prwMMMmiimii DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEM, OKBGON, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10f J 001). -MO MIHM.V MaWOH" flr!9r j - IP r i- It; I SUPERB SHOWING WOMEN'S AND MISSES' Mcrode Underwear TOMORROW ONLY Shirts, Drawers and Tights fnv Women, all sizes; valuoH from $1 to 11,25. Tomorrow only, on sale nt ,ft No telephone orderH Uv received Garment XMJkJi. :jm-i-i o o o o o o o o CITY NEWS O O U o o o y o o o U O U O Weather FnivciiNt- Fair .(might and Thumbi) frost toulKlit. light Hh Iho Pivtty , 'Garden scene In the second net of tho "Mlkndn" at tho .Grand Ma roll 21! nnd 23. Tito IUst Tho market affords In groceries, meats, Huh nnd poultry, at Knrrlus ton's.- SaVO tllU DlkCOIIIIt Hunt! ohuok or pay at tho offleo on or before the loth to hiivju thu ills-' count on your March water bill. 0-2t r- M ; in- win iKiriiMtK i In tho "Mikado" aro iih pretty uh one would nam to sue. At tho linu Muioh 'i'i and U3. l-'or Htove Wod And coal, aall IDS. (Jompany. Voget Lumber Wwliu'Mluy Will bo tho last day to pay your wajtti' bill and got tho dlsuount. D-lit llucklnKluun's l'alucti of Sweets As much homo-raado candy on dis play us In any rogulnr enndy store. LtKHtod In tho now Itcd Cross Phar macy. ' 3-6-tf 1'lno .Maple and AnIi W'tiod For sale, ohoap, for Immedlatii do livery. Apply Krobs llros., Hush Drayman bitlldtug. Taluphnna Main 181. 2-15-tf Voiif (Ud Suit lrywtn) nnd clMnwl to look UKe nw Nt h atuall uost to you by A. I). HuiMUOH. who Is taptrluitOud In lht lln. NikM door to Juurim) tithe. IMuuiw l IS. . r 5: MMl 1 Ai Ji fP JSJUmUL II S.W.&3syComicCL I . . prUlugly nhort spaco of 47 soeomW. lii-itiiiK in Siiloni ' N'ot a pupil In tho building was awuro K. H. Hoanor and John D. Hobia- that a tiro drill was going to be had. son. of Monmouth, have decided to land, owing to the rocwat blaxw, which luente at Salem and outer tho rani bwamo sturted In th basement of oiatu and brokurago Hold. Thay are ' th IiuIUHuk. ho time was lost by bright and progressive men. such n'su pupil u leavtug the building A nro needed to put the Capital City to 1 nm un- i in-., iiuii- m j,vi a luiann t a wt . 'I'liiiit iiaIi., .& Hit i.Aaavt. mi own- imicvi 1 f tltt ( I WINDOW BOXES These beautiful flower boxes add to the beauty of nny home. Sec them. MASON BROS., PHONE 308 I 40Cf9fH- -M4- READY - TO - WEARl APPAREL LATEST STYLE Tin- first "buds" of Spring In great profusion. Jlondy to wdar apparel having stylo, fit and workmniiihll). This Ih tho larg est showing wo'vo ovor lind thin early la tho season, and these garmuutH will appeal to women who hnvo taste. New wilts, now. skirts, now puttl couts, nuw waists, misses' and children's apparel nnd tlu wholo showing Ih oii the ground floor; no stairs to climb. Wo ask the pleasure of Hhowing .vou those now creations. Just Received Ojilltud table pads, size 113x81 In. Table padding by tho yard, quilted, ji I Inches wide, and nurs ery cloth by the yard, quilted, 33 Inches wide. (Second Floor) Several Now Hoiinc For sale or rent. For prices and terms see Voget I. umber Company. Now In the Tlnii' To pay your March water bill and get the 10 per cent discount. 9-2t Save (lie Discount- Send eheck ot' pay at tho office on or before the 10th to save tho dis count on your March water bill 0-at KsUwycd Ono team, bay mnro nnd horso, 5 years old, wolght 1400 pounds. No tify Cooper & Oloarwnter. Phooi Main 34. 3-8-tf I'htotial Itovhnv 1'attoiiiN At tho Golden Utile lluznar, 271 Conunerolal atreot. Mrs. 11. T, Swart, proprietor. Itetntiied I'roiu Honolulu Kx-Goveruor Lord' returned this morning from uu oxtonded visit In Honolulu. MfH. Lord accompanied him on tho trip and they visited their sou Montague, who has been a iun lient of Honolulu for some lime. Xi Incorporations i Artlolos of luuorporation tiled la tho off low of Fiiihk W. Hanson, xeo rotary or Mtule. March H. ttiOD, are as follewH: Tht llrowusvlllt Com murelHl Club: prluelpal offliui, UrewnHvllle: Inuorporators, Hd. Hoi lowwy. IS. Is. White, II. Wayuu Stun imnl, V. J. Huokvr and It. F. Itloh srdMin. Vale UU snd (5ms Cemimuy: lii'liietpal offte. VhIe: eapltMl Ktook. I1.00Q.000; Inoorpomloi. U Adam, M. O. Hope, li: P. Osb6ru nnd 11. 