"EaasaS3rosr3d5Sr '"' "'' ". .j..tv. . )iv- f p f4- 5 tT' Nursing Mothers and Over-burdened Women Jusmmw' !!ie' hoso "er .i.VVTfn,bir ov-work, exacting Jmm dut,c'' V' frequent bearing"' R'rovcrtlovlsea for their special bene- I Ung' to whose 8U,t for divorce Stlr-IrvaliiahllKC1?.1-1? f Vnd It especial I 'B "led a cross-petition. Mrs. Stlr- r tho cb lj. EvXivi , iSsI".m?? wnDi.inninn n r. a SB 1? 'tnete nr tnn (xyH the 1 a rcivdM n? painless Vj or condlloj r1. Slfw from Wnt hcadSa f .f' dr.a?Rr,-uovn distress low down in tfio ubUomfn. or from nnlnfnl nr inon J1'" Jlol''ljtf'rlod3, gnawing or dls SiSiC!Ln,wnU,in in omaeh. dlny ot n.1, H50 ,ma n.ir' sPpcks or "Poll floating More ey;. have disagreeable, pelv c catar iml drMn, prolnpsu. mite Jrersion or retro yeronti or other displace ments of womanly organs from woaknest of parts will, whether they expcrlenct many pr onlv a fow of tho aboi j symp iom, iinj n ,.;f ana a permanent euro by usimt fnit hfii'iy and fairly porslstonti) Dr. I lerw ! t .n-onic Inscription. Inls soi'id-i)tnu -peclflc for woman' wraKtiMs-s u.id vvul'ar allmonts Is a pure glycorlo exti.ua of tho cnoleest na tive, medicinal nots without a drop ol alcohol In Its mnka-np. All its Ingredi ents printed In p' in Knsllh on Its boitlo wrapper an.l att. ted under oath. Pr Plcrcothns lnit.-i thn fullest Investiga tion of his formula knowing tlmt It will bo found to ctr. .in only tho best agcnti known to tl tnit advanced medlcai science of all thn different schools of prue tlco for tho curi' of urtiMii's pocullai weaknesses and ailments. If you want to kimw more about thn composition and pr feslonal endorse ment of tho "Favorite Prescription." nd postal card request to Dr. It. V. Ploue, Uullnlo, K. Y., for hti free book tut treat Ingot same. You can't afford to accept as a substi tute for this remedy if known eompoltlon a secret nottrum of wxknoum, campot Hon Don' do lu SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. lime Card No. 54 Effective Sunday, August 10, 1000. Toward Portland Passenger. No. to fi:I3 n. tn Orrgou Kiprcni No. 18 8:40 a. ui...CottaBe Orore 1'aiK. No. 1'. 11:45 p. tn. . . Itoscbure l'auxenRvr No. H 0:13 ft. XL .,or, caf, s coming an r wv rMI,c ??. nDoSXr1- l' ;c 'oTi rrr- r 4TySMiintf8teShS.,,,r,,,THREE STEAMERS BUTT No. 222 5 p. tn Portland Fast Krai slit No. 22010:40-11:28 a. in.... Way Freight Tomml Snn Francisco Passenger. No, 11 11 :0:i n. m. . . . Itoebure PaHenser No. IT 0:45 t). ra.. .t'ottaKO Urore 1'uw. No. lf 0:r0 p, m...,. California Kiprcss Vn 11 1 HI i. m tlnn l?rmr,ntmta Pth I Tonni-il'Snti' Francisco Frelcht. I No. 221 2:4 . m.. .Portland Past Prt. Nn. 22.'. 1 1 -.28 a. m Way Freight 0 OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Can! Kffectlve Nov. 15, 1008.1 Leaves Fer: Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m PnrtinniMiiiiiboro and Intermediate. I !V,r&MaYnYermfi Portland and Intermediate, lecal. :40 p.m. I'ortland-Tualstln and lllllatioro, llm- itmi 3:05 n.m rortlnndllllUboro and Intermediate. local 4 :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:40 p.m. Arrives Frem: Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:25 a.m. I'ortlandllllliboro and Intermediate. leoil 10 :00 jn. rwtlnmt Illlltboro Tualatin, Mm- Ited ,10:60 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 1 :00 p.m. PertlamMIIIUtoro and Intermediate, iuai ....... 