Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, March 12, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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- iimV! i.tl.i ; n,, .ii ...,i r-
Bright days are what we may expect now., Be prepared
by purchasing one of our New Silk Sunshades (or par
asol), Any color to match your gown, . . , .
Natural wood handles, ' )i j ij u
Just as good for a rainy day as a sunny-one
With or without borders,
Extremely pretty and attractive,
Prices $1,25 to $6,00,
built on conventional lines from a variety of very
pretty materials are now ready for your inspection at
our store,
There are many pleasing effects made by wide and
narrow tucks used separately or combined; pretty but
tons complete the trimmings,
These waists are indeed the KING TAILORED SHIRT
WAISTS. We are positive our waists will be the royal
leaders this Spring, They are to be worn with linen
collars and bows, fancy collars and jabots, Dutch collars
and cuffs. These chic accessories we have ready for
your approval,
How can any person risk taking j
somo unknown rough reinody whonj
Foloy's Honey and Tar costs mem ,
no moro? It Is a safo romody. con-1
tains no harmful drugs and euros tno.
moBt obstinate coughs nnd oolds. I
Why experiment with your hoattU?
Insist upon having tho genuine Fo
loy's Honey and Tar. J. C. Perry.
Tho two favorlto topic of convei
satlon among married womon nro
husbands and servants.
, Go With n Hush.
Tho demund for that wonderful
stomach, liver and kidney euro, Dr.
King's New Life Pills Is astounding.
J. Cv Perry says he nevor saw tn
like. Its b-M:auBe they never fall to
oiro Bour stomach, constipation, lndi
rrnatln Ml IrwisnfiSR. InundlCO. dCk'
headache, ohllls and malaria. Oa'y
At the Salem honw ihow,
horBo'wIll havo a show.
JbW & bS MEr' tanas' n
ar s n H43i WSB ,
Harness and Saddles
i.' cm.'
"Weather Prophet" says
has arrived. Good 'news.
We're all glad to shake
off winter's gloom.
' V y '.!
Physicians Arc Naturally Prejudiced
against proprietary or advortlsod
momemee, as me snio oi wioso rcme-
dies docroaso their Income.
However mis may no, tno general
publnc U bonofltted by tho use of
such standard modlelne as Lydla E.
Plnklmm's Vegetablo Compound, with
its wonderful records of thousands
of euros among suffering women. We
ar rerj K'ad to say. however, thnt j
thero aro hundreds of honest phyj-
elans in the United Statos who do aot
hMltate to reeommotid sueh mll-
There is a movonieut to change ,
army headquarters on the Columbia '
from Vancouver barraoks to Seattle. I
For Diseases of the Skin, ( Marie Drossier, the aetroee, was too
Nearly all dlsonsoa of the skin, 111 laat night to consent to an Inter
such m eczema, totter, salt rheum view, it was announced today that
and barbora' Itch, are characterized she lias mortgaged all hor avallablo
by an Intense itohlng and smartlus. property In order to pay her company
which often makes life a burden nnd of sixty persons w"ho woro thrown
disturbs sleep nnd rest. Quick relief out of employment by tho recent olos
roay be had by applying Chambtr- Ing of the Aldwych theatre.
Iain's Salve. It allays the Itching nnrt Business at the theatre has boon
smarting almost Instantly. Many bad for some tlm and threo nights
cases nave v" tumu j u. --
a t ....nJ Wf Itn ft
J For sale by Dr. Stone's Drug Storo.
Wr arrv tht- largest and onl uuiplett- atocK of these goods in
h 'it) 0"r harneaa are the kind laat wear the boat, and our
prices are the loweet The art mad from the best California oak
tanned leather by skilled mechanics W have fifteen different
U)lrs of ladle' astride saddle j select from, alto a largo number
of heavy stock saddle, and we fel satisfied we can please you both
in quality and In price If you arr tnlaklHg of getting a saddle or
E. S. Lamport, saddlery
10 Venn In tho Ilarac IlaaJnetMt In KaJciii.
United I'rtM Leacd Wire.
Palo Alto, Cal., Mnrch 12. After
lying speechless (or five wookB, his
vocal organs completely paralyzed
because of an Injury to his skull, lit
tle Fobs Coons, the sou of a promi
nent resident here, was given his
voice again this morning by a mirac
ulous surgical operation. Ills moth
er, who has waited by his bodsldo
slnct? the accident, swooned when alio
heard her son speak to her again.
