Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 27, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 10, Image 10

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Carpenter Union No. 1065 Local
Union No. 1065 of Carpenters and
Joiners of America meet ever Sat
urday evening at 7:30 p. m. in
Hearst ball, 420 State Street
A. W. Dennis, Rec. Sec. .
Forester of Americn Court Sher
wood, Forstors, No. 10. Meets
Saturday night In Hoi roan ball,
State street. Ceo. F. Patterson, C.
R.; J. C. Perry, financial secretary
Central Lodge So. tfi, K. ot V.
Castle ball in Holtnan bloek, cor
ner 8tate and Liberty street.
Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p.
m. Osoar Johnson, C. C; B. B
Anderson, K. ot R. nnd 8.
Modern Woodmen o America Ore
gon Cedar Camp So. 624C. Meets
every Thursday von!ng at 8
o'clock In Holtnan hall. A. E
Bamfoer, V. C; F. A. Turner, clor.
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night at 7-30, In Holman hall.
A. L. Harvey. C. C ; L. II. Fletch
er, Clerk. Jan. 10, '08.
"My three year old ooy wan badly
constipated, had a nigh fever and was
In awful condition. I gavo him two
dotes .of Foley's Orlno Laxative and
the next morning the fever was gono
and be was entirely well. Foloy's
Orlno Laxative saved his life." A.
WoJkush, Caslmer. Wis. J. C. Pony
For Kale A first-class second-hand
buggy, cheap,
Inqulro at Journal
3-1 C-U
For Salo Puro brod Barred Ply
mouth Rock eggs for salo, 16 for
CO cents, W. E. Dunn, 1720 Leo
street. Phono 1628. 3-20-lw
For Salo C-room houso, 8 lots, barn,
chicken house and parks, fruit and
berries; good well. Term. No. 2201
Lee street. 323-3t
For Sale- HggH It It. I. It. (Itose
aomn Rhode Island Beds) ; best of
all; f I per setting of It egga. Cor.
tier lil and Prry. Phone 900.
For Sale 22 acres In I'olk county,
114 mllos southwost of Salotn, 11
acres In cultivation, 8 acres In
grain, 2 ncros strawborrlos and
fruit trcos, houso, barn and poul
try hounoi; will sell all or psrt. P.
8. Hondry, It. F. D. No. 2, Salem.
Wood for Salo Kir wood, either 4
foot largo or suuod Capital Im
provement Co. PoIiiih 1 1. 22-1 wk
For HmIo New 7-roiim house, price
$718. $100 cash $360 oh time, If
Often, will do better than that. Cull
at llll Mill at. J-IJ-lwk
For Salo I fresh oows, $3B and up.
Moat be sold soon W. II. Duncan,
1191 K. 13th si. Phone 1171.
For Snliv QO-aere farm, 40 acres in
htnt, ana-hnlf mile from Oregon
aieetrla Hue, 11 nil lot north of Ha
lam, $1000. House nnd 4 tots mi
19th stront. $1700. J. Knight
Murphy block.
For Snlik -Full bhMHled treat. Jeraey
90 w. Phone 742 Main. 3-S4-3t
For Snto One new l-sealed spring
wanH; one tliree-qnarter Mitchell
wagon, but little used: four tilffer
(Wt kltitlM of buggies, al OltKAT
, IIAUOAINi. W. Fennel. II Iwllh.
SM Uroftttway a lltwk
Hir Usui- I rooms, nloely and new
ly fNrHHfMl. Call Ih afteriMMin al
Til Center street, eoruvr of t'ut-
U. 3-35-lwk
For lU'iti Kllnger Grand Thoatro,
with or wlthoMt flxturoi, and fix
tures for sale. U Kllnger. Phone
34. 3.3-tf
Nicely Punished Rooms -With board
strictly i.rstclass. At 678 SUta
stroot. 3-4-tf
Tnu Finely FuruUhed budrooiut. for
single Kontloiuun, nt $8 npleco. In
quire nt 730 N. Front at 3-16-lwk
For Rent Furnished 1 ouiokeoplng
rooms, 486 ilouth Commercial
street. a-aa-jt
Waited Houfkoepor, with or with
out children, to care for home tu
lumber camp. Wages rcasonabio.
Inquire at this offlco. 3-33-31
oMTtlem WaHtwi At 578 8t'tS
street J-tMra
WanttHi Sri men, hop yard work.
Krob Bros.. lUnrvllreynun build
ing. Phone 121. 3-15-tf
WautiHl By n barbvr. work In shop.
(Jus Many. 363 North Church
Btrvot. 3.2J.st
That "Sea Railroad."
