-t a jwcr.-- u 14 ),.- Kf - r-:'""","' " r'" i11 i."" iiT,Jir" iii hi i ii i ii A .Si ,fc - ... , - I - - . I 1 1 1 .11 1 1 , M. R '. M. " ) 4 1 9 4 ? Sttctti, n We know of no other medicine which has been so suc cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia H." Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly stale over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations- Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingrecjients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity. Thousands'of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Minneapolis, Minn.: "I vts a great sufferer from female troubles which caused u wonknoHK and broken down condition of the- system. I rend ho much of what Lydia E. Pinkham's Veffetnulo Compound had done for other .mfferlnir women, 1 felt tar it would help mo, and I must .say It did help mo wonder fully. "Within three months I was n perfectly well woman. "I waut thin letter made nubile to show the benefits to bo derived from Lydia E. Piukhain'a Vegetable Compound." Mri.JounG.Moldan, 121 1ft Second .St.North,3Hnncupoli,iIInn. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills' peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. CHARGED WITH ASSAULT ON A LITTLE GIRL Baltimore, Mil., March 10. Jo. M. Janor, n wonlthy Brooklyn man, ebarged with assault upon Cathorluo Loorech, tho ll-yonr-old daughter of his friend, through hl attornov. today answered ready for trial on . charge of abduction. Tho llttlo n r testified rocontly be lore the grand Jury to the particular of the abduction, which, If proved against Jauer, will inako him liable- to death undor the laws of Maryland. It Ib charged that Janor induced the llttlo girl to accompany him In his automobllo, and then carried her from, hor home in Brooklyn to Bal timore o CATHOLIC PRIEST SHOT DOWN IN CHURCH SOUTH SALEM HAS IMPROVEMENT LEAGUE Favors Locating the Deafmute School Out South of the City on the Street Car Line. . 1.M The people of the seventh ward have formed an improvement league, with 71 members, and elected tho following ofHcers: J. A. Carson, presidont. O. L. Townsond, vice-president. Clyde Mason, secretary and treas urer. An executive committee of five ts to be nnmed by the olllcers olectcd. After discussion a commtttoo on ways and means to eecuro a park on Falrmount Hill was named: J. D Uohnnnon, J, A. French, Manly R Moore. J. A. Carson, Harmon Snook aud D. Hofor wore named as n commit tee to help becuro the location of the deaf mute school on the high lands south of tEo city. Mr, Hofer pffered tho following resolution, which was adepted: "llesolved, Thnt wo suggest that the deaf unite school bo located on tho street car lino between tho ceme teries anil the end of tho present uir line." The league adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening, when steps will bo tnken to organize a flra dopartmcut for South Salem. THE MARKETS STUIK10 GOOD .MINK IX SOUTHERN OUHGON S. H. Knight camo .In Tuosdny night from lower Hoguo river, bring ing with him wmo fine specimens of ore which carry good values in froe gold. He and V. V. Hurst nnd an other party have uncovered what promiscb to be a ynlunble mlno nenr the mouth of Hum creek, a Btrcam which flowh into Hoguo rlvor from the south and empties its waters in to thnt stream near the mouth of Whiskey creek. Thoy havo run in on the ledge for 30 foot and It shows a width of live feet with pay ore acrojj tho entlro face of tho ledge. Myrtle Creek Mall. Simple Remedy for Ln Grippe. La grippe coughs art dnngoroun as they frequently develop Into pnou monln. Foley's Honey nnd Tnr not only stops tho cough but heals and strengthens the lungs so thnt no no rious results need be feared. Tho gonulno Foley's Honoy and Tnr con tains no harmful drugs and is in ti yellow pnoknge Rofuse substitutes. J. C. Perry. PORTLAND MURDER MYSTERY