DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORBGON, THURSDAY, ATHIL 1, 1900. THURSDAY SALE Interesting Special A Number of Choice Pieces of Embroidery Values up to 40c a Yard Thursday Only 19c STOCKTON CAN SHOOT AIRSHIPS TEN MILES DISTANT (United Press Leased WIro.) Los Angelco, Cal., April 1. By moans of an oloctrlc spark oporatod as far as 'tea miles away from tho object of Its attack, C. W. Slrcb, a woll-known aeronaut and Inventor, says that ho can destioy any gaa in flated dlrlglblo airship which has ever been made. Ho utilizes tho principle of electrical Induction, which has been known to aoronauta for EOmo tlmo and which has beea responsible for sevoral odd accidents In rocont ysar, When Count Zoppolln's airship was destroyed some tlmo ago. Birch opened correspondence with tho Eu ropean aeronaut, advancing this the ory as tho causo of tho disaster. Working on tho prlnciplo, Slrch now bollovos that lie has evolved a meth od of defense which can brlug about tho destruction of any similar utr crnft should It approach with hostile Intentions. WAR IN THE AIR IN THE BALKANS It n Top Notch Doer. Croat deeds compol regard. Tho world crowns Its doors. Thut's why tho American pooplo have crowned ur.Klng's New Dlscovory tho King of Throat and Lung remedlos. Every ntoinis a honlth forco. It kills gormn, and colds and la grippe vanbh. It( bonis cough-rncked mombrnnes an1 coughing stops. Sore, Inflamed bronchial tubos, and lungs nro cure! and hemorrhages conre. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. 0 writes "it cured mo of lung trouble pronouncod hopoleos by all doctors." COc, 1.00, ' Trial bottlo froo. Guaranteed by J. 0. Perry. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE JLTM.M TflADC MAnKS PCSIONO I CopvmaHTB Ac Anyone lending (ketch mid d crlptlnn niT Inrenlldn It rrotmblr ntlentAliJA. tl'itu nt iTeiillon It rrohnblr iteniilil. ('miiniiiiilrit. oiimtrtcllrconOdeiilUI. HANDBOOK an Calculi nl f rA. tJMeat aiiner for curlntf ttaletltl. l'ntonu taken tfirouili Jluim A Co. recelre tibial ncilff, wunou. curg, iu iuo Scientific America.!. A h.nrt.otnelr I11ntr.t1 weeklr. Tret rtr. cuUtluti uf nr cltillOo lourn.l. Term, II yri fnur luonllii, L floldbrull newller. MUNN&Co.30'0'"!.' New York llr.och Ufflce. (33 J" BU WMblomon, V. C lUnlted I'reM Lenscd Wlrc.l Vienna. April 1. That tho popu Invltj of Crown Prince Gonorgo among the Jlnguas of ServtH Ib rospon slble for his withdrawal of his lottor renouncing the surressorship to tho Servian throne. Is the vlow tnkon of the Incident by Austrian diplomats today King Pater, thoy sny, would gladb have accepted tho resignation and named his sou. Alexander, an heli hsd he dared to Invite the on mlty ol the war party and tho young : lUment of the Servian people, hi .at loyal to the crown prince. The Mipporters of the king are deep ly disappointed at the unexpected de velopments and dark hints are heard In Belgrade that another and a bettor way will be found to rid the country of the menace of the miccessorshlp of the degenerate crown prince. Ills no cewilon to tho throne would undoubt edlv plunge S?rvl Into civil war. nnd, for thin reason, his onuniloH are do t nind to get rid of him. AN Blnncho Bates Is to bring hor long run at Now York In "Tho righting Hopo" to nn ond during tho first week In April. INTERESTING DIVORCE CASE Tho Circus aorobnt finds it necosinry at all times to keep his musclos and Joints sup ple That Ib tho reason that hun dreds of them keep a bottlo of Bal lard's Snow Llnlmont always on band. A wtire cure for rheumatism, outs, sprains, sore throat, lamo baok, ' oontraqted inuscloe. corns, bunion and all points. Price 25c, SOo and 11.00 per bottle. Sold by nil dealers. Lolo Fullor Ib to hnvo