- DAIIjY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAIICH 1M, 1009. .' J' I I S MRS. CLARENCE MACKAY URGES CO-OPERATION OF THERICH AND POOR (Special to Capital Journal.) Now York, Mnrch 23. -Discussing thu world movement toward woman's suffrage, .Mm. Clarence Muckny, so olal '.eitdtr, club woman and wife of ono of A morion's richodt inun, tubes up tlio cudgels for her lee fortunate slstsra in the following characteristic manner: "It 1h pathetic," she declare, "to think that thoro Hliould he mi divi sion of reeling between th woman who hivr leisure and the women who hare none "Here they nr, divided, as It war. by .1 KKnt sheet nf crystal. Tlisy are iifiit together, nrul yt thy are ao H'liniiitfd that. while those on the on Midc (Mtt see thoae on the other, the c "Hioi nr them, or apeak to them i right i understand them." Mix .,,! u;. . who In irai(tant of the K'iuhI Franchise Society, la the mot" prominent wo in nil In America te N' "im ihf cause of women's suf frage, ond In the April numbci of Miiusay'n .Magazine aim discusses froel her reasons for actively taking the f l hi fin equal enfranchisement "iliy."Mrs .MnrkHV ilerhiri'M in my mind the real Importune- of kIv CLASSIFIED ADS AND REAL ESTATE SECTION KOIt HA LIS For Hl5 A flrst-clusi socond-hnnd buggy, cheap. Inqulro at Jourinl offlco. 3-lC-tf For Halo Puro bred IJnrrod Ply mouth Rook eggs for Halo, 1C for GO contB. W. 13. Ilunn, 1720 Loo otreot. Phono 1C2S. 3-20-1 w For Hnlo (J-room hoitso, 8 lota, hnrn, chicken Iioiiho nnd pnrks, fruit mill horrlos; good well. TorinB. 2201 Loo Htrodt. 3-233t For Kiilo lOggii It. It. 1. It. (Itoao comb Ithodu IhIniiiI Iteils); bst or nil; $1 per Hotting of IK oggs. Cor. iter M anil Kriy. PIioiim 0(10. 3-iS-awk 1'or 8ali 22 nuros In Polk county, I M tiillos Hoiithwoat of Halom, ncroa In cultivation, 8 aoroa In grain, 2 nuros Htrnwhorrlos nnd fruit truoti, house, burn and poul try hotinos; will sell nil or part, P. Hondry, R. V. I). No., Snlom. 3-32-aw Wood for Halo Kir wood, olthor I foot largo nr aawod. Capital Im provouiant Cy. Polum I I. 22-lwk For Halo Now 7-riHim hoiiso, price HBO, 1 100 iiash ISall on tlmo; If cash, will do better than that. (Jail at 1 IS8 AMU st. M-IK-lwk For Halo A few apple trees and grape vine at a bargain. Oall nt 67S North Coiiuuerolwl street. a.aat- For HjiIo I fresh cows, $)! and up. Muet It sold soiio. W, II. Duucnn nJ6 H. 12th st. Phone 1171. 3-aa-lwk FOR IIKNT Fir ltMit lCllnger Grand Thoatrq, with or without lUtunu, and tlx turos for sale. M. lCllugor. Phone 34. 3.2-tf For Ittuil- lfour furnlshml linusa keeping rtMiiu at 711. corur if Kuurteenth and Lealte 8ts luiiulre at Yew Park Store. 3-ID -St Nlcoly FuulNlietl H.miiih With boatM strlstly nrst-olasa. At ITS SUte street. 3-4-tf Tho lluoly lintUliml bedroiiuis, fur Ingle geNtleuivu, at i apiece, la nuiro at 110 N Krout at. S 18-1 wk tir Rent PurulslieU konMkeplng roc'iiiB 115 Oourt st. Pnone 641. a at-at lr Hmit Furnished housekeeping rooms. A Hi South OoMtmweinl stteet. S-SS-at 1'or Root Seven-room house, la good repair modem twiirovvweuta; guotl looaUoa. Phone I (U. No. Ml Korth OhMreh stiet. S-aS-at A SullHltlu Rominl to the finder of toWMUttH pa. aupiMWMl to have Ismm left lu the J our Hal or poat- orrio. i-aitf HjHHilal NoiUhk I havo UM lulortMttl bi' tevrl of my oMatowers that It U ropurtetl I am gnlHg to leavo Salotu and