4 :0i n.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. n:4B p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:JO p.m. l'ortland and Intermediate, local .10:40 p.m. DoWltt's Little Enrly Risers aro small pills, easy, gentle and certain and are sold by all druggists. LOW RATES TO OREGON DAILY Di ring March and April 1'ioin all parts of the hast, via Union Pacific Oregon Short Line The Oiegon Railroad & Navi gation Co. Southern Pacific $33 from Chicago $30.50 from St. Louis $25 from Omaha $25 from Kansas City CorrMmlliiRly low from ftll other point. TO THE PUBLIC tfrlt lurs io vrybody yH know Is th at and tll them about those lew eokmtet mt. Send them Hter alure alMMit Orgo. or sond tholr ..u.auA to us and we will do It la thte wg you ca be a great help In th growtk ad progress of your sttte- YOU CAN PREPAY FARES tor aw trom ttr p,noe ,f you WKDi to, Denoalt the necessary awoHMt wltk our looal agent and he will telegraph tleket promptly. . Inquire of ageaw or write to tWM. MaMURRAV General Paasenger Agent The Oregon R. R & Navigation Co. Southern 'aclflc Co (lines In Ore.) PORTLAND ORECJON DAILY OATITAIi WHAT IS HUMANITY COMING TO MORALLY? Edinburgh, March 10. Judge Guthrie today granted John Stirling an Interlocutory decree of divorce Washington, D. C. Under the Scotch law Mrs. Stirling loses nil title to hor marriage settle ment while Stirling enn clultn an in terest in his wife's proporty. Stir ling was nwarded the custody of their only child. The divorce proceedings stirred society In the British Isles owing to the prominence of those in volved. tn hor complaint for divorce Mrs Stirling alleged undue Intimacy be tween her husband nnd Mrs. Athor ton, a famous English bounty. Stir ling in turn charged his wlfo with Intimacy with Lord Northland. Mrs. Stirling nlloged that her husband nnd Mrs. .wherton conspired to throw hor nnd Lord Northland together so that they might pursue their own Intrigue. This churgu was not upheld by tho court. JOHNSON RUNS UP AGAINST THE PRESS United Tress Leased Wire. Sacrnmento, Cnl., March 10. Grove L. Johnson's criminal libel bill, directed nt nowspnper publish ur's, yesterdny afternoon wbb nga'n passed on file and today tho word bin gone forth that tho author ot tho measure has boon Informed that If ho pushes his bill he will do so nt the risk of having other bills which ho has Introduced sent down to de feat by tho "powers that bo," which Just now arc ngalnst the libel bill, o INTO EACH OTHER United I'rcaa l.cuBcd Wire. Newport, R. I., March 10. Tho three steamers Horatio Hall, II. F, Dlnnock and Massachusetls are re ported to have collided early todu;' In Greenwich Sound between Cape I ? i S11. ..... tl.M B.I..M, jvontC(, 0,,tnning details a't an early hour. Reliof boats arc rushing to tho scene. The Horatio Hall was bound from Portland. Mo., to Now Yorlc, mo from 1,.0Bton t NoW York nnd tho II. F. Mnnock, from Boston to Now York. YEW PARK GETS BUSY IN ITS OWN INTEREST An outhUHlastlc mooting was hold lu tho Yow Park hoso houso Inst night by tho cltUons of that part of tho city, whon tho Yow Park Dovol onimint Iahikuo woh nurmauently or- L,nnlZ A notistltutlon and by-lawsl wore adoptod and K. J. Rice tdeotod prosident: C. V. V. llrown, vlco prosldont. and V. 0. Howorsox socio tary. A committee eomposotl of A. A. Underbill. II. S. Rndollff. O. J. Runcorn and