-u . mf.aa "fWJ" ?L n I"' , .- -v -....- --,. If ?;. IS u B I ' i t i $ !i 8 DAILY OAPIT AL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. MARCH ft, 1000. I Today Only- We offer 1 2 doz. best nrnrin nhor.l flinn. I ham aprons wtih bib and shoulder straps; these values I are worth 50c and 65c. Today, we offer your choice for 35c or 3 for $1.00. No telephone orders received. On H Art rtrt rm l fi saie ai o;ou. nrsi rioor. MRS. TAFT'S GOWN FIT, AND MAIDEN AUNT THERE w :NEW 4tm-s TAILORED SUITS Tlio stylo fun tu res were novor moro nrtlnttc or genteel than this sonson. Not a point has been overlooked to give the graceful tlnus ho becoming to women of fashion, and yot there Is simple u I franco about each model that denotOH reflnem nt. Wo advlso early Spring shopping while the showing Is nt Its best. Now Dross Goods Trimmings, otc., Now Wash Hoods, Laeou and Embroideries, Now Nets, Ali-Ovors, Itlbbons, Purses, New Gloves, Neckwear, Huchlngs, Now Wnlsts, Skirls, Petticoats, New Cor sots, Hosiery, Muslin Wonr, Now Dolts, Doltlng, Duckies, Now lint I'lns, Sldo and Hack Combs, Etc Men's Spring Suits, Hoys' Spring Suits, Men's and Hoys' Furnishings, Etc. t United Press Leased Wire, Washington, March 3. President elect Tuft spent most of todny at the Doardman realdonce, where ho re ceived callors. Among those who paid respects to tho Incoming oxecu- tivo woro Governor Hughes of New York, Secrotary of State Dacon and John Hays Hammond. Aftor tho dinner nttonded by the Taft and Roosovolt families, Mr. and Mrs. Tnft will remain at the White IIouso tonight. A reunion of the Tnft family will bo hold tomorrow at tho White House after tho Inauguration. Miss Delia Torrey of Milbury, Mass., 82 years old and tho maiden aunt of tho prcsl- dont-oloct, bolng tho surviving repre sentative of her generation, will be prosont. Dr. William Edwards, Tuft's pastor, and Mrs. Edwards also will be in attendance. Mrs. Taft's ball gown was tried on today and only very slight alterations woro found necessary. TO SEE TEDDY GO AND TAFT COME o- XUUWL&XemfiL XBUWL& m oooooooo 0 CITY NEWS oooooooo o o 0 o Weather Forecast- Occasional rain tonight and Thurs day. For Stov Wood And coal, call 108, Voget Lumber Compnny. Kkk, IZgW Twonty-three conts (23o) por doe en, in trndo, nt Epploy's atoro, East Stnto ntroot. Iflno Maple and AMi Wood For snlo, chonp, for Immedlnto de livery. Apply Krnbs Hros., "flush llroymnn building. Tolophono Main 121, 2-lG-tf The Dcht Place Yot To got your olothos denned and presHQd Ib tho 0, K. Cleaning Parlors Phono 505. Clothes called for and dellvorod. O, A. JohnBon, 100 Souta Commorclnl street. 3-2-3t Old Hats llought Phono 505. Will cnll nnd gt thorn. O, K. Cleaning Rooms. G. A. Johnson, 100 South Commorclnl Btrcot. 3-2-3t The O. K. (Meaning Parlor Dlock and clomiB your old hats so thoy look llko now, 190 South Com morolnl ntroot. C. A, Johnson. Phono 665. 3-2-3t Twonty-throo conts (23o) por doz on, In trado. nt Epploy's atoro, Kut State street. If You Want Tho host spray. Que nmdo from wood oils and wood adds, ona that Is n positive fungicide, ono thnt U suruly fatal to nil scale nnd aphis buy "Orwood." Use It on your orohards, your houtH) IflauU nnd your poultry house. Get It of Snlom Hardware Co. Cnll for clroulRra. 3-2 0-1 w Horses for Sato- Wo nro now looHtd In our now barn nt 551 Forry street nnd havo on hand 20 hood of horsos, consist lug of bovou mntohod teams weigh ing from 1300 to 1000 pounds; sev eral good brood maroa. bo mo good drivers. Theao aro all first class youug, straight stuff, all vnlloy rais ed and well broko to work. Wo nro also la tho market to buy us wall ns sell. If you have a horse to sell, bring him to us, wo will pay tho highest markot price. Will also han dle buggies, wagons, harness and second-hand farm Implements. Coop or & Clearwater llros. 