DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAHOII 27, 1909. $2.25 and $2.50 values Monday Only $1.92 "- $2.25 and $2.50 values Monday Only $1.92 . Monday Sale NEW Pretty Sheer White Shirt Waists With long sleeves, trimmed with Em broidery, or Lace and Insertion $2.25 and $2.50 values for $ 1 .92 J. L STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER U I $2.25 and $2.50 values Monday Only $1.92 $2.25 and $2.50 values Monday Only !p1 .9 this afternoon. When Harrlmnn was asked for a fuller statement of aU position on tho subject, he said: "I simply do not caro to seo a game on Sunday." ELEPHANT RUNS AMUCK IN SAN BERNARDINO (United I'rtM Leased Wlre.j San Bernardino, Cal., March 27. Quieting down after a night's ram page, during which ho toro up trees smashed through fonccs and over turned everything moveable ho found in his path, Nero, ono of tha big elephants with Norrls & Rowe-'s circus, meekly allowed himself to be recaptured horo early today. Nero broko looso about 11 o'clock last night, when ho was being load ed on tho circus train horo. Trumpt ing with rago tho hugo animal lum bered through tho streets of tho town, leaving a trnln of terror in his wake. People filled tho streets, and tho ma jority of tho population woro In a panic within two minutes after Nero started to nun away. After wrecking considerable prop erty, the big clophnnt began to calm down, nnd it wns bcllovcd that ho could be recaptured without difficul ty. Apujirontly realizing tho plight of hi keopors, Nora tantallzod them by recusing to allow hlmsolf to ba chained. It was not until early to day, when he wan apparently sloopy and willing to be fed, that tho big , runaway hunted up tho circim camp and allowed his feet to bo ahncklod. o MISS M. D. EVANS OPENS SUIT HOUSE addition, thoro will bo hair dress ing, massago and manicuring parlors, with a ful lllno of goods, and spe cialists In charge. It Is tho Intention of tho managers to make thlB as largo as tho Portland ostablishmout, carrying the swellest stock of goods in tho city. liHf f f f llf IBU lf Hl fg Illsltop to Go to Home. Los Angolos, Cnl., March 25. An nouncement wns mado hero today that tho Right Rev. Bishop Conatv will go abroad this spring, and It in understood that ho will visit the Vatican beforo his return. Bishop Couaty will Join members of hlB fam ily In Italy. Tho tlmo for tho party' return hns not boon decided. 9 . iiiiiii - . 5 SATURDAY SPECIALS 5 TOILET SOAP Witch Hazel, Oatmeal, Buttermilk, Gly cerine, New-mown Hay, Elder Flower and Tar, all 6 for 25c Laundry Soap, 10 for 25c 200 Brooms, regular 35c value -.. ' 25c 1000 Best Parlor Matches, box 5c Pkg. Leslie Free-Running Salt, the saltiest sait; regu lar 10c pkg., special 4 for 25c SEE THE CORNER WINDOW DISPLAY OF GALLON PIE FRUITS. -Loganberries, Blackberries, Apples, Bartlet Pears, our price 20c gal Apples, 40 boxes 60c, 75c, S1.00, $1.25 MRS. HERRON'S CAKES Gold Cake, Blackberry Cake. White Cake, Nut Cake, Cherry Cake, Prune Cake XOTK 8VMio IX CiOLI) to any person buying cuke, hi Irvln other than those baked by Mt'- llerron. T1IK sTOUK THAI XIIVKIt MISUKI'UKnKNT.s OK srilSTII TTIvS Phone 66 W. A. IRVIIM 203 Commercial St. MlM M. D. Evans, formerly in bus iness rn thin city, will open a suit nnd millinery storo horo for tho L. S. Frakeo Company, ono of tho larg est suit housos in Portland, M1'0 Kvnns Ib a very capable womnn. and hns had n gront deal of oxporlonco In a business fine. Sho will be nbly as sisted by Mist Mnrgarot Mcsslck, of Portland, a formor Salem girl an1 also an experienced corps of saleswo men. Tho storo will havo Its open Monday, nt No. 333 North Cbtnmor clnl street, which will bo Its tem porary location, until n more suitable one ran be had. Tho stock will in clttdo tho most up-to-dnto lino of suits, cloaks nnd mllllnory, nnd, In RUSSIA AND