Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Ladies' Home
Kayser's Warranted Silk Gloves
W. B. "Nuform" Corsets
LADIES', MISSES' nnd CHILD IlKN'H rcndy-to-wonr garment In
oxgIuhIvo stylos nnd fabrics, shown only nt tho Good OooiIb Storo, Tho
assortments nro bigger and bottcir than ovor. the valuoo are greater,
whllo tlio prices are from 10 to 15 par cont loss than Inst yonr. Tho
flrat storo In Hulom having oxporlonood buIoh lad I oh nnd fitter In charge
Burson Hose Special
Tho third shipment of Hurson Hohu, 1080 pairs, will
ho on snlo nt tho usual small prices of
a pr.
Owing to hoimo slight Imperfections wo offer thoso liHc valuos, novor
sold for loss Hum iDu nuywhoro, Home Show Day for
1 "
Weather I-'ort'cnHt
Fair tonight, with light front Frl.
day I fair, warmer.
If You Have
A horso for aalo, aoo J. A. Coopor,
at Fuahlon Ktnblos. 3-20-3t
Lower ItiMiranco Itatra.
By baring us do your work. 13, W.
Plorco, Capital Hloctrlo Supply Com
pany. Phono .035. 12-10-ood-tf
W. T. Illgtlon, Undortakrr
Alwaya progressive, up-to-date
Vu equipment, largest Rtook.
Biro. Juuion Hubbard-
Told Mm. June that Jim novor
growls mIiiuo sho uhom Folgor'a Gold
en Onto coffee, llor gioaor grlndH It
(or hor.
AH l'lmt.Cl
Doalora onrry tho Tuahmoo 12V4o;
tho m Corona lOo and tho Hon Thu
Go ulgnr. Manufactured by the Sa
lem Olgnr Factor).
Flue Maple nnd Anil Wood
For aula, cheap, for Immediate do
livery. Apply lCreba Hroa., Hush
BrejunaH building. Telephone Main
714. 1-lB-tt
Cottage Undertaking Proi
Cottage and Ohemekota U.; calls
day or Hlght; J. C. 8111. Phono 711.
V'o dealro to ay to thu public, nnd
specially our old patron, that wo
aro now loeatod In our now atoro, cor
ner Seventeenth street and Asylum
avenue, ilavo a complete atook of
freah and aelect brauda of everything
that can bo found In a first-clans, up
to -dale wrocory. Promising tho eame
service aa lu tho past, wo kindly lu
vlto attention to our gooda aud price.
Phone 1473
I XHtHtMf WIWI4Wa)Wf 4444MaM
il Porch and Window Boxes I
I Wo have several styles.
us and wo will
WONC 308 211 MILLER ST. ;;
ttttl ! W l(HlHllfttf fi4Hatl
Journal Patterns
Special for Horso Bhow Day only.
Tho largo pottlcont sections offer
a Kood $1.G0 value In black
Molro I'ottlconts, with wldo nc
cordcon pleated flounce, largo nnd
full nnd well mado. All sizes In
tho allowing. Hpoclnl at
See Court Street Window
a pr.
Hotter than popcorn crlipa or
urnckorjaok. Buckingham's Palacu
of Hweels. 3-29-31
Dont forget M. W. A. Orchostra
dance nt Ilolomau Hall, Thursday
night, April 1. 3-30-31
Not Ira to 'riirthriiuui
For n bargain In u separator, sou
maohlno nt Salem Iron Works. 3J
BO Advnnco. 4-1-lt
Mvory Day In (lie Year
You need u frosh supply of gro
ceries, and tho best plaue to give
your order la to J. M. Lawrence, tho
South Commorolnl street grocer.
1'hono 311.
Aro You Donf
Try Btolx Rjloatrophono 30 daya
aud ho convinced that you onn hear
now nt
This Means Dollnm
To you. Two o the greatest lnvou
tlona of modern times on exhibition
In Doroaa Hroa Hop O.tloo, Greater
uionoy maker than telephone. Call
nad mo them; free demoaatratlon.
A uomblnatlou of papflorn, roaated
peanuts, ilako ooaoanut. butter and
New Orleans mnlHssea. Uuoklng
hain'a Palaoo of Hweets. 3-2'J-3t
A numirter Hkrtrl
Jaek Morgna and Hd HUlluo wilt
glvo an original character aketoh,
"Trouble," at tho meotlug of the
Women of Woodcraft, Friday night.
