-pr 1l!'vrW'5'Sb,u 'IWIwna WJf?WB?B .o.jis nmwmjKWPwi'Kww''1 w WfJl NEGRO CHAMPION' AjK1 &- :u MX 05- 'm , T m Grand House upe 7; 14 'i , i t &OYAL Baking Pommeq Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. The only Baking Powder Made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar STATE WATER COMMISSION HAS BEEN ORGANIZED - Htnte water commissioners under tho now IrrlKi'tlnn Inw of Oregon mot thlH morning nnd organized by elect ing 8tnto Knglnoor Lewis chulrmnn nnd JF. L. Holgnto of llnmmzn for Western Oregon and V. M. Hiixton for Eastern Orogon, wntormnstors. Thu bonrd elected J. T. Chlnnook hoc- rotary, who will reside at Salem. This board will moot monthly at least, and will have original jurisdiction ovor all wator rights. Thoy will liavo n very difficult sorvlco to por form In extricating the water Inter ests from n tangled condition of forty yenrs without wator lawB. OREGON FARMER FINDS $2000 IN POTATO PATCH Illchard Cornell or Mllwauklc un earthed n treasure trove recently In his potato patch In Multnomah county that Is reminiscent of Captain Kldd and his burled doubloonti of ruddy gold. A rusted tin box, packed tightly with gold diiHt and nuggets, was turned' up by IiIh spade. Tho box weighed about ton pounds. Its contents are said to bo worth about 12000. Tho box was found Just 22 feet from tho end o fan old rotted log. To mark tho npot w-noro tho trens uro was hidden, 22 spikes had been driven In tho log. The row of nplkos pointed to the place where the box of gold had been burled. Old residents of Mtlwauklo say tho gold was undoubtedly hidden tlioro by an old Australian minor who lived on tho ot 30 yimra ago. Ho died without twlllnic the location of the gold. Tho finding of the box of trousure followed olowdy thv birth of h son to tho wlfo of Mr. Corttvtt. tho lucky finder of th' hurled AiutrsliHii gold. TafL's lUHimnrHl aihlmui plMHttud tho Japs. Mow about California, nnd the Pacific cosnt HELEN IS GOING TO RAISE HER NAME IN JAPAN San Francisco, .March 10. While the engagement of .Miss Helen Gladys Emery, daughter of tho Itov, John A. Emery, archdeacon of the Episcopal dloccflo of California, to wed Qlnguro Aokl, son of tho Into General Aoki of Japan, has been rumored for some time, the first authentic Intimation of tho engagement ciitno today from the Emory home at Corto Madura. No date has yot boon sot for the wnddtng and it Is understood tho ox act timo for the ceremony is a mat tor of uncertainty. .Miss Emory's fiance besides boing tho son of General Aokl, Is distantly related to Viscount Aokl. Ho has a brother, tho Ptov. C. Aokl. 'of tho Japanoao Episcopal mission In this olty, and another brother, J. Aokl, a manufacturer of Oakland. Aoki is In the commission business. THINKS HE IS THE GREATEST EVER HASAN IDEAIHE CAN BEAT JEFFRIES TO A ERAZZLE IN LESS TIME THAN IT TAKES TO TELL ABOUT IT . t United IrtM Ltel Wire Vancouver, B. C March 10. Tht dispatches twy Johnson, tho colored bruiser, hsd "mill do mar" on his trip ovor. This is omul to tho soaalety kmIh. If tho nigger had Just boon soN-Hlok it would have boon ac cording to the wtorunl fituusN of things, but ho has no buHluww got ting it In French Tlioro will be nothing loft good' enough for tho aris tocracy, If common colored folks butt Into their especial wenkuess splendent in white spats, red necktie and lavender clothes, Jack Johnson, heavyweight champion pugilist of tho world, fully recovered from tho ef fects of mnl do mer, which complete ly knocked him out on the voyage from Australia, is today receiving the adulation of scores of dusky skinned admirers, who havo flockeJ horo from the American side. John son, In striking raiment, and accom panied by his handsome whlto wlf attracts more attention on tho streets than an Indian potcnatc. Johnson will make his first nppcaranco in tho ring prior to beginning his theatrlc.nl ongagomont In England tonight, when ho will box Donvor Ed. Martin six rounds before tho Vancouver Athletic Club. In order to make tho performance n bonoflt for