Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 01, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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lodge directory.
Carpenter Union No. 106S Local
Union No. 10CG of Carpontoru and
Jolnors of America moot oror Sat
urday evening at 7:30 p. m. In
Honrst ball, 420 Btato Street
A, W. Dennis, Roc. See.
Foresters of America Court Bkor
wood, Foresters, No. 19. Moots
Saturday night In Hoi man ball,
State street, Goo. F. Patterson, C.
R.; J. 0. Perry, financial socrotary
Central Lodpo V. JH, K. of IV--
Castle hall In Hotman block, cor
nor State and Llborty stroots,
Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p.
m. Oscar Johnson, O. 0.; E. 1)
AndorHon. K. of R. and S.
Modern Woodmen cT America Ore
gon Ccdnr Camp No. 5240. Moot
every Thursday evening nt 8
o'clock In Holman hall. A. B.
Bomber, V. 0.; F. A. Tumor, dor.
Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri
day night at 7?30, In Holman ball,
A. L. Hnrroy, 0. 0 j L. II. Fletch
er, Clerk. Jan. 10, '01.
Wo otton wondor bow any porson
ean bo porsuadod Into taking any
thing but Foloy's Honey and Tar for
coughs, coldo and lung trouble Do
not bo fooled Into accoptlug "own
aako" or otlior substitutes, Tho gen
ulno contains no harmful drugs and
la In a yollow pnekago. For nolo
by J. G. Poiry.
Fer Halo A first-class second-hand
buggy, cheap. Inqulro at Jourial
offlco. 3-10-tf
For Sale Eggs R. It. I. R. (Rono
comb Rhodo Island Reds) best of
all; f 1 per sotting of 16 oggs. Cor.
nor 22d nnd Fnrry. Phono 000.
For 8lc 22 acros In Polk county,
1H miles southwest of Balom, 11
aoroH In cultivation, 8 acros in
grain, 2 acres strawborrlos and
fruit troos, houio, barn and poul
try homes; will soil all or prt. P.
B. Hendry, R. F. D. No. 2, Balom
Fer BoJc 6-room houio, 8 lota, barn,
chicken house and parks, fruit and
betrles; good woll, Terms. J, U.
Mass, 20th and Loo stroot.
For Bale 60-acro farm, 40 acres In
hops, one-half inllo from Oregon
olectrlo line, 11 miles north of Sa
lem, 16000. Houso and- A lots on
10(H stroot. $1700, J. Knight I
Murphy block.
For Halo Ono now 2-soatod spring
wagon; ono throo-quartor Mitchell
wagon, but little used; four differ
ent kinds of buggies; at GREAT
RAltaAINfl. W. Fennel. II. Smith,
803 Ilroadwuy. 3-26-lwk
FOR HALE Splondldly improved
dairy farm; fully equipped. Ap
ply W. II. ailson, 344 State. Will
tako some city proporty. 3-30-tf
For Halt Froth Jnrnoy cow; also
nddlo pony. 771 N. Commercial
stroot. 3-30-3t
Fur Huliv CottiiKO on southeast cor
ner Trade and High atrcuts, mut
bo moved nt ouco. Soalod bids re
ceived by 13. C. Armstrong, Sec
retary Balom Fruit Union, Salem
Hoard of Trndo Itooms. Illds open
ed Monday, April 6. 3-30-51
For Itent 2 rooms, nloely nml iimw
ly fitruUhed. Call In nftwruoon nt
7 IS Ceiitsr Htrt, eurur of Cot
tage. 3-26-lwk
For Rent Kllngor Grand Theatre,
with or without nsturoi, and fix
ture for sale. M. Klluger. Phone
34. 3-J-tt
Ntcely FuHUhetl Rcmiiii With board
strictly ttrst-claB.i. At 678 Stats
treot, 34tt
tVr Rent. lre fnnt room, fur
ulshod. Sultablo for houvokeuplug
for two. Kloctrlo lights, water and
wardrobe. New houso. Price 6
per month. Cal lot IDS Twenty
first and Court streets. 1'hon
1634. 3-30-tf
or4wrvj Wanted At 678 8tnta
atreot. 3-tMm
WaMti 35 meu, hop yard work.