Tho lodge keeps open housa that
night, aud will give a glad welcome
to all Ita frleuda. This, of course,
after tho regular lodge routine. An
excellent program has been arranged
aud tho little character iketch of
Trouble" la far from being the
least attractive of the many good
Call and see them or phono X
call and sec you.
w .
Tho adrortlaomont for Bloomer's Ad
dition to Newport, Oregon, on pago 2
of today's pa'por. If you are thinking
of a summer homo In Newport, yon
will bo intoroatcd.
Wanted Voting Lady
To attond ofllco and answer tele
phone calls. Chunco fo radvancemont
later. Call at 203 Cottago street,
between 10 and 12 a. m. 4-1-tf
Went Out Llko it Lion
County Clork Allan mado ono grand
finish of tho month of March In Is
suing marrlago llconsco. Tho follow
ing licenses wore Issued in tho sunset
of March; F. C. Smlin, 22, of Albany
and Grace h. Martin, of Salem; C. A.
Dane. 30. of Salem, and Gladys Ml
bols, 22.
Slnto Houso Lnwn
A forco of 19 mon aro busily en
gaged today on tho east sldo of tho
Stato Cnpltol spading up tho lawn
and proparlng tho walka for planting
flowors. Tho ground la bolng thor
oughly turned ovor and an ont're
now stock of seed will bo plnntcd,
Tho lawn was becoming rulnod ow
ing to tho moBS killing tho grass.
Governor Had Many Frlctid.4.
Secretary McArthur roturnod from
Olympla this morning wboro ho at
tended tho funoral of tho Into Gov
ernor Cosgrovo. Mr. McArthur sala
tho funoral services woro Improsslvo,
and tho floral tributes In tholr won
dorful profusion aud beauty, widened
tho high oatcom in which Governor
Cosgrovo was hold,
AppoliiliuentM Made-t-
Harry H. Ollngor, or this city, nnd
Frank Vaughn, of Astoria, woro ap
pointed as members of tho Stato
Hoard of Dental Hxamlnors, Mr. Olln
gor Hucceods hlmiolr. Mr, Vaughn
lllls the vacancy nindo by tho ox
plrod term of his hrothor, K. A.
Vaughn. Tho Btnto board also ap
pointed Itoprosontattvo J. P. Husk
as attorney for Wnllown county, to
succeed (' Hborharilt.
Wants TclrplioiH Franchise
A petition hiiH been (lied with tho
county commlslsouoru by H. A. Taylor
n reprtwentatlvo of tho Mutual Com
pany, asking tho commissioners to
grant him a franchise ovor tho county
road near Moliama. Tho petition
states that several of the farmers aud
residents living In that loonllty have,
shown their desire for a telephone,
aud that tho proposed Hue would only
bo used for telephonic purposes.
Jiiiiimh1 Ills Jol
J. A. Cummlngs, a ono-your term
prisoner, sentenced from Douglas
county, mado his gotnway from his
work on tho grounds of tho feqblo
minded school last evening. Cum
mlngH was omployed at tho tlmo In
making garden, when ho just walked
away. Nothing has been heard of
him up to the present time. This
makes the third prisoner who has es
caped from tho school grounds. Me
Nuttsou, the man who Sheriff Mluto
aud Deputy Hsch captured in a cabin
south of the city; Kd. Murray, esoap
lug day before yesterday, and noth
ing heard from htm, and Cummlngs.
Tho prison oltlelals have offered a re
ward for the capture of Murray or
Tho Kinbro Owe
Tho appellant brief In the ease of
State vs. A J. Hembree was tiled to
day with the ulerk of the supreme
court. Morelaud. containing the al
leged faulty poluu In the great bulk
of testimony. Hembroe was tried and
convicted before Judge Mellilde by
District Attoraey John II. McNary of
murder In the third degree for kill
lag his daughter, attd was Hlencd
by Judge George H. Hurntt to an lu
detlnlte term In the peHltentlary of
from one to tlfteen years Alter serv
ing one year he was pardoned by Gov
ernor Chamberlain. Another charge
was brought against him. Instigated
by tho residents, partly of the vlolulty
In which the alleged crime took place.
Sand !ako, Tillamook county, and he
wna convicted of murder lu the first
degree by District Attorney MoNary
and sentenced to bang tor the killing
of his wife.