3-1-lwk Bondholders, Attention Pursuant to resolution the board, of truiteeo, call b made for tho rc dwaptloa of D, P, O B. bonds Noa. S, 38, 39, 40, 41. Henry W. Moy rs, aecrotary board of trustees. Onion Choice stock, 8 pounds for 25c, nt Furrlngtou's. Severn! Now Houses For snlo or ront. For prlcos nnd terms seo Voget Lumber Co. Kggs, Egg; Twonty-threo conts (23c) por doa on, In trade, at Epploy's storo, East Statu ntroot. The Hon Ton and LuCoronn Are two of tho best cigars In tho markot. Thoy aro homo productions and Hiiro to give satisfaction. Sugar CuitHt Shouldors, lie por pound, nt Fa" rlngton's. by GANG WILL ESCORT TEDDY TO THE DEPOT r United Press Leased U'lre.l Now York, March 3. A scoro or moro of political organizations -ire preparing to lonvo today for Wash ington to form a porsonal escort for President Koooovolt aftor ho shall havo left tho capital nftor tho inaug uration of Prcsldont-oloct Taft. According to tho plan decided rp on Inst night, tho rotlrlng prosldont will tnko a carrlago at tho foot of the capltol stops, and will bo drlvoa to Dolawaro Avonue, whoro tho New York organization will bo In lino awaiting him. A hollow squaro will thou ho formed with Roosovolt In tho conter, and, lod by n band, tho column will movo to tho railway station, Among thoso who nro oxpocted to bo In tho ranks aro Sonator-clect Root, Chairman Tim Woodruff, of the stnto Republican committee, and Senator Dopow. o Two Days More To bocomo n mombor of the Salem Suit Club. Seo Mashor at tho Sa lem Pressing Pnrlora. failed 1'u'ss t.enscd Wlre.J Washington, Mnrch 3. -Tho pre diction todny Is "fair and cooler." Tho woather man onco moro wearily explains that tho word "fair" in his nniMni lnnenintro does not mean "clear" or "fair skies." It Just nionns In tho languago of the land whoro Taft ate poBsum "fair to mid- dlln'" wonthor. At 1 o'clock today tho tompora ture was 43 dogreos abovo zoro. Showors aro expected this afternoon, and it probably will bo cooior io night. This Is tho samo quadrlonnlal fear among thoso seasoned offlclnls who llko tho comfort of their club, that to atninl bnrehended in tho opon nlr, whllo tho oath of office Is adminis tered and cortaln othor procoduro is carried out, will not Improvo tholr nsthma, rhoumatlsm, catarrh or what over the particular allmont may bo. Thoro Is always Intonso In terest In tho weathor on In auguration dny, becnuso tho Presi dent must tnko his oath In tho opon nlr nnd officials of stnto must stan.l bnrehended, no mnttor what tho elo inonts may chooao to do. Aftor almost ovory lnnugurntlou some of tho offlclnls bocomo ill, and usually ono or moro notices subso- qucntly nppear In tho local papors saying, "succumbed to illnosB con tracted at Inauguration." Out tho thousands upon thousands of gay visitors who havo (looked here until ovory avallablo room, bed nnd cot In tho city Is tnken, and prices nro sonrlng, enro lltllo nbout the weathor. Within tho last 24 hours tho prlco of nil articles of food, as well as the "As long ago as I can romombor charges for lodgings, has advanced my mother was a faithful user and STEPHENSON SENAYOR TB0MWISC0NS1N United Tress Leased Wire. Madison, Wis., March 3. Senator Stephenson today recolvod 03 votes out of 125 nt tho joint session of tho leglslnutre, which was tho requisite number to re-elect hint to tho United States sonato. Aftor tho vote was counted an iib Komblymnn tried to chnngo his voto and tho legislature becamo Involvod In turmoil, both sides claiming a vic tory. o DIED. MAHER. At tho homo at 245 Ma rion stroot, nt 4 o'clock Wodnos- day morning, Mnrch 3, 1900, Jns. Mahor, of cancor. "Jimmy" Mahor wbb known and liked by all for his kindly treatment of his follow mon. Ho wbb formorly omployed ns olovator oporator at tho stato capltol, in which position ho becamo acquainted with hundreds of pooplo, who at onco grow to llko and rospoct him. Ills death was not expected, and his many friends will bo sorry to learn tho sad now. Tho deceased leavoa a wlfo to mourn his death. Frank Davoy, of DurnB, Ore., Is a brother-in-law