J. H. Albert was ap pointed to confor with tho officials of tho street railway company to got thorn to extend their lino two blocks farther on South Twelfth street to Howard street, whoro tho proposed Improvement ends. Tho Improve ment will extend north to Mill street and tho petition favoring It hits ul- j ready boon signed by a large num ber of property owners. Hurl Auderbon, H. S. Ilndcllff and II. II. Ollngor woro nnmud on a com mittee to seciiro mumborshlp. An Improvement committee was alxo named to pio.ont mutter boforo tho olty oounoil. The noxt mooting will bo held next TuosdHy ovonlng at 8 o'olook, at tho twine placo. 0' Questionable Hospitality, The following extracts from a let ter of thanks for a Christmas pres ent Is cherished by ita recipient: "The beautiful clock you sent u came h perfect condition, and is now In the iwrlor on the top of the book shelves, where we hope to see y"i oou and your husband also, If he eon make It convenient." 0 A Ituligioiis Author' h Htatumuiit. itev. Joseph 11. Kesporman, Halls- bury. N. C. who Is the author of -m ?iH8ra several books, writes: years I was afflictod with kidney trouble and last -winter I was sud-1 denly Htrleken with a fevore pain ' in my kldnes and was confined to bed eight days unable to get up without asalstanoe. My brine eou talned a thick white sediment and I passed same frequently day and night- I commenced taking Foley's Kidney Remedy, and the pain grad ually abated and finally ceased and my urine became normal I cheer fully recommend Foley's Kidney Remedy." J. 0. Perry. Judge Galloway will next Monday at Salem. hold eoc;t JOUIWAX, SALKM, ORBOON, WMKHafrA, itAM&t 10, 1M. GUYING FOIt HELP. Lots of H In Salem lint Daily Grow ItiR Less. Tho kidneys cry for heir. Not nn organ In the whole body so dollcately constructed. Not oiio so Important to health. Tho kidneys arc tho Altera of the blood. When thoy foil the blood .becomes foul nnd poisonous. There can bo no health whore there is poisoned blood. tinckacho is ouo of tho first indica tions of kidney trouble. It is tho kidneys' cry for help. Heed it. Doan's Kldnoy Pills nro what la wunted. Aro Just what overworked kidneys need. Thoy nro Btrougthon and Invlgor ato tho kidneys; help thorn to do their work; novor fall to euro any caso of kidney diseaso. Head tho proof from a Ralom citi zen. O. W. Vaughn, 3 Stato Btreot, Sa lem, Or., save: ''Doan's Kldnoy PIUs procured at Dr. Stono's drug storo, provod In our family to bo a reliable remedy for backache, and nil forms of kidney compfnlnt. J obtalnod iho host of result from tholr niso, nnd our child, who had boon aftllctod with kidney complaint, was mndo woll la a Bhort tlmo by thorn. Wo rocom mond Donn's Kldnoy Pills to parents who hnvo children troubled In anr way by disordered kidneys." For salo by all donlero. Prlco 50 conts. Fostor-Mllburn Co.. Duffulo, New York, solo ngents for tho United States. Homombcr tho nnmo Doan'j--nnd tnko no othor. Ruth llryau Leavltt has left It. (lot a dlvorco yesterday. o Prof. II. A. Howell of Havana, Cuba, ItecotnmeiulH CliatnlK-rlaln's CoiirIi Itcincdy. "As long ago ns I can romomber my mother was a fulthrul user and frlond of Chamburlnin a Cough Rem edy, but never In my llfo hnvo I real ized Its truo valuo until now," wrltos Prof. II. A. Howell ot liowoll'n Amor lean School, havana, Cuba. "On tho night of February 3rd our