The "short talk" In the February
ISth number, replying to the ques
tion about the longest bridge In the
world, came nearer expressing a pop
ular conception of the remarkable
railroad now nearly completed on the
Florida Keys, from the extreme south
ond of that state's main land to Key
West, than it did to correctly answer
ing the question. The Florida Keys
are small coral islands off the south
end of tbo state, and among them is
a chain running in almost as air line
from where the road leaves the main
land to Key Weal, about SO miles.
Some of these keys have aa area of
several square miles, and the spaces
between them are short, with one
exception, from Long Key- to Knight's
Key. two and threw-fourth miles.
and this is spanned by a great con
crete viaduct of the length mentioned
Special Notice I have been Informed
by several of my customers that it
In reported I am going to leave
Salem and move my stock to Port
land. I now give notice to my cus
tomers and whom It may concern.
I Intend to do Huslnee at the same
old stand for years to come, to far
aa I know, but will give duo notice
of any change. W. A. Irvin. gro
cer, corner Court and Commercial
streets 3-23-tf
tAvcrj nnd Feed HUbV Old PoJt-
omco atauies, ai 2M rerry sirooi,
between Commercial and Front
strcots. Telephone 188. Somo of
tbo finest Jlvorlcs In tho city can
bo found hero. Wstacolt & Joud
sou tL
43!) Court Street, D. J, SwKrer,
prop. Bread, Cakes, Plon and nil
kinds of Pastrlos, Cookies, otc. Watch
for our wagon. Phono 954. Special
orders delivered on short notlco.
Tho Klkliund Hnloon Crouch & Noas
I'roim. (Successors to W. It. An
derson) 103 Commercial Ht. Liq
uors slid cigars of the host brnndH.
It Is worth moro than any other
biend, yet tbo prlco Is no hlghur.
t Pnp aaIa nt vnup ernMr,
Thomas ! Oooley, Props.
Why not tend work lo tho Inuudry
that doiMi not MANCLE It to plucos,
whom your roods aro paid for If
lostT Highland Hand Laundry.
Phono 103. 23 ID Currant Avo.
CiitninliiN Itnw,' Transfer Compnny
All kinds of transfer work done
Hirulture nnd pianos hxed ready
for 8hlpiuunt. Prompt service Is
our motto. Stand nnd ofllco at
263 South Commorclnl street
Phono 210. Itosldenco Phone
Hullo .V Wuudenith Flno wines
llquorn and clgart(. We handle
the relebrntod Kellog and Cnutlo
whiskies. Cool and refreshing bor
ronstuntty on draught. Soutn
Commorolal stroct 9-3-lyr.
II) do Bros. lytvtric Co. lClcctrlc
supplies and flrst-claaa wiring at
reasonable prloos. Call nt our
o III no for estimate. Phone 451
143 N. Liberty street. 1-13-tt
Wenger .V Clierrlngtoii iMaaoi nnd
organ sold on nary terms; tele
puon 11 87; 2 47 CommereUI
Btroat. Halem. Oregon fc tf
If You Want Yntir eolleettons mad4
nromptly, leave your neeeunts wltu
W. D. Smith, room 4, over Bu-th t
Bank. 3-9-1 m
CVmrreto Work flet my prises on
tldowulk. ourbs, upetlc tauks and
cement work of any kind All
work guaranteed first class. M.
Ward, 3378 Maplo Ave , Highland
Phono 509. May 34-09
347 Miller St., South 8alem, manu.
facturer of all kinds of boxes, crates
and fruit dryer accessories. l'hou
Polo Wtnwl, for the cutting. 7 tulles
oast of Salem on tho old Mark Sav
age much, one mllo west of Prut
urn V J. Krwhblol. 3-34-3t
For water sorvlce apply at offlce
mils payable monthly In advance
The South Httlom Moat Markot. oo
poalte Dauo's store. Fresh nJ
cured moat. Qenoral delivery
(live It a trial. Huffman & Mar
tin, props. 3-3-tf
Slantoit V Sehuls Up-to-date bar
ber shop, llaths. olgare and Ti
bacco, ladles' aud gents' shoes
shlned by "Shorty." Olve us a
rail at our now place. 375 Court
street. 3-35-lm
composed of massive steel reinforced
arches, carrying the road 25 feet
above the water. With this excep
tion there is no remarkable bridge
work, from the engineering stand
point, on the road. In some cases the
keys are connected by rock fills, in
others by trestles, and a few viaducts
much shorter than the one just re
ferred to. The koys constitute so
much of the road bed that the trav
el or has a sense of being on land
nearly all the time, and therefore
mlmm the sensation which be nat
urally expected to feel when he read
of "going to sea by rail." The road
la really a wonderful one. doubtless
the moet costly one of the same
length ever built, hat to the traveler
who knows nothing of It but what he
sees It is disappointing. Bx.
