4 8 DViLI r'T.L JOURNAL, SALEM, OREOOX, BATUIUUV, MUJCII 87, 1009. r S-HHf-Mt-M ltllml(tllllltllllImmtIlllm SALEM MANUFACTURING AND JOBBING 210USES 4M4i4eWWtMHM-M .primary replug according to tbo 1 course of study. Vary truly yours, think of the old questien: "Which would you prefor, being n blggor fool tlmn you look, or looking a bigger fool than you are?" Tho answer is you can't do cither. Julia Kuttnor, who skipped with the artist, Harlo, Is sulug for a dl vorcti. They wore "nfflultlos," but, as Saxe said of the ladlos who at tended the masquerade ball as Vestal virgins, "solely for the occasion." TwtTwT ARBOR DAY AND PROGRAM SUGGESTIONS AS TO IIS OBSERVANCE WALTER M. SMITH, County School Superintendent I OOOO O O I) O O C) f) o 0 SMILES. n o o o o o o o o o (1 o Looking nt the picture of Helen Qladys Emory and her mother, In Inst night's Telegram, one really feels sorry for the Jap. Thnt Kmory girl who Is Infatuated with the bias-eyed and snuff-colored V a,9P aU ik. BMHipl' 11 "" etflfi3l9vi AxnBHlBIHit lQw flH OLD DUTCH DUNKARDS A coimlo of Washinciton County Pennsylvanians, who have made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH REMEDY for seventy years, and reared a fam ily of eloven children. For sale by all dealers everywhere. SURE PURE. SURE CURE NO ALCOHOL NOR ALKOLOIDS Harness Repairing I) mi hoiif wi'itr hum ' It.- hIi w.ti i miiili ami brimh However. c do the realr work In flrM-claae ahape. ami r MtiafleU wltl a small profit fur It. ami also fur the good we Mil. ' have a oomiilot line of work. buw. Mingle mul double kreM. that aliowa tiunllty ami workmaHslilp. not found lu other wake tUat mH for the aam uHine Com let ua talk harneee to )iU Tlif Mvi liugK nU' anil diutom hnw Mrihwl Coiiio In Miul look tlifiu ovvr Vi- guitiaiiitv tli lulre to b rUht Salem's Leading Harness House F F SH A F FR Neatly and Promptly Done at 187 COMMERCIAL STREET subject of the mikado, innkes one house soon. Norman Hacket twill bo seen In 'Classmates" at the Grand opera Salem, Or., Mnroh 2G, 1909. Follow Teachers: I am onoloslng tho Arbor Day programs, which, t trust will be helpful In carrying out your plans for that day. Plnn for a big day. Have tho grounds and '.he Hcliool hotiso cleaned several days boforo, If possible Decorate tho school room with evergreens and (lowers. Have a short program, to which each parent Is sent a written Invitation. (Tho Invitations may bo written by the pupils n n languago exorcise). Plant one- rose bush. Tho pupils should decide what kind of a rose thoy wish to plant, nnd some pupil seloctod who can furnlBh It. When you hnvo accomplished this much everybody Is Interested. Do not stop. Our school grounds ne?d boautlfylng. Do not try to do oveiy- thlng lu one dny, but continue doing' something along this line until school closes. I suggest that you carry out tho following program during April: Klr:t wook Plant ono roso bush. I Second weok Plant bed of vlnletd nnd one of daffodils. Third wookr-Plnnt a shrub, lilac Kan. th wook Plant vines, Ivy to bo plnntod by the outbuildings. Plonfc have all pupils wrlto me n letter, tolling mo what they did an Arbor Day, and tholr plnns for beau tifying tho school grounds this spring. Sond mo two best ones wUh your April roport. Klghtli ftnul Final Kuiinlnutloii. The elchth crnde oxnmlnntlons will bo hold on May 13-14 nnd Juno 'I 10-11. Kudosed you will find n "Cor tltlento of Recommendation," which you will ploaso till out and mall to Mils olllro at loast 20 days before tho examination. Tho nddress of tho ex aminer Klinuld bo given. A copy of the e'ghtli grade rules should be pouted In all room having an elghtu grad- Seventy-two per cent of tho applicant at the January examina tion failed I should like to make n !ti-r "bowing n May and Juno. k do not recommend pupils iinlew they lune been doing good work, and on ftcl r.Ttaln that they will pas Olvo tho rlnsitei n thorough reylew. If mu hne a month for review, dtvld') aili text into SO parts from the first of the book, thea g've them a search 'iik ial teat on the work for euoh day. KoudJng. Are mi Mitlatlett with your roadlng cJa-ties l feel that we are not get ting the result that we should In teiuhing pupils to read. Have your puplU the powor to get now word for themselves? Do they read with natural expreeeioa? To give pupils power oer,s?w words become 'ihr tr of phoutr nd teach them to nil giade- You will timl the Sloan Kirst Header tile) -ery helpful All I'rmcr niuI First Reader pupils nUoiiltl get the thought from the book ami then look at the teacher aud ex-im,.- u i hoie that next year I caa a that i'er teacher U teaching Get Your House Wired Now I n i Before the Spring building rush is on. We laid in a large supply of materials while prices were right and are able to quote better prices than ever before. We handle a full line of TUNG STE LAMPS and make Mission Chandeliers to order. Hyde Bros. Electrical Co. PHONO -J51 U N. LIBERTY E. ECKE R LEN Wholesale I Family Liquor Store 144. Commercial St Phone 103 Free Delivery SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. -Shipments in Kegs or Bot tied Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : i I Brewing Plant and Offices 5 On Trade St,. In Wholesole IHMikt Salem. Oreaon There's a Top Rung in Every Ladder Among the rotall lumber yards in Oregon south of Portland ours is easily at the top. By this we mean we have the Largest Stock, the Best Grades, the Fairest Price List, Prompt est Delivery, and give our customers the best all-round treatment. Spaulding Logging Co. YARDS ON FRONT STREET TEAM ENTRANCE ON FERRY STREET ., .-.!- "-. "