLE wlsfls SWEPT BY STORMS (United Press Leased Wire.) Cleveland, Ohln. April 7. Winds reaching tho voloclty of n tornado In somo JlnooH. nro swooping over tho wholo Ohio vnlloy today, doing gront damnge nnd causing widespread sufforlng. Sovcrnl lives nro known to havo boon lost nnd tho prnporty loss can not bo estimated nt this tlmo on ac count of tho difficulty of romimmlco tlon by wlro. Reports of heavy dnmngo Iiavo been rerolvod from Ohio, Kentucky, Tunosoo. We-tnrn Ponnsylvnnln, In diana" and Illlnota, Lake Krlo Is In vtlld commotion and grave fonrs nro folt for craft that hnve been rnught In thontorm. Near Sandusky a steel bargo Is adrift this nfternoou with four mon nnd ono woman aboard Tugs hnvo gnno out n att offort to rescuo tho victims, but tho lnko Is so rough that tho work l extremely difficult. A dlM'atrli from Hopklnsvlllo, Ky., says thnt heavy dnmngo has bcon dnno by the winds throughout that section and that two persons nro re- tmrieu to navo boon killed. Wire rnmmunlcntlon botwoen all fltles botwoen Pittsburg nnd Chlcngo Is subject to the worst Interruptions s'nro the heavy storm and blizzard last Fobruary. The tonus today today aro be lieved tn be part of the sarrH at- monphorle disturbance which caused the big storms In MUslmlppI and Ohio lant night. o ttlalteit l'rM Leased Wir. Son Diego, Cnl., April 7. Tlnpo llco of this city todny nro endeavor ing to obtain n clow thnt will load to tho Identification of tho mtscroanta who attempted to dynamtto tho home of Superior Court Clork Edgar w. Dickinson sovcrnl nights ago. Tho net Is bollovod to hnvo boor, tho out growth of hitter fooling ngalnnt Dick' Inson resulting from tho municipal campaign which ended yesterday In tho defeat of Mayor John F. For ward, for rooMJctlon. Tho fact thnt n dynamiting had boon attempted wad kept rocrot for fear thnt fiurthcr ourngos would fol low on election day. A stick of high oxploslvo was found near Dickinson's window, Tho fttBo had boon Ignited but beenmo extinguished within an Inch of tho explosive. Hovlsod roturns todny of yostor- day's olcctlon undor tho now charter, show thnt Grnnt Connrd, tho nnll- mnchlno cnndldnto, defcatod Mayor Forward by 4 DO votoi. Four aiitl-macliio councltmen out of flvo cnndldntos woro nloctod. Tho c'ty vpted down tho "no snuv)n" or- dlnnnco by n voto of 2 to 1, Tho prohlbltUinlsts received n stinging defeat. OFFERED FULTON A PLAGE BUT HE WILL BE JUDGE NOT HEROIG INDIAN WOMAN OUTS FLUSH l-'HO.M HKU IIODY WHICH SHIC USICS FOU 1IA1T TO CATCH FISH TO KKKl II1CR ItAIIIKS FHOM STAHVING. DOES THIS DAILY Ilrnvo Squnw Heeps Her Children Alive Until Found by Trapper. She Is llclnic Tenderly Cared for nnd Will Itecover. .. I'retii Iaaed Wire. Port Arthur, Out., April 7.Out tlng Btrlps of flesh from hor body, n heroic Indian woman who lives sov ornl miles north of horo, halted hooka with It nnd caught fish to nnvo her children from starving to doath. Tho story of tho red inothor'n heroism wnH brought horo todny by William McKlrdy, who has Just roturnod from a trap through tho north woods. Kmnolntod from hunger, tho woman was unable to crawl Into tho woods nnd trnp gnmo. Driven to desporn tlon by tho orylng of hor nlnrvlng babies, who selzod n hunting kulfo nnd out up hor own flosu for bait. After preparing a lino alio tnanngod to drag horse) f to tho rocks on tho horo, and there flnnlly landed a fish, thu first rood thu family had oaten for days. Kopoatlug this awful sncrlflcu day by day tho bravo Hijuaw succeeded In providing suinbleut nourishment for her little ones to keep life In their bodies until pnsslng trnpporn found them and gave them nHslstnuco. Tho woman Is being tenderly en rod for by tho woodBinou. and It Is bo llovod she will aurvlvo. (United Pri-M r,ried Wlr.j Wnshlngton, April 7. It was lonruod todny that President Taft of fered Charles W. Fulton, former Honatur from Oregon, tho position of envoy extraordinary nnd minister plenipotentiary to China. Fulton asked ten dnys In which to consider whethor ho will accent. This notion by tho presldont finally dis poses of the rumor thnt Taft would appoint I'll I ion to u federal Judge- Hliip. . .U) news relative to tho Huluctton tho Futon for the post In China wits contained in tho following uuuouueo uiont .roiu the Will to House. "Tho controversy In rospuot to tho fodernl Judgeship In Orogott huH do volopod such a factionalism thnt former Senator Fulton deolluvd to havo his iiumo coiiHiuorod further. No dsnlslou has been rouohod regard lug the Niiccowiful cnndldnto. Pnwl- dent Taft today tendered to Fulton tho mlulNturHhlp to China. Fulton asked for tun duya In which to consid er It." GREAT TIDAL WAVE DEVASTATES TAHITA Ban Francisco, April 7 Nowa of a Hoviiro tldnl wavo which wnought gront dnmngo to tho Islands of Moron nnd