a 'J3HfSriWrTfllPlXiirJ7'".M-.iat-v-i'" f I IV iRH & M. I. MEYERS p- . hl. I crowds crowds were beyond expectations ,we sincerely hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Today and tomorrow will close,the opening specialties in the you to tako advantage of the special prices on our new OPENING SPECIAL Today find tomorrow soven "Spring" showing of Oxfords; 1 1.00 values, special at.... $2.89 MEN'S OXFORDS Sovon classy stles for ll09; regular $4.00 kinds on sale today and tomorrow at. . . . $3.45 XM8JL u'oOOOOOOOOO CITY NEWS ooooooooooo WratJinr Forecast , .Probably fair tonight and Wed. iu'mImjt, Masquerade at the Rink Wednesday, March 17. If ItN Something Which somebody might to want to buy, ndvortlso Itl Story AthortlNluK Is nddrostiod to the uobur buslneea sunao of tho reader aud nhoulil not bo overlooked by puoplu who are oul tlratlug this faoulty. MNi lilliol (Inn Will plutiHu you with liar proAty voice In tho "Mikado" Mnroh 22 nnd 83. Notarial Appolntmenta W. P. KviiitH, Coos county; U Hudorud, Crook; W. F. Savage, Wul town; J, J. Howsor, lloutonj Charles II. Page, Clatsop; W. M. Langley, Frank B. (Iruut. Hrnntl O. Honld, Multnomah ; W. JJ. Stull, Ynmhll!; Ghas. F. Hyde, Uitkor. Our Rvnlrt Is to please, and whether It bo to itx your old wheel or null you h new ose, you will bo shown uvury aourto y. Frnuk J. Mooro. 3-15-tf Why I It Mr, Join- My oofftM Is alwig blUwl Buy hotter eoffoes gut FoIbw'h (luhluii Gate whole roast, dun'l, grind too fine or toll (im lung.' Preparo Your Uostuinav Kur the grand masquerade at the Auditorium rluk Wednesday night. Flu Maple nnd Ah WihmI For !, clump, for tmmudlato do. livery. Apply Krnbs Bros.. Hush UreyiiMH building- Telephone Main III. ' 2.16.tf 11 uy Your Ticket To The Mikado" hufnre thoy are all gun At tho Grand Mnroh it aud 33. Qotiagt I'liderlrtklng l'nrlo Cottnpu and tMiomekeU st.; call day or night. J V 8111. 1'houe S00 wminnKnimwiuKiitiiiiiiuinnmim $' WINDOW BOXES PLAIN AND riWCY I These beautiful flower boxes add to the beauty of any home. See them. MASON BROS., PORISTS t mOWC 308 itnif fiiitiiiifiminniiiittii - r "Vyy"?? W'SM to tnan,c tne hundreds ittii 10ok in our rormai spring upenmg yesieraay. Aiinougn me i Women's Evening Gowns Dinner nnd Afternoon bfeftsos, Throe-pleco Tailored Suits. Tailored Suits anil Dresses, nnd a comploto lino of Wash and Llngorle styles and til rut range of aseoffmontfl land to inako selections easy. Peflicoais - t Spring opening special from xjur 'Inri tttle(Mit Xeotton wo offer bteck mill colored Silk Petticoats, nice ADd full width French flouncu, wo II worth 10.00 mid J0.50 -yours for $3.98 INVESTIGATE styles of Ladles' regular I3.G0 and .TQ.&Si.2lmK& ' c " m B MPk Mmm JL J Tu Jt31 MiiMiuerado at the Kink Wednesday, March 17 lle Your (JrtM-ery Onlt To J. M. Uiwrtinoo If you wnnt tho best, promptly filled. Corner Kerry and Commercial street. I'hono 311, I'or tho I'artli'iila Hmokur, a Tashmoo, 12 V&o, or a I .a Corona i0c elgiir will pleasu, Man ufaotured by the Salem Cigar Fac tory. . fmcr Iiisiirnut'o Itates. Ily having us do your work. 12. W. IMoiyo, Capital Kloctrlo Supply Com pany. Phono 035. 12-16eod-tf V. T. Hlgdou, Undertnki Always progressive, upto-dnte Full equipment, largost stock. lO-Jl-cod-tf. Hand at the Itlnk Wudntwday night. St. I'atrlak'a mHNutndo. Admission 26c cents; skntiM 2Kr. CiiruniM'r Grvei Gut aoroago contracts by calling on UldtHin StoU Co.; good protHs to thoiu having the proper soils. 3.16-lw Deputy ImIi (hiptuttl Him Deputy Sheriff Ksch captured n Insane usonpe from tho asylum this morning near the Gilo packing plant. Tljtt mufortunato man had been roam lug about slneo 2 o'clook this morn ing, and was elad only In his tinder olotliMi, with a light blatikut thrown ovwr his shoulders. Deputy 13ch took the patient In ohargu and not! ttthl tho aBylum authorities, who con. duotsil him buck to tho Institution. Mr, HtMitli ApiHilntctl TU mate board appointed J. llonry llooth as a mtuuber of the statu board of Kgru-ultunt yesturdny to fill tho vnskhc) wads U' tliu uwtgnatlon of Mark llurlbuct of Albany. Mr llooth U of ltoeburg. (ranted a Dinrv A drtM was uvuirdod to 11. 