bnby wan taken sick with a very sovoro cold; tho noxt day was worso and tho fol lowing night bis condition was des perate. Ho could not Ho down and It was necessary to have him In tho arms every moment. Even then his breathing was difficult. I did not think ho would live until morning. At last I thought of my mother's romody, Chamborlaln's Cough Rom ody. which wo gavo. and It afforded prompt rollof, and now thruo days lator, ho has fully recovered. Under tho olrcumstnuaus 1 would not hotd tnto n moment tn saying that Chnm horlnln'a Cough Romody, and that only, saved tho llfo of our dour little boy." b'or salo by Dr. Rtono'8 drug store, Tho owner of a Morry Widow lint has troubles of hor own. Doors were mude boforo hats. Tho Road to Success. Has many obstructions, but none so deeporato as poor health. Succesi today demands health, but Electric! Dlttors Is the greatest health build er tbo world has over known, It compels porfect action of stomach, llvor, kldnoys, bowols, purifies and onriches tho blood, and tones and In vigorates the whole system. Vigor out body and keen brain follow tbelr use. You can't afford to slight Elec tric Hitters If woak, run-down or Blokly. Only 50c. Guaranteed by J. C. Perry. (ireut Clilm-Mi Doctor h. M. HUM lia medloiUH whinb will cure an known dUrase. He makes a special- ty of. aud guarantees to oure Catarrh Aathma, Lung, Throat, Kheumatlm. Deblllty, Stomach, Mver. Kidney Troubles; also any blackened oi swollen soreness, broken limbi: f Smallpox; Epidemic; all binds ol Bolls. Ixst Manhood. Female Weak ness, Horuu Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free JTong Co.. Chinese drugs and herbs ! 1B3 H,Kh 8t uPtalrs. Salem. Or. 233 S. COMMIBGAL Sr HOLLlsrc (locky Mountain LTr?S8is A Buy UfchtiM t Bitsp 0Ub Hulti i A r(k r- r roattiiw'i- Dt KMor Trouble. I'u.iu. L. ci, la part Hlobd. lUd Hrtii Klurcuh IWw. litAUl 4ad UAdkAttM It Hoflky JmiAii Tea ia tab' kt form. 3 otnit box Orn io mJ by ' HU.WLH NUGGETS FOR tALLOW HUM CM frts'ifa' v mr wfv&ir I f MfALS 15c Call nnd try them. MoaU 1G& Board per weok 12.76, all? fur nished rooms vory reasonable AT THE Salem Restaurant H0 COUllT STUEET. FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A Sam, Cmtkn Riutr fr8tTnwMSBk4uwTW.no. klVtl KHOWM TO fll. ' S"! Spwljl B.tl Ittpti Ujanntfcil tr ilua.f RfftindM. Hc.t rvpttit t r l rarer bat. Wl IkbI Uim.milO,iM fllt vr.ittM. Hmpi In. UyvttAnuUttm ..I. inm rna jour nj.n ! lam UNITtD MtDICALCO.,oT4, Uhot. fw. I SpW In Salem bv Dr. S. C. Stcr Phmit- 44 Main 147 N. Hlicb bt. C. W. YANNKE S Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLE Cabs nnd Llvory, all Rigs Mod or n Rubber Tiro. 4J I II II 1 HI III I HHMtHrll ;! Graber Bros. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will glvo prompt attontlon ; ; to all orders, guarantoo our ' . work to glvo satisfaction and '. ', to bo up to tbo sanitary stand- ' ard. t VK WILIj HK I'LIJAHKI) TO OIVB KOTIMATKH ON OONTllAOTS ; ; Wo aro ngonts for tbo Ala- mo, Victor and Ideal Qasollno ' Knglnes. ! ! Shop on Liberty itrcot, back ' ' of Bnrr'B Jowolry 8toro. 4tHlll II I H H!4-HVH-t- HIJIE WING SANG CO. Removal Sale-All Goods At Cost Wo mako up all kinds Ladle' Un derwear, Wrapper, Klmoiin and WiiInIn. Wo keep ul kinds of IHvkh Coods anil HllkM, (Jcnt'H and Ladies' Furnishing floods, China Ware, .Mat tings, Shoes, Trunks, Uluuket, Com