!F DAILY GAPITALMONDAY, aLVRCll' 15, 1000. SATURDAY, MARCH 18, !. I '.t fl Vv t ! v w. m y$ "63 i U: V. v. 0 U '"' h t;9 H . ot slff v is h SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Time Card No. 51 Effective Sunday, August 10, 1000. , Toward Portland Passenger. (10 G 13 n. m Oregon Express 18 8 MO a. m... Cottage Grove Pass. 12 2.4G t). 111., .ltojeburz l'nuseticer 14 0:13 d. in, Portland Exnress Toward Portland Freight. N51222 C p. m Portland Fast Freight -Nof 220 10:40-1 1;28 n. m....Vay Freight f-Townrd San Francisco -Pnssenirer. Noll 11:03 a. m....Hosehurg Passenger! Nd17 0.45 p. in. ..Cottage Grove Pass.i jNqjJld .C0 p. m California Express Nrtp3 3.31 a. ui. ..San Francisco Exp. - Toward Snu Francisco Freight. ' KoA 221 2:43 n. in... Portland Fast Frt. No. 220 11:28 a. in Way Freight 0 UKfcUUN tLbUIKIU KAILWAY 4Time Card Effective Nov. 13, 1008. Leaves Fer: ' Portlaud nnd Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. Portland Illllsboro and Interuicdlatc. ' Jjknl 8:S5 a.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. litis a.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 1 :4U p.m. 'Portland-Tualatin and Illllsboro, lltn- Mtcd 3 :05 p.m. Pprtland-IIIIlsboro and Intermediate, 'jftcnl 4 :no p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local, 3:40 p.m. 'f ft Arrives Frem: Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 8:23 n.m. Portlntul-lllllsboro and lutermedlnte. (local 10 ;00 a.m. 'Portlnnd-HlllsboroTualatln, llm- - -llted 10:50 a.m. iPottlnnd nnd Intermediate, local. 1 :00 p.m. Portland-Illllsboro and Intermediate. -local 4 :00 p.m. Portland nnd Intermediate, local. 5:15 p.m. ''Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m. 'Portlaud nnd Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. 4LX C 1 Co. f Steamers Oregonn and Pomona Joavo for Portlnnd Monday, Wednes day nnd Friday at 10 a. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at G n.m. Faro 50 cents. Leavo for Corvallls, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdny about 7 p. m. M. I. BALDWIN, Agt. f I H I 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 I I III I I I If 1 !!6raber Bros.:: PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING ! Will glvo prompt attontlon to all ordors, guarantoo our work to glvo satisfaction and I to bo up to tho sanitary stand- f ard. WR WILL HE PLEASED TO GIVE ESTIMATES ON CONTRACTS.. Wo aro agonta for tho Ala- '. '. J mo, Victor and Idoal Qasollno ; Engines, Shop on Liberty Jtrcot back X of Darr'e Jowolry Storo. H 1 8 II l-i-H I 1 1 1 II IHfrH 1 1 Dame naturo Is already boginnlng ,'to wear tho green, In honor of good old St. Poddy. o DoWltt's Llttlo Early Rlsors aro famall pills, easy, goutlo and certain, Eond aro sold by all druggists. LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY During March and April From all partu of tho hat. vin Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oregon Railroad & Navi gation Co. :J$33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis S25 from Omaha t9R frnm Kansas Citv fcorrvpondlngly low from all other points. TO THE PUBLIC Write letters to everybody you know in the oast and tell thorn about these Sow colonist rates. Send them liter ature about Oregon, or send their addre. jo to us and e will do It. In this way you can be a great help fa tho growth and progress of your itate. lYOU CAN PREPAY FARES ypr