8. Duunlgau against Amelia A. Duuul gun l Judge Galloway this after Hotin This waa a dlvorco pn)ciHdlng ou the KioiuuU of cruel and luhumnu trektuitui 2ft mxtM ST. $ DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 10, 1909. of visitors for the interest they many departments, so we urge Spring Wearing Apparel. Tomorrow Only Burson's fashioned Hose lO ic . i pair Owing to some Hllght Imperfections offor regular 26c values for Wed nesday only nt 10c pair. No tolophonp orders received. HANDKERCHIEFS Just received 300 dozon mndo especially for this store, Btampcd II. W. & M. L. Moyors. Lot No. 1 contalus genuine, all pure Irish linen, em broidered; a good lfic value, special Monday, Tuesday and Wudnosdny, 10c enoh. Ixit No. 2 contains all puru Irish llnon Initial Ilandkqrohtofri, stnmpod II. W. & M. L. Moyors, good IGo vnlno Opening Special lOc llaud'at the Itlnk Wednesday night, St. Patrick's mastiuernde. Admission 2C cents; skates 2Gc. Mandamus the N. P. A mandamus suit wns ftlod In the circuit court today by Attorney Gen eral Crawford for the statu agalimt thi Southern Pacific, accompanied by a writ ordering the railroad company to construct a bridge across tho South Santlam river, or nppear .before the court and show cause why a bridge should not bo constructed. Thv or der was signed by Judge Galloway. Tho brldgo In question Is to span a portion of the Santlam where tho high water had washed a bridge out previously. Judge Oallouay Decide- Tho demurrer of tho Oregon Kloc trlo Hallway Company was overruled today by Judge Galloway In tho suit of Ford vs. O. K. It. It. Co. This was a ease where the Oregon Klectrlc pur chased laud from the Ford estate nenr Mission with tho consideration they would construct n station on tho property, but so fnr have failed to tlo so. Tho matte wul probably be oarrled to the supremo court now. SCHULZBARB IS OF ARIZONA TYPE (United I'trM teased Wirt.) Uerlln. March 10. A dispatch re ceived today from HUeuaoh says that sohuUbarb Mlllg, u wealthy land owner, fought two duols today each wit han army officer and In each killed his opponent. One of the of ficers was Lieutenant von Huttler and tho other a surgeon whose name was not learned. Mlllg's wife, who Is declared to bo an American, Is claimed to have been tho eauso of the quurraU. It Is said that Mlllg was Insanely Jealous, o Washington Senate Adjourn. Washington. March 10. Tho son- ate this afternoon adjourned until Friday, after confirming a fsw ap pointment. Including the nomlua tlon of John C. Young as postmas'er for Portland. Oregon. Xnv Incorporations Articles of Incorporation were tiled lu tho otnee of tho secretary of state March 15. 1909. as follows. Mitchell Mercantile. Co.; principal oittco. Mitchell; capital stock, $12,. 000. Incorporators. James Wilson, U U Smith. W. II. nalej. lien Ire mouger and Vm. R. Reed. Pacific llasket & Uarrel Com pany. principal ofttc. Portland; capital stock. 15000; Incorporators, F. A. Douty, Jt 1,' Cook and Harri son h PUtt. Dfiphoa Lodgro, No. 39, KnlghU of PytWas; principal oMce. ForMt Orow; Incorporators, A. R. Leoo, K. W. Haines and J. A. Abbott. aa vmammmmmmtr YdXL : StST- &Vimea82&&r WESTON IS WALKING ACROSS THE 'CONTNIENT United Press Leased Wire. Tnrrytowi, N. Y March 16. ErtL ward Payson Weston, the 71-year-old champion long-distance pedestrian, Oassed here Jtoday on his. trip from Broadway Co tho Golden Gate, upon which ho 6 (it out from Gotham laCo esterday. The old man is walking with his wonderful easy stride that marks uls superiority. He said ho never felt better In his llfo. "This will bo tho greatest accom pllshmont of my life," ho said, "and whgu I walk Into San Francisco will bo the happiest man in in tut world because I will iTavo accompltshod my great doslre. What I want to do U to show the young men of Amorca what they may expect from walking. They will not doubt' It when they know that at 71 I havo trudged across this contlnont In 100 days, not counting Sundnys. 