chnrgo of the ballot and lighting affooUj at tbo uew Baok Bay opera houro In Boston next winter. To keep clothes rom running whoro the colors nro not "fnst" u4 n cupfrul of salt to each gallon of water when washing them. President Roosevelt Says that outdoor exorcise Is necdod by tho American pooplo. Thnt's all very woll. but how can pooplo with rheu matism follow that advice? Tho an swer 1 simple tue Ballard's Snuw Liniment and tho rheumatism wl'l go; leaving you as spry as a colt. Gives quick and permanent realtor , from rheumat'sin, neuralgia, lame back and all pains. lUnltnJ Press Leased Wire. I Reiiu. Nv . April 1. Grout In- tereur is ln.ing inlcnn here lJiy !ti the arnnii'enti In tin divorce ciwi of Virginia Haruod. the natrons. ngniiiHt hor husband. K. H. Sothom, bouuiise It Ib bellovod that tho caso will provo a test of tho Novnda law i i the Mi Jeot of divorce. Ne.thor of the contending pai'Men are prsent'. the hearing Ixtlug oon duct.1 by means of denoaltlous. and Mrs. &othern'H attorneys conteinl Hint this Ih all that it naoNsary, Initatuueh as the actor whs regularly and prop erly svrvad with the one us I papers, whon b was playing an engagement in thin cit. Money Oomes In Hunches to A. A. Chlaholm, of Troadwoll, N. . Y now. Ills reason is woll worth readlag: "For a ling tlmo I suffered from Indigestion, torpid liver, consti pation, norvousnoss. and genoral de bility," ho wrltos. "I couldn't sloop, had no appetite, nor ambition, grow weaker evory day In sptto of all med ical troatmont. Then uod Electric Bittom. Twelvo bottles restored all my old-time health and vigor. Now I can attend to business every day. ' It's a wonderful medlalne." Infal lible far Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nervos. SOc at J. C Per ry's. Somo or tho saloons in Liverpool display tho sign: "Ladles can noti be served with their bats on." Piilvorlz a tonspoonful of borax, put It In your lnt rinsing wntor nu4 ( your clothes will come out white Iu-' stead of yellow. I A Skin of Bgaut Is a Joy Forever DB. T. FEIX SOURADD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIHER 3ais h Jr Jar W W . k. ft I I -W if Tin, Timfif RtaoTti KrxklH. nub. ibJ hkln lllwur M UUtf, IKl lie (H dllMtiM. It ku ttood Ut iKt of (U ytu. u4 It o fcunltM we tuttltUUiurcU U profxflT ou4t. ftU of tloriUr turn Dr. L. A. turn uU u Im7 cf it tm- WW Ik fff win u.. I IMoBBIM nil aaurtkui'm Crcnua' u Ih tMt Lansful ' ll IM kin prprtlii." ri tufST M 'W" M "y. (Wl iialtit IB ttt VUUd 8UIM, Cuu4t u4 But . rOB.T.H4f I1IIS, Prei, 37 Eiett iuu Slrtti, KtwTol fffiatift8ia.ttittBtaiie)iifiife) L THE LATEST CREATIONS In Suits and Millinery aie arriving daily. Latest' assort ment specially arranged for the Horse Show. Our fitting rooms are under the direction of the most experienced fitters that money can procure, and every' garment must be and is perfect in fit and every detail before it leaves the house. A lower selling pi ice and a Huge saving for the customer. IF IT GOMES FROM FRAKE'S IT IS CORRECT. 333 Commercial Street 409 Washington Street Salem. Phone 342 Portland MISS M. D. EVANS, Mgr. Formerly in business in the city. KING VICTOR-WILL NOT MEET ROOSEVELT ll'uiu.1 Trots I.wuH Wire.) NnplOi. April 1 If King Victor can pertAintlo hlmsolf that It would unt npponr undlgnlflod on his part to greet a plain American oltlzon who has bcon prosldont of eighty millions of people, lit vlll mnko tho Journey to this city in tlmo to moot Colonel Theodore Koosovclt whon tho ship b a ring hi in to tho African hunting fields stops bore on its Mediterranean voyage Viator hafc apresed to his advls ors a wlsh to weloomo Roosovolt, out ihl desire on his part has been frownod down by the court, and an atllelnl statemont has