F7 10 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OK EG ON, SATUIIDAY, APRIL 8, 1009. m? . v- Horse Show Fixings at Special Prices Owl Cut Rate Prices on Drug Sundries Burson Hose, Special 1 0c a Pair TODAY This store offers hundreds of money-saving opportunities that will be just as interesting to the people as the Horse Show, EVERY DAY IS BARGAIN DAY HERE. U . i rfici. ' mf - IJSr"slli U uXi'ft'. j v sr -. tf OUU KNTIRK LINK OK High-Class Parasols and , ' V Sunshades reduced Jl.J 25 Per Cent Today Only EMBROIDERIES AT SPECIAL PRICES. Tho largo Wash Goods section of fors n comploto showing In Km broideries in Swiss, Nainsook and Gumbilo at npuclnl roducod prices. Waist Fronts EMBROIDERED WAISTS FRONTS. 2.00 values 1.00 a yard 91.76 values fl.41 a yard 1.36 vnluun $1,00 n yard And hundreds of others roducod. I Public I'hono I mid Ilygonlo 1 Filtered I Water Free Si t ilk An i j. It I IK I i "Mtfk JBil " HORSE SHOW DAY ONLY Ladles' and Misses' Suiumor DrCBBOB. Half Price Tho largo ready-to-wear section odors au a special Inducement to Ilorso Sow visitors a comploto Uno of ladlos' and misses' Hummor dresses nt Half Price 8 DOZIC.V IILAUK fllOIK PKTTIGOATH Largo and full, with wldo nccordoon ploatod llounco. A koocI $1.00 vnluo. Todny only 97c H)0 1101rH OF NOVKLTV HI IH JON Bought specially for Ilorso bhow day. On nulo today only. Valuos up to $1 00 a yard Special 25c Yard XWJWJSWom&sl CjBlr JLIJbaBEH Rosi Itooms a ml Lavatories for ladles 0 O O O O O O O O ') o CITY NEWS 1 O i) O O U i o o o Weather Forecast Fair tonight and alight frost; Butuliiy, fair null warmer. Young Lwdlc To ontor training school for uurstn, apply Wlllamotto Sanitarium. -2-3t Ani You IHlif Try Stots Hlootrophono 30 days nud bo convinced that you can hour now at UAKK'B JHWHLUY 8TOHH. 3-1.3t Fine Maple ami Ah WimmI For unto, cheap, for Immodlute de livery. Apply KrnbH Uros., lliuh Ilroymau btillilltiK. Tulophonu Main 7J4. a-16-tf Qottntfo Undortnklnit Parlors Cottage nud Ohomukota its.; caIU dny or night; J. O. SHI. Phono 73 1. Wanted Ynimit It!y To attend otllco and answer tote phono calls. Ghauca fo rtuh luieainunt later. Call nt 303 CoKoko street, betwon 10 and 13 a in. 4-1-tf The lots In Wlllamotto Addition nro going fnBt You will havo to como oarly If you waut to got ono. For Htoro Wood An coal, call 108 Vogot Lumber Company, Family Meals Served Wo mnko a spoulnlty of catorlng to tho boU family trndo. Try our Huti day dlnnors. Harnett's cafo. lloi'M Wanted I will glvo someono who has n good Iioiho. weight 1100 to 1300 pounds, a good trade on a piano or organ, Just now. Geo. C. Will, muslo and' sowing niauhluu dealers. 4-2-3t Rubber Tliv Ituggy to Trade IIhu you an oikkii or near now sowlu niuohliib or piano you do not mmd, and neud a rubber tiro buggy? (1m. C Will, tho muslo man and Rtv1iiK iimehluo donlor, hus two bug KltM ho wants to trndo for either ono of thtt ubovo. 4-2-3t Thin Mejum llolln To you. Two of tho greatest Invou tlous of mndorn tlmoa on exhibition In Doioas Ilroa Hop Olllco. Qroator montty mnkor limn tolophono. Call iul thn; free domonstratlon. 3-31tt i iwtmmnttuMnnntHUiunfti !! Porch and Window Boxes I BBBiBsaBBiBBaagBa U ;; We havo soveral styles. Call and see them or phone ! ! us and we will call and see you. 1 1 ii MASON BROS., PLORISTS I ;; riicrixu auo cii iviiullh oi. wfrwniuuwmmtiftmmtim (!o to Willaiuetto Addition tomor row, Sunday, any tlmo botwoon 8:30 and 1. and 4 30 to 7, nnd got somo of thoso lots. i rxmcr Iiuuniiico Ilatrs. Hy having us do your work B. W. Plarco, Capital KloctrJc Supply Com pany. Phono 035. 