Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 20, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 9, Image 9

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(Copyright, 11)08, by Itcv. T. S. Lliiscntt. I). I).)
r. 'March l, J 001).
Golden Text "They that wero
scattered abroad wont everywhere
preaching the word.' Act 8:1.
The following rovlew scheme can
be used with profit by all the news
paper clubs who nro taking up the
HI bio studios, vhothur having actu
ally studied the olcvon lotions horo
reviewed or only one of thoni, or
whether this Is the first losson which
has captured a roader's attention; for
while It Is a "review, " It Is also com
plete In Itself.
The dnte ami title of each losson
and where found, tho Golden Toxt,
and one question on each lesson fol fel fol
eow: Jan. 3. Acts 1:1-14. Tho Ascon
slon of Our Lord. Golden Text: Luke
2-1:61. It enmo to pass while he
hlossod thorn, ho was partod from
thorn, and carried up luto hoavon.
Vursos 10-11 ould tho coming
of the Spirit of Josus on tho day of
Pentecost he tho return of Josus as
thoso two men meant?
Jmi. 10. Act 2:1-81. Tho De
Vent of the Holy Spirit. Golden
Txt. John 14:10-17. I will pray
tlit Father and lie shall give you an-
other Comforter, that he may abide
with you forevor, oven the Spirit of
Truth. .
Verses 0-12 An eduoMtod ministry
Is desirable but whloh will make the
most converts, n man with fair In
telligence nnd n common school edu
cation, filled with tho Holy Spirit, or
an university graduato looking thnt
Jnn. 17. Acs 2:22-47. The Be
ginning of tho Christian church. Gol
den Text. Acts 2:42. Thoy oontln
ued steadfastly In the Apostle's doe-
Neglect It
It is n serums mistake
to neglect n weak heart. It
is such a short step to
chronic heart disease.
When you notice irregu
larity of action, occasion
ing short breath, palpita
tion, fluttering,, pain in
oliost or difficulty in lying
on left side, your heart
needs help a strengthen
ing tonic. There is no bet
ter remedy thanr. Miles'
Heart Cure. Its strength
ening influence is felt al
most at once.
-1 have used 10 bottlra of Dr. Miles'
Heart Cure and can truthfully aay It
has done me mere good than anything
1 have ever Bwd, and I have tried
ita;ly etery thine that I know of. The
doctor hu attended me orient me
what I hm taking and I laid him
Dr. UHet Ii.-i firc. he U! It wa
cat goiax to to me any govd. but it
aid. I have not t.ken any for a year
new. and wfcue Ur la w-eai-iftnaUy a
alight arm; torn ol tae otd trmiUv. It
ta net mouft fer mr tfc rontlnae the
ute of th r4iln. If 1 iheuld rot
orve 1 woO tno fca: ta o. Take
Xr. Mllea' Heart Cure a I AM before.
I consider myaelt utactieaaly aured of
njy heart troeb'a
U. K. DU.NNAll. Utlnraten. Yeiaj.
W.ttt' Heart Cure U aaltf by
your drwco
irwcaut. wn
t, who win Miarantea that
ne Ant battle
t battle ll! binr.1t. It It fall
he will refund your mbnc.
IJ Ues MsJlftl Cc . Elkhart. Ind
My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. Wo
doctored some months without Improvement. Then I began giving
Dr. King's New Discovery, and I soop noticed a change for the better.
I kept this treatment up for a few weeks and now my son is perfectly
well and works every day. MRS SAMp RippEE Ava Mo.
trlno and fellowship, and In break
Ing of bread and In prayers.
Verse 22 How Is It that Jesus
has Impressed Hlnuelf upon the
world as no other man has ever done,
and that he has swayed tho hearts of
the lowly and mighty alike, and that
His Influence Is Increasing with the
Jan. 24. Acts 3:1-20. The Lamo
Man Healed. Golden Text. Acts 3:
10. Ills name, through faith In His
name, hath made this mnn strong,
whom yo see and know.
Verse 0 Need tho lack of money
or ability, ever prevent any man
from doing the work In life which
God has appolntod him to do?
Jnn. 31. Acts 4:1-31. Tho Trial
of Peter and John. Golden 'Text.
Acts 4:31. They were all filled with
the Holy Ghost, and thoy spake the
word of God with boldness.