been IibucnI at tho qulrlnal announcing flatly that tht- king and Ttooeovolt will not me', at lti until Hooatvtlt returns from ill' dark continent " '-O In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Marlon Ceunty: In the Matter of tho Hstato of Cbarleti Soli oil. deceased. Adiuialatratrlx' Notice of Hearing o. Final Aocoum. Notice Ib hereby given that the final aceount of Mary J. Bcholl, ad mlntetratrlx of the estate of Charles Scholl, deoeaBed. has been died in the County Court of Marlon Couuty, State of Oregon, aad that tho 10th day of May 1909, at the hour of 10 o'rlOMk A M has been fixed by such court for the heating of objections tc snea AM) aecoant and the set tlement thereof at whleh time asjr aecsoa tRUmteterf la such estate may appear and file objeotlons tar4o In writing and contest the aw CAHSON t DROWN. Attorney for Administratrix, Mary J Scholl, 4-l-5t wkly. THE MARKETS SAN FltANGlSOO SL1RKETS. San Francisco, April 1. Vhoat No. 1 California club, per cental $1.90 if1 1.95; California yhlto milling, Jl.95Jf2.05; northern blucstem, ?2.05 02.15; off grades wheat, J1.75 1.85; reds, ?1.S5QU.90 Barley Feed barloy, ?1.42i4 1.-47 ; common to fair, $1.35(5 1.40, browing at San Francisco, nominal, at 1. 5061.52; chovaltor, ?1.50JJ 1.G0, according to Quality. Eggs Per dozon, California fresh, Including casos, extras, 23o; firsts, 22c; soconds, 20c; thirds 19c. Buttor For pound, California fresh, extras, 27&c; firsts, 20 c; seconds, 20c. Now choosu For pound, California fancy, 14c; firsts 13 c; second, 12c; California Young Amorlcn, fancy 14 c; firsts, 14c; Orogon flats, fanny, 15c; do Young Amorlcn fancy, lC&c. Potatoes For contnl, river whites, fancy, $1.25 1.50; Salinas Bur bnnlcs, I1.8DSP1.9G; do, Orogon, ?1.751.S5; now potatoos, por pound, 4S4c; swoct potatoos, per crnto, ?1.25 l. 65; do, repacked, $1.75 2. Onions Por stick, Orogon, $1.75 1.90; other stocks, $1.G51.85; niw grcon, por box, 25 50c. Ornngcs Per box, navels, stand urd, $1.25 1.75; cholco, $1.75 2.25; fancy, $2.252.50; tngorlnoB, por box, $1.50; do small boxes. 76c 11. O EUftl4 A.STOH: POHTIiANI) MAItKKTS. Wlient "Trncfc Trices. Club $1.08 Bluostom $1.20 Turkoy Itod $1.10 Rod Russian $1 05 Valloy $1 10 1'lour. PatontB $5.05 Straights $4.55 4.80 Exports .' $4.00 Vnlloy $5.10 araham, 1 '4 sack $5.20 Wholo wheat $5.40 Rye $5.50 Feed $30.50 Oats. No. 1 Whlto $39.00 Gray $38.00 Hay. Wllllamotto val. ordinary ...$16 00 Mixed $18.00 KiiHtorn Oregon, fancy $17.50 Alfalfa $1416 Clovor $13 11 CIiccm!. F. O. Twins 17 Vie F. C. Trlplots 17 Vic Young Amorlca 18c Cream brlok SOc Swiss block ; 20o Llmburgor 18 SOo MllUturrs. Bran $25.602C Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country $20 30 Shorts, city $30.00 Chop $30SK l'KB8. Soloct Orogon 20 2 Ic Eastern 15 SOc DrcsDCd Meats. Hogs, fancy ,...9Vi10c Hogs, ordinary 8 9c Picnic 10c Hogs, largo , 7c Voal, extra lOu Von I, ordinary 8 9c Veal, heavy 7a Mutton, fnnoy Q7c Cottaga roll lie Breakfast 17Vi21o Regular short oloars, smoked... 13u Ditto, unsmoked 12c Clear baoks, smoked 13c Shoulders lie Poultry. Ohlokons, mixed 1615ViO Hens, fancy 16lCc Rooiters, old 10llc Brollors and fryers 15c Dressed poultry, 1 cent pound high er. e Duoks , 113 Geese, live 9c Turkeys 1413e Dressed , 20 23c Butter. Fancy. 3630 Oboloe 30c Store 1820c Potatoes. Buying prlota, per owt.. .$1.25 1.35 Sweats, owt $2.76 (3 l'reh Fruits. Orangee $1.76 02.76 Lowons .... , $1.60t Orapes. erate $6f7 Puars, box 76ofl 00 Cranberries barrel . .