r "-SMHK :T '"rnwmwv nSiamaStmtgsmm wwrKa?s-ww ju'.WAi . - - - r"l 2 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1000. .Hi ! f II i ! ' li J 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL M. HOFEIt, Bd. sad Prop. Iadcpcadont Newtpaper Dorotcd to American Frinctplci and the ProgroM ami Dorolopomont of Alt Oregon. FubllMicd Hjctj lirenlng Bzcopt Sunday, Ealem, Ore 1 r 8UIJSOIUPTION RATES. (Invariably In Advance.) Oailf, by carrier, par year. (4,00 1'cr month Wo Daily, by mall, per year. .. 4.00 Per month 85o Weekly, by mall, por yor. '.00 Biz months (Ac UNIONjLABEL THE MOTHER'S SONG. ( I heard a song a song that thrilled my heart, Though I have heard fair Patti and the rest Of all the world's great singers, On the breast Of a young mother in a gypsy's cart, There lay a black-eyed baby; without art, Untrained, as in the wild birds' song at best, Was that sweet voice that crooned the child to rest, And soothed my pain, cooling my heart's hot smart. No songs of earth nor of the heaven above. Nor melody, nor human voice, nor bird, Nor instrument that mortal ever heard, Was llko that mother's voice, attuned by love, Tho angels tarried In their flight to hear The simple song; for, certos, heaven was near. Ilonry Coylo. THINGS SALEM SHOULD DO. YELLOW JOURNALS WORSE THAN JUNGLES (Editorial In I'ortliuul Journal.) Salem, as (ho Htnto Capital, owoh n duty to the fltnto iih well as to ILaolf. Doth Kh oxcollont nowspnpors acknowledge this, nnd nlmoRt dully press It homo vl,'oroiiHly upon tho Salotn people. Tho Cnpltnl Journal iiiiym "Tho Capital City miiflt havo miles of paving on Kb principal business and rcflldonco strcotfl. "Tho Capital City must havo a modern hotel where pcoplo can upond tholr money for luxuries It thoy want them. "Uy tho way, a bath Ih no longor tho luxury It wub whon Home of tho flrut cltizetiB landed. "Tho third thine Balom munt havo and Ih In n fair way to got Ib mountain water of tho purcat kind. "Tho fourth thing Snlom must have and havo It In a broad gaugo mannor Ib a botilovard to tho Htato fair grounds. "Tho prcnont bridle path over Iooro rocka Ib not quite up to tho auto mobile BtandardH." This norl of talk people or Balom must heed. TI1KV NEED TO GET MUHY. Within two yoarH they can ho fix thouiHolvoH, by doing those things, that the udvocntoH of capital removal will find but little aupport or Hympathy. Tho Journal Ih oppooed to tho removal of tho capital, but tho agita tion for it IH LIKELY .TO INCREASE UNLESS SALEM IIESTIltS IT SELF TO MAKE THESE IMPROVEMENTS. And tho ruHt of tho Htato can IiihIhL on or urgo thin nil tho mora rou nonably booatiHo hiioIi improvumonts WOULD RICHLY PAY SALEM, oven If tho capital question wore not considered at all; thoy are only what any city of Balom'H hIzu, wealth Hiiil Importance ought to do, if It wore not tho capital. The Portland Journal says editerially: The Journal has no Hympathy with tho movement on foot lit tho oust tdo Hoetlon of Portland to bring about by Initiative potltloiiH a vote on THE ItEMOVAL OK THE CAPITAL FROM SALEM TO THIS CITY. It would nlmoHt tturoly fall at tho pnlU, as wo think it ought to, and In tho meantime would ereato hoHtlllty agaliiHt this city in Salem and vi cinity, and to a limn degree In other partH of tho Htato. Balum Ih im proving considerably, and will noon have amended whatever Ib objeutlon ablo an a location for tho capital; it Ih sufficiently central, THE SITE AND UAP1TOL IIUILIU.Nil AHE EXCELLENT, and there Ih no need of any kind for making the proponed change Tho Snlom Journal wishes to thank its namesake down tho river for an evident dosiro TO TREAT THIS CITY FAIRLY. Tho time has como for all parts of tho stato to treat all other parts fairly and along piogiessivo linos, No section of tho stato can striko a blow at a noighboi county WITHOUT HURTING THE LOCALITY THAT STRIKES. No mombor of tho logislatuio form Marion county has a right to hit another county a lick on any lino, Lot us build up all wo havo and got mora IN THE WAY OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. First of all, lot us cloan bofoie our own door, boost our own town, build up and not dostioy. What holps Salem helps ovoty properly owner in Marion county, AND HELPS EVERY TOWN IN THIS COUNTY. What hurts Salem hurts ovory town and evory property ownor in tho wholo of Marion county, It Is timo for ovorybody in Orogon to quit knocking every body else. o GOVERNOR OF MASSACHUSETTS A BROAD MAN. A nowspapor man who Is agarossivo and takes n firm po sition on all public matters Is Governor Guild of Massachu setts. Ho is editor of tho Boston Commercial Bullotin, Curtis Guild, Jr., is