IIP- h DAILY CAPITAL JOPRMAft, .gAUllOWWlft TOAY, FEDIWAHY 96. HHKL ; ,' -i r-s t d'V TfttrERfcs v fN JtHlr . mr to the fact tliat wo arc miuumig uur y3ptal. thus enabling us to Bell High i. onr own cap "W' . thr.ltv. We do TyTwSandlM but for dependable, goods tf J"" Price MEN'S FURNISHINGS New auspenucio A large new assortment of very ser viceable and attractive suspenders Shirts By far the handsomest and largest display of new shirts-50c to $4.00 Also a big line of work shirts Overalls More new overalls than we ever! handled before. The most durable! and the verv best I , icc finods ' . .a havo nbso- K'.... Wo hnve n CaTeryhand6omo dls 6?" .. ui oonmn'a Fuc i.i nffnntn In FrttirU, canard, dark Co- w reda, pencu " .. ..finmnnn nild Ercir re old ros0' rcse(la, F -j ..1,11 a nrn Til 11 rll r . -- rtvirrttnnlV Ejjej (o meet your noods Summer Wash floods Tho largest Btock ot dainty Bum mer gqods that we havo over car ried. Thousands, of yards of pretty fluffy goods, all that the latest fashion decrees' ehall bo worn pretty, dnlnty and fashionable, and many different patterns to choose from nil now. XKW GOODS So many more than wo can call attontlon to In our nds. Corao and seo thorn, " . WIS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS sny more than we can call attention to in our ads. Come ana see xnem TOCKTON CUSHMAN WANTS PLUMS FOR FAMILY USE ONLY ' Tncomn, Fob. 26. Tho roport from Washington, D. C, to tho offect that Congressman Cushman of Tncomn, through an agreehient with Senator Piles of Seattle, will be allowed to nnnie his brother, Ed Cushman, as tho new federal Judge for this dis trict, will undoubtedly bring forth a determined protest from prominent members of the bar. The fact that Congressman Cush man is attempting to keep tho federal plum in the lamlly, however, is not the basis for the complaint. Promi nent attorneys hero object to tho ole vntion of Ed Cushmnn becauso of his attitude upon progressive govern mental and civic issues. His position on these matters is aptly stated In his own words used at tho timo when Francis J. Heney was Bhot down In Snn Francisco recently. On learning of the attempted assassination, Cush man is reported to have bald: "That's good. I wish he had boon killed. He deserved It." MmUbh. SALEM HIGH WILL . p MEET JUNCTION CITY The Salem high school debating team went to Junction -City this morning to debato and settle tho question whether "the country should maintain the unit school administra tion, rather than the present district system." Salem lina the nfflrtnnHrn. nn.1 in represented by tho following bright students: Howard Tlnnmnnn. Scth Axly. ItolKTt Mlnton. ..Professor Eastham, .who has coaclW the team, accompanied thorn. This is the third debato" for tho Salem team, it having won tho two previous ones. This debate settles tho district championship. If Salem wins, the team will meet the South ern Oregon champions for stato honors. J Mother ' Joseph Kollor, n watchman, whoso CASE FOR HENEY ' "od' ,wnB ftond, ft, r",'r1oni1 ,trnck ;te,1 announce that tho man had been JfJ Feb 20 Following killed for giving informntlcm to tho lotion Ituo the death of ' authorities ngnltiRt tlmbor thieves. JORDAN WILL TELL WHAT HE DOESN'T KNOW Stanford University, Cal., Feb. 2C. With the object of drafting interna tional laws to cover fisheries and fish ing in tho wntcrs on the boundary lines between the United States and Canada, E. E. Prince special com missioner for Orcnt britnlu and tho Dominion of Canada, will arrlvo hero within the next few days to confor with D. S. Jordan, United States apo dal commissioner. The lnwa which those authorities will ovolvo will sot to rest many questions which hnvo bcon tho cnuso of International disputes horotoforo. Tho result of the conference, with a draft of the Inws, will bo presented to President Tnft on Juno 3 by Jor dnn and to the British parliament by Prince. Tnft will put tfio roport bo fore the next congress, and should it and parliament approve of tho laws embodied, they will becomo pnrt of tho International codo. Marshall Is "Unco" Good. Indlnnnpolis, Ind.f Fob. 2C. Gov ernor Marshall today votood tho bill permitting Sunday baseball in this state. rt ZJB"1 ! - i r f 1 &' ' '-"' lj$fi HL coH Mr 22 m Xrs&k Buy where you find (he largest slock, the greatest Ya riety of patterns and the lowest prices. You will find dozens of patternsmany of them ex elusive with us ranging from the good every day ingrain to fc Royal Wilton. FIBRE CARPET: Art,8t,c ,n color lng. thoroughly anit.m id.