0 AUGUST BELMONT FALLS A VICTIM United I'rtM Leased Wire, J Now York, March 19. Doaplto tho denlnls of Miss Eleanor Robson, tbo nctrcRB, and August Belmont, tho millionaire rumor continue to day to link tholr nnmes In a story that thoy will soon bo mnrriod. Mlns Itobeon. who Is appearing horo In "Tho Down of Tomorrow," has doclarod thnt Delmont Is a vory dear frlond, that' all," but dcsplto tho non-committal rotnark, hor frlondB ttBBort that hor ongagomo,it to liolmont Is a fact, and that a wed ding will follow In tho prlng orcar ly Htimmor. Jlelmont continues In his refusal to discuss tho mattor, but In noticed frequontly at tho thentro, nnd whon- ovor he In prosont n largo bouquet of floworB Is panflod ovor tho footlights to tho popular notres". o Did Not Draw Color Lino, (United Press J.enc! Wlre.l HlkliiH, W. Vn.. March 19. For shooting and probably fatally wound ing Ohlof of Police Scott White of Whltmor, near lioro. -Jon Iliuwn, a while man, wnH takon from tho Jail hero today by " mob ' c or ll,(,ro and lynched. CLASSIFIED ADS AND REAL ESTATE SECTION FOR HALE For Bale -A first-class socond-hnnd buggy, oheap, Inqulro at Journal offlco. 3-10-tf For Halo 8-room Iioiiho, 3 lots, with fruit trooH and good burn, only 2250. Keo bookkeeper United Hlutes National bank. 3-13-lwk For Hale flood Hprlng tooth harrowB, cultlvnlors and all kinds of new nnd second-hand goodH. C. 1)111 man. 117 State 3-18-31 For Halo Hllvor I.acud Wyandotte eggs from prize winning Htook; soo tho buautloH' Monday at Flotohur & Ilyrd's. or call at IGGtl N. Fourth Htroet. 1 for 13. 3-18-31 For Hiilo House, barn, outbuildings, nnd lot, or will trade for part cat tip nnd part cash. Good location, nlco house, woll fixed up. Address "A 11," raro Journal. 3-15-lwk For 8Io A good span of hoavy marcs, on Frnnk Bmtth'a farm, 1 H mllo from prison, on tho Macleay road. 13. A. Aufranco. 3-17-lw FOR RENT For Rent Kllngor Orand Thontro. with or without flxturon, nnd fix tures for sale. M. Kllngor, Phono 34. 3-2-tt Nlcoly FuuUliexl Rooms With board strictly flrst-clasa. At C78 Btato itroot. 3-4-tf Tmo Finely FiirnWhed bedrooms, for Hluglo guntlumen, at $8 upluoe. In qulro at 730 N. Front st. 3-t-lvk For Itt'iil A ntoro bulldlUK on north went corner of Court aud Coinmor rlal Htieots. the building now oocu p ed by tho W. A. Irvlu grooory. Apply to "Hill" A.iulrHon for fur tt.er Information. 3-18-3t WANTKII llowdcm Wanted At 678 Bfito troot. 3-tMm Wttitl 25 men, hop yard work. Krcbs llros., IVush-Hruymnn build ing Phono 131. 3-15-tf Men Waiiteil Qulrkly by big CTiloago mall ordor homto to dlatrlbutH cut nloKUM, advert Uo, ute ; S6 H wttok. $G0 Hxponso nllowaiun first month; nu wiuvrlanua raqiilrwl (Hebo AiMoelntlon. 601 Ywlah bldg. Chloago. 3-lB-lwk Wanted You to havo that carjiot rlMiivd Uy tho now proemm; no diut. no work fur tlui lady of lh ))iiih. nor no dUturliancM of any kind IMwtmU & Iteod. 3 lS3t HAUICM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water sarvlce Kf ply at ottte mils payable monthly In advaniM Cnh In If you itevd Uto money. 