Krob llros., Ikih-Rrymsn bulld
Ing. Phono 131. 3-15-tf
Wtcd. Wood cutters, 11.36 per
cord, five miles north of town.
Wm Illako. Phone Fnrruors 101.
3-3 7-lw
WANTKIV A woman for gsaeml
housework Call at 973 Mill tl
Rich Mine of RrJIIkHt Stone Run
ning Into Harney Cowsty.
Tho. following account la taken
from tho Wlnnomucca Star and the
opal mlno to which It refers is part
Jy located In Harney ceunty:
Lawronco Ashdown, who returned
to Wlnuamucca Thursday from a
trip to Donlo, Ore., brought tno news
that a valuablo opal find has bcon
mado on Thousand creek, In tho ex
tromo nortbwestorn port of this coun
ty and about thirty mllos wost of
Denlo. Tho scone of tho find Is near
tho McGhoo ranch on Thousand crook
nnd eight claims havo been locatod
by Lindsay Denlo nnd four partnors.
A numbor of tho opals woro sent to
Los An go! on to bo tosted and wero
pronouncod of ozcollont quality anl
sold In that city. Tho Los Angolonoj
who tested and purchased tho opals
bocamo so groatly Interoatod In tho
mattor that tboy havo asked Mr. Do
nlo and associates for tlmo In which
to mnko a thorongh examination i'f
tho property with a vlow of purchas
ing It. It Is probablo that a deal
will bo mado and tho production of
opaln will bocomo a now and Im
portant Industry In Humboldt coun
ty, thoro being a consldorablo de
mand for tho gomn, thogo of flno qual
Wanted At onco, two exporloncod
carpenters. Address "J," caro of
Journal. 3-30-3t
Livery nnd Feed Htnhb Old Pojt
offlco Stables, at 264 Ferry stroot,
botwoon Commorclnl and Front
otroots. Toluphonu 188. Somo of I
mo nnont ivories in tho citv can.
uo roil mi iioro. Wstncott & John
on a.
430 Court Btreot, I). J. SwKrur,
prop, llrcnd, Cnkcs, Pioa and nil
kinds of Pastries, Cookies, ate. Watch!
for our wnenti. Plwtnn flf.4 flnnnlnl .
oruors doiivereii on snort notice
Tlio Ivlklieml Hnloon Crouch & Nena
Props. (Successors to W. R. An
tloreon) 103 Commercial St. Liq
uors nnd clgnm of tho best brands.
3-1 9-3nio
It Is worth more than any othor
btead, yot tho price is no higher.
Tor salo at your grocers,
Tliomns & Coojoy, lYojia.
Why not rend work to tho laundry
that does not MANOLK It to plocos,
whoro your goods nro pnld for If
lostT Hlghlatid Hand Laundry.
Phono 403. 2340 Currant Avo.
Cuuuulns llros.1 Transfer Company
All kinds of trntisfur work donn
Vurnlturo and pianos b)xod roady
for shipment. Prompt sorvlco U
our motto. Stand and ofllco at
363 South Commorclnl street.
Phono 310. Resldonco Phone
Uutti) At Weudorotl) Flno wluos
liquors nnd cigars. We handle
tho colobrntod Kollog and Cuntlo
whUklos. Cool and refreshing bor ,
constantly on draught. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr. I
Ilydo llron. Wtvlrlo Co, Klectrlo i
supplies and flrit-olass wiring at
reasotmblo prices. Call at our
offlco for estimates. Phone 461 j
143 N. Liberty street. 1-IS-tf
Wmger . Ctterrtngton Plnnos and i
orKona told on easy tortni; tele-.
pilots 1187; 347 ComnioreSjl
Street, Salem, Oregon tf
If You Want Your collections mad
promptly, leavo your accounts with.
