DAJJA CAPITAL JOURXAI BALZM, OREGON, THURSDAY, 3IA1ICII 25, 1009. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. IIOFIJU, Kdltor and I'rojirktor Ia4pw(lot J'ewijifw Derated to Aaerica 1'rlnelpJe J -tbe Vtov&M an! iMri'lopcoeot of All Drejoa. j PiWtfc4 Krerjr Urealng KzofH Hwn-lar, fla, Ore. HtHHCItHTiON UATKB. (JOrtrUttr Is Adraee.) tfidlr, bj carrier, f rer l(M Pr awata... . &M liJr, by tniJI, jf rear. .- ifl Per raotb Ma tffrltlr, by mU, f yf- ..... .....( Six bpmOh 40 v MAKE FRUIT DISPLAYS. ;umqHJgffirA?En BIG SATURDAY AT SALEM. if the woather keeps fair there will be big croyds In Sa- lerri Saturday. Farmers are pretty well up with spring work and WILL TAKE TIME TO COME TO TOWN. I The ladies and the children need spring hats and tilings, The time has come to buy the new suit of clothes and lighter shoos "In the spring a young man's fancy LIGHTLY TURNS TO THOUGHTS OF LOVE." Did you ever think how much business is produced by that little word love? Jane will be in Saturday to buy a new hat with a flower garden on it, JOHN WILL BLOW HIMSELF FOR A SCARLET FOUR-IN-HAND. , J With fine woathor Salem will be full of people Saturday, Seme of the restaurants will have to Wre an oxtra hand. Barbors will have to put on extra chairs. Stlom will be a busy place Saturday if the sun shines. o- THE GALLOWAY DECISION. Under the decision of Judge Galloway almost any kind of repairs to a building may be made in the fire limits, A groat many people have been deprived of revenue IN THE PAST BY THE FIRE LIMITS. Many old shacks have been loft standing because they could not bo replaced with anything but a fireproof building, THESE OLD EYESORES CAN NOW BE REPLACED WITH DECENT CORRUGATED IRON STRUCTURES. Tho fire departments everywhere fight corrugated iron buildings, Thoso structures should tako the place of the old moss covorod shantios and be LIMITED TO ONE STORY. Judge Galloway's decision opens the way to an Improved condition of tilings and thoro ought to be action by tho oity council along those linos, -. ,, SUBSIDY PLAN OF PUBLICITY. Somo oastorn cities are adopting tho subsidy plan of pub licity, It is as follews: THEY OFFER CASH SUBSIDIES TO ENCOURAGE NEW ENTERPRISES AND MANUFACTURES. Tho offer is made to pay a certain percentage toward es tablishing industties, Suppose two hundred men and women at Salem joined in a note for $200,000 bearing no interest, TO BE USED AS CASH SUBSIDIES. Then advoitise $200,000 cash subsidios hung up, A man comes along who wants to establish a $50,000 furnlttiio factory, After investigation by a competent committee the city OFFERS HIM A CASH BONUS OF $10,000. Now lot us see how it would work, A cition who had gone on the subsidy note of $200,000 FOR $1000 WOULD PAY $50. if the $10,000 casii furniture factory subsidy was paid as fast as the factory went up the subscriber would pay $12,50 a month for four months, HE WOULD SEE IMMEDIATE RESULTS FOR HIS IN VESTMENT. Suppose tho city nave $20,000 cash subsidy toward an $100,000 hotel, Tho $1000 subscriber would pay $25 a month for four months WHILE THE BUILDING WAS GOING UP. If ho was in any kind ot business in the town he would got his money back in civic pride and moral satisfaction, No money would bo paid out that was not immediately put IN CIRCULATION IN THE COMMUNITY. As tho Apostlo Paul said to his hearers, "Think on these things," In place of ndvoi Using fot moio people we would be ad vertising for moro Industiios TO EMPLOY THE PEOPLE WHO ARE ALREADY HERE. Peonlo will lonvo a city, be it ever so attractive, when thoy find no employment, DIDN'T IT PAY TO SUBSIDIZE THE SALEM WOOLEN MILLS? Would it not pay to subsidize othor industries? a-.. -. -.... Senator Fulton has not yet landed the office ho had cre ated for himself. In quo sense he was not consurable, Thoy nil do it down at Wash,, D. 