12-15-cod-tf V. T. Hlgdon, Undortnk( Always progrosslvo, up-to-dato Full oqulpmont, largest stock. 10-21-ood-tf It Is Necewiarj At somo tlmo in onos lifo to havo tho sorvloos of au undortnkor tor those near and doar who havo "gono boforo." Whon that tlmo comos, A. M. Clough can bo rolled upon to do tho work In a satisfactory manner Mr. O'llrlon, who served such ox colleut corfoo nt tho social, uaya "Keep tho eovor of your Folger'a Goldn Oato tin closed tight, The llavor and nromn U In tho coffee whon you buy It. Wo como Ihiek to Snlem S. M. Chung & Co., now located 100 S. Commerolal streot. Special ordars takn for Ladles Rhlrt WnlstB.Wrnppors, ntc.. mado to order. Perfect IK guaranteed. Formerly at 3S9 CouiiuorQlnt strt. NEW MEAT MARKET I hit o oV$ned a meat market at 1609 Asylum avenue; oomo hero to stay; hae lacK rfrlrtor, and am In posltlou to sell the best quality of ictat. Including delivery In any part of the o!t, uml at prlee to mtHt all oampgHlou. Oall and get prices. Phon 854 S.W.JB. Temple NOT1CK. To K. W. Harris & Company of CU! oago. and to Whom It May Con cern; Notlco Is horoby given that I, T M nimmlck, County Treasurer of Cooa County, will within thirty days from tho date of this notlco redeem and pay school bouds Numbers 11, IS and 13, Issued by School District No 9, Coos County. Oregon, and dated May 1st, 1895. Tho said bonds will bo paid at the "Danklng House of tho Now York Security and Trust Company In tho City and Stat of Now York, the said bonds to be re deemed being for tho sum of Ave hundred dollars each. No Interest will bo allowed after May 1st, 1909. Dated at Coqullto City, Coos Conn ty, Oregon, this 35th day of March. 1909. T. M. D1MMICK. County Treasurer of Coos County, Oregon. 3-17-lsao -o lViNildent HocxnCTWt Says that outdoor exercise Is needed by th American people. That's all very well, but how can people with rheu tnattsm follow that advice? The an swer U simple u&a Ballard's Saow Liniment and tho rheumatism wl'l go. leaving you as spry as a colt. Olves quick and permanent rvritet from rheutnat'sm. neuralgia, lame back and all pains. Poor Appetite indicates weakness of thastom ach nerves which control the desire forfood. It is a sure sign that the digestive organs need the help of BEECHAMS PILLS Sold Everywhere. In boxei 10c and 25c. Give Your Sunday Grocery orders to J. M. Laurence. Phono 311. Cornor South Commer cial and Ferry streets. Several Now Houses- For Bnlo or rent. For prices nnd terniB sco Vogol Lumbor Company. You Oon't 8H3 n Home Fair Bvory day, but you enn always buy a La Corona 10-cent, or n Bon Ton 5-ccnt cigar of your dealor. Tho best manufactured. What Feather Do You Wen Ladies who wear plumes, feather or wingB of any nntivo Oregon bird aro liable to arrest. Bird lovers In Portland havo had Hovcrnl millinery stores rnldcd under an old law of 1903, which forbids having any por tion of nn Oregon bird, othor thnn gamo birds, in ono's possession. Un der this law, wings or nny part of Chlncao phoasants, etc., can bo worn, but others nro forbidden. A l'leasjint Hustler Tho horso editor acknowledges a ploasant call from an old-tlmo frlond, W. K. Small, who came to Salem u few days ago for the purpose of man aging tho big sale of C. O. Olven's shoe store. Mr. Small is a clever, genial, wide-awake, hustling man. It Is a pleasure to know him, and those who attend tho Bnlo ho Is managing will find It not only pleasurable, but profitable. Whon ho gets hold of a stock he makes It go, and uhen he gets hold of a friend he makes him stny Chocolates and Hon Boas At Buckingham's Palace of Sweets. Red Cross Pnarmocy. 