Enkte. MLXXiT CULFTTAIi JOCXXAl SAIdaM, OKBQON, XHUSSPAl. MJLHCH Jl 1M. 1!JJJtW M v I l , t r ( IN : .x '&.. SURERS SHOWING WOMEN'S AND MISSES' READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL -t New LATEST STYLE The first bade" of Spring in m. ml profnaioa. Ready to vnr apparel hating style, fit Bad workmanship. Thai Is the larg est show-lag we'vo w had :hia aarlr te the ito. aad thee garuMHsie will aavenl to women who have mat. New suit, now'sklna, now petti coat, aw wafete. mteees' and children's apparel and tke whole showing Is oa tke ground floor; a stairs to etlatb. Wc a thtr pleasure of showing yoa tbt Be creations. A Skis of UMtf is I Jty Ftmtf DL T. FEU HCMUrS MENTAL CXEAM 0 MABCAL KAUTTFIEK 3JS-- rf" "ils lTi- W tfJiJ Jr -JT ffg .as m a. Jl an V ".a 2 v. Ki it kwaleM w tuxKtaWmrett X t;il bUi. (HI tf iMtf Di l-i. 5rr uU U a&j t XU kt Ai JV1 t - IK ttj I rABmia ka mMnaien. I"te nit Vr tB trttzuli a4 hT- esiB!m&tttcttrt!isui.u4 BBnt Morrison aad John MltckeH, It may FaB.T.RSrDlJ,PR,I7fr!iJaiS5nd,IrTtrl!resait alttmateiy In a moderation of ! the sentences. Ic possible since the court LABOR TODAY WON A ' WILL PROSECUTE GIRLS ' PARTIAL VICTORY! FOR SNOW-BALLING HIM United I'rwi leased Wire. Saa Francisco, Cal., March ll. Because he alloges that "reckless and unscrupulous society women" from San Francisco were rude enough to throw snowballs at hlnn A. W. Oppntan. a rich retired brewer from (United Frm Ltsed Wire. i Washington. March H The American Federation of Labor hod rSSS Si ?SSS: Partial victory la the cojirt of ap- iJriuX P18 of the District of Columbia to- ut& n fdy a the appeal frora tb deeteion ?Ji! iS ' ,B tnc Buck- store and range eae in ftr.-- :an ever Ztnn's lee crin.. 1-11-21 Dress Goods Silks Trimmings, Laces and Em broideries, New Wash Goods New Corsets, New Hosiery. New Muslin Weaves, New Petticoats, New Veilings, etc, are ready for your inspection Just Received Quilted table pad. 4se SSxSl la. Tab! padding by tb rard. qallUd. 4 laehttt wide, and aar ery cloth by the yard, qallted. ti tarbea wide (Si-ctiml KlfKr) St. Patrick' Masqacrnri? adUotinm rlk. Weda-dr. March 17th. II. I O. E. ' Wiil eatertaia ta ladles toatlgat. Hanring a ad cards. J. M. Lawrence which Jaetke Gould of the aapreme! CTrelaml. O.. announced today that court of the district granted aa la j wl flIe formai complaint with JbbcUoh forbidding the federation Ujs.retar). of the Interior Dalllngor aaeall the store Mm la prist. (against the manner la which tho go- Vaile the dtcisloa today dos t!erBMBt Hotet sentinel is conducted affect the 'jail sentences lapoeed ap-jlm yoK NatJonal Park on Presldeat Gompers. Secretary t oooajan I rery Indignant, and ays the behavior of the California koism was a great shock to him and his wi(e. He says they not onlv threw Mowbalis at him. but they appeals bow finds that Gould's decl-'. irte9d jike Indians and hold sioa was too harsh, that the labor a 4aBW in tJl notoi at night, "emit leaders may base an appeal from the timg on4 aBd wWd shrieks." so that Jodgneats proaoanced against the...B utkd hii Wft we nable to slum- apoa toaays aeawon. : r pwetmllr. Chief Justice Shepherd, who dlv q, ont occasion one of the women seated from the opinion which dc- J ,,- a snowball that struck his wife sot laralldate the Injunction bat do(-t y face, kaooklng her eyoglasics nsodlfy Its terms, upheld in strong i to the kTend. He .nstalned numor- It of ooooooooo PERSONAL MENTION OOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 i language the freedom of the pros. By the Gould decision the fed era - The experienced grocer, will gtre ' tloa was enjoiaed from publishing xw&K'jsja k. HEEEIDHZC sm you yoar money's worth la your gro cery orders. Try him. Phone 511. Corner Commercial and Ferry street Frh Today Pure Cream Caramete aad Creaat Rolls fresh today. See our window. Buckinghaai's Palace ef Sweets. St. Patrick's Masquerade Auditorium risk. Wednesday. March 17th. Zfnn' hand-made ebo-eolate cream are the best. 3-11 2t Takf Vour Old And soiled clothes to C. A. John son at the O. K. Cleaning Parlo-s. The ran be made to look almost like new Phone 56$. 