Tho Willamette Lightweight
Kddle Fish, the lightweight cham
pion of the Hotel Willamette Is now
decked nut with a bran now suit of
wearing apparel In honor of that
husky youugi ter'a phenomenal grow
ing ability. Proprietor Fish has his
eye on several assortment of sporting
goods. 8uoh as lightweight pugilistic
mlts. baseball bats and spiked run
ning shoes, notwithstanding a fully
equipped library. "Nothing la too
good for the Irish." says Fred, "aud
that ktd'a a'goln' to nave a oome
back for everything that sails or
floats when he gets Into men's clothes,
which will not be many wore months.
It Is all right. Fred, but don't neglect
that hickory brush when the time
comes. It puts lite Into the youngster
Dont Fall
To read tho ad. about Dloomer'a Ad
dition to Newport, Oregon, on pago
2 of this paper.
Portland A. Overton and wife,
Milton Huddloson, Thomas A Dun
dy, William Oltorvau and wife.
Potor StrntiBfl. J. D. llecett, I. Lamb.
Frank Judson and wife. O. O. McAl
lister, Miss Helen A. Bull.
Pasadona. Cal. JaJmon S. Kleffff
and family, A. It. Kioff.
Wolsor, Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. John
F. Reynolds.
Noburg, Or. Al. and George Wsw
brook. Mill City, Or. Samuel Thurston,
0. L. Taylor.
Carson City, Nov. MUo T. Cup
plngllngton and family. Fred Shravor
Sontlto, Wash. Kinney F. Smith,
A. F. Curtis, O. C. Tnlmnn, Junius A.
Mlekolson, Hov. L. J. Cnroy.
Hoseburg Hnry King and wife.
Hay City, Or. C H. Kline.
Spoknno H. m. VnldM
Llko .Snmlw's Funny Nob.
John Cullock, an attornoy of Port
land, wna In tho city today and whllo
visiting nt tho Stnto Capitol related
an amusing April fool Incident. Mr.
Collock told of an aged gontloman
In Portland walking along tho stroet
early this morning whoa a milk boy
hailed him nnd casually Informed htm
that ho had lost his handkerchief.
Tho old gontloman, unthinkingly
turned about nnd began looking for
IiIh lost property, whon tho boy yolled
Krnl.l.. I 11. ftf nf Anrll. Xrlolnr"
Tho host part of tho Joko was, howJ
evor, tho April foolod man chanced
to look In tho gutter along tho side
walk for his hnndkorchlof, and there,
lying In plain sight, was a $5 gold-
piece, which ho picked up and mean
dered on his way.
Another Tnxlcab Company.
Auothor tnxlcab firm has filed ar
ticles of Incorporation with tho sec
retary of stato. Tho now firm Is to
operated In Portland undor tho name
of tho Orogon Tnxlcab Co., with a (
capital stock of $25,000. Tho in-.
corporators are K. W. Brooks, Rob
ort Howett and W. II. Warrons.
New Incorporations.
Articles of Incorporation filed 1m
tho olllco of Frank W. Bonnon, Sec
retary of Stato, March 31, 1909, as
Tho Commercial Club of Oregon
City; Incorporators, Thomas J. Ryan,
C. O. Huntloy, William A. Showman,
Jr.. M. D. Lntnurottc, John Adanu,
T. J. Gary, 12. A. Sommor. Frank)
BuBoh, Henry O'Malloy. C. D. Latour
otto, Franklin T. OrlHUh and W. B.
Gould Commission Company; prln
eljml ofllce, Portlnnd; capital stock.
$60,000; Incorporators, S. P. Gould,
T. II. Garrison, Jr.. and Bert Robl
son. Now Era Lund nnd Investment
Company; principal oflloe, Portland,
capital atock, $10,000; Incorporator.
Charlotte McMonloa. Horn Saundotj
nnd Mlnnls J. Wnssorman.
Oregon Tnxlcab Company; princi
pal otlloe, Portland; capital stock,
$2G.000; Incorporators. K. W.
Brooks, Robert Howett and W. II.
V. D. Smith Fuel Company; prin
cipal otllce, Portland; eopltal atook.
