Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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i ;
li. HOFEK, Editor nrnl Proprietor
Isdtpcndent Newppt Ocroted lo American Principle, tod .rs
use ProcreM and Dctelopcment of All Oregon,
riblhhrd Krerr KtoId Bietpt StftwJir, SCtm, On.
(iBT&rliblr in AdTtcee.)
Dtflr, by crrler, j yrr.... K.C0 Per tnomta.... Mo
Daily, bj mall, re 7r- - M " iaoalh 8Sc
Weekly, br ustl, per rer 09 Six Boalbt .40c
(Copyright. 1008, by Rev. T. S. Llii'cott, . II.)
The Red, White
And other constituents of your
blood aro poworfully cnrlchod and
vitalized by Hood's Sarsapnrllla.
It increases the red corpuscles and
makes strong the whito corpuscles, and
thus protects and restores the health.
It cures scrofula, eczema, eruptions,
catarrh, rheumatism, anemia, nervous
ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss
of appetite, goneral debility and builda
up tho whole systom.
O.l It todar In tk. eul JlqBfd fens or In
cbocoUUd UMI tors CaBed SartataU.
with the morning service. There
will be preaching In this church ev
err evening or the week at 7:10, ami
tire German public Is moat cordially
invited to all these atrvlcw. W. A.
Guffroy, pastor.
.Mm ell i!H, lOOtl.
Tempera no Lesson, Proverbs 21:
Golden Text At last It bltvth like
h sorpont, and stlngoth like an adder.
Proverbs 23:32.
Versus 29-30 In strong drink as a
beverage in so-onlled moderation,
good for anybody?
Do all who drink hnbitually re
ooive Injury hi a result?
Should atflohol be used In aay
form as a niodtolne?
I0 It snio or prudent for people In
good health to tuko Intoxicating drink
as n beverage?
What claseee In thp community are
Buffering from the drinking habit, di
rectly and I h directly?
Why do athlete always abstain
from drinking when they are train-1
lag for a contest T
what are the signs by which yoiio
oaH nearly always tell a drinking
Vert 31-12 What evil la likely
to result. If any. when a good man
who does not tlrlNft stands at Ike bar
and ' looks" on while his oompaMloaa
are drinking?
What can you say of a man who
will not drink ktMstif but treau
Uow would you characterise a
temperance man who votes for a man
or party pledged lo support the liq
uor traffic?
Uow many wile cm you trees to
strong drink?
Think of all the popular habits that
tend to nil, and compare them with
the t-tiln of the drink habit, and say
which hbii la tnt greater corse to
the nation
What is tb faswlnallon which
r- mj many thousands of victims
to thr drink habit?
)f in country towns nasi ettteo
mm otiinm lih "serpeata" and
adr. Mhlrh er biting aad
canning tht- death of thousand, what
te imiUI likely to he take to
vratliiHt.' the plague?
Swing that nil piwrlimlly admit
tlittt the nll of the lliiiHt' truffle
nro more tlnileiit tlwu "sorimnte"
ami "udder" rould ls Iiotv lo you
mplnln tlx iHlhy of the nation In
getting lid of till imiiiMor ovIlY
('II)U question luii"! Im answered in
writing by iiuimher of the club.)
Yerte St Does llceatlousnsaa and
Impurity of thought generally aooora
paxy the appetite for strong drink
as ihw vree seems to suggest?
Von lilt Does drinking al
wim pntduce moral, ns well as physi
cal anaesthesia, deadening tho soul
to the foulest crimes?
Men under ike Influence of alco
hol ar utwn gHevoush hurt, some
time aluutsi froeeu to death, and
re uawaerlous or thf hurt at the
time, and when th get better keep
on drinking How do yon aerouat
for It
LMon fur Sunday. Anrll 4. IMS:
Peter and Coraollos, At 1 :!(.
United Ilrothreii.
I lev. A. J. Ware, presiding older
Of Oregon conference U. U. churoh,
will pronch morning and ovonlng at
Yew Park church Sunday. Sunday
school at 10 a. m. All tiro cordially
Invited. ' J. H. Murryinctn.
rir-t .Melliorils KpNcopal.
At 10:10 public worship. Baptism
of probationers and ethers. The pas
tor will preacn on "Ctrle Patriotism."