forts, l-Jlc, iVM Nt Coninimlul Hu (First store N. B. Sldo, Snlolll, Or.) Salem Fence Works Headquarters for Woven Wlro Fencing, Hop Wlro, Barb Wlro, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai tbold Roofing P & R Ready Roofing. All At lowest Prices. CIIAS. D. MULLIGAN 250 Court Ht Phone 121 -I FP Fire Proof Fool PrOOfi I '" wa&utin making your own ,,sht- or . WX not consider ! the v- '' " Machine arid Btub- hn I-tKht. w'" Bu" ""' '"lH ' machine iri(I Kiirantee It to glvo 100 por eant more light for tho samo monoy than eleetrlolty or elty gas Let me figure with you. iMtliuHtoa furnished Care of Ylok 8oiCh" at ni" "hop and see the lights! ,nd tovo In operation, I ' ' enrry PVRO DK.VA'I rrni:i) ALCOHOL iitlllllc. Kufe eeoiioml- eal, (HlorhM. A. L PRASER! I'llOMO l.'W 'MH Ktnte SI CHICHESTER S PILLS niui I Ur I Tal i tllAMOMB JIUAMt I'll f JL L. IMikwuDM.tiiLil.nkiull C 1 WU. t. m tt . t m. a ln.t irr.h.rr.u 5fttrm6isrsnTiHfcj)E THE STOCK BOOKS For tbo North Santlam Mining- company, aro ntlll epeat far In vestors. A limited amount, of atock Is now for salo, at tbo iX)W PRICH of Co por share. . SAVAGE & HERREN KISOiUj AGKNT8. 1JMJ S. OOMaiKRCIAJj 8T. Mi llttllf tH SPRAY YOUR TREES WITH DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION You get the best spray on Muupie ana guaranteed oy saiem people. Guarantee and test tacked on every barrel. Manufactured by the GIDEON STOLZ COMPANY, Salem, Oregon. For sale by the following dealers: TIIfiON & CO. FIiETCIIICIt J& BYIU). 1). A. WIIITK SONH. H. I. CIIA8K. LU HOLD DROS. M44M-444aa).iai f;lat-ffeH(W-fHM4lajtaija4titiiai) i) Tho man who takes from another a Qod-givon right Is tho real loser by tho transaction. THE HOUSEHOLD EXPENSE BOOK Will show a decided argument lu favor of our handling all tbo laundry work--making nn wo do tho lowest pVtcort nr.d preserving tho linen entrust. (I to our estab lishment by out up to dato moth ods Hotter give us a trial this tlmo If Mir want full satisfaction Salem Laundry Co. Telephone l. IIMI-Km S. Liberty Ht. v- READY TAILORED llllVlf II tfaTTW I W I IfTWT FOR WELL DIVC551D MEM. sr whri si i - ). niAS' v j jjfyw c l8llJHHl)lIHltlIllIlllllll4M j; Special Shoe Sale the Rest of the Week t ; Men's, Hoys', Womon'a and Children's Hhoos are to bo sold at ? ;; HARQAINS NKVKR IH2I'X)RK HEARD OF IN 8ALBM. These goods must bo Hold to mako room for our 8PRIN0 STOCK JACOB VOGT, rheM ;; I 345 Stato Street, Hmninmnntitiamin !! i imnnniiti Portland Popular Fire-Proof Hotel 1THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dininp sorvico in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No, 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a, m, ancT4:55 p, m, M. C. DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON S the market. Made by Salem Nothing Belter on the Market GOODS BEARING THIS MARK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED WHEN SOLD BY THE Salem llan'vnf ltnn 120Conyi St. Phon 172 iiiiii THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Cnn bo obtalnod from our prime, leu dor aud Juicy Hoof, Mutton or Pork. All our monta aro uoloctod from tbo choicest, nnd prepared for tbo tablo to suit tho demands of tho fastidious. Our prices pro lower for cp ullty than you can find at auy placo lu Bnlow. E. C. CROSS & SON CLOTHES w PRICE RANGE aSfe?WSatlg!) mBSuSSm IjAAtft' yj w 20 TO 40 Salem, Ore, j! i