- r gy-T BBEBggISg - Va,; cr.r "MILT OATITAii JfHJRNAX SAUM, OIUMON, WEDNESDAY, MAllCII 10, 1009. .i ! t ' F''.i U i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL K. HOFXR, Bd. m Prop. Iadepoadeat Nempape? Dorotod to Anerloaa Principle and the ProgrtM aad Dcrolopement of All Oregon. rublUhod Brery Krenlng Bxcpt Sunday, Calem, Ore. ' sunsomrnoN raths. (Inrarlabljr In Adranco.) Ball?, by rrr(er, por year ,...W.0O Per monlh Wo DallTt by mall, per year, 4.00 l'or month 35o Wookly, by mall, per ycr..... '.00 Six montha COc HIVWE UNION CANADIAN PACIFIC COMES TO PORTLAND - NORMAL SCHOOL COUNTIES ON THE WARPATH. The peoplo of Ashland will send a carload to Portland to Interview the Senators and Representatives from that city about the Normal Schools, THEY CONSIDER THE WAY THEY HAVE BEEN TREAT ED AS VERY SHABBY. The schools are under contract to run until July, with teachers engaged, pupils having paid tuition six months in advance, and feel that they are entitled to a fair hearing. The people of Monmouth have also held a meeting and sent resolutions to the Salem Board of Trade, which meets Wednesday night. ' These delegations will first ask hearings at Portland and then before the legislature and come not asking favors or toadying to any soction, BUT DEMAND FAIR TREATMENT, AND APPROPRIATIONS. The people of Weston and Umatilla county have subscribed onough to graduate the class in June but refuse to turn the monoy over to the state. They say the state has already taken the tuition of 250 students six months in advance and put it in the treasury, AND CUT THE SCHOOL OFF WITHOUT A DOLLAR. Dr. Cole of that county joined hands with Dr, Smith of Marion to establish another asylum in Eastern Oregon and cut tho Normal Schools off without a dollar. Honco thoy will not turn over a dollar to the state, and will not comply with the order of tho Board of Regents. Polk county commercial bodios have adopted resolutions which will bo presented to tho Salem Board of Trade this ovoning ASKING THAT ENOUGH MONEY BE APPROPRIAT ED TO RUN THE SCHOOL AT MONMOUTH UNTIL THE MATTER CAN BE SUBMITTED TO. A VOTE OF THE PEO PLE OF THE STATE WHETHER OREGON SHALL MAINTAIN ONE OR TWO OR THREE OR ANY NORMAL SCHOOLS. Tho time has come when Salem business interosts will hayo to take sides and determine whether this community will take up tho fight for or against the Normal School coun tlos. Eastern and Southorn Oregon have always beon LOYAL TO MARIONvCt)UNTY INTERESTS, and this city and county should romovo tho impression that has been gfvon out that wo have joinod hands with Portland to MAKE WAR ON THE REMOTE PARTS OF THE STATE IN ANY MANNER. Put It up to tho peoplo of Oregon whothor thoy want to maintain Normal Schools or not. But lot us take Marion county out of tho firing line WHERE WE HAVE ALL TO LOSE AND NOTHING TO GAIN. Whon Salem sots tho hams, the shoulders, tho side moat mid tho lard wo am in no position to jump onto tho man who gots a spnrorib. (United Press Loosed Wire) St. Pnul, March 10. Tho Cu nadlnn Pacific and Soo railroad com bination will soon bo running trains to Portland, Or., thus compotlng with tho Hlll-Hnrrlmnn lines, according to reports in railroad circles today, based on a recent statement of a "Soo" official. It Is reported that tho urrangoment was tnado possible through an agree ment of the Oregon Railroad ahd Navigation Company by which tho Canadian Pacific may use tho O. R. & N. tracks from Spokano to Portland. Why Does It Cure SOCIALISTS AGAINST PRIMARY LAW United I'rwm Longed Wire Sacramento, March 10. State Or ganizer J. D. Osborno of tho Socialist party has unsuccessfully petitioned Speaker Stanton for tho prlvllogo of addressing a public meoting In tho senato tonight to state tho objections of Socialists to tho direct primary bill. Osborno stated today that his party Intended to test tho constitu tionality of tho act If it should ever become a law. Tho Socialists nco three weakuoHuus In tho direct primary law. Thoy con tend that It destroys the responsibil ity or a political party, that it donles to a political party tho right to pro- scrlbo tho test for membership and that the fee system for candldntos Is unjust. , In Minnesota tho" law lias beon attacked, and a case Is now pending before the supremo court of tho Unltod Statefl. Not because It Is Sarsaparllla, but because It Is a medicine of peculiar merit, composed of mere than twenty different remedial agents effecting phenomenal cures ef troubles of the blood, stomach, liver and bowels. Thus Hood'B Sarsaparllla curca scrof