of tho deceased, Funoral sorvlcos will bo annonmcod lator. O O O n n T ? o ."IWftlB oo? U 0 v buolnoos yesterday. e llli Mr. and Mrs, j, w , . j Kansas City, Mo.,; J' lro vlMling thol J " W- CampbclUnai' nluht for Portland, J.. e" J Vnncoubor, D. C. kl Mrs. Frank B. DouRl, J from Jofforgon i..i .... . " .,, mKn, i ' ri 1 Ik at A i tM Jnmos Warren, a farm laboror, 82 yoars old, died recently at Edworth, England, aftor having workod on tho samo farm for 75 years. o Prof. II. A. Howell of Havana, Cuba, RecoiiiineuiN Chaiuberlalu'N Cougli Iteiuedy. CiU'iiiulH'i' Coutnic( For pickles can bu made now calling on Gideon Sto. & Co. Tim South Commercial ntroot Pressing Par lor have changed hands, nnd Is now owuwl by M. A. J). Houston Work Hllod for and dllvrd. Phono I Sir, next door to Journal, Paying Ills Rent Droezo Gibson has n now namo for It. Ho calls It paying his ront. That Is what most of tho farmers call It when thoy rench the ahorlft's qfllco. Lilt limp Pardoned- P. N. Lathron. who wns trlod and convicted of porjury, has beon par doned by Governor Chamborlaln. Tho pardon was Issued somo weoks ngo, nnd Lnthrop has nover beon i n dor dotontlon In the pon, Do Yoti Wiuit A ?20 suit for $1.00, If so ace thoso wimples in tho window at tho Snlom Pressing Parlors. The crowds aro gay and tho carni val spirit Is ovorywhore. Tho colo Inatlon hns taken on an air of Jovial ity. characteristic of tho big, good- natured Incoming President. Following Is what It will cost n young man to tnko his sweetheart to tho big ovents: For hall tickets, $10. For auppor, $3. For carriage, $10. For flowors, $5. Hq could "make out" on thnt but he probably would spond a groat deal more. The domain! for points of vantage along tho routo of tho parado Is greater than over before Tho rec ord prlco for a room was pnld tufa morning by John Hays Hammond, tho California mlno oxpojt, who gavo $700 for tho use of tho second-story front room nt Flfteonth nnd F stroots opposito the treasury bulldlngVfor 24 hours. , Nenrly all of tho 18 g"ovornors who will participate In tho Inaugural pa rndo aro olthor hero or on routo, and thoso In charge of tho arrangomonts aro highly ploased with tho progress mado in all dlreptlons. Congratulating Htrr C L. Starr, who hub beea tho voryj EVERYTHING HAS RIGHTS Hllcleut secretary of tho board of nilTOinrr nr cm i-m uuiOlUt ur OHLCIVI has been mitin ... nnd Mrs. J. L ,,": pare: Frnnlf w ttr.,. ' Ing. uuurn this Mr. and Mrs. Frank p..i.. J tfirlll nm nl.i . wnlli otto. ""m "on. J. B. Eaton, of Unlca I IIOIl. linn mnn l .. . .. uy .. , .... U.U1. , lne w , Dects tomovotoSalemtoaS vii.u iiuinu snortiy, H. C. Moon, of Woodbta tho city. ' H. A. Hlnshnw, travelln ngont for th0 Southern PidJcftl run, in in town, Dr. O. It, Avlson was enters by Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Olliji day, lcnvlng In, tho afternoon fotf land. Dr. Avlson Is In chvn' Sovornnco Hospital In Seoul, fe nnu nns much Influence- with U. clpnl pooplo in cliargo of the Cor government. H. G. Moyer will leave jfcortli Chrlstmns Lnke, 120 miles h Klamath Falls, whore ho will look to somo land deals. Miss Allvo V. Meyer li to J soon for Snn Frnnclsco to frlondu and relntives II. L. Junk, president of the jt: Rlddell Investment Co., of BwkI Cal., Is In tho city for a few J visiting his pnrents, Mr. and Ma P. Junk, on North Cottage ttrtti .Clyde MeMllInn, n street car (J doctor nt Snn Jo,e, Cal., haiirt homo for n visit with his pjrV Highland, North Salem Miss Mni'Klo McN'cel, of UH S'stors, of Spokane, who booM tho Missis Evans milliner; pariti has gone to Portland foraftvfcl Mr. E, F. Stamp, of StajtM, turned to her home, after tWa Mr. A. Potter. Honry Wlprut was a paMnju Portland thlo morning. Mfsa Jessie Catching, gort-ii nt tho mnto school, has beea rtft frlonds In the city for serertHi Mrs. Louise Highland, of Jowtl! returned home todny after rtW fr'onds hore and In Portland m. n ciim.iiv nt llkinr M l...l..l.., n I. r . ... . .. ' IIB. II. . Olll'IVI, , .i.v.