Jfe -rf- DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, lfW. M r THE CAPITAL JOURNAL U. HOFKB, MA. um4 Prey. Independent Newspaper Derated to Anerictu rrlnciplea and the ProgrcM and DeTOlopement of All Oregon. rubllibed HrtTj Hrenlng Bzccpt Hundaj, Cslem, Ore. SUBSCRIPTION KATB8. (InratUMr In Adysncc.) Dully, by carrier, per year 16.00 I'cr month.- Mo Dfttlr, by mall, per year. ., 4.00 I'cr month 85a Weekly, by mall, per year. ',00 Six months Wo A3JjrS?s yNB5NggpiEE IS WASHINGTON GOING CRAZY? That state will appropriate over eight millions, compared to Oregon's three and a half millions, It must jar the tender, sonsitive, shrinking, economical Orogonian at Portland TO ACCEPT THAT. Flow can Washington do that? Were not all the school lands stolen in that evergreen state? It seems they tax the gross earnings of corporations up there and the state prospers, THEY APPROPRIATED MILLIONS FOR WATERWAYS AND THE STATE GROWS. Two millions wore appropriated for state highways, WASHINGTON IS CERTAINLY A CANDIDATE FOR THE POLITICAL MADHOUSE. We look for an enormous Immigration to leave that state and come to Oregon nil. MAY CREATE A NEW STATE. The normal schools are not dead yet, Ono of them promises to become A VERY LIVE STATE ISSUE. Weston and that part of Umatilla county threaten to leave Oregon, They want to join the new state to bo formed WITH SPO KANE AS A CAPITAL. Eastern Washington, part of Eastern Oregon and the Idaho panhandle are a great, rich region destined to be a state, IT IS TO THIS REGION WESTON IS TURNING ITS TEAR FUL EYES. Rojoctod, repudiated, sr umod by one of the Senators from Umatilla, that wonderful rich whoat region would be divorced from Oregon, 4: A Salem nanor savs it is no surprise that a well laid plan has been formed to move the State Capital to Portland, when citizens of Salem fight street paving, and wealthy cap italists maintain as the leading hotel an institution that is forty years behind tho times, Nothing has happened in a docado that will come nearer arousing a nowness of life in tho Capital City than tho throat to remove the capital, If Salem gets busy and makes some effort at advancement, by providing bettor accommodations and provides a freer wgi como to tho law-amkors and its auxiliary contingent, tliore will bo no danger of removal of tho capital .otherwise there is no tolling what tho result might be, Eugene Register, -o Tho Eugene Comhioicial Club proposes two projects, both of which mo noteworthy. One is to establish a national gamo prosorvo of two townships including Saddlo Mountain In tho Const lange, for breeding purposes for doer and oik. Tho othor is to establish a 30,000 acre irrigatod district bo twoon the McKonzio and Willamette rivers, Tho Woodburn Independent soems to really merit its nnmo, llnllrnud OMnmlwdon Tho Ruilroud Communion, rooms wuro nvurrun with friends ot Oswald West todny congratulating him. Mr. mill Mr. "Vottt nro now tho jinrcmts of r lino, bouncing buy, nd mother And hnhy nro doing nleoly, and Ob U nil right, too. Hlmplo Remedy for 1m (3r!ppc. liit grippe roughs nr dangerous riB they frequently develop Into pnou inonla. Foloy's Ilonoy mul Tar not only stopa tho cough but heals and strengthens the lungs ho tliat no sa rloun roHtiltH need bo feared. Thu genutno Foloy'a Honey iintl Tnr con taliiH no harmful dm kb and Is In n yellow package. Uofuno substitute J. G. Perry. Your money deposited with us will earn in- terest and be available when you need it. We welcome small ac counts the same as large ones. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank J, II. Albert, lrvlIot. K, M. OrulMui, Vloo Pre. Jo. II. Albert, OruJtlcr. Nhlppcd to Scuttle A report of tho Marion county u porlntondcut ot oxhlblts nt tho Yukon-Alaska fair. W. A. Taylor, hn bwn tiled In tho county dork's 6fllo Tho report shown six boxos of can nod fruit nnd live boxos of grain in glassou Tho following exhibit huvo boon shipped to tho Ainu kn-Yukon-Pnclflo oxpesitlon: Ono mouutod goat, ono mounted sheep, 41 boxes of grnlu In glass onsoB, 2 lur boxes of grnln. S (lower vneos, 40 largo Jars of fruit, I chairs and two halo of Marlon county hops. Thwe oxhlblU will bo on display dur ing tho Sonttlo fair. To Kxiimliio Hridgvti Judgo Rushey nnd County Com missioner HocKwlth havo boon at Sllvorton to examine a brldgo about n mllo and a half west ot Sllvorton. A tlood-dnm ling boon workod to flood out logs, and this has undermined tho bridge. Matlo Sucvp l.imuUloucr Tho state board appointed Oharles Cleveland, of Portland, us shsijp commissioner today, to All tho va cancy mado vacant by tho expired term of W 11 Stousloff, ot thla city. The Fight Is On Evory momont of your life, when you are at heme or abroad, awako or aaleop- I ti'inwllluUiuinuilt,vliUDUmV UlVIUUlt loou ana water, every hero lu luct, and the-billions of your invisible friends, tho little soldlorcormibclcainyourblood. If thwo little soldiers aro kept etroug and healthy by taking Hood's Sarsa parilla, you need havo no fear of dis ease Begin using it nt oice if you nro at all under tho weather, or havo troubles ot tho blood, etotnach, liver ami kidneys. Get it ot your druggUU PRETTY FASHIONS FOR SPRIN6AND SUMMER NEW SEERSUCKERS AND SATEENS-NOVELTIES IN SHIRT WAISTS-LINEN SUITS TRIMMED WITH BLACK-SILK COATS. Many charming novelties are being shown In silk nnd cotton goods. Tin now seersuckers are enormously in doninnd. Sateens hnvo been revived once more and nppcnr in pretty pat terns closely resembling foulards Cotton voile Is being extensively used an It makes up Into ti showy but in expensive frock nnd enn be smartly trimmed with the now embroidered cotton bands, or heavy laces such as cluny or Imitation Irish. Shirtwaists arc perennial. This season hns Introduced a real novelty In tho Bhnpe of the new waists made of cotton crepe. Many of those waists hnvo no trimming whatever, being simply made with broad nnd nnrrow tuckB, others are ornamentM with a hand of lncc Insertion down the center pleat nnd the mum; lace trimming collar nnd cuffs. A waist of white crepe has tho center pleat trimmed with two rows of small row stitched bauds of tho linen lend nn air of distinction to an otherwise perfectly plnln suit. A Pnlo Lavender Frock. All the very smnrteBt lingerie frocks this season arc made in the princess or modified dlrectoiro styles. A charming hot weather dress is of pale pinkish Invonder batiste made with rather it deep yoko composed of alternate rows of embroidery Inser tion nnd Valenciennes Insertion. Tho costume Is shaped to tho figure by tucks starting just below tho waist lino and extending down over tho hips. Three graduated bands of tho embroidery Insertion, commencing nt deep flounce depth, and separated by two rows of tho lncu, form tho trim ming of tho skirt. Tho long Hlcoves nre made entirely of tho lace and em broidery. The cioso fit of costumes at pros For Stomach Troubles When there is distress after eating or drinking, or your food doesn't "act well," the digestion is deranged and the stomach needs to be toned and strengthened. A naturarappetite and a perfect di gestion can be assured and you will enjoy your food if you will get a box of and use them according to the simple directions printed on the wrapper. Acute indigestion, lassitude, flatulence, "qualmishness," and other uncomfortable and distressing sensations after eating, are quickly righted with a doso or two of these little wonder workers for n weak digestion. In all acute forms of stomach trouble Beccham's Pills Are