W. D. Smith, room 4, over Uuih't
Uauk. 3-9-lra
Concrete Work Oet my prices on,
Idowulk, curbs, spotlc tauks and '
cement work or any kind. All I
work guaranteed first class. M. ',
Ward, 3378 Maple Ave . Highland .
Phone 609. May 34-09
O, F. MAttOX WOX ).
347 Miller St, South Salem, manu
facturer of all kinds of boxes, cratva
and fruit dryer accessories, 1'hoas
i i waai Masawaia Mast
Pole Wood, for tho cutting, 7 mllos
east of Salem on tho old Mark Sav
age ranch, one mile west of Prat
urn. V. J. Krvhblol. 3-3I-3t
The South Salriu Meat Market, oo '
poslto Daua'a store. Fresh .tn3
cured meat. General delivery J
0 In. it a trial. Hufiman & Mar
tin, props. 3-J-tt ,
.Stanton A Schul Up-to-date bar
ber shop. Hatha, cigars and T
tacco. ladles' and gents' shoes
sblne by "Shorty." GU us a
call at our new place- 376 Court
tret 3-16-lm
ity commanding a high price.
Tho scono of tho opal find la In
closo proximity to tho "petrified for-
ots" on Thousand creek, which is de
scribed by thoso who have vlsltod
that out-of-the-way section as being
ontltloJ to rank among tho world's
natural wondors. The petrefactlons
Includo trees of considerable alzo
and tho spoclmons that hnTO been se
cured by collectors aro among tho
finest which havo over been "found
In any part of tho world.
At various times for years pait
Btonos supposed to bo opals havo
been found In tho "petrified forest"
but they wore not supposed to bo of
commercial valuo and no special ef
fort has over bcon mado to mlno or
market tho goms. Now It Is said
tho stones havo boon found In con
siderably quantity and thoy aro of
good slzo and havo a market valuo
which mnkou tho And mado by Land
say Donlo and his partnors ono of
importance, so much so that their
opal property may bo worth a for
tuno. Flora Zabolle, Estollo Wentwortn
and James Dlakoloy aro to support
Raymond Hitchcock In his revival
of "Tho Mascot."
"Young man," screeched tho par
rot In tho cago ovorhoad, "1b thoro
anything tho mattor with my lips?"
IK8 of mnr fer Ileal
nutate AiU inuit be In The Journal
Offlco by 0 o'clock the evening before
the ilny on which the ad la to appear.
All hIzoh nnd iirlcim. Call for
largu printed list. City proiierty of
all doHcrlptloiiH. See us before
buying for bargains.
il7il State .Street.
No, 04 47 acros, 1V6 acros In orch
ard, 18 acres In cultivation, lul
anco In pasture, now 4-room houio
and barn, timber will out 400 cords
Prlco 13200.
No. 73 10 acros, lot 6, Capital Ad
dition to Frultland, C-room box
houso, good collar and woll, barn
30x60, shod 14x40; 400 bushels
of fruit picked from 2 ncrcb last
Boason; this pltfco la woll tllod,
Prlco $3000.
No. 101 BO acred, all In cultivation,
3 acros orohard, good 6-room
houso and barn, 2 wells of water,
near school and church; soil for
S3400 or trodo for city proporty;
No. 34 5-room house, lot 50x150,
on 13th streot. Price $800; torms
134 South Commercial Street.
8 lots on tho Snlem-Portland car
llnu, one-half tilook from station;
90 a ores, 60 In cultivation, good ti
room house, barn nnd outbuilding
30 aores of orohard, prunes, ap
ples, oherrles and wnlnuts, only I
inllsa from Salem an crushed rook
road; $00 por acre.
A good 320-nore farm, 170 In culti
vation. 10 noroa orchard, aprlug
water, fair bulldlugs, 5 miles from
Salem. $40 per acre. This la a
good buy. and must bo sold aoon.
