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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1909)
DAHiY CAPITAL JO,PgWAL,BAlMM, OWWOK, SATURDAY, CTCBRUAItY 7, 1M. PIES .... .mrh ftj4 ?'.'.; tiiM '"! f.r;.i'j"r..i-""l !!? ltrt'.k" ' .M " " ut- I'l" "J a X Jt""- lt" ,-ouni.n !,,.' J THE JANITOR WHO' HAD HIS PICTURE "TOOK" for lUn.ted PreA Lcated .Wire., Chicago, Feb. 27 After twenty years of struggle against overwhelm ing odds Cuarlea E. Hnllburg, a Jan itor In thq Austin Stato Bank build ing, today is in possession of a letter from the Guttenburg Art Gnllery no Itlfying hlin that his painting "At I lnntlc" haa been accepted by the in ! stitution. I Hallburg occupies a position i unique in the world of art. Without Instruction other tnnn thnt given him by various artistB whose studios ho cleaned, the Jnnltor picked up the mr?E'lrmmcniB of his craft. When a - c 'I'lnH RflXES ' and the impression of the great body -"w I - 1 .Im l.n1 . lltlllH it hill IOI waier rejumnicu nu miiui; in uid mind that after ho had loarned to (iiuraw anu imim u ut6n u wiiu- bltlon of marine sKeicues. The picturo which, won Hnllburg fame Is a view of the Atlnuttc mnny years after the man had loft the ocean bohlnd him nnd resided in nn inland city.' .t Is valued at $800 by tho Guttenburg gallory, one of the world's most noted galleries. ifwHrwfc phub solution ;; 1.1,1,1 and ffttPr.ce.onaPPn-!! .it.tll.BOper'.B-: SLu Mir br Oregon , , VL Co.. 'Portland, Or. ;; w wv Mf , Co;f t 0r. un d.. -u n P. Cbaso, ucca- 1 1 K-'""'..!! karr, M". . -"- ;; ii 4Htwr $100 Reward, $100. PfiMZX afibs m s. coMMtnciAL sr CASTO ftS HORSE TKALVKK. i loated at Canby Oregon, (Viitr quarters in tho North rtnlaltg and developing Ik. Sam bag room for a i jrojpects, either for the rtitk and would llko fo with anybody wiahlis rk trained. Mr. Cnsto !s I a b the best colt man Id lltuihli success on tho So itan pat thlt atntcmeat immbto and satisfaction A4drsc I CASIO, Canby, Oregon. The roadoro of this papor will be pleased to loam that there Is at least ono drendod dlsonso that sclonco haa been ablo to,curo in all Its stages.aaJ that !s Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Curt Is tho only po3ltlvo euro known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh bo ing a constitutional diBoaso, require! a constitutional troatmont. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is takon internally, act ing directly upon tho blood inucou? surfaces of tho system, thoreby de stroying tho foundation of tho lis caso, and giving tho patient stronrth by building up tho constitution and assisting naturo in doing ltn work. Tho prorlpotors havo so much faltb 'n Its curntivo powers that thoy offer Ono Hundred Dollars for any caso thnt It falls to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolo do, O. Sold by all druggists, 76c. Tako Hall's Family Fills for Coo sttpatlou. Wo should think, In view of tho lack of troubles thnt como to Switz erland, n tot of other Binall European Btatos would try their luck as republics. Bilious Troubles & asses no end of trouble. Stele headaches, bilious attacks. IjaSct, constipation and many distressing ailments arise from an excess M.Cf from obstruction of the hile ilurt. In.irttvitv. Keilontnrv nrnt- paud indiscretion in feeding and drinking are bile blunders that Hbbejwdedafimst. When the liver is disordered the best bile araKoire lEECHAM'S PILLS wt7 relieve the overworked liver, and gently stimulate it when ?a , e r"lls co,rl he flow of bile, restore its right con ' Si m i or. the '"mediate and lasting benefit of the stomach, m wood. Whenever a furred tongue, dull, yellowish eyes, SLhe.i?dicate bl!ious conditions, use lteecham's Pills at s correct the bile and Regulate the Liver Bo lQc and 25cf wm ,uII dPeCOB- u . "AO BhKN?" nv "RIP.MT Wn; r't. lht tn do i.i .-.... It 'ih al you ronorly spent monoy like fcfJ,?U!h ?et'n' ,0 bp ,l,)' RIGHT NOW to grasp any rlmncu u iiseu THE tITED STATES NATIONAL BANK im UK-m,;"'1 OI,KGON , i urns TO THR LSSKS Wfll 111. . tiwVMM). SI HI'US AX11 rNIHVIIiKii I'linwiTR mn.inn -- - ..... .... .,..,.,... WANT THE FLEET ; ON THIS SIDE United Frcsa Leased Wire. . Washington, Feb. 27. Tho mom- hers of the Pacific const delegations in the senate today nro making stren uous efforts to prevent tho defeat of nmondmonts to the naval bill provid ing for tho division of tho fleet to provide protection for tho Pacific const following tho refusnl of tho house to pass tho measure. Tho house also roiused tp sanction the provision for tho selection of a site for another navy ynrd in Califor nia. During a discussion favornblo the hoiiBo also voted to limit tho sum for the construction of ono collier at Mnro iBland to cost $900,000. It tho collier cannot bo built for that amount the outcome will bo that no collier will bo built on tho Pacific conBt during the ensuing year. SHOULD HAVESAID "JOHN AND I IS TIRED" l United Press Leased Wire. San Lenndro, Cnl., Fob. 27. All San Lenndro today is up in arms over the action of Vlco Principal Charles Denncr of the local grammar Bchool, In lashing two girls over tho hands wjth n heavy strap because they mndo the mlstako In their clnBs room of Baying "John and I am tired," in stcad of "John ahd I nro tlrod." Tho bonrd of education is bolng urged to Investigate tho matter with a vlow to Uenner's dismissal. . Edna Poters. 13 years old, nnd Al vernn Damont. 15, woro tho victims of llcnncr's strenuous disciplinary troatmont. Tho parents of tho glrlB are" highly Indlgnnnt and have hogun an inquiry. Willlnm Ilnzou, prlnclpnl of tho school, says ho gnvo his subordinnto Uonner permission to punish those pupllB who mndo grammatical orrom, but that he had no idon thnt his as sistant would do what ho did. MAY SERVE FOURTEEN YEARS FOR 54 DOLLARS (United Press Leased Wire. Spokane, Feb. 27. Ponding nn np peal In her enso In court whero she was sentenced to prison for forgery, Mrs. Mnybello Cottrell, wlfo of a min ing man of Uutte, is at liberty today on bonds of $2000. If tho sontenco which was pro nounced yesterday stands, Bho will have to servo nn indotormlnnto term of from ono to fourteen years. It wns charged that Mrs. Cottrell forged tho name of Col. D. P. JonkinR of Spokane, a plonoor mllllonnlro, for JG4. Tho check was passed In n dry goods storo. On account of finan cial difficulties Mrs. Cottrell was obliged to seek cmnloymont. her first hu-t) being In the home oC Colonol Jpnkine as housekoopor. LOVED HER EvIn AFTER HE SAW HER EAT Retell Market. Flour, por Back 51.35 Eastern Oregon i,bo Bran, per sack , grjc Shorta, por sack $1.3G1.G0 Wheat, per bu $1.05 Rolled 29.0029.B0 Browing ;27.G0 Local Wholesale Market. Wheat, por bushol 90c Oats, per bushol , . . 4Gc Flour, hard wheat f 6.46 Flour, valley $5.20 Mill feed, shorts $32 Mill feed, bran 4 , $30 Hops, 1908 crop 57e Hops, 1907" crop 23c Chlttlm bark 3Gc Wool, coarso ,130 Wool, medium lBc Mohair , 20c (Hay, cheat $13.00 Hay, clover $12.00 Potatoes, buBhol 40 45c Apples, bushel 50c $1.00 Onions, por cwt 85 90c Prunes, per pound l4c Cranberries, Howe's variety, bbl $13.00 Butter and Eggs. Eggs '. ICe Butter, creamery 30c Butter-fat 36c Cheese, twins IGo Scared With a Hot Iron. Or scalded by ovorturnod kettle) cut with a knife bruised by slam med door Injured by gun or in any other wny th thing needed at once !s Bucklnn's Arnica Salvo to Bubdun tho inflammation and kill tho pain. It Is earth's supremo hcalor, Infal llblo for Bolls, UlcorB, Fovor, Soroi, Eczema and Piles. 2 Go at J. O. Por-ry's. T11K TRIPLEX DAG Four IlagH in One. Simplo, Btrong, stylish, serviceable First it's a purse. A twist of tho wrist and it's n handbag and tannic portfolio combined. Unroll a bit fur thor nnd you havo a Mimll mitchcl. For Biilo by Elslo L. Goodhue, agont Phono 7G8. 2-lG-lmo fr '-r. ''.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiacf') -- You Wouldn't Dare to Live Over a Cesspool Day After Day You wouldn't deliberately take poison that you knew would lead to chronic stomach, liver, bowel or kidney disease. You're doing both of these things when you neglect constipation. Nature's natural sewer is clogged up and the worst of poisons arc overflowing into your system impregnating eveiy drop of your blood with disease germs. Constipation is the cause of nine out of every ten cases at dyspep sia, indigeition, typhoid fever, malaria, chills and fever, rheumatism, kidney disease, skin troubles and general "run down" condition of the system. Give your system a thorough housccleaning this very night rdtorc your liver to its normal, active, healthy condition. Even if you think you're not constipated take an tablet to-night and. you'll feel better in the morning. From feeling sick or just so-so you'll learn what tt is to feel absolutely well, vigorous and happy. j -TABLETS-I 3 THE A. H. LEWIS MEDICINE CO.. St Louw, Mo, For Sale by Capital Drug Co., 7. T. IUgK", Satciii. Oregon. -HMfrriyitlf-HHHHHIIttlWj HOW TO OPERATE A MOVING PIOTUHE MACHINE AT HOME. J How to uont or Buy a Moving Picturo Mnonino, 1 How to Mako Big Monoy at Hntortalnmontn and' AimiBomonta. How to Obtain Positions Which Pny $35 por Week. How to Bocomo a Finished Oporntor. Wo Olvo Instructions That Aro 8lmpIo nnd Intorostlnjj. Wo Hnvo tho Nowoat Mothod of Teaching by Mall. Wo Sond You, on Rocolpt of $1.00, Comploto Instructions. Wo Tonch Oporators How to Pass All Examinations. Wo Itopresont tho Loading Film Exchange Remittances to Independent Theatrical Exchange, 400, 101, -108 f Burko Building, Seattle, Wnnlt WARBEN SCHOOL OF OPERATORS J iitiaii8iif w V v ll f0m pin) IT'S "PLANE" TO BE SEEN That builders nnd architects approve of our splendid line of mill work, for U la tho oftonost recommended for use In tho best built residences. It is our boast that nouo can boat us in solidity of work nnd artistic design. Wo supply both hard nnd soft woods but nil without tho slightest Impor fectlon. Easy prices, too. A. M. HANSEN Phone 811. Cor. Mill and Church St ECKERLEN Wholesale jjyUquor Store Comm-cial St F.--, nHxrr Phone 103 (United Pro LeoicU Wlrcu Sonttlo. Wash., Fob. 27. Roscuoi from donth or Injury undor 'ho wheels of a street car, and married to her reflcuorer within wo hotira nfterward. is tho new record for speed in matrimonial exporlenco, oa tnbllshed in Seattlo by Miss Ellon Shelllto, of CroBSVillo, Tonn. Miss Sholllto had been In tho city but n fow hours, when, In crossing a down town street, becamo confused, nnd stepped directly In front of an approaching car. At this juncture Aloxnnder Mnckel, six fcot bIx Inches In height and a lawyor of Butte, Mont., grasped tho fair Southern girl about the waist and lifted her from the track. An invitation to dlnno, which wns accepted by tho girf, fil-J lowed. During the progress' of tho meal Miss Sholllto told her rescuor about coming West to seek a position as school teacher. "For a long tlmo we were sllont," tnld Mackel today. "We Justjooked at each other. Then well, I told her thnt I loved her, and asked her to become my bride. She hesitated, but finally consented, and I sum moned an automobile, and we woo driven to the auditor's offlco. Then we went to the parsonage of Rev J D. O. Powers, of tho Unitarian churoh and were married. They loft for Butte today, where they will make their home. Great CTiInewr Doctor L. M. HUM Han medicine whlr.h will curr an known disease. He makes a ptai ty of, and guarantees to cure Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Ttheumatlim, Debility, Stomach, Liver. Kidney Troubles; also any blackened m iwollen soreness, broken llinbr. Smallpox; Epidemic; all hindi of BollB. Lost ManbocKl, Female Weak oew. Hernti Trcwblej and ParalyU Tonsultatlon free. Care of Ylck So Tong Co., Chinese -drugs and herbs 1S3 High St, upstair. Salem. Or. Old Dutch Dunkards t7:;L:rgInoZ made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH RfcMCDY for seventy years, and reared Sure Pure a family ofjfeleven cttWren. For S(e by aN deakrs everywhere Sure Cure No Alcohol Nor Alkaloids