1 buy Sautlam mining stocks. Write tui whon trading. You gut a dis count on all business done. Let mo toll you of tho gigantic smelter for tho Hunt lain'. Fortune aud big Incomo for stockholders. Small in vestors welcome, lustaltmout or ders accepted. Kindly send all buHlueaa In buying or soiling Ban tlam mining stocks to this offlco. Andrew W. J. Curtis. S15 Commer cial lllk., Portlaud, Or. 8-18-lwo G. K. M.OX NOX CO. 347 Miliar aH., 8out9lt, aiaau faetnrr of all klrnl of koxea, crates and fruH 4ryr wxtesaVH. Ptioa DAILY CAPITAL Treated Roth Alike. Daldknob, Ark., March 19. CrackBtnon last night blow open tho nafefl of both banks horo, solo their contonta and escaped nftor a running battlo with cltlzons. Posses nro pur suing tho bandits today. o An Interesting Talk At tho recont Btato oxonutlvo moot ing of tho W. C. T. U. Mrs. Hvu WhoolcP of Cottage Orovo, state Y. socrotary, gavo a very Interesting nnd Instructive talk to tho Btudonts at tho university chnpol. Tho simplicity and oarnestnoss of hor words when Bho Bpoko of a puro, whlto life and tho Inrluenoo on the future citizens of our country could not holp but bo rocelvod In tho right spirit by thoso who heard It, and from tho honrty applause from tlmo to tlmo showed thoy cortalnly npproclatod It. u In order lo bo considered a martyr Mil modern woman has to do Is to creato the Impression thnt soma man Is moan to hor. o In order to liuvo good, honlthy, perfect digestion koop your stomach well by taking Kodpl for dyspepsia nnd ludlgoHtlou occasionally Just whon you need It. Pleasant to take. Hold by nil druggist. HUTTERNUT IIREAD. It Is worth mora than any other bicnd, yot tho prlco Is no higher. For salo at your grocers. CALIFORNIA I1AKERY, Thomas Al Cooley, Props. Why not fond work to tho laundry that does not MANOIjE It to ploces, whnro your roods aro paid for If lost? Highland Hand Laundry.1 Phono 103. 2349 Currant Avo. 2-28-lmo DRAYMEN Cummins, IJrwl., Transfer Oompniiy All kinds of transfer work done Furulturo nnd plnnos b)xod rondy for shipment. Prompt sorvlco U our motto. Stand and offlco nt 253 South Commercial ntroot. Phono 310. Rosldonco Phono llutto At U'emlorotli Flno wines, liquors nnd cigars. Wo handle tho colobrntod Kollog and Castle whlsklos. Cool nnd rofronhlng bor constantly on draught. South Commercial street 9-3-lyr. I'Hir Bale 00-acro fnrm, 40 acres In hops, ono-half mllo from Oregon oloctrlo lino, 11 miles north of 8a lorn, $5000, IIoiiso nnd 4 lots on 10th street, $1700. J. Knight Murphy block. Hydo llros. Wee trie Co. Hlcctrlo supplies nnd flrst-claM wiring at reasonnblo prices. Call at our offlco for ostlmntoa. Phono 451 143 N. Liberty streot. 1-12-tf Otto Miiollhaupl, plumbing, hunting, gas fitting: prices reasonable; work guaranteed, imtlmntes furnished, phono 373. lOGti Chemekota St. 3-17tf Tim Ijtmu-JImtitt RtNilty Oo. Has opened an offlco nt room 3, Ilayno llldg. If you contomplato buying or sulllng proporty it will pay you to seo thum. - 3-17-31 If You Want Yiwr collections mad 4 promptly, lonvo your accounts wltn W. I). Smith, room 4, ovor llmh'i llnuk, 3-9-lm Coiirrrto Work Cot my prices on sidewalk, curbs, miotic tanks and commit work of any kind All work guaranteed first clnst. M. Ward, 3378 Maplo Avo , Highland Phono 6C9. May 24-09 IJory nnd Fvod Htal.P- Old PoJt offloe Stables, at 354 Ferry stroot. betwoon Commercial and Front trooU. Toljjphonu 188. Some of tho tlnost llvorlcs In tho city ran bo found hero. Watacott & Joun ion u aVPlTAlTliAiiERY 439 Court Streot, D. J. wllur. prop, liread, Cnkt. PIos and all kinds of Pastries, Cookies, etc Wutch tor our waeon. Phono 954. Special ordora delivered on short notlco. 11-19-tf. Tho South HMleut Meat Markot, ou IHMlto Dauo'a store. Fresh d ourttd moat Gonoral dollvory Olv It a trial. Huffman & Mar tin, props. 3-3-tt PI.VMUKRS llico. M. ltarr Plumbing, hoi ' and steam heating aud tinning, 104 Commercial street. Phon Main 193. 