any one from any place u jou Rwant to. Deposit tne neoasaary mount wljh our local agent and be Mil telegraph ticket promptly. Inquire of agent or write to WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent Ebe Oregon R. R. & Navigation Co. Ptti,ithnrn Pacific Co. (lines in Ore, ,Mg m PORTLAND, OREQON TUMOR OF FODRIEABS lynnffcf M i ui Removed by Lydia E. Pink Vr South Uenil, Ind. - " Lydla F. I:. : ham's Vegetable Compound in: a cyst ti"i -.r ( fOIlrM'Hr l!lrt ' V.Kicii t:ii' .t '.' lp ii. '. : -i " eland 1 1 Mil. '' . said t! at or.'y r. opi'iiuim urn. Inspire. rut v frlR(Ml':.Ufcll " a lrieiiu'8 rd"1" and tunk J. yum . I'Ji.kl .'.'v's 'r tn) h- Con,rn..t. for It h.ih ,1.:' '.: )i a stronir and r. woman, nnd I shall teeoininend it a; Ions as I live" Mw. May Puv, Llinlley, Intl. Om of tho greatest trlnnip"" oi Lydla E. Plnklmni'n Vegetable (. m pound is tho conquering of wuiun'i di-oml enemy tumor. Jf you hr.vc mysterious iuln.inllnmtimtlon. ulrern. lion or displacement, don't wait foi time to conllrm jour fe.ws and go through the horroraof n hospital pent tlon, but try Lydla E. PinkhnuVs Vege table Compound nt once. For thirty years Lydin E. Plnkbnm's Vegetable Compound, inado from roots andherbs.hnsuoenthoslaudard remedy for fomiiio niM. :iiui sue n unnuesiion- ablo testimony us tho above proves the value, of this famous remedy, nnd should givo conlldonco nnd liopo to every sick woman. If you would lllconpcclnl ndvlco nliout your onso write n conlhlon tlnl letter to Mrs. l'iulclinm. nt Lynn, jrnsrt. Her udvlco la free, mid uhvnys helpful. Recommends Cliiunberluln'H CoukIi Iteniedy. "As long ago as I can romombor my mothor was ti faithful usor and frlond of Chamberlain b Cough Rem edy, but never In my llfo havo 1 real ized Its truo valuo until now," writes Prof. II. A. Howoll of HowolPa Amor lean School, Havana, Cuba. "On tho night of Fobruaryrd our baby was taken Blck with a very sovoro cold; tho noxt day was worso nnd tho fol lowing night his condition was dcH porate. Ho could not llo down nnd It was necessary to havo him In tho arms ovory momont. Even thou his bronthlng waa difficult. I did not -think ho would llvo until morning. At last I thought of my mother's romedy, Chamborlaln's Cough Rem edy, which wo gavo, and It afforded nrnnmt rnllnf. mill now Hiron ilnVH fiDft uiw later, ho has fully recovered. Under!!!10 ondoroinont of their causo by tho circumstances I would not host tato a momont In saying that Cham borlaln's Cough Romody, nnd that only, snvod tho llfo of our doar llttlo boy." For salo by Dr. Stono's drug storo. Florence Genr, tho leading lady In tho "Marrying Widow," must bo a beauty. I lor pictures In tho newspa pers actually "look good," o Good Liniment. You will hunt a good whllo boforo you find a preparation that Is equal, to Chamberlain's Liniment as a euro for muscular and rhoumatlc pains, for tho cure of sprains nnd soreness of tho muscles. It Is equally valu able for lamo bnak and all deep seal ed muscular pains. 25 and 50 cent slzos for salo by Dr. Stono's drug storo. -o- Grent Chinese Doctor L. M. HUM Ha medlclnu which will cure an known dlsrase. He makes a special ty of, aud guaranteos to euro Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Debility, Stomach, Liver, Kidney Troubles; also any blackened or swollen soreness, broken llmba; Smallpox; Epidemic; all hinds ol Dolls, Lost Manhood, Female Weak ness, Hernls Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Ylck So Tong Co., Chinese drugs and herbs 153 High St., upstairs, Salem. Or. oastohza. 