190 South Coa mercial street. ooooooooooo 0 CITY NEWS GOUuoOUUOOU Wrathrr Forecast Fair tonight and Friday. , Buckingham's ohoeolates and bos bons. 3-11-31 ( Ataplaro Htavy trad tires, for heavy men and rough roads Frank J Moore 3-11-tf Fr Sole or Trndo For wood, one ISO horse and 3-Inch wagon. Se It. A. Pfell, $13 Market street. 3-11-tf .Milliner owning lxncr Insurance lUtrs.. Saturday. March 13, Mrs. O. a f By baring as do your work. E. W. Locke, proprietor. Millinery dejart. p,erw' J?PUa' Er,ectr,3PP,yjcm . -. a. L. . . ssy. Phone 63. 15-15-eod-tf ment Stockton's store. t iS rtvr CilrW Clieruies It Will Pay la the "Mikado" at the GraBd. You to seo our 1909 line of wheels I March, XI aad IS. before you buy. Frank J. Meore. , 3-ll-f the name of the stove company -in the "We Don't Patronize" list pub lished in The Federatlonist. which If the official organ of the labor men. The modified decree today enjoin i the defendants from characterizing the Buck's Stove and Range Com pany as "unfair" only when sues publication Is In furtherance of u conspiracy or a boycott against the firm. The decision explains that the court thinks the ruling of the lower eonrt went too far when It enjoined the publication and distribution through the nails or otherwise, any reference to the firm as unfair or complaints regarding Its buslaes or its product. - o N'ew Incorporation V. T. Higtlon, Undertaker Always progresslre, up-ta-datt Full equipment, largest stock. 10-31-eod-tf. Xcw Stock Of UarUavds aad Ftnak J Mate 6. i & J. thVH. 3-1 1-tf St. Patrick'. Mawiuermle t AJdtUrlM rink. Wednesday. IMareh ITtk. , If Vm Sliiokf ; Only the hftK nigara. to a Taih- Ismo llVfc-ent. or a 10-ent La Cot- Mtner will be what yot want i Manufactured Paetnry, by th Sttlum Cigar to, piriv. Uqocnid AadlUtlaua rink. Wednesday. Maank nth. Bmaktoxlnat's eblate. J-ll-t . P. ). a Will untertala the ladlea toabxht. Imaelng aad cards. Mllllii'ry(Hiiiiiff Ynu ar invited to attad the mil- .,, ... ... , , IUnht ennlMg SaimrUay. March IS. Fin; tplc and ,li WihmI . 77; Fm sale, aheap, tor immediate do- , """T ' JT , V- V. iivo wrv Mf7- Appkf KrtHI Brerman bwttdlag. Itl. Bra.. HMk Main I-U-U Uttniyed- One team, bay mare and hre. i -ars nM, weight 1400 povnds. Nn Hy 0nr A Oiearwater. Phnt Main 4. 3.8-tf tan's store. rioter. Mrs. tad It U Timo Ton had ur wtknul ekmnd evwhauiud (or U) aAmtng Frank J Moor. MU( SatiirtUy. Mr'li lBth The mllltnrry departiHMt f k ten's store will have I to epeln?. Yourself and friends are Invited ta Intfpeet the dtoptny Mrs. 0. C. Lne. proprietor tttngo I lulotinkliiK Parlor Cottage ami Chemoketa it. , tan. day or alght J C Sill. Phone S00 "Ghm lloiiM!kettvr Don't buy nrnuad eeflw." says Mrs. Itrowa "It loses it strength la not near as good as Pages' OaW n Oau whole roaat. ground Just bo le uftlag. Spraying tho The trees on the state capltol grounds are now being sprayed aad trimmed for the summer. Harry La Mar is doing the spraying, and each tree bare of foliage is receiving a good coat of germ-killing spray. Mut Build Ilrklgr The couaty commissioners made a WsH to the north end of the county yesterday and Investigated several eld bridges. Repairs will be made In a few cases, but most of them will bar to be torn out aad new bridge built. They are not large, bat the roads are not paaeable without them. Ha Xcw Offlce Frank