DAILY OAWTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OHKGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1H9. j9c :w , A ' u. Si XHjU That despondency in women is a mental condition often traceable to some distinctly female ill I Women who are well do not have the blues, neither are they irritable and restless. Derangement of the female organism breeds all kinds of miserable feelings such as back acne, headache, and bearing-down feelings. Try Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. There is no doubt that it has made many remarkable cures of female ills after all other means had failed. There is hardly a day that some woman does not write us that this simple old medicine, made only of roots and herbs, has cured her of a severe illness after several doctors had done their best and failed. Here are two such letters read them they are genuine and reliable. Baltimore, 3rd. "For four years my life wns a misery to mo. I had suffered with, fcntili' troubles no long that I was discouraged. I had Riven up I hope of ever belnj well when I boguu to take Lydlu 13. Pit m's Vegetable Compound. It restored my health and II' s though new life had been Klven me, and I am rocomiw linrr it to all my friends." Mrs. W. S. Ford, 1038 Lansdo. .u St., Baltimore, Md. Ilocklaud, Mo. "I was troubled for a lonjr time with pains In my back nnd stdo and was miserable in every way. I had doctored until I was discouraged and thought 1 would never got well. I read a testimonial about Lydlu J2. lMnkhnmVi Vege table Compound nnd thought 1 would try it. "After taking three bottles T never was so well In my life. I ma recommending Lydla 12. Piukhnm's Vegetable Compound to all my friends." Mrs. Will Young, 0 Columbia Avenue, Iloekland, Mo. For .'JO years Lydlu 13. Pinkham's Vegetable, Compound has been the standard remedy for femalo Ills. No sick woman does Justice to herself who will not try this famous medicine. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands of cures to its credit. MMrii. Plnkham Invites all slek women IV to wrlto her for advice. She lias guldod thousands to health free of charge. Address Mrs. Pinkhnin, Lynn, Mass. FIFTH WARD WIDE AWAKE THE MARKETS Fifth ward held Its regular meet ing last night nnd more Interest than ever was manifested. Tho etreot committee reported that It had soon nearly nil property-holders along Broadway and only two mado objec tions to its Improvement. On motion, properly seconded, It was resolved that the proper stops Bhould nt once be taken to Improve Brond way from Mill creek north" to High land avenue, by bringing tho street to the orlglnnl Tlllmnn grndo, nnd macadamize by having six Inches of gravel thoroughly rolled and a top dressing three Inches thick of crush ed rock; nlso thnt Hood and Mnrkot streets be each Improved lu tho snmo manner, nt loast for two blocks on each sldo of Uroadway. Tho boule vard to the fair grounds was then discussed, and on motion of Council man Hill It was resolved that it should be built, commencing nt Court nnd Liberty streets, thonco north to Drondwny. and on Broadway to Mar ket; on Market to Sixth, on Sixth to tho Fntr Ground road, and following the Fair Ground rono? to tho fair grounds. A comtuitteo of thrco, Iluckestelu, Boise and Mlnton, was appointed to present tho matter to tho city couucil. It was the unanimous opinion of the league thnt Salem Bhould hnvo mottntnln wnter If It was not too ex pensive for' the city to got It. E. C. MINTON, Sec. SAN FItANOISOO MAltKETS. SHIPPED IN PILING THAT IS REJECTED The bridge commlttoo nnd City Unglneer Perrott have rojoctod Home of tho piling shlppod In by tho tlm bermon who got tho contrnct for ma erlal for tho South Commorclal street bridge. Somo of It Is not 10 Incus nt the small ond after bolng thirty feet long, nnd will not bo used. Tho contractors ngroe that nothing shall be used but what Is according to tho plans and specifications. For Diseases or tho Skin. Nearly all dlsoasos ot tho skin, such as cczomn, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' Itch, aro characterized by nn Intonse Itching and smarting, which ofton makes llfo a burden nnd disturbs Blcop nnd rest. Quick relief may bo had by applying Chamber lnln's Salvo. It allays tho Itching and smarting almoot Instantly. Many cases havo boon cured by Its ujo. For a!o by Dr. Stone's Drug Storo. OASTOXIIA. SifMtun ROOSEVELT IN ROLE OF THE SPHINX $'?&& t ASYLUM AVENUE STORE ? Wo soil nil kinds of staple and fancy groceries, and mill fcod. Prompt delivery. Phono us n trial order to Main 2C9. A. J. KXGLKHAUT, Prop. Cor Statesman and Asylum Av rm fTTnlted Press Leased Wire.) ' Oyster Bay, L. I.. March 10. For 'inor President Itoosovolt whon re quested today to commont upon tho partial victory of tho Insurgonts In breaking tho rookbouud rules of tho house, decllnod to mnko any state ment. The ox-presldent refused to discuss either th fault f the ..Id rule or the necessltv fm mvs ur A!,e CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm It quickly abiorbtd. Cite (toilet at Once. It cleones, soothes, 1hhU nnd nrotrcts tho dUeosetl men), braue resulting from Catarrh nnd drives nway ft Cold in tho stores ?! Senses of HAY FEVER ' Tiwte uiid Smell, rail sire 50 cU , at Drug- I gists or by Jimtl In liquid form, 75 Ms. Llv Brothers. 60 Warren Street. New ork. Call for City Warrants. Notice Is hereby glvon that tlnre arc (funds on hand nppllcnblo to tho payment of all warrants of tho city of Salem endorsed "Not paid for want of funds." Holders of said war rants will plcnso prosont thorn for payment nt tho ofllco of tho under signed, room 13, Ladd & Bush bank building, as Interest will coaso from nnd after this date. FRANK MEREDITH, City Treasurer. Salem, Oregon, March 17, 1909. 3-17-10t HBIcflyB j pwMSy ! If you should havo n cold, a fow doses of Kennedy's Laxatlvo Cough Syrup will set very promptly. Chil dren especially llko Kennedy's Laxa tlve Cough Syrup, hs It tastos so good, nearly llko maple sugar. It Is sold by all druggists. HUMANE SOCIETY TO MEET FRIDAY San Francisco, March 17. Wheat, No. 1 California club, per cental, $1.901.9S; California white milling $1.952.05; northern bluestom, $2.052.15; off grades wheat, $1.75 1.S6; reds, $1,850)1.90. Barloy Feed barloy, $1.42 H $1.47; common to fair, 11.35 1.40; browing, nt Sau Francisco, nom inal, at $1.50 dp 1.52 Vi ; chevalier, $1.60 1.60, according to quality. Bugs Por dozon, California fresh, Including ensos, extras, 23 &c; firsts, 22c; Bcconds, 21c; thlrdB, 20 ttc. Butter Per pound, California frosh, extras, 2S&c; llrsts, 27 He; seconds, 20 &c. Now cheese, por pound, California flats, fancy, 14Mic; firsts, 14c; sec onds, 12c; California Young Ameri ca, fnncy, 14; firsts, 14c; Oregon flats, fancy, 15c; do Young America, fancy, 10 He; California storage fnncy flats, 13 c; Oregon flats, fan cy, 15 Ma do Young America, 10c. Potatoes per centnl, river whites, fnncy, $1.2 5 (IT 1.50; Lompoc Bur banks, $1.852; do Salinas, $1.90(0' 2; do Oregon, $1.75 1.90; now po tatoes, pur pound, 4c; sweet potatoes, per crates, $1.75 1.S5. Onions Per sack, Oregon, $1.S5 2; now green, por box, 75a $1. Oraugos Por box, nnvols, stand ard, $1.25 UT 1.75; cholco, $1.75 (IT 2.25; fnncy, $2.2 G iff 2.50; Tangorlnos. per box, $1.50; do small boxes, 75cfi $1.00. ipTiil IJESS55'. 2-- -- . -3 m. JSoXJ sa.x rfV -I . Alinlllll 1 tili ,.?J,. AVgclnbfcrrcparatlonlbrAs slmllnllngilseFtwtlanilRciJite UnjJ llic Siomachs nmlJJoHichcf ggjll fc5C m:Z9 Rva iy IVoiuolcs DigcstlonJChff rfaH ncss ami ivt'suomains nam Op:'iu.Morphlnc iwrMurcraL I otNaucotic. II ! . I jtKjyerorjik&WiTumm , AwfrrJ IKrtiSivx- 4 l ii yJ.A Remedy forCoiRf Hon , Sour Stonuch.Dlarriien Yens,Cosniilslons.lctn ncss and Loss OF Suef. FacSlntitc Signature of NEW V0KI CASTORIA For Infanta nnd Children. mmmvmmmmmmmttwmmmarwmmmmmmmmmmmmmwumm The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the JAt Signature of AW fr m MM-04lf !! !! tillif ! !! I Greatest Combination Offer f NINE NEWSPAPERS A WEEK FOR. FORTY CENTS A MONTH The llnlly Capital Journal and the ThrJce-a-Week .New Vork Worltf the groatoat Newspaper of Its Type. It always tells the news MB it . promptly and fully. Head in every English speak ing country. t bas Invariably lwtn the grat effort of the Thrloe-a-YVeok World wltttoH of the New Yorfc World to publish the news Im parUiUlr In order that it may be an aoourato rsportar of what has huppaned. It tells the truth, lrraspeetlve of psrty. and for that rMR it bas achieved a position with the public unique among taprs of Its class. If yon want the news as It really l. subsorlbo to the Thrlco-u-Vek etlltiOH of the New York World, whloh oomes to you every oibcr day xept Sunday, and Is thus praotloally a daily at the prloe of a weekly. THE THR1CE-A-WBBK WORLD'S regular subscription price Is only $1 00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequalltd newspaper and Daily Capital Journal three months $1.20 Daily Capital Journal six months - $2.35 The above offer is only good for Strictly Cash in Advance. Sepd check, draft or postal note or pay at office of Capital Journal. No agent's commission allowed on these terms. Send remittance to E. HOFER. publisher Dally Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. liHIfttHflHHHUIlffll The Humane society met at the Hoard of Trndu rooms last Friday night and did all the preliminary work nocogsnry to permanont organi zation. It was arranged that Mr. II VY. Meyers, president, should ap point committee In reeass. These committee will draft by-Juws and cotiHtitiition and attend to all prellm luur detail, and report at the meet; tag to be held Friday night of this week. From present indications this promise to be one of the most pop ular, as it should be, of all Salem's societies. Everybody who loves the things God has made, the birds, the animals, all animate nature, is in-' vlted to attend and to aid In carlo fur and protecting the creatures over which roan has been given dominion PORTLAND SLUtlCKTS. Wheat Track Trices. Club $1.08 llluostom $1.20 Turkoy Red $1 10 Red Russian $1.05 Valloy $1 10 Flour. Patonts $5.05 Straights .... $4.55 4.80 Exports $4.00 Valloy $5.10 Graham, l',i snek $5.20 Wholo wheat $5.40 Ryo $5.50 Feed $30 00 Oats. m No. 1 Whlto $38.00 Gray .' $37.00 Hay. Wlllnnictot val ordinary . ,$1431G Mlxod $18.00 L'aHtorn Oregon, fancy $17.50 Alfalfa $14015 Clover $13flU Cheese. F. C Twins 17V4e F. C. Trlplots 17 Uc Young Amorlca 18c Cream brick 20c Swiss blook 20o Llmburgor 18 20c Mlllstuffs. Rrnn $25.60 20 Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country $29 030 Shorts, city $30.00 Chop $20 28 KggH. Select Oregon 20(0-2 lc Hnstorn 15 30c lM$$ (i'u;nutccd undcrTTicl Uxi a Coiy of W'upjxr, In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TMt eNTun eetiMNT, iiw on oir, DrcsHrd Meats. Hogs, fanoy 0inc Hogs, ordlnnry 8 9c Picnic 10c Hogs, largo 7c Veal, extra 10llo Veal, ordinary 80c Veal, heavy 7c Mutton, fanoy 6$' 7c Cottago roll Ho Hreakfast 16f!lV4o Regular short olears, Binoked. . . lie Ditto, uusmoked 12c Clear backs, smokod ...13c Shoulders He HW4-4-4-llt1lWyf f llf i14ttM 1IUW XII Ul'l'.iUVU'J A AlUVinU riUAUllli .lLill'IlKMi AT JIU.MM.T Hon- to Itont or Duy n Moving Picture Mnchlno. How to Mnko Rig Monoy nt Entortnlnmontn nnd Amusomonts. How to Obtain Positions Whloh Pny $35 por Wook. How to Docomo n Flnlshod Oporntor. Wo Glvo Instructions That Aro Slmplo nnd Interesting. We Have tho Noweat Mothod of Teaching by Mall. Wo Sond You, on Ilocolpt of $1.00, Comploto InBtruotlons. We Tonch Oporatora How to Pass All Examinations. We Roprosont tho Loading Film Exchnngo. Remittances to Independent Theatrical Exchange, (), -IU1, 10 llurko llulldlnir, Seattle, Wash. J WAUDEN SCHOOL OF OPERATOI18X Kfiiil)ls)lf i-sne)iiit3i i f f if f f t)i Poultry. Chickens, mlxod 1615V4c Hone, fancy 15t0o Roostors, old , 10 lie llrollora and fryors ....83 25c Drosoed poultry, 1 cent pound high or. Ducks 3021e Goose, llvo 8Uo Turkeys 17 18o Dressed 2023o llutter. Fanoy 35 30 Oholae 30c Sturu i 18 20o Potatoes, lluyliig prloes, por cwt,. .$1.25 1.35 Sweets, owt $2.75 3 Fresh Fruit. Ornngos $1.75 2.76 iAiiuons $1,50 t Grapes, orate $ 0 7 Pears, box 76a $1.00 Crauborrlos, bnrrol . ,$14.00 16.00 llannuas, pound G 6 V4 Onions, per cwt $1.36 1.50 lycl ltetoll ALirkct. Wheat, per bu $1.10 Eastern Oregon $1.00 Bran, per sack 95c Shorts, pur miok $1.351.55 Rolled barley $36 Wheat, per bu $110 a. J l.tWMH iwmh .titan When Yen Feel Played Oat There comes a time when your grip on things weakens. Your nerves are unstrung, tne vital forces low, the stomach is weak and the blood j upoverishcd. You feel old age creeping over you. He careful of yourself. Take BEECHAMS PILLS at once; there is need to renew the life forces. Weak nerves, wearied brains, 6'ck stomach, feeble blood, torpid liver, sluggish bowels d feel the quickening effects of Beecham s Pills. Their use makes all the difference. The tonic action of thec pills upon the vital organs is imme diate,thorough and lasting. Thcyarc Nature s own remedy For Run-down Conditions Sold Everywhere In Box, 10c and 25c Local Wholesale Mnrkut. Wheat, per busbol U0 OaU, per bushel BOo Flour, hard wheat $0.45 Flour, valley $5.20 Mill foed, shorts $33.60 Mill foed. bran $S0 Hops, 1908 orop tOc Hops, 1907 orop 23c Chittlm bark 3Ce Wool, .oarse ,,. ...... 13c Wool, medium 16c Mobalr 20c Hay. cheat $13 00 Hay, clover '.....$12 00 Potatoes, bushel 70 80c Apples, bushel 60c $1.00 Onions, per cwt 86 90c Pruues, per pound l4'4c Cranberries, Howe's variety, bbl $13.00 llutter ami llim Retail. Eggs t 25, two for 46c llutter, orearnory 40o Iiutter-fat 3Co Cbetse, pound 20c The slnnor on tho avenue is Just much a sinner as tho sinner in the slums. ' The oharlty of tho negro raco is exemplified by the fact that BeaUto Colored folks associate freely with Jack Johnson's white wife. IN A HAD WAY." Many n Salem Render Will l'ctl Gnitcful for TJils Information. Whon your back glvoa out; nocomuH lame, weak or aching; Whon urinary troubles not In, Your kidneys nro "In u bad way." Doau's Kidney Pills will ouro you. Here Is local ovldonoe to provo It W. J. Carlton, 1400 Third street, Salem, Ore., say: "Doau's Kidney PIIU, whloh I prorurod at Dr. Stono'a drug store, not only strengthened my kldnoyu, hut speedily removed tho bnoknohe and lainoness. A remedy that brings siioh prompt and hone flolnl results as Doan's Kldtioy Pills Is worthy of ondomomont. I advise other kidney sufferers to try Doau's Kldnoy Pills, ns I nover tuod any medlclno of tho kind that equaled them for curing bnoknehu and kid noy trouble." For sale by all dealers- Prlco 50 cents. Fostor-Mllbtirn Co., Buffalo, Now York, solo agents for tho Unltvd Stntos. Romomber the nnmo Donn'' nnd take no other. DR. STONE'S Drug Store Tbo only cash drug store in Ore gon, owes no one, and no one owes It; carries large stock; Its shrives, counters and show caies aro loaded with drugs, medicine, notions, toilet articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purpoe. Di, Stono Is a regular graduate in mod- lolne, and has had many years of ex perience In the practice. Consult tions are ttao. Prescriptions are free, and. only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can bo tound at his drug" store, Salem, Or., from 7 In the u.qnlng until 9 at nlgbt.