a warm personal friend of Sonator Chamberlain and writes Tho Capital Journal as follews: I was much Intoreuted In your editorial and havo sunt it to Mr. Ayoru, tho Htato forostor of Now Hampshire, with muoh plonsun. All Now England, 1 nturo )0U. la highly DELIGHTED WITH THE UNSELFISH AND PATRIOTIC ACTION OF THE OREGON LKG1SM. TUKE la regard to juutlco to Now England forest reserved. We aro dullghted to have tho national treasury lend its aid to irri gation, water supply nnd forest nvwvea for the West. Wo only ask a square dwil for the East. WE AHE ONE COUNTRY AND WHAT HELPS A PAUT HELPS THE WHOLE. What Oregon noeds most of all is broad viows for the de volopmont of tho wholo state, AND UNSELFISH LEADER SHIP for tho scattored factions of tho Republican party, United Prea Leased Wire. Oyttor Bay, L. I., March 12. The cllmato of Africa is not worrying formor President Roosovolt today half as much as tho announcement that several nowspapors aro prepar ing to fit out a caravan for tholr fi pe dal writers with which to follow tho former president into tho junglo and report his nlmrodlal oxporloncos. Tho formor president rofusod to commit lilmself to an outllno of tils plan of campaign to prevent bolng trailed Into tho darkost places of the dark continent by a email army of nowspapor writors. Thoso who know Colonel Roosevelt, howover, bollovo ho will bo ablo to stop tho plan effectually. "I shall wolcomo nowspapor mon nB fellow travelers, as far as my Btnrt formor president, who thus Joins other fighting heroes in drnwlng tbo color lino. Referring to tho interviews re cently published, in which cortala collogo professors havo predicted cite domlso of Roosevelt from Jungle fovor, tho colonol brlofly repllcd: "If thoy know how llttlo tholr viows af fected mo, thoy might . not ruttor thorn." TfTTTf !! ASYLUM AVENUE STORE J 1 We soil all kinds of staple and J fnncy groceries, and mill feed. J J Prompt delivery. Phono us n ! trlnl order to Alain 209. A. .1. ENGLERART, Prop. J Cor. Stntcsmnn and Asylum Av. o H-I 81 IIIIII8 !! I 4a. J max WSSBJw I I -Wmm m Smart Suits For Young Men We've young men's ideal suits Suits that are dashing nnd distinct ive. These suits have a swinging grncu of form, with "young man" written all over their fashioning. The long, soft rolling lnpols, the graceful form fitting cut of tbo coat, the sleeves with cuff effect, the low er cut of tho vest with pocket flaps and the easo nnd grace of tbo trou aers with or without cuffs aro a few of the principal features of the new Spring cut. There aro many other style kinks worked into these suits by excellent and skillful tail oring. Tho fabrics aro ontlrely new nnd rnther striking, in effect. Our prlccB are moderate they nro al ways so. Sit, Ul, $20 to $25 Q. W. JOHNSON & CO. VJ2ftr"' With an one hundred million dollar deficit staring him in the face, with a bond issue necessary to build ordinary river ana naruor impiovemenisi wun war taxes tu uu mifjubuu iui revenues in time of peace, Taft ought to realize that perhaps some one besides Joe Cannon, and other back numbers of the Republican party can run things just as well and perhaps better, o Why should the people murmur at high taxes when it is considered the cute thing and the bright thing for even an United States Senator to create an office for himself for life? Are the people fit for anything but to dig and make bricks without straw for their lords and masters? o Judge S, A, Lowell is still under tho delusion that he can get a l)ig fat federal office at the hands of the Oregon ma chine, He ought to know that it is more difficult for-a clean man to get into such a place than for a rich man to get into heaven, Besides, why should an U, S, Senator have such an office croatod for fife for any one but himself, Mr, Low oil is simple-minded, ...I) Salem politicians giving Mr, Fulton a certificate of char acter against Mr, Henoy's charges are a little late, The people heard Honey and passed on the matter, after hearing Mr, Fulton's defense of himself, o The old whoel-horscs who are advising Harriman in Ore gon are certainly not onto their jobs, or they would got him to come through with at loast a few miles of sidetrack be fore his properties in Oregon are confiscated, o Of course, it helps increase the influence of Oregon in tho nation at large to always cartoon Senator Bourne in the style of clothes worn by a race track tout. 8-r8-H-r-HH-r84C HHUItll 8Plllf l 181 1818 I8I8H WILLIAM DAVIDSON - I STOCKS and BONDS I! WILLAMETTE HOTEL, SALEM, Or, I ! I can advlfc you on any stockn or bonds sold or on tho market. 