- ideal floor covering for nwping n.uu, full yard wide; per -J ..l auj uid kqq INGRAIN CARPET: An Qo- gntilo in 'u. dnj On-mai patterns, suitable 'orat loom in the houso; per yard, h1 ana l.ui' -jf- TAPESTRY CARPET: Uost mad ' in body Bniueig deslnns; many patterns to lt from ill Orlantal nnrl flnrnl laid Pr rd. sewed and $1.10 .AXMINSTER CARPET: Thoacmo of e 1 o gnnco, soft and luxurlnnt.to tho trond; a lurgo vnrloty of pattorns to seloot from; por yaid, sewod and 1I1 $1.35 LINOLEUM: A magnificent grado made from boat ground cork and pure linseed oil; -tile, floral and conventional designs; per yard, laid QQq up INLAID LINOLEUM: The k,nd that goes clear through to the back; will give a lifetime of service; tile, wood and mosaic patterns; per yard, aW $1 UP WHICH WILL SEND THE WORST SHOWS? (United Press Leased Wire. Chicago, Feb. 2G. After tho ac quirement of tho booking control of GG theatres in Iowa and Illnols for a consideration of $275,000, tho Shubcrt Bros, today bavo becomo a Btrongor and more dangorous rlal of tho Klaw & Erlanger theatrical syndicate. It is bolloved that tho move of tho Shubcrts presages a hit ter light for tho control of tho Chica go theatrical world. , The circuit acquired by tho Shu borts had a working agreement with Klaw & Earlangor, who havo lu oto foro represented It In tho East. Tho Arm Bttll retains booking control of moro than 200 theatres in tho terri tory entered by tho Shubcrts, but It Is bolloved that tho Bhuborts will ob nln tho bookings of territory from Indiana to tho gulf, along tho Miss issippi river. HANDS BURNED OFF BY GASOLINE San Francisco, Fob. 20. Aflor having soaked his hands In gasollno to remove pnlnt stains, -Frank Duntr., whose homo is a Sausullto, picked up a lighted oil Inmp nt tho Vallojo street wharf this morning. In an In stant his hands wero covered with flames. Without hesitating a mo ment he Jumped from tho wharf Into th 6 water below and extinguished tho flames. Ho than awaiu to tho ploj and nftor claniborlng'i'ui a ropo, ran to the Harbor omergoncy hospital, whoro ho was treated. Tho bones of his hands woro about nil (hat were left, tho groator purt of tho flesh having boon burned away. Iinntz hnd Just Mulshed painting a lit tle launch, which h& owns, whon tho ncoldont owurrod. Are doctors crood for anything Foolish question 1 Yet some people act as ft a medicine could J taKe tne place ot auoctori i ne Dcstmeuicinc in me worm cannot do this. Have a family doctor, consult him frequently. If we did not believe doctors endorsed Aver's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and coldsf we would not' offer it to you. . h?nilv&'. R0SAN0 HAS A FEW BUSY MOMENTS (United Press Leasod Wlro.) Berkeley, Cal., Fob. 20. Whilo suffering from cancer, L. Rosano, a patient, armed with a surgical Instru ment, and clad In his night clothing, last night wrecked tho furnishings ot tho Cancer Hospital horo, and ter rorized tho other Inmates and nursos until finally subduod by tho police He now Ilea in a precarious condition nt tho Central Hospital, whoro hit mental condition will bo oxarainod. Kosano, in hto.domontia, slashed window curtains, upholstery and bid ding. He broko chairs, glass jas nnd apparatus, and throw 'open all tho doors and windows of tho bullJ lng. Nurses succoedod In attracting tho attention of cltlzonB, who summotiod the police, and Rosano was ovorpow ored nnd disarmed. . o- SHUBERT BROTHERS OR KLAW & ERLANGER POLITICS IIUIXKD SPARKS. NVvmlii'h Lnto Governor Lost All In Struggle for OIllco. tUuitcd Tress Leased Wire San Francisco, Fob,-20. Tho pros pects of n match botwoon Johnny Coulon and Monto Attoll on St. Pat rick's day aro bright today, accord ing to Jimmy Coffroth, who has plans mnde out for ataglng tho match nt his Mission nronn. Coulon tolcgraphod Coffroth that ho would moot tho winner; of tho At- toll-Mornn flglit shortly, hoforo that battle, nnd Is said to havo doolarod that ho would fight at 115 pounds, nnd that tho wolght nocd not bo mndo nt tho ringside It Is bolloved "ITiat Coulon hna ac cepted tho Inducomontn offorod by Coffroth, nnd thnt ho will loavo Now York booh for this city. Attoll's manager, Hnrry Foley, gave out n statement that Attall would meet Coiulon at 115 pounds utx hours boforo ontoring tho ring. At toll Is also willing to moot Walsh nnd Rcngnn again. With Coulon claiming tho bantam chnmplonBhlp In tho East, and Attoll Inylng claim to tho tltlo In tho 'West, n match betweon tho two would mnko a good card for Coffroth. TEE DOG WAS AT LEAST HONEST Santa Fe, N. M Fob. 2 C After finding n wallet containing $5000 in currency nnd notes, n dog owned by Frank Owen wbb today presented with a valunblo collar by B. F. Pan key of Topckn, Kan., owner of tho pockotbook. Owen's dog which Is a thorough