-j, u. ...... n M,uKn uomeuy, ami inai ...,,.,,,,.. ,un ,,,r Mir I nnlv unvn.l lin llf nt .... .!.... Ilt.l HOIlIHf, UlVllun III HIV v..j -. w...,,, .,, n.u ,., w, will UUHl IIUIU ..,.. ,,... T . .Ir !..., !.. 1 t .. r. .. . HIIWI VIUIl'l NIIUIll l' iiu). rue mu.u iiy ur. mono H urug , ,- , . ,.. aiit4 ,,. . hor homo In Drain today, aiwni Ing hor brother, C. T. Hoorer, i - l ... .. .. .., ih.u fwh I luiii.iy .or in" i'hoi. imivv " ,i Mr. and Mrn. Samuel Renrt to Albany this morning, where U will remnln Mvcral days frlonds. Thty enme here time ngo from Knnsa. and hiw,' frlond of Chamborlaln s Cough Rom cdy, but nover In my life havo I roal Ized(lt8 truo valuo until now," writes Prof. II. A. Howoll of iiowuII'h Amor lean School, Havana, Cuba. "On tho night of February 3rd our baby was taken sick with a vory sovoro cold; ' tho next day was worse and tho fol lowing night his condition was des perate. Ho could not Ho down and It was necessary to havo him In tho arms ovory momont. Even then his breathing wan difficult. I did not think ho would llvo until morning. At Inst I thought of my mothor's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Rom ody, which wo gavo, and It afforded prompt rollof, and now throo days lator, ho has fully recovorod. Undor tho circumstances I would not hesi tate a momont In saying that Cham- Tho postmen of Spain aro unnblo to road and wrlto as a rule, and It Is a common Haying that who treats tho postman host gets tho most lot-' tors. u I'licquah'd us a Cure for Croup. Normal School RogontB tho past wo .years, hn boon appointed secrotary , Kggs, Kggs j"f tho now Stnto Tax Commliwloii. I United Pre i.nisnI wie.i Twinty-three itonls (23o) per doz-' " " IPi"tmont Is for fltnesB, and Olympln, Wash., March 3. The en. In trado. at Iflnnloy's stora. EnsLl'" '" """ w,in ino ow roguno at tho '"", tu"i iwuay nom tnat an - '- . . . . ....a Statv Mrout. W. J. Huinpliioy l-Nuind Dead W. J. Humphrey, of tho Waldo IHIU, wns found dead In his bed this Wednesday, morning, at his old homo nonr Sublimity. Mai'rlago Pivnult County Clerk Allon brought sntlr- faction nnd happiness to another eouplo this morning, when ho Issued n llcontto to C. H. Dutlor, of Colora do, ngo 20, nnd Mlnulo E. Rldgo, of Snlom, ngo 20. Knight Templars Visit Tho following Sir Knights of Siilum mado a fra,tornnl visit to tho Knights Tamplnr nt Albany hut night: Lot L. Ponrce. A. E. Strang. Wm. Warner. A. H. Stolnor. O. T. Lansing, Geo. lunsford, J, P. Frls xoll, J. T. Stolwor, Jefferson Moyors. They roturned this morning on tho local train, and report having hnd an excellent tlmo. Ask tho fhlof of Police Chlof of Police Gibson Is about to bo convinced that ho Is running an employmoat bureau ngoncy, instead of an orderly marshal's olllco. from tho bulk of applications for positions coming In dally from both men ai.d women, as rnr back as Omaha and Kansas City Yesterday ho rocetvod a postal enrd from Montgomgory. Alabama, signed by a lady who wanted tho chief to Inform hvr of somo good advertising medium through which to seek for a posi tion, and, of course, ho said the Cap ital Journal, or, It he didn't, he should have said so, laiato house. Ills manv frlomla nil 'over the stnte will offor eongmttila 1 t'ons. .MiinIo for Dluiuw Kllor & Vogt, two well-known mil- muai onionainors, aro now In tho city, and will vo concerts tonight aim tomorrow night at different placoa. Tho musicians will play in mo wmamotto Hotel dining room nt dinner tonight. Funeral of Mrs, Pngo- TJio funoral norvloos of Mrs. Chas. S. Page will bo conducted from the rosldonco In West Salem tomorrow Thursday, nt 2 o'clook p. m. Row .W A. Guoffroy will offlclnte The 'W unlit win uo mm to rest in City viow comoiory. Petit Ion to CIom Itnad n puiuiiiii n8 oeeu tiled in the county olork's office to eniut beforo tho county eommUmiouor soon ask ing that tho road loading froni tho