Meredith, city treasurer, tec retary of the Illthee club, manager of the Grand opera house, and nn in- snraiKw waa by profeesioB. has Tyu' lnrc M'" moved kl office to raam ia i tb Two more mistakes were found 4 Husk bank block. He seems to be a0BK " enacted ay the last neither afraid of the sinlucky num- BWature by the examiners. The ber nor of associating with Fran wu to W a ew ede 'a fd DurMn. who ateo has office there, al- 'defeve owing to the omtseioa of thouich h's pull with the Methodlntsj providing a copyright. A will be weakened aomewnat from f-lta,w wa Ha1 lrucllng the stato Bring with a hop man printer to print volume, bine ' and deliver over lev out' of the Deaaey-Huffman Company; princi pal office Portland; capital stook. Jl.06: Incorporators, M. J. Den aey. C. W. Cottam and Frank M. Rogers. Eugene Light and Power Com pany; principal office Eugene; capi tal stock. 1300,000; Incorporator. F. L. Chambers. Darwin Brlstow and Ray Goodrich. Icrt Cream And Ice cream soda at Bucking ham's Palace of Sweets. Red Croas Pharmacy. 3-ll-3t Start in Kten A marriage lieenee was Issued thlt afternoon to J. J. Ertle. 26. ef Portland, and Lillian F. King. 36, if this city. oos pelts, which disturbed his poaca of mind, and forced a considerable expenditure of arnica. He will not at present make known the names of tho "ruthless" womtn, but asserts that they are leaders of sor-'ety la this city, and that one of them Is the daughter of a retired ad miral. Opomaa left this morning on the overland aad expressed his Intention of taking the matter up as soon ns poselble in Washington. "At first thought. It might seem trivial." he sold, "but after I had traveled so far to see the slghta of California. I th'nk It was outragcour to be given uch a reception, and ou government property, too. I'll ica whether there's any law In the land. ' Mrs. A. W. Reld and ohlldreu, of Central Point, arrived here this morn Ing, whoro they mot Mr. Reld, who came here a week ago. They havo bought property here, and will lo cate, Miss Martha Wood, of Cottage Grove, Is the guost of her aunt, Mrs. J. II. Williams. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Radcllffe ami daughter, Grotohen, of Chicago, III., havo been the guoste of 0. Rowe aad othor relatives here, going to Port land thla morning, where thoy expect to locate. Mlse Holone Dalrymple Is vlslHny I I..... .hm1m n VT tfntmnn li, T1..1I .Si uui uiiuiu, i. 4i, iivhuuu, iu i uru3ua Mr. and Mrs, George Rodgers aad Mrs. Hnrry Albert went to Portland yestordny. Mrs. 0. L, Rngan Is In Portland with her Hlstor, Mm. E. Wiggins, who ' Is III. " Frank K. Ilolnmn, the archltest of Sllverton, is in the city and ar- - ranging to locnte here itermanently. Ho haw many warm friends here who will be glad to welcome hint buck to 1Mb old home A CHARLES SCHARR0CK . HAS HARD EXPERIENCE SALEM POLITICIANS HELPING OUT FULTON Upon approaching S. A. Hosier to day In regard to the petition recom mending the nppolntment of Charle3 Fulton as federal Judge, ho stated that no auch petition has came to his hands, and thnt he knew nothing" of It whatever. Attorney G. G. Bing ham nlHO made the same statements. The only steps these gentlemen took, according to their statements, was to call upon some of the state ofilclali and ask thorn to communicate with the Eastern officials toward appoint ing Mr. Fulton, but as far as a peti tion being circulated to that ent there Is nothing known nboM It. SAN FRANCISCO SPORTING EVENTS San Francisco, Cnl., March 11. It looks today ax though this city would see a match In April between Hugo Kelly nnd Billy Papke, and If Charllu (I'alttd rr til Wlr.) Redd'ng. Cal.. March 11. Follow ing a half week's starvation, during which he was so woak as to be