0., and Taft finds himself facing an awful doficlt which tho tariff lords make an excuse to wring now subsidios and giafts out of tho people. o If Salem pioporty owners are wise thoy will not neglect to build that fair grounds boulevard, Tho farmer nogloctod to put a lock on the barn door until tho horse was stolon. Spring Is horo and tho hats aro more bewitching limit evor, rv. Salem merchants will do well to make a great deal of dis plays of fine fruits and vegetables, The dry goods stores have iong since learned to make show window displays THAT ADVERTISE THE TOWN. In the same manner pyrain ids of apples and oranges will do a great deal to draw trade and help business, One of the sights of the large cities is the shows of fruit on certain streets THAT ARE WORTH GOING TO SEE. It does not pay to show any inferior fruit in a fruit coun try such as ve have the reputation of being, They are learning in California that it does not pay to send away all THE FINEST ORANGES IN THAT COUNTRY. So in a fruit country the fruit stores should make a we cialty of fruit displays fruit of all kinds. Ten dollars additional spent for fruit in a week to make a fine window display WOULD BE A GOOD INVESTMENT. The Board of Trade could well afford to give a good cash prize for the merchant who aets up the best fruit display during any week. O- Marron county was almost alone in not raising the county tax levies. But other levies were raised and so wefe the valuations. o Why not postpone all the celebrations until we turn on the mountain water,, and then all get full on that? o South Salem wHI score a great step of progress by grad ing and graveling thole mudholes called streets. Wen, that Portland spurt to move the caeto! was short lived. Watch Salem grow and help a little. SUBMARINES WILL HAVE WIRELESS Seattle March IJ - Tb two aub taarta tor which tb contract for bnlMIn- waa r-intl) lt by the for-rnt-at to Moras Brothers of Se attle, will be ejaippa with IlieUmi wli of wlrabMM taKfpk laatrv menu. Wlretaaa lastniaMau for that MMlw-waiw craft Mtwt be of pwNltar mK. Tbe ooadtttoM which a aabmarliM boat Mint otim ihmK are anch that the mot 4M mielr aU)Ntd aa4 moat ahlllfallr wiiwtrucu! aitpanttNM I mtemmrr- OwInk to tMtf fuel that the aab iimrlnwi eaunot Kcwtmwtodatti large Mini iHiwerfiil apparatus it hi Hew aarr to fit tha boat, with lmtnimHU! of the same Hyatein mm the land ata tloim iw -o- DEUTSCHER VEREIN S0NNTAG DEN 28TEN Der Dtfutache Wrln von Salem Hat) UuiagH(l hnwlt oln rlinHe- ge MuHHtllche VurnHinmlung, -ISO KUtttt Sir.. SoRHtaK NachmlttaK don ISteu Maarz. 1:80 p m. All Mil- gtala lml araucnt anwtwentl zu te'n. uhI to vial hm .MItgllmler wle Moagllch mltzuhrlNNBH. Dla 1'rHa ol wlr tiaaera elgana Halle batten ol- Im win! ftufganomraen untl o- BfuprecNOtt hiuI aln eotuutlttea vorge chlagttH. WM. UUMUUHO. 8cy 3-SS-St Polw'8 Iiorm ami Tar euras uttghM (Nle;ly. Htrttngtlians tha Iuiiks and wxpaW (Miluf,. flat tlia Kannlne Im yallow r.flkaij9. J. C I'orry. RUNAWAY HORSE DASHES INTO TRAIN Krctl l.lnlaf auU MIm Clara Llnd- of Central!) autl Mlaa Anna HainiMi of XapatlUf w.-if burlml iuto the renter of a uiong trwln at tVn iralla. Waah.. Vwdnta4a evening at I; 10 Mlaa llaluea naa killed. Mlaa Undaey waa reatlaretl Inaenalble and aevarely brulaad and Mr Lladaey waa badly ahaaea up and anatalaed aer mi brnfcea. The aorae waa iujuretl ao badly that It will have to be abut. The rig waa ahattarad into fragment. Difficult " Brea' ing Shor ' at:, fluttering, IMOpitu .), su.ing spells are syuij 'tonus ( weak lHStrt,' stnirglin" to do its work. Jt hir.;t kepp tho blood in eir r.lation to carry nouri'.iii.ent to make flel), bone and mus cle, and rtMno e the worn out par'i.les. When it cannot do this, it must have help. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Kives strength to the heart nerves and muscles, and increases the heart action. "I m k)r! k, toy that I am m rawb ImprovMi in ixiilth Jr. MUw,' ftart m Cur eurttS t w,i, ral dnr 1 4- rail,,. I t' jc tio Miit nniiin could do foi i luil I.' .-t Cure lad done. My r "" " bad aa t ceuhl Im at tin I dlBU-uliy In retting wv It. i rr. t tn tw.U o fajit ut ltmut i .i I nought It Im poMlble to I . ( rHt: 'he pain Yfa r my IWt 'l, ana my -r - i i u-mrun Coughs That SacK Little Lungs should be stopped immediately with a reliable cough remedy. Otherwise they may perma nently weaken the lungs and cause untold harm. To D. Jaine's Expectorant is known L mother? all ovc Uc vorld as a safe and effective remedy for Coughs and Colds. It has likewise bc.cn successfully employed in cases of Croup, Fleurisy, and kindred ailments for three-quarters of a centur'. Your druggist sells it in three size bottles at $1.00, 50c and 25c. Dr. D. jayne's Tonic Vermifuge is a safe and reliable medicine for expelling worms. W V W I W t I VI VlllilWI Vf had almuat p. -u . ..I b,.pe of bolnpf eurfd. and I urn ur I woukt not. If I had not t-i- i'. lfTrl Cur. 1 take i?rt i.lr - lit, Jtiuaa rrnift tr with tuwrt ,' " illlH .MU.i in 1 1 o,nmm)lm ii all wlw iu(. ' 1 1. Ml I.Kit. Sillivnti. Mo. A small bank account Is givon tho sanrc caroful at tention by our officors as o laigo ona, Wo Invito you' business, Capital National Bank Cj1HI S7.VKM Surjilu Ai nillits tuirnrtl . $UA,tHU J. II. AllHrt, I'rvvolilonl. K, M. Crlu. Vice ltv. Ju, II. Albert, CnUilcr. Or. Milts' Hrt C-irt It ioUt by rour druuot, vkio mi guarantee That ha flrit Tattle i t -' t If It failt a will rtfund cjr uiwi.. Miles Medic?) Co., Eikhart, Ind N'lght on IluM Mountain. On a lonly night Alox. Denton, of I'ort Bdward, N. Y., climbed DaH Mountain to tho homo ot a nolghbor torturod by nttlima, bont on curlnj hire with Dr. King's New Discovery, thnt had eurad hiiniwlf ot nsthma. TlU wonderful inftdlclno soon re Utmal and quickly cured hit neigh. Uor. Latr It cured hit son'a wit of a Mvara lung trouble. Mllltour believe It l the greateat throat and lung eure on earth, coughs, coldn. craup, UamorrhaRea and soro U1H3. are surely eured by It. Dcat for hay fever, grip and whooping cough, 50c nad 00. Trial bottle trco. Qua' antccd by J. C. Perry. ' -o -9i9i99Mf9i9 ! SALEM BREWERY ASSOCIATION Beer Sold in Carload Lots. Shipments in Kegs or Bot tled Beer to any Point on the Pacific Coast : : : : II Brewing Plant and Offices II ;; On Trade St In Wholesolc District Salem, Oregon ; ; ! Wf ifrrtf Ut IDHH l ! ! 18 f Hi KUi E. ECKERLEN Wholesale Family Liquor Store 144 Commercial St. Free Delivery Phone 103 wasKSgas 1 1 iMimaM fsxwmpmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHm Nurovry CoiiiMiii)liicurKnilo .noi nit Km V J Hupfri. H E rtlclea uf iur)i iration of t)u-s Pusni.s .,n.l K.. I smnli The in in Uiu Niuacrx rom'un wt-re filed 08- 1 41 ffi. t th, ih-h tumpan Is In tudav wih flu tnin ihxt in S 1. .,nd 'h i,i.ital stotk Is 5vuv J. W. Feathers and W. T, Dorranc ! of Woodburn are In Salem to locate SSfitybodys gazwe THE GAME GETS YOU You kimplv tan"t Wat Wall Street. E en if you gucs rijfht part of the time, the commis sions and interest charges cat you up. fat )ur mmty wtt ymr auw huiinm. Ami iMty the April KVERY BODY'S. Thr?s a good invoitinont. For ale b)-- II. Wiirut Ji Oo. Couinicroitil ltook Storw. (I. W. inuttaiu. l'attou ltroa. MR. FARMER Times have changed from when you were a boy, Progres sive people deposit their money in a gaod bank, They pay their bills by check. Lots of reasons why you should have a bank account with UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK S.VI.KM, OREGON. Come in tlw mt time ou art' in town ami let us talk it oer with )ou. Capital 8100,000 Surylus $ 10,000 J. V. UOtUiltS, lrvidtnt. K. V. HAZARD. Ca.shl-r. i J. kr .nmxs'