If you are looking rvir good buys see-
For water service apply at ofltcs.
Bills payable monthly tn advance
Second-hand store. Ulg lines of or
erytblng; must be sold. Dot
prices paid for second-hand goo It.
Mrs. Lliilo V. Grlfflth. proprietor.
. 4S6 State street. 3-37-lm
I.ostLoug veil pin, last Saturday
night. Kinder please return samu
to this office. 3-30-31
l,ot -Jersey heifer, 3 years, with
rope halter, medium color; reward,
at Wood's store. Jefferson road.
Kodol gives tho stomach a chance- to
regain its lost strength and health, j
and after a little while you need not '
tako Kodol longer, but tnko it white i
you do need it and If it falls to bene
fit you your money will bo refunded.
Sold by ail druggists,
"Tho Servant in the House" .irs
been translated into SwcdlBh and
Hilda Englund Is to play, it over la
Rest Treatment for Colds. I
"Most ordinary colds will yloid to I
tho simplest treatment," says thej
Chicago Tribune, "modoratlve laxa
tives, hov foot baths, a free porspl
rntlon and an avoidance of oxposuro.
to cold and wet after trcatmont. '
Wbllo this treatment Is simple, It re
quires consldorablo trouble, and the
ono adopting it must remain In dooroi
for a day or two, or a fresh cold is
almost suro to bo contracted, and in j
many' Instances pneumonia follows.
Is It not bettor to pin your faith to!
an old . citable preparation like'
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, that I
In famous for its cures of colds and
can always bo depended upon 7 For
alo by all good druggists,
Russell Is to close her toar
In "Tho Stronger 8ox" this weok and
will soon go abroad for tho spring
nnd summor.
Somo of Our Hpeclnl Ilnrgnlns.
200-ncro dairy ranch; now 7-room
houso, two barns; 1G0 In cultiva
tion, part in crop, bnlnnco timber,
orohard and pasture on good road
two and u half miles from R. R.
town; only $68 per aero; good
terms. Fine house. A snap.
Good 11-room house, flno grounds,
120x120, four blocks from capital.
Ilargaln for a few days.
Nou modern 7-room house close In,
Wo have some of tho host inside resi
lience lots in tho city, inly n fow
left; also Home lots on Installment.
Wo havo houio fine ncrongo proporty
for $100 per acre; closo In; a snap.
Wo havo Home very flno fruit farms,
nUo timber lands, and somo flnoly
Improved C nnd 10 aero tracts.
Houses to rent.
No. 22 Lot 60x160 with good C
room houso, somo small fruit treos
No. 17 Iot 60x100, 6-room houso,
cow nhid, nnd small gardon jtfHflO.
No. 13 2 lots GOxlCO, b-room houso
No. 1G 2 lots each 60x160. good G
room house, 10 bearing fruit treos.
No. 436 largo lots, plenty of cholco
fruit, good G-room houso, concrete
basement, full sUs. now bnrn:
No. 10 2 ucros. plenty of fruit, flno
good Iiouho of S rooms, on stroot
oar line, n bargain nt $a800.
No. 33 Small lot Mid-6-room houso
6 blocks from court houso; $0.10.
No. 613 lots, nil for $30.
No. 34 4 good lots, onoh 60x100
feet, and good S-rooin house, good
imrn, buildings, electric lighted;
plenty of fruit'; fine ornamental
treos and other desirable features.
You oiiKht to sw this place; $2,100
100 Statu St.
$1100 Six-room plastered houso,
baru and outbuilding, all build
ings now. city wator, two good
lot.,; owners left tho State, mutt
sell aoon.
$950 Good four-room house, large
barn, good outbuildings, plenty
fruit, one lot.
$3500 Modern 7-room house, full
bas.niont, good rustic barn, every
thing strictly modern, including
olpctrlc lights, one lot, will sell on
Inttallment plan.
$6075 For 121 M acres, fine land,
4 mllos south, beat buy on the
$8300 Buys a choice 414 -aero
fruit farm, only two miles out, 13
acres In bearing fruit, Would b
reasonable at $9500.
