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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1909)
P .uf w SECOND EDITION-4 p. M. I I auraal DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, BALKM. OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1009. &. NO. 49. n- Ik Dailn ida x A jej-LI In I i TririPrT" REGON HAS TODA V A WOMAN GOVERNOR S1AN GRAFTER COULD GIVE POINTERS TO SAN FRANCISCO Ml SHtLTON flRSI WOMAN TO GOVERN ANY STATE 5 OUT A WEIL SHOD FOOT AND SAVS MAV FILL THE GOVERNORS SHOES, )T DOW ABOUT THE HAT:"CHAN6E 5 PROBABLY AN IMPROVEMENT t r , over, will bo filed at 4 o'clock Mon- AUJT qq-j- jd uu) i uu mo uuiy wuuina who ovit i , nrnalrfn.1 n.fs... tttA Ai-itt . 4m I -. will go out of business at that hour, and Secretary Benson will become gpvornor that 1b If sho flies tho res ignation. Dut aupposo oho dovolops and uses the eternal female .preroga tive of being a law unto herself, and don't file 11? Mr. BonBon had bottor be good nnd look bo to Governor Sholton, or ho won't bo governor, not until tho mind femlnlno lots htm BACK BRUISED jor Chamberlain loft tho . i minion at 9:15 this morn- ksUnctlcally ccasod to bo rot- , it left his resignation In tho I i bis prlrato secrotary, Mrs. UAtlioa, who has tho state of mwnanas. mis rcsigao- (bnppoeed to bo fllod at 4 Dktiij aftornoon bul sup- ilikould not bo mod? Mrs. Sholtoc, In answering some, perhaps rathor Importinont questions, as to how It felt to bo governor, said, as Bho pushed a dainty shoo from be neath hor skirt: "I want to fill tho governor's shoes, and ho really ha? a Hiunll foot, I foarv tho nrlncloal trouble, will bo in trying to All his hat." -. J Tho governor's resignation, how- Drilled Press Leased Wire. Stanford Univorslty, Cal., Fob. 27. Miss Anltn McLnchlnn, daughter of Congressman McLnchlnn of Pasadena was thrown out of an nutomobllo to dny on tho route between horo and Palo Alto nnd her back was so badly Injured that alio is in a serious con dition at tho Kappa Knppa Gamma sorority house, where she lived. MIbs McLnchlnn and a girl frlond whoso homo Is In San Joso had start ed In ono of tho automobiles that run between hore nnd Palo ulto. It Is charged that tho chauffeur was drove the car into and water craft of tho Southorn Pa cific Railway are uritaxablo In Ken tucky, and that tho franchlso of the l!limtlllIOH8itiCttlli 1 Grand Exhibition! 01 m Newest merchandise Husands of yards of Embroideries, Laces, Fancy Dress Hmings, New Belts, New Leather Bags, New Dress J Goods. New Silks, New Shirtwaists ,New Wash Goods, $ w Notions, New Suits, New Millinery, New Dress !! tote. New Silk Petticoats, New Flowers, New Ostrich ; I tones, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Shoes, New j j Miite Goods, New Muslin Underwear, and all the rest. j Mere and get up to date merchandise at prices that w bung you back, and all your friends. MMAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT I New Arrivals in SPRING SUITS AND MILLINERY CANNOT TAX THE PROPERTY IN KENTUCKY .United PrcM Leased Wire. T Alllilil1tA Th l- IV V . I .. uuuiDTiuu, ivy., vqo, m. j ma so iuckivbb unu urove me car into a Miller hold today that stocks, bonds fonco, throwing both tho young girls out. MIau McLnchlnn was brought back to the univorslty in a cnrrlngo that was passing. Tho othor girl wns cotnpnny Is the only aBsessablo prop- not badly hurt, receiving only slight orty. Tho opinion hold that the bruises. stocks an'd bonds of tho company Msb McLnchlnn lu n sophomoro In must bo considered In arriving at tbo tho university horo nnd Is ono of tho valuo of tho property of tho roads. . most popular girls In school, Tho decision was rondored la a. - o tax suit by a rovenue agent soe'klBs JUST A LITTLE to collect taxes on omitted personal-' nABlf TnnilQI C ty of $3,000,000; . . DARK TROUBLE The Southorn Pacific waa chartered , United 1're.i raed wire. . in Kentucky. Tho nominal head-, Nqw Orleans, Fob. 27. As tho ro quartoru of tho groat Harlrmwn sya- 8Ulf of rlorC(J l)lt(,hed ,)alUo whoh torn Is .In, a small one-story franio waaVught on tho reots of this .city building near this city;- toiay- botwoon dotectlws and four tj wanted on burulnrrtchnri'Mi. onn MAYBE YOU KNOW '"f tho Buspects la dead, yno Is mor- WHAT THIS MEANS tH,1' und two seriously wounded. I Thoro were no casualties in tho ranks , of tho police. uosaao Fnrrcro wuh killed; Vlnzo- EUGENE AZEF WHO BETRAYED ALL HISJMPLOYERS AS AGENT FOR RUSSIAN G0VERMENT HE HAD PROTECTION WHILE ASSASSINA TING HIS FELLOW OFFICIALS sj fzf !? "StlOl f M 7jPTO x mm FUMillA f lttX Shrewd buying in Now York en ables us to sell suits nnd millinery at much lower prices thnn our competitors. Seolng is boliovlng. $12.00 Suits now only $.5.00 $18.00 Suits now only $ 0.50 $35.00 Suits, now.only $18.90 Como and ste tho values. United Press Leased Wirt.) Washington, ob. 27. A final re port of ino navy committer on reor ganization of tho navy was sent to congreBH today by President Rooso volt ln,n message explaining tho full accord' of tho reorganization with the- Amorlcan policy of supremacy of civil over mllltnry power. Presldont Rooso volt said: "Nothing drastic Is recommended In tho bureaus or othor agencies by which tho puroly business affnlrs of tho navy will bo now ndmlnlstored. "They aro simply brought under control of tho secretary of tho navy in such a manner as to securo great est action with least effort." Only Ono Dce-Ilglited. (United Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Fob. 27. President Roosevelt today said to former Mayor Pholan of San .'Tnnclsce: "Ono of tno most pleasant romem- brances of tho administration will be no Forrun was mortally wounded nnd Mozlonl Bruno and Willis Mitchell, the latter a negro, Aiistnlned wounds that nro serious. Tho quartet wns suspected of an nttempt to rob a local livery stnblo. All four oponod flio on the detect ives with revolvers and u running fight onsued. BASEBALL FANS CAN ' SEE THESE IN PORTLAND Prosldont of tho Paclflo Coast Leaguo, Cal Ewing, in announcing the schedulo for tho coming season, dated Portland to play at homo as follews: With Sacramento April 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18; Juno 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13; October 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10. , Oakland April 27, 28, 29, 30, May 1, 2; July 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, Vugust 1; Sop tomb or 28, 29, 30, Oo- (Unltcd Preia Leased Wire. London, Fob. 27. Hugono Azof, tho foromost flguro In tho eyes .of Russln today, tho horo of a hundred terrorist plots, rosponslblo for tho as sassination of a dozen of the fore most RuBsInn officials since 1897. and nil that tlmo tho secret agent of the Russlati "third circle" of police, !b In hiding today in thia city. He was found In an indefatigable search by a newspaper reporter of the Evening News, which prints probably one of the most sensational Interviews of modern times. The Nows claimed .to have found Azof In hiding in a St. Pancrea; lodg ing house, n fugitive from tho von gcaucc allko of tho Russian gov rn- mont nnd tho terrorist wing of tho revolutionary rommltteo. It 'b claimed that Azof adopted olabornto means for disguising hlmsolf, chang ing his countnnnco by shaving his beard and Injecting tnllow beneath tho skin to nltor his facial contour Rlus, Ignatlof, Fathor Qapon i othors. "I glory In ray record as a terror 1st nnd my accomplishments for the socrot pollco have been equally bril liant. By betraying one or the othfir alternately I could escape the wratl of both. I found (it was aeeeetary ter bring death to ttererat high oftetahr in furthering my work rb a sjr-B the terrorists. Suspicion eftea fell upon mo, only to be removed by (He death of some bated' publlo xaaa. "llut on theoth'er hand I hare worked forood, I have saved U Uvea of 300 and more oSUI whs were doomed by the terrorists, Among them the Csar hImMlHw savod by my hand three, separate Hmcs. "f drganlzod all of the terrorist plots. My friends headed thoe which woro successful, My eaenlM In tho revolutionary committee head ed those which were predestined to fall. "Th'oso plots I organised nn.l In tho Intorvlow Azof is alleged picked an tools tho men with whom to have seld: "I originally Joined tho revolution ists for sport. Finally I fell Into tho hands of the pollco, and found that I could cscnpo only by botraylng tho torrorlsto. "I was responsible for noarly ull of tho Russian bomb-throwing plots since 1897, including tlioso which to- suited In tho doath of Syplaglum, Von nnd npponrcd Plehvo, Dobrlkoff, Grand Duko Sor- with monoy, I did not sympatblzo. Thoa, at the right tlmo, I InformodGhlof Ratcho vsky, a morcllosa oflclal, the plot would bo nipped, tho leadorc, except ing mysolf, would bo arrested ana" exocuted," tiff Azof, whoso blood is bought by ! dlgnnnt terrorists and officials alike, profeBsod to feol safe from reveage, plentifully supplied tho hoarty accord with which tho peo ple of California mot my of forts to tober 1, 2. 3. prevent nn nntl-Jnpanoso uprising." San Francisco May 4, 5, fl. 7, 8, $5.00 Now Spring Hats only 8200 $8.50 Now Spring HaU only $i.00 f i-ots of others at lowor prices. HERE IS A MAN WITH THE BRAINS OF A PARROT 9; Juno 15, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20; An gust 3, 4, 6, 0, 7, 8. Los Angolos April 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; July 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25; Soptembor 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 2G. Vernon-Juno 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G; August 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15; Oc tobor 12, 13, 14, 15, 10, 17. WOODMEN HOLD OPEN MEETING SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE ollKs, yard, 19c and up: calicoes, yard. 4c; outing flannels, yard. 4c; J 15c dress ginghams, yard. 9c; In- ; riff) llnnnn -. try t a rx ' ' .., jrUru a j.-jc; ooc aress goods, 49c. and so along tho lino ! with all tho rest. United Vrts leased Wire. J J within 30 days California, Nevada, New York. Feb. 7. That the Pa-jOrogon and Washington would bo clflc coast today is at tho mercy of, taken. They would bo as hard to r- an army ot 300,000 Boasoned Japan-1 cover, oven for an army of 2,000, oso soldlors was the declaration made 000 volunteers as Russia was dlftlcttlt I TT0fi &Ksh,&eAiN iwmE iimt by William A. Rrady, formor man ager for James J. Corbett, at tho din nor given at the St. Regis last night by the California Society of New York. Assuming tho attitudo that the Pa cific coast had no right to Involve i (the country In war, because the East i j came to tho assistance of San Fran cisco after the fire, Brady said: "I think it Is tlmo for California t to remember that in case q war with I for Napoleon" to take. Think it ovor." Toastmnster Colvln B. Brown re sponded with some heat, declaring that ho thought It was tlmo for tho East to remember that the Japanego question Is not morely a stae Issue, bu is a matter of import to tho whols nation. After pointing out that a Caucasian raco can nover livo siie by side wjth a yellowf .race, he saUl: "I am glad that the legislature of California considered those thro tlHH 1 Japan 300.000 seasoned Japanese bills, for which the rest of the coun- veteran troops could be landed In : try cursed ft. I aiy glad of It because California" inside of 90 days. Thes4 300.000 Japanese' troops could" (ear UP railroad tracks and tear down your snow sheds and destroy your cities 1b aplte ot amy thlr a volunteer army could do to stop the , and that It served to uh'ow the rest of the country the 'real sentiment of 90-j;t cent of the cllfcena of California up. ob this question, But I am al3 gld.that'tlioM Msae bills were defeated.0 Tho Modern Woodmon ontortnlnod a Inrgo number of friends at an open mooting In their hull 'lhursday night. After n ploiiKlng progrnm unrds und dancing followed, and at a IhIh hour an unjoyublo supper was survod, Tho Itrogrum Is as follews: Music Woodman Orahoatrn Ilocltutlou Jsslo Duel Voetil Solo. . . .Miss Margourlto Mors Iteeltutiou MIhh ituth Purvlno Piano Solo Miss Delia Wilson Rooltutlon Altu Mutton Muslo tVoodmnn Orchestra Reading Mr. Clark Bolkuup Piano ditut Misses Turner und Turpluy Reading. . T. .. .Miss Mlgunon Oliver Violin Solo Master Frank MoMlnti Recitation Uoulu Haniborl Vocal Solo Alice May MuMlnn o Hoint'tiilng Now Under the Bun. (United 1'reM Uaaed Wire. Cleveland, O., Fob. 27. Remark able wireless telegraph experiments were made today when a number of message were successfully sent from aboard a special train running be' weou Buffalo and thi cljy, at kp rate of 70 miles. an hour. A Lake Shore traia, espeeially equlpp'ed for the purpoee, left Buf falo this morning and arrived hwe this afternoon, whon the buccosb of tho tosts was reported. Ono mossago was Bent to President Roosevelt. The experiment cost 0 a minute, nnd amounted in tho ag gregate to a largo sum of monoy. IS GOING TO LOOK DOWN ON THE WORLD I United .'rea Leased Wire. Uerkoloy, Cal, Fob. 27. Tho first flight of the Bun Frnnolseo aoro club whloh Is oitloulatud to Introduce aero nautics as it sport In this section of tho world. Is to bu held hero tomor row at 2:30 p. m. Professor Tassoll. an aeronaut, who has been all over tho world, will tiiko tho flight, and will go up with tho balloon. J. M. Matxon and D. C. Bradley, offlelals of tho Orooker National bunk. 'will also make tho flight with IVofesaor Van ThsmoII. There will also bo a pross roprosentntlvo und photograph' er wjth thu party with a tnmora to tako vluws of tho world at various ultltiides. Thu balloon to bo sent up Is tho largest ever built on tho Pualflo const. It Is 78 feat high and 53 feet lu diam eter when Inflated, and with its car and paruphornulla without iiussengra will wulgh four thousand pounds, Thu ueronnuts in the bit balloon Intend to stay up 24 hours. ! -O , 1 . , Twft Family The. -. i(Unltod Press Leased Wire.) Washington, Feb. 27. President olect Taft and Mrs. Taft arrived hero' today and -will reside with frie0 until tho day 6f Taft'a iHauguratlou. A. M r: n ''! 1! -M if i, iit m w