DEEPENS A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH El's Cream Balm tl (lukllr JtuOfbcd. CJtti Relief it Once. It dn' , iwotUes, lioitU and protects the iuViis-a wem- brano resuming from Catarrh and drive away oCold m thelleftd quickly. Restores the 8mw of Taste aud Braell. Full size 50 eta. at DrnggUU or by mall. Liquid Qrnun ltoloi for uo in atoralzow 1 7G cU. Ely Brothers, 60 Warren Strett, New York. lUn'ted Press I.uiK?d Wlr.) Newark. N. J., Muroh Jo. Tun Hv. Krasuwus Anton, curate of the St. Stanlslnw Polish Catholic ohurch, was shot down in tho rectory of tho 1 church onrly today by thrco men. Ho ' died on tho way to .tho hospital. ' Miss Tonlsta, housokooper of tho j rectory, who ondoavored to prevent J tho assassination of the priest, was shot also, and will dlo. Tho assassins fled nftor tho at tack and havo not been npprohondod. Tho cause of the shooting is uo known. Bft0-tllillllellllllllg'B !! Greatest Combination Offer II I NINE NEWSPAPERS A WEEK i J Tin- pally Capital Journal and tho Tlirice-u-Weel: New York v...i.i the sreateet Nowspaper of Ita Typo. It always tells the Ma aB jt is, promptly and fully. Read in every English speak ing country. t has lBVWib!y bwn the Breat effort of tho Thrlce-aWeek W'nM dltloa of tho Nw York World to publish the news lm ially 1 ordr that it may bo an accurate reporter of what has Happened. It tells the truth, Irrespective of party, and for that r. aua it ha aohieved a posltlou with the public unique among Valors of its cla. i; ou at th aw s It rlly Is. subscribe to the Tbrice-a-Wt'u edlUoa of the New York World, whloh oomos to you every other day Pt Sunday, and Is thus praotically a dally at the uriee of a weekly". THE THR1CB-A-WBBK WORLD'S regular Is only Jl-GO "" year' ana UIW p J this iimximH1 ePPr and Unl(tl l'rt I.aicd Wire.) Portland. Or.. March 10. That John Dale and, Otrar Hiott, whoio bodlm were fouud lying side by dido on a lonely (lulling proservo near St. JoIiub, wuri murdered by a third party, nnd did not fight u duel, is tho theory the police aro today working on, nnd tho March for the supposed murderer is on. When tho bodies woro found Mon day with an axe nnd rlflo betwoon them on the ground, the first lmpro-i-bIou was that tho mon had succumbfd to wounds sustained In a duel. This conclusion was reached, howover, ba foro any particular attention had boon paid to tht position of tho woundn. Aftor a careful post-examination last night tho coroner nnd police nuthorltlo are convlncod thil lliett and Dalu were killed by an as sassin The first thoory was that, aftor being shot by Dale, Hiott killed hlB assailant with an axo. Tho exajn'nat'on of tho wound in Hlett'tt head shows that it was f SAN FHANOIBOO MARKETS. San Francisco Markets. Son Francisco, i-lnrch 10. Wheat, No. 1 California club, per cental, $1.S51.,95; California whlto mill ing, fl.952.0G; northern bluestom $2.0GQ2.15; off grndes wheat, 1.8G 5T1.90; reds, 1.85(pl.90. Uarloy Feed barloy, lA2b& 51.45; common to fair, $1. 351. 40; browlug at San Francisco, nomlnni, nt ?1.4501.60; chevalier, 11.60 1.G0, according to quality. Eggs Per dozen, California fresh, Including enses, extras, 22c; firsts, 21 c; seconds, 21c; thirds, 20ViC. Butter Per pound; California fresh, extras, 32 c; firsts, 33c; sec onds, 31c. Now cheese Per pound, California flats, fancy, lGc; firsts, 14c; seconds, 12c; California Young America fancy 16c; firsts, 14 c; eastern Now York, Cheddars, fancy, 17 c; Oregon' flntai fancy, lGc; do Young Amorlcn, 1GV. Potatoes Per cental, Early Rose, $2; rlvor whites, fancy, $1.3GiH.G0; Lompoc -urbanks, J 1.86 2; do Sa linas, $2 2.10; do Oregon, $1.7G 1.90; seed potatoes, per cental, 1.G0 2, as to variety; swcot potatoes, pur crate, $ 1.05 1.75; do per Back, 71.50. Onions Per sack, Oregon, $1.7G 2.00. Orungos Por box, navels, stand ard, fl.2G2: fancy, 2.2fiii2.G0; Tangerines, per box, 11.G0; do small boxes, 6G7Gc. v-w-- PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Track Trices. Club I1.0B Dluostom 91.06 Turkey Rod 1.10 Rod Russian 90c 'alloy $1.00 Flour. Patonts IG.GG Straights $4.GG 4.80 Exports , ...H00 Valloy JG.10 Graham, IVi sack $6,20 Wholo wheat ?G.10 Ryo . 