move my aioak to lort ml. I now gtx-e nuUee to my cua tomara aud whom It may eoiiwrn, I lHlad to do bneltteiai at the name eld aUHd for year to mome, so fav as I kimw. but will lvo due uotloa of a Hi1 ohHB W. A. Irvlu, gro cor. eomor Court and Comuterttlal stroeui a-aa-tf Wrngcr V Ctierrliigtou Planoi and organ iojd on oavy tortus; tol. phnuo 1187t 347 Comtnerrfsl RlrAAf. RaImih fr&tn I lng women votes would ho found In thlB that n multitude of practical questions now loft unheeded would ho taken up and solved. "Wo must boo our opportunity. Thoro nro filthy streets nnd frightful tonomonta to ho mndo cloan and wholesome. Thoro nro schools which educate tho children of the women of today, and these need constant care. 'I bore Is tho Injustice and thu oppres sion suffered by thoae women who havo to mako n living for themselves. "It Is such a mistake to fancy that women who havo leisure ami money are Indifferent and frivolous. Noth ing In the world could be less true." Mrs. Alaokay not only defends the women of the "too," bat polnttt out tr.any ways In which woman of all classes can work toward civic better ment through the agency of the l .1 lol box. Being a leader In the moat exclus ive social elrelea or America, Mrs. Waukay's attitude has attracted wide spread attention. She first startled her friends by standing for election and defeating her opponent some yearn ago In Hie school board -ec-tlons at Itoslyu, l-oii Island, where the MHCkii) roil lit T heme U located Since that lime Airs. Miikn ha tak en a keen InteicHt In political mat li-IH WANTED Wuntl lIoufHcecpor, with or with out chlldron,, to enro for homo iu liimbor camp. Wngos ronflonnblo. Inqulru nt thlu olllco. 3-23-3t lloivnlei-H ntroot. WnnlcHl At 578 St'ito 3-tf-lm Wmi-l 26 inon, hop yard work. Krobs llros., IMiHh-Ilroymnn build ing. Phono 121, 3-lfi-tf Wonted Common laborers, nnd ono i-Htuhnt touder or Hotter; work on sawmill. Sail lOUfi N. Movunteeiitli at., Malum. .1-22-31 M'HjWLLANtjOUH Tho Klkheud Haloiiii-JrTmr&TJoaH Props. (Hiicuwwoih to W, It. An durmiu) lii Commorclal Ht. I.lip uorx ami clgarH of the heat hrandu. 3-lt)-3iiio IIUTTKRNUT RIIKAU. It Is worth moro than any other luend, yot tho prlco Is no higher. For snlo nt your grocers. CALIFORNIA HAKICRV, TlioiiuiN M Cooley, Props. Why not rond work to tho laundry that doea not AIANULIC It to (ilecea. where your eMids aro paid for If lost? Highland Hand laundry. Phone loa. 13 IW Currant Ave. a-28-lino (J. V, Holler To nutter, general Job work, garden phi whig and harrow lug. hatiafaetlou guaranteml. ao in Trade st. a-32-.1t DRAY.MKN FiiiiitiiliiM llnvN.' TmiiNfiT Company All kinds of transfer work done Furniture and piano bxod roady for shipment. Prompt aorvloo Is our motto Stand nnd onlco at 2fi3 Sooth Commercial street Phono 210. RoNlduuue Phono llutto .V Wcndei-otli pine wines Ilquora and cigars. We hnadlt the celebrated Kellug and Castle whiskies. Cuol aud rofreahtag boor constantly on draught. Souta Conimuroliil street 0-3-lyr. I-Hir Haltv (50-aore farm, 40 aoros In hop, one-half mile from Oragoa elaotrle line. 11 miles north of ga lem. $1000. House and 4 lata u llth street. $1700. J. Knight Murphy block. tljtlo Unit. lUtvtrlr Co. Wtotrle aupuMe sad Dret-elaaa wiring at reasonable prlom. Call at oar olltoe for eetlmatea. Phoae 4i 143 N. Uberty street. 