DAILY 0AT1TAL JOURNAL, 6ALHM, ORTOON, MONDAY, MARCH a, 10. t - K yitnimintwmannmimtniamimjunjmi MONDAY'S SPECIAL SALENEW Every Piece of Pretty sheer white shirt waists, with long sleeves, trimmed either in embroidery or lace and insertion, They are this year's waists Monday only, regular $2,25 to $2,50 values, special $1,92. FANCY SILKS and w ' I' nH IT'S WORTH WHILE TO PURCHASE A GORDON HAT. WHY? In ovory way they are ml leu nhond of ordinary hats. For good honest values no othor hat for tho price can give such good service. Our Gordon Hats are the preferred stylos and colors. Price $3 WHY Are Smartly Dressed Men Pleased with STOCKTON'S Men's Clothing, Hnts, Shoes and Furnishings? Because there is STYLE and Wear in them whilo oppressing every Into Idea the glvo good service. The Best Values Always Here Cohn Block & Clothing " - MM w 1 TT t lilf 1' 1 lIcimAkW I UH rtrrii.i Cos co mtt, Has a smartnoss thnt is unequalod by any other make. Wo justly pride ourselvos on our oxcollont solectlon of Colloge Clothes .for Young Mon. Our Men's Olothos Dopartmont Is eomploto with Clothing of all agos in Up-to-Dato Stylos, Tailorings, Fabrics and tht 1ntofl colors. Itomombor all the Newest lClnka In Clothing ro hero for yon. That Cohn. Dlook Co. made our Clothing It a'gwarantee of Its worth We've a Pair of Shoes for You Just your size and better Mr ting than jou over hnd before oxfords are In great domaud and we certainly have THE S1IOISS of nil Shoos here. A splendid assortment for you to choose from as you could possibly desiro to havo. Good Shoe Value" Is what our customers demand and wo glvo them this with big slices of st,le thrown In You will bo ablo to Hnd Just what you want here, whether it ifi In n high ry low shoe. Our Window Shows the Styles Monday's Special Sale-New Prett sheer whlto shirt waists, With long sleeves, trimmed either !n embroidery or laoo and insertion. This year's waist. J 2.2 6 to J 2.60 values. $1.81 spoolal. fs5) JMWJ !! NOVELTY DRESS GOODS;! In our storo is this season make bought for this soason's trndo. That's why tho whole lino consists of Strictly Corroct Fabrics and Colorings. g; f Wo haven't a ynrd of last year's fancies to show you .becnuso wo mnko it a point to closo out overy yard of. Novoltles during tho season for which they woro bought. Tho domnnd for FOULAKDS and MESSALINE SILKS this spring is enormous. NOVELTY DRESS GOODS nro making a record salo bocauso ov orybody Is going to tho 8oattlo Fair and ovory lady wants n Stylish DrosB fo rtho trip. You'd bottor buy tho goods oarly boforo nil tho dressmakers aro too busy to moko it up for you. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR NEW TRIMMINGS? Trimmings will be frualy tided this season. Wo'ro showing tho Z most fashionable kinds nt prlcoa from 30 to 50 per cont lowor thau I "regular store" ask for tho sa inequality. i Ajarwed (o& iA JJhse& &&yBaak & We wmloisoll "regular stores" mi everything for tho whole family. I !!! W lteilltr-4-f6-HsVt4--t-HI4t RECORDER M00RES DEALS WITH UNWARY MO.Nim IIM. Ne KrKllliO ill.) jOllll W.tlKtK $: 2b and 11.50 M da Onh $1 f-' Stockton LAIUllS' KIM GlOVIIS Iteitulnr 1 00. Jl 26. 1.&0 and $1 76 value H SHERIFF AMD DEPUTY PICK UP AN "ESCAPE" Shorlff Mlnto and Deputy Shorlft vTfiam Bach captured the escaped conviot John Mutton Inst night at 5 o'clock and had him baok in tho pen itontlnry at exactly 8; 30. The Sheriff got a clew from a resi dent threo miles south of Hnlls Forry on the Marion eounty side of the river, and he procured a rig anC made Cho trip accompanied by Deputy eob. After making several Inqui ries of farmers re-idiag In that dis trict, he learned that a man answer tko dosorlption of the escape had bean seen, and that he had made several applications for work. Tho Sh'riff then took the Halls Perry road and went up to a lumbet camp vhe?e Nuttson was seen last, and where he found him. When the Sheriff knookod on the cabin door for en trance, he henrd a lively cramble within, and directed Doputy Bsoh to go around to the rear door, which be did and not too soon, either, as the wanted man was coming out tho baok 'door on the jump, and landed in tho big deputy's arms, whloh ended his abaneee for escape for good. John Nuttson was a trusty and as capod from tht officials while work tag near the State School for the Fee We Minded. Dogs were set on hU Unit, but they