tho club, Johnson has made a great hit with tho Canadians horo, who declare tho negro fighter has shown, rare spor'.n mannhlp. "Hotter look out for yourself. Ed," said Johnson , today, In dis cussing tonight's bout with "Denver Ed." "I nm feeling protty flno, now that I havo gotten rid of my sea logs, and I fcol just like eating up some Inrge man, black or whlto, I don't enro much which. , "Donvor Ed" smiled doubtfully, but snld that tho champion would have to "stop livoly." "This tnlk of Jcffrlon wanting to meet mo in n smaller ring than tho regulation size. In caso we fight fo' tho chnmplonshlp, does not xenro mq a bit," snld Johnson today. "You would consent to fight in n smallor ring thon?" "I will fight him In n 10, 12 or even a 10-foot ring, if ho wants to havo It that way," answered tho ponderous African. "Tho Jimallar tho ring tho hotter it will milt mo. I will have to do less chasing after him thou, and can flnlh him off quicker." Such Is the colored champion' confidence In hlumolf that ho firmly bollevfts a light between himself nud Joffrlmi will not last many round If thoy ovor moot. When It counts right down to oloso questioning, howovor, Johnson says ho bollovos that Jeffrie will nover meet him. Ho thinks Jeffries wll1 never be able to got bauk In shnpo again, nnd, realizing that, will ne: Re- even consent to a meeting at the his present theatrical of 1 &kmluQNZDWfA JgS'fJtlQSS IMS, Vt C -'iltaera aid ft YsrsJi SPRING SUITS THE BEST TAILORS' BEST Poihaps the best custom tail ors make quite as good cloth ing as the sort wo soil. TIig ohoftp tailors cartalnly don't ' . Tha bast custom tailors chnnfti . twlcQ as much as w& tlor-and I Ih'o cheap tailors clmrj&ns. '. r , much. .! 'ftk a 'k a our sl,N ftt $10, $i; $20 to $25 Try on one of out handsome Now Spring Suits, and you'll bo very quick to soo that vq AQjftn'fit you and save you money G. W. Johnson & Co.1 141 Commercial St. conclusion tour. "Tommy Burns was tho -worst scared man when he entered the ring nt Sydney I over saw," said Johnson todoy. "I firmly believe he know he was going to got llckod, but at tho same time I bellevo' that ho thought ho was going to get tho de cision from Roferoe Mcintosh. Burns kept In close, ind made soveral ef forts to make me foul him by Jump ing up as we clinched. But Mclntoih was Impartial. In fact ho could not afford to bo any other wny, as ho had so much staked In tho contest. 1 happen to know that ovon his wlfo'4 insurance, his own, nnd all tho prop erty ho possessed was mortgaged i) raise the monoy necossnry to stage that fight. "Some wondor why I did not put Burns out. I could have dono so easily any time after tho third round But I nm not a bruto, nlthoughmnny seem to think I am. I lot him stay, as I saw I had tho contest on point without a doubt, nnd I was roally glad for Tommy's snko whon tho po lice stopped tho fight." Johnson confirmed tho story sent out some timo ago that Burns threat ened his life, and nttomptod to draw a gun from his pocket during a row that took placo hotwoon them nt a conferenco held about a wcok pre vious to tho fight to ngreo on n ref eree March 11th, 12th and 13th ''.."' At 7:30 and 8:30 p. m. MATINEE SATURDAY, AT 2 P. M. PACIFIC COAST BORAX CO i i. 1 4 INVITES YOU TO TAKE "Trip to Death Valley" via MOTION PICTURES CJ Taken expressly for this Company, J These are the firt and only Motion Pictures ever secured' of thlsworld famed VALLEY OF DEATH. J Also other Interesting views including a picture of the famous "20 MULE TEAM" IN .MOTION! ADMISSION BY TICKET ONLY eft. STOCK MARKET WAS DEAD TODAY ' (United Press Leased Wire.) Now York, March 10. Tho stock market during tho early forenoon was a vory Idle affair. Thon was hardly onough trading to givo It any chamctor. Towards tho noon hour some sollluK orders wok rtx:ttlvod and prlco oasud off a largo fraction. Tht; markot. however, was supported nround tho' low points and not only ronslnad Its (Incline hut soored a good kaIii ovor th final flgnros of yoMtwrduy. Tho rnarkot is still very