SECOND EDITION 4 P. M. r" 7t i I l0umal t Aml H i VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL, JoWlNU. MUM, OKIIftON, IMtllU. MA1UI1 2(1, 1000. NO. (. I:FIRST EDITION 3 P. M. flL H fci30pflS3lJpSBr BAY ONGR RtAT NORTHERN HAS ITS EYES ON COOS BAY IUnltl I'rcss l.ici Wirt.) I San Francisco, March 20 P'esl-i dent Lou' V. Hill, of tha Northorn ' i Pacific. Is expected to arrive In this' city late this afternoon to hold a con-i fer-nc with othor oulclnls of tho road from Portland. Seattlo and Ta-i coma tho principal Rtihjeot for dlj- eu-a on It Ib understood, being tno , extension of the company! lino to Coos Day. Mil. with n's party, wm nt mo Paso Hollies Hot Springs last night, and It was his ruportod Intention at that t nip to proceed to tins city to- day The On at Northern ouiclnls In I this cltv -tated. thl afternoon, that, wh.V 11 11 was (ixnocted shortly, ho had ert no me Bin go that ho would arrlvo today, andyjo word had boon I roeowf (rum ofltor olllc'nls of tho road who nre rf ported to be Invited to otetnd the cqufeioiice with Hill ' Particular Interost Is tnkon hero In the projected conference. Inasmuch as P n nv menu the tnk'ng of deflnlti st ps to extend the Great Northern to Coos Day This Is reported o liav been v purpose of the recent THE ALWAYS - Is now showing the latest Spring merchandise in all de par'T.ris. Dress Goods, Silks, Ladies' Suits, Jackets, Srrrg ? i irwry. Here you will find fashion, style and v,i a ity at ihe lowest prices. yTi yi) ef f,n f?L BBBBBV SB JSBT MT a T J 7 - JUT BBT BBBBI jdtT dSBT MV CM w. .- mr-ii i iiniii - mi ii .ti MJfiBflB QUITS ESSIONAL CLASH OVER Incorporation of tho Pacific Oregon Hallway & Navigation Company at Tnconia, a road Bald to bo alllod to the Great Northorn. CROWN PRINCE JUMPS HIS JOB Uolgrado, March 20. Tho belief la Btrong hore today that tho king will accept tho renunciation of Crown Prince George, now that tho cabinet hna docldod that Promlor Novoko vttch lins no authority to accopt tha renuuclntron In vlow of tho unsottlcd conditions, troops have boon summoned to pro tect tho cnpltol from rlotors. IPAIiruz-l Lcrtves flirt IJelilnd. Marseilles, Marcli 2C. Tho Duko D'AbruzzI sailed today for nombay, Indln. from wh'ch placo ho will loavo for the Himalaya on an oxploratlon expedition Many frlonds of tho nnblemnn were nt the plor to bid hltn bon voyage T BUSY STORE Spring Suits In h grand neeortiuent of the latest materlale hiuI jteuuftt up-to-date Hhndee at price you can't beat. Long oouta. satin lined and full flnro uklrtH. Prloes only $9.50, $12.50 $14.50 and up Sprin; ior '2 Millinery I hind itU of the HHtt here to select front In every shape and Mle you hW for. Prleee ver ( aitouable. 51.95, $2.50, S2.95, $3.50 and up Silks and Dress Goods In the big cities of the oast you cannot -x find a more up-to-duto stock of flno dress dross goods and silks than wo can know you Noth ing shown but the newest goods. Silks, yard, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c and up Dress Goods .yard ,25c, 35c, 49c, 59c, 65c and up -" ijfWiWniimairt At' -"" - W" HARRMAN YOUNG WOMAN NAILS THE THIEF t United 1'rcM Leased Wlre.l Portland, Or., March 26. Driven Into the meshe of tho law by n plucky, athletic young woman, a. man giving tho name of P. J. Williams, Is In Jail hero today, suspected of tho theft of $77 from a room occupied by Mrs. P. Fronch, of Daker City, On., who Is on her way to Hedlnnds. Cat., to attend tho funoral of a alstor. MIbh Jessie Malloy Is the young woman responsible for Williams' pros onco behind tho bars. She called on Mrs, French, who had engaged apart ments In a rooming house, while wait lug yesterday for her train to depart for the south, and while absont from tho room for n momont Mrc. French's pockotbook, containing $7T, was taken from tho table. Attor borrowing money with whlc ti to purchnso a tlckot to Kedlnnd Mrs. Fronch waa accompanlod to th,o depot by Miss Malloy. Wbllo re turning to hor homo tho young wo man says she recognized tho man now In Jail as the nnmo porson who sho had soon loavlng Mrs. French's room a momont hoforo tho money wa- inlsrud Wlllinm ran down Third stre 't, followed by Miss Malloy. Ho rn-i Into n saloon, and sho wan right at Mis heola. She solzed him by tho arm and was loading him to tho po l'c station In front of a cheering crowd when n policeman offered as Hlstnnce Williams denies tho charge, hu lip will