$10,000; Incorporators, V. D. Smith,
K. M. Uinoo. F. A. Lane and A.
All tho Good QuulltteN of Hly'a
Cream Halm, solid, are found la Li
quid Cream Halm, which Is Intended
tor uao In atomizers. That It la a
wonderful remedy for Nasal Catarzh
is proved by au ever-laereastag mass
of testimony. It doe not dry out nor
map the tender alr-paeaagee It al
lays tho Inflammation and tjoee
straight to tho root of the dhMtue.
Obstinate old eatee have yielded la a
few weeks. All druggists, lie., in
cluding spraying tube, or mailed by
Hly llros,. IC Warrea St.. New York.
-. - ... o
To N. W. Harris & Company of Chi
cago, and to Whom It May Con Cen
cern: Notice Is hereby given that I, T
M. Dlmmlck, County Treasurer ot
Cooa County, will within thirty days
from the dato ot this notice redeem
and pay school bonds Numbers 11, IS.
and 13, Issued by School District No
9, Coos County, Oregon, and dated
May 1st, 1S95. The ald boada will
be paid at the "Banking House of
tho New York Security and Trust
Company In the City and State of
New Yprk, the aald bonds to be re
deemed being for the sum ot rive
hundred dollars each. No Intercut
will be allowed after May lit, 1909.
Dated at Coqullle City. Coos Coun
ty. Oregon, this X5th day ot March,
County Treasurer ot Coo County,
Oregon. 3-J7-1BBO
United rss Leae! Wlre.l
Spokano, WaBh., April 1. Corbett
Lawyors, a Nez Pore Indian grad
uate from Carlisle, who Is to beud
the Indian banking Institution at Nei
Perco, Idaho, Id to study banking lu
tho Old National Bank, Spokano.
Lawyers Is a finely educated Indian.
Ho has been private secretary to
Superintendent Llpps at tho agency.
Many miserly tribesmen, hereto
fore eusplcIouB of banks, aro nnxlcnis
to got stock In tho new bank nnd
about $50,000 lu already In sight.
An old Indian squaw bought stock
the other day with $3,000 In gold,
which had beon burled so long that
the dirt mado tho figures and In
scriptions Illegible
It Is bollovod fortunos ,aro burled
on the reservation nnd tho socrot
of tho hiding places died with tho
old trlbosmen.
Joff;rson City. Mo , Apr 1 I. Two
cut fnres have earned more money
fv the- railroads lane tho three-rent
nt. according to a vtntoment made
by At'ornoy-Gofinml Klllot Major, of
yinoui'l, who tiii reoon loday as
fnvi ring tho lower i'k'I.'i.
Major dcclarod that If tho railroads
carried out tholr announced plan of
putting Into effect Ap''l 10 tho three
cont fnre, tho Missouri legislature
would recelvo on April 11 a bill com
pelling tho corporations to publish
Itemized statements of their receipt?.
Major claims the roportu of tho
rosds today give larger prollth than
under the old rato by several hun
dred dollars. Thes nre the gains
over tho old rates, lis clnlmod by Ma
jor. ,
Atchison, Topokn & Santa Fc $700,
Chicago & Alton $300, Missouri Pa
uillc $12,00.
(Continued from pago 1.)
paper nttompts to mnko light of tho
situation by declaring that It Is noth
ing hut n drunken brawl, tho fact of
Its admission of troublo Is consldored
confirmation of tho more sorloue im
ports. El Corroa, tho othor morning dally
at Chihuahua, declares today that
conditions are as bad ns reported
and assorts positively that tho war
wni caused by oxcosslvo taxes.
Gardner Ca Goes to Jury.
Sail Francisco, April 1. Eugcno
Gnrdnor, tho young Kentucklnn
charged with tho murder ot Joo Cor
dosa, a negro mate on tho whaler
Dowhond, Inst August, whllo tho v,y
M'l mis In the South Sctw, will see
his case go to tho Jury In tho United
States circuit court tomorrow morn
ing. Gnrdnor declare that ho will bo
satlsflod with nothing loss thnu an
ncqulttnl. He claims that ho was at
tacked by the negro and, nfter being
beaten twverefy, struck him In solf
defeus. o
The average ront paid for New
York City tenements nnd apartmont
houses built wlUhln flvo yoari
amounts to $140 annually for each
porson living in them.
Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup !s
freo from all opiates and It euros she
cold by gontly moving tho bowels. It
Is especially recommended for chl'
droa, as It tastes nenrly as good as
maple sugai. Wo sell and recommoud
It. Sold by all druggists.