0. UhhIIihiii. A Perfect I'iiv Drill At a lire drill In tho Must school yoatordny, shortly nftw 1 o'clock, ft(0 children, ranging from t to 15 yar. loft the Uulldlng in tho sur- soon as tho tiro alarm bell was ruig. & .1 . &n. .. . .. .. &... ..iii.. .. vivry i-kuil 111 me OUIIlllUg lUUlie a nnt in oriieit.v manner On onr ttttfe.iKaHM PLAIN AND PANCY . . PORISTS 311 MILLER ST. ; ; J I iiwitmni8 SALEM TO HAVE- ANOTHER FINE SCHOOL BUILDING AN EIGHT-ROOM BRICK WITH ALL MOD ERN CONVENIENCES TO 5E BUILT ON MARION AND COTTAGE THIS VtAR Tho board of directors held an id- Journod mooting last night In the high school building, nnd sovoral postponed mattorn wero.rtttended to. Tho b'onrd decided to mnko a canvass of "tho fnsil school election, In order to provont nny hitches In tho plnn-j now undor way. A committee of threo of the oldest mombors on tho board, Eppley,' Bab cock and MoorcH, was appointed :it tho mooting aa a building committee. The threo will take up tho work Im - mediately of making preparations for tho now school building. Tho of tho doors thero was attached ono of tho door oponlng dovlcos, nnd as tho lenders In tho lino of march pushod lightly on tho arrangement, tho doors flow open, where they stnyed. Opened New Store Tho Sponcor Hnrdwaro Co., which did a Inrgo business for flvo years In tho Gray block, has moved Its stocK and opened to tho trado In tho John Hughes building, where thoy aro oc cupying two largo floors, nnd will bo glnd to wait on their old friends. Good ImpcrMMMtot-H Kd." Illstlno nnd Juck Morgnn nro In gront domnnd for their chnractor nketchos. Thoy hnvo engagement! for the Artisans, for 8t. Patrick's day at St. Joseph's hall and for tho Y. PM. C. A. Thoy furnish a clean and attrnctive stunt fo'r an half hour of pure fun. Itovlval tit Crosston Itov. Illackwell, of Oregon City, Is conducting succosatul rovlvnl moot ing nt tho Pottyjolm school houao. and will hold meotlngs this wook and next, preliminary to building n now church. , . Want the .Money A complaint has been filed In tho circuit court, department No. 2, by Fred Schlndler agnlnst William Schlndler and Peter Schlndler, ask ing for Judgment In the sum of $00 alleged to have been loaned the do fondants on their promissory note In IflOfi. Hoard of Trade .Meeting lingular monthly meeting of the Salem Hoard of Trade tonight. All members urged to attend. . Impor tant buKlnoss. C. L. MoNnry, Pros.; A. F. Hofer, See. Itock Quarry lu.y The drills at the rook quarry Miuth (if the elty were put In operation to day and will be kepi busy until Hnough took bus been unearthed to pave four blocks of Htreets. A num ber of additional men have boon em ployed in the pit and tho work Is gulUK along nt a rapid pace. In spuaklnx with mii offlclHl of the quarry thU morning It whs suited that th rock will b on hand nnd prepared lo be hauled to the elty wlum wmitod. When the weather baeaiMtw more dependable the rock imiritHliiu oImik A ill be oMrattHl full Mm, and a night force put to work. The quan . when iiinninK full time, employe about 35 men. BOARD OF TRADE WILL DISCUSS HOTELS The subject of u neV hotel for iialeui is prolMiblv the most ImpoYtaut tltiUK ww btfore the people of the (Siiiltal fltv .. .. I .1... ...... ...i.. , Uu. ShI1M ,,'ord of Trade have tak- $ the inalter In hand to the end that the reputation of our city muy be preserved and not traduced as has been done In the past and Is now being done by outsiders. The sub ject will eoine up at the regular monthly meeting thU evening, and all who are Interested In this Im Miurtant mutter should participate in this meeting. Tho subject of im provements all along the Hue will be discussed. Including