1-U-tf Otto Miudllmupt, plumbing, heat lag. gaa fitting, prlcee reasonable; work guaranteed; eetlmatea furnish), phoae 878. loss Chemeketa St. 8-17U If Vim Want Your eolloelMHa made promptly, leave your accounts wlta W. D. Smith, room 1. over Uuh Unnk. 3-0-lin CNmcrt'to Work Qet my urtcs oa slUewalk. curbs. petk tanks aud cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed Hrst elass. M Ward. 21TS Maple A- . HlghlnaJ Phoae $09 May 34-09 HALM.M WATER COMPANV" OFFICE CITY HALL For water ervlce apply at offlc Hills payable monthl la sdvana.' The Soutli Salem Meat Market, ou IKHlte nauo'a storo. Frsh nd cured mat General delivery (live It a trial. Huffman & Mar tin, props, S-3-tf Itnco Suicide, as President Itooscvelt calls it, Is not nearly tho monaco to Increase In pop ulation that deaths among Infants nro. And eight out of ten of those deaths are directly or indlroctly caused by howol troubles McGee'a Baby Hllxlr cures dlurrhooa, dyson tery, sour stomach nnd till Infant nil menta of this nature. Just the tiling for teething bablea. Price 25 and 50c. All doalors. A large section will be devoted to exhibiting oysters. "My three year old boy was badly constipated, had a n'gh fever and was In awful condition. I gave htm two doses of Foley's Or! no Laxative and the next morning the forer was gone and he was entirely wall. Foley's Orlno Iaxat!ve saved his lift." A. Wolkush. Caaimer, Wis. J. G. Parry. o- The Marlon county Sunday Sabool Association meets at Salem April IS. o in oiJur to have good, healthy, perfect digestion keep your stomach well b taking ICodol for dvspepMa nnd Inillgfutlon occasionally fust whon you need It Pleasant to take hold by all drugglsti NOTICE! AM. CIIANOnS of copy for Itenl Otiitc AiIn nitiit lio In The Journal Office by 0 o'clock tho pvcnlni: before the iliiy mi which thu nil In to nppenr. . A, .... r,nn It..., f niu yuu 5UI115 iu uuy farm or city proper ty? Note these: House and lot on Asylum avoiiuo, city water, hath, otc, $1 100. Large bonne aud lot 132xlGG, clone In, $0000. Six auroH, 8-room house, 3 acres orchard, good bnru, S1750. Klovon nnd ono-lialt aeros closo In, good buildings, w 11 Improved $3000. HOME KNAPS IN FARM PROP ERTY. Forty uores, 3 miles Salem, a fine plnco, wol Improved, $7000. Three hundred and twenty-eight nuros; 200 aeros lu cultivation, $30 pur acre. Three hundred aud sixty acres ad joining above, $25 per acre. We have a large list of farms of al else aud prices and It will pay oii to Investigate before buying. Olmsted Land Co. :i7:t Slate Street Salem, O10. ItlUL ItSTATE. No. 11 47 ncroa, IH aeros In orch ard, IS sores in cultivation, ImI anee lu pasture, new 4-room houao and tmrti, timber will out 400 cords Price $3200. No. 73 10 screw, lot S, Cnpttnl Ad dition to FrulUund, 3-roam box house, good cellar and well, baru 30x86. shod 14x10; 100 bushels of fruit picked from 8 acres last season; this plaoe Is woll tiled. Price $aooe. No. 101- ao aeros. all In ealtlvaUeN, a aeres orehard. good l-roow house and bam. a welts of water. near school and ehaireh; soil far $1400 or trad for city property, term. No. at-l-room houee. lot ftOxlSR, on lath street. Price ; terms &WAOH HIIHRIIN, iai tenth OomueroUU Street. NOTE THESE S lota o the Salem-Portland Mr Urn, one-half stock from ataitoa; . $'91. aeros. 