L HfaWtjLH A. -m mm Mimttitmm.wnm SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Time Cnrd No. 51 Effcctivo Sunday, August 10, 1000. Toward Portland Passenger. & J2 S!2 n" :; Oregon Express .0, 1?. 9.:4. n- m.,. Cottage OroTe I'am. S0' ? r'15 P- '"ltoseburc rnsienger r 1tr 0:la C- ln Portland Uxpresi Toward Portlnud Freight. No. 2225 p. m 1'ortlnnd I'nst freight No. 22010:40-11:23 n. m....Vny Freight Townrd San Francisco Passenger. No. 11 11:03 a. m... . Itoscburc l'asscnccr No. 17 0:45 p. ra..,CottnKC Urove I'tisg. No 1C 0:50 p. ra California Biprcssn Toward San Francisco Freight. No, 221 2S43 n. m... I'ortland Fast Frt Nn 223 11 :28 a. m Wny Freight OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY Time Card Effective Nov. 1C, 1008. Leaves Fer: I'ortland and Intermediate, local. 0:40 a.m. rortland-IIIIlBboro and Intermediate, ioenl . .i. ... 8 :55 a.m. I'ortland and Intermediate, Iocnl. 11:15 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 1:40 p.m. I'ortlnnd-Tualatln and Hillsuoro, lim ited ,. 3:05 p.m. 1'ortlnml Hillsuoro and Intermediate, local . . 4 :00 p.m. I'ot t land and Intermediate, local. 0:20 p.m. l'ottland and Intermediate, local. 8:10 p.m. Arrives Frem: Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:25 a.m. I'ortland-Hlllsboro and Intermediate, local 10:00 n.m. Portland Hlllsboro-Tualatlu, lim ited 10:50 a.m. Portland and Intermediate, local, 1 :00 p.m. Portland-IIIIIsboro nud Intermediate, local 4 :00 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local 5 -45 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 8:20 p.m. Portland and Intermediate, local. 10:40 p.m. CJ-QuSOUXuflk.. Bri tb Signature ef ) J ou Hate Always mm White House Restaurant For n Regular 25c Dinner at 20c They can't bo beat McGilchrist & Son Proprietors, O. C. T. Co. Steamers Orogona and Pomona loavo for Portland Monday, Wednes day nnd Friday nt 10 a. m. Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 6 n.m. Faro 50 conts. Leave for Corvnllls, Tuosday, Thursday and Saturday about 7 p. ni. SI. P. BALDWIN. Agt. Salem Fence Works Hoadquartors for Woven WIro Fonolng, Hop WIro, Barb WIro, Poultry Netting, Shingles, Mai thold Roofing P & B Ready Roofing. All At liowest PrlccH. CMS. D. MULLIGAN 230 Court St Phono 121 Now is the Time to visit California When summer hM pawed In thoao north ern states, the sub Is only mild under the bright blue skies o( Southern California. This Is one of nature'; happy provisions eternal summer for thoao who cannot en dure a more severe climate. California hai ben called tu "Mecca of the winter tourist" Its kuteU and stop ping -places are as varlo as those of all well regulated oltles Visitors can always find aulNule accommodation-, congenial companions and var ied, p'easlng recrea tions SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will be slad to supply some very attractive literature, describing in detail the many delights of winter la Califo nln The rule from Salem to Loi Angeles and return is $55. Lltrlt s'x month, allowing stopovers In either direc tion. Similar excursion rates are la effect to all California points. .1 .--flttfaj -- 1 if For full information, sleeping car reservations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write agents, Salem, or WM. H'MURKAY, 0s. P. Agt. P&riUaJ, Or. DAILY OAPnAL MEALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals lGc Board per week $2.75, als- fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant 8J0 COURT STREET. I FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. A Sim, Ctntti ttiuir fatScrruKusNimnvinoi,. MYIR KNOWN TO Mil. s.r.l .r.i Siwdyt P.m. mil n Mu.r.ntfcit rr Aloa. lt.funil.l. ffea. Rr.n.1.1 1. 1 II CO wr Nn. VT.lt Hud ihtm .n trltl.fcl b. f.ld tM ti-nr ffl fmtn,n irnrdnitiblJeMMl b.ts tbent ten t jour erJer. to ttu UNITC0MI0ICLC0.,oT4. LlNCITtK. Pa. Sold in Salem bv Dr. 5. C. Sh" I'hoti.. 44 Main 147 N. High Bt. C. W. YANNKE Proprlftor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs aDd Llvory, nil Rigs Modern Rubber Tiro, 8 1 H II III I I H III I I I! Graber Bros. I PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will glvo prompt attention '' to all ordors, guarantee our ', '. work to glvo satisfaction anJ T to be up to tho sanitary stood- 4 . . nro I! tt'K WILL BE PLRASKD TO GIVE ESTIMATES ON (lOVTIlACTh . ; ; We are agonta for tho Ala- ; mo, Victor and Idoal Qasollno Engines. '. ! Shop on Liberty street, back I " ' of Barr's Jowolry Storo, 4IIIIIMMIIHHIHIHIIII HUIE WING SANG CO. Removal SaIeAlI Goods M Cost Wo itiuku up all kinds Ladles' Un derwear, Wrappers, KlmoiuiK uud Waist.. Wo keep al kinds of Dross Coeds and Silks, Cent's mid Iadles' FiiriiUliing Goods, China Wan, Mat ting, Shoos, Trunks, Illankcts, Com forts, Etc. Mitt S. Commerxlal St. (First storo N, E. Stdo, Salotn, Or.) Gold Dust Flout llMr by THE SYDNEY POW ER COMPANY, Sidney, Ore go, . Made for family use. Ask our grocer for it. Bran and shorts always on band. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. FP Fire Fool Proof Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consider the F. P Gas Machine and Slub bers Light. Will soil nnd Install this maohlno and guarantee It to glvo 100 per cont more light for tho same inonoy than electricity or olty gas. Let mo figure with you. ostimatos furnished. Call at my shop and see tho lights and stoves In operation.' I also carry PYKO DEXATUIIED ALCOHOL utllltlft... Safe ccoiioiiil cal, odorless. A. L FRASER Phone ltt5 2.H Stole St. CHICHESTER S PILLS uninw. o.nu'iitjfcTCB -TVKkBfe. IJLmI Ait U...l.t L .X Wi mtlirl TV mm tWr ll.r r ,-., V m ..-- IDAHO PASSES THE DIRECT PRIMARY LAW United Pross Leased WIro.) Uolse, Idnho, March 2. After be ing caught In ninny tight pinches and een threatened, with death, tho direct primary bill Is today triumphant, for, bearing tho stamp of approval of tho senate and house, It awaits tho sig nature of Governor Brady, who has welcomed It. Ono of tho hnrdest fights mado ngnlnst the measure was in caucus, but Senators Shnwhun and Rowton defended tho bill bravely nnd won In nn exciting finish. Ono by ono they protested vigor ously ngnliiBt propositions to compro mise or amend, realizing that tho slightest chango would defeat tho bill finally Ten Democrats finally cntno to the aid of tho two Republican sen ators and as 12 votes woro sufficient to pass tho bill, It was adopted. Al though it was a Republican bill by Introduction, Shawhan and Rowton wore the only two Republicans- who voted for It. v MADE A DESPERATE ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE ftfnlld! I'rous I.ctucd Wire. North Ynklmn, Wnsh., March 2. Confined In tho county Jail becnuso It was believed ho wns on tho vorgo of delirium tremens, S. Sutherland, a laborer, Is ailvo today nftor having made four desporato attempts to tnko his own life In his coll yesterday. bliortly after bolng locked up tho Jailer was aroused by tho iioIho of a fall, and hurrying to tho coll .occu pied by Sutherland, discovered tho man had hanged himself with a nock tie, but tho cord hnd broken. Then the would-bo sulcldo tried to stran gle hlniKelf with his suspenders, but thoy, too. broke. The leather strings In the nniii's shoes woro noxt brought into requisition and Sutherland hang ed himself with these. Tho Jailer res cued htm Just as ho was lapsing Into unconsciousness Sutherland's lust attempt was made with a cuff fust oner with which ho tried to sever tho veins In his wrist, but tho implu mont was dull. Sutherland will bo oMimtuod us to his sanity. - o -IX Till-: HKAT Olt BA'ITU:. There hnd boon a hotly contested football game between tho Steam Rollers of tho Benjamin Franklin school and tho Avalanches of tho George Washington sohool. It wits won by the Avalanches. After tho game was over and tho contestants had returned to their various homes ono of tho heroes of tho wlnulug toam complained of a fouling of boronoss in the lower part of his neck. I didn't fuel It until Just now," ho said, "but It hurts like sixty!" Ills father oxamluud It. it begun to bwoII and was very sore to the touch. "I bullevo your collar bono Is broken, my boy," said his father. A surgoon was hastily sunimonud und mudo an oxamlnutlou, "Ytw,' ho said "tho bono Is frac tured. "How did It happen, Wnltur? Bo you remember anything about It?" "Why, yes," answered tho boy. "I remember thut when I tackled Skinny Morgan I foil on top of him, nnd I hoard something crack, but I thought It was his collar bono." -o L'OVEK.VMK.VT IIV VIJTO. A voto. used In connection with public tiots, Is n ouphomlsm for smothor, sfiioloh. kill, etc. Owing to our elaborate systniu of vetoes our country may wall bo called tho '"voto country." If h momber of congress wishes a bill passed, It mny bo votood by tho speaker. If tho spwiker wlihfw It pntmn it may bo vutoed by a commlttoo. If tho commlteo wlshos It passed, It may be vetoed by tho house. If tho house wIbIioh it passed, it If ihu fcuttatu wlshos It pasud. Itl" may be vetoed by mo president. If the president wishes it puwiod. It way Ue retoed tsy tin supremo court. If the uitreme enttrt wiihu it IMseed. It may be Ignored and thus vetoed by any executive officer Into whose hands It may full. If a bill succeeds In getting through all these safely, it Is a good hot that It Is something the people do not want Ellis O, Jonos. In Life. -o Iovern of good health should prevent sick ness instead of letting themselvf got sick and then try to cure It. So long as you keop your liver, bowels and stomach ln a healthy and active con dition you won"t get sick. Ballard's Herblne relieves constipation, inac Ive liver and all stomach and bowel troubles All dealers O ,0103 Cinti4 ,IUKia4YHH)i!NMi JOURNAL, BALBM, ORHCrON. TUESDAY, MARCH ,,1909. H You Read Thi t will bo to learn that tho leading medi cal writers and eachors of all tho soveral schools of practice rccommond, In tha strongest terms possible, each and every Ingredient entering Into tho composition of Dr. Plerco's Golden Medical Dl&covorj tor the euro of weak stomach, dyspopsla, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowol alTectluns, and all catarrhal dlsoosos ol whatover region, namo or nature. It Is also a sppcliii' remedy for all such chronic or long statii'.lng cases of catarrhal affec tions ami tholr resultants, as bronchKI, throat and lun dl?ca-o toxcept consump tion) accompanied with sevens coughs. It Is nut so BiKvi for aculo -colds and cough, but for lingering, or chronic casos It Is especially edacious In, producing per fect cures. Itccr.tnlns Black Chcrrybnrk, Golden Seal root, Bloodroot, Stono nsot, Mandrake iwt ana vtuecirs roov mi oi which aro It. 'y praised as remedies for all tho above -inlncnt med i Prof. Bart. logos Prof ' Prof. Flnlrr- nett Bl'-d v t.i -t , ni'onMi auecuoiis ity sttcn tl writers and teachers m . of JJolTcraon Med. Col- -f tho Univ. of Pa.t .i jwood, M. D., of Ben- -. Cltlcago; Prof. John v'lnclnnatl ; Prof. John I).. of Cincinnati: Prof. IYIIIKi !' vi M. Scuddcrr Edwin M1 J6. M, D., of Hahnemann Med. CVncpc; Chicago, and scores o otucrvsurany rtnincni in inoir sovorw otucrv''sur.iiiy rtnincni in inoir sovori ichnrjWf t t'ci Jli?r"(l old r Medical Discovery'' l the nrHv- m.sTTTTi, i.nt. nTTTnT Pitli) llirauKI flrltgRtsts torlikii niirpnp!i. tltnClin tiny inrli" lyfi'nr-"!!'!! entioisimicni-worTH inR" iVr.rrt',T7'ii'H enttoiacnicnl-worT i m'oro than iiiiv muil'F:"f "pUnirY t'Mtl; niiMlinis; Uiitit publicity o( Its formttU tolhobcsl polbfo guaranty of its mcrlt; IS mo Wilt postuio HU.uuii.) ' iisuiuiiv;, i i.- .t iii iiiilillshed formula will show that "Golden Medical DUcoverr contains no pol-vonous. harmlul or habit forming druM and noalcohol-chomtcallT puro. trlplo-follncd gycorlno bolng used Instead. Glycerine Is entlroly unobjee tlonablo and Vwldes Is a most useful agent In the euro of all stomach as well as bron chlal, throat and lung actions. Thoro Is tho highest mrdlcnl authority for IW use In a ruch cn.us.ThoM) scovwr-U aconccntrauxl glyw c ex ract of iiallxp, medicinal roow and Is safo and reliable A booklet of extracts from pm nont, modlcal authorities, ondoralnK tt l"r dlonU mulled Jrce oh .renuost. Addr Dr. U. V. Pierce, Oullalo, N. Y. A Hurry Up Cull. Quick! Mr. Drucslst Quick!--A box of Ducklon's Arnica Salvo Hero's n qunrtor For tho lovo of Moses, hurry! Baby's burned hlm solf, terribly Johnnlo'a cut hta foot with tho nxo Mamlo's scalded Pa can't wnlk from pllos Utlllo has bolls and my corns ncho. Sho got it and soon cured all tho family Its tho groatoot hoalor on oarth. So'.d by J. 0. Perry. o Womon'n fnshlons chango, except that of their having tho last word. o If you should huvo n cold, a few dosos of Konnody's Lnxatlvo Cough Syrup will uct very promptly. Chil dren especially llko Konnody's Lnxa tlvo Cough Syrup, as It tastes so good, nearly llko maple sugar. It Is sold by all druggists. Ono of tho tefltn of frlondahlp Is "Will ho stand for n 'touch?' " Itaco Kttlcldf, as Prestdont Roosovolt calls It, Is not Hourly tho monaco to Incronso In pop ulatlon that donths among Infants aro. A:d olght out of ton of those deaths aro directly or Indirect!-' caused by bowol troubles. McGoe's Daisy Elixir euros diarrhoea, dysen tery, sour stomach nnd all Infant nil monts of this nature. Just tho thin for teething bnblos. Price -d and 60c. All donlors, Talk Is cheap. That's why wr men's clubs aro a gab-fost. o In order to have good, healthy, perfect digestion koep your stomach well by taking Kodol for dyspepsia and Indigestion occasionally Just when you need It. PloaHuut to take. Sold by all drugglnts. Drowning mon grab at straws, but thoro aro generally fow atrawa around whore drowning mon aro. o Go With ix Rush. Tho demand for that wonderful stomach, liver and kldnoy cure, Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills Is astounding. J. C. Perry says ho nover saw the llko. Its because they never fall to rtire sour itomach, constipation, Indi gestion, biliousness, Jaundice, nick headacho, chills and malaria. Oo'y Thoro Is an old saying "Dwure ef the man who doesn't llko a do " That might bo tritely turned and read "Deware of tho dog that doos nut like a man." A .Neighbor of Yours as well us yourself Is liable ut uny time to have rheumatism. Wo'ro all liable to have cuts or burns, bruises or soalds, orlck In the back, neck or side soino kind of an ache or pain. Then heed this advice and tell your neighbors Ballard's Snow Llnln.ent relievos all aches and pains, and heals all wounds. All dealers A woman Is just at clover as the r.oeds demand these days If she can ijtake a good salad, and keep the rats In her hair covored. -Ue Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve penetrates the skin and heals quickly. It is especially good for piles It Is sold here by alt drug THE STOCK BOOKS For tho North Santlam Mining company, aro still eisea fa in vestors. A limited amount of stock Is now for salo, at tho LOW PIUCH of Go por sharo. SAVAGE & HERREN FISCAL ill CPDAV vrkfin ; ; DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND ; ; SULPHUR SOLUTION i ! YOU flGt the bnst StirflV nn i I people and guaranteed by ohpni rVT."" uvy,y wanui. mctuuiuuiui uu uy UIC A ii G flEnW RTn 7 onuDAKiv oinm n ' X !! Tir;ov ?Lsa, tho I TILSON & 00. ; I. A. WHITE SONS. LH HOLD UROS. ItUHIIIsmutaiiii.i..!........ ,-..-.. Z. !' imtii iiisiiei i8iiiiiffitian-K-1 Wmm HBEHr II liv 120 I il it)iiaiianif inieef n;ianinHaniiitnif iiiiiiiiiif !! m f iiipfiiiiia Special Shoe Sale Men's, Hoys', Womon'a nud Children's Shoos aro to bo sold nt UARGMN8 NBVMU 11WI'XRE HEARD OF IN SALEM. Thoso ' ' 1 1 goods must bo sold to make room for our SPRINQ STOCK. i , . i i mi i , 1 JACOB VOGT, m00 ; I 345 Stato Street, If f iiaiiiiiif For n rusty Btovo sprinkle lonnn Julco liberally ovor tho rust before blackonlng nnd polishing tho stove. THE HOUSEHOLD EXPENSE BOOK Will mIiow i decided argument In fnvor of our bundling till the laundry work making ns wo do tho lowest prices uLd preserving tho linen entrusted to our estab lishment by our up to date moth ods. Hotter givo us a trial this time If yot; wnnt full satisfaction Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 'M, IJKI-KKI H. Liberty St. READY TAILORED FOR WELL DRCSSBD Portland's Popular Fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service in city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No, 12, llmitod, Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a, m, and 4i55 p, m, M. C DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON . . s AGENTS. 123 S. COMMERCIAL ST. HmsMnHBMHHHHMSMMIBWiiB nrr-.B-.T-.r-. nr. . tlin mnrlnt Mrln hw Onlnm Salem people. Guarantee I following dealers: FLICTOIIKK A I1YRB. H. P. CRASH. Nothing Better on tho Market ; GOODS BEARING THIS MARK ; ; ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED j WHEN SOLD BY THE ; ; Salem Ifaimie Company Com' St. Phone 172 the Rest of the Week il Salem, Ore, ! miiaiiif imnnii THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HA0 Oah be obtained rom our prime, tort dor nnd Juloy Hoof, Mutton or Pork. All our moats nro soloclod from tho cholcost, and propnrod for tho table to Biilt tho demands of the fastldloun. Pur prices nro lowor for cp ullty than you can rum nt any place In Salem. C o ounce jp. cniti , w. w. wmwoo OUH J JMlJgiiLL1 CLOTHES CC RANGE TO $4Q , ft f AIf f ' - W SW M & M 1 'vj 4t t. fee n i-a ft V: Ml S0lD8Vlu0ISTSfWBiHSEIE gist.