bred sottor, carried the wallet to his master's oftico last night and It is bellovod ho picked it up in tho street. For Weak Kidneys Inflammation of the blad der, urinary troubles and backache use DWitt'a Kidny and Bladder Pilla A Week's Trial For 25c K. O. DsWITT At CO.. Chlcnxe, I1L SOLI) 11Y ALT. DEALERS. NOTE Reno, Nov., Fob. 20. Tho homo ranch of tho Into Govornor Sparks has been sold nt public auction hero by tho Bhorlff to tho Farmers & Men chants Bank of Reno for f 0,709.25. Tho property includes 317 ncros of land with Imnrovamonts und walor rights. Tho governor, nt ono time, was rated ono of tho wealthiest mon in tho stato, but spont most of. his fortune being elected governor und trying to bo elected United Stalot Hunntor. We court comparison in quality and price, and ur "Hy request iliat you call and look through the stock be "" ""king any selection. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY cSiitoa (oiwillimo -mMammaaz&r BURGOMASTER COMING WITH FIFTY GIRLS At last n ronl, genulno comic oporo, prosontcd by a company of exception al morlt, will prove qulto an Innova tion to local music lovor. That musical gem, "The Burgomaator," with many of tho first nnd original company Is booked to appear nt tho Grand Opera House Friday, March 5. Tho present company Is headed oy Harry Hermosen and Ruth White, who are both well known to the com ic opera stage, and the supporting company numbers over half a hun dred others. o . GHAFT-PLOT I? OIIICAGO. AS WISE A JUDGE AS WAS GOOD PORTIA (United PresH Leasod Wlro.j Frankfort. Ky., Fob. 20 Nuwhiiii-poi-H throughout tho state today are commenting favorably upon tho ac tion of Govornor AugustitH Wlllnofi. who jostonlny pardoned tho publlflh ors of the Loulsvlllo Horald, charged In two countlufl with urlmlnally II- bolliiK Judgo Thomas P. Cook nnd Commonwealth Attorney I). P. Smith In counootlou with tho night-rider trials In woBturn Kentucky. In 1ar donlng tho nowspapor muii. Governor Wlllson wrote; "If tho courtB don't put an ond (o tho ruin of orlino In tho counties in which the Judgo nnd tho common wealth attorney aro olootod to'uphnld law and ordor, tho only hopo of per manent rolluf from such conditions Is an oullghtonfld publlo sontlmunt nrousod by tho pross of tho country, and Instend of punishing tho news pa por which mnkos a fight against Ktu'h cnndltloiiH, It should he rogardud as fulfilling n duty." Of going to traveling and llttlo known, optlclauH not only do thuy In nunit cusoh tnko your money and glvo no rollef but thoy vory ofton cause moro troublo through poor work. Our reputation lu tho foundation of our business our work Is alwayo accurato exact. Lot us pnmliio your oyos. Barr's JEWELERS Tho Puro Pood nnd Drug tw Sit(Kinkct'lR-p .Iut Tell Who "Men Higher Up" Are. Has not only brought tho puro foods nnd drugs of the country up tp a hlghor standard of purity, hut It has eliminated tho harmful medicines wlh which this country was Uoodod. Suoh medicine 'howevor, as Lydln E. Plnkhnm's Vegetable Compound, purely a roots and herbs product, will contlnuo its beneficial work among women. SEED GRAIN This Ih our Hpeclnlly. Wo have homo choice need oats, Boed 9 wheat, H80d barloy, votoh seed, field pons, uto. Wo havo our own power oloanor and clean tho grain lu good shape hoforo offering It on tho market. You will find our prlcos the lowoat lu the city, quality considered. Early Potatoes Wo have Home choice Beod potn tow on hand. Also want to buy any good oarly variety. Aro u)iik high prices. Ilrlng (hum In now. D. A. White & Sons hali:m. orixjon f United Press Uued Wlre.l Chicago, Feb. 26. An alleged grafting plot, said to Involve Chica go politicians of state-wide Influence. was responsible for the appearance of nearly 100 saloonkeepers befoie tho grand Jury. They were fac-d with tho alternative of Indictment toe maintaining gambling devices or ie- vealing tho Identity of those to whota they are alleged to have paid tribute. The cllojue to wjilcn the tribute u sftld to have been paid is alleged to have divided 160,000 within a yeai, through farming out unlawful privi leges to keepers of salooia. HMHHMHHHiiHilsHHisVMsHMMilHiVaMM Any of thej lOc and 15c Values for 8c dust pan. 1-qf. dipper mixing spoon mouse trap covered pail quart measuro rat trap ,. coffeepot Boriihbjng brush rolling pin '" geiii pan potato mnsher egg beater fwashpan . . lurgo hniuuier Ice shave clean-cut cake tin mixing bowl Ire holder milk strainer granite oup can opener milk pan curtain rod ;Thei Gblden Rule! Bazaar MHH. II. T. HWAKT, Prop. New Location. 271 CoHHHtrclMl Hi. mmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmm :H n A .f