now passenger dopot. state fair grouuda boulevard. new cannery, ota- Some, Important speakers will bo luvsent from at nomo ana Portland. Everybody, should attend. grounds, on tho corner of Marlon and Cottage, will bo cleared and put In proper condition, and the committee L. i.nnn ..i,-i, i V , tins boon nuthorlzod- to secure .he , , .. , ,. . , . services of An nrchltect to drnw r. ..!.... rm. I... plans. Tho now school structure .... , . , . ' ...... will be nn 8-room brick, with all the Intost Improvements, nnd, if con strttct'on Is not Interferrcd with, tho commlttco stnto tho building will be completed and furnished by the next fall opening of tho school year. The board re-elected Prof. Pow- lors n superintendent of city schoo's, to sorve from July 1, 1D09, to July 1, 1010. HEL0SSIS' BROTHER PROBABLY MURDERED United Press I.cnaed Wire.) Seattle, Wash., March 10. Fol lowing tho mystorious murder ct Hnrry Joseph Hclossls, whoso body wns found on tho Sonttlo boulovurd on the morning of Fobrunry G by Chnrles Hclossls, brother of tho dead man, has dlsnppcnrcd,.as has also 3 Damascus, who had been assassinated when .In tho senrch for his brothor's murdorors, nnd tho dotoctlvos who hnvo boon seeking the missing men todny oxprcss the fenr thnt tho men tuny nlso hnvo been murdered. Michael Hclossls nnd Dnmoscus wero Instrumental In bringing nbout the nrrest of Albert Flshor and May Clayton as suspects In tho enso at Tacoinn n week ngo. On tho night of March 5, detec tives loft Michnel Hclossls In Taco mu. Tho murdered man's brother plnnncd to go to Contrnlia to purduo tho hunt for others ho believed to be Implicated In tho Seattle murder. Da niasciis . was to hnvo assisted him. Neither has beon henrd from sfneo. To add to tho mystery, tho dotec tlro have learned thnt bofora tho murder, Damnsctts nnd Hnrry Holo.- sts engaged in a serious quarrol In the saloon where Hclossls was portor. Father Anslono enmo from Pntor Botv.t N.- J., two mouths ngo, having been assistant rector In u churcn thorc. A year ago thore was troublo among his parlshnnorsMn Paterson, but It Is asserted that tho priest did not participate In the quarrels. St, Stanislaus church Is ho largest PoliHh Catholic church In Now Jer sey. The rectory, In which tho mur der was committed, adjoins the church. Fathor Joseph Masnlckl, the rector, was offering moan In tho church when tho door bell of tho rectory rung this morning. Miss Tonfstn, tho housekeeper, who Is 47 yenrs old. responded. She discovered a group of throe or our men at the door. Ono of thorn asked to nee Fathor Anslone. The father had o:ered early mns, and came from his room In answer to tho summons. Ho wont to the lit tlo front parlor of the reotory. What occurred In the little room Ih h mys tery. There was no Indication or trouble until tho revolver shots rang oit. MIm Tonlstn ran screaming to tho prlotst'x room. Anslone was shot down as he onterod the room. The group of nssnsalns rail from the room, trampling tho housokeeo or's -body uader their feet as th-. wont. Tho pollae hnvo no definite dosor'.p tlon of tho men, and the woundej woman, between periods of uueon scloitsueae. was able oul to gasp out her story This aftorsoon th police arrested I Alexander Sendylekoskl. a former t New Yurk peliceman: Mlohaol Pou-1 lueh and Antonlna Swoityok and an other prisoner, whose name was not niiido iiubllc. FtUher Auslone wa shot three times through the body. At soon It we said a,t the hospital that Miss Tonlstn has slight chances of recov ery MtKrHIKHmftiHtttmtt, j ;; ASYLUM AVENUE STORE ? j j We sell all kinds of staple and f j j faiic grocorles, a.nd mill feed f j; Prompt delivery Phone us a $ j ! trial order to Main 2fi9 f ;; f. J. KNGl.KllAUT, Prop, f : : J3n Statesinau and Asylum Av f wUuitminummnl 1 Pirates of the Air They come like thieves In the night, dropping hundreds of feet from high up In the sky, catch themselves, circle once or twice, then come nt the owl like a thunderbolt." I A quotation from die unuiual and Intereiting tory of decoying hawk, which i but one of tlw many j ipIendUly ilktOrated article which appear in the 'big March itiut of RECREATION tj Thi numlxs i the Got of a writ of double number at the regular price, and it the moit iu Drb iijue of an outdoor magaune erer publuhed. It contain maanincent full-page plate worthy of framing, reproduced from photograph of thrilling moment in outdoor recreation. Nowhe,e elie w111 yufind ,ucl? 