4-3-tf. Ito Croun and Ice-Croam Soda, at Bucking ham's Palaco of Sweets. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Itcsldcnt Agent Room 13, Ladd & Bush, Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORI) Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Oi PIANO TUNING LUTKLLUS L. WOODS. Tuning, polishing, repairing. PhoG08 OOOOOOOOOOOO 0 NEW TODAY OOOOOOOOOOO For Snle Noarly now Studobaker ono-scatcd buggy, sldo spring, A rig. Bnqulro of Walt Low at liv ery barn. If taken Immediately Bold cheap. 3-26-tf New .Shorthand CIiish A now class In shorthand will bo commenced nt 7TT Free from Alcohol! onic Talk with your doctor about Ayers non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla. Ask him if he prescribes it for pale, delicate children. Ask him if he recommends it when the blood is thin and impure, and j wnen the nerves arc weak and unsteady. Ask him if it aids nature in building up the general health. J O IrtrCo I Ma the Capital Business College on Monday, April 5. For Informa tion phono 388. 4-l-3t Snap Fino corner lot on Stato et $550. Olmsted Land Co. 3-30-5t For Sale Soveral houses In 8alem, aud farm lands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. G-l-eod For Rent Four-room cottage. En quire of H R. McWhortor, 14th and Market streets. 4-3-Ct Announcement Wo" wish to stato to our many patrons and friends that our spring purchases nro all at hand. In Jewelry wo havo tho flnost pro ductions and ono o f tho flnost dis plays wo over inndo of thorn In both Ladles' and Gentlemen's Jew elry. All tho distinctive now de signs. In Silverware, Cut Glass, etc., wo have tho most graceful and beautiful offorings to bo scon for miles hore about. All stocks moderately priced and of high quality. Barr's JEWELERS TRAVEL IMPERIAL WAY when wall paper hunting I irrnftMiWl ljE ill f i-"ff r1-1 "rffir iA r'Hf l et. - - Sis 1 l ??' I Our Motte: "THE BEST IN THE BEST WAY, AT BEST PRICES" Imperial Furniture Co., 177 Liberty Street Successors to House Furnishing Co. THE SURPRISE SUCTION CLEANER A DIRT EXTRACTOR Operated by hand. Not an o loctrlc dovlco. Will draw tho dirt off the Moor right through carpets and rugs Into tho machine. The results are posltlvo and actual A MARVEL OF EFFICIENCY The host of all modern mihods of sanitary nouso cloanlng Is by tho nlr suction or vacuum process. Tho SURPIU8K SUCTION Cl.KAER makos posslblo the employment of this mothod by nil who ap preciate Kcientlllc sanitation. It is a porfoct cleaner. Can bo oporutod by n child -portublo--weighs loss than 5 pounds will woar Indoflnltoly IMPERIAL FURNITURE CO., Sole Agents for Marion and Polk Counties Phoiu us our address nnd we will send demonstrator lPi vnhw'm?: Pierce Bicycles None Better $40 $45 $55 la,. mw umm t mim mtamm pww. MV rPtttxs Rcip Snell and Harvard Bicycles $25, $30, $35, $40 According to Equipment PIERCE BICYCLES mo too woll and favorably known to need much praise. This year we have a new model in tho Pierce Line. THE HEAVY SERVICE MODEL, built to stand abnormal use; extra heavy frame and forks, steel rims, G. & J, tires and coaster,, $45.00. Please note we make no extra charge for steel rims on this model. SNELL BICYCLESThe old reliable; Hussey bars, 6, & J. tires, coastej. brake $40.00. 1 HARVARD BICYCLES This is a bicycle that we equip to suit the rider prices range from$25.00 to $45.00, according to equipment. BICYCLE REPAIRING Our repair department Is In clMirge of the best bicycle man in Salem; sick bicycles called for and delivered, Give us a trial. A Full Line of Bicycle Sundries zad&. iyj-i A Full Line of Bicycle Sundries