Illble school at 12 m. At :1 the
missionary department of the Kp
worth League will conduct, the serv
ice. At 7:10 Mlee Ada Holmes of
Gtijarot, India, will gWe an address.
This being the annual thank offering
of the W. 1. M. S. Professor Patter
son will preside. Mffts Holmofi is an
Interesting speaker. All are aordlal
ly invited.
Central Congregational.
Corner of Nineteenth and Ferry
atreotB, Hev. O. A. Stlllman, pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. No morn
ing service. Christian Itndeavor,
0:10 p. in. Kvenlng service at 7:10
o'clock. Sermon by the pastor; sub
ject. "What This City Needs Most."
A special Invitation Is extended to the
Rast Salem Push clnb and those In
terested In the material and moral
Improvement of the city. All are
cordially weUome.
Kir-t Proobyterlaii.
Rev. Henry T. Dabeock. pastor.
Morning service le: SO; preacklng by
the pastor, theme. "Oportnnlty."
Quartette. "There Is a Holy City."
Solo. Mr. Itaeechen. "O Divine Re
deemer." Sunday school at 12 m.
Junior C. 1C. p. m.; Senior C. IS..
1:10 p. m. Uvenlng serrtee at 7: SO.
Preaching by the paator; theme, "Not
a Sinner.' Quartette, "Jerusalem,
the Golden." Orchestra. "Longing
for home," and "La llerceuee Seren
ade." .This church will hold Its an-
anal eoncretatlonal meetiug Monday
evening at 7: SO. The Ladles' Aid so
ciety will give a supper to the mem
bers of the church arid congregation
at I p. m. preceding the meeting. All
cordially Invited to these servleee.
(1i( OlirlMian.
Comer of High and Center streets.
The paator, D. Brrett. will preach at
11 s. m. on the theme. Clvle Rlgkt
eunanees." and t SMS p. at., "Some
Modern Young Men." from n ptetere.
Thf Afterglow." Bible school 10
a. m . Christian Badeavor. 0:45 p. m.
The C. C. 0. C. wtll furnish the music
at the morning and evening services.
Strangers and Vmttors welcome.
A small bank account is
given tha sama caraful at
tent ion by our officars as a
Itrga one, We invite yout
Capital National
Capital T.tMM
b'uilHk . pregliii earned. sWKMMH
J 11. AHkiM, Preidiut
U, M. CroKau, 1e Ytna
Jfts. 11. Allt 01I
Chrloliaii Suieiieo.
r1ret Church of Chrlet. Scientist.
1 1 0 Chemeketa street. Servleee Son
day at It a. m. and T:lt p. m. Soh
)eet of leasee sermon. "Reality." Snn
oay school at IS:of p. m. The Wed
nesday evening meeting le keW at
7: SO. Reading room la the church
one each afternoon except Sunday.
All are eordlaUy Invited to attend the
service and the reading room.
SI. I'hhIS ItplMMiiml.
Cheweketa and Chnrch streets.
Rev. Barr U Lee. rector Passion
swndny Usual services at 7 : SO and
II a. m. and 7:S0 p. m. Sonday
school at 10 a. m. The public wel
come nt all servleee.
Unity Church.
(Unitarian) Corner Cottage and,
Chomeketa streets. Paul S. Dandy,
minister. Worselp and sermon at 11
o'clock. Subject. "The Paselonal and
Rational In Religion." No evening
service. Thursday evening meeting
at S o'clock.
(UattN t'rM I.il Wirt
Eugene. Or.. March -7. Edward
Lang, a laborer, is lying In a hospital
here minus one of hit legs and near
death as the result of bullet wounds
I h dieted because he
er of William. K.
ployer and owner of a hop yard,
where the trouble occurred.
Walker did tke shooting when
Lang walked Into his home and be
gs n lo swear at his mother. Lang.
It Is said, continued this aboso tn
aplte of Wnikers proteata. Finally
Walker seised a shotgun and emptied
the contents Into Lang's log. The
wounded man was immedtatetr
brought to this city, where It was
found necessary to amputate the limb
between (he knee and the hip.
Walker furnlshd bonds and was released.
I United I'rMs Lased Wire.