$14.00 16 00 Bananas, pound '6&6V& Onions, per owt l.IStl50 IXH-al lU-tall Market. Wheat, per bu $110 Eastern Oregon $1.60 Bran, per sack 95c Shorts, per sack $1 351 65 Rolled barley $ 35 HH Rtti Whl s PnaUrat Attorntr Sn el Dr. tkll't I'loetirtlMtr. Omllmn -HTln macivlloroiiieU mill Try unnoilnir, Inrkjnit ron;h. I l'tw cuml n ". Iwtllr or jour Dr. llrll'i riw TM-llmifT All" iv few lirrrt unit tho roooh i-tiiireir uiivirra, tmi iwTrr rriuniru, turn util uiilj V.XI OUO I'OIIIV. n r j,i.lite K, n.rurjenr.. iBLllJfcei frwa rr Oil Meilc. 1 flntlmk 1tA. AISIVlMt. tram cci-Utai twU l-or mx moniiw 1 vn- i iMfl fmin tk. tMtnaltt lh ilnrlor ktaYO tn I imommrndN Itn q'aKiinna. ruii r.'- I. t.ka It . ?rv . " tr:.,'. nilMUUKU." . 1Mb relief. I om my . nr 10 iir. .!' i L'lno-Tkr.iiomr. Enrinno H11t j iicurro. Or, BcWs Pine "Tar "Honey Ii I'uro I'lnc-Tar nml Piiro llonrr, comblnril bv iw MteniiUo irocci with Turioin other liiKiHriitt Xno voiitcL'i jirillieil nil vvriy u.i,.i'. OUR STRONGEST RECOMMENDATION -ItlUlDtr Sold For Sluice,! Yean With a SlNdiii Incrcailnu Sals. Ailclor 1'I lIKKt'H l'INRTVU HUMiY, nml Tnicu no Uubitllilto Look for the Otll en ISa Dottle VJ anu uur iiuarani'-n no. vuu. I'lUIMIll.O ist JIT rTHE E- E. SUTHERLAND MCI' CO.. U..tf.rir4, raducah. Ki. SSS&SaSrSSEtilC m KA I! .eVK4Kr JK.rrv k'4 wmmftxmK sflPUaVCIVr VjvV NSftvtf.vTciiiit.li Local AVholcsnTo Market. Wheat, por bushol 90o Oats, por bushol 50o Flour, hard wheat $5,45 Flour, valloy $5.20 Mill food, shorts $33.50 Mill feed, bran $30 Hops, 1908 crop 10c Hops, 1907 crop 23VsO Chlttlm bark 3 5c Wool, .onrso 13c Wool, modlum 15c Mohnlr 20c Hay, choat $13.00 Hay, clovor $12.00 Potatoos, buBhol . . . .70 80c Apples, bushol 50c $1.00 OnloiiB, por owt 85 00a Prunes, por pound ..."... 1 V4 4 Vic Crnnberrles, Howo's vnrloty, bbl $13.00 Butter nml Kggn, Retail. Eggs 200 Butotr fat 30o Buttor-fat 3Gc Choose pound SOo o Do not uso eoap in cleaning mai blo tablo tops nnd mantols. It yel lows them. Dottor rosulta aro had from washing with wator rottoued; with nmmonln. COAL MINERS STRIKE IN BRITISH COLUMBIA Fannlo Ward has bought tho Eng lish rights to a ono-act play by Chai ning Pollock "With Hor Bnck to tho Wall." -o- If you scoroh n garmont whon Iron ing It rub n lump of dry starch on the mark, then spongo It off. Re peat till the yellow dlsappoaro. Orlando Spoonamoro bont ovor tho fair hand and rospoctfully klssod It. llhiltrd Prcca I,ii?tl Wlrt.j McOloud, Albortn, April 1. The International Fodorntlon of Miners today ordored n ntrlko in nil the mines of .southorn Albortn, In East British Columbia, ne a result of lta failure to reach an ngrcomont with the employors on tho question of a wage scalo. Slnco Hill secured control of tho CrowB Nest Pane Coal Company, ho grnntod nn IncrcnRo In wngoa to bis mon, nnd tho other operators assert that UiIb act of his precipitated the strike. i Two yoarit ago a sorloiiB fuol fam- I iu resulted In tho adjacent prov inces whon thouo minors Btruck. WELL! WELL! OF ALL THINGS Yob, of all thlngB, everybody uuiiIh to b wi'll, mid keep ho that's natural, nnd the thousnnds who hnvo tnkon Hontotter'H Htom acli IllltcrN ndoptcd tho bont plan for kooplnt? woll. TIiobo who nro Ktlll ('xpurlmeiitlng with this or that romody Bhould stop at oiico, nn they nro only limiting nmttoru worno. Got n buttle of HoNtotter'N Ktouincli lll(tir today nnd glvo It a chance to restore yo uto honlth again. It Is excellent In caso of Kick lleniliiclie, Minuting, Ili-nrt-liurii, Hour HUlngN, Iiidlgioitioii, CohIIvi'Iiohh, Hprlug Ailments nnd Miliaria, ! Iilll ! !! ! f I eIKleHll i SALEM BREWERY I ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : : Brewing Plant and Offices ; ; On Trade St In Wholcsolc District aalcm, Orcflon . iHMT f flHlll4 Full Bearing Orchard Tracts SIZES TO SUIT PURCHASER Winter Apples and Royal Ann Cherries RICH BOTTOM SOIL 3 MILES NORTH OF SALEM. Enquire of owner at Capital National Bank. f I CHtl.t .! ..! ! !! I M Wheat, per bu $110 I I