Wonderfully Effective In boxes 10c. and 2Sc with lull direction FREE TO YOU MY SISTER Froo to You and Every Sister Suf orlng from Woman' Ailments. I am a woman. I know woman's suffering. I have found the cure. I will mall, free of any charge, tny feMM mil nut with full instructions to an j sufferer from woman's ailments. I want to tell ill women about this cure f, my reader, for yourself, your daughter, your mot her, or your sister. I want to tell you how to cure yourselves at homo with out thehelp of ft doctor. Men tioiul understand women's sufferings. What wo women know frost ipttlian, wo know better than any doctor. 1 know that ray'home treatment in safo and sure euro for lsscrrka et Wkllltk flichartti, Ulciratlea, Oil licimint er Falllat el Iki Weak, tofm, Kctstr of rilild hrMi, Ulirlni r Onriis Twntu, er Grtwlht; ilto ptltt is nut, tici ins mwiii, Btiritf tttn niiini.ttfnMMU, ttiapltf (ulliif up Ibi (pint, saslsnchehr. dstlrt la cry, met III Oil, wiiilom, Moii. end HiWit Iroiblii skire utui it iikoum peculiar to our sex. I want to send you i tomplilt Us itft ImiIbmI atlrarr (' to provo to you that you can cure yourself nt home, anally, quickly and snrelr. Remember, tlint.lt till Mil rod eofkbito itIva the treatment a comnleto trial: and If you wish to continue, It will cost you only about lEccntsa week or less than two cenU a day. It lvlll not interfere! with your work or occupation. Jut nnd m roof timi ind addrtit, tell mo how you suffer if you wish, nnd I will send you tho treatment for your ease, entirely f reo.in plnln wrap per, by roturn mall I will also send you futol till, my Ixrak "NOMM'S OKU MtDICU AOTIJtR- with oiplanatorr Illustrations showing whr women suiter, nnd how t her can entity ournthemselTen nt home. Every woman should hnvo it, and tram to Ihlak for Mnilf, Then when the doctor nays iou must navo nn operation, you enn ueciue lor yourseir. xnousnnnsor women navocureu thumiel ves with my home remedy. It cuno ill ell Of fount. To Holhtis el Diitklift, I will explain n simple home trcntment which speedily nnd effectually cures Leucorrhoea, ti recti Sickness and I'alnful or Irregular Menstruation in young tadles, t'lumpncM and health always results from Its use. Wherever you live. I can refer you to lrullon of your own locality who know and will gladly tell any sufferer thnt thin Noni Titilminl rcallr tutu nil women's diseases, nnd makes women well, strong, plump and robust. Jail iiatf aa tear auraii.nnd tho frco ten day's treatment Is yours, also tho book. WrttotOHlay, as you may not seo this offer again. Addrewi , mrs. m. summers, Box h - - Notro Damo, Ind., U.S.A. t jLsaHslaBBaBk MLHPKLsai I he above deslRiia are by The McCall Com pany, New York Patterns may be obtained at anv McCall Agency. white i-roohet hiittunii whlh- it mw of the 8aui sort of buttons runt down tho outaldo of unoh alutvo to tho tutuds. N'urrow auoorduiiu plontod frtlhi mid frills of luce and umbrold ry rt used on ninny of tho now wm tote lllack on Suminoi' Suits. Tli linen milts continue to uppour iu moro und more uttractivo guieo and the latest fad of all Is to give tluo costumos a touch of black A fow of tho modola in natural colored llnoiu aro ftibteued with bin Jet but tons or have collars, cuffs und por lutts tlo of blaok wntored silk. Thon ttKnin. ponrl buttons nre lav ishly usod for trimming purposos on these suits. A suit ot mixed gray nnd white linon Ulustratea thla idea and the rows of closoly set smnll white buttons on pookets, fronts nnd running down the front of tho skirt. tORethor with a skillful use of unr oot, and tho long linos which fashion demands, necessitates great cure In the choice of undorwear, nnd nothing nicer In finish or prettier In style comes In woman's underwent- than tho lingerie