eottld not follow him any groat distance. Tho Sheriff was of tho opinion at the time that Nutt on would follow the wooded district toward some logging camp, be being a logger by trade, and hla suspicion was right, as the escape was Intend ing to procure a Job in some lumber camp. When searched, the officers found what had been an old ease knife ground out in the shape of a wicked Ic-oe eg butcher knife with the baa- i t dlo bound round with n small cord. Tho prlsonor strongly denied being the man, but bis game would not stick. Ho still woro some of tho prison garb. TO MARRY THE HOTEL BELL BOY Ultd I'rM I.iwl Wire. , Friends of Mies Marcln Lockhard. I of Santa Barbara, today are watch i lag the omee of the marriage lloonse ' clerk to ascertain if she makes 1 good nor Intention of marrying Ilar ! ry Parker, formerly a Veil hoy In the Hotel Alexander, in Los Ange les. The girl, who Is 15 years of age. left Santa Barbara for this city last week. The first intimation of her whereabouts reeolved by her fathor, a clergyman, was a telegram from this elty to him, which said: "Tomorrow I will he Mrs. Hurry Parker.' Little is kuown of the young man. except that he workind In various hotels on the Pacific coast, and last at the Hotel I'ottor, at Santa Dur bars. He mot Mice Lock ha nU In Lue Angeles. DEPARTMENT ONE OF CIRCUIT COURT TAFT WANTS TARIFF REDUCED ICJt4 rvtis Uaitd Wire Washington. March 5. Presi des Taf ttedny aeettrosl several call ers. ijMlndlnc KefNTOSOHUitlve Han scImu. of N'obrMkn. that he will vse hie innonee to bring about a redn (ton of the uriff en- the neeeseHI&s of life. o Bthl Dldni'tj, It seem and age I from the time ydu were engaged till yon got married? Maud Yes, but Jack and I managed to squeeze through IL The Tatter. The circuit court, doparlmeut No. 1, couvonod today, and a grand Jury also met. The following ensoe wore disposed of and considered before Judge Burnett i On roquost of District Attornoy MoNary, Ilyron Nixon was dUmlssod as an allogod accomplice in tho onse of selling liquor to a minor, along with K. G. Bmmlnhoffor. Tho dis trict attorney said Nixon's name had been included in tho, Indletment by mistake. In the enso between W. W. Hall and n. U. Downing vs. W. T. Perkins, attorneys appoarod this morning and stated tho matter wu settled. J. L. Stockton vs. A. . Darker and Frauds M. Darker, notion for money; settled. J. A. Carson and T. Drown vs. Frwiicls M. Darkor, action for monoy; settled. Martha Lewis va. B. J. Morrison, ot mx.. default In Judgment and or der to soil attached property. Mrs. A. H. LaCroIx va, C. It. Port er, ot al.; settled. Ohas. Livesloy vs. If. Clements Worst Company, defendant' motion to wake complaint more definite and eertnlH overruled. This was an action brought by Livesloy to re cover Jnoney for aorvUMtf alleged rosMlorot) to Ctemonts Iforot Com imny Tom Uarrle v. Jams pemos. ac tion for monof mU default of Jndg iacHt, and dtjofee rendered accordingly- The uetloB or damagas between Mabel Stark and Joshua Smith was settled. The following are the grand Jurors for the April term: John Stelwer. foreman, of Jefferson, a f&rmvr; l it co l Scott, Sublimity, fnrinor; J. F. Nathani, Gorvals, farmer; Fred Mil ler. Duttevllle, farmer; Chan. A. Ia briin, flarvnls, fnrinor; Geo. II. Duns ford. Snlem, plumber, and P. W. Potter, Silvertou, tnaohlnlsf. GERMAN SOCIETY HAS LIVELY MEETING At a meeting of the German So ciety Sunday afternoon eight new members were gathored in. Tho proposition ot building a home for themselves) waa tahon up, and a commute of live appointed to see about site, and make an estimate of probable cost. Another committee was appoint ed to arrange for a planlo in May. The mooting ws a very pleaaant one. with lots of songs and music. A delegate was appointed to attond the stale meeting called by the Gor man aoelole of Portland. TAFT NAMES "SOME NEW OFFICERS Threo wnywnrd men woro brought betoro Itocordor Mooro's this morning when tho UMinl roll call was made. Tho first "unfortuunto" told the Jfitdge thnt he was an omployoo of a certain logging company down tho river, and that he met with a very dear friend of his while lu thu city nnd tho result wnt well, or that Is. owing to the good feeling exist ing between thorn being rovlvod', 1 few drinks woro Indulged In nnd then ' somo, until they woro ovor tho side boards nnd the night officers