DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONJIAY, AlARCll 15, lfiKr. It i I y The House Saturday's freight brought us a larger shipment of room-size Rug,s which added to our already comprehensive line (insures rug buyers of an adequate assortment. We feel ceratin you will be well repaid for any time you may spend in seeing our Rug and Carpet stock. The House Furnishing Company 177 LIBERTY STREET Coffee The kind that makes the break fast -real Coffee through and through always the same. Your grocer will grind it better if ground ut home not too flno. There are men who novor go nhond simply beause they always think they are right. There aro somo folks so liberal that ovory time they speak they gl-e theraselvesaway. Mr I BSBttVSSnSnnnW Jrar 49rknssW Gm ? 'sssssS DR. STONE'S Drug Store The only cash drug store In Ore gon, owes no one. and no one owes It; carries large stock; Us shelves, counters and show case are loaded with drugs,. medicines, notions, toilet articles, wlnos and liquors et all kinds for medlolnal purpoies. Di. Stone is a regular graduate in med icine, and has bad many years ot ex perience in the praetiee. Consulta tions are free. Prescriptions are free, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can be lonnd at his drug store, S&lem, Or., from 7 in the n.urning until 9 at night. Furnishing 177 LIBERTY STREET 3r50LsLsssV!HBsnsKiw?' BOOSTING SCIO AND HIGH SGHOOL LIVE GRANGERS WANT BETTER EDUGA- ! TIONAL CONDITIONS- COMMERCIAL CLUB REORGANIZED, AND ADVERTISING PROGRAM ON EOR LIVE TOWN OF LINN COUNTY j A Joint program gotten up by tho Sclo Grango and County Superin tendent Jackson, of Linn county, was held at Sclo Saturday. 'The new Grnnco nt this nlace. of which a sub stantial and progrosslvo farmer, V, J. Denny, Is mastor, Is tho largest 'grango ever Installod west of tho Rocky Mountains that Is It had tho largest list of charter membor? over 200, and will exort a tromend- 'ous influence for tho socialization and betterniont of conditions In this part .of Linn county. The wholo day was , given up to literary and musical ox- erolses, and cash prizes and two fine flags wore prosonUd for the host da tamations, songs and map work by 'Cyrus Walker, of the commlttoo of Judges. A splendid basket dinner wr sorved, nnd about S00 peoplo par tlclpated. The dinner was a hum mer, and all the exorcises were cred itable to the live little city, or Sclo. and Its enterprising farming popula tion. Prof. 0. M. Mendonhall, of Al bany, gave tarns splendid examples of humorous and dramatic rendltlous He Is one of tho best ontertalners In Oregon. Some of the Speeches. The union high sohool movemont was Inaugurated by Chairman Peory. of the school board, and was promot ed by tho open meeting of the Grange. Sclo has a 120,000 high school building with an aseembly room aid reeltatloa rooms, and oan accommo date 20 high school students. Un der the new law this dlstriet will g4t $140 a year for the first 40 stu dents attending. The meeting Sat urday was addressed by State Super intendent Aekerraaa. ex-Superintend-ent Alderman, of the State Univer sity, and Senator Milt Miller, Demo cratic warhorse. All talked for high er educational standards and better adraaugee in the country scsooi for high school privileges for the rural schools. Mr. Acker man spoke of the Joint efforts of the county school offloers' otganization. the county superintend Company ent' organisation and oduontlonnl commlttoo of tho stato grango nnd what had boon accomplished for union high holiools, In co-operation with the state department of educa tion. Two things we mut have: A high school education for ovory boy and girl In Orogon, and oxport Inspection u fall county schools. There Is the third thing we mmst have: Every teaoher la tho stato must havo some I professional training to toach our children. Dentists have to bo quali fied to care for our children's teeth Teachers must be quall'fled to card for our children. We don't put nearly as much Into everything we call education as thi people put Into whiskey and tobacco. Don't talk to me about expenses nnd taxes for colleges and norms! schools and high schools nnd county schools. The boys and girls of to day mutt be taken enro of. Senator Miller euloglsod tho work of the late legislature for education. He quoted statistics. Thero wer 15 districts with only four months i school, and 110 dlstrioU with a 5-1 months school. The new law enacte! i that each such district hereafter ' should have a six-months school ! with a five-mill tax. i The aew law for county high f school fund would make tho high I schools of Solo or any city self-sur-i taialag. That law was framed by the aid of Superintendent Ackerman Rvery city in the state could have too beet kind of a sohool. If they wanted it. and at very llttlo expense. Aaotker bill gave each dUtrlrt $10 before the per oaplta appor tionment was made. That was an other splendid law framed up with the nskUtance of the state supeU-' undent of education. j (Vmuiwrrful Club Itevivcd, Friday evening Colonel E. Ifofer, president of tho Willamette Valley' Development League, addressed the business men on the needs of a strong t commercial club, and about 40 r enrol led with a good monthlv' subscription (or an advertising fund. All tho facto of production aro be bolng gathered of that wonderful ly rich region, and will bo use! to carry on an extensive campaign to sccttro home-seekers. A milk con donsor with largo capacity is nearly ready for operation, and sovoral oth ir enterprises havo been landed by a fow good boosters, not least being an annual appropriation for tho Llun county fair that has been established here. Sclo has everything to mnko n wonderfully prosperous community, and tho strong Commercial club that has been organized will bo a big factor In its futuro growth. TEDDY THANKED HIM FOR UNASKED ADVICE United rre Leased Wire San Francisco, March 1C. Follow ing a brief noto from former Presi dent R6osevelt, curtly thanking him tor unsolicited ndvlec, Captnln A. J. Smlloy, of Seattle, who Is in this city today for a brief visit, said that Rooso volt's South African trip was simply a joko. Smlloy declared that ho has hunt ed all through that portion of Africa thnt Roosevelt will visit on his jour ney, and snld that It Is a' great game proeorvo, but tho lions and olophnnts aro "gun shy," and that Roosovolt will bo lucky It he gotb moro than nn occasional sight of gamo. Smlloy said that tho formor pres ident will bo necorded tho treatment given the Duke of Westminster, who visited Afrlcn, but failed to Bight much big gnmo. Ho wroto Roosovelt rocontly, tolling him that ho was tu tho hands of porsons who would mnko money out of the trip, nnd sug gested to tlie ox-prosldont a route which, ho doclnrod herdB of wild game. nbou titled In RUSHING IN COFFEE TO BEAT THE TARIFF (United Press Leased Wlro.) Now York. March 15. Nearly nil tho great wnrohouHes of tho city to-1 ,noro t,mn JuaUnod Manngor Moid day aro filled with bugs upon bags of ! ln curlng tho "natural actor" coffoo following a hurried campaign for n engagement In this city. Mr. on tho part of coffee Importers to nil , Sl,ll' ' oxcollont company will tliolr RtnrohoiiBOB lioforo nn nntlcl- ' " at tho Qrond Opom Houso tO- pntod Increnso In coffeo tariff l lov led. Dozons of steamers nro bringing hugo cargoes of tho brown berry to this city to avoid tho oxpected high Import, nnd It Is predicted that moro than a third of tho culled coffoo of tho world will rost In tho granaries of Gotham within n ciort time. At Ilto do Janeiro nnd othor Important potts of Ilrnzll vessols nro loading and will race under forced drniiKlit to the United Statee In an ondenvor to boat tariff legislation. Tlio Ilond to Success. Has many obstructions, but nono so desperate as poor hoalth. Success today domnnds health, but Eloctr c Hitters Is the groato-d hoalth build er the world has over known. It compols porfoct notion of stomach, llvor, kidneys, bowols, purlflos and onrlohuB tho blood, nnd tonos nnd tu vlgoratos tho whole system. Vigor out body and keon brain follow tholr use. You can't nfford to slight Elec tric Hitters It wonk, run-down or sickly. Only 60c. Guaranteed by J, C. Perry. Tom Illchnrdson Is going to quit boosting for Oregon December 31, 1909. Wntoh Orogon grow next yonr o Ilnru Suicide, as Presldout Itoosevelt calls It, Is not nearly tho munnco to In or oh ho In pop ulation that deaths among Infants are. And eight out of ten of those deaths are directly or Indirectly caused by bowel troubles. McGhc's Iinby Elixir euros diarrhoea, dysen tery, sour stomach and nil Infant all-1 monts of this nature Just the tiling for toothing bnblos. Prfeo 25 and 60c. All dealers. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Rtuglit Dears the rf ytffcZT Stgna.ure of CTT LIMU-BUIJ'IIVIl SOLUTION ! . Niagara, the tried and II proved 32 test Prices on appli- X cation. Special No. 2, guaraa- Jf teed- 30 test, at 16.60 per )0- 9 gallon barrel, full measure at T Salem. Made only by Orogon Spray k. Gaa Co., Portland. Or "' S Hood Itlver Spray Mfg Co X Hood River, Or. On Bale at ! ! J Salem by H. P. Chase, succss- j sor to Chase & Skalfe ooidei Ttule Bazarr, Mrs. D. T Swart, X proprietor. llsieilslHHitillssllllttKteHIfWriltfiHIIIll till itTm) I M MM Jf2l AU'OJiuiTa I'eu rENr" ANcgcuM-rtrparatlonftirAs slmitau. henwrfantfRcdufi llngiitcS'- rhsonlDmtisiir VIHlM Promolcs D tcs Hon JChr cifd-1 ncss ana iKst.comainsnciir Onium.Morphtac norHiacraL Nor Narcotic. E32 .1 u Jto$tffOfJIkXWWmiW lltria Srra" tqWfaft- It'mStrJ' JtoArjirn; Arret -"ft: V"2 & .1! fee AnvrRirl Ilcmpilv lYirfYmflM lion , Sour Slomach.Dlarrtoa Worms .Comnlstous jotrisn iicssanilLoss or Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ir r v MHkmvm l si w. l m rnrm n i ijj Junrantccil under the NJ"i Exnct Copy of Wrapper. TONIGHT DAN SULLY IN "THE MATCHMAKER" The fnvonfhlo ImprosHlon crontod by Mr, Daniel Sully In tilt Idnhq com-ody-drnma, "The Matchmnkor," has nlKht, and, from present Indications, It is likely thnt ho will play to n crowded houso. "Tho Matchmaker,'' 1 its n play, icorod ono of tho most pro j nounccd buccussoh In tho theatrical I history when first prosonted, nnd tho critics, without exception, hno termed It ono of tho biggest hits of i tht HcaHon. OrfrudK Ijvrl, with Dun Kully Tho Mntrliiunkrr." In Grand Opera House J.VO. P. COHDHAV, Mgr. MONDAY, MARCH 15. MR. DANIEL SULLY In ihe Great Comedy Huccosh "THE A pro,,y "y wllh m,r" ,"uh Uian 'arC' 603LAUGHS 603 Prices ?1.00, 71c, 60c !6c. Seat sale opens Monday. & a. in. KBcbH UJW'-3B u 8l ISS5.B S-- - iilaHflEOnBss. , sHssHnHHm a i LsHHHiIIIIIMNbU ' bsiiiiiisbsV mtit armt '' sH sV &$ m w B K -$v ,ul jtss BaJsnnnw best' ' j sW ssV''lBBnns1 Kfs4sHsfsfsfsfs4sVi4HHfsi 1IUW 1J UflAlAlK A. HUVI.Mi l'il1 UlltS IAUI1I.M5 AT IIUM1S. How to Rent or Huy a Moving Picture Machine. How to Make Rig Money at Entertainment and Amusoments How to Obtain Positions Which Pay f36 per Week. How to Uecomo a Finished Operator We Give Instructions That Aro Slmplo and Interesting. We Have the Newest Method of Teaching by Mall. W Send You. on Receipt of (1 00, Complete Instructions. Wc Teach Operators How to Pass All Examinations. Wo Represent tho Leading Film Exchange. Remittances to IndejK-ndeiit Theatrical Exchange, IOO, 101, 10a Jlurke liuildiiig, Hiutth; Wntli. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA A ItellgloiiH Auttim-'M .Stntemeiit. Hoy. Joseph II. Fcspormitn, Salis bury, N. C, who Is tho author of uovoral books, writes: "For sovernl yoam I waR afflicted with kldnoy troublo and Inst winter 1 was sud denly Htrlckon with u sovoro pntn In my kldnoya and waa confined to bed olght dnys unnblo to gut up without nssliitnnco. My urlno con tained a thick whlto sodluiout nnd I passod snmo frequently day nnd night, I commenced taking Foley's Kldnoy Remedy, and tho pntn -gradually abated and finally coasod and my urlno bocamo normal. I clioor fully recommend Foloy'H Kidney llomedy." J. 0. Perry. HoHoburg lias omployed a Colt nn a boostor. Let uh hopo this will not bo "a bono on Tlosohiirg." Night on Haiti Mountain. On a lonely night Alox. Uonton, of Fort ICdwnrd, N. Y ollmbod Hall Mountain to tho homo of a neighbor tortured by ntthma, bont on curing ' him with Dr. King's Now Discovery, 1 that had cured himself of asthma, ThU wondorful modtclno soon re- llovod and quickly curod his neigh , bor, Later It curod .Ills son's wlfa ' of a sovoro lung troublo, Millions boltovo It Is tho grontost throat and lung euro on earth, coughs, colds, croup, hemorrhages and soro Uiug. nro suroly curod by it. Dost for hay fever, grip and whooping cough, 50o nnd 1.00. Trial bottle froe. Ouar nntood by J. C. Perry. According to somo people there will be severe solsmle disturbance when Hoosovolt takes hl feot off the contlnont. They seem to forget that Illg 1)111 Taft can hold It down, o Foloy's Honey and Tar euros oougliH qulokly, strengthens the lungH and expels colds. Get the genuine In a yellow package. J. O. Perry Old winter ban been sitting on the lap of Spring for some time, but he lia evidently got up so that all of us can linvt a chance at his seat A. Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm li qulellr biorbd, Citct Htlicl it Ones. It t'leuiioi , fcOGtlieu, IimiU and protcits the (liiw-ul lovtiu brane rultiug frru Catarrh and drives nwuy at'uld in tho Head iiuirkly, lletteres the Kmomm of Tiwto ami Mmell, Pull ntzo SO bl. at DrnHgUt or by mull. Liquid Gratia Halm fur uo In atomlzon 75 ots, lily Jlroth, CO Warren Htrttt, New York. m m u ill ssiSSMssasnBsnsnsi WAKDE.V KCIIOOL OP OPKHATORHl i9 ' 4l-Ajf!nrt, K,st.-twtimmAmmmHhmi Am. pmssssj ff.