More than a month ngo the lad
while at piny, fell from a high bal-
Unltrd I'rcta tinned Wire
01mpla. March 12. Secretary of
Suite S.nn H. Nichols today won ilrst
blood In the organization of tho In
vestigation commltteo appointed by
the legislature last night to Investi
gate state officinls.
When the members of tho commit
tee met this morning they solccted
Senator T. L. Allen of King as chair
man. Senator Allen from first to
last opposed the Investigation. Tho
committee consists of Senator Alien
of King, Kifihback of Lewis and Rep
resentatives Taylor and McMastor of
King and Hubbell of Kittitas.
The committee did nothing at this
morning's meeting except to select a
chairman and agree to moot at Olym
pln Tuesday, March HO, to begin tho
investigation. It is probable that tho
first matter taken up will be Senator
Puulhnmuu' chargos against Hhlvely
and Nichols.
Winnipeg. Man.. March 12. Thoro
1 Ik every indication today of a big In
crease in prices of lumbar and liitn-
Iht product In the vury near future
In Canada. eapeelally In the weatoni
In the fact of prosperity In every
Urn- of trade and an InoresHlna; do-
iintiid. It Is charged that thw manu
facturers ot lumbftr, shingles and
other wood produce are beginning
lurtatllug thalr output.
In tnlv Any tho market la lining
served nnd deeldodly higher price
.nn, bon; croMH(1. Th,H nI,)Io8 m()r(
; 0 tno h,nRk, industry thnn to tho
,lim,inr hninam on tho Pnolflc ooast.
puuy (,Very shingle mill In tho
. t of Wft8hlni:toll Hntl tho maior.
y of thmQ Jn IIrtBh CoIuin,ltt nro
coWM, p,,,. of tMnKn Hro uiculy
( K0 UB h,Kn R8 , ,907
Whe ,t Jb announC8,j tJmt tl0
nrltish Columbia mills found It a
iwctlcai impossibility to ourtail tho
Jok Clt
(Uuitud Prose Umeed Wiro.)
London, March 12. Although Miss
iil flSk, (lPf.Uu1l.l UfdC J ft 111 t lul 1 lul f
- .. ....,... .. ...
now the huust The company was
cony and sustained a fracturo of tho
skull. He wns unconscious for suv
ornl days, and when he regained his
senses It was found thnt he had boon
bereft of his voice, apoclnllsts held
out little hope for him.
Hoping ngalnst hope that tho boy
might survive, the surgeon today took
a great chance. Ho found a tiny
bead of bone pressing upon one of
tho vital portions of the child's brain
With infinite care he removed tho
irritant. In a flash the boy's voice
came back to him. Ho will recover
paid one week's salary and the sec
ond week's under tho two weoks' no
tlco clause has been promised thorn
ns soon as Miss Dressier Is able to
secure the money.
Kaitluiiake at Itlvcrsfdc.
(United 1'resB Loasod Wire.)
Riverside. Cal.. March 12. Two
distinct onrthqunko shocks were folt
here at half past five o'olock this
morning. The undulations woro
from east to west. There was no
damnge caused by the trembler,
An Important Fact.
1,'liut Is Why Uio Tonic Treatment
Through tho Mood 8 Curing
So Many Cnsett of Stom
ach Trouble.
Tho tonic trontmont with Dr. Wll
Mams' Pink Pills restores all tho con
ditions for healthy digestion by fur
nishing the stomach with an abund
ant' o of pure red blood and suffi
cient nervous unorgy. Ah the pro
(we of digestion are controlled by
the blood and nervos, It necoMsarlly
follows thHt this trontmont Is dlreut
and reriHlu In Its Motion, beeaiiHo It
atreugthvna the Htonmuh up to tho
point where It Is able to do Its own
The wholo frwintt of thu Niicetwa of
the tonic treatment Hon In tho powor
of Dr. Williams' I'lnlt Pills to mako
pure red blood. Kvory stop In dl
gustlon riKiulros a full supply of
houltlty blood for upon It doponds
tho strength of tho iiiusoIom of tho
stomach und tho ability of tho glands
to nirnish tho dlgostlvo fluids. Fin
ally when tho food has beoa digest
ed. It can be tnkon from the Htomaoh
and given to the different jmrta of tho
body only by blood thnt is pure and
well oxygenized.