As a d'sereet diplomat Mr, Wu
ahould be in no great haste to get
back to the vicissitude, ot official life
la China.
Easter Parade
Nothing will finish the most ele
gant appearance better than Jewelry
that becomes and that Is truly reflnod
and different from tho ordinary and
In our sprlag assortment you will
dad eaelUfctveRMM. distinction and gen
uln high quality ot excellence.
An Inspection respectfully solicited.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Lcdlic left for
Spokane this morning, whore they
will visit Mrs. Ledllo's sister for
about ten days.
Mrs. G. Mundlngor, of Spokane,
lias returned home aftor visiting hor
brother, C. Mundlnger.
Mrs. Curtis Stubbs left for Butte,
Mont., to make her homo. Sho has
been visiting hor parents, Mr. and
Mrs. II. A. Johnson.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. A. MoFaddon, re
cently from Kansas, left for Sen
sldo this morning, whero they oxpeot
to locate.
Mrs. E. II. Harold, of Oregon City,
tins returned homo after visiting her
mother, Mrs. E. A. Smith, In South
Mrs. G. E. Miller nnd title son aro
.. King hor parents In Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burroughs leff
for Portland this morning to reside.
Mr. Burroughs hns been with the J.
M. Lnwrcneo grocery for tho past
two yoars.
WHITE. At 5 p. m., March 31, 10Q9,
nt tho ago of 27 yoars, Mrs. Char
lott 13. Whlto, dnughtor of T. J.
The funeral will tuko place at the
homo on North Commercial streot at
10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Tho
deceased leavos n husband nnd two
enlldrcn. Hov. P. S. Knight will offi
ciate nt tho ceromonlcs.
Eurektt WnntH ItnllrnodL "
EuroRa, Cnl., April 1. Citizens of
this city, representing its railroad
promotion cbmmlttoo sailed this
morning for San Francisco bent on
having an Intorvlow with officials of
tho Ca!lfOPUaJ&X2to .
to como to somo undorstandlffgooTi
cornlng tho building ot tho Hue from
Sherwood In uppor Mondoclno Coun
ty to Eurokn. This commlttoo bo
llovtM that this" railroad which will
open nip northwestorn California,
should bo built this summer.
Norwich Union Fire
Insurance Company
Frank Meredith, Resident Agent
Room 13, Lndd & Bush, Bank
Ovor Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Or
Tuning, polishing, ropnlrlng. Ph'oGOS
I Ilnvo Been Informed By several
of my customers that It la re
ported I am going to leavo Salem
and movo my stock to Portland. I
now glvo notlco to my customon,
nnd whom It may concorn, I Intoud
to do business at tho samo old
stand for yoars to como, so far ns
I know, but will glvo duo notice
of any change W. A. Irvln, gro
cer, corner Court and Commercial
street. 3-24-tf
For Snle Noarly now Studobaker
ono-seated buggy, sldo spring. A
Tig. Enqulro of Walt Low at liv
ery barn. It takon Immediately
sold cheap. 3-26-tf
Snaiv Flno corner lot on Stato at.,
$550. Olmsted Land Co, 9
For Sali First-class, second-hand
buggy, cheap. Address "M.," oaro
Wauled At onoe. a woman to do
washing. Address "11.." care
Journal. 3-31-3t
Wanted Salesman, with small oapl.
tal, for permanent buslnoss hero.
Call and see manager at Morgan's
cigar store, 367 State street.
For Sale A good heavy span of
heavy mares, on" Frank Smith's
farm, 1V4 mile from prison, an
the Macleay road. E. A. Aufrance.
For Sale Several houses In Salem,
and farm lands, at a bargain. Cap- t
Ital National Bank. 6-1-eod
New Shorttiand Cla&s A new class
In shorthand will be commenced at
the Capital Business College on
Monday. April 5. For Informa
tion phone 3SS. 4-1-31
Porter Wanted At Gllson'a barber
ahop. 4-l-3t
Funcrul Train Late,
Tho trala carrying the body of
Washington's late governor, Coa
grove. Is reported five hours late a?
2 o'clock this afternoon. This would
bring the train lato Salem at about
2 o'olook tomorrow morning.
For Rent One room furnlahed and
two unfurnished. Call 358 Center
at 3-30-3: