K'ifijj.", ir-,p;;itl"iw' G CLASSIFIED ADS GONTINRED Hydo Bros. Electric Co. Electric supplies and first-class wiring at reasonable prices. Call at our ofllco for ostlmat03. Phono 451 143 N. Llborty street. 1-12-tf Wcngcr J4 Clicrrlngton Pianos and organs Bold on easy torms; tele phono 1187; 247 Commercial Stroot, 8alom, Oregon. tf Concrete Work Oct my prlcoa on sidewalk, curbs, spetlc tanks and cement work of any kind. All work guaranteed first class. M. Ward, 2378 Maplo Ave., Highland. Phono 509. May 24-09 Livery nntl Feed Stnbl'-s Old PoJt ofllco Stables, at 2C4 Ferry street, between Commercial and Front stroets. Tolophono 188. Somo of the flnost HvoriCB In tno city can 0 found horo. Wstacott & John- ob f Vogct Lumber mid Fuel Co. Lum bar. shinnies, building material, wood and coal. Low prices and prompt dollvorlos. Ono block east of 8. P. passenger depot. Phone 198. 7-2-tf. llutto tt Wcndcroth Flno wines llquom and cigars. Wo handle tho eolebrated Kollog and Cafltlo whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on draught. South Commorclnl stroct 9-3-lyr. l'liUMIlEKS Theo. M. Bnrr Plumbing, hot tsr and steam heating, and tinning, 104 Commercial otrect, Phone Main 192. 9-1-1r M. J, Pctzcl Plumbing, steam and gas fitting. Successor to Knox & Murphy, 220 Commorclnl street SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water aorvlco apply at otHco Sills payablo monthly In advance THE WANT ADS ARE FOIt SAIvK For Salt Flrst-claBS oat straw, G17 North Capital street. Phono 920. 2-20-lwk For Saltv A 7-room houo.', wooa shed, chlckon houso and barn, 2 acrofl of land; 1730 Asylum aven ue. .2-10-2w I'of Bale Flrst-claBB oat straw, 617 North Cottago street. Phono 920. 2-2 5-1 wk lor Slo Twonty-olght ncros, two thirds cloarod, balance In good tlmbor; 350 fruit troos, mostly prunos, on land, two in 1 1 on wost of Bnlom. Flno vlow. Mary H. Douv nr, Itouto No. 2, Salem. 3-1-tf For Halo Ono of tho choicest reul donco lots in the city. Soo J. 1). Hohunnon. 3-1-Ct For Hnk A No. 1 half Guernsey cow, irosli by tho 10th. AIho ono pony, work slnglo or double, or good to rldu, 771 N. Commorolal streot. 3-1 -at For Salt? My houao at 3 CO North Liberty Btroot, to bo romovcil from promisoB. Mrs. W, 11. Dancy, 309 North High !.troot. Tolophon.i Main I. 3-2-3t FoT Sale Comer lot BCxHC. 2V4 blocks from ear lino, directly on propnsod Welch lino; J12f oash, if taken this wook. Address M, Jour- , ual Office. 3-2-3t VOH IlKNT Houso for Ilent Closo to East school. Enquire at 968 Marlon stroot. 12-28-tt For Ucnt A new 6-rootn housoon 24th street, with modoru convuiw lonoos. Apply to W. W. Wnlker at promises or phono 458. 2-20tw For ltent 7-room hoiuo and throo lots, at 1220 N. 21st stroot; 9 nni mniiili n.9R.fit ,.W, ........, 'W-W. For Hent 316 uoros, 70 acres In otiltlvatlou, bnltiuco paaturo land, for dairy funning; running watar Inqulro M. P. Ilaldwln. O. C. T. Oo.'s dock. 3-l-8t -i ' . ' ' ' - For Hiit Kllngor Grand Thontrc. with or without flxturos, and fix tures for sale. M. Kllngor. Phono 34. 3-2-tf For Hnt 315 ncros, 70 acres In cul tivation, balauco pasturo land, sultablo for dairy farming. In qulro M. P. Baldwin, at O. It. & N. dock. 3-2-3t WANTED Wanted Will do oxcavatlug, garden plowing, and all kinds of team work. W. E. llunn, 1720 Leo st., phono 1528. 12-21-tf Wantwl Furnished houso, 4 or 5 rooms, by March 1. Address 770 Chomeketa atreot. 2-25-6t Tkb South Salem Meat Markot. op posite Dauo'a storo. Fresh and cured meat Qonoral delivery. Give t n trial. HuKman ft Mar Oa, ProiMi. 1-SMf. ft) AILY CAPUA LODGES Canentcrs Union No. 1005 Local Union No. 1005 of Carpenters and Jolnors of America meet ovor Sat urday evening at 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hall, 420 Stato Streot A. W. DonnlB, Rec. Sec. Foresters of America Court Shor wood, Forstors, No. 19. Moots Snturday night In Holman hall, Stato otroot, Geo. F. Pattorson, C. R.; J. O. Perry, financial secretary Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of P. Castle hall In Holman block, cor ner State and Liberty streets. Tuesday of each week at 7:30 p. m. OBcar Johnson, C. C; E. B AnderBon. K. of R. and S. .Modem Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5246. Meets every Thuroday uvcnlng at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. A. E. Dambor, V. C; F. A. Turner, clork. Woodmen of World Moot ovory Fri day night nt 7:30, In Holman hall. A. L. Harvoy, C. O ; L. H. Fletch er, Clork. Jan. 10, '00. A Swollen Jaw Ik not pretty nor pleasant. Whother It'a caused by neuralgia, toothache or iiccldont, Hnllnrd'B Snow Llnlmont will reduce the swelling and rollovo tho pain. Tho grcnt and sure cure for rheumatism, cuts, burns, bruises, ecnlda and and all nches and pnlns. All donlors. t o Ono of tho tests of friendship Is "Will he stand for n 'touch?' " How can any pornon risk taking somo unknown cough romedy when Foley's Honoy and Tnr costs them no moro? It Is a safe romedy, con talnn no harmful drugs and cures tho most obstinate coughs and coldB. Why experiment' with your health? Insist upon having the gonulno Fo ley's Honoy ond Tnr. J. C. Perry. Why not rond work to tho laundry thnt docs not MAXULK It to pieces, where your goods aro paid for If Inst? Highland Hand Laundry. Phono 103. 2319 Currant Ave. 2-28-1 mo Ii4itN on Nineteenth Mroot -$375 and $325. Theso lota will ndvanco In prlco March 15th; only n fow days more of this cheap prlco. E. Lup ton, 1G73 Stato st. 3-1-lmo IlUTTEItNUT nKEAI" It Is worth moro than any other biead, yot tho prlco Is no hlgbor. For snlo at your grocora, CAWFOIINIA 11AKEUV, Thomas Cooloy, Props. Cash In If you need tho nionoy. I buy Santlnm mining stocks. Wrlto mo when trading. You got n dis count on nil business dnno. Lot tno tell you of tho glgnutlc smoltor for tho Santlnm. Fortuno and big lucomn for stockholdors, Smnll In vestors wolcome. Installment or ders nccontod. Kindly Bend nil buslnosH In buying or soiling 8an llaia mlr'i- toc'..3 t.i this oHIco. A dil rem W. J. Curtis. 215 Commor ulol lllk., Portland, Or. 2-18-lmo Clet a Home Housed and lots choaih ou Installment 5, 10, 20, 40, 30 and 100-acro tracts, cholco homes cheap; dairy ranch with cows on It for snlo or trndo for city prop erty; horso nnd cews for Bale. I( want $5000 for flvo years at 6 peri cont, tlrsl mortgage, I. O. O. t. lodgo nnd trustees socurlty, Inter est somt-aunual, Othor good loans for smaller amounts, Soo R. H. Ryan. 1-20- For Sak 60-ncro farm, 40 acres In hops, one-half mllo from Oregon olectrio lino, 11 miles north of Sa lom, $5000. House nud 4 lots m 19th stroot, $1700. J. Knight Murphy block, DRAYMEN CiimmiiiH Ilros.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work don Furniture and planus b)xod ready for shipment. Prompt aorvlce U our motto. Stand and ofllco at 253 South Commorclnl streot. Phono 210. Resldonco Phono FOR SALE. No. 22 5-room house and lot 50s 150. $950. No. 16 Good C-room houso aud two lota, 1C bearing fruit trees. Price $700. No. 13--5-room house and lot COx 160. Prlco $760. No. 11 Nice resldouc nnd good barn, on lot 37 1-2x165. Prlct $3000. Six good lots with plenty of fnajt nnd a splendid house and barn. Prlco $3000. No. 34 4 good lots and a good f- room house; plonty of fruit and shade trees; fine vlow and ovary, thing desirable. For particular see BOIIVITZ & UAKTUKT 4 &4i . JOURNAL, SAUfaL ORBGON, JEFFRIES GIVEN GREAT RECEPTION United Press f.rMBd Wire. f , hotel. New York, March 3. Jim Jeffries, Tno reception was ono of tho with his wifo and Sam Borg, sparring ,n03t enthusiastic ovor given n prlzo partnor, arrived horo today, to bo flgj,tor In this city. It Ib tnkon to grooted at tho Grand Central station 8now the great public domand that by a crowd so great that the police jefjri06 rotrlovo tho championship wero unable to cqpo with It succos3-, c)njm now hold by tho negro. full'. ' "Hurrah for big Jim," yelled a' chorus, and tho wholo crowd took up1 tho Cheer. I lir. I .. t. -..1.1nl 1.111 tt.nl Oil, X fcUUBO 11V UUUIUU t mil llllll nigger, oh?" "Qco, Its a sight for sore eyes Junt to look nt thoso Bhouldors," "Oh, you big Joff j we're strong for you." Thcso and a thousand other cries of admiration and encouragement to re-enter tho ring and opposo Jack Johnson greeted tho ears of tho groat undefeated, rotlred champion. Tho squad of pollco that had beoa assigned to the scene had to force a lino at both sides, In front and bo hind tho Jeffrlos pnrty. Tho big fol low grinned, and Boemod pleased, but Bald nothing. With the police escort, he marched through the waiting room to Forty- second streot, whore tho party en tered and automobile that was wait ing and was whirled away to tho of fle of Jeffries' theatrical engage ment. When Jeffries' nuto arrived at tho office of tho theatrical agonts oulco, a crowd that blockod tho streots was waiting. When tho champion wad peon thoro was a wild demonstration and the men and boys "rushed" tho car In nn effort to shako hands with Joff. 1 NOTICEI ALL CI1ANOK8 of copjr for Ileal KMntc Ails must b In Tb Journal Office by 6 o'clock the erenlnc before the tlity on which tho ad U to nppeor. f Are you going to buy farm or city proper ty? Note these: House and lot on Asylum avenue, city wator, bath, etc., $1400. Large house nnd closo In, JG000. lot 132x1(55. Six ncros, 8-room houso, 3 ncrca orchnrd, good barn, $1-760. Elovon nnd one-half acres close in, good buildings, wUl improvod $3000. SOME SNAPS IN FARM PROP ERTY. Forty acres, 3 rullos Salem, a fine place, wol Improved, $7000. Throo hundred and twenty-olulit nercs; 200 ncroa In cultivation, $30 pur acre. Three hundred nnd sixty ucroo ad joining above, $25 per ucro. Wo hare a large list of farms of nl Biros and prlcos and It will pay you to Investigate before buying. Olmsted Land Co. H7! Stato Street SaUmii, Ore. PROPERTY SALE. $65 per aero buys an 1'donl dairy and stock ranch In Ankeny Bottom, south of town, the host stock boc tlon to bo found, 107 acres; 60 !u cultivation anil now in crop; bnl nnco In pasturo, with flno Btream of running wator. Good house and now, roomy barn; 132-foot drlllol well. $100 nor aero buys a flno SO-asro fnrm, only 2 mlloa out, on good road, 7-room house, largo bam and good outbuildings, 3 sprlngi and stroam of running wator. Would mnko an excellont fruit ranch. Do you waut city property? We can suit you. Wo have farms In any slro, from 5 acres up. In all sections. nnrgaln In suburban homo, just out side city limits, with 5 acres of rich garden and fruit land, CaTl for particulars. $200 per aero buys a flno 41-acrd fruit farm, only 2 tnllos out on good road, with 7-room plastered house, barn and outbuildings, running wator. Muual Flro Insurance written. H. A. Johnson A Co. I MURPHY BLK. SALEM, ORE. WKDXEBPAY. LRCH,8, 1000. A call for rosorves brought an ad ditional squad of police to tho scanc, and by main force the way was I cloarcd. The police had to clear a way later for Jeffries as he went to his n S,npc Remedy for La Grippe. , . ..innn mmtlm nr dnnirorouB I .& 'I'l'" -o " as thoy frequently dovolop into pnou monla. Foloy's Honoy and Tar not only Btops tho cough but heals and strengthens tho lungs so that no bo riouB rosults need bo feared. Tho gonulno Foloy's Honoy and Tar con tains no harmful drugs and Is In a yellow package Rofuse substitutes. J. O. Perry. It has been stated on British au thority that Amorlcnn Immigrants In to Canada aro taking fifty million dollars' worth of property into thnt country oach year. Foley's Honoy and Tnr cures coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and cxpols colds. Got the gonulno In a yellow package J. C. Perry. Tho fact that no death from hy drophobia has boon recorded in Eng land since 1902 is cltod ns an Illus tration of the preventive treatment of disease. DeWltt's Llttlo Enrly RlBorH are small pills, easy, gontlo and cortnln, and aro sold by all druggists. READ BY E VER YBOD FARMS. Tho host security on onrth is a por tion of tho earth Itself, tho boat assuranco on earth of happiness and comfort is a homo. This Is why wo aro promoting farm lands. , Wo hnvo any number of acros to' suit, ono aero to ono thousand.' Prlco from $20 per acre and up ' Somo Snapn. j 360 acros, $25 per aero, an Ideal dairy, grain, stock or fruit farm, worth twice what Is askod for It. 1 310 Acres, 981 Per Acre. Worth $50, In beaiutlful Waldo Htll 91BO Acro-i, $B6 Per Aero. j 10 acros well Improvod, 4 tnllos ( $2000. 5& acros, fairly good Improvements, only $1100. 3& acros, well Improved, near city $1600. 9 acres, woll Improvod, 2 mllo?, $2500. 1 aero, flno doop soil, good house only $1100. Mnny othor small and largo tracts. HOl'SES. Good -Woom houso, 2 lots, otly $723. $1100 I Will buy n coxy 5-room modoru house on Chomokotn street; snap, $1100. $i:ion Wo hnvo 2 good housos in South Sa eom, 2 lota with each houso; bar gain, $1300 oach, $1500 Now 2-story well-built houso, 2 lotB, woll worth $2000. $2250 Will buy strictly modorn 6-rootn houao, right up to date, woll worth $2800. For anything In roal ostnto to buy, soil or exchange s(o RECHTEL in: MINTOX, 341 State St. Salem, Or. BECHTEL & MINT0N Ull State Street. Salem, Or. SOME OF OUR SNAPS IX ESTATE. REAL Ono plnco within 3 blooks of capltol, good 11-room houso, lots 120x120, only $4000; lota worth tho money. Closo In on Front street, 6-room house, with bath and barn, only $1000. Ono of tho host lota In Salem, close In, extra location 55x90, $2000. . 0 aero? oloso to Salem, on crave! road, fine land, extra flno 9-room house, good barn, fruit, etc.; a snap. Also 200 acros. good 7-room house, 2 ba'rns, 170 acros In cultivation. balanco timber, on good road uarl town, fruit, water, etc A good home, and Is an extra fine fatm.' only $60 per acre, It sold soon; ! terms on same. If you want to buy or sqll or reut a houso soo f vi. o.-uiiu OS VAJ. Room O, over United State National I Baalc. . Hwg;l . 11 ffli Ik I llilll wvml Av . Orlo 1 11 II III li"THJil rt 1 IIIH I ITf IM 1 " MM pjQ(Tvi rJca;-:AVs 1 i l,lil,,ir7f i i nn in in At rntfil n not, r.r.t.m "" WIVU V A' CIV Vlilli, AVegclallcPreparallonrorAv slmllalingilicfboaonilRcdula' ling lite Siomachs nndCcrvs-clsof Hk Barf rn-iu fe?ti: Promotes Digeslionfltecrfur iwss aiul Rest.Conlalns neither Oj)ium.Mor)lilnc nor Mineral. Not Narcotic JZeitefOtiUkSiWCILMEn j ci'n1 feK.'l',l WaiL-ii'IiI mw i flrr;&a Seta" j!x.Snvia Ifyaiffd' IKttnttm Haw. K nnrfort nonati fnr rmKllM mf"K Hon , Sour Storoadi.Dlarrlm Vorras ,Co!rvulsions.rctnsa ncssamlLossOFSLEUl'. Facsimile Signature or NEW YORK., (KIM Sarantccilun(krilj .J y.HijiJjAgf Exact Copy of Wrapper. GOOD I1ARGAIN8 Town Lota. Lots for salo at $200 aploco, on- a flno otroot closo In. Hmiso and Two Lota 9.1000. Closo In on bomlovnrd otroot. This la a now houso, all planted to excel lent vnrloty of troos. Houso Is modorn. This is n snap look It up. two ixt nna uoitagc 9700. Will take $400 down nnd $300 on Instnllmonts, at $5 por month, This Is an opportunity don't mins It. Tho Heat Ruy In tho City 98000. Suburban Aro you looking for a flno modorn city homo with 14 lots that nro In domnnd. Thoso lots will readily sell at $400 oach. Tho prosont ownor will not soil any lot separately. Tho houso Is 11 rooms, finely plnstorcd, modorn and convenient, hot and cold wator excellent woll of wator, with pump and wind mill, good basement, furnaco heat, fine convenient stnblo, cxcoltont vnrloty of fruit, Just two blocks from car lino. Wo can give you good torms If you wish. Another Ono 91500. Throo blocks from Stnto House This Is an oxcoptlonnl offer, mod ern house, oloctrlc lights, extra largo lot, finely Improvod. This In a snap, closo In. If yoni nro look ing for a city homo do not ovor look this you cannot afford to. Farm Properly Prlco $1000. 10 acres of flno walnut soil, has thrt right slope to produco immonsa crops of walnuts. This land 'a partly In cultivation, balanco un der headway, closo to city, one-hnlf mllo of car lino. A Snap, 58 acres lovol soil of tho best, all In cultivation, not over 2 miles from tho c'ty of Salem. Th's Is only of a mile from car lino, on a flno boulovard road; can bo bought for $90 per aero. This Is Your Opportunity to Ruy Xow price 92000. 10-acre tract, 3 miles of Salem, all finely Improved, fruit and berries of commercial varieties. Tho noil Is rich and deep, will grow any thing that you plant, that will grow In Oregon. Good Location 92500. HJMW -, -,,-- s mi acres. Just one mile from court house, with the best of a location, In small and marketable fnults an1 berries, nnd alround good placo for a small one. Is also an oxcel- lont chlckon farm, just a blook1 from car line. There is a 10-acra tract that adjoins this 5 acres, all highly Improved that can b9 . bought also. Let us show these tracts to you. Only $5000. 30 acros. all In cultivation, the finest Improvements Is on this propercy, excellent house and barn. If yon look at th's property It will speak for Itself, whether or not It is worth the small price asked for ll This la a gilt-edged offer; It you SiJaSfaLSP4 Clilldren The Kind You Havel . Always Bought Bears the Signature of TMC OINTAUN COJIPM. NtVMOMOTT. NOTE THESE A flno building lot on tho north Hj of East Court st , 76x165 M S lots on the Salom-l'ortland line, one-half block from ititfc $900. A good 100-ncre dairy fnrm oily ( and a quartor miles from lUtll on Electric lino; $50 per acre. fnrm Is nil In cultivation and i liulTdlnua nre new. The llj worth $C0 per acr without bu'j lnga. Lot 41x165 feet on South Winter S nnrnnn t!tk. PllSt ffOnt W worth $600. A good 20-ncro prune ui.u... only $125 por ncro. . . . n-jttar.i If you are looking for good hujM DERBY & WILLSON ,inn!it nn. lot us show you. i. .... l.u&allrntlDI t enn't miss h uy '"'""e "J property, only 3 miles from m tho Cherry uity oi mo - r. .n,,0, nni! 4 loU, ClOMl u-iuuui hwwv i iti ,vin anii 'i nf theso loU ! M or tho house nnd all the loU I inr.o This Is absolutely ' You had better ee this, . Inat (nnff Wo havo largo and small rej all points, north, east, - aoinm niso fine reou went ui civ..., . .ri houses and lots In city ptoPJ Also employment burew w ...i. h real est" ' necuon w u : v .. WO BOUCll J""' "- --i,ti nhono to tho Oregon ftP Oporatlvo Land Co. j. W. THOMAS fi t,w nrln 14ft 4i Blaw CllUiiU .1,11... - - Salem, Oregon $4oo-Good lorn'50;1 $800 Flno lot, ii streot. iKnn nr.i6r on (Viiirt t'l u ..' .uit lots o Those are tne ciici marnei. . ,nrMr $1750- ) Good house an" (Jj G6xl65, on Front "" nronerty; a snap. esterW We sold a nno i - ,, ci iy y have 6ev evoral leu """.,. vou money as a oeoui- no', make you n nice home ff i,vinir. P'ls are on ouj.b- - tUne. with the tide of the u Several fine suburban car line. . .. lVn (V4 AIKVER Av lli'r' . ! Statesman Bldg Bf 1 CAPITAL WAKfl;stio 439 Court an" ! Bread, Cakes. U1P3 -- prop, ureau, ""-.. . ete v Llnds of Pastries. Cookies " rfj 1" for our wagon Pho M, orders dellvored on sn BOX C- MASON " r' ...., Sale " 947 Miller &.. """ .....c. tf - - . . .r nu". facturer or "' "c-ssiori"- . ii irinas - ... fruit dryer M hi Use U For Over Thirty Years ana tei .