223 5. COIMKftOAL ST HOLLISrCR i Ricky Mountain Tea liurjgeis k Btiy Mi.tlat f:i 3aij ?u? Sst3(t OeUn EmIUi aad 2muwJ fiftt JL (meiae t r 0vst4p4t'"i iftJ.;rHtl',n. IJ od Kidney TwuMo. hmpi. Lcmow, ImpufS Wood. B4 UrwUh. tBuacuh BowU. Uadsk tui Bdtct. lt'UoekrUAiataJuTlaUkt M term. So ceoI box. Ora-lo ma4 t Hoixuraa Dkoo Conriirr, JUAlvxv. HU. oooooooooooo SMILES. oooooooooooo Milton has a building boom. Why not give homo archltests ind homo contractors a chanco to com pete? , What Is the tiso of a curfew ordi nance, and then light tho streets nt night at great expense Tho pcoplo of Portland aro not badly enough governed nor highly enough taxed. They should add city oiuclnls nomlnnted by somo brainless, ring-ruled convention, and got the rost of their dose. Then thoy would be ready for tho commission system of government. From n Btntomont published In the Eugene Roglster, (It Is hard to bo- llovo tho figures) that city Is in rdebt $021,142. Tho Guard makou out n debt of only $39,147.52. Senator. I. H. Dlngham Is out on a strong nnd nggresslvo platform for mayor at tho April election. Tho appointment of Sonator Frul ton to bo federal Juilgo for llfo Is scheduled for this week. Ho will namo his own clork, bailiffs, Jury commissioners and procoed to ad minister Justlco In an offlco created by himself, of himself' and for him self. Such 1b modern politics, nnd It smolls to heaven. Tho Salem Hoard of Trade was tho first commercial organization In tho stnto that wont on, record for fair and decent treatment for tho Nor mal schools, and b'iico thon ths whole stnte ha's taken It up. Tho rivers and. hnrborB of West ern Oregon ought to bo thankful that, under tho Joo Cannon corporation regime in congress, thoy will got a survey showing how llttlo water there Is In tho chnnnol. That's nil thoy will got. V "When you ceo Sully In "Tho Match maker" tonight, you will seo unsul lied nrt. Dan Sully, gonial, loveablo nnd thoroughly onjoynblo, ot tho Grand opera houno tonight. ILLINOIS WOMEN FIGHT FOR BALLOT (United Prosn-Loasod Wlro.) Chicago, March 15. PossosnoJ with lncroasod confidence through tho charter convention of thin city, Chlcago'a suffrngottCB today aro plan ning n whirlwind campaign nt Spring Hold to ludueo tho Illinois legislators to pass laws grnntlng tho right of bnllot to women ot tho state. Tho women hnvo aligned GO or more organizations In their cause, and xpect their aid nnd Influence with the legislators to. contribute to tho buccoss of their fight. Of this number of sympathetic orders 63 uro composed exclusively of men. Among tho organizations aro five ministerial bodies, 15 labor organi zations and Bovernf inon's clubs. Tho charter convention will be asked to print pamphlets advocating tho cause ot woman's franchise. Local Retail Market. Flour, per sack $1 s Eastern Oregon 11.00 Rran, per sack .95c Shorts, por sack Jl. 3501.55 Wheat, per bu f l.'JO Rolled barley $30 Local Wholesale Market. Wheat, per bushel 90c Oats, por bushel 60c Flour, hard wheat $5.45 Flour, valley $5.20 Mill feed, shorts $3 'JO Mill feed, bran $30 Hops, 1908 crop , 10c Hops, 1907 crop 23&c Chlttlm bark 3 0 6c Wool, arse ...... 