JAPAN WILL FIGHT AGAIN Bclllnghnm, Wash., March 27. That tho next groat war botwoon world powers will be between Rus sia nnd Japan, nnd thnt thoro Ib no chance of wnr between Japan and tho United Statos, woro tho statements nindo by Roar-Admiral Robloy D. Evans today. "A great war Is certainly coming botwoon Russln nnd Japan," said the admiral, "if will como Just nt soon as Runsln can comploto tho budding of nnother fleet. Thnt mny bo two years or longor. Russln I nt prosont bending overy offort to pMt horsolf In rendition for tho struggle. Sho Is rushing two linos of. railroads smrnttft RUinrln. nrnnilln hnr nrmv I and navy and ooourlng funds. , "Talk of war botwoon Jnpnn and the United Stntes. Thoro will bo no war, except for commoixjlnl suproin- ncy of tho Pnclflc." I i dMMf Your iHlKfc Spring Is Ready for You J Isn't it nbout tlmo you wero getting it? You'll find it among those beautiful now colorings on our clothing tables and tho prlco is Is so low this season that you won't wnnt us to koop It long for you nftor you sea it once. MUX'S CLOTHING this Spring Is inoro sightly than over beforo. becntise unusual attention has boon paid to tho finish of ovorv garment. Thoro is mi MlltNtltUtO 3 that can take e&lT& &$zzzK BITTERS i ! I MuKwwJFi vou want the best results In euRefl of Dyspepsia, Imllgextlou, CoHtlvi'iiens, Spring Fever, Colds, Grippe iiikI .Mulitrlii, Fever Jft Ague. i Tu i bottle Brandegec, Kincaid & Co. Clothing Holds its shape belter than ordinary makes becnuso It's built right J nil through. This factory combines choice fabrics, high grndo lin ings and trimmings, nnd suporlor workmanship, which moans nb- T sluto satisfaction from ovory suit. (Z7 . S CA a wmm HARRIMAN JOLTS t (Continued from pago 1.) tts that he is Intensely Interested la the sport, caino as a great su prise today to tho fashlonnblo sot of 1Mb gay little settlement of million aires. W will arrange a match for him Swaday afternoon," said the commit tee. "Some one telephone to tha Harriwan car, and see If ho will be re." "Mr. Harrtnaa does not eare to see Be a Sunday," came back the ttartllag iafarmatlon. It wac almost Uopraprehenslble, aid the bearer of the news was asked to repeat the sentence ovor slow'yi m that the clubmen might be sure that their ears wore not deceiving them. Sunday is the main day for polo here. Mot e,vory Sunday afternoon thoro is a mntoh hore, or at tho San Mneto club grounds, and for tho great mnnlpulntor of Wall street to show by elear inforenco his disapproval oi such Snbbath-breaktng was not oaly a shock, but a source of som cha grin. Someone wade a remark about em ulation of Rockefeller and Bomeone ole recalled that the king of rail roads was the 4a of Rev. Orlando 11. Harriman, a plain little preaohH-. who formerly served a flock of slm-l pit? folk in Hobokon. N. J. . After the clubmen regained their ! compokure, a game was arranged for xjGrs's.e4s (Q&4S& Jstos'e The reason our prlcos nro lower than nt 'rogulnr stores" Is be cause we do a Rtrlctly spot cash buslnous nnd our business man agement In economical. HM-4--Hlf mH t)f ! I I Our Great Introductory Sale r - M - - aBBBBBssgMBWMBssaE Will close Wednesday the 31st, new dressers, new rockers and chairs just received are included in this sale. You may not need these things just now, but why not make your selec tions at saving prices and have them held for later delivery. These extra inducements are offered with a view to quickly familiarize you with our new name Imperial Furniture Company Successors to House Furnishing Company 177 Liberty Street Salem, Oregon . A Thing of Beauty and a Joy Forever There is but one Merry Widow Buggy, and that is at Manning's Implement House. The lady that drives in that buggy at the fine horse show HAS A LEAD-PIPE CINCH S. A. Manning Implement House HI - fcAnfcwltfrdfr H J yfM .V r-dei