Small fruit tracts from 5 acres ip.
Uulldlng lota from $100 up.
$1100 cholco lot on Court street.
H. A. Johnson & Co.
Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion
taken occasionally will soon rvllere
you of all tho simple stomach ail
ments that you now har. but which
may Im mora sorlous later Sold by
all druggtsts.
Niagara, tho tried and
proved 32 test. PriceB on appll- ; ;
cation. Special No. 2, guaran- J
toed 30 test, at $6.60 por "50-
gallon barrel, full measure at j
Salem. Mado only by Oregon j
Sprny & Gas Co., Portland, Or. j j
Hood River Spray Mfg Co , . .
Hood River, Or. On Sale at ! !
Salem by II. P. Chose, succes- J
sor to Chase & Skalfe. Golden
Rule Dazarr, Mrs. B. T. Swart,
nt ! i?iigii ,!
Wo sell all kinds of staple and
T fancy groceries, nnd mill feed.
P-ompt delivery. Phono us n
trial order to Main 269.
Cor. Statesman nnd ABylum Av.
Till: UlAMU.NIt II It AM),
ilriicc ,W Mktm 'lli.(irt'H.Tri(l
Ml AllO.N l II II A N II VlViJLiLv 'i
run knownti lint. Silt . Atir ii.it. iu
A cholco 40-ocro flno orchard of
npplos, English walnuts and small
fruits, good barn and 4-roon
houso, beautiful land, flno spring
wator nt houso and barn; $6000.
A Joo Dandy suburban homo of 20
acres, good Improvements, build
ings, 'orchard, shrubs and flowors,
Windmill nnd tank, plpos and fau
cots In houso, yard, stock, etc.,
$7500. Sco this bonr.
Cholco 11 acres, good improvements,
houso, barn, stock otc, $3000.
2 cholco C-ncro tracts, 1 i mllos oast
ot Pon. Seo thoso cheap, nice
homes. Ono $1600, otbor, with
stock, otc, $1750.
A splendid tract for prunes and
fruits south of towk.
03 ncros, good Improvements, lire
road, etc., cheap, $10,000.
Nlco chicken and fruit tract, 8 acres,
2 ml'CB out only, $1800; snap.
12 acres In fruits, good buildings,
flno road on car lino, $5600.
15 acres now land on Portland 'jar
lino,' houso, barn, otc, Just out or
city, cheap, $3500.
IGO-acro dairy ranch on coast, no.'tb
of Slab crock, south ot Oretown,
Tillamook county, for salo or trado
for Salem or Marlon county land,
with or without tho jowb; torms If
Somo choice tracts for cherry or
chards south and west
Somo splondld stock nnd grain farm
In Fox Valley.
A nlco 70 acres ono mllo from rail
road depot, school, etc., a bargain,
with good Improvements, build
ings, orchard, etc.
A good 1214-ncro apple and chorry
orchard of 500 treos, now laud,
2Vj mllos out, only $2600.
Now houses for salo cheap on easy
Houses for rent at all times, also the
finest lodgo rooms and danolng
hall, best floor In town, smooth and
nice, also for banquets, supplied
with tables, chairs, dishes, etv;
torms reasonable on both.
If you want help of any kind or want
a place, or havo any notary work
to do. see mo for your wants.
It. It. RYAN.
Only a few lots loft on 19th struct.
You will have to hurry If you gn
one. also 4 lots at 17th and Statu
3-16-1 4t 1673 State Street
I inn Now Located On Court streot,
with Stanton & Schults, and would
bo glad to seo my old customers,
and make as many new ones as I
can by good' work and courteaus
treatment. C, W. Ranck,, shlnnr,
better known as "8horty."