13c Wool, medium ..., 15c Mohair 20c Hay, cheat $13.00 Hay, clover $1200 Potatoes, bushel . . . , 7030c Apples, bushel 50c$1.00 Onions, per cwt 86 & 90c Prunes, per pound .IKQiftc Cranberries, Howe's variety, bbl $13.00 Butter and Kggn, Retail. Eggs .'26, two for 46c Dutter, creamery 40c Butter-fat 36c Cheese, pound 20c o It you should bave a cold, a few doses of Kennedy' Laxative Cough Syrup will act very promptly. Chil dren especially like Kennedy's Laxa tive Cough Syrup, as It taste so good, nearly like maple sugar. It 1 sold by all druggist. DOCTORS MISTAKES Ln wild often to be burled sit fret nndei ground. But many times women cull on ttaolr family physician, suffering, they Imaglno, one from dyspepsia, another from heart disease, another from liver or kid ney disease, another from nervous pros tration, another with pain hero and thore, and In this way they prosunt alike to themselves and their easy-going or over busy doctor, sopnrato diseases, for wulca ho, assuming -m to bo such, prescribes his pills nnd potion. In reality, thoy art all only unn'"in caused by somo uterine dlsoiuo. TlH''plHlelnn,"vtftnorant of the coudc of suffering', Rps upirutrcatrnent until larue bills are nltfdo. JUjurrcrlns patient gets no betteiJjjJrras&ajJstli wrong treatment, but proliably wors3TA prone r medicine Ilk p Pr Ptrrcfa Ff.vnrlB PrfWrliitlon. ilireetcd MfW ''"'' would haxiMiliroly'tyiiiuml the OIeae., t hi' " -by dlcTllliRaTrTlioso distressing ymp toms, and Instituting comfort Instead ol prolonged misery. It ha been well said, that "a disease known Is half cured." Dr. l'lcrco'a Favorite Prescription In scientific medicine, carefully devised by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate system It Is made of native American mculclnnl root and Is perfectly liarmlesJnj. effect? 0 7l1tirrtililattrtnlTfirTcmaii llii'ini. XZ a powerful Invigorating tonic "Fa vorlte Prescription " imports strength te tho wholo s'tem and to too organs d. tlnctlyfem i, mo In particular, lor ojr workiil, Bviin-oiil." run-down," ilenlll tated twtciuTS, milliners, dreusmakeitj, scamstnssf . "lni-KlrN.'' house-Keoprn, nursing mot :rs, nnd feoblo wfunen gen erally, Dr. Pirco's Favotlto Proscription Is the great st earthly boon, being un cqualod ns an anputlxlng cortllal nnd re storatlvo tonic. As a soothing and strengthening nerv Ino "FavorP" Proscription" Is uncnuttled and Is Inv.-.i'iablo In nilaylng am sab dulng nervovs xcllt,iUty, lrrlti.ni': nervous oxhnustlon, nervous prostration, nouralgla, h)iterla, spasms, bt. Mtuss danco, and other distressing, norvotu symptoms commonly attendant upot, functional and orgnnlo dlsoaso of toe uterus. It Induces refreshing sleen an, rclloves mentl anxloty and despondency Dr. Plorco's Pleasant Pellets InvlgqraW tho stomach, liver nnd bowols One -, three do. Rasy to tako as candy. MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meal 15c, Board por weok $2.75, a1s fur nlshcd rooms very rcnsonablo. AT THE Salem Restaurant IWO COURT STREET. I FRENCH FEMALE PILL'S. X Sirt. CttTAii Riuir fr BvrrmM M.mrBtf aivm. f tvtR mown to mi. '! sii spi s.iu; .k.al.lloH. KtMlnriM. lljMilraifUIAMa k.i, ih.m Ml lr . I. Ik UNITCD MtOICALCO.,oaT4,UNOATC. P. I ed In Salem bv Dr. S. C Stc Phonv 44 Main 147 N. Hlgb Ht C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs nnd Llvory, all Rigs Modern Rubbor Tiro. MJIE WING SANG CO. Removal Sale-All Goods , At Cost Wo inaku up nil kinds Ladles' Un deruiiir, Wrupiierx, KIiuoiium nnd WnlNtN. We ktHijt nl kinds of Itcnm (hhh and Silks, dent's nnd Ladles' FurnUliIng GoodM, China Wurt', Mat tings, HhcM-H, Truukx, IllnnketH, Com forln, Etc. :t'J!