10 In ettltivntioa. good . room honao. ham and ontWalkUara a acre of orehard. prnnea, up plea, cherries ami walnut, only 3 miles from Salem oa eraohed rook ruad; $$0 pec aero. A KOl aat-aer farm, 170 In auHI vatloa. 10 aeraa arahard. aprlaf water, fair hHlhllnga, S mites froK Salem. $40 per aero. This U a gootl hay. and must he sold toon. If )tm are hniWlng tr kihhI txiys w DERBY & WILLS0N A Neighbor of Yours as well as yourself Is liable at any tlmo to have rheumatism. We're all liable to havo cuts or burns, bruises or scalds, crick In tho back, neck or side some kind of an ache or pain. Then heed this advice ond toll your neighbors Dnllnrd's Snow Liniment relievos all aches and pains, and honls all wounds. All doalors. -o A bit of very old pagan philoso phy; "the day that Is not well lived I not lived at all." 1 1 A Swollen Jmv la not pretty nor pleasant. Whether It's caused by neuralgia, toothache or aeoldent, Ballard's Snow Liniment will reduce the swelling and relieve the pa!n. The great and aure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises Mcnlds and and all aches and pains All dealers. o There was another ducking Inci dent at th University, according to minors, Friday night. Some time some on els going to get hurt at oue of these function!. o DeWitt's Cnrbolised Witch Han I -!ale penetrates the skin nnd heal mlrklv It Ik especially good foi ,illn It Is sold he.e by all drug ClHtfl REAL EhTATE. Some of Our Special Itiirgalii. 200-acrc dairy ranch, new "-room house, two hams, 100 lu cultiva tion, part lu crop, balance timber, orchard aud pasture; on good road two and a half miles from It. R. town; only $158 per acre; good terms. Fine house. A snap. (lood 1 l-room house, flue grounds, 120x120, four blocks from capital. Ilurgnlu for a few days. New modern 7-rooin house closo lu, $2200. We have some of the best Inside resi dence lots lu the city, only a few left; also aoiuo lota on Installment. Wo have some fine acreage property for $100 per acre; closo lu; a snap. We have some vury fine fruit farms, also timber lands, nnd some finely Improved t nnd 10 ucro tracts. Houses to runt. A. C. SMITH Ai CO. Jnu STATE ST. FOR SALE. No. 22 Lot BOxlBO with good 6 room house, soma small fruit trees Siwo. No. 17 Lot 60x100, 8-room house, cow shed, aud small garden ;$H.10. No. 122 lots 80x180, -room house No. li 2 lots each BOxlBO. good 8 room house, II bearing fruit trees. ,H700. No. I a 0 Urge lota, plenty of choice fruit, good 0-room house, concrete basement, full also, new barn: siiritio. No. 10 2 acres, plenty of fruit, fine good house of S rooms, on street car line, a bargain at $itHxi. No. aa Small lot and R-room house B blocks from court house; $0.10. No. 1 1 a lota, all for $i!3t. No. a I I good kit, each 10x100 feet, and good S-room house, good hern, buildings, electric lighted; plenty of fruit; fine ornamental trees and other desirable features. You ought to see this place; !fl(l(t SCIUltV. Av IIAH'ILICTt' j mo stuto St. PICK YOFtt CHG1CIK. ! $1100 New 4-room plastered house1 $aa0 Modern -room house. $2110 Modern 7-room house. attOO Modern 0-room house. taSuO - Modern a-rooiu hous. II l uores Just outsld slty Us lu; moat all lu beariag fralt with house and baru. $1090-10 acres of fins laud, S miles south bm rock rosd. $$! lor to serss eholoe laud, a mUst soath ou rosk road. $1710 for 10 usr shofos land. 4 fc mthM south, with house nnd hum. $0000 For 40 acres chote luud. 4 k miles south, house, bars aud out- bulMluga. $11,000 15ft acres with flu Ian provejueau. 