ula, eczema, anemia, catarrh, nervous ness, that tired feeling, dyspepsia, loss of appetite, and builds up tho system. Got it todr la the aanil liquid form or lo cliocolatod tablet form called Samtabs, MORE THAN 2000 HOME-SEEKERS DICKENSON WOULD ENTANGLE ARMY (United Prcns Loasod Wlro.) Washnlgtou, Mnrch 10. Gonoral Jacob M. Dlckornon, secretary of war Tuosday announced that tho prin cipal object towards which ho would bond his onorglea during his admin istration of tho war department would bo tho onlargomont of tho army of tho Unltod States. Tho now war eocrotary said that ho hnd as yot no plan to announco for this purposo, but Bald that ho con- nldorod as ono of tho moot important slops toward a blggor army, tho in creased odlcioncy and slzo of tho states' national guard. JAPANESE READY TO WELCOME SHIPS The East Orcgonlan of Mnrch G says: Approximately 2300 persons wero on tho tralnB that camo in yester day from the East, carrying the col onists that aro seeking homes in tho West. These wero from all parts bt tho East and Middle West, and they havo all conio out to tho "wild and wolly" West to see what can bo done in tho way of making homes for thomBolvcs nnd families. Six of these stopped at Hermlston, eight at Echo and four at Umatilla and others at other towns along tho line thnt have promise of a good fu ture. Approximately 400 of these transferred at Umatilla to go to Washington points. A special train consisting of eight cars was made up for tho purpose of carrying those In to tho torrltory thoy wished to see. No. C last night also had a largo number of colonists. Tho llrst see tlon was tho regular train, and did not contain a very largo number of tho colonists. The second section, howover, was tho special colonist train, audco ntained 10 coaches of colonists nlono. Thoro wore approxi mately GOO peoplo on this train. Tho dolny caused by tho frolght I wreck yesterday wnB a streak of good luck for thfn part of tho county, as tho pnBsengors had an opportunity to bco the land lying along tho rlvor at tho Echo and Hermlston points, nnd they woro very enthusiastic over tho looks of tho land, and, nccordlng to Passenger Agont O'Noll, tho remarks wero very complimentary to tho country. Tho peoplo seeking homos In tho West who aro passengers on theso .tralnB uro prosperous and Intelli gent looking, and nro very miuch su perior to tho class that gonornlly gather for tho purposo of entering a now country. Not a forolgnor was In tho lot, and tho majority seemed ;o bo a prosperous class, who scorned to be out In their Bpnre moments looking for a good location to invest money. Although most tf thorn havo their lunches brought with them, and eat them In tho cars, thoy aro unusually clean for tho clnss that Is ordinarily found on a colonist train. If tho present rate of advent of theso people continues there will soon bo thousands of the colonists flowing to all parts of the West and onco out here they will bo protty apt to stay. HELOSSIS' BROTHER PROBABLY MURDERED United frees Leased Wlre.l Seattle, Wneh., March 10. Fol lowing tho mysterious murder cf Harry Joseph Helossis, whoso body was found on tho Seattle boulovard on tho morning of February 5 by Charles HcIosbIb, brother of tho dead man, has disappeared, as has also S Damascus, who had been assassinated when in tho search for hlB brother's murderers, nnd the detectives who havo been seeking the missing rnon todny express tho fear that tho men may also havo been murdered. Michael Helossis and Damascus wero instrumental in bringing about the arrest of Albert Flshor and May .Clayton as suspects In tho case at Tnconia a wcok ngo. On tho night of March 5, dotoc tlves loft Michael HoIossIb in Taco mii. Tho murdored man's brother planned to go to Contralla to pursun tho hunt for others ho bellovcd to bo Implicated in tho Soattlo miurdor. Da iimbciib wns to havo assisted him. Neither has beon hoard from slnco. To add to tho mystory, tho dotoc- tlvos have learned that boforo tho murder, Damascus and Harry Iloloa sls engaged In a Borlous quarrol In the saloon where Helossis was porter. o Will Visit Seattle. , United I'rcus leased Wlre.l Washington, Mnrch 10. Tho first squndron of tho Pacific fleet, now in Central Amorlcan waters, has boon ordered to Soattlo for tho Alaska-Yiukon-Pnclflc exposition on May 80. Tho floet will remain until Juno 8. Save Sickness The prompt and sure relief given in acute Btomach, bowel and liver complaints, has created an annual sale of over six million boxes of BEECHAMS PILLS Sold Everywhere. In bote 10c and 2S& Muto School Improvements Tho