known as "Defender," 1 whether simple and modestly priced, or olnborato and moro expensive, the out and finish nro uniformly perfect, und such as appeal to tho up to dnto woman of refiuod tnsto. Silk ('(Hits. Uluck moire, soft and supple, Is vary much used this sprlug for sepa rate coats and thoy are also made ot faille and Ottoman 'silk, while coats of pongeo in both the natural ecru tints and In all tho lovoly new pastol shades are greatly favored Those models aro In- tho loose, hlploss cut thnt Is now so popular, and tho sleevos are In evory Instance rathet small and coat shaped LUCY CA11TER II U Arm llrokvn Y A Richmond, an employe of the C K. Spauldlug Logging Com pany, bustalned a severe fracture of the arm and a painful lacerated hand while making a slight repair to ono ot the mill saws yesterday after noon. The mill physician, Dr. W. II. Hyrd, reducod tho fracture and at tended to his other lujurles. IMftltm31eltWfi J ASYLUM AVENUE STORE ? Wo sell all kinds ot staple and fancy groceries, nnd mill feed Prompt delivery Phone U6 a trlnl order to Main 269 A. J. KNOLERAUT, Prop. Cor. Statesman and Asylum Av. itiiliiaiamff i P Partnership Dissolved Mr. H. P. Chase wishes to give notice to the public that he has purchased the interest of his former part ner, Mr, J, N. Skaife, of the old firm of Chase & Skaife, Mr. Chase will continue the business as heretofore, Spray, Windmill Power and Hand Pumps For all kinds of work, Spray ,garden, lawn and suc tion hose, The best and 'cheapest Fairbanks engines and lawn sprinklers, metal and wood tanks. Get some of our Graphalastic Paint for old or new tin roofs. Guaranteed for six years, H. P. CHASE ttaa)Tlllllsj J HOW TO OPERATE A MOVING PICTURE HLVCIIINE AT HOME. How to Rent or Btty a Moving Plcturo Machine. How to Mako Big Monoy nt Entortalnmonts nnd Amusements. How to Obtain Positions Which Pny $35 por Week. How to Decomo a Finished Oporntor. Wo Qlvo Instructions That Aro Simplo nnd Interesting. Wo Hnvo tho Nowcst Method of Tonchlng by Mall. Wo Sond You, on Receipt of f 1 00, Comploto Instructions, Wo Teach Operators How to Pass All Examinations. Wo Represent tho Leading Film Exchango. Remittances to Independent Theatrical Exchnnce, -100. -tOI, 403 Ilurko Ilntldlng. Seattle. Wash. WARDEN SCHOOL OP OPERATORS S ifiiii8f laiaiaiaifumiauj!,!,!,,,, WfTfrrrIllaIgIaja) i Greatest Combination Offer j NINE NEWSPAPERS -A WEEK FOR FORTY CENTS A MONTH The Dally Capital Journal and the Thrice-a-Wcok Now York World the greatest Nowspapor of Its Type. It always tolls the nows as it Is, promptly and fully. Read In every English speak ing country. t has Invariably been the great effort of tho Thrlce-u-Week World edition of the New York World to publish tho news im partially In ordor that It may bo an accurate reporter of what has happened. It tolls tho truth, irrespective of party, and for that reason It has achieved a position with tho public unique among papers ot Its class. If you want tho news as It roally is, Buhscribo to the Thrlco-a-Week edition of tho New York World, which cornea to you every othor day except Sunday, and Is thus practically a dally at the price of a weekly. THE THRICB-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription prico is only $1-00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. Wo offer this unequalled newspaper and i : Daily Capital Journal three months - $ 1 .20 :i Daily Capital Journal six months $2.35 I Tho abovo offer Is only good for Strictly Cash In Advance. Send check, draft or postal note or pay at office of Capital Journal. No agent's commission allowed on theso terms. Send remittance to E. HOFER. publisher Dally Capital Journal. Salem. Oregon. I ! it ti V Kl Ml t- i aiiltlllIBajlajlWBil.,,,Bi.,t,taiali(att i. '