he hold until Mrs. French returns. SAYS SHE KILLED THREE HUNDRED MEN Samara. Russia, March C. Tho po llco authorities today aro Investigat ing the career of Mmo. Popova. who was nrrestod rerontly on charges of murdering undoslrnhlo husbands by the wholesale The woman Is de clared to hnvo confessed to hnvo killed .100 mon In the Inst .10 years, but the police think she Is exag gerating hor doods. The authorities, ho waver, admitted that the woman will prove probably the greatest murderess in RxiBsInn lilntor Mine. Popova Is declared to havi ald that hor own unhappy f caused hor to concolvo tho Idea of relieving unfortunate wlvos of cruet husbauda. Sho claims to hnvo m copted a smnll foe for each killing, and says that the operations hav boon over a large part of the prov ince of Antrakhan. The police claim that such n enrcor would bo Impossible, as she would have boen dotoctod nt the beginning of her operations KIDNAPERS WILL BE TRIED AT MERCER PltulmrK I'a-. March 2fi. Shr-1 Iff Chess said today that he wouH I take James ll nole and Helen Kalk-f ner. the unman suppoMd to be his wife, who ar. accused of kidnaping nill'e Whltla. to Mercer. Pa tl.U a tt-rnoon Mercer Is the nnuntv ann tr Sharon, the home of the Whltlae. . It In itrolialile thar ilia nt-arlnir of t.oih prlMine-i will come up luiunrrow Potatoes Now U the time to buy pota tiwa as the market is lUblo t iidance We hati wume kwm! choice Hurbanka at a mhmi Hble price and we GIVK 0O I Us lu TUB HU8HKL. No Ihjx ruokot for u bushel, but your full lawful bushel When ion buypotatoejofnsist on J0 lbs for a bushel, no lufw. Order now Garden Seeds With the largest stock In the "city we can certainly pl&ise you Farm Seeds Our specialty. A complete stock of Seed Grain, Clovur and tirM Heed. Carrot. Heel, Thou MHd Headed KIb. Wc. D. A. White & Sons. ttM roinmerrlal St. Phune KID MtfeMpMN RATES IN THE EMERY GIRL DODGED THEM ALL I United Vrtt .CA'cd Wire 1 Portland, Or., March 26. Suc cessfully eluding ovorybody who , sought to Intorvlow thom, Miss Helon Gladys Emery, tho California girl , who Is bont on marrying Qungtto Aokl. tho Japanese dlshwnshor, nc-' companlod by her mother, fled from ' tho Oregon oxprctw during n brief) stop of tho train on tho East Sldo, nt 7 o'clock this morning, rodo about tho city for nn hour nnd a half in a taxlcnb and boarded a train for Tnco mn at 8:30 o'clock. Whllo Mrs. Emery nnd her dough ter wcro on tholr sightseeing tour of , ed on tho floor of tho houso this nf tho city, u-largo crowd was gathorod i tornoon, whon Fordnoy, of Michigan, nt tho union dopot, in tho hope of seeing thom. Whon tho train rolled Into the station groups of mon nnd womon swnrmed around It and anx iously scrutinized ovory pasecngor un til tho last ouo had alighted. It was then lenrned that tho womnu nnd hor daughter had loft tho train Just across tho rlvor. Tho couple Immediately wont to the Sargent Hotol., nearby, whoro they ordered a taxlcab, without botng recognized. Tho drlvor of tho cab says ho ilrovo tho two womon about the stroots of tho city, until shortly hoforo 8:30 o'clock, whon ho was dl roctod by his paBBongar to tnke them to tho union depot. Ho left thom there. No further information could he lenrned at the railway station, but thero Is no doubt that they Immedi ately hoarded a Northorn Pnclllc train for Tacomn. Sonttlo, Wash., March. 2(1. Oun- giro Aokl, tho Jnpnnoo dlshwnshor, who Is ongnged to marry Miss Holon IJmory, Is expected to nrrivo In Ta comn by stonmor olthor today or to morrow. Aokl disappeared In San Snn Frnuclnco last Wodnosday, nnd since that tlmo no traco of tho much tnlked-of Oriental was found until today, whon a Tncoma Japanuso stated thnt Aokl Is coming hore by boat to moot MUs Emery, It Is known that Aokl is not trav eling with MUs Emory and her moth er, nnd It U evident that thoy sout him on to this city by stonmor to prevent their bolng Identified nlong th line The train boarlng Miss Kinoiy and her mother Is schodulod to roach Tn coma at 2:10 this afternoon, but H will occasion no nurprlso It tho wo men are not on honrd when the train arrived. It is llkoly thnt thoy will leavo the train nt some sninll stntlon nonr the city, ns thoy did on ronchlng Portland this morning. Although opposition to the pro posed mnrrlago Is heard on every hand in Tacomn today tho county of ficials doclnre that they can do npth- lllir lint Ibckiu n llrnnin. If It