ttn-i able to summon aid from nearby, J Charles Snarrock, a miner. Is In u i precarious condition today at the XI- Mn mind, bmf Pronch t-ntnh Scharrock had been without food for Lc.rfarl. can. 8?cure.tho E t will be several days, and became so went! n "'? "rawing card, uecari airei.ty that he was naable to call for aid hnf'K)l-8 acceptance of any reason when he collapsed In a granary nvar ab,f t0T l0 meet the in,no,s man the mine an a ,etter from Paplte last night The man had walked several ntiU, ,n l!,eh1.h M,(l he wou,d be B,a'1 in order to ork at the mine. He to "Bh,1 Kfy next mon,h arrivod at night, aad mietoek the , ! apkc ,has da,e th,s month ,n gnunry for the bunk building of the ' Ang0,f w,th J,ra FIynn' but that mln and entered. He lay there two . '" ,Btwiere w,,h th l j... j it.. .i.k.. f-u-.i ' "i"1 r- Pl"n makes no claim to middleweight classification. . o Good Liniment. You will hunt a good while boforc you find a preparation that Is equal to Chamberlain's Liniment as a cure for muscular and rheumatic pains. for the CUr of nralns nnrf cnronAtf llurklnlmniV Crcrn - of lho mufiQlM. ,t ,8 eqimv ,. ....w Hy , ,h,k , e ibl for Imne back ana all deopBOBt- od muscular pnlns. 25 nnd 50 cent for sale by Dr. Stono's drug Anally by a searching party of ma era. who had been notiHed of Shjr. rock's dl appearance. It was thought at am that he had perished In the snow during his long trip over the mountains. town. 3-ii-at Sut for Comml .Ion Cnarlea K. Hick, is Ming H. L. May In the circuit court, asking Judg ment for J!2.M due klm for dl Boslng of certain properties in Polk county, after being accepted by the defendant as an exclusive seillnz anont for the land in question The complaint Died allege that no earn hudon has been paid the plaintiff. although the property whlek was giv en over to hia soil has beea disponed of os time ago. (M volumes. The bills wilt be amendvd In the coming aoeclal season. Suit on Hop Ctniiuiv.iuHH. A eomplalut ha been nled In the circuit court by Charles Uveiey axnlnat K. Clemoaa Horn Co.. hop dealer, ef New JetKoy. asking the rt to gtv him Judgement la the of Mix S for ervlee ran- nored lb company a. agent in thl cty. Tho rowptalat allogos that on the Irat of April. 1b7. a contrae. wa entered Into in which Uvaaley wa to purckAM bona for the Worst Oompaay. and la return get a com mktalon of tkreeHdgtks of a sent a pound, aad. after ailing this poUvt unta the Mr of August. 190S. dur ng wkick time it alleged that 2G2. s MundB of hone were purchased, and a commwvsion was not paid on r ''" l.oll.lol I companT paid now ever on the ac! Itnth lliindin lndc the altos; Irona lllgga tko ftrat aooranos and Roso Pratt tas aarond aopranos In th "Mlktwio" at the Sraad March IJ aad SS. Tint Wi'nuiiiV Misslouury SHiltl) . Of the 11 rst Presbyterian ohurh will meet In the ekuroh parlors Fri day a(te4-noon at S:3 n'oloak. As tkn is tke animal meeting, a full at teadnnru Is deal red. UtC)lt' FroHt t5 up. Frank J Moore 3-11-tf i WINDOW BOXES PLAiN AND FANCY i These beautiful flower boxes add to the beauty of any home. See them. MASON BROS., FORISTS IWOWC 308 211 MILLER ST. t nnmifiif iumiinniititii Mill of Theobald Klrch The last will and teatamest Theobald Klrsch was fifed today whloh he gives his wife the use ' all his househoW furniture and hous and lot in Mt. Angel, five dollars in cash to .each of his six children. SeM to b appropriated to ih church for holy was to ropot h'c soul, and fifty dollars for a tomb stop. The burial xpense)l are o We born equally by the six children. Other divleiona were also made he twee the children In land. .whU-u are of eomrMerabU value. Had a TradinR Crematory An unuual seen wm preMnil toSaiem ciUseos this momlng. uhr. Fred Sehladler, a leeal eotpremMu drove dewa State. street at a t: gait with a load of garbage, wh'ch was buralng merrily. Sehlndler bad collected the rubb'sh. and wa tak ing It to the city dump yards, wh. a IUHI. . DAWS. At the how of her graul -(. in lliooka. Or., rtkle Daw, anoti. 