state board hold a meeting yestorday- afternoon at tho stato cap itol and Frod Logg, ono of Snlom'i most ablo architects, was appointed to havo charge of tho proposed muto school improvements. Tho loglsla- turo appropriated $75,000 to bo usod for now buildings and tho improve ments of othors ' bolonglng, to tho muto school Institution. Mr. Logs; will probably commonco drawing ip plans and specifications for tho new buildings as soon ns tho 90 days ex pire, as roqulrod, after tho making of appropriations, THE SLEEPING SICKNESS WHICH MEANS DEATH How many readers havo heard of thla terriblo disease? It prevails In that far-away country Africa -especially tho Congo district. It 1b caused by the bite of the tsetse fly. When it bites a person, tho sleeping symptoms begin nnd finally the sufferer Bleeps until death occurs. Contrast this with tho pcacotul, balmy sleep of health. Is thoro any thing mora wearing than to Ho awako at night, tossing nbout, nervous, with cold feet, hot head nnd morcy known what else? Short of letting tho tsetse fly bite us wo would do almost any thing for relief. How can wo pre vont It? Mr. George Hnycs, of Union City, Pa wrltce: "I had lost my nppotlto, wns all run-down, could not Bleep nights. I had tried every thing without relief. Vlnol was rec ommended, and to my surprise, it helped mo at once; gnvo mo a splendid nppotltc, nnd now I sloop soundly," What Vlnol did for Mr. Hayes, It will do for every run-down, nervous and overworked porson who cannot aleeo G. W. PUTNAM CO. BIG BLACK BRUTE AND WHITE DEGENERATE VJetorla, 11. C, March 10. IPs Jack Johnson, champion heavyweight of tho world, who arrived horo on chu Wnkura from AAistrnlla Tu to day, says ho Is roady and willing to right Jnmos J, Joltrlog at any Unix a match can bo arrangod. Ho Is also ready to glvo Tommy Hums another ohanco, but on ontlroly different tonus than Hums Imposed In thtiii previous tight. "I urn a champion out of work." paid JoluiRon today, "and I am read for any good match. I fool that 1 will bo ablo to hold tho champion ship for many a day. In fact, I nm not nuro that tho noxt champion ha yot boon born." Tho proposed match with Sum langford has beon called off, accord ing to Johnson, Johnson loft for Vancouver this Your money deposited with us will earn in terest and be available when you need it. We welcome small ac counts the same as large ones. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank J, II. Albert, President. K. M. OroUaa, Vlco Pro. Joi. II. Albert, Cashier. nftornoon, and from thoro ho will go to Chlcngo at onco. From Chicago tho champion will go to OalvoBtou, to spond somo tlmo nt his old homo. Thon Johnson intonds to loavo for London to till n Uvo-wooke' theatric al ougagomont unloea n match with Joft or somo other honvywolghl should bo nrrnngod in tho monutlmo. Johnson wns tho hero of tho 400 pnsHongors on tho Makura, and, ac cording to tho captain, tho llghtor wns "ono of tho whltost mon on tlio ship, lu splto of his dUBky color." Johnson was accompanied by his wlfti, a white woman. ' CALHOUN MAY DIE OF OLD AGE BEFORE TRIAL Sa nFrunclsco, March 10.--Following tho elimination of John R. Allou from tho Calhoun temporary Jury, tho attorney for tho prosecution and tho defonso of tho president of tho Unit ed railroad, yestorday again bognn tho arduous tusk of completing tho Jury to try tho dofondant. Allan was oxomod late Tuesday afternoon bo oauBO ho was hot on tho county as bob mout roll. 8evornl vculromon woro examined during tho day, but tho needed twolfth Juror was not obtained. As far ns tho progress Is oonoornod, tho Jurj stands whore It did oxaotly ono month ago. I United Tress Leaned Wire. Seatlto, Wash,, Mnrch 10. Tho Japunoso Association, of Soattlo, is making nrrangomonts for tho rocap- tion to tho olllcors, endots and on listed mon of tho two Jnpaneso cruis ers which aro to spond a wook In this port nt tho oponlng of tlio Alnskn-Yukon-Paclflc oxposlt'on, nnd $5000 w'll bo oxponded in tho festivities, Moth day nnd night fireworks will bo a fonburo of tho ontortnlnmont. Tho ships, which nro scheduled to loavo Japan In n fow days, aro tho Abo nnd Soya, captured from RubsU during tho Into war. Thoy will sail direct to Honolulu, nnd afterwards call at Moxlcan and Amorlcan ports boforo coming to Souttlo. o A Pleasant Physic. Whon you wnnt a plonsant physic glvo Chamberlain's Stomaoh and Llv or Tablets a trial, Thoy aro mild and gontlo In their action, and al ways produco a pleasant cathartic afloat. Call at Dr. Stone's Drug Store for a frco Bainple. (, ltuufsays ho Is sorry ho dosertud Hunuy. Huof mumtgos to got off wrong nil tho tlmo. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and , healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to tho taits as Maple Sugar" Children Like It For BACKACHE-WEAK KIDHEYS Trj DtWltt'i Kldnej and Bladder Pills -Sura ind Salt J. C. PERRY, - - ; O In or dor to havo good, hoalthy, perfect digestion Kttop your stomach well by taking ICodal for dyspopsln and Indigestion uaouslonnlly Just whon you uoud It. Ploasunt to take, bold by all druggists. "ST wSlfB UP-TO-DATK INTEKIOIl FINISH For modern houses adds groatly to tho touo and nppcaranco of samo. Wo tako prldo In our up-to-dnto machin ery and tho quality of our materials, nnd you can got anything that a llrst class mill turna out, with tho nssur nnco that you will got tho host qual ity of mntorlal and mndo by tho most skilled mechanics. Let us flguro with you whon In need of anything in our line. A. M. IIANSI2N Phono Ull. Cor. Mill and Church Sw 9i9m t m HOW TO OPERATE A MOViVn inrrrimrc f aoiiivu Am imur How to Rent or Uuy a Moving Picturo Machine JIow to Mnko nig Monoy at Kntortalnmonts nnd Amusomonts. How to Obtain Positions Which Pay 3G por Wcok. How to Becomo a Finished Operator. We Glvo instructions That Aro Slmplo and Interesting. o Hnvo tho Newest Method of Teaching by Mall. u Send You, on Hecolpt of S1.00, Comploto Instructions. u Tench Oporatora How to Puss All Examinations. Wo Itopresont tho Lending Film Exchange ituitiiiiuiliua IU lllueiieilllPIlt IliiMltrlrul RrKlmnirn .Inn IAI intiA 11. .!. I. .11.1. r. . " ... . ". .w. .....,., -.., -MXIM, -1UU t "umu luuiuiiig, acamo, wash. WARDEN SCHOOL OF OPERATORS f iimiif4iiiinneii1Beiif laiaiBia Tho oubrlolat hat la tho lutetit and undoubtedly the ugllast -- aiiniinaKHn. LiMi3.8vr.rmm solution Niagara, tho tried and ! proved 33 tost. Prices on nppll- J cation. Special No. 3, guaran- J toed SO tost, at 6.60 per 10- I! gallon barrol. full measure at ! Salem. Made only by Oregon 1 1 Spray & Quo Co., Portland, Or. Hood River Spray Mfg Co. !! Hood Rlvor, Or. On Sala at !! Salem by H. P. Chase, succea aor to Chaso &. Skalfe. Goldoi i I RuJo naiarr. Mrs. D. T. Swart, 1 1 proprietor. ; j tltllliia)lHJi Kodol for dyspopsla ami indigos tlon will digest any kind of food in any combination nt any and all times Keep your stomnon well by taking Kodol now and thou. Sold by nil druggists. . Heuuy'8 hard work against all kinds of grnftora may or might be explained by a little graft of his own He is drawing salary twin the gov ernment while prosecuting San Fran cisco boodlors. belug paid also for his time by California, ami probably by Sprocket. Ho Is ovideutly sorvlug three musters, and that Is going some. OASTOllIA., Bun tU j W VwHanAhww DR. STONE'S Drug Store i The only cash drug store lu Ore gon, owes no one, and no one owe It; carries largo stock; Its shelves, countors and show cases are loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet ' J articles, wines and liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Di. Stono Is a regular graduato In med icine, and has had many years of ex perience in the practice. Consulta tions aro free. Prescriptions are froe, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can be tound at his drug store, 8alem, Or., from 7 In the rooming until 9 at night. iiifi,''Mnmmitiaif fEtatatoj,),,) The Mill of Circumstances and YOU In this city, as everywhere, the Mill of Cir cumstances is grinding away 24 hours a day and today it may be grinding YOUR GRIST. It may be turning one of the incidents of this town's daily life into an opportunity foryou Into an ad vantage for you, When a merchant gets caught in "the Mill," and is pressed for cash, YOU benefit in the en forced sacrifice of some of his stocks that is, YOU BENEFIT if yoti keep posted on what is going on at "the Mill" by reading the ads, A real estate -owner gets into "the Mill" and sacrifices some of his property in order to get out again pays his toll, The owners of hings automobiles, securities, businesses, machinery, horses and carriages, typewriters, office fixtures, houses, books, pic turesget into this "Mill of Circumstances," and out of their troubles come your opportunities, They pay the toll, Incidentally, it's better to watch the ads and to profit by the products of "the Mill" than to get caught in it yourself, Although, if your turn should come, an ad will usually get you out safely Try The Capital Journal, ! tttiuii nt i a iaiam .w.,vmwLmtii5tm WwiM l Wfcifc'l C Jt -v., - . v -jBgafe .j&a l . . ZAlAJLAJAaVAXaVLILLA