Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 16, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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Iff 1. IJpft
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values $9.50
$22.50 vals $14.95
$32.50 vals $19.90
Snlom's loading olonk and suit
store nlwouneoa for this wook's
alo groat specials of now up-to-date
Tullorod Suits. A lot of 200
Hiilts mnilo up to our special order
by a woll known New York manu
facturer. The materials aro fancy
strlpod serges, worsted mid lior
r.ugbono effects, 31 and 3G-lnch
coats, Bomi-fittlug and loose hip
stylos, single breasted, notch col-
lnr coats, madu with slash on Bide
and polntod. Othors cut straight
and satin lluod, handgomoyl trlm-
mud and tailored. Skirts full,
fliiro and bottom trimmed with
lrrge buttons, eta. Navy, black,
ltinwn, stono. old rogo, green,
mod and Belf-strlpes. Bvery gnr-
i.-.cnt well made mid finished and
perfeot fitting. Groat vitluos.
Wo now offer to our patrons
and the public In genoral the best
values In this part of the world,
In silk and kid glovos. Our bnor
in Now York has supplied us with
this season's newest gloves in all
the wanted shadoa and kinds, also
till sizes. If you want tho right
gloves at the lowest prices, come
to the CHICAGO STOUI3 Pair.
Il)e, 7."5c, IKc, mill up.
New Spring Styles
Now Shown in all departments
Removal Sale Continues, It is easier to move money than
goods; we have to keep moving out the new Spring goods
as fast as they arrive or we will get swamped for room in
our present quarters, The crowds of eager buyers that fill
our store 'daily is proot enough of the wonderful bargains
we are offering, The newest of the new is here offered at
quick-selling pi ices,
New Spring Shirt Waists
vGI v I TmImi
Ueforo wo movo Into our
now millinery department wo
will give- groat values to our
patrons lti stylish Spring hats.
The room wo hnvo now Is too
small Tho new hats are nr
rUlng dally and we lime to
find placo for them somewhere
We are selling them out at low
price. That la the wn wo are
now disposing of them. If ou
want to boo swell hats como
and tako a lpoR through Wo
charge you nothing to look.
You will very soon see whoro
you wnnt to buy your hats
Prices llko this
$1.95, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 and up
Sale 500 Beautiful NEW DRESS and TAILORED WAISTS
75c values 39c; $1.00 values 49c; $1.25 values 75c;
$1.5fJ values 98c; $2.00 values $1.25; $2.50
values $1.49; $3 values $1.98
nud eo along the line. This week or as long as they last. We an
nounce one of our great Bpeclal waist bhIos. An ovont that nover fallB
to attract an enthusiastic throng of buyers, Wo now offer as pretty
a lot of waists iib we over had the pleasure of asking you to share
In. Doth dress and tailored styles aro included. A great purchaso
from ono of our regular accounts cunulca us to offer you cholco waists
for this nnle at small prices. They come in Cambric, Nainsook and
Swiss, handsomely trimmed with lace, omhroldorles, medallions, tas
sels, pearl buttons, etc., long bIcovcs and buttoned In tho back or
front. Tko advantage of this offer.
1 1 A fits; ' K
a i-0 W I VM-- llim
s ujkt- fvu , i jiluii' urarirv
5Mfe "VfcSOtliLSit M JiiT
iCTSi n V-t5l "-sr'
Wo show a comploto lino of
1000 newest dross skirls In all
the latest materials and newest
shades. Thin magnificent stock
of tailored drew skirts is well
worth your attention and whon
it comes to stylos and low
pi Ices you aro doing yourself
mi injustice If you don't see
tills lino. Wo can show you
any cIiihb of dress skirt you ask
for in all colors and cream.
Prices small.
$2.50, $2.95, $3.50, $4.95 and up
Women's $3 Oxfords $1.95 Women's $2,50 Shoes at
$1.49 and up
Warm woathor calls for natty footwear and loers of neat shoos
who would have thorn at n low price should tako advantage of this
sale. Wo placo on sale ton dlfforent stylos In now summer oxfords.
Including pitmiw, with light or heavy solos, In tan, black, Ilustilan
elf or brown kid; also Gibson and bliichor outs In all shapes nud lasts.
All high heel models for droa or stroot woar. lSverythlug that Is
smart In footwear for 1900. In addition to tho shoe mentioned abi"
we Include LikIIoh' High Dress Shoos In kid and patent leather. All
makes; also misses' and children's show In a xreat variety of tho
newest atlea and colors, all fitted with Wro
Dress Goods and Silks
A monster snlo of silks and dress goods. Whon you como and
look our stock of silks and dross goods over you will say that this
is a monster stock. Wo are soiling silks and dross goods fast and
tho roafcoii Is we hnvo the best nud newest goods to show our cus
tomers. You cannot find nay newer goods no mnttor whoro you
travel. Tho Mossnllno Silks In the following shndos aro taking fast:
Taupe, Retioda. Mulberry, Coponhagon. Wisteria, Old Hoso. Ilrown,
Navy, Tan. Cream. Whlto, Light Hlue, Cardinal, Illnok.'Mosti Oroeu.
Catawaba and the rest; also pongee, black silks, fancy silks, and
hundreds of others now soiling at prices that aro attracting kon buy
ers. Our Drew Goods Dupartmont U booming. We are selling tho
f' jod. The beautiful prunollas In all new shades are moving quickly.
Don t df)u la making your veloctlon now for your new Spring dr,
i-b 'he goods are all fresh and nw and at very small price.
On the Following Goods
7Mic Outing Flannel In dark and
light colors, now yard !
76c .Muslin Gowns, all lxe slightly
willed now only !!l)o
.! UioAchod Muslin, SO In. wide, a
meat Iwrgaliu yard ' no
fl8c Mohair Drew Goods, 30 In. wldo,
a groat bargain, now only, yd sine
8 1-3q Crash Toweling, a good heavy
quality; now only yard lc
Price out away down on Illnnkols.
Comforta, Whits Ud Spreads,
SluMtlnga, Table Unoim. Man's
(!oh!k and Clothing.
New Lace .
1000 pairs of Laoo Curtains now
on suluHii white, oroom nnd ocru. Wo
show a very strong lino. It will pay
f- you well to got our prices.
Pair 49c, 75c,
89c and up
i.l Cioous sold i:wrriiV as
W r sow akowiag a oompUte
line ut Womm'i Jiprtag ldrwar
Price from
10c and up
The Htw Dlrctolre Coreets are
taking a groat hold on tho high class
and wgll dressod ladlos. Remember
we keep tho beet In tho world the
sle agonu for those magl(ice!lt eor
sUi. Nose like thorn. Prlee from
98c up to $2.50
f nwSTPib l!
There are only a few stores In
large eitlee on the Pacific Coast that
shows any hotter stock of Ostrich
Plumes than wo do. Wo make a
specialty of ostrich plumes on ac
count of being on the Inside with the
fellow who houi them off tho bird's
back. We can prove ibis to oti if
you want a beautiful plume In colors
or black All prices from
$1.50 to $10
SALEM The Store That Saves You Money OREGON
, win lan ffi" " 'd
We show a complete lino of 1-a-
dle' Muslin I'nderwear In any class
of garment you ask for This U a
beautiful Hue and the prices tiro sure
to plouso you.
JlA' Wfofi,a.r (m iTJnitWtr i