6 ytara. from the residence: Interment In the Tnnoa aataoiArv sixes store uf,-.a' count $363 IS. and the complaint' tate that I39S.T4 is yet due oa the! purchasing deal. The romplaiat aVsj l claims that $$2.63 was due the de fondants for rebates on commissions, which the plaintiff U willing to do duct from the amount now due. and asks for $299.87 as expense Taoney paid out la the Interest of the com pany. The total amount asked for is $613.08. with Interest at 6 per cent. Caroa & Brown appear as attorney for the plaintiffs. Pirates of the Air "They cease like thieves la the night, dropping hundreds ef feet Irons high up In the sky, catch themselves, circle oaca or twke, then come at the owl like a thunderbolt." A quounoa iron (be uawuil ad microtis ilory el decoying htki. which a but oo of uVc moy splcadiily iStuttcicd trade whxh rfx ta t)i hii Much iuu of o RECREATION J THii Boabct a tie Lnt ol a tenet cl double nuabcri it the regultr pnee, aad it tKc taort tu pcrb tuuc of aa outdow DtjuM ever publitKcd. It coeUau oifniaccci raU-pajc pLatt weethjr ol Htmmg. icproduced horn photofripkt ol tKnllinf momentt kt octfdooc nxrtaboa. Novitxie eLe wiS yog End tuch helpful, estnuia. io aniclet SluiOtted cxcIuuvcIt b lli mml ri. live ash In the collection Ignited .n pjj RECREATION it fataem w narr. ana a maze sprung uo , lrc il ct tkat iL m who wwe for iu pag The driver was Informed of hi lure Beea Tl" ad c ait you pUckj wagon load of Are. but he did t your cutdooe campaija. take the time to go around to ihetye wt ,, to become acquainted wkk the ne departmeat. but whipped up r aHUm, and all at LdpiulaeM.' team and unloaded his load of aot PIANO TUNING LITELLIS L. WOODS. Tuning, polishing, repairing. Ph'e60S Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Frank Meredith, Resident Agent Room 13. Ladd & Bush. Bank Building MONEY TO LOAN THOS. IC. FORD Over l.add & Bush's Bank, Salem. 0 o ooooooooooo NEW TODAY ooooooooooo For Sale Several houses in Salem, and farm lands at n bargain. Cap ital National Bank. 6-1-eod For Suli ISO-gallon oil wngon with. iHinblt, ieiu, cheap. Hustling man ma make big money. 402 Corbatt bulldicg, Portland. Or.. 3-ll-3t Watit.tl.- Strong. Inditbtrlous bov want, work oa farm. Address 4,B. W, iar Journal. 3-ll-3ts Wantctl Two reliable young womea to limmie iMtrsos. Apply at W.l lauiHtt Sanitarium 3-11-31 . stun, before any damage was done alflol4lolft ! t ASYLUM AVENUE STORE !! We sell all kinds of staple and J fane) groceries, and mill feed J ( Prompt deliver) Phone us a J J trial order to Main 269 A. J. KXGLKIIAHT, Prop. Cor Statesman and Asylum Av BUY THE flARCH NUHBER AT ANY NEWSDEALER'S. IF HE CANNOT . SUPPLY YOU, SEND US 25 CENTS AND WE WILL SEND YOU A COPY ! BY RETURN MAIL, aad,3attMtaawtiBK.youiUaMaiictkeaAst , , aad addict of tbe dealct who caaaet wpply you ! wkb tae wtstme. wc vr3! tcad you iLe beauiul , RECREATION ateadarAw. I Reaeabcr RECREATION itdteoar avaaM Lost a large roan horse and a kinall ba pony from the Voget farm two ami oao-half nillds east of Brooks Finder notify Voget Lumber Company and receive suit able reward 3-11-tf Wauhul Competent person fjur. hoMwri H C0UUY- house, mnJ ern ronvenlencos. ndulta "J., ea e Journal S-llJt tkat w .tart yco rat aad Iwlp ,, ta nalt u , WnntrO l)BnK room K,r, dur,ng . aWiaeeasiWacMca. A4U ' tra session. $1 per day. Apply at tIlllllliIs1fcasTK24W39uScNYoA. Cottage Hotel 3-li-3t I isy'riSBwnalaBBBUBBBBBBmal BmammujFpmFa" . J...E jJSiLkJkk. j dA