A plan has been perfected to wid
en the channel through the Lachine
rapids In the St. Lawrence river and
to span them with a bridge.
o . .... -
A Swollen Jaw
Is not pretty nor pleasant. Whether
it's caused by neuralgia, toothaebo or
accident. Ballard's Snow Liniment
will reduce the swelling and relieve
tbo pain. The great and sure cure
for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises,
scalds and and all aches and pains.
All dealers.
AM, rilANOKH of eonr for lll
Kttf Ad tuuit t In The Journal
Office by r, o'clock tb erenlns trtfore
the tlj on vrblrh tbe 1 ! to appear.
Are you going to buy
farm or city proper
ty? Note these:
House and lot on Asylum avenue,
city water, bath, etc., $1400.
Lnrgo house and lot
close In, IG000.
Six noroH, 8-room house, 3 noros
orohnrd, good barn, $17C0.
Elovou nnd onehnlf ncros close In,
good buildings, well Improved
EBTY. Forty uares, 3 miles Snlom, a fine
lilaco, wcl Improved, $7000.
Three hundred nnd twonty-olght
ncrou; 200 ncros In cultivation,
$30 per noro.
Three hundrod and sixty aoros nd
Joining above, $2R per aero.
We have a large list of farms of
Hi sixes and prices mid It will
pay you to Investigate before
Olmsted Land Co.
H7:t State Street Salem, On.
No. 91 47 acres. 1 V4 aoros In orch
ard. IS aoros Ir oultlvatlon, bal
ance In pasture, new 4-room house
and barn, timber will out 400 cords
Price $3200.
No. 73 10 acres, lot $, Capital Ad
dition to Frultland, C-room box
house, good cellar nnd well, bum
10x16. shed 14x40; 400 bushuls
of fruit plaked from 3 norev last
season; this plaee Is well tiled.
Prise $3000.
No. 101 29 aeres, all In oultlvatlon,
3 aoros arehard, good 6-room
house and barn, 2 welM of water,
near sohoal and church; soil for
$3400 or trndo for city property,
tor ins.
No. 34 5-rootn .houso, lot 50x150,
on 13th street. Prlco $800; terms
134 South Commercial Street.
8 lots on the Saleru-Portland car
line, one-half block from station;
96 acres, 50 In oultlvatlon. good 6
room house, barn and outbuildings
20 acres of orchard, prunes, ap
ples, cherries and walnuts, only 5
miles from Salem on crushed rock
road; $60 per acre.
A good 330-aore farm. 170 In culti
vation, 10 aores orchard, spring
water, fair buildings, 5 miles frotc
Salem. $40 per aero. This Is a
good buy, and must bo sold soon,
If you are look lug tr good buya see
A Neighbor of Yours
as well as yourself Is liable at any
time to have rheumatism. We're all
liable to have cuts or burns, bruises
or scalds, crick In the back, neck or
side some kind of an ache or pain.
.Then heed this advice and tell your
neighbors Ballard's Snow Llninent
relieves all aches and pains, and
heals all wounds. All dealers.
Prussia spends about J20.Q00.090!
a year for coal for the state railroads.
CJ - -
For Diseases of the Skin. ;
Nearly all diseases of the skin,
such as eczema, tetter., salt rheum
and barbers' Itch, are characterized
by an intense itching and smarting,
which often makes life a burden and
disturbs sleep and rest Quick relief
may be had by applying Chamber
lain's Salve. It allays the Itching and
smarting almost Instantly. Many
cases have been cured by its U30.
For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug StorO.
How to mark table linen up-et
the gravy.
DeWltt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel
Salve penetrates the skin and heals
quickly. It Is especially good for
piles. It Is sold here by nil drug
Some of Our hpcclnl Bnrgnlns.
200-acrc dairy ranch, now 7-room
house, two barns, 160 In cultiva
tion, part In crop, balance timber,
orchard and pasturo; on good road
two and a half mllos from R. It.
town; only $68 per acre; good
terms. Flno house. A snnp.
Good 11 -room house, fine grounds,
120x120, four blocks from capital.
Bsrgaln for a few days.
New modern "-room house olose In,
Wo have somo of the boat Inside resi
dence lots In the city, only a few
left; also some lots on Installment.
We have somo flno acreage property
for $100 por ncro; close In; n snap.
We have somo vory flno fruit farms,
also timber lands, nnd somo finely
Improved 5 and 10 acre tracts.
Houses to rent.