5. GO Ilarley. Food ..... J28.50 Oati. No. 1 Whlto $30.00 Gray $35.00 liny. Wlllamotot val ordinary ,.$141G Wlllamotto val ordinary. .. .$13.00 Mlxod $18.00 Enstorn Orogon, fane-.. $17.50 Alfalfa $14 15 Glover $13 1 1 Cliccoe. F. O. Twins 17o F. G. Triplets 17c Young Amorlca 18c Cronm brick 20c Swiss block , 20a Llmburgor 18 20c MUlfhuffa. Bran $2G.G02G Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country $29 30 Shorts, city $30.00 Chop ....' $2028 Egg. Select Oregon 24 25c Eastern 30 35c Tlio Kind Yon Hnvo Alwnys Bottght, mid Avhlc.li 1ms boon iu uso for over 30 yenra, 1ms bonto tho Rlgnntitro of s70 nnd ban bconntndonndor bis por- C$LC&ffl?lPAs soiml Biiporvlslon stneo lta lnflniuy. tV; xCfUA& Allow no ono to dccolvo yon ln this. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd" Just-iiHgood"nro but Experiments that trillo Avith nnd omlnngcr tho health of Infituts nnd Children Experience njjnlnst Experluiout. What Ss CASTOR I A Cnstorln, is n lmrmlcHR nubstltuto for Castor OH, Pare gorle, Drops nnd Soothing- Syrupa. It is IMcnsnnt, It contnirs nolthcr Opltun, Morplilno nor other Niu-eoUo Hiibstancc. Its ngo Is its gnarantco It destroys Worms nnd nllnys Fovcrlslincss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It rcliovos Toothing' Trouble), euros Constipation nnd Flatulency. ' It nsslmilatos tho Food, regulates the Stomach and ttovruls, giving- healthy nnd natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mothor's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature of i Uc&4t Tl me Kind You toe. Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. tWYonnorrr. .19 i , . ..... ,, . i Regular Bhort clears, smoked. FOR FORTY CENTS A MONTH i! pXTX sr:::::: subMilption price for 156 papers. Wo offer I Daily Capital Journal three months Daily Capital Journal six months $1.20 ;; $2.35 :; the above offer is only good for Strlotly Cash in Advance. Bend iLv mft or postal note or pay at office of Capital Journal. No ..'- .-,.Mn allowed on these term. Bend remittance to :; IThOFER. publisher Dally OaplUl Journal. Salem. Oregon. 1 1 ; ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 vVwHnTHHB " a BTAl WMi W m la 1 1 & I W J I B W9 I I ii:HHHriHHii 5 H m iBr tBBM pB Um M M. B M ' Always uniform our I best nrodncr sold in 1 IK I ll2 lb.. 2i lb. and 5 Ih. P5in. I . , - .-. . Your rrooer will e-rind it better if irruund at liome not - ' too fine- , isi J DrehKed ftleuU. Hogs, fancy 7ip8a Hogs, ordinary CO 7c Tlonlo lOo Hoes, largo Co Voal, oxtra 9 1 0c Voal. ordinary 7 0 8c Veal, hoavy Cc Mutton, fanoy 0 0 7c Cottage roll lie flroakfast lU321ic 13o 13c. Clear backs, smoked 13c Shoulders ......lie Poultry. Chickens, mlxod 12 Vi 0 13c Hens, fancy 13 ft' He K lostors, old 10c Drollera and fryers lC17c Dressed poultry, 1 cent pound high er. Ducks ' lG16c Geese, live 10 lie Turkeys .17 18c Droased 20 C 23c Iiulter. (Fancy 30 37c Cholco 30c Store , 18020c Potatoes. Buying prices, por owt. .1. 26 01.30 Sw&oU. cwt 12.60 Freh FrulU. ' Oranges ?2 03 Lemons $3.0005.00 Qrapes, orate tC&l Pears, box 7Cc0fl.OO Cranberries, barrel . .f 14. 00016. 