'p'"1' en,er,a!n' lo a" '"T '"r-'.VM -T "! " PT: "'r"1 , (on the fact that the men who wnte for it page , n , ,, . ,.rf !;. have Been There and can tart you planning , your outdoor campaign. ',, . , . i m. ,i. We want you-to become acquainted with the - 'j .11 . l.uiim..h mKfcuu aatau nyii.miHM BUY THE HARCH NUnftER AT ANY NEWSDEALER'S. IF HE CANNOT SUPPLY YOU, 5END US 25 CENTS AND WE WILL SEND YOU A COPY BY RETURN MAIL, and, if at the tame time, you will mention the name and addreu of the dealer who cannot tupply you with the magazine, we will tend you the beautiful RECREATION Calendar w. Remember RECREATION i the only magazine that will (tart you right and help you to make the moit of the outdoor teaton. Addreu RECREATION. 24 We.t 39th St.. New York. Flatulency or Wind On Stomach An It Is Commonly Valued, Means That Decaying Food Is .Mak ing Gas. This most serious condition Is vory provnlont nnd results mo3t distress ingly, nnd fatally oftentimes. Tho stomach In cases of tlntuloncy Is un able to dlgt'Et tho food properly. De cny ct In, gnses form, oxtend thy stomnch, force their way downward Into (tho howols, and If not relieved oxtends upward prosslng agnlnst the lungs, llvor and heart, causing short ness of breath, botching, foul odors nnd many tlmos sudden death. Fools which are fllled with cai, whon tnkon Into u deranged stomach cnuso flatulency rapidly, vogotnhlos being especially given to this quality. Against such a condition the stom nch can do but little, bocnuso theso foul nnd poisonous gnsoi affect Its glnnds, muscles and tissues to such a dagrce as to Incapacitate It almost nt onco. Theso gase dUtond the stomnch 'a nil directions, prevontlng tho con tracting muscles from doing regular duties, or If thoy do forco tho grts from tho stomach It goos ob-f-whore In tho rystetn with even more hurnsn'ng ro ults. and then tho de caying mnsB still remains to genorr.te moro gases, Tho most offectlvo method for il Inylng tlntuloncy Is to romovo thi cnuso of gns making. An ornotlc will' do thl.', but tho stomnch will hnve the nme trouble tho moment now food enters It StunrfH Dyspepsln Tnblot8 get at ! H,ml 'nnK'8 lta,, gns food nt onco, digest It, prevont At tho Con""ercInl hall, cornor docny, quickly reduce food to no-'Gonter nnd Cotnroorclnl streets, Frl Ishmont, mnke good rich 'gnBtic fhildlday ,ven,n8. March 12th. A prise and pnss the digested food to thn In. taatlnos, giving the tomnch its ml nnd tho syatom its nourishmout. Flatulency simply cnnnot'oxlst whoro theso little tnblets aro tiBod. Tht-7 build up the stomach fluids so that it mntter not how many vegotablos yoa oat or food containing qualities of gns, tho stomach doe Its work woU and quickly. Stuart's Dyspepsln Tablets are sold everywhere and tired the whole world over by slek stomach and xtomaohs iniu warn to eat iiert ly nnd yot not set sick. Every druggiet parries Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet, yrloe 60c por box. Tho demand for theso little digest er Is constantly inorenslng. Fo:ty UiousABd phys'olans In America and Canada use thorn and prescribe thorn . Sond us your name and address ind , wo w,u sontl you a tr,al Pckage by nia,Wro" Addrem P. A. Stuart Co , ,ou ol""ri ",ug-' -Mars"n'. Mich (I'ciiiial HcMirtv O Adjutant Goneral Finzer called on O the governor this mornlug HUd turn- ed qver the Orogon Natioaal Guiird properties. This U required to the change of executive. owing Jiulgts