(l N. Comnioixlnl Ht. (First storo N, E. Bldo, Salem, Or.) Salem Fence Works Headquartors for Wovon Wlro Fencing, Hop Wiro, IJarb Wlro, Poultry Nottlng, Bhlngles, Mal thold Roofing P & D Ready Roofing. All At Lowest Prices. CHAS. D. MULLIGAN S30 Court fit Phono 121 FP Fire Proof Fool Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider the F. P. Gas Machine and Slub bers Light. Will sell and Install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 por cont moro light for tho same money than electricity or city gas. Lot mo figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see tho lights and stoves In operation. I also carry PVHO DK.VATUREI) ALCOHOL utilities.. Safe t'couoml cal, odorless. A. L. FRASEK Phoiwj 1S3 3U KUle St. THE STOCK BOOKS For the North Snntlnm Mining company, aro still epi Mr In vestors. A limited amount of stock la now for Balo, nt tho LOW PRICE ot Gc por share SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL AGKNT8. 125 S. COMaiEKOIAIi ST. Bt !!! i ! Ittim lH3fltmf HHi4MMKMl SPRAY YOUR TREES WITH DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION) ;; You get the best spray on peopie ana guaranteed uy ; ! and test tacked on every uiutuiM siul uuiYirANY, saiem, uregon. For sale by the following dealers! TILSON CO. FLHTCHKR BYRD. I. A. W1IITK & SONS. II. P. CHASE. Ltt HOLD BROS. IHH-lf-rfH-4--Hr-KllfliaiHH WfttlHrfffrttit-4ll Px Nothing Better on the Market lMS' m3Lr ii Th 1 OH "i tutwimnM'f iinitttmmtutmtiM Tho man who tnkos from anothor n Qod-glvon right Ih tho ronl loser by tho transaction. Wttr THE HOUSEHOLD EXPENSE BOOK Will nhow n docldod nrgumont In flivor ot our handling all tho laundry work making as wo do tho lowest prices nr.d prcsorving tho linen entrusted to our estab lishment by out up to ditto moth odH. Hotter give iih n trial this tlmo If yor. want full satisfaction Salem Laundry Co. Telephone l!,1. 111(1-1(10 H. Liberty Ht. f "" READY TAILORED FOR WELL DBE55ID MEN. w rrrtfw c mnntwtf ttttnnmtia'i'm"m"lIl WILLIAM DAVIDSON STOCKS and BONDS WILLAMETTE IIOTKL, HALEM, Or, I citii iuIvImj you oil Hiiy stK-kH or bond Mild or cm the murket. Money M'oureil for pniinotloii purpose, pntentH, inuiiiifacturiiiu III- iliiHtrleH, large lund dettln, etc. Cull mill mm! me, Wanted, it few competent men mid women. Refereiireii required. 44f mtnni innnn i itnii Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p. m. Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No. 6, and train No. 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a, m. and 4:55 p, m. M. C. DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON the market. Made by Salem saiem people, uuarantee barrel. Manufactured by the i GOODS BEARING JHIS MARK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! $ WHEN SOLD BY THE Salem Hardware Company Cnm'l Sr Plinno 1 7' w,,w "" z r vrrx xjmrm THE BEST ROAST I THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtalnod from our prlmo, leu dor and Juicy Roof, Mutton or Pork. All our moats nro selected from tho choicest, and prepared for tho tnblo to suit tho demands of tho fastidious. Our prices aro lower for qi ullty than you can find nt any place in Salem. E. C. CROSS St SON CLOTHES PRICE RANGE vmr V i t Ai I I ' ' ZQ TO 40 J J