I'lll. In l( in.l Uold mnjileVV
I Sn. ilttl llh fit.. Iiiij-.. T
L t Mltl. 1l.lv f m, ! f
v w
$3000 Elegant 9-room house, porch nearly all around; bath, electric
light, good cellar, fine woll of water and force pump; fine barn
and woodshed; all flno rustic and painted; all houses are new; lot
93x174. with cholco bearing fruit trees, apples, pears, cherries and
plums. Muat sell at once. A snap.
$5600 Good S-room house on corner adjoining Uneoln school; lot
6dxl40; this property is well worth $380; the beat oorner in block;
tHiat front
$3500 Good 6-room house, only 1H blocks from poatofflce on North
Church street, lot 44xl6'i; the tot Is worth this price,
4 Fine suburban home, I mile oast of penitentiary; about 100
Ring. Lambert and Royal Ann aherry trees; also family orchard
and 1 sore prunes.
40? Slate, near Dreamland Phono 857
Is now located at Canby Oregon,
tho best winter quarters in the North
west for training and developing
young horses. Sam has room for a
fow moro prospects, either for the
road or track and would llko .o
communicato with anybody wishing
their horse trained. Mr. Canto 1
conceded to be tho best colt man It
tho West and his success on " "i
lem track bears out tbls
Terms reasonable and - i
gunranteod. Addresc
SAM CASTO, Cnnby, i
Gold Dust Flout i
EH COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
go. . Made for family ubo.
Ask our grocer for It. limn j
nnd shorts always on hand. !
i P. B. WALLACE, Agt.
Cholco vncant lots on Stato and
Court Bt, also Falrmount Park addi
tion $800.00.
A cozy 4-room house, plastered
basomont, largo lot, good woll watery
would bo cheap at $1,000
A cozy 7-room houso on good cor
nod lot, flno location, would ront for
$12.00 por month,
A modorn 5-room houso, plastered.
pantry, bath, tollot, coptlc sowor, con
crete foundation, basomont, on a
good cornor lot, worth $1,500, for a
for dnys will tako $1000.00.
For 5-acro and 10-ncro tracts call
on us.
. .Wo havo somo of tho best farms tn
tho valley for salo at bargain prices.
For particulars call on
Room 7-8 Dayno Dldg.
Ml Htnto Street.
Snlcm, Or.
Sovon nnd ono-half acros of upland
ooraenng on tioop wntor slough on
Yaqulna Dny; all good land. Prlco
Forty acres, half way botweon Now
port, Or., nnd Toledo, Or., on coun
ty road; ono nnd n half acres cloar
od with shanty on it; consldorablo
bottom land; good nldor nnd vino
mania on land. Prlen i?nn
Good lovol lot on South Dcach oppo-
siio fsowport, or. prlco $75.
Lot 9, block 4G, at Seal Rocks, Or.;
flno vlow of ocean, good lovel lot.
Prion 1100.
Savonty-olght ncros nonr Ploncor, Or.,
mi nioiigHiuo it. k. irncK; between
sovon and eight acres of bottom
land on It Is cleared; forty good
bearing apple troes; good Btono
quarry on land nonr R. R. Prlco
Two-acro oyster bed at Oyster City,
on inuqinn nay; witn tins gooa
tut uviu iijiuiiu iuib. iTiuu tuuu.
Ton-room houso, 30x40 feot In slzo .
ana uiock or innu. on ."syo ureoK
nnd Olsonvllle sldownlk; houso Is
In fine condition; good woodshed
and good water: this Is a flno prop
osition for n Hummer boarding and
rooming house, as well as a per
manent home. Price $3300.
J. O. OLSSO.V, Newport, Or.
Inquire nt Journal Otlice.
Thro. M. llarr Plumbing, hoi - 'd-
and steam heating and tinning,
164 Commercial street. Phone
Main 193. 9-1-1r
II. J. Petzel Plumbing, steam and
gas fitting. Successor to Knox &
Murphy, 226 Commercial street
Otto Muellluiupt, plumbing, heating,
gas fitting; prices reasonable; work
guaranteed; estimates furnished,
phone 373. 1066 Chemeketa St.