A reliable statement of a euro of
stomach troublo by tho tonic treat
ment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
Is that rucontly glvon by Mrs. A. N.
Cardner. of No. 401 Mouth Fourth
street. Alehlson, Kansa. whoa hus
band la aa fuglneer oh the C. II. and
). H. K
Pollttwlug a run-down condition
of the blood." aim my, "J nuffmd
wit hetuxiHoli trouble for about a
year. My stomaali wu ao weak that
I could not out soil ilfooil. (las was
constantly forming on my stomach,
causlnu me Intonno pxta. f wh wm-
atlpated. had night sweats and was
troubled with palpitation of tho
heart For three weeks 1 was con
fined to bed and auffored terribly.
"I received but temporary relief
ruiH mv iii,r .tti,..,,, t w.. i...
hu f M
decided to try Dr. Williams" PJnk
JllMlla and waa hulpwl from the first
I used the pill until completely cured
and have had no return of tho trou
hie "
The value of the tuak treatnifit
iwlth Dr Wllllaina' Pink Pills Is
I showa by the thommnds of cures the
; pills havo made In the various forms
!of stomaeh troHble. as aeld stomach.
I nervous dyaiwpela. neuralgia of the
stomach, gaatrilla aad catarrh of the
i A booklet. What to Hat and How
J to Hat." giving valuable Information
'wll be want free upon request
1 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold
by all druggists, or will be sent, post
paid, on receipt of price. 50o par box;
(six boxea tor $2.60, by the Dr. Wil
liams Medicine Company Schenee-
fjtady, N Y
t United rrca Laaed Wlrcl
Now York, Mnrch 12. Despite tho
fact that oho was tho horolno of a
thrilling rcscuo of hor secretary,
Mlsa Julia Marlowe, tho actress, ww
able to appear last night at Daly'n
theatro In the "Qoddoss of Reason,"
nnd today showed no Hl-offoctB of tho
Miss Mnrlowo was resting hi hor
apartments yesterday afternoon,
when sho heard Miss Ellzaboth Mc
Crnckeu, hor secretary, screnm. Sho
saw MIm McCrnckon fighting with
flames which woro burning hor cloth
ing. Seizing n rug. Miss Mnrlowo
throw It about Miss McCrnckon, who
was thon unconscious.
Tho rug caught flro, but '.ho
shrloks of Mlas McOrnckou had sum
moned nld, and tho flamos. woro tx
tlneulRhwl. Miss McCrackon'a burnn
woro only sunerflclnl.
' (United l'rfda Leased Wire..
Cleveland, O., March 12. Tho or
dor ot Josults todo- began a world
wide movement for thdatudy of oarth
quakes, Tho organization of tho
movomont la In chnrga of Itov. Fred
erick Odonbach, of St. Ignatius Col
lege, in this city.
Father Odonbach, who Invontod
tho olcctrlc solsmogrnph, explained
that stntlons will bo nstnbllshotl in
moro thnn l 2.To.mlt collegos In tho
United Stntes nnd Canada, nnd that
n Bystom of absoluto comparability
between solnmographs will ho Initiat
ed. Among tho stations to bo located
nro ones at St. llonlfaco, Man.; Den
ver, Colo. j Spokane, Wnsh., nnd Hi
vann, Cuba.
Not News, Hut. Custom.
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Uutto, Mont., March 12. Thomas
Metzel. a prominent stockman of
Montana, was shot and killed by his
wlfo following a quarrel on their
ranch near Clearwater. Tho shooting
wa sdono late last night and Uio news
was received early today.
Next Sunday HaiiHor HroH., tho gun
store men, will begin propnrlng their
now grounds north of this city a few
milOH for (rap shooting, and it In ex
pected that by tho end of tho wook
ooiitoala will bo nrnrnged among the
local powdor-hurnors.
Hnuser llros. woro compnllod to
move their traps nnd ahootlng
grouiKJH from tho formor locntlon m
North Saloin. owing to tho ninny com
plaints made by nonrby rotldonts, hut
the now grounds nro located In such
a manner aa to ciuiuo luconvenlouco
to nobody, and tho slto on which the
trap houses nnd platforms will ho lo
cated Is much bottor.
In connection with a modem Bliot-
gun range all tho latost equipments,
u rlllo rango will bo constructed for
both rlllo and pistol shootora. Tho
rango will bo put In ardor within two
weeks, and any distance from CO
yards to 300 can ho had by thoso who
wish to practice or enter In any of
tho contest.