1 never walk on Sundays. "I foal Mint I will make the trip with ease." Tho vctornn pedestrian proceeded ou his way to Poughkeopslc over tho old post rood. He will go up the Htidun to Troy, nnd then will turn westward through New York state. He will then dcpnrt down to Youngstown, 0 visit Akron, nud then by war of Dcllovuo, will pro ceed to Chicago. Beyond Chicago his plans nro not definitely mado. Tho trip to Chica go Is 12SS mllos, nnd tho complcto distance from Now York to San Fran cIsco, n W08ton will walk, Will bo 4 3 t'O mllos. Ho expects to reach tho Golden Onto In the early days of July. o CHAMP CLARK CHAMPS THE BITS t'nltfd Press Leased UMre.J Wnshlngton, March 16. Soon af ter tho houso adjourned today Mi nority Lender Clark Issued a call or a Democratic caucus, to bo held to night. The caucus Is considered neces sary to determlno what courso shnll be purmied In view of tho appoint ment by Cannon of Democrats to tho committees without consulting tho minority leader to whom tho appoint meyts nro believed to bo ontlroly unsatisfactory. Champ Clark thin ovonlng said: "I was not consulted at all about uny of tho appointments of Dotuo cratlc mombors. "I uudoratnnd that It was tho sue-, torn for years for tho minority load er to consult thu Bpoakor socrotly re garding tho Democratic appoint ments. Later, undor tho Canno.i prnctlce. It grow to bo an open prnc tlco My prodecossor, John Sharp Williams, was recognized ns the dic tator of appointments of Democrats. "Now, In order to' punish mo, the spenkor Iiiib relegated this power to himself. "Every man makes his own place lu the house. He didn't give me uv placo, and ho can't tako It away." Clark declined to stnto whethor he would accept the position as n mem ber of tho rules committee TO ESTABLISH THREE-CENT FARES l Halted Press UtttA Wire. Chicago, March 16. Plans tor a compalgu for tho return of tho 3-cont passenger faro aro bolng made today by Western rallrondb, following a conference yoetorday. at which it wa deoided to re-establish the rate lu Missouri. Thu 3 -cent schedule, established undor the recent decision of Judge MoPharson. will take effect In Mis souri In April. Cases ponding in other states, where -cent fare legislation has boon passed, will be pushed vigorously with the Uew uf having the old 3 ceut rate established again SOMETHING SNAPPY For you In shoes both high and low. Qualtiy, style and fit unexcelled. Prices right. -If you want a shoe that will give both comfort and service, try a pair of Dr. Reed's Cushion Soles. Remember our table of broken sizes at half price. Our repairing gives satisfaction. THE PLACE WHERE WE FIT J SALEM SHOE STORE 326 STATE STREET. COURT WANTS TIME . TO DODGE QUESTION Ctrilted Tress Leased Wire.) -Nashville, Tenn., March 16. The court nnnotfncerf today In the trial of Duncan Cooper, Hobln Cooper and John D. Sharpe. charged with the murdojt of Senator .W. CannacUyl that iiqcliadt fitlled to complete HW charge tojje delivered to the Jury. The court stated that preparation of the Instructions wns difficult owing to the points Involved. The case was continued until tomorrow morning, when the Instructions probably will ! rend and the case go to the Jury, Ilt..IIITr nmnmwrno vvni icjHDDumcno. HOLD MEETING The executive board of the stnto W. C. T. lf. Was In BossISn today nt their hall. Ferry nnd Commercial, when a large amount, of business was transacted. This evening n public moettng, to which the public Is invited, will be held nt tho First Presbyterian church. An IntorostUig program has boon pre pared, nnd among the Rponkorn will be Mrs. HonrlQUn Urpwn, stnto presi dent of tho' organization, and Mrs. Harford of Newberg, former Btnte president, nnd Mrs. Adn Unruh of Portland, corresponding secretary, o ST. PATRICK TO GIVE A BALL Thoro will bora St. Patrick's dnnco nt Cd'mmcrclnl hall Wednesday oven Ing, March 17. St. Patrick hlmsolf will bo floor manager. A special prize for tho best coniplo of dancers will bo given, and thoro will also bo n prize for each and ovory guest, given directly by St. Patrick hlmsolf. St. Patrick's band of four plccos will furnish tho music. Pat McArthur and nil the othor members of tho loglslnturo aro ex pected to bo thoro. 