No. 22 I.ot 50x150 with good G-
room houso. somo small fruit trees
No. 17 Lot 50x100, 6-room house,
oow stud, nnd small garden ;$H.10.
No. 13 2 lots 60x150. b-room house
No. 16 2 lots on oh .80x160. good G-
rooin house. 16 boarlng fruit trees.
No. 43 6 large lots, plonty of oholeo
fruit, good 8-room house, oonorete
Iwsomeiit. full size, new barn:
No. 10 2 aorea. plenty of fruit, tine
good houfte of S rooms, on street
enr lino, n bargain nt futHOO,
No. 33 Small lot and 5-room hoiuo
5 blooks from court house; $K10.
No. 513 lota, all for $'250.
No. 344 gopd lots, oach 50x100
feet, and good S-room house, good
barn, bulldlnga. electric lighted;
plenty of fruit; flue ornamental
trees and other desirable features.
You ought to see this place; $ioo
100 .State St.
$1100 Now 4-room plastored house.
$2250 Modern 6-room house.
$2150 Modorn 7-room house.
$2300 Modern 9-room houso.
$3500 Modern S-room houso.
$1650 5 acres Just ouUldo city lim
its; most all In boarlng fruit with
houso and barn. .
$1600 10 aores of flno land, 3 miles
south on rock road.
$3200 For 20 acres choice land, 3
miles south on rock road.
$3750 For 30 aorta cnorco land, 4 H
miles south, with house and baru.
$5000 For 40 acres choice laud. 4tt
mllea south, house, barn and out
buildings. $15,000 155 acres with flno Im
provements. SH miles out. ouu of
tho beat farms In Marlon county.
flood dairy farms and stock ranches
worth Investigating.
$1100 Choloe lot ou Court stroot.
Building lots In all parts of olty on
reasonable terms.
LUt With Us.
H. A. Johnson & Co.
tmnjifcMiiit)f fiat )
Nlagata, the tried and
proved 32 test Prices on appli
cation. Special No. 2, guaran
teed 30 test, at $6.50 per 10
gallon barrel, full measure at
Salem. Made only by Oregon
Spray & Gas Co., Portland. Or
Hood River Spray Mfg Co.
Hood River, Or. On Sale at
Salem by H. P. Chase, suooas
sor to Chase & Skalfe. Golden
Rule Bazarr, Mrs. B. T Swart,
H I 10 5? i 03
rJIilf fleil9-r
We sell all kinds of staple and Z
fancy groceries, and mill fed
Prompt dellverv Phono u a
X trial order to Main 269
Cor Statesman and asj luai A
) te)f ItKHfrHH-eH-frl
VjJ I '.r lit, ,-r V
.M r
.f rjivvi 's'Upvphp
ii' t. if
A choice 40-ocre flno orchard ol
apples, English walnuts and smnll
fruits, good barn and 4-roon
house, boautlful land, fine spring
water at house and earn; $6000.
A Joe Dandy suburban home of 2f
acres, good Improvements, build -
lags, orchnrd. shrubs and flowers.
Windmill and tank, pipes and fan -
cets In house, yard, stock, etc.
$7600. Seo this home.
Choice 11 ncros, good Improvements,'
house, barn, stock etc., $3000. i
2 choice 5-ncro tracts, 1 1& miles oan
ol Pen. Seo these cheap, nice
homes. Ono C1500, other, witn
stock, etc... $1750.
A splendid tract for prunes ,ad
fruits south of towu.
S.T"c;c!X..,.e."oC.", "
Nlco chicken and fruit tract. 8 ncroa,
2 ml'es out only, $1800; snnp. I
f nrnm in r,,ii. .j i,n,iinn.
U acres in fruits good bulldlngj.
fine rood on car lino, $5500. I
15 acres now land on Portland var
lino. houBO, barn, etc., Just out ot
oltv chenti S3G00 I
oit, cneap, 36uu. i
160-acro dairy ranch on coast, no.-lb
of Slab croek, south of Oretown,1
Tillamook county, for sale or trails
for Salem or Marlon county land
with or without tho jowa; terms If
Some choice tracts for cherry
eharCs south and west.
Some splendid stock and grain farm
In Fox Valley.
A nice 70 acres one mile from rnM-
road depot, school, etc., a bargain,
with good Improvement, bulM-
Ings, orohnrd, otc. I
A good 12-ncro npplo nnd cherry
orchord of 600 troes, new laiiu.
O L mltn. rtitf nnli, IQRnn
New housos for salo chsap on eaiiy
terms. t
Houios for rent at all tlmos, nlso tle
finest lodge rooms and danolng
hall, beat floor In town, smooth aud
nice, also for banquets, supplied
with tables, ehalrs. dishes, ot?;
terms reasonable on both,
(f you want help of any kind or waM
a place, or have any notary woik
to do, roe me for your wants.