War Itnlloons. London. March 10. Tho British war offloe has Just finished an analy sis of the powers' air fleets. It awards the modal, both for the num ber of craft and for effectiveness, to France. Some of the most success, ful of tho Gallic tilers, however, aro the property of private Inyldluats. in the number of government vousers Germany Is ahead oooooooooo PERSONAL MENTION oooooooooo II. Laughlln went to Klamath Falls last night. Mrs. Rolgseckor went to Slinw on a business trip last night. Mrs. E. J. QUson, of Lebanon, ar rived horc this morning, and will bo the grucst of her son, W. 13. Gllsoti, for tho summor. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith Loose, of Stay ton. aro In the city on business to day. ' J.' W. Dalloy wont to Tho Dalles yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Baker loft for I Iin ntltlnir nt Newport last night jt jr. Drown, of SMvorton, has been hop- on business, returning "home ' this morning. ComUy J"I,B D"8,ley aml C?mm'8 .doner Dockwlth went to Chomnwa this morning on n business trip. D. W. Lclngcr went to Fnlls Cllv this morning. Work on the Prntum oil well U snld to bo going on without Inter ruption. Chnrlc J. Powell has been Indict ed for killing Homer Roper nt a dnnce In Linn county, for too gront fnmlllurlty with his daughtor. C. I). Unbcock, n vory brlght'locnl newspnper mnn, will succeed A. W. ProscOtt ns tho Salem loprcsontntlvo of the Portlnnd Oregonlnn. Ho 13 ft mnn of tnlent, energy and enterprise, who will not glvebntr city nny vorv bad blnck eyes on nny occnslon. C. II. Pickett of Springfield stop ped off In Salem yesterday and to day on his way to Tacomil, where he expects to go Into business. He Ih well known In Salem, Jiavlpg boon with It. M. Wade & Co. Severn! years. He has since been .In the hardware huslncHH In Springfield. He Is great ly plensod with the paved streets hore and the general modern Improve ments which have been made since he left. o PIONEER 0REG0NIAN DIED LAST NIGHT George X, Grlswold, former alder man of this city, Mml Tuesday night about midnight, from the effects of a second stroke- of paralysis. He has served this city as alderman, was a member of the G. A. It., Masonic or der, nnd for ten years In the pump and windmill hustnoHa here at Salem. He located la this city 25 yearn ago and came from Michigan, where he was born at Marcellus, May S, 18 IS, and married his wife thore July I. ISTr. Mrs. Gtlswold dlod six years ago. He was married again to Mrs. Nina Ifrandt September IS, 100K, who survives him. The surviving children are Mrs. Cora Wlttschoiu Mrs. Neva A. Watson and Mrs. Geo. Iludorph. Mr. Grlswold was u man of Htrlot Intogrlty, of groat Industry and com panionable habits, and he loaves a largo- circle of trlonds and admirers The funeral will be held from tho residence Thursday at 10 a. m. Ser vices will be conducted by Rov. Hah-' cock of tho First Prosbytorlan church, nurlul at City View cenio tory. o . wm H 8,ven or tho shabbiest drossed lady and also tho shabbiest dressed gent. White collars forbid den. Good music by fontr-pleeo or chestra. 3-8-4t Tke fate of the Dimmock Is un known, but it Ik said that she Is 'flout PIANO TUNING LVTELIAS I.. WOODS. Tuning, polishing, repairing. Ph'eGOS Norwich Union Fire Insurance Company Prank Meredith, Resident Agent Offlce with Wm. Brown & Co., No 29. Commercial street. UAMFV Tf I AAHI ihvhli iu LUAI THOS. 1C. Foill) Ovor Ladd & Push's Dank. Salem. Q OOOOO000 O O O NEW TODAY () () O O fl t l M i n vw snlo-A frosh Durham and Juc sey cow 1259 South Libert v Si Salem. 3-10-3t Wanted Kvery duuf person In Salem to try SioIk Hleotrepnonw: yon will hear t once; free trial all this week hi lUrr's Jewelry Store. S-lO-'Jt O O o Wanted Hustling man or woman tq act as sollcltqr or deputy for pop ular fraternal society, having splendid lodges hore. Part or nil of the. time;- Liberal pay. Ad Ires. J E. Brock way, city. 3-10-31 I vl r? tl A X ' if' l