In .In. tnnnded, as tho law of this state does not prevent the Intermarriage of tho race. M0DJESKA MAY LIVE SOME TIME jo Angeled, Cnl., March 20. Madame Modjeeka. the noted PollMi merles u actress. Is improvod In bRlih today, according to tho report mad by her physicians. Madame Modjeeka la suffering from Bright ' dle'e and heart trouble, and there Is but slight chance of hor' ultimate recovery, but she Is making a strong fight, and tln doctors report thnt she may live for Mime time. ' CAUGHT A BIG MUD SHARK Seattle. Wash March 20 - While Ashing for cod off Alkl Point, Waltor Wlllman. la a rowboat today hooked .tn Immense mud shark, and with the aid of a launch, which happened We head, Others y HLXsMMsHHHHHHHHHHMI TO LOVE HILL PAYNE TARIFF BILL PROTECTION NEARLY LEADS TO United 1'rfM Leased Wire. Woshlngton, March 20 A rough nnd tumblo flKht was narrowly avort- , i Uyrd, of MIhsIbIiM'I, clnihcd ovor tho dlscuooton of tho proposed changos In tho lumber tariff, ns ro latod to tho oxlstonco of n lumbor trust. Fordnoy had boon discussing tha tariff for half nn hour, and had boon nsRiillcd by tunny questions about tho lumber trust. Ho donlod thnt thoro wn a lumber trust, nnd finally, on coming Irritated, declared that ho would aiiHwer no more questions along that line. At length, however, ho yollod to who Is an ludlnu, tall, power fill and swarthy, and who Intlmntod clearly that tho mill in Mlslsslppl owned by Fordnoy Is n part, of tho tnust. Fordnoy Hushed and Bhouted; I clnred positively that ills company "That Ib all bunco. You don't know ' wan not a mombor of such nn orgnu n dnmucd thing about It." , !ntlon. In nn Inatnnt Ilyrd wiib springing! A friendly undorntnndlnB; was re townrd Fprdnoy. Ilyrd took- off hln; stored and Fordnoy procoedoil with font, ns ho run Ho ovldontly was In- his nrgumeut. I . to pass near him, tho ugly bob mon - sior wiih lowed 10 mu mniiiHou sireei float, whore, lighting furlouRly, It wn flnnlly lnnded by tho comblnod offorts of 1 1 mon. Tho llsh measured 1 1 feet, 7 Incite, and weighed more thnn 700 liounds. It Is said to ho tho largo't mud shark ever soon In Sound wntorn hore. Push nub Meet Tho Knst Salem I'usli Club will hold Its regular meeting this avonlng In tho Congregational ohtiroh, corner of 10th nnd Kerry streets. Coino nnd bring aflino ono with you. Thoro are a few who hnvo not yot Joined the club. Urgo thom to to mo out nnd bocoino members. I LADIES WATCH THIS SPACE Wc will have something interesting to tell you TOMORROW. Our IturnoHM aro In a claws by thuiuseUfs. They are made to lust We do not try to see how cheap wu oun nmku (hum. but how good. We have put fort h wars of study In making flrst-cliisti liar ii wu, using nothing but the best of leather, and wu fool satis fied wu can soil you n better Imrtiese for lee money Hinn any of our competitors, us wu are lit it position where wy win do It. Oth ers w rei'i: we oolloct rent Who can sell the cheapestt 0 E. S. Lamport Saddlery Co. 1MM NOHTI1 COMMKIICIAL hT Toil) Viuri. In the HuiiM' lluliU'-- In .nlciu CALLING THE POLICE tont upon a sovoro strugglo, but sor ornl momborB blocked his way aal Burroundod him. With tho way cut off, Ilyrd paced tho floor In nn open opneo, with clenched fists, shaking his head, ap parently dotormlnod to hnvo tho mat tor out thon and thoro. In u row minutes tho MUalaalpplnn recovorod hi composure nnd roturnol to hla eoaf. Thon followed oxplnnntlons. Ford noy snld If ho had boon discourteous ho wIbIioiI to wlthdrnw his remarks, tin nxnhilned (lint thoro was grout provocation. Uyrd donlod that he hnd snld that tho Fordnoy mill was a niombor of tho trust. Ho asBoirttfif thnt n government Investigation hud shown the oxlntouce of tho trust, nnd that ho merely nskeil whothor Ford noy'B company was a mombor. Ford noy denied nny knowledgo of such n Kovornment lnvoiitlgntlon, and de- PQUR CHILDREN BURNED TO DEATH I (lulled I'm l.inl Wlr.) West Shoffar, Quoboc, March 30 Word wns rocolved horo today that four olilldron woro burned to donth Into yestordny afternoon near Iron Hill, when tho farm houso of Ilonty Hvoretl wiib doHtroyod by llro Tho mother had left tho olilldron, two Klrls nnd two boy, ranging; In from 7 to 3 years old, nlono In tho houso while she visited n neighbors homo. Firo stnrtqd In boiuo unknown way and when the woman returned tho found the bodlo- of her olilldron burned to a orlsp In thu ruins. Imitate v