unsottlud and uurvous. Tlioro aro momouts whon tho mnrkot appours so weak that tho shorts' enthusiasm whs tho thought of n hlg collapse. Hut when tho foundation hooiiih tho wonkost. hlg onlern apponr from Inside sourcos causing the hears to become very co'iscrvatlve. with tho rostilt that prices again advanco. Tho oloso was strong. I'nlon l'nclflo olottd 175 Southern l'aolflo 117 Northern Pacific 130 St. Paul ; 142 Copper CS Smolter SS Yi Kmidln 18 ROB GAMBLERS BUT IT IS LAST CHANCE (United Press Loacad Wire.) Carson. Nov. March 10. Two masked mon outoml the fnmous old Touptu saloon horo onrly today, and. after robbing tho ocQiipants, Inolud liiK tlu bartondor and house gam blor-. escapod with more than $700 booty. Tho mon entorcd tho saloon sho.t ly after 3 o'clock th'?s morning. They llnoil up tho bartonder, faro and rou lette donlors and sovoral patrons along tho wall utidur tha muzzlo nf tholr revolvors. One man thon kept tho victims covorod with his pistol, while tho other rifled th ecnsh drawer and tho gaming tables. After the scooping the monoy into a sack, they backed out tuto tho darkness, and it i belloved jumped Into uu automobile. A posso started lH pursuit shortly afterward. Although tho salpon owners say that only $700 was takon. it is be lieved that a great amount of money was seoured by tho robbers, as tho saloon is one of tho largest gambling peaces la Carson. , Fla u a PftiuuUe. T The Albany Dmooral. Iways u:hKvake, sa; "This gofttrdtutum effort to move the capital from Salem t Portland will fall as flat as n pancake " Tickets are FREE, at your Grocer or Druggist "ALL WE ASK YOU TO SPEND IS YOUR TIME" Children Unaccompanied by Parents Not Admitted SWEET SAUSAGES ARE "A HORSE ON SCHMIDT" (United Vicm Leaned Wlre.l Chicago, March 10. Tho success of llutcher J. J. Schmidt In selling sweet-tnstlng sausages lod his busi ness rivals recently to closely exam I no his product, which resulted in the discovery that tho thrifty butcher had been using tho meat of the hum bio horso in augmenting his output. Schmidt today stands convlctod of soiling diseased horseflesh hut will uppenl for a new trial. Tho ponalty is set at onu year in jail nnd a flno of $1000. ? o KICK YOUK OWN 1)00 SAY Tins HUBINKSS MEN Tho woman in tho back pow l farthest from tho pulpit, but she 656 more hat styles. o For Diseases of tho Skin. ' Nearly all dlsoasos of tho akin, such as eczema, tottor, salt rheum and bnrborB' Itch, aro characterlzod by an intense Itching and smarting, which ofton makes life a burden and disturbs sloop and rest. Quick relief may bo had by applying Chamber lain's Salvo. It allays tho Itching and smarting almost Instantly. Many cases havo been cured by its use For salo by Dr. Stone's Drug Stor. Tho Easter bonnet is one of ameliorating things of Lent. thn "My threo year old boy was badly constipated, had a nigh fovor and was In awful condition. I gave him two doses of Foley's Orlno Laxatlvo nnd tho noxt morning tho fovor was gone and ho was entirely woll. Foley's Orlno Laxatlvo saved his llfo." A. Wolkush, Caslmor, Wis. J. C. Perry. Tho Salem Duslnosa Men's League hold n mooting In tho Hoard of Trado rooms Inst night, nt which tho dog nulsanco was brought up for discus sion. It was finally doo'dod and ,i rosolutlon ndopted that tho mer chants bo Instructed to placo placards in their show windows with Instruc tions to owners of enntnos to ears for thorn. Tho members of tho longuo high- ly praised tho military band of this city, and woro in favor of giving that O .A. S3 a? O H. X .A. . musical organization tholr heartlost Bntko ,,?': End Yw Han Alwg support hereafter, as has been dono 3Igstoro boforo. ' A tainted quostlen: bought your onion sots? Have you 7 ff V& : " 12 mr7m I JfW'M iL'ii m l ffl ' m Cupnt:bt HliBJfijP f t THIS wiH remind you that wc arc still headquarters for Good Clothes, and aw&iting the pleasure of ful filling your spring needs. The new styles and shapes are now here in "BISHOP'S READY TAILORED CLOTHES" $10, on up to $30 t. Salem Woolen Mill Store f.