0W miles out. ouo of tho host farms la Mnrfcm souuty. Qoojl dslry farms aud stoek runehss worth tuwuUuutiug. $1100 Choke tot on Court stress. BulhllHg tots In all parts of elty ou reasonable terma. ldt With Us. H. A. Johnson & Co. MURPHY HLK. S.LKM, ORE. eVuHfu04tJ i ? LIME-SULPHUR SOLUTION Nlagairf. tho tried and Z pioed 32 tes' Prices on nppll- Jf i cation. Special No. 2, guaraa- j , teed 30 teat, at $6.50 per 50- g cnllon barrel, full measure at 2 i Salem Made only by Oregon IL Spray & Gns Co., Portland, Or. Hood River Spray Mfg Co. J Hood River, Or. On Sale at 2 Salem by H. P. Chase, suoca- 2 sor to Chase & Skalfe. Golden 1 Rule Bazarr, Mrs. D. T. Swart, T proprietor. M8C900--:W-3 J ASYLUM AVENUE STORE We ell all kinds of staple and fancy groceries, and mill feed. Prompt delivery. Phone us a ? f trial order to Main 269. 2 J .1. .1. K.VfiLICHAUT, Prop, t 9 Cor. Statesman and Aslum Av. & cv-f9-fH-e-e-e&-t-H-$-i--f CfflCHEgTERSPILIsS & ' r 1 ' r ';irRF i TRIO LATEST RAHGAINS. A cliolco 40-ocro flno orchnrd of tipples, English walnuts and small fruits, good bnrn and 4-ro-jn hotiso, bonutiful land, flno spring wntor at house nnd earn; $6000. A Joo Dandy suburban homo of 20 ncroa, good Improvements, build ings, orchard, shrubs and flowon. Windmill nnd tank, plpos nnd fau cets In homo, yard, stock, otc, $7600. Soo this home. Choice 1 1 acres, good Improvements, house, bnrn, gtock etc., $3000. 2 choice 5-nore tracts, 116 miles oast of Pen. Soo those choap, nice homes. Ono C1G00, other, with Btock, otc, $1750. A splondld tract for irunos tind fruits south of towu. G3 ncroB, good Improvomonts, lle-j rond, otc, cheap, $10,000. Nlco chickon and fruit tract, 8 acres, 2 nillos out only, $1800; snap. 13 ncros In fruits, good buildlngj, flno rond on car lino, $0500. 15 ncros now land on Portlnad 'iir lino, hotiso, bnrn, etc., Just out ol city, choap, $3500. 100-acro dairy ranch on coast, no.'tb of Slnb croek, south of Oretown. Tillamook county, for snlo or trada for Salem or Mnrlon county land, with or without the cows; terms If .tvd.reil. Some choice tracts for cherry or chards south and west. Sows splendid stock and grain farm In Fox Valley. A nice 70 acres one mile from rn'l road depot, school, etc.. a bargain, with good Improvements, bull-lings, orchnrd, etc. A good 12to-aere apple aud cheer orchnrd of 500 trees, new laud, 2t miles out, only $2500. New bouses for sale cheap on easy terms. Houses for rent nt nil times, also the finest lodge- rooms and dancing hall, best floor In town, smooth aud nies, also tor banquets, supplied with tablss, chairs, dishes, etr; terms reasonable on both. If you want help of any kind or want a place, or have any notary woik to do, res ms for your wants. R. R. RYAN. Only a few lots left on llth street. You will bare to hurry If yeu gn one, also 4 lots at 17th and ta.i street. It LU1TON, l-H-Ut 1078 State Strett ' o A l'lnt Phytic, Wbes you want a pleasant phyr give Chamberlain's Stomach and Llv er Tsblets a trial. They are m Id and gentle in their action, and al ways produce a pleasant cathartl effect. Call at Dr. Stoae's Drug Store tor a free sample. LIST WITH US SKU OIR NEW OFFICE 40000 Klegaat 0-room house, parch nearly all areund: hath. ectrlc laght. goad collar, fine well of water and foroe puatm; fluu burn ud woodshed; til