9-1-1r M. J. INrtifJ Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox k Murphy, 338 Commercial street IX)6T. 1osi. A carriage robe, somewhere between Club SUbloa and Balesa Hospital. Phoae 75. S-17-Jt JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, JEFFRIES MAY MEET JOHNSON Now' York, March 19. That Jbb. i, Jeffries Is preparing to announce terms upon which ho will meet tbo "Champion" Jock Johnson, according to friends of tho former champion to day. It Is Intimated that Jeffries will domand that tho purso bo split 75 per cent to tho winner and 25 per cont for tho loser that tho fight tn.to place on American sol), and that It shall not bo fought before next No vombor. o A Religious Author's Statement. Kov. Joseph II, Fespormnn, Salis bury, N. a, who Ib tho author of sovoral books, writes: "For sovoral yonrB I was afflicted with kidney trouble nnd Inst winter I was sud denly stricken with a sovoro pain In my kldnoys and was confined to bed eight days unnblo to got up without assistance. My urlno con tained a thick whlto sodltnont nnd I passed nnino frequently day and night. I commoncod taking Foley's Klduoy Homcdy, nnd tho pnln grad ually abated and flnnljy censed and my urine beenmo normal. I cheer fully recommend FoIoy'B Kldnoyl Uomcdy." J. C. Perry. I NOTICE! AI.I, CUANOKH of cony for Ileal Otato Ailn mint bo In The Journal OMri by ft o'clock the evening before the iliiy on which the nil In to appear. t Are you going to buy farm or city proper ty? Note these! House nnd lot on Asylum nvouuo, city water, bath, etc., $1400. Largo hoiiBO nnd lot 132x105, oIoho In, $0000. Six ueres, 8-room house, 3 acres orchard, good barn, $1750. Eloveu and one-half acres closo In, good buildings, woll improved $3000. SOME SNAPS IN FARM PROP ERTY. Forty acres, 3 miles Salem, u flue place, wol Improvod, $7000. Throe hundrod and twenty-eight norB,' 300 acres In cultivation, $30 pur aero. Threo hundrod and sixty ncros ad Joining above, $25 per acre. Wo havo a largo list of farms of al alios aud prlcos and It will pay you to Investigate beforo buying. Olmsted Land Co. U7il State Street Hiilem, Ore. REAIj ESTATE. No. 94 47 uoros, IM aoros In orch ard, IS aeros In cultivation, bal ance In pnsturo, new 4-room houso und barn, timber will out 400 cords Prlco .$3200. No. 73 10 acres, lot 5, Capital Ad dition to Frultlnnd, G-room box house, good cellar and woll, barn 30xS6. sbed 14x40; 400 bushels of fruit picked from 2 uoros last season; this plnoo Is woll ttlod. Price $3000. No. 10180 acres, all In cultivation. 3 aaros orchard, good 5-room homo nnd barn, 3 wells of water, near school and clwirch; soil for $3400 or trnde for city property, terms. No. 34 l-room houso, lot 50x150, on 13th street. Prlco $800; term SAVAOE IIERREN, 134 South Commercial Street. NOTE THESE S lots on tho Salem-Portland oar lluo, one-half blook from station; $900. 9G uoros. SO In cultivation, good 6 room house, barn and outbuildings 30 aorea of orchard, pruuos, ap ples, ohorrlett and walnut, only 5 miles from Salem on orushed rok road; $60 per acre. A good 330-aore farm, 170 In culti vation. 10 acre orchard, spring water, fair bultdlngn, 5 mlloi trow 8alem, $40 per aero. This U a good buy, and must bo told soon. It you aro looking for good buys ser J)ERBY & WILL$0N FRIDAY, MARCH 19, 1009. Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "As long ago atr I can remember my mother was a faithful user and friend of Chamberlain s Cough Rem edy, but nevor in my llfo havo I real ized Its true value until now," writes Prof. II. A. Howell of liowoll's Amer ican School, Havana, Cuba. "On tho night of February 3rd our baby was taken sick with a very sovoro cold; tho next day was worso and tho fol lowing night his condition was des perate. Ho could not Ho down nnd It was nccossnry to have him In the arms overy moment. Even then his1 breathing wns difficult. I did not think ho would llvo until morning. At last I thought of my mother's i romody, Chamberlain's Cough Rom-J edy, which wo gave, and It afforded i prompt roller, nnd now threo days Intor, ho has fully rccovorod.. 'Under tho circumstances I would not best-' tato a moment In saying thnt Cliam-j berlnln'B Cough Romody, nnd that! only, savod tllo llfo of our doar llttlo ' boy." For salo by Dr. Stone's drug store. DoWltt's Carbollzed Witch Hnzol Salvo ponotrntcs tho skin and bonis quickly. It In especially good for; piles. It Is sold horo by all drug-' gists. SOME OF OUR SNAPS IN REAL ESTATE. One plnco within 3 blocks of capllo!, good 1 l-room houso, lota 120x120, only $4000; loto worth tho money. Closo In on Front streot, G-room houso, with bath and barn, jnly $1000. One of tho best lots In Salem, closo In, extra location 55x00, $2000. 10 ncros closo to Salem, on gravel road, flno land, extra flno 9-rootn houso, good barn, fruit, otc; a snnp. Also 200 acres, good 7-room house, 2 barns, 170 acres In cultivation, balauco timber, on good road n-ar town, fruit, wntor, otc. A good homo, and Is an extra flno fnrm, , only $G0 per aero, If sold soon; torm on eamo. It you want to buy or soil or ront a houso see A. C. SMITH & CO. Room I), over United Stated Nntlonnl Bank. FOR HALE. No. 22 Lot 60x150 with good 5- room house, somo small fruit trees 9U.10. No. 17 Lot 50x100, 5-room houso, cow shod, nnd small garden ;$(). No. 13 2 lota 60x150, 5-room houso $700. No. 16 2 lots on oh 50x150, good 6- room hoiiso, 16 bearing fruit trees. $700. No. 43 6 largo lots, plenty of cholco fruit, good G-room houso, concroto baHumeut, full size, nuw b.iru; No. 10 2 ncros, plenty of fruit, lino good houso of S rooms, on Btrcot oar lino, a bargain nt $."IH00. No. 33 Small tot and 5-room houso 5 blocks from court houso; $0.10. No. 513 tot, all tor $'MO. No. 34 4 good lota, each 50x100 fuet, and good 8-room houso, good barn, buildings, olcotrlo lighted; plenty of fruit; fine ornamental trees and other desirable fenturos. You ought to soo this place; $2,100 SCU WAY, RARTLHTr lt0 State St. PICK YOUR CHOICE. $1100 New 4-room plastered ho us $x3S0 Modorn 6-ioom houso. $2160 Modern 7-mom house. $ Si 00 Modern 9-room house. $3500 Modern S-room houso. $1G50 5 aoret) just outsldo olty lim its; most l( In bearing fruit with house and barn. $1G0Q 10 acres of flno land, 3 miles suuth on rook road. $3200 For 20 neree ohuloe land. 3 mllos south on rook road. $37(0 For 30 aorvs ohotoe laud. 4 Mi miles south, with house aud barn. $5000 For 40 ueres choice land. 4 Mi miles south, house, barn and out buildings. $15,000155 aoroa with flno Im provements. 5 Mi miles out. one of tho beat farms In Marian count'. Good dairy farms and stock rauohes worth Investigating. $1100 Choloe lot on Court streot. liutldlng lots in all parts of olty on reasonable terms. LUt With Us, H. A. Johnson & Co. MURPHY BLX, ftALKH, ORK. Bi(HlltHHlnH I ! LOD3-8ULPHUR SOLUTION Niagara, tho tried and J proved 32 test. Prices on appli cation. Special No. 2, guaran teed 30 test, at $6.50 per 50 gallon barrel, full measure at Salem. Made only by Oregon Spray & Gas Co., Portland, Or. Hood River Spray Mfg Co. Hood River, Or. On Salo at Salem by H, P. Chaso, succes sor to Chase & Skalfe. Golden Rulo Dazarr, Mrs. D. T. Swart, proprietor. W-H06 llH lr I ia4 t ASYLUM AVENUE STORE Wo sell all kinds of staple and fancy groceries, and mill feed Prompt dollvory. Phono us n trial ordor to Main 2G9. A. J. EXGLEHART, Prop, $ Cor. Statesman and Asylum Av $ 3e3esccn CHICHESTER S PILLS v Till: lllAKONIt ItltAMl. a r ) ' nitr v it i-iii.t in .Ti:n t t-.' Alivl I ill THE TiATEST RARGAINS. A cholco 40-ocro flno orchard of applos, English walnuts aud small fruits, good barn and 4-roon house, boautlful land, flno spring water nt houso and tmrn; $6000. A Joo Dandy suburban homo of 20 acres, good Improvements, build ings, orchard, shrubs and flowers. Windmill nnd tnnk, plpos nnd fau cots In homo, yard, stock, otc, $7500. Sco this home. Cholco 11 acres, good Improvements, houso, barn, stock etc., $3000. 2 cholco 5-ncro tracts, lMs miles oast of Pon. Sco these cheap, nlco homes. Ono ?1500, othor, with stock, etc., $1750. A Bplondld tract for prunes and fruits south of towi 63 ncres, good Improvements, fli road, etc., cheap, $10,000. Nlco chicken and fruit trnct, 8 acres, 2 mlloo out only, $1800; snap. 13 acres In fruits, good buildings, flno road on car lino, $5500. 15 acres now land on Portland jar lino, houso, bnrn, etc., Just out nl city, chenp, $3500. 160-acro dairy ranch on coast, no.'tb of Slab crook, south of Oretown, Tillamook county, for salo or trndo for Salem or Marlon county land, with or without tho cows; terms If desired. Somo cholco tracts for chorry or chards south nnd west. Somo splendid stock and grain farm In Fox Vnlloy. A nlco 70 ncros one mllo from rnll road depot, school, otc, n bargain, with good Improvements, build ings, orchnrd, etc. A good 12 Mi -aero applo and chorry orchnrd of 500 trees, now land, 2 Mi mllos out, only $2500. Now houBOi for salo chtap on oasy terms. Homes for ront at all times,, also tho flnost lodgo rooms and dancing hall, bast floor In town, smooth and nlco, also for banquets, supplied with tables, chairs, dishes, et: ; torms ronBonnblo on both. If you want help of any kind or want a plaoo. or havo nny notary wotk to do, coo mo for your wnns. It. R. RYAN. OREAT SNAPS IN REAL ESTATE. Looutod In our elogant new olllov, No. 467, State treet. next door to Dreamland, we offer today a few special snnps. yT7i? I.ndli at A.L yuiir Ururain t f a . C-vJ. ! hi,-"-!"' IMamuml llrum!V lrl "vo VJ M nfcr n '"' i I m 1'rnaaM. A I C Iff M)"tM it Ji Jf. L ,', I $4500 20 aeros. only 1 mile east f the ponltentlary. 1 acre choice apples, l acre one-tklrd each Royal Ann, Illng and Lambert ohorrlos, and other small fruits black, lo gan, raspberries and grapos. Good G-room house, barn, room for 5 horsbj and 7 oows. This is Sa lem's oholoest land and oheap at the price without the Improve ments. $3600 Choicest building lot In Sa eom, on Court street, near tho cap Itol. $S00 Fine building lot on Court street. 54x165. For qulok sale, list your property with us; wo aro In position to do you good. $S50 Elegant bulld'ng lot on Win ter street, near Oak. 70x145. SIEY12R . RELLE LAND CO.. 467 Stato St. Near Dreamlaud Phone S57. Only a few lots left on 19th street. You will have to hurry It yew gt one, also 4 lots at 17th and Stats street, K. LUPTON, 3-1 6-1 4t 1T3 8Ute atrU SAM CASlTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. Is now located at Canby Oregon, tho beat winter quarters In the North west for training and developing young horsos. Sam hns room for a fow more prospects, olther for tne road or fack and would like o communicate with anybody wishing their horBo trained. Mr. Casio Is conceded to bo the best colt man in the West nnd his success on tho Sa lem track bears out this statomont. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Addrsc SAM CASTO, Cnnby, OroRonr Gold Dtist Flota- M..ri by THE SYDNEY POW EP COMPANY, Sidney, On go. , Made for family uc Ask your grocer for It. linn and shorts always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. REAL ESTATE SNAPS $900 will buy 7-room houso woll ' built, septic sower, city nnd well wntor; Bnnp for right party. Call on ownor, 1720 Chomokota strootr or Dcchtol & Mlnton, Room 7-8, Ilayno Rldg. Another One. , $100 will buy n modorn 5-room hoiiBo, hard finished, bath, toilet, soptlc Bower, concrcto foundation, basement. Snnp, 3 days only, $1000; would bo chenp at $1500. Ownor, rosldcnco, 1720 Chomokota street, or Hechtel & Mlnton, room 7-S Ilnyno Uldg. $.'100. Modorn 7-room houso, well built, flno location, good nolghborhood. Eleo trlc lights, flno fixtures, bath, toi let, wash stand, sowor, largo front porch, screen porch In tho roar, three bodrooms with closota, hot nnd cold wator, dlfforent variety of borrlos, lawn, flowors; prlco $2300; would bo cheap at $2500. Another Ono at $1500. (lood 5-room houeo, woll built, brick foundation, wood fibre plnstor, largo woodshed, nlco lot, somo fruit trees, houso front to tho east,, a really cosy homo, woll worth ths monoy, Modorn G-room houso, 4 lots, sightly location; prlco $3000, Farms. We havo for salo some cholco 5, 10 and 1 5-ncro trnots, Improvod, $1100 and up; closo In. Largo farms, nny number of acres to suit; prlco $17 and up. Got ono of our farm lists. Havo you any proporty to oxchange? Cull on BECHTEL & MINT0N Room 7-8 Dayno Bldg. it It Statu Strrct. Salem, Or. LODGE DIRECTORY. Carpenter Union No. ioo.T Local Union No. 1065 of Carpenters and Jnlnors of America meet over Sat urday evening at 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hall. 420 State Streot A W Dennis, Rec Sec. Foresters of America Court Sher wood, Fonsters, No. 19. Meets Saturday nU?t In Holman hall, Stato street. Geo. F. Patterson, C. R.; J. C. Perry, financial secretary Central Lodge No. in, K. of I. Cn-tle hall In Holman block, cor ner Stato and Liberty streets, Tuosday of each wook at 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. C.; E. B Anderson, K. of R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gun Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets overy Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman ball. A. E, Barnber, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerfc. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7:30. In Holman hall. A. L. Harvey, C. C ; L. H, Fletch er, Clerk. Jan. 10, '09. jWVnger Clierrtngtuu Pianos and organs sold on easy terms; tele phono 1187; 347 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. if A Hurry Up Call. Qulckl Mr. Druggist Quick! A box of Bucklcn's Arnica Salve Here's a quarter For the love of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned him self, terribly Johnnie's cut his foot with the axe Mamie's scalded Pa can't walk from piles Blllle has bolls and my corns ache. She got it and soon cured all the family. Its the greatest healer on earth. Sa'J ) r iy J. 0, Perry, K .-.llll. . !.. IPH.0, I. .11 II - - W jHiwwjiirii' lunmimnn