took i thorn In tow. Judgo Mooro dropped him down lightly by Imposing a two days' Job on him nt $2.00 por. A man from wny down Hast whon ntikod by the Judgo in regard to his particular buutnoss In Jail, said ho was "stowed" away thoro bocause he was Intoxlcatod. He was also giv en n similar Job to thnt of the preced ing aBsoolato, Tho natt oase on tho Judge's hand was not so lnlgnlfloant. It nppeared as though Mr. John Dee had beon requested by n minor friend of his to got him CO conts worth ot fluid, which Is prohibited to boy, whereupon Mr. Dee's genoroslty would not permit him to refuse tho favor, and It Is alleged he bought the tire water and gave it to tho boy. When called upon to explain tho ohargo. Dee told tho Judgo that tho whiskey, and. he had rofusod; bo took whlckey, aad he had refused; ho took the monoy offered him by tho boy and bought the liquor for himself and was Intending to drink It himself, but th minor friend took It away from him. Tho caso will bo looked Jnto further by tho officers. HashlNgton. March S9. The President today sent to the sejwte the following nominatiens: Sollettor-general of the United State. Lloyd W. Bowers, of Illlnolc Aselsunt secretary of tho ireejwry. Charles Morton, of Illlnom. Contil-MnrHl at Singapore. Jm. T DnhoM. o Pennsylvania. Bowers Is a Yale man Ho was admitted to the bar In 18S2 and since I8t has been general eonnsol for the Chicago Sc Northwestern railroad. His home is In Ohleago. Clara That man who Just pasted was as old flame of mine. Kate In deed? What happened between youT Clara Oh, he flared up one day and went oat Boston Transcript o- BISHOP 0'CONNELL REACHES SAN FRANCISCO U'elMd Prats UmmI Wire. J an Kranrtoco. March 'it -The Right Itev. Dennis O'Connell. recent ly appointed by tho Pope to be aiu Ulary bishop a dloeoso of Hie Ornee, Arehbuoop Patrick IHordnn. arrived today to asonme the duties of his new utfieo- In secordnHoe with the bishop's re quwrt. tho reaoAthjn, whloh marked his arrlvaj waa simple. DIm!iot O'Connell was wt by a fow old time friends and a small delegation of local Catholic dignitaries and eseorted to the residence of Arch bishop Iliordan. where he will make his home temporarily. TO RUN A SPLENDID AMBULANCE FREE The Cottage Undertaking Parlors ' haw h new oomhlnullon coukut nnd (lowor wagon. It is ono of tho hand Moment vehicles ever made for tho iturpose. with solid Moroeoo up holstering, rubber tiros, olootrio lights nnd ovory poaslblo modorn roiivenlenee. Mr. Sll loan sny, with out any danger or uontrndletlon, that It Is the fluent vehicle of thu kind on the cunBt. Mr. F. W. Lohhrlok, of tho U. a. CarrlHgo Company, the mukoi'H of this mngnlflaout aarrlago, was In tho By today oloslng tho donl witl Mr. Hill for this, ono of thu very latest stylos of Hud Grotm hospital ambu lance. Tho iimhulanoo in llulshod In silver gray, nnd Is pretty enough to almost reconcile ono to being por mlttod to tako n rido In It. It will (hs tho Journal understands It) Iiq used free lu en crying patients to and from hospitals. Mr. Sill but reooiitly stnrled tho Cottage Uiidortnklng Parlors, but ho Is uertaluly up-to-date. ii Oi Irrigation Projects. At the noxt mooting of tho Stnto laad Hoard, an Irrigation projeot oontrnot will be let for the Irrigation of from 30,000 to 50,000 uaros of land near Baker Oily In the lower Powder Itlvor valley, and its .oon n thlii great Improvomout goes through, that portion of tho stato will bo a splendid farming territory. Tho Baglft Valley railroad ba a right-of-way through the Volloy and Almlrnl and Jacobs, operators of tho railroad, are lu line for tho contract along with many others. This Irrigation Is being mado un dor the Carey act, and tho United HtMtes government has withdrawn the property from entry lu ao-apr-Htlon with tho stato. Plats for the ruervolr have been drawn up, which show the big water soriflnt will be situated 7 inlloa from Teloeawjt. n little town on'th O. It. & N railroad, 328 miles from Portland lu Thjef Valley. The reservoir will cover an area of 850 aeretj. New York's greatost -succcei, "Clusmate,, with Norman Hack tt as tho star, will bo Judes Mur by's offering at tho 'Grand Opera IhiUMt about the mlddlo of April. -o Norman Haokett. Jult-s Murray's newest star, will appear at the Grand Opera House soon In "Classmates." I mTJ&m liMi-fc if'isiiifinffiliiiiTniiiltrTIfriift ..