Verses 1-3 Have prlosts nnd
preachers In the past been quick or
slow to see God's new revelations of
truth whether In science or theology?
i'eb. 7. Acts 4:82 to 8:11. The
false Drotuorhood. Golden Toxt.
I'rov. 12:22. Lying lips art an
alHmliatlnn unto the Lerd: but they
thai deal truly are His delight.
Verse 14, St Is faith fill noes to
God a sure cure for shortness of
Fob. 14. Acts 6:17-42. The Ajhs
ties Impiisonod. Golden Text. Matt.
6:10. DIeesod are they which are
persecuted for righteousness sake;
for theirs Is the kingdom of lies veil.
Verses 34-40 Is It not true that
the heretics of one generation hiivo
been the saints of the next?
Ken. SI. Acts 0:1 to 7:8. Steph
en, the First Christian Martyr. Gold
en Text. Acts 7:19. They stoned
Stephen, calling nKii God. and say
ing. Urd Jesus, receive my spirit.
Verses 1 1-1 S When a man with
right views of truth gets angry at the
man with wrong views and persecutes
him. which the latter uotis with
meekness, which is likely the better
wan of the two?
Feb. IS. Acta :4-SI. The Gos
pel la Samaria. Golden Text. Acts
8:8. The people with one accord gave
heed unto those thing? which Phillip
spake, hearing and seeing the mira
cles which he did.
Vers 9-11 Is there any evidence
to believe that there are. or ever have
been, persons with the power claimed
by witches, conjurers, fortune teller
aad similar fakirs?
March 7. Acts S:l-40. Phillip
and the Kthoplan. Golden Text. John
5:9. Search the scripture for id
them v think ye have eternal life:
and they are they which testify of
Verse SI May aay person who Is
not playing double with God safely
trust "the Inward vole" to. direct as
to outward eircuHteUtMee?
March H
-Arts 1:11-41.
OoMeti Taut.
Acu j
St. And Peter said aaio hln. Aeaeavs j
Jesus Christ maketh thee whole, j
arise and make thy toed. And h-;
arose I mmed lately. !
Vens 30-H How do you elas.lfy '
th(M who content theiiiMihtik wlllij
gtdng to churt'li and pro)r nxi-tiiix.
unit talking und pniying, but an nt
following JeuN. in going about cluing
60c AND $1.00
swtTcil hi writing by members of tho
Lesson for Sunday. March 28,
1of Temperance Losson. Prow 'J.1:
W. C. T. U.
Tho Womnn's Christian Tompor
ance Union, nt tholr ,gront national
convention In 1800, ngrood to col"
brato Genornl Noal Dow's birthday an
Prohibition Day. Thoroforo, In pur
innuco to that call, the Snlom union
Invites the tempornnco workors to
join with them on Sundny, tho 21st,
at 4 p. in., at tholr hnll on Forry nnd
Coiuniorclnl streets to colohrnto tho
day. Mr, Perry Ilolglcman will de
liver nil orntlon, "Elimination nnd
Substitution." How P. N. Noff will
give nn nddross on tho "Necessity of
Prohibition." Good mimic will bo
provided. A cordial wolcomo to nil.
St. Paul's KplBconnl.
Chomokotn nnd Church street)
Itov. Unrr G. Lee, roctor. Fourth
Sundny In Lont. Usunl sorvlcca at
7:30 n. in.. 11 n. in. nnd 7:30 p. m.
Sundny school nt 10 n. m. Wednes
day, service nnd nddross nt 7:30 p.
niy Friday, Lltnny nnd meditation,
7:80 p. in. Thundny, nnnunclntlon
of the n. V. M., Holy Euchnrost at
7:30 p. m. and morning prnyor nt
10 a. in. All welcome nt all services
PiW Methodist Episcopal.
At 10:30 Ilov. V. II. Bollock will
preaoh on "Helps to Christian As
Mirnnco." 1)1 nip school nt 12 m. Up
worth Longuo at 6:1C p. m. At
7:30 ovangollstlc mooting. Thomo
of sormen: "Whnt Must I Do to no
Saved?" Special musical numborc.
Plpo orgnn and chorus choir. Strang
ors nro cordially Invltod.
First Christum.
Cornor of High nnd Conter streo-i.
D. Rrrott. Minister, nible school at
10 n. in. Preaching nt 11 n. m. and
7:80 p. m. Morning thome: "Soma
Unpopular Generals." Evenlng:
"Christ and Modern Iflthlos." Ghuls
tinn Endeavor at 0:30 p. in. The 0
G C. C. will furnish Instrumental
and vocal music. A cordial Invita
tion and welcome to all.