1 1 J Money f-ecurod for promotion purposes, patent, nmnufncthrlng In- 1 1 J duHtrioK, large land deals, etc. 1 1 Call and wv me. Wonted, a few competent men and women. 1 1 References required. J n B88l8!8!8!8I8tf80 8tiai8l8i8illl8iei8l8fli88M ? o ? E-RU-SA THE ONLY LAWFUL PILE CURE 1 Docnuso It does not contain nnrcotlcs, mercury, cocalno, load or any 1 poisonous drugs, necauso E-KU-SA CURES PILES. U. S. Disponsatory recommonds ovory tngredlont of E-RU-SA. Drug laws mako "false or mil loHding statements' a crlmo. Thoreforo tho sale of nil other or Injurious narcotic pllo modlcinos Is lllogal. bocauso thoy nffect mo brain and spinal marrow, produce constipation and novor euro. All rollnblo, up-to-dato druggists of highest standing sell nnd Indorso E-RU-SA. namoly In Salem. DR. STONE'S DRUO STORE. Q. W. PUTNAM & CO., R1NQO & GRADER. RED CROSS PHARMACY, and CAPITAL DRUG STORE W. H. Cooler- Simple Remedy for Ia Grippe. Ia grippe coughs nr dangerous as they frequently dovolop into pneu monia. Foley's Honoy and Tar not only stops tho cough but heals and strongthons tho lungs so thnt no se rious rosults nood bo fonrod. Tho gonulno Foley's Honoy and Tar con tains no harmful drugs and la In a yellow package Rofuso substitutes. J, 0, Perry, Your money deposited with us will earn in terest and be available when you need it. We welcome small ac counts the same as large ones. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank J. H. Albert, Provident, E. M. Crolsan, Vtco Piws. Jos. II. Albert, Cashier. Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while before you find n propnratlou thnt Is equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as a cure for muscular and rheumatic pains, for tho euro of sprains and soreness of tho mu solos. It is oqually valu ablo for Inmo back and all deep seat od muscular pains. SS and BO eent sizes for snlo by Dr. Stouo's drug storo. .Milking Good Time. (Continued from page 1.1 New York. March 11. At 10 o'clock this morning Clbot nnd Or phoo wore lending 4(32 miles, four lnps, in the pedestrian slx-dny race at M tulon Squaro Qardon. o Tho greatest man in the world the fellow who can make two dollars go ns far as you can mako one A!?,b'e CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm li quIcM) abiortxJ. Cites Rtlicl at One. ItcltittnvM, boothes, huU and protects iho iliSMi&itf menu bruue rv.ultiu fro;a Catarrh imkI dri.t away a Cold in tho IWa.l .juicily. Se.iiay milTO toow tu sDiof nHT rLftn Piute and SiuvlU Fall u W cU , at Drug. ijUta or bv luail la liiui l forui, 75 -cnu. llrUfr. J Warren Streut, New York. BSMBAIWJI Elr ;t4ffiiiiiiiiiinnif iaitiBiiBitm Greatest Combination Offer I NINE NEWSPAPERS A WEEK FOR FORTY CENTS A MONTH The Dally Capital Journal nnd tho Thrlce-a-Weeh New York World tho greatest Newspaper of Its Type. It always tolls the nows ns It Is, promptly and fully. Read in evory English speak ing country. t has Invariably boon tho groat effort of the Thrico-a-Week World odltlon of tho Now York World to publish tho nows Im partially In ordor that It may bo an accurate reporter of what has hnpponed. It tolls tho truth, irrespective of party, and for that reason it has aoblovod a position with tho public unlquo among puntrs of Its class. If you want tho news as It roally Is, subscribe to the Thrice-a-Week edition of tho New York World, which comos to you evory other day except Sunday, and Is thus practically a daily at the price of a weekly. THE THR1CE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price Is only Jl 00 por year, and this pays for 15C papers. We offer this unequalled newspaper and Daily Capital Journal three months - $1.20 ; Daily Capital Journal six months - $2.35 Tho above offer Is only good for Strictly Cash in Advance. Bend check, draft or postal note or pay at office of Capital Journal. No agent's commission allowed on these terms. Send remittance to E HOFER. publisher Dally Capital Journal, Salem, Oregon. 4iii8t8iWiiintaiaiigtaiai . HOW TO OIMSUATE A MOVING PICTURE MACHINE AT HOME. ? How to Rent or Buy a Moving Pfcttiro Machtno. How to Mnko Dig Monoy at Entortninmonti nnd Amusements. How to Obtain Positions Which Pny 3C por Week. How to Decomo a Finished Oporntor. We Give Instructions Thnt Aro Simple and Interesting. Wc Hnve tho Nowost Mothod of Tonchlng by Mall. We Sond You, on Recolpt of $1.00, Comploto Instructions. We Tonch Oporntors How to Pnss All Examinations. We Reprosout tho Lending Film Exchaugo. Remlttnucos to Independent Theatrical Exchange, -IOO, 101, 40.1 f llurke llulldlng, Seattle, Wash. X WARDEN SCHOOL OF OPERATORS Hte WilIf !!! IHHII !!! ! f ltl i v i ?4 niHrfiataiBtsuKtuiumft,,,,,,;,,,,,,,, T -.. &.