Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 17, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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gPi ij) Qj if iQib
August 25-26, Congress organized at Marshfield,
Development Congross held during session of the Oregon legislature, '
Commissions appointed by governor of Oregon to draft general, port commission act,
and district-aid railroad amendment to constitution,
Governor Chamberlain sends special message to the legislature,
Oregon legislature enacts port commission act and railroad amendment to be submit
ted to vote of the people
Govomor Chamberlain names highway commission of seven members,
Next Development Congress to be held at Ontario March 26-27, Next at La Grande
and next at Burns,
A liilllu Journey to IIoIkc.
Tho Orojon-Idnlio Dovolopmunt
Convention mm In Its llfth conven
tion nt llolso, February 20, This Ib
to ho followed by Blinllar conventions
nt Onturlo, I,a Grande and Hums tho
next thrcu months, l.lko tho ono
hold nt Hnlom in January, tho nosnlon
nt llolso wnn hold during tho fu
sion of tho legislature, many of tho
momhorH attending. Dolognto woro
present from tin far away iih Oooi
liny to tho west nnd Idnlio Falls to
tho i ant. It wnn n Htirprlito to loam
that, Idnhn Falls, 300 mlloa from
llolso. ihlpH out S400 carload of
frolght n year. It scorned almost In
rrodlhlo that llolso mon aro Interest
ed In townnltiw, banks nnd buMncM
ontorprlMMi on Coos liny. Tho flKht
In put the whole commercial, politic-
ni. iKi"iHiivt aim executive puw
imoK or tho llKht for a railroad from
Ilolse aoroaa Central Oregon to Coo
liny l now on In both state, nnd the j
mon hyhlnd the guns know tin such j
word full. :
The local exm-utlre eommlttt of j
thi two-etat Development CongreiM .
(which Is In no way allied with Tow
Hlohhrdsun's Oregon Development
League) cousletiid of Joseph Par
milt, ehalriunii: Rellly Atkinson,
swuelury; Carl I'uluo, Max MayfWld,
p. V. Allen (formerly of Hnlom),
John M. llalutM and lldwlit 8no,v.
And a livelier tiuuoli wo never hothi
to kuow, Tho motto Inscribed nornss
tho top Of their IwttMr-hmtd U: "To
Dovolop HoHthoru Idaho ami Out si
nnd 8oHlliwMttrn Orsgon. To bring
Uih two MHlvs Into iHurw frloudly t-
iHtlUIIS. To IIHltH tllMlr COIlMIIVTOlnl
Intwosta. To build a railroad from
Ci Hay, OrKn, to llolso. Idaho,
with tht rM of th ennllt of th !
khI Miibdlrlwlons of the two state."
To Mak this iHtMlhlo an awMdmont
i tkt ooHstltutlott of OroguH was put
through tho lnliature. that Is U-
romlag tho Uve wlltlfnl Ism Ih tbU
auto. The Wtgaest oanltalleta. maa
ufauturer. merrhaaU aMd reore
sontatlvos of the Ohnmber of Onm-
meroo of l'ortland are bneklng the1"
light. Among thorn are: Win. Mo-
Mastor. liroaldont of the ohamha; '
W. II. Ayur. tho lumber kIuk: Her
man Wlttonborg. tho president of the
MaiMiiaoturars' Associatien: A II
Dovors, wholwnlor; J. N. Teal, of the
Toal Transportation Company; UeHfTr"" ro,H
Hnhu. Jobber; C V. Adams, presi
dent of the Portlnnd Ous Co ; )
Khrman. of Mason. Ilhrmau & Go.
grocers; J A. Keating, Iiumharman's
Uaiik; V. S. Sianley. Dosekuteo Irrl
Kullou Cw ; A M. Drake. C. W. Hoa
on and matu other In Idaho aa
aula legal uowmlttre reported that
(hero was nothing in the ooiutltu
tloH to prohibit legUlaUvtt arlloa to
eunble railroad dlstrlota (9 be ore
ated to oxtetid aid. A law was Im
mediately ordertHl drafted along the
llNa of Irrigation dUtrlotn, draluagtf
distrleU. ivort dUtricU. tnhool di
trleta and road dtstrlots. empoweied
to leMd oroillt. to lory taxa. to float
Winds to aid a railroad ooustruotloi.
The ubjeet wa thrtvhid out for iwo
day by somo of U) nblwt men )f
the two states and the aentlmant
ma to be unanimous for the bill In
' 4iaiii?! "
A largo mass meeting was held In
the Plnney opora houao, a mngnllt-
emit structure, finished In mnrblo nnd
Routing 1600 pooplo, coating 100,
000. It Is n monumont to tho on
lorprUo of n worthy pioneer, who
fought (ho Roguo lllvor Indians In
18T. 1, wnn nt Portland when Third
Htreot wan bolng cleared of stumps,
and has boon n pioneer of Idaho, Ho
hnti lived to H(o tho olty of Holso
Krow and npproclato his public spirit.
Another plonoor of tho onrly Orogon
dnys, who on (lured hardships with
lil tn . Mr. Toogood, wna also nt tho
great mans mooting pf ovor 1000 of
tile best pooplo of llolso, who woro
jiiinulinoiiH In expressing tho oontl
inenf that tho tlmo had nrrlvod whou'
thoy should do something to ho'p
llolso, tho capital nnd metropolis
of Idaho, Is situated ns wns Dos
MoIhm, la., In tho onrly '70c, whou
the now peerleas capital olty of Iowa,
a manufacturing nnd wholesale city
.I railroad city, wns off on a single
spur of the Northwestern railroad,
and that tiarruw gauge nmd. built
l ih farinsjrs. Dm Molnew ronohod
out with oouuly nnd inuulolial suo
IdlM, and state aid through legisla
tion, and got ono railroad aftor ui
other, until now that city Is tho cen
ter of a iwrtect plderwb of stoa:u
and electric lines. Holse Is off on n
So-mils spur from thv Orogon Short
Line, with an eUetrlc nystem IiokIii
ulng to radlnto In the llolse vallev,
with hopes of a lint to Hutta. and
tlKhtlHg for a line to Cow Day.
That liaise will duplicate tho his
tory of development that took plato
at the capital of Iowa, Is Mot unlike
ly, as tho Iowa ooloay la large ami
aiilve. Among the volunteer speaii
iri ealled upon to spoak for cowMr
clal club from the varloua eltlee rep-rwu-ttKl
It got to he a etaadlng juke
to har wan after wa sot mm anil
m1BuuM4: ..j hW aUHI ,H IowH
Hots Is aot a cheap, iwo-blt style
,ONSH- ' m,l ' ,l fr
r,H"M ou l r of
lh ,l-w l slx-etory strae.
tar with modem grill room and
eboay-oauellod dining hall. The ele
vator move more than four mlloa an
kour ' thro ' telephouoe
m. Hut tkla la not g4d riajnaa. 8he Is situated
for Ilolse. The Kalks nre.wkk.u WM m,m Uy l4)oa, 0
mttag a seven-story. 160x180, Are-ike
proof hotel that t to W a woroIct) llwtlM ot 0,HMllUoa of a
wwi and up-tiwlatd affair. A. WJ. w of wom.W9UWhtA citizens.
Umue valley w woald Ht ask tor WWH Hrr,mH WM- blldlnR (hu
auythtag Uottor than the Idaa-aa. i9kutrt Uh, kt tolt, tHt u of kltag
i ou tho first Md la wllablo thH, Uw wwkl mmf tM H k
m "u!T?i lfcat ,wm "' ',r " lv " ' .-
He to b wished for. ; tt ,, , rtK,u ' f w,y Thlg
To show the arit of the mow to Hftw eoiuidereil cheap, and If It
Hot., the loeal wmwlttae oaiUd far had not kom for the opposUtuu of
aaioa to take ot the delojaUe-. w oMttmer the offer would have
about 1 to --ami ahow tkew the arvny
poet, state prlsM aMd ethir attaa
liana of too rlty. There waa onougft
MtacniNW m uiK litem all. aad U
. I rte u the aat that
lUrrDwaa oecHtll when We wm at
RJU,, ,
Hois. hn th Wtrgojit kot-wats.
oleotrle lighted natatoVtum la the
wost. ta swimming pool about 100
feet by 30 feet, heated by uatural
. .j,;i.juwwwi
hot wntor of 170 dogreos.. This Is
piped to many rotldonccs nnd public
buildings, nnd conntltutos tho largost
nntural boating plant In tho world
Flno rosldenoos disconnect their fur
naces and turn on tho hot wntor.
This Is not hot nlr. For wnshlug
clothes It snvori half tho soap, ns tho.'e
Is n ohomlcnl snpollo In tho wntor
Tho Dolno Commorcinl Olub head
quarters are almost ns flno ns nt Port
land, nnd sorvod n lunch nt noon with
colored wnltora. Tho club onlor
tallied the Dovolopmont Congross,
concluding with a smoker, at which
two ncta by local vnudovlllo com
paulos woro prut on in conclusion, und
thoy woro tho only lndlos prosor.t.
Hut many of tho ladles who attend
ed tho congress visited tho thcntro,
while their hiiBbnnda woro nt :ho
sniokors, nnd claim thoy Baw stunt
not ovor put on at tho Comdiorcl.il
Tho IloUe Commorcinl Club sponda
about 3000 entertaining tho mom
bora of tho loglslnturo. Thoy gnvo
an Inaugural ball at tho big natator
lum. whoro thoy Inld n floor over
the swimming tank, nnd literally
dnnrod on the wntor. Tho olub gnvo
n rocoptlon to tho loglBlalors' wives
and daughters, who mot the Indloa of
Ilolse on equal tonus, and danced
wUh them The llolso peoplo and
business mon soom to think thoy aro
under some obligation to tho loglsln
turo. Ilolse has a Jobbing trade, nt tho
In ad of whloh sthnds tho Fall: Mer
cantile Company, which conduct n
modern dopnrtniout storo. nnd n
wholoaalo house thnt koops flvo mon
on tho rond. Tho wholotnlo district
has solid brick buildings, each of
which Is reached by a railroad track,!
thus effecting n groat saving In I
handling heavy freight. To show tho !
nerve of llolsj). whon somo Portland
house invaded their territory, noise
Jobber notltlod Portland to with-
draw, or thoy would put sugar Into j
the Portlnnd market nt cut rntos.
That ended the unfair competition.
Capital of Idaho Willing lo ,Mvf tho
Hallway Pniject .Mori' Than
Half Way.
(Coos Hay Harbor. March IS.)
The groat Investment of llolso
capital and the location of llolso men
a Chm Uay baa wade the propueeU
IkiWe-Cotw Day railroad take llko
wildfire at the capital oily of that
Hole U without a main line of
on a spur
ll.rrim r.,i h-.i ..i nt ih
bea a
The optHM tloH was
out wlthoil
ftiUowlag and llarrlman
;at he had eut out all
ihooght ( Mfdl
and wttwUl
ihroagh Nanm.
iiotee mi hsy at one.
Ih ten
w $! hd raUeil 150.000 and
undexOtlU fa llarrlman aa-a bonus
he woMld otno thrgugh tlw olu-
with the mahfllno or the road. Ills
reply was a .charactertotle llarrlman
February 26-27, Development Congress; held, at' Boise with legislature, rA
Ways and means committee reports favorably-on Idaho constitution, ' "SS
Congress endorses report
to be introduced in Idaho legislature; . i '"; -
Governor- Brady addresses special message to legislature, ' ' X
Idaho legislature enacts district-aid railroad law and Governor Brady approves same,
Next Development Congress to be held at Caldwell, -
reply: "Use your monoy beautify
ing your olty; tho road will go
through Nnmpa."
It would not bo strnngo If tho op
position that arose on tho bay at the
tlmu when he doslrod ponnlnlon to
bridge the bay with tho Drain-Coos
Day extension, has not boon tho In
fluence that ciiiiHod that wizard of
the railroad realm to abandon, with
out ever giving a ronton, the lino on
which ho hud spent a million.
Lottera from prlvato parties nt
llolso aro filed with roporta of tho
attltudo of tho cltlzona thuru- toward
tho rond which Ih proposed to bo
built by tho stuto nnd It would not
bo nt nil surprising If eoinothlng Uef-
lulto docs not come out of tho rum
pus. No sol of resolutions ever pass
ed by any congross lino caused tho
flurry In tho twq,utntoH an those pass
ed by tho Idaho-Oregon Development
congreHH In session In thnt city. '
ii'goii-ldalio lliidhtei-s.
(llolso t Idaho) Capital News.)
The Oregon-Idaho Development
congroHH Idea came to Colonel K. Ho
for of Suloui only a few mouths ago.
i lo, together with two or throw othor
gentlemen, set to work to develop tho
Nohoine. They have worked hard and
Insistently without compensation of
any kind, paying their own expenses,
that they might be of service to the
general public.
They have succeeded almost be
yond oxpootatlon. Tho llrst congross
was hold last summer with a very
modest beginning, but ono.li succeed
ing meeting has grown until the
proaant mooting In IIoIho which still
ahows a most encouraging luoreuso
in tho enthusiasm
Two purposee w'oro In mind In the
organization of tho congrosa, ono of
them tho building of a railway
through south central Orogon con
neotlng Idaho with doep wttter on
the Pacific. The necessity of such a
railway was so evident and tho groat
bua'.nesa aawltlng Ita arrival ao clear
ly and easily demonstrated, that when
tho people began to understand the
plan It was easy to arouse their en
thusiasm. The beet minds of the two states
have heeome Intereaml In the eon
groeti and it has hN a pleasure to
Iktten to the apeeahos and the re
ports made at the meeting here.
Urondor and wider swipe will be
given the vision of those who heard
the discussion, a closer and more
friendly relation will be developed be
tween tho citizens of the two statos
and a closer bond of union of pur
kwo to make tho most of prosent op
portunities will be formod that will
benefit every citizen.
W. K. Thompson, constructing en
gineer for the United Wireless Tele
graph Co.. of Seattle, arrived In ;he
felly today, and will proceed to erect
a station. He expert to get a thru
tr flvo-yonr la on a sultablo loci-
Hon. aad erect the apparatus, and In
stall aa oporator that will connect
Salem with the northwostTu olreult.
direct eonneotlon with stations at
Portland and Marshfield.
Ho has just established a station j
at Olympla ou the water frout. and :
koaurHl good reauVl. It will takaj
him two weeks Tt ercl the station
This will ut Salem lu direct comma-
Hleatlon with vessels pasaiag up add
and appoints cbm.missipn to.
Adoptetl at tho
Dy tho Oregon-Idaho
Dovolopmont congrosB that we ho.tr
tlly npprovo of tho vory nblo ropcrt
pros ntod by tho committee on ways
nnd monns, showing conclusively
thnt thoro Is no existing -constitutional
bnrrlor to tho enactment of n
law providing for tho creation of rail
rond districts, and further providing
through t)io loglslnturo for tho crea
tion of such districts nnd tho enact-
ment of n Inw by meaiiB of which tho
pooplo of such districts can orgonlzo
and 'co-operato to secure thf con-
structlon of needed railroads.
Wo rocommended thnt n comml -
to be rocommondod to draft n bill to
enrry Into effect tho Orogon plnn it
Initiating constnuotlon of rallronds
by counties, municipalities and dls-
trlcta and embodying tho reservation
that nil nld oxtondod by -tho people
ahall romaln vosterin thorn, to tha
end thnt nil rights shall bo preserved.
We recommond thnt tho bill draft-
i by this community ho Introduced
and passed boforo both housos of tho
loglslnturo bofore its adjournment.
Iniprnvoiiieiit of Coos liny Harbor.
. .,-, ,
Tho Orogon-Idaho Dovolopmont
congross heartily npprovos of the
action of tho Orogon legislature In
orontlng n gonernl port commission
act undor which th. groat harbor
on Coos Day can bo further Improvsc"
ami 1 made navigable Tor tho .hipping
of the world by tho enterprlso of Its
own citizens. (
This congross furthor potltlons the
senators and representatives from
the statos of the Paolflo coast .to Mill-'
port unitedly all appropriation.! fori
tho Improvement of Coos Day, to the
end thnt It may bocome one of tho
world's groat deep sen harbor. to
whloh Its contral location, and being
ou tho through lino of tho groat trana
continental railways that must pass
through Idaho and Central Orogon so
Justly outltlos It to a recommenda
tion, situated midway between Puget
Sound and Gnldon Gato. surrounded
by llllmlfnblo coal fields and forests
of Inexhaustible woalth. that harbor
Is destined to become tho entryport
of the products, the commerce and
the populations of the grwvt Inland
Itlulto's Xcarvt Port,
II o It further resolved. That the
most direct railroad route to the Pa
cific oaboard would be the most ad-
vauiageous to the people of South- Take Halls Family Pills for cob
ern Idaho, that owing to the fact stlpatlon
the house
Aft interesting program today, including
scenes showing
draft district-aid :railroXd;?law.,
I that Coos Day, on tho Orogon co.ur
f Id nnnrns Cniit1iAtit filnlm Minn nnie
other hnrbor on tho Western coast;
that its harbor Is land-locked, ade
quate In ?ize, nnd sufllclont to nccoru
modato tho largest vessels, and that
tho Coos Day soctfon Is underlaid
ty vast deposits of high grado bl
tumlnuous conal, nnd surrounded by
forests' of Inoxhnustiblo wealth, to
gether with Its conimi"clnlly strnco
glo position to command tho com
morco of tho Orlont, mnko It ndvnn-
tnBM"8 to tho people of Idaho that
tn western terminus of tho proposed
fallroad uo on Coos bay, nnd we r5-
ommend that our representatives
?ntl sonntors in congross mnko an
earnest effort to sccuro npproprla-
tlon ' Improve tho Coos bay harbor
tl'iis Commission to Iks Appointed
T Oregon-Idaho Dovolopmont
eongron recommonds that tho logls-
,nt,v0 ct,n ' tl'e two comino:i-
wealths be followed up to sccuro
' praotlcal results by the appointment
ft commission of prominent cltl-
zen b tne governor of each stat
Tho delogatos in convention assem
u,od ftt Dolso' IJnho' Weby re-
Pe"y "uost thnt Governor Jaj.
II. Drndy, of Idaho, and Governor
Gw)rge E chnmb9r,aln( of Orogon
onnh nnmo allph ,,,, ,
,0Ml govon promInont cUIr0n8 who
nro to bo authorized to find ways and
means to further promote tho con
struction of railroads In pursuit of
lgoMallyo noUon t,mt be had
, .,.,, op ho.h . tha.ttB,atfl, .,.
luc s County, as.
Prank J. Cheney makes oath that
ho Is sonlor partner of tho firm of
,cs. i vv rx. ui r
XI M 8
mi UiMMMKIJrL 111
i-. j. uneney & Co.. doing business
In the elty of Toledo, oounty and
state aforesaid, and tnat sold firm
will pay the sum of ONB HUNDRED
DOt.hARS for each and every oase
of eatairh that eaaaot bo cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ,
bwora to before me and subscribed
In my presence this 6th day of De
cember. A. D. i8SC.
A. . Gleasou.
(Seal) Notary Public '
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken' In- ' '
ternally. and acts directly on the 1 '
blood and muoous surfaces of the:iL "'
sj-stew. Send for testimonials free. ' 'ili.
Toledo. O."
NjIU i all druggists. 7Se.
of comfort.
I'res. W. ii, Taft's
Good music.
v.t. -