Seattle. March 27. Mrs. Albeit
Thornton, wife of the chief engineer
of the steamship Rosalie. Is dead
from injuries she received last night
when she was run down by an auto
mobile driven by Charles'B. Nlblock,
a real estate dealer. The accident
happened at r'irst avenue and Madi
son streets last evening and the wo
man tiled several hours later at the
Pacific hospital. Nlblock and his
chaffeur. wno was teaching him how
to operate the car at the time, were
arrested but later released on J 1500
Mrs. Thornton, In company with
her husband and sister were cross
ing the street when the automobile.
which was approaching slowly, gave
a sudden lea pforward, striking Mrs
Thornton before her husband could
drag her out of the way. The for
ward wheel of the heavy touring
car passed entirely over her body.
lUsltfd l'reit I.cad VIr.J
banta Clara, March 27. Father
Thomas Rwlng Sherman, a Jesuit
missionary and a son of the famous
general, William T. Sherman, who
Is now visiting Santa Clara college.
)s a firm believer In Asiatic exclu
sion. He says:
"I am with California heart and
soul in her anti-Japanese agitation.
I am with California for the right
of the family, and In such matters t
believe that the right of the state Is
far above that of the nation."
Pather Sherman and President
Taft were collegemates, and the
priest has only enthusiastic ord
for his distinguished classmate H
sa Taft is the right man In th'
right placf a mnn -ver ln h f
him. Judltl'i'if .nd ep-rl?n !
Saturday Specials
They are baked by nil i-xperieiiccd enko baker, and anyone buying
the Mime nil! certainly Ik .vatlsfled.
Loin Spare Rib Saii-ugi Hm llucon Shoulders
Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, ApiirKii. Pie Plant, RndMius Young
Onions, Sweet, Cauliflower, Turnip, Pnr-nlps licet, Cm-rot-,
wr.' w.. Charcoal Lozenges
A Natural Breath
Perfume 1
MATCHES - 1000
For 5 Cents
Orange Special 25c per doz.
3,000,000 Pounds
That represents the amount of Chase .V; .Sanborn's Seal llrand
of Coffee tisfd last year in the I'nlted .Mates. When you Mop and
consider (hat amount and that It st.s for loc a pound, ItS proof
that It is the greatest sHIrr in the world, and that we guarantee
it to be tht best coffee sold In .Salem.
Just Received
A cart-wheel of genuine Imported " .'
We also lme a flue line of t'mtin llilik, Lluihuryer, .Snpsago and
New t ream Cheese
456 State St. Phone 182
Go With a Rush.
"He's a lunatic and has never been
legally separated from his former
wife He led me to believe that he
had been divorced."
Making this eieoae for her ssaea
tkraal adveatere with her affinity."
Julia Kutlher Carlo has brought salt
for annulment of the ties which bind
her to Ferdinand Plnney Earle. the
Orange county artist. Mrs. Earle
aeks that the oaejmlld bora of their
union be adjudged the legitimate son
of Earle and that she be awarded his
custody. It la believed that Earle.
who has lately returned from a west
ern trip, will fight the suit.
Herman ItvuiigulienL
swnday sehool 10 oseoeh. Pieacm
tng at II and T:0. Y. P. A. at t
o'clock Rev H B- Horaerkwea. pre
siding elder of Purtlaad district, will
ocvup the pulpit both morning sad
evening Cuuiuiuulou itv touuH-tUu
Simple Romudy for Ln Orlppe.
La grippe congke an dangerona
M they frcoaently devetoo - j tmm0 reeolts
Chareo'il .n-Nt, u (,'aiulug and Re
(itiniug a Sweet Rreath.
Breath perfumes should sever be
resorted to. They seldom conceit
ike odor and never remove the cauv,
and are very suggestive.
Stuart's Charcoal Loaeagte sweet
ens the breath by removing the uu -
a disordered condition of the
stomach, and by this means Imparts
to the breath the natural, healthful
odor, void of all uaantnral or sug
gestive condition. Charcoal AM a
four-fokf mission. First, It purlncj
the breath by restoring to it the nat
ural odor nature Intended it to bavo.