flue rustic and painted: all houses nro nw; tot 01x174. with choW hearing fruit trees, apple, pmr. ehwrMS aud plums. Must sell ut once. A snap. 1 2 0O0 Oood a-room housS ou earner adjotulug Uusolu -rhunl: lot 00x1 10; thin property Is well worth $0000; tho hssi eerusr In block; east front. aiOwOOood 0-room hous. only 1 btocks from postoffteo ou North Church stress, tot. 41x100; tho tot Is worth this prise. $1100 mno suburban honto, 1 mlto snat of pmUiss Uary ; aboat 100 Mug. Lambert and Royal An sherry trees; also family orohard aud 1 aer prunes. MEYER & BELLE LAND CO. 4C7 State, near Dreamland Phono 837 SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. Ij now located at Canby Oregon, the be3t winter quarters In the Norta west for training and developing young nors? Sam has room for n few more pro'pects. elthor for tiu mad or t-ack and would like o communicate with anybody wishing their horse trained. Mr, Casto ' conceded to be the best oolt man 'n the Wet and his suoces on '" letu track bears out till . Terms roaoonahle and i guaranteed. Addrnsc SA.M CASTO, Cnnliv, GoW Dust Flotit n.f1" by TIIK S),VK1 POW ICP CO.MPAXV. Sidney, Ov go. . Almlt for family ue Ak our grocer for It. fjrnn nnd sliorts nlwnys on linnd. P. B. WALLACE, AgK RAROAINSI IJAROAINS! HARGAINS! A Real Snap on State Street. Call on Dochtol & Mlnton, rooms 78 1 Unyno Dldg., at onco. Aro you going to build. If so then l call on Dochtol & Mlnton for va cant lots. Soma ronl bargains. Forms. If you are looking for n farm call or write for our list of farms. Any uumhor of ncros to suit. Some of the host In the vnlloy. List with us. Wo can soil whon othors fall. BECHTEL & MINT0N Room 7-8 Dnyno Dldg. !M1 State Street. Halem, Or. JiOIXJE DIRECTORY. Carpenter Union No. iotlfi Local Union No. 10G5 of Cnrpontors nna Joiners of Amorlca moot ovor Sat urday ovonlng at 7;30 p. m. In Hearst hall, 420 8tntc Street A. W. Donnls, Roc. 8ec. ForoMors of America Court 8hor wood, For8tors, No. 19. Moots Saturday night In Holmnn hall, Stnto street, Geo. F. Pattorson, C R.; J. C. Perry, llnanclnl secrotory Central l.oe .V. , IC. of P. Castle hall In Holinan block, cor ner Stnte and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7 3a p. m. Oscar Johtwiu, C. C; E H Anderson. JC. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of Ameiim Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. MeeM every Thursday evening at S o'clock In Holmnn hall. A. B Damber, V. C; F. A. Turner, clort. Woodmen of World Meot every Fri day night nt 7 30. In Holmnn hall A. L. Harvey, C. C ; L. II. Fletch er, Clork Jan. 10, 0S. PLl'MRERS I'lieo. M. linn- Plumbing, tin. and steam heating aud tinning, 1C4 Commercial strcot. Phone Main 192. 9-1-1r M. .1. Potzcl Plumbing, steam and gai fitting. Successor to Knox Al Murphy. 220 Commorclal stroet O. F. MASON ROY CO. 247 Millar St.. 8011th sslem. inati-'. firturcr of all kinds of boxes, orates sud trull dryer .Hceossorles. Phou' Llvorj and Fetul StaliP-s Old Pojt offlee Stables, at 264 Ferry t'.-'t betwtHu Commercial s'd Fro streets. Telupbon 1 Some f th- Baet lhrks In tt-e elty c b" iund hsr wprn & in. on tt CAI .T.l. n.VKi:;;, 41 Court Street, u 1. Swltrer prt't. Dresd. raia, P ee sod a'.l kin nt Pastries. Coot 1 etc " ' for . -oa. Phnr '64 Special orders delivered on short notice. 11-1 9-tf. MW..M, .VM. 1 ! susaeaiimismmljNltaaaBiB ...-.