00 Bananas, pound 6 6 V4 Onions, per cwt f 1.25 01 60 Retail hlMk.ru Klour nor tack 113621146 Enstorn Oregon $1.00 Ilran, por sack 9Gc Shorts, por Back $1.35Q)1.GG Wheat, por bu. $1.1001.30 Rolled barloy $30 Local Wliolesalb Market. Whcnt, por buBhol $1.00 Oats, per bushol COo Flour, hurd whoat $G.CG Flour, valloy $6.20 Mill feed, aborts $33.60 Mill feed, bran $30.60 Hops, 1008 crop 5 0Vo Hops, 1007 crop 2 03c Ohittlm bark 3 0 Co Wool,vcoarso 13c Wool, modlum IGo Mohair 20c Hay', cheat $13.00 Hay, clovor $12.00 Potatoeu, bushol 40046c Apples, bushol COc0$l.OO Onions, por cwt 85 09Oo Prunes, por pound IU 04o Cranberries, Howo'b variety, bill $13.00 Hotter and KggN, Retail. ICggu .26, two for IGo Iluttor, oruainory I0o nuttorfnt '3o Choose, pound 20c o Night on' Haiti Mountain. On a lonely night Alox. Denton, of Fort Kdward, N. Y., cllrabod DaH Mountain to tho homo of a nolghbor tortured by otthma, bont on curing him with Dr. King'a New Dlacovory, thnt had cured hlmsolf of asthma. This wondorful modlclne ooon re Moved nnd quickly cured his nolgh bor. Later It curod his son'a wlfj of a aovoro lung trouble. Millions bollovo It 1b tho greatest throat and lung euro on earth, coughs, colds, croup, homorrhagos nnd soro kins, aro uuroly cured by it. Best for hay fever, grip and whooping cough, SOc and $1.00. Trial bottlo froe. Quae, antced by J, C. Perry. Lovers of good health should prevout sick ness Instead of letting thomBolvna go$ Blck and thon try to euro it. Bo long as you koop your llvor, bowolo and Btomnch in n honlthy and aotivo con dition you won't got Iok. Ilallnrd's Horblno rollovos constipation, Ibm tvo llvor nnd nil Btomnch aud bowol troublos. All doalors. A Bong will do more toward making tho world what It ought to bo than a gronn. Stato of Ohio, City or Toledo, Luc a County, sa. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is senior pnrtnor of tho firm of p. J. Cheney & Co., doing buslnos in tho city of Toledo, county and Htntu aforesaid, and tnat said firm will pay tho sum of ONH HUNDRED DOliLARH for oach and every caso of catairh that cannot bo curod by tho use of Hnll'u Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHKN13Y. bworn to boforo mo and uubsorlbod In my presonco thla Gth day of Do coinbur, A. D. 1880. A. V. (lleason, (SoalJ Notary Public. Hull's Catarrh Curo is taken la teruully, and uctB directly on the blood and mucous mi r faces of the system. Bend for testimonials fre. F. J. CHLNI3Y & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by all druggists, 76c Tako Hull's Family Pills for cou Btlpntion. HARRIMAN WILL HAVE NO FURTHER EXCUSES Washington, D. C, March 10. Ad voentoa of the railroad whloh K. H. Harrlman has promised to bulM through Central Orogon, by w l tho Deschutes canyon, havo found a champion In Richard Ilalllngor, tho now secretary of tho Interior. Tho cattlemen and farmers In the vast territory to bo affected by tho rn'lway recently proiBod tho railroad Izard" for so mo doflnlto statement regarding his plane. Ho ropllod through agents Ih Oregon that nil blame for delay rested with tho In terior department at Washington. as little progreM, if uny, had been made in tho way or approving plan for Hit right or way in tho Deschutes canyon. Secretary Ralltnger do olared today that tho application for a right of way would bo examined, and passed upon in a very short time. Another llHltlcwhlp Floated. New York, Maroh ID The keol of tho battloshlp Florida, tho first of the new Dreadnaught typo for the American navy, was launched Tues day at tho Brooklyn navy yard. Roar- Admiral Goodrich presided at tho Idaho has pntwod thu "dlstrlatald- od" railroad bill through thu senate without opposition. This is tho prop osition thnt tho Orogonlan fights so florcoly. Watch Harrlman shuto tho Dt chutos within ono hundred yenra, itfiPTr I 'rh (2 l&5g& Upon Every Boftle - ,,, i.Mitj,, "i" iiii.if-ininlm And Wrapper of the Genuine Dr. Btll'o PIne-Tar-Honay U prlnttl t'iu iiiti i nod (lit number 106. T;. .K.lm u ,.ur tmUa- IS1' n'' i06 I oar tarau uuinoer. tho mciltctu cuiiUluwl In uc(i U(tl will cuio OouKbi, CuliU and alt llrouchUI troublri mart rjulakiy noil Urotually lbu any otlr wly. DR. BELL'S Pine -Tar-Honey U oI! by all ilrutgUu S5. Wo. a& IIA wr bottl. JUuul fttturrx! oaly fc' THE E. C. SUTHEflUNO ME0ICINE CO. P4uch, Kn!ac4 jyfl'''''''''"'1"''"'"111 : I vv, viuuu;