Second, charcoal U an absorbent, ab
sorbing 100 per cent per volume of
gas. by this means relieving flatu
lency and gasee of the stomach anl
bowem Third, charcoal aids dlgev
tlon ami by this mtans regulates th
action of the bowels, relieving dux.
diarrhoea, piles, constipation, etc
Fourth, charcoal oxidises the blood, j
thu prerentlng pimples and other
eruptions that arise from Indigestion
and Impurities of tht blood. ,
Stuart's Charcoal Loseages are . '
nottsehold necessity and should be is
every home, containing only yonng'
! willow wood, charcoal aad hoaey I
.They are nerfectlyharmleea and any
quantity mny be taken without ill f-
i fects. Old aad young alike can take
Smart's Charcoal Loseages with .He
The demand for
stomach, liver and
that wonderful
kidney oure, Dr.
King's New Life Pills It astounding.
J. C. Perry snys he never saw the
like. It bnuse they never full to
cure tour stomach, constipation, Indi
gestion, biliousness, jaundice, kick
headache, chills and malaria. On'y
. 5c.
monla. Foley's Honey and Tar not
only stone the eoagk hot keaht and ttrwnt.
siremgfnens tae lungs so m mo
rtons reenlu need be feared. The
goaolee Foley's Honey aad Tar eon
tains no harmful drags and
yellow package
J. C Perry.
The nest time that yon have soar
iMtlgeetioa, bad beeatk.
heart burn, gastritis, and taste in the
month, belching or belching up of
food, tttftt tn ia ike iifiil dru-
r ,M' ore nod get a box of Stuart' Char
Refuse snbetltntea.irMl i,,,, ti)4 try ,e . tB r.
ROBBERS AWAY ; m a very short fime
salts will be gratifying and almost
tastaataaeon. the stomach will so-n
feel better and the disagreeable odor
Sour Stomach
I I -I, .Mil I te
th. ...i t... .. I k. Wa iaiii
MMtt.4 ..aiM e.K S.4 rl
I,.... ... ... Hw4CtMt.rv
dFJ&QWl Bt ' for
t United Pre Leased Wire
naa Francisco. March SI. .Nesae
sl in the person of Cantata Thomas
Anuemoa of tae Potat lottos life
saving station, armed with a tele
erope. caused the arrest of too el
IShI fwotiad ht 4c- la the cit
piiaou iuj4 sutiKitnl vf nibhing
Juhu iuu.n. n old utaa.
rh- aiva unU.r in rest. Vlter
V..IU ..ud Kn-4 Thulu.i tw Mltrgvd
t. h.' !-en sevu ji ihri. nrtrUu
oiW ti Cp(ln u.iluitn ho ho-
Uittv tank life i.'.n itiu nf the
rubbers Neleou i.im.iuvUiI an
I atoanxuitv raiu vi -. a. luwanteo
patrollttea of the park forre sn4
etartes) for the sveae
The vrv unable to prewut ia4
If yon prise a sweet breath
healthy stomach, you shonht
tonally nee Stuart's Charcoal Los-i
eaaea. X loeenger sow and thea will ;
umce to sweetea the breath anl
keep the stomach la a healthy coadl-
ttoa; uj them, for sale svenrwhere, ;
or a sampU wtll be maile4 free nnoa
reneel. Address the F. A 3tat,
Co.. 100 Stuart Blag . Mareha'.
The New Last in
Men's Oxfords
The newest thing out in
tan, wax calf, and patent
colt. Theyhave high heels,
high toes the very latest
thing in the Men's line
Before youbuy see our
Guaranteed Patent,
Leather Oxfords
all styles, at . .
Big line of $3.00 Oxfords
in all Leathers
lines arriving daily in all of
the new styles at popular
Do the omkU pe'eting while the'
doat is still mad id brfure insect t
Is mti nwM( iiiim, . liimn .-
r- sue kMMS
i i u . r i..vo nj
Ma V- -n O 'l
aw.u( a.MA C. rktc m N.V. j
WSassnii iimiata fabllsi hit Oaf sassaf InaWahlni
m wtww w snpsa eo'w asw v ssrav j t . - ..
hoM-op of Cuanors but rreete4 the rknu Dm mm irft m m u
two men at the potat of rwwr
They ff Ukrs1 tur rnv. be
eaeee CeaoM :ti,ue4 to mahe a
.hrj- gtat them
SMM tt
ajnWaM hbAa immmB Bfc Sal jVi BJ A.ag
SeUm namnjgnna anmntaofjejaTx nuBgajanenjann ngrw anram
wtt. I't.mx
ir tir
State St.
Vtn. M tuuxK 1W K S..T Dtu
I s" "