rlvor road on tho south to tho fair grounds bo closed. Tho oat It Ion n.v tho reasons for such an action by stating stook ran at lnrgo on this road and other undesirable conditions duo to tho opon roadway. p. It Is estimated that 113.000 per sons in Now York olty mako tholr living by tholr wits, which moons tho lack of wit In othors A Pleasant Physic. When you want a ploasant physic give Chamberlain's Stomach and Llv er Tablets a trial. Thoy are mild and gentle In tholr action, and til ways produco a pleasant tathartla automobile has equal, rights on tho street car tracks twlth tho stroot cars. In tho caso of H. Daldlo of Tacoma against tho Tacoma Light and Power Company tho superior court of Pierce county held that Ilnl dio could not securo damages by rea- Cmi Af 1llc& n..,....l.ll i. .. . . ..uiuiuuuuu uuing strucii from behind by a street car, tho court holding that his auto had no business on tho car track. Tho supromo court reversed thU decision and sont tho case back for a new trial, "HoaidoB bolng an excellent remedy for colds and throat troublos, Cham horlaln'B Cough Romedy Is unequulod as a euro for croup," says Harry Wilson of Waynotown, Ind. Whon glvon as soon as tho eroupy cough apoars, this romody will prevent tho nttack. It Is used successfully In many thousands of homes. For salo by Dr. Stono'8 drug storo. catod near Snlfm Mrs. C. Drager, of Turner u tho cltv shonnlng today Dr. and Mr H. 0- M" tho Korean mlionarles, l Tl In Salem tomorrow rnornlat "J durlne tholr stav In the city Wi nnlorlnlnoil hv fTB. Vf. N. 8Wl Prof. Willis B. McElroy! DnnHnHfl In ft Tl(fht Mrs. Chnrles Wolz and Martha, are home from a visit to reletlvt-s In Albany fertol Bear t! Bljratuiv OASTORIA. iiio muu xoa nara Amafs owfw && PIAiNO TUNIN1 T.IITRI.T.Ufi L. WOOD ..... J ,!.. rpnalrlng. Fh'i lUIUUg, liu.ioui"-,! .-r (- . Stnto of Ohio, City of Toledo. I Luons County, ss. ! Fwnk J. Cheney mako 0th that I ho Is bonlor prtner of the firm of r. J. Ohenoy & Co.. doing buslnoss ' In tho olty of Toledo, county and i stato aforesaid, and mat, said firm, will pay tho sum of ONB HUNDRED, UOi.URS for oach and every case u. iHivanu inui eaanot be cured by tho use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to beforo me nnd subscribed In my presence this 0th day of De cember. A. D. iSSG. A. . Glonson, lSeal Notary Pub'dc. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in ternally, and nots directly on the blood and mucous- surface of tho system. Send for testimonials free P. J. OHENBY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all druggists. 75c. Tako Hall's Family PHU for C0H. stlpatlon. Tho golden crested wren in !,. Biuallest of British birds, it i. .k. effect. Call at Dr, Stone's Drug Store ttnd a hulf ,ncnes 'onK and seventy- ;AC0. For the Office Man If your work Is close and confin ing your oyos aro bound to suffor probably thoy havo already caused ou somo worry hotter call In and havo them examined today. The rellof that a pair of well fit tod glasses will glvo you and tho pre vontlon of further decline In tho strength of your oyea aro two largo Items that should not bo overlooked. Lot us fit you if necessary with tho proper lenses-tho cost Is reason- KTM.n,ln(, TTnlnn Fife Insorance.C?ffl l, iir..r,,iltli. Itesiowi Office with Wm Drown 29, Commercial Btreet. MONEY TO L0A1 THOS. K. FOI c Over Ladd & Bush's Dank o o o ooo ". t I ,, nflv" j - 1 o MEW TODAY ( ooooooon . . ,nr hatcbW For Sale kbb -. . a nl.A IBiaUU -.,,1 poses. iu.uu- - .j ,.. jo on; ut 111 i stock, J T ' oih O. ". I Trade, cornt-r -" - ...ji. " 7T knBitnl tt no -" .m Bar r's ...... ,i a lrl Call at 996 South 1 $4., phono 1025 ..-.VMLi ..... BUI" The South Salem $ - M,nre. - n.iue s - poslte cured meat Glvo It a trial tin. props General Ifuffm8 etf Hfl m.A AlflAn Wantwl A nrsi-'-" Phone iw 1- wages. Cucihei" um .. Vrtr M Coutmc4--- m for - " "f. w ut mem wein one pound. can be made no f j4 JEWELERS Gideon StoU & c"