Christian Hrioiirc.
First Church of Christ, SoJontlst,
4 40 Chemoketa street. Sorvlooa
Sunday nt 11 a in. and 7:30 p. ni j
Subject of lesson sermen: "Mat-'
ter." Susday sahool at 12:45 a. m. '
The Wtdnosduy evonlng mooting Is
hld at 7:30 p. m.
Read'ug room In the church Is
open each afternoon except Sunday.
All are cordially Invltod to attend tho '
crvles and the readlag room.
l'iiltd Hvaugcllml.
Sunday school at 10 a. m. K L.
C. B. at 6 SO p. m. Preaching ser
vices at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p in
Theme. Heboid II Cometh, ' and
Good Health
is within reach of nearly every
man and woman who earnestly
desires it Start right with
"Tho Maker's Last Word." H. A.
Deck, pastor. v
Gorman Evangelical Lutheran.
Church East Stato Btrcot, Sunday
school at 10 a. m. Services at 10:30
n. m. C. Hopf, pastor.
(United l'rws f.ensod Wlrc.l
Spoknno, March 20. Mrs. Hooker
McKvoy Is behind the bars of the city
Jull today patiently uniting for the
liriis to point a way for her to re
gain her liberty without paying a
hundred dollar fine imposed on her
hccntise she brutally mistreated Percy
Smith. 10 years old. while trying to
cure hi niof an ungovernable temper
through the medium of Bplrltunllsm-
Mrs. McKvoy, who Is a lending spir
itunllst of Spokane, and her assistant,
Tom McKlnuon, were yesterday
brought into the police court, where
It was disclosed thnt Mrs. Smith hnd
requested the defendants to "treat"
her son because she could not mnn
nge him, sho snld.
The "trontmont." however, did not
meet with the mother's approval, for
when her son retttrnod homo his eyes
were black nnd some of his skin was
missing. Percy told tho court that
he put up a llvoly scramble to escape
l roin the spiritualists.
After the flue wns imposed Mrs.
McKvoy declared sho would go to Jail
rather than pay tho flno, nnd rely on
the spirits to open the Jail doors for
her. She Is still waiting for them to
get busy.
Proof That
Charcoal Will
Absorb Impurities
Many Peoplo Arc Not "From Mis.
nur," Hut They Llko to He
Shown A. Kliupli Yet Kffectlvo
Test for Clinrconl.
Frequently peoplo like to know if
nn nrtlcle will do nil thnt Is claimed
of It, and wo agroo with theso poo
pie, for It Is perfectly right that they
should know. Tho E. A. Stuart Co.
ha i Rone to consldornblo exponso to
perfect some slmplo method by which
It could ho convincing prpvon thnt
their Chnrcoal Lozenges possessed all
the medicinal qualities claimed of
them, and horoln print n slmplo yot
effectlvo proof.
Tako anything thnt omits nn ob
noxious odor nnd place It In sonio con
venlont plnco, say In n box or somo
tliliiK that enn be easily covered.
Then pulvorlzo sulllolent of Stunrt's
Charcoal Lozongos to complotoly cov
er the dccayliiB or odious mntt'
Core must he tnkon thnt the jwlvor
laed charcoal complet)y envolopos
whatever tho odor Is coming from
It will he Immediately noticed thnt
there will be no odor"; tho chnrcoal
will absorb positively all tho odor,
and should you mnko tho tost with n
ploco of ment or somothlng thnt do
cays rnpldly completo disintegration
will take placo without tho slightest
traoos of an odor noticeable.
This Is proof posltlvo thnt Stuart's
Charcoal Lozengos will ellmlnnto
odors nnd Insuro tho usor n cltfin
woet hronth. Whllo tho gonornl im
provomont In tho health nnd action of
the stomach and bowols will bo suf
ficient to convince tho most skoptlcal.
Stuart's Chnrcoal Lozenge nro for
snlo overywhoro, 26 conts a box, guar
anteed to contain nothing hut young
willow wood charcoal and pure
honey; sample sent freo upon re
quest. Addroa F. A. Stuart Co., 200
Stuart nidgs., Marshall, Mich.