3-1 0-2 1 SHOT THE MAN TO PROTECT WOMAN (United Press Leased WIro.l Charlottesville, Vn., March IC. John Armstrong Chnnlor, brothor cf former Lloutonant-Govornor Lowls Stuyvesnnt Chnnler'. of Now York, an da mombor of tho mllllonalro As tor family, shot and kllfod an Eng lishman nnmod Glllnrd nenr horo last night. Tho details aro not known, but It alleged that Chanter shot Glllnrd to I defend MrsGIUnrd from an attack by her husband. John Armstrong Chnnlor Is es tranged from his family and Is exiled from tho state of New York by tho rulings of the court where ho Is re corded as nn insaiio person. If ho returns to Now York ho will bo plnced In nn Insauo nnylum. Tho shorltf Is Invostlgntlng tin enso but Chanlcr'a friends stoutly as sort that tho killing wns unavoidable. Thoy assort that Glllnrd was Insane ly drunk and was In n frenzy when he started to attack Mrs. Glllnrd. Chanter's fortune, Inherited main ly from his mother, who wns an As tor, Is estimated at about 310,000,000 though It Is much Involved on ac count of the fnot that In New York, whore much of tho proporty Is. ho Is classed as Insnno. Needed Now As Spring Approaches, everybody ought to take a few dosos of the Hitter,. It will cleanse the systoni of winter Impurities, tone the digestive organs, make sleep restful and pre ent Spring Fever, Thousands of )ieroa8 have taken HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS with great satisfaction, and )ou'U be pleased with It. too Try it today for Poor Appetite Flatulency, Heartburn !)pepla, Indigestion, CoMllonoss, Illllousncs, Female UN, VoUU, dilpM and Malaria, Fever and Ague.; lEKSHBMI ? ooooooooo O O o o PERSONAL MENTION ooooooooo o . 5 '. ' . Mr, and Mrs. J.-Wnterman left fdr thelr liofne In Providence, H. I., Inst night. They have been hero for the benefit of Mrs. Waterman's health. "Mr. nnd Mrs. F. G. Tracy, who have boon visiting rolatlves and friends, hore, loft for Tncomn, Wash., this morning, where thoy will make a short stay before returning to their home in Missoula, Mont. Miss Pearl Isham wont to Brooks today for a visit to rolntives. J. H. Fogerty, tne expert machin ist who has been working at the penl tontinry, left for his homo In Mll wnultlo, Wis., Inst night. Mr, nnd Mrs. George Eyro, Jr., loft for tholr homo In Moosojny, Canada, today. They havo boon spending the winter with Mr. Eyre's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. George Eyro, Sr., and other rolntlvos here, and also took the short courso nt tho Orogoti agricul tural college. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Fa tight nnd fnm lly pf North Plntte, Nob., .arrived here this morning nnd will locate In Sa lem. Mrs. John J Roberts nnd Mrs. '.a doc J. Hlggs wero passengers to Port land this morning. "Miss Dollo Williams loft for Tho Dalles yestorday. ' John Breeding wont to Canyon City, Colo., Inst nglht. Mrs. J. L. Campbell nnd daughter Miss Irene of Chomnwa attended "Tho Mntcnmnker" nt tho Grand last nlKht. Mrs. P. C. Uughor, with her chil dren, of Indiana, arrived yestorday to Join lior husband who is located In this city. PERSIA'S SHAH GETS A GOOD FIGHT Tehoron, Porsln, March 10. Tho shah, alarmod at tho spread of tho revolutionary movement, agrood to day to give lils subjects n constitu tion, undor n pledge that it would not bo rovoked by him. Tho potcntnto also sanctioned the proposals of forolgn mtnlstors for tho nomination of a council of 70 cltl zona who will draw up tho constitu tion for submission to tho shah. Norwich Union iffre Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Room 13, Ladd & Dush, Bank Building. MONEY TO LOAN THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush's Bank, Salem, Ot PIANO TUNING LUTELIiUS L. WOODS. funlng, polishing, ropniring. Ph'oG08 OOOOOOOOO ooo NEW TODAY ooooooooooo For Rent 20 acros of Btiinmor fal low; l mile from Llborty. Inquire of or wrlto Ernest Andorson, 112 N, Commercial st., Salem. 3-15-3t For Sale Several housos In Salem, and farm lands at a bargain. Cap ital National Bank. C-l-eod For Sah Paying business; small capital required. Owner must leave city. . Address 'Z. T" care Journal. 3-10-3t Hoiihe for Rent On Chomokota St.. 310 per month. Inquiro nt Was som'a Post-Card Hall, 478 State street. 3-10-3t House and lot on Chemekctn street, 3 houses on lot. price 31100, terms half down, balance 6 per cent. Ad dress owner. P. O. box 248, Salem, Oregon. 3-lG-3t Tmo Finely Furnished bedrooms, for single gentlemen, at $S apiece. In quire at 730 N. Front st. 3-lC-lwk For Sale A first-class second-hand buggy cheap Inqiilro at Journal office 3-10-tf G. W. EYRE, Prop. rjrw; U -vifcini mrniWm 'ftp " ' f'Mi " mmmmmmmm cftv SfcjMSvr tm -m