It. R. RYAN.
Only a few Iota left on 19th street.
You will have to hurry If yoi gn
one. also 4 lots nt 17th and Stae
3-16-141 1G73 State Street
1 ni Now Located On Court streol,
with Stanton & Schultx, and woult
be glad to see my old customers,
and make as many new ones as I
can by good work and courteaus
treatment. C. W. Ranck,, ah'ner,
better known as "Shorty."
$3000 Elegant 9-room house, porch nearly all around; bath, electric
light, good collar, fine wall of water and force pump; fine barn
and woodshed; all fine rustic and painted; all houses are new; lot
93x174. with choice bearing fruit trees, apploa, pears, cherries and
plums. Must sell at once. A snap.
$2640 Good S-room house on oornor adjoining Lincoln school; lot
63xl40; this property Is well worth $3000; the beat oarner In bloqk;
uust front.
$2500 Good 6-room house, only 1 Vs Weeks from poslofflee on North
Church street, lot 44x16; tat lot Is worth this prleo.
$169 Fine suburban home. 1 mile east of penitentiary; about 1Q0
Blng. Lambert and Royal Ann cheery trees; also family orchard
and l a ore prunes.
407 State, near Dreamland
Is now located at Canby Oregon,
the be3t winter quarters In the North
west for training and developing
young horses. Sam has room for a
few more prospects, either for toe
road or t-ack and would like o
communicate with anybody wishing
their horse trained. Mr. Casio If
conceded to be the best colt man It
the West aad hJs,succesf on v " -tn
track bears out tb'c -Terms
reasonable and i
guaranteed. Addretc
Gold Dust Flour
El" COMPANY, Sidney, Ore
go. . Made for family ue.
k our grocer for It. Ilrai
i fid hor((j ninny on hrtnd.
A Real Snnp on Stntc Street.
Cn" on Bechtol & Mlnton, rooms 7-8
nno "tag., nt once.
, Aro 'ou 8,nK to bulld- " so tn9D
' ' cal1 on Dechtel & Mlnton for 78-
' caHt ,ot- Somo roal bargains.
'If you are looking for a farm call or
wrlto for our list of farmB. Any
number of acres to suit. Some of
the host In the valley. List with
us. We can sell when others fall.
Ilrinm- 7.1 Vtnvnn HM,r
., Slnll.StPlM.f. Snlem. Or.
, . TT
Sovon nnd one-hnlf ncros of upland
MOrtor.nB 0ii deop water lough on
Ynqulnu Bay; all good hind. Prlco
Forty acres, half way botwocn Now-
,ort' 0r alul ToIe'0- 0r- on CO""
ron(,. ono nnd R ,)n,f acrog c,mW
w, wl(h 8nnnty on t. oonsdorabi0
lottoni land; good uldor and vine
maplo on land. Prlco $700.
,,ot 9t Ojock 4G at Soft Rook8 0r;
ftne view of ocean, good level lot.
Price $100.
Seventy-eight acre near Pioneer. Or..
I nil alimmliltt II. It. Iriti'k: liotwnun
seven and eight arrea of Itottom
land on It Is cleared; forty good
boarlng apple trees; good stono
quarry on land near It. It. Price
Two-acre oster bed at Oystor. City.
on Ynuqlna Bay: with this gooa
half aero upland Iota. Prloo $600.
Ten-room house 30x40 feet In slzo
anl IiiiaL f luviil nn Vva nrAAk
. . v . .m. . j
and Olsonvllle sidewalk: houso Is
In fine conditien: good woodshod
aud good water, thin Is a flue prop
osition for a summer hoardlug and
rooming house, as well as a per
manent home Price $3300.
.1. (). OLSSON, Xeuport. Or.
lutpilre nt Journal OHIce,
riiro. M. Barr PIumbLig, ho. '
and steam heating and t'nniag,
164 Commercial street. Phone
Main 192. 9-1-1r
M. J. Petsel I'lumblng, steam and
gas littlng. Successor to Knox ft
Murphy. 226 Commorrlal street
Otto Muellliiiiipt, plumbing, heating,
gas fitting; prlcoa reasonable; work
guaranteed; estimates furnished.
j phone 373. 1066
Chemeketa St
if ou should have a cold, a few
dosos of Kennedy's Laxative Cough
Syrup will act very promptly. Chil
dren especially llko Kennedy's Laxa
tive Couch Svrun. na It tastes so
good, nearlv like maplo sugar. It Is
sold by all druggists.
Phone 857