Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 26, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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w -3rjr M.A. i
:QKMtMj&i)k& jmw4pfc m
It 1b now almost beyond doubt
that n soon nn Secretary of State
Benson assumes tho dutlos of chief
oxccutlvo of Oregon, following tho
resignation of Gcorgo E. Ohambnr
Inln, ns govornor, ho will call an ex
tra session of tho loglRlaturo.
Whllo Bocrotnry Reason will not
openly commit himself, ho strongly
Intimate that ho will call tho law
makers together on March 0. He
snid today that an extra session
seems unavoidable. It was learned
after tho legislature adjourned that
a bill, a Inrgc sum of money to sta'e
Institutions had betm irregularly
pawed, and cannot becomo legal In
Its present form. It Is to straighten
out this tangle that tho extra session
will bo called.
Now OrlonnH, Fob. 2 0. --Physicians
today are discussing the properties
of "rndlo-thor" which Is declared.' by
Its cxploror. Dr. E. II. llalloy Of tho
Hahnemann Modlcnl College of Chi
cago, to have all tho boneflalal quali
ties of radium with nonoof Its' caus
tic nftor effects. Tho now ray Is do
clarod to bo much stronger than ra
dium and It was announced that pho-
togrnpliH of object hnVo boon taken
through an Iron Htovo lid by means
of rndlo-thor.
Ilurllu, Fob. 2N. Thu (U(wtlon or
war botwimn Hervla and Austria rests
today with Russia, according to dip
lomats huro. I'onr that Russian sym
pathy for Horvlu may yot croatu a slU
nation dangerous to tho pence of all
tho Kuroponu powers and ltussla,
whoso course during the past few
days has been very HmbarrassliiK' to
tho Ilorlln government to disclose WV
real purpose.
Hhoilld Russia Join the other pow
er and to bring presmire to bear on
Ilulgrade llto bopo Is tintnrlHliud that' l"Ou
the nciit part of the attack would I Price 2Gc, 60 and $1 00 a bottle
bo over 8old by all dealers,
. I United rrett Leased Wire.
Olympla, "Wash., Feb. 20. Mem
bors of tho Alaska-Yukon-Paclflc ex
position commlBBlon havo assured
Acting Governor 'Hay that work ou
tho building hns progressed so rap
Idiy that-tho fair could bo formally
opened an May 1, a month In advance
of tho date fixed, should thoro bo a
dofllro to do so,
At ii conference held with tho not
ing govornor yesterday tho commis
sion reported that tho Washington
stnfe buildings aro 76. por cent com
pleted, Now "that tho loglslaturo has
appropriated a largo sum of money
to be UBcd by tho manngemont of the
exposition, tho work will bo rushed
even more rapidly. Horotoforo tho
commission has boon handtcappod by
lack of ready cash.
Ilnliy Hand.
Will got Into mlochlof often it
moans a burn or cut or scald. Apply
llallard's Snow Liniment Just ns soon
ns tho accldont happoua, and tho pain
will bo rellevod, while tho wound
will hoal qulokly and nicely. A surfi
fr YOU FIGHT YfiU Mffsf
rifnltttl Preia Leaned Wlre.1
London, Feb. 26. That the Ameri
can delegates to the International na-
yal conferenco won every point for
which they contested, was the semi
official statement mnde here