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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1909)
' K 1 , DAILY CAPITAL JOUBNAL, SALEM, OHEGON, KJJ)AY, MARCH S, lfro Great Factory Loss YOUR GAIN A Through a mistake on the factory's part, they shipped us 6 beautiful solid oak Sideboards, 2 Buffets, 1 genuine mahogany Dressing Table, and 1 genuine Leather Davenport in the mission style, which we have refused to accept. The factory a few days ago notified us to set them up and put them in our show window and sell them at less than 20 per cent factory price. Now, my friends ,if you wish high-grade furniture as above mentioned, here is an opportunity for a great bargain. If we don't sell them in five days we will reship them. THIS IS CERTAINLY A BARGAIN FOR ANY ONE WISHING A NICE PIECE OF FURNITURE TO BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME A $35.00 Buffet, factory price - - - $26.50 A $32.50 Sideboard, factory price - - 25.00 A $75.00 Genuine Leather Davenport, factory COURT STREET THE FRENCH STRIKE IS ABOUT SETTLED Unlttd l'ri-ii f-MHwl Wlrel Onklnnd, Cal., March 22. After nn oxoltlng chase which onded In hid nlztiru In the- Old Ladles' Home In thin ally, Joseph Murphy, calling himself u ohof, nnd wild to hnvo con fosscd to 11 burglaries, In nt tho city prison todny. Tho pollco declare Murphy to ho tho notorious "gas In spector," who, under tho km I no or nn olllolnl motor muti or tho city payroll, hns iitolon vnlunblcs from house which ho visited. Hccantly, nccordlng to tho pollco, Murphy hns pound ns n furnlturo huv or, nnd It Ib said thnt In this rolo ho wns arrested by tho pollco. An ndvortlsotncnt or rurnlturo (or imlo wns Iniiortcd by rntrolman Jn. Dolnn, nnd Murphy answered tho nd. Mrs. Dolnn enmo to tho door, but when sho wont to mil her hit bnnd Murphy hecnnio suHplalous, nni rnn from tho Iioiibo. Dolnn stnrtod In purmilt. Tho ohnso lod through tho dining mom or the Old Ladles' Home, In which Murphy sought protection, nud Dolnn, finally overlook IiIh quarry In k dormitory of the Institution. ... -f WILL SHOW FARMERS HOW TODO BUSINESS Minilnt l'rM I.mhhI Wire Portland. Or. March S8-lTndr the hmiIcm ot the trntllc department of the Southern Pnclllo railroad. Southern Oregon's first fnrmlng train deiwrid from Ashland early today, carrying live profeisors rrom tho Oregon Agricultural oollogo, who will tonoh salentMc methods of fruit nn3 poultry raising. Dr. James Wlthycombe, director of the Oregon experiment stntlo'i. will have personal charge of tho lec tured nud demonstration. The train nn III run principally In the Hague rtw and Umpqua river valleys, whlek ire said to be the best tutt and HONltry raising dlstrloU In the UHltftt Kates. One of the nrlnslpal reOH for rHHHlHg the farmers' train l to wbiely advertise this val ley property, which Is little known 1h owe parts ef the Untitle Northwest. ALICE TOOK ACID INSTEAD OF APPLES U'wtW.1 Pwt U.d Wttr.l HvoroU. Wnbh . March .-- In stead ot leaving far Seattle this morning on her way to hex home In Hood Hlvor. Or , as sho bad planned, Alleo II. Mark. 28 years old. drank cur hollo aeld with fatal rsMilU. The oause of tho act Is unknown. MIm Mar); was apparently In tho beet or spirits this morning and bed packed her trunk ror the Journey. Sho had been visiting nt the homo ot her brother-in-law Professor J Q. Sweetland, a member of the taeuUy or the llvorolt high school While here MU Mark had pre pared n graduation gown for her younger Uter In Hood Hirer and wns taking It home with her. The body will be shipped to Hood HIyl ANNUAL BOARD OF TRADE BANQUET FRIDAY NIGHT The annual Hoard of Trade ban quel Pjdday night at Hotel WIIUw- JLj lotto Is nn ovont looked forwnrd to by nil our business men. nnd will witness th assemblage of n Jolly lot of boosters. It will not be n mono)' raising affHlr hut n get-together meet IttK. Various plans of publicity will bo oxploltod and all that Is being dono for Saloin In tho way of ad- vortlHliiK and promotion enterprises will bo presented by ablo local npefik ors. "I want to bo a boostor and with tho boostorn stand," will bo tho war cry ror a groutor Salem. The Harmony Of Home loe Not .Mlnglo With or Knmnnte From tho Tnblo of DyHpopsln. J In tho homo, meal t lino should uwakon In all tho Inhabitants a po- cullnr harmony or Joy which will iiutko ror tho homo tho abiding pjaco or Interest nun nnppmosH. U one mombcr at tho dinner tnblo U (Mit or sorts, his lnfluouoe Is foil nnd tho hnrmony Is Inching. Conver sation nud mirth uro absont. Dovour lug t bought assail tho diners an J llonro provnlls. "At tho l))poptlc Tnblo Ominous, (Julot niul niooiu Oitnds Out Mirth." All DlnlfUiw ngrfo thai mirth and Joy at meal time does much to Hard digestion. Mirth tingles tho whole nervous organism of man. tho cell wherein are stored valunblo di gestive JuIom, empty tliolr oontents nuder th Nervous stimulation n1 promote lk highest degree ot dtgev tlOH. It gloom hhU dUsoMttort prevail iii table tM revsrss arttOH outnlns and Htski boeoww hscossUIsa. Hot an ticipated Joys. Wttart's DystWMtM Tnblsts are lit- Hi- storekous of digestion which mix Mltk Ike stowneh Juloeo. dlget food, rstlngle the mucous mom- brsu ul Its nerve centers. glo to tks blooil grent wealth of dlgimtlve IVmWs. prattiOU digestion and staD t the stoMaek HHtll all Its duties are rowHlels If dysMpsta tt at tables It makej tk dials rotM h pluse ot awe Iks tableu JomW be taken after bimIs al snstu of a coassuuem No need for dkM or tasttHg. The dyspeotte wko wilt Hfee them rellg 'onsly will And no goe f nauten In tke sight of nonsrwM wtls or Ih tht odor of risk eooktug. It matters Hot what th eoRdttlMt of tke stomnsk Stuart's DyipepIa Tuhlet only Improve the JHlces and ' bring quiet t tke wko) dlgostn mmU ot wktek. t)i stoinasb u ta renter rNwty tkoiuniul nhyslotans. ute thsse in thulr Brnttloe. and ovory drngK'rt soils tkaiav Price IQc. Send i your name And address and we wtU send you k trial yaskage U mall froe AddrM K. A. Sttaart Co., UQ i StHart Itldg., Marshall, .Mich. j m SALEM TO HAVE ANOTHER BIG SCHOOL BUILDING EIGHT MORE SCHOOL ROOMS INDICATE THE RAPID GROWTH OF OREGON'S CAPITAL CIH Tho City School Directors hold an other meeting Saturday night, an1 comploted nil nrrnngemonta ror the construction or the now eight-room eohool house, which wnj docldod up on by tho rocont special oloctlon. In connection with tho slto upon whlcit tho' building Is to bo erected, tho di rectors Tinvo completed nogotlntlons ror n lot 11)3x198 ndjolnlng, which will make the Mite more practical. Fred Logg was nppolntod orchltoet ami will nlso have completo control of the construction of tho now scho 1 Tho Itoiul to Succohs. Hns mnuy obstructions, but none l so dospornte ns poor health. Success today domnnds honlth, but Kloctuc Hlttors Ib tho groatost health build er tho world has evor known. It compels porfoot notion ot stomach, liver, kldnoys, bowols. purities and onrlehes tho blood, nnd tones and In vigorates the whola systom. Vigor out body and keen brain follow their use. You oan't nfford to slight Elec tric Hlttors If woak, run-down or snkly. Only 50a Guaranteed by J. O. Perry. o Pure water, personal cleanliness. I god ventilation, these are natural i enomles to disease n"'TffgHcy.siyagasasjaja)s-JMfc. iv jffi l ''"' ' '11! SI price A $34.00 Sideboard, factoiy price A $42.00 Dressing Table - $56.25 3 J 13 3 .'Mr, Legg wns Instructed to begin Im mediately drawing up plans and sptt , ltlcations ror tho school. Tho old 'buildings on tho lot nre to bo Hold, nnd tho clerk or tho bfard wns In structed to dlspono or thorn ns soon ns possible, In order that tho work or construction could begin as soon a the architect has complotod his pinna. Tho sohool building will face Cottnge stroet, and tho ostlmatod cost Is In tho neighborhood of $30,- 000. A Ilollgloiis Author's Statement. Ho v. Joseph II. Feeperman, Salis bury, N. C, who Is tho nuthor of 1 sovornl books, wrltes: "For several I years I was nfflloted with kidney trpublo nnd Inst winter I wns sud denly Htrlokon with n sovoro pain In my kldnoys and wns confined to bed eight days ujinblo to got up without asslstnnco. My tirlno con tained a thick white sediment nud 1 pnssod same frequently day and night. I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Hemedy. and the pain grad- i unlly abated and finally censed nud my urine became normal I cheer fully recommend Fole's Kidney Heme!y " J C Perry STUNNING STYLES and beautiful Fabrics in light weight overcoats and suits. The best tailored garments made, and at reasonable prices. $10. Salem Jul Go With n RHsh. Tho demand for that wondorful Btomach, liver nnd kidney ouro, Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills Is astounding. J. C. Perry Bays ho novor saw the like. Its b'tauso they never fall to cure sour stomach, constipation, Indi gestion, biliousness, Jaundice, lck headache, chills and malaria. On'y Gc. Two halvos make n dollar, bnit two half-cows never yet mndo n cow. Ilncc Suicide, as President Roosevelt calls t, Is not nearly tho monnco to Increase in pop ulation that deaths among Infants nro'. And eight out of ton of thoso deaths nro directly or Indirectly caused by bowel troubles. McGoe'a Hnby Elixir cures diarrhoea, dysen tory, sour stomach nnd all Infant ail ments of this nnturo. Just tho thins for tcothlng babies. Prlco 25 nnd 60c. All donlors. i Pianos From the cheapest to the best sold on installments and rented GEO. C. WILL "Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes" 00 JpsJJs to Woolen Mill Store $26.00 31.00 COURT STREET Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while before you find n preparation that Is equal to Chnmborlaln's Llnlmont ns n euro ror muscular and rhoumatlc pains, for the euro or sprains nnd soreness or tho musclos. It is equally vnlu nblo for lame back and nil dcop seat ed muscular pains. 25 nnd GO cent sizes ror sale by Dr. Stone's drug storo. Strnnge, Isn't it, that tho vested in terests all want tho other follow to forego the benoflt or tne tariff. Lovers or good health should provont sick ness Instead or lotting thomsolvna got sick nnd then try' to euro It. So long as you keep your liver, bowels and stomach In n healthy nnd nctlve con dition you won't get sick. Ballard's llerblno roliovcs constipation, inac ivo Hvor nnd nil stomach and bowel troubles. All dealors. Organs 00 hF 7l .- , mrmmmmit&&m MS9ft"SMMS i w,.rimlftir. jjfcrtMftfctffc,!!! Ill