Hltutoongn near Tnhatl was brought horo by Ivan O. Mclndoo of Fresno, Cnl., who roturnod today on tho stenmor Mariposa from a visit to Tahlta. According to Mcldoo's story, tho wave occurron either March IG or 10, nnd nlthough no damage was dono to tho Tahlta, nutuorous Iiuubos vero demolished and planta tions devastated on other Islands. Tho extent of tho dnmago In Illntoon ga alono Is ostlmntod nt nbdut 30,- uuu. Tho gigantic wavo camo in ono great volume and swamped tho land. Hundreds of small shacks woro do molUaee", "Ho far ns I could learn," said Mcldoo. "thoro woro no llvoa lost, although thousands of dollars dam age was done to both Islands which lie but u few iiiIIim from Tahlta." A SORE FOOT CAUSED FIRE BREWERS MUST BUY AMERICAN BARLEY DRESS GOODS and SILKS Here you will find the tcre&teti stock in Salem to kaImt frnm In thn latent,i .,.i- ,i ..., rials. Silk suitings In a great variety. Wool sui.ngs In a groat variety. Price yard, 26c. 35c, 49a, 66c Tie and upwards I I me ombroider- f) tT Beet standard 1 I erles, 4 Inches T W sv -l 1 B DC -: " 4-iC i iaBiwa.aiaBHB1-BIa . , ,-u-- Lmiul111ij1. jy J . Washington, April 7. The house today, in enrnmittoe of tho whole, vo ted ovrwholmlngly In favor or re taining the duty of 1C eents a busn H r.n barley as provided In tho Payne Din Tho following amendments woro defeated IJy Tawney, of Minnesota, for n duty of 20 eonts per bushol. Hy M'ller, of Kansas, for a duty of 25 cent. Iy Alexander, of Now York, for iu per cent ad valorem, or approx matoly 5 cents por bushel. Ur Humphrey, of Washington, to place barley on the tree list. Tho prosoped duty under the Dln- l-y law Is 30 cents per bushel. The proposed duty of 25 cents pvr bushel on barley malt provided by the Payne bill was accepted, an amendment by Miller of Kansas to place the duty at 45 cents being vot ed down voclforouily. -o. (IIiiIImI I'ipii IumI U'lr. I Ban Francisco, Apral 7. A rhou matlo foot on lined a flro which threat ened tho destruction of an apartment house in Folsom street today. u. k. Meyers, u painter living In TO FIGHT RAILROAD FREIGHT RATES San Francisco. N 7'H ty Unt of the firm of Ilntee & aiiosobrouHu. of this olty, loft for Los Angolos to dny to llulsh thu signing of freight for tho Acnio, the first voswl which will olonr from San Pedro for Now York undor tho new ratos oatnbllshod by his company. The ratos that will be In forcn h- tweon Han Ihtdro and Now York nro the basement of tho house, was treat-1 ( bo 35 3 7uTB Sui Z .n arJ ing his foot with liniment which bo-r0 305f ft "K Slr ihRnd.m onmo lunited from tiw. num., frago or to cents lower than an lamp and set tho building on flro. .-neyero, wiough sevoroly burned on nr heretofori' (iiioted for the trlji. nnies anticipates no difficulty Iu ly to check the flame. Nit was unsuc! ' ."J J, ' MS "?? 1!ind od ,on ewssful and a flro onglno was called ! ? i ' I,. p warrant. ' " tl ta aavii Hin hnn. W--..?1 JSS M" will arrange for all vonaols to save tho houso. The property loss amounted to several hundred dollars. ARTISTIC HORSE THIEF GETS IN TROUBLE Offers Kill tor u Job. Washington, April 7- President Taft today offered the governonm'p of Porto Hlco to Charles II. Landls, former congressman from Indiana and a prominent cdltot. having dl- red the policies of several papery In that state. He has not made his answer as yet. Baoramonto. Cal., April 7. D co ratlvo art of K. Iloraugo, a house painter, alleged to havo been aniiPed to tho sides of a stolon horse, result ed In hli arrest and he Is In Jail today awaiting trial. George Davis of Oak Park, recent ly lost a team of horses, Dorango acquired some new livestock about the same time and Davis became sus picious. One of the painter's steeds appeared vory much like one that Davis had lost, but tho matn did I not tally. Unwilling to believe his own eye, wavi siyiy appnea a a&uu or tur pentlno to thu coat or tho strange horse. A moment later a white spot appeared on tho animal's aide. Derango was thrown Into Jail and accuse dof having painted the horse ta hide Its d tlnguliblnr narks. or uis line to touch at Ban Pedro. joesImonISay be next mayor (Special to Journal ) Portland, April 7. Mayor Lane today published a notice that ho will not again be a candidate for the may orallty. It Is tho unlnamoua opin ion of Portland's best Informed poli ticians that Hon. Joseph Simon, ox United States senator, will be tur nominee. STATE OFFICIALS GOING EAST (Bperlal to Journal ) Portland. April IM-ll. K. Lee Steluor, superintendent of thn Insane asylum, nnd II K Bickers, superin tendent of the Institute for thu feeble minded, left Portland today for a month's visit In tho hast, whoro thoy will study the methods of h'astern In stitutions The trip was authorised before Governor Chamberlain went out at office.