Have you err setrn Daniel Sully
In any of his ertNttlona? If not, you
havo a gouuliio trout uomlug. Tho
writer haa been fortunate enough to
see him soveral tlmuM, and to enjoy
his Inimitable elmraoter delineations
To paraphrase Ilurim. Kings may
bo groat, but Sully la glorious," and
If you fall to at htm in ' The Mutch
maker" Monday ou will alwny
liu(- MOllli'MlllIK I" l"KI'-(
C'ertruoV Kwi, -th Dau Hully la
"Tho Matchmaker."
i jk 9hi
l HH f
flaCulehcy of Wind
On Stomach
, :
An It Is pommonly Named, Mean
TliattKKaylng Food Is ft (.
lag Om.
This most serious condition Is very
prevalent nnd results most distress
ingly nnd fatally oftontlmco. The
stomach In cases ot flatuloncy la un
nblo to dlgost tho food proporly. De
cay o"ts in, gasos form, oxtond the
stomach, forco their wny downward
Into tho bowels, and If not rollorod
oxtonds upward pressing ngalnst the
lungs, llvor nnd heart, causing short
ness of breath, bolchlng, foul odors
and many tlmos suddon death.
Fools which nro filled with gasos,
whon taken Into a doranged stomach
cnuso flatulency rapidly, vegetables
bolng especially glvon to this quality.
Against ouch a condition tho stom
ach can do bait llltlo, because tbM
foul nnd poisonous gasod affect Its
glands, muscles and tissues to sack
a dogreo ns to Incapncltato It almot '
nt onco.
Thoso gnhos distend the stomach
In nil directions, provontlng tho coa
trnctlng muscles from doing tholr
rogulnr duties, or If thoy do force the
gnB from tho stomach it goes els
whoro In tho system with ovon more
hnrnssing rosulto, nnd thon tho de
caying mass still romnlnn to gonorato
moro gnsos.
Tho moot offoctlvo mothod for nl
lnylng flntuloncy is to romovo th
causo of gas making. An omotlo will
do thin, but tho ntomnch will havo tho
sumo troublo tho moment now food
ontors It
Stuart's Dyspopsla Tablota got at
gns food nt onco, dlgost It, prevent
decay, quickly rcduco food to nour
ishment, mako good rich gaiitle fluid
nnd pnns tho digested food to tho In
teDtlnos, giving tho Htomach Its rovt
nnd tho systom Its nourishment.
Flatuloncy simply cannot exist where
thoso llltlo tablets nro usod. TI107
build up tho stomnch fluids so thnt it j
mnttors not how many vogotaulea ypii T
ent or food containing quaiinea,Jr,i
gas. tho stomnch does Its work woll
nnd quickly,
Btunrt'B Dyspopsla Tablota nro sold
ovorywhoro nnd usod tho wholo world
ovor by sick stomachs nnd stomachs
thnt wnnt to cat heartily and yet not
got sick.
ISvory druggist cnrrlos Stuart's
Dyspopsla Tnblots, prlco COo per box.
Tho domnnd for thoso llttlo digest
era Is constantly increasing. Forty
thousand physicians In Amorlcn and
Cannda ubo thorn nnd proscrtbo thorn
Bend us your nnmo nnd nddresa find
wo will sond you n trial package by
mall froo. Addrosa F. A. Stuart Co ,
150 Stuart Illdg.. Marnhnll, Mich.
Grand Opera House
In the Great Comedy Success
A pretty play with more laughs than
a farce.
603LAUGHS 603
Prices 11.00. 7Se. SOo. 2Co. Sent
sale opens Monday. !i a
J'IHI lllf if
T It does not matter what kind
of aeei! ou want, whether for
T l he farm, garden, lawn or flow-
X r bed. remembor that we havo
It We carry tho largoat stock
In the state ouisldo of Portland
IX and are prepared to fill your f
nania wiih a mw rroNli stock
of reliable, toatod seeds.
If Garden Seeds ;
Our stock of IiUI,K 8HKDS Is
I first-class and It will puy you J J
to uuy now while tho stook Is
complete and you can get what
you want With Tented Nril
D. A. WHITE ii
& SONS i!
'MO (V)innurclul Ht, 1 1
ilftr .ifi
-agyn.te.tfc at jr