ICvery time a gasoline motor m !.
fire a charge of gas has lit--n wastiil
For Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bwght
Jiea a the
SlIfTitt.U-i- it
I We Lead. Others
- - rl
- r5n;
. . v,
C -m fmtW
Ml! A
f Amly.'V rl
ALfOIIuL 3 l' ii l INT"
AN'ialuV hTrmrsti-Tnfcr.Vs
Promolcs DiSest(onrtf crful
noss Jintl K.'st.Contalns neither
Opiitm.Mon'Iiinc norMiticraL
i MH i a
$ .
finplit Smf"
Apcrfocl Rcmrdy forOonsllfi
tion , Sour Slonucli.Dlarrtm
ftcSinttk Sijnclurc of
J e V
8 GI,"SSSlr
Exact Copy of Wnippr.
A Hurry Up QUI.
Quick! Mr. Druggist Quick I A
box of Ducklon's Arnica Salvo
Horo's n qunrtor For tho lovo of
Moses, hurry I Dnby's burned him
self, torrlbly Johnnie's cut hia toot
with tho oxo Mamlo'a scalded Pa
can't walk from pllos Dllllo hns
bollB nnd my corns ncho, Sho got
It nnd soon cured all tho family, its
tho greatest healer on earth. Sold
by J. O. Perry.
If mon would only mnstlcnto tholr
food iib thoroughly us thoy do tholr
tobacco thoro would ho less work
for tho doctors.
mt -?a M r "H t
Partnership Dissolved
Mr, Hi R. Chaso wishes to glvo notlco to the public
that he has purchased tho Interest of his formor part
ner, Mr, J, N, Skalfo, of tho old firm of Chaso & Skalfo,
Mr, Chaso will continue tho business as horotoforo,
Spray, Windmill Power and
Hand Pumps
For all kinds of work, Spray ,gardon, lawn and suc
tion hose, Tho host and cheapost Fairbanks onginos
and lawn sprinklers, motal arid wood tanks,
Got somo of our Graphalastic Paint for old or now tin
roofs, Guaranteed for six years,
m. JL mT v. - .J. JL Jc. pj Jtli
4-W H - eH4fftt - 44 -
IIUW IU Wl'r..alATIS A .llUVJ.tJ riUl Vllfi MiWUMK AT IIIJM1C,1
Hoiv to Kent or Diiy a Moving I'l'turo Machine
How to Mako Dig Monoy nt Knturtnliniiniit'- nnd Amusomonts.
How to Obtain Positions Which Pay 35 per Week.
Hotv to Docomo a Finished Oporator.
Wo Olvo Instructions That Are Slmplo and Interesting.
We Have the Newest Method of Teaching by Mall. !
Wo Bend You, on Hocolpt of 1.00, Completo Instructions, i
Wo Touch Operators How to Pass All Examinations.
Wu lleprosont tho Leading Film Exchange .
Ilomlttancos to Jiidepuiident Thcntrlcil Hxrliungf, 100, 101, I01H
Hurku ilulldlng, Hen t tic, Wiihli.
it. iffif
Our Harness ure In a class by themselves They are made to lust
We do not try to see dow rhuap we can muke llu-iii. but how good
We have put forth cr of study In making first-class harness, using
nothing but the best of leather, and we feel satisfied we oau sell
you a better harness for less monoy than any of our eouipeiitors.
as we are In a position whore we can do It. Others pay rent, we
collect rent. Who oan sell tho cheapest?
E. S. Lamport Saddlery Co.
I'orl) tern, in tho Hume Huslneas in hulem
For Infants nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
Night on Itnhl Mountain.
On n lonely night Alox. Donton, of
Fort Edward, N. Y cllmbod Ball
Mountain to tho homo of n nolghbor
torturod by asthma, bont on curing
him with Dr. King's Now Discovery,
thnt had curod hlmsolf of asthma.
This wondorful modtclne soon re
llovod and quickly curod his neigh,
bor. Lntor It ourod his eon's wlf
of n sovoro lung trouble. MUlloue
bollovo It is tho groatost throat and
lung euro on earth, coughs, colds,
croup, homorrhagos and sore tang,
nro surely curod by it. Host for hay
fuvor, grip and whooping cough, 50o
nnd SI. 00, Trlnl bottlo freo. Qua'
nntoftd by J, C. Perry.
VT m
ite)imaia.iBii)f ti
i i
s;mmI? f Tills q
tuuot Im au- SJJ cmbxa. la Ba 10c aad 2&c