DAILY OAriTAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1809. A Neighbor ot Yowra ka woll ns yoursolf la liable at nny titno to Imvo rheumatism. Wo'ro all liable to hnvo cuts or burns, bruises or scalds, crick In tho back, nock or nido somo kind of nn ncho or pain. Thon heed this ndvlco and tell your nolghbora Ballard's Snow Llnlmunt roltoves all aches and pains, and heals nil wounds. All (loalors. Did n billboard over advortlso your town? o DoWltl's Cnrbollzod Witch Hnzol Balvo ponetrntos tho skin and heals quickly. It Is spoolftlly good for piles. It Is sold here by nil drug gists. Whoro would you do your sensible, ovcrydny advertising, nnywny7 o A Hurry Up Call. Qulokl Mr. Druggist Quick! A box of Bucklon's Arnica Salvo Hero's a qunrtor For tho lovo of Moses, hurry! Uaby's burnod him solf, trrlbly Jolmnto'i cut his foot with tho axe Mamie's scalded Pa can't walk from pllon Dllllo has bolls and my corns ncho. Sho got It and soon cured all tho family. Its tho groatent hoalor on earth. So'd by J. P. Perry. CLASSIFIED ADS AND REAL ESTATE SECTION FOR HALIC For Halo or Trade For wood, ouo $80 horso nnd 3-Inch wagon. Soo R A. Ptoll, 013 Markot stroot. 3-11-tt For Hale 8-rooin house, 3 lots, with fruit troos and good barn, only I22CO. Hon bookkeeper United Ktatuo National bank. 3-13-lwk For Hale Flvo aorso with 0-room house, nlao gontlomnn'a constyr brake blcyolo. Soo Mrs, II. M. Woudi, Salem Heights grocery, Jofforeon rond. 3-13-31 For Hale Barred Plymouth Rook kkh, $1.00 for HottliiK f 15; also four frosh cows. O. Iroton. Phono Farmers 300. 3-13-31 " l'Olt RENT Houso for Rent Closo to East school. Enqulro nt 008 Marlon street. 12-28-tf For Rem Kllnpor Grand Thontro, with or without fixtures, nnd fix turos for snto. M. Kllngor. Phono 34. 3-2-tt Nicely Punished Room With bonrd strictly first-class. At 578 Stall) troot. 3-4-tf lVr Rout 90 acres pnsttiro, run ning water, 10 uerea potato ground 4-roolh house and Int. Box 113 Turner. Or. 3-12-31 For lU'M- Farm. 318 noro. 70 ore In rultlvstlon; suitable for ditlry rHiirti. Inquire M. P. Baldwin. O O T. dock. 3-13-3t WANTED Hoarder Winded At 578 Btita troot. 3-tf-Xm WiuiUmI Carpels to make, run and rags o mako carpets. A. M. Bun nell. 194 South 12th street. PhoMo 132. 3-13-lw WniitnlOIrl or woman for general housawork. Kuqillro of F. K. Bhufor. saddler and hnrnoss mak er, 187 South Commeralnl streot. 3-13-tt MISCELLANEOUS AiiIIiihm seeking a publlaher should MiiNMUHteate with the Cochrane Publishing Ou. 117 Tribune Bldg. New York Oily. U Vou Want Your eolleetlout mtvdj promptly, mka your attounu wttn W. D. Smith, room 4. over IliwH UHk. 3-9-lm Why nt isd wrk ta the UuHdry that doe Hat MA.NCLH It to pleaoe. where your jjwodn ro tald fur If liwtT UlKhlHHd Hnud Laundry. PhoMe 403. 234!) Currant Ave. S-aS-lmo lAitu on MnoUHiiUh l-t- -?376 and 355. Theso lots will uilvanco In price March ltth; only n few days more of thU oheap prlco, E. Lup ton. 1073 State et. 3-1-lmo CuvumWr tHmtrncie For ploklM ran bo mndo now by culling oa Qldcon Htoli & Co. 3-3-3 w Okh In If you tud the tuouoy. 1 buy Santlam mtulUB stocks. Write mo vxheu trading You get a dis count on ull business doue. lA)t me tell you of the gigantic smelter for the BantUiu. trtuuo anil big Income for stockholder. Bmall In vestor welcome. Installment or ders accepted. Kindly seud. all butlnes In buying or aelllug San tlam mining stocks to this office, Addru W. J. CurtU. SU Cowmer cUl Vlk, Portland, Or 3-18-lao CLARK BELKNAP WAS THE HERO Clark Ilussoll Belknap, who won tho oralorloal contest at Corvallln over all tho other colleges, was given an ovation by the Wlllamotto students on his arrival Saturday ovoning from tho Bcono of his victory. A docor atod carriage was placed at his dis posal and ho was hnulcd through tho 8 1 roots of tho Capital City with blare of horns and songs of Jubilee. Theso bcoiiOb wore repented today at collogo uhapol. For Wlllumotto to win out over olght othor collegos is certainly it great honor Htid Ihows that good work Is being dona at that Institution. -o- UNCLE JOE CANNON IS ELECTED AGAIN Joseph 0. Cannon was ro-olectod sponkor of tho houso soon aftor con gress mot. This had boon itgrued upon In advance nnd thoro was no fight on his ro-olcotlon. Tho man who looks to tho Lord for his dally broad will not bo found irnwing off tho ond of 1Mb yardstick to mako It caslor for tho dollars co find his pocket. BUTTERNUT BREAD. It Is worth mora than any other hi "ad, yot tho prlco Is no higher. For snlo at your grocors. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thomas & Cooloy, Props. For Halo 00-ocro farm, 40 acres In hops, ono-half mllo from Orogon electric lino, 11 miles north of Sa eom, $000. Houso nnd 4 lots on 10th stroot, $1700. J. Knight Murphy block. DRAYMEN Cummins Bros.' Transfer Company All kinds of trnnsfor work done Furnlturo nnd pianos b)xcd ready for shipment. Prompt sorvlco U our motto. Stand and office at 253 South Commercial stroot. Phono 210. Rosldor.j Phono Hulto At Wviidernth Flno wlnos llquorn nnd cigars, Wo handle tho celobrntod Kollog and Castle whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing bor constantly on draught. Soutn Commorclnl streot 9-3-lyr. HALKM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For wntor Borvlco apply at oOlco Hills payable monthly In advance Hydo Br)s. Klivtrlo Co. Blcctrlo suppllos and first-class wiring nt roasonablo prices. Call at our ofllco for ostlmntoi. Phono 4S1 143 N. Liberty stroot. 1-13-tf Writgrr ,M ClirrrliiKton Plnnoi nnd orgnus sold on onsy terms ; tola phono 1187; 347 Commercial Stroot, Bnlom, Orogon tf IHmiwmo Work (let my prlcos on ilduwulk, curbs, spotlc tanks and cument work of auy kind. All work guaranteed 11 rat class. M. Ward, 2378 Maplo Ave, Highland Phono 600. May 84-09 IJvery nnd Fhh1 HtabW Old Poat office Stables, nt SB 4 Ferry stroot. botweon Commercial and Front troots. Telephone 188. Somo of the llncst llvorlca In tho city can bo found horn. Watucott & Joun- or tl. Vogft liiiinWr nnd Fuel Co. Lum bor, shingles, building material, wood nnd coal. Low prlcos nnd prompt deliveries. One block oaV. of 8. P. passengor depot. Phoue 198. 7-3-tf. CAPITAL BAKVJRV 439 Court Stroot, D. J. Swltrer, prop. Bread, Cakes, Plea nnd nil kinds of Pastries. Cookies, ote. Wutah for our wagon. Phone 914. Special ordnre delivered on short untleu. U-lO-tf. O. F. MASON BOX CO. 347 Miller St., South Salem, manu facturer of all kinds of boxes, crntot aud fruit dryer accessories. Phou ilk. t The Smith Salem Moat Market, on I poalte Daue's store. Fresh md cured meat. General delivery Give It a trial. Huffman Mar-' tlu. props. 3-3-tt PLUMBERS Thro. M. lUrr lMumblnc, Hot Ver nud steam heating and tinning; 14 Commercial street. Phont Main 193. 9-1-1r M. J. lVtsrl Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox Murphy, 336 Commercial street LOOT. Ut A large roau horse and a small bay pony from the Yogvt farm, two and one-halt miles east of Brooks, Finder notify Voget Lumber Company and recolve writ able toward. 3-11-tC TARIFF BILL COMES UP TOMORROW Washington, D. C, March 15. Tho Republican Insurgents held a special caucus at 10 o'clock today In tho house ofllco building, and com pleted their plans for fighting for n chango In the rules. Representative Serono Payno, of New York, announced this morning that tho tariff bill will not bo pre sented to tho house until after the rocelpt of Taft's message. Payno received word from tho Will to Houso that tho mea'aga would not go to congress until tomorrow Tho ways nnd moans commltt.o, which mado tho tariff Investigation, hold n mooting this morning and put tho finishing touches on tho bill. Tho dovll can't plok tho lock that guards tho treasures! of tho right eous. o A Swollen Jaw Is not pretty nor ploasnnt. Whothor It's oaused by nournlgla, toothacuo or acoldent, Tlnllard's Snow Liniment will rcduco tho swelling nnd rellove tho pain. Tho groat nnd suro cure for rheunintlsm, cuts, burns, bruises,1 scalds and nnd nil aches .and pains. ! All dealers. I f NOTICE! Al.t. CIIANOUH of copy for Ural Kxlnte Ail mint lw In The Journnl Itltlcn f 0 o'clock tlic crrnlnif before tlie ilny on which tho ad la to nppvnr. t Are you going to buy farm or city proper ty? Note these: Houso nnd lot on Asylum nvonuo, city water, bath, etc., SI 400. Large houso nnd lot 132xlCC, close In, $0000. Six ncroH, S-room houso, 3 acres orchard, good barn, $17G0. Elovou nnd ono-half ncres closo In, good buildings, woll Improved $3000. HOME KNAPS IN FARM PROP ERTV. Forty ncres, 3 miles Salem, n fine plnco, wol Improved, $7000. Three hundred nnd twenty-eight acres; 200 nores In cultivation, $30 per ncro. Three hundred and sixty acres nd Jolillug uhovo, $25 per acre. Wo haro a largo list ot farms of ul sizes and prices and It will pay you to Investigate before buying. Olmsted Land Co. U7JI Stati Street SiiIimii, Ort. REAL ESTATE. No. 94 20 aoroe choice land, SaNm Pralrlo, 6 miles from Salem,. 2 largo barns, good toani, wagon, harness, buggy, all farm Imple ments, 1 cow, 2 pigs; sell choap It taken before the 15th ot month. No. 98 '24 & nores, small houso and burn, 3 uores orohard, noro ber ries, 15 aortw In cultivation, bul- nuco In timber and pasture; good ferry and landing; proooods from furry $600 to $800 per "year. Prloe $3360. No. 101 SO neres, all In cultivation, 3 aeres orohard. good l-rooui house and barn, 2 wells ot water. Hear school and otuurch; sell for $3400 or trade tor elty property; terms. No. 34 t-room house, lot 10x180, on 13th street. Price $500; terms j SAVAflK Ai HHRHHN, ! 134 South Commeralal Street. N0TEJHESE A good ti-room house, electric lights, bath. bant, fruit, uourly 1 aero ot ground. 3 bloeks to oar line; $3000 S lota on the Snlem-Portland oar line, one-half blook from station; $900. A good l00Hore dairy farm ouly ono and n qunrtor miles from station on Electric line; $50 per acre. ThU farm Is nil In cultivation and the bulldlugs are new. The land la worth $60 per acre without build- Ins. I.ot 41x165 feet on South Winter St.. cement walk, east frent: $450; worth $600. If you are looking for good buy DERBY & WILLS0N LODGE DIRECTORY. Carpenters Union No. 1005 Local Union No. 1065 of Carpenters and Joiners of America meet over Sat urday evening at 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hall, 420 State Street A. W. Dennis, Rcc. Sec. Foresters of America Court Sher wood, Forsters, No. 19. Meets Saturday night In Holman hall, State Btreot, Geo. F. Patterson, C. II.; J. C. Perry, financial secretary Central Lodgo No. 10, K. of P. Castle hall In Holman block, cor ner State and Liberty streets,' Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. C; E. B Anderson. K. ot R. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock In Holman hall. A. B. Bambor, V. C; F. A. Turner, clerk. Woodmen of World Meet ovory Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman ball. A. L. Harvey, C. C ; L. II. Fletch er, Clork. Jan. 10, '09. "My three yoar old boy was badly constipated, had n nigh fever and vns In awful condition. I gave him two doses or Foley's Orlno Laxative nnd tho next morning tho fover was gono nnd ho was entirely well. Foloy's Orlno Lnxntlvo saved his life." A. WolktiBh, Caslmer, Wis. J. C. Perry. SOME OK OUR SNAPS IN REAL ESTATE. Ono plnco within 3 blocks of cnptlol, good 11-room houso, lots 120x120, only $4000; lota worth tho raont-y. Closo In on Front Btreot, C-room houso, with bath and barn, Jdly $1000. Ono of tho best lots In Salem, closo In, oxtrn location 55x90, $2000. 10 ncros closo to Salem, on gravel road, flno land, oxtra flno 9-room houso, good barn, fruit, otc; n snnp. Also 200 acros, good 7-room house, 2 barns, 170 ncros In cultivation, bnlnnco timber, on good road n-ar town, fruit, wntor, otc. A goofl homo, and Is nn oxtra flno farm, only $C0 por ncro, It sold soon; terms on snmo. H you wnut to buy or soil or ront a houso soo A. C. SMITH Ai CO. Room 0, over United Stntes National Bank. FOB SALE. No. 22 M 50x150 with good C- loo in hoiiHe, some small fruit troos IpP.IO. No. 17 Lot 50x100, C-room houso, cow Hliud, and small garden ;$H.10. No. 13 2 lots 60x150, C-room houso 7.10. No. 10 2 lots each 50x150, good G- room house, 16 hearing fruit trees. $700. No. 436 large lot, plenty ot choleo rrult, good 0-roo in house, concrete basement, full size, new barn; !4;i.ii)0. No. 10 2 ncros, plenty or rrult. lino good house or 8 rooms, on street car lino, a bargain at $:tHOO. No. 33 Small lot nnd 5-room houso 5 blouks from court houso; sjHIAO. No. 613 lots, nil for $250. No. 34 4 good lotB, each 50x100 root, and good S-room house, good barn, buildings, olectrlo lighted; plenty or fruit; flno ornamental tmw and othor desirable features. You ought to see this plane; $2500 .SCHl'L'IV. Ai BARTLKTr tl)0 Stato St. TAKE NOTICE, $2SS0 Modern 0-room plastered houso, built 3 years; hot and eold water, bath, etc.; full basement, barn; clue In; $10 down and $2o per month. $2190 Modern 9-room plastered house, good m new; hot and eold wwtor. Walk, etc.; large lot. only 4 blooks from busluos4 part ot town. $1610 aoros most ull In bearing fruit, good rich soil, hou?o and barn; Just outside oily limits. $160 per aoro buys oholoo fruit land in fruit section south of town, In tracts from 5 nores and up. on easy terms, ouly 3 miles from Sa lem, on rook road. $1100 Oholoo lot on Court St.. 61 x 161 feet, close In. $400 each tor lots on Seventeenth st.. good location; $50 down and terms on balance. $300 buys a good corner lot on Four teenth at. :$75 down and $5 per month. Farm property lu all sections from 5 acres up. List your property with us. H. A, Johnson & Co. MVKPHY MLK. SALKM. OKK. I If your daughter married would you let your friends know It by get ting out hand-bills, or throwing "dodgers" on tho street? Uneqtialed ns a Cure for Croup. "Besides being nn excellent remedy for colds nnd throat troubles, Cham berlain's Cough Remedy Is unequaled bb a cure for croup," says Harry Wilson or Wnynetown, Ind. When (jlven ns soon as the croupy cough apears, this remedy will provent tho attack. It Is used successfully In many thousands of homos. For sale by Dr. Stono's drug storo. TIIE TRIPLEX DAQ Four Hags in One. Simple, strong, stylish, serviceable. First It's a purse. A twist of the wrist and it's n handbag and music portfolio combined. Unroll a bit fur ther and you hnvo a small satchel. For salo by Elsie L. Ooodhue, ngent. Phono 708. 2-lC-lmo CHICHESTER S PILLS :.v:i .n iii iii.i..fur. SO.'nnnoinL;STUVFUWHFRE V THE LATEST BARGAINS. A choleo 40-ocro flno orchard ot apples, English wnlnuts and small fruits, good barn nnd 4-roori house, beautiful land, flno spring wntor at houso and barn; $6000. A Joo Dandy suburban homo ot 20 ncros, good Improvements, build ings, orchard, shrubs and flowors. Windmill nnd tank, plpos and fau cets In houso, yard, stock, etc., $7500. Sco this hom Choleo 11 acros, good Improvements, houso, bnrn, stock etc., $3000. 2 choleo G-ncro tracts, 1 Mi miles oast or Pen. Soo those cheap, nice homes. Ono $1500, othor, with stock, etc., $1750. A splondld tract tor irunes and rrults south of towb. 63 ncres, good Improvements, fli'j rond; otc, cheap, $10,000. Nlco chicken nnd fruit trnct, 8 ncre3, 2 miles out o'nly, $1800; snap. 13 acres In . fruits, good buildings, flno rond on enr lino, $5500. 15 ncros now land on Portland -jar lino, houso, bnrn, etc., just out nt city, cheap, $3500. 160-acro dairy ranch on coast, no.'tb of Slab croek, south or Oretown, Tlllnmook county, for snlo or trado for Salem or Marlon county land, with or without tho cows; terms If doslrod. Somo choleo tracts for chorry or chards south nnd west. Somo splendid stock and grnln fnrmi In Fox Valloy. A nlco 70 neres one mllo from rail road depot, school, etc., a bargain, with good ImprovcmouU, build ings, orchard, otc. A good 12 -ncro applo and chorry orohard of 500 trees, now land, 2 to miles out, only $2500. Now houso tor salo cheap nn easy terms. Homos tor ront at all tlmos, also the finest lodgo rooms nnd dancing hall, best door In town, smooth aud nice, also tor banquets, supplied with tnblos, chnlrs. dishes, etr; terms reasonable on both. It you want help or any kind or want a place, or have any notary work to do, see we for your wants. 11. R. RYAN. FARMS. For Sale Wo have the largest Hat of farms In the Willamette valley 369 aeree. to under cultivation, $2 tier acre. Will exchange for a small tract ot SO to 49 acres . Salem, or city property to value of about $3000. An Ideal stock, dairy, grain or fruit farm. lflt aeres, $59 per acre. 219 aeres. $31 per noro, lit acros. $50 per aare, 110 aeres. $6t per aare, 1000 aores. $Si; fine grain land. 3 IS acres. $19 per aare. 320 acres, $17 per awe. 121 aores, $199 per acre. 232 acres. $3( por aore. Tracts. 5 to aores, house, barn, ejese In, $1100. 3 to aeres. house, barn, etose in $1600. 10 aores on Portland Bleotrlc, $7 5 A. Hauea and vacant lots In every addi tion to Salem. Seme sold on in stallments. KxrhAngfS, We can trade your farm for Port land property. What have yon? Call on BECHTEL & MINT0N 31 btate Street. SaUm, Or. i.iuirai l.k jour Kruzal't 1 1 a I Ji.rlirtrr'a Il'umanil II, aii.tV l'lll. In II, d n. U..IJ tn-uniAV lj-- "-I Ul 1" , - ',. V TfcUu i i.i l,t r llur -our V "r- -I I I IH.r'lfl- -rrnn 7 - SAM CASTO FAMOUS HORSE TRAINER. Is now located at Canby Oregon tho beat winter quarters In the North west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room for a few more prospects, either for tne road or track and would ltko fo communlcato with anybody wishing their horso trained. Mr. Casio Is conceded to bo tho best colt man In tho West and his success on tho Sa lem track bears out this statement Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaranteed. Addresc SAM CASTO, Canby, Oregon. j Gold Dust Flour ! Ump by THE SYDNEY POW I EI? COMPANY, Sidney, Ore ! got.. Mado for family use. Ask your grocer for It. Bran i and shortH always on hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. SPECIAL OFFERS TO CITY INVESTORS. No. 599:1000 Lot, ono-hnlf, 70 by 210 feet; up to date 9-room house, flno bam 18x24, oxcollout woll of water, closo to car lino. No. 5S91200 I lots, now houso, 1 nlco rooms; barn 34x34 root; flno well of wntor and forco pump; somo choice selected bearing rrult troos. No. 5791030 I fine lots, good 5 room hoiiHo; can bo had for snld prlco If taken this week, ownor Is sacrificing, going away; placo Is easily worth $1500. No. 61 92150 Buys 2 flno lots 42x 165 feet, n flno modern, up-to-dnto 7-room bungalow; this is nn Ideal opportunity to buy n flno homo nt a small cost. No. 55 910,000 12-room houBO, nil modern conveniences; basomont with fumnco; 6 acres sot to cher ries, tipples, walnuts, pears, apri cots, peaches and strawborrlcs; ox collont barn, stcol tank nnd wind mill. No. 629150012 flno lots In a body, with good Improvements; closo to electric car lino In oxcollont location to build housos on to sell or ront. Bo suro to soo theso bo fore you buy. No. 61 9150 Buys a flno slzod lot In good location, closo In, Wo can rurnlKh you holp, no matter what It Is, be It help wanted by coutmotors or In tho olty, on tho farm or In prlvnto rosldonces. Wo find nnd furnish omploymont to both Indlofl nnd gontlemen. Frco to omployors. Phono us your wants or cnll on THE OREGON CAPITAL CO-OPER- ATIVE IUN1 CO. J. W. Thomas M Sons, Props. Phono Mn'n 149. Salem, Or. I7H State Street. HEAL ESTATE. 160 acres. 2 mllos from Salem, fin est of gnrdon land, good houso, barn and windmill nnd tnuk; can be subdivided to good udvuntago. Price $100 per aore. 13100 Elegant bungalow, oloso In; new and modern In avery way, 7 rooms. $$00 Fine lot 54x161, on Court st. Do you have property for sale? List with us now. MKYKR .V BELLE LAND CO.. Statesman Bldg. Room 1, Upstairs FOR VACANT I.OTS SEE Bechtel & Minton. Beautiful lot on 14th streot. between Court and State, east tront, sower and water piped on lot; ror a few days. $900, worth $1200. Another snap on North Cottage streot, closo is, for $300, street work paid lots In every addition to Salem. LOOK injRE WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU ITS IVTS LOTS LOTS In beautiful Falrmount Park Add. Most sightly location In tho city of Salem. Falrmount Park is to Salem what Portland Heights Is to Portland. Buy now; wo can sell the choicest tots on traot, $225 and up. whloh will bo worth $500 aad up by the first of next year. Don't delay this opportunity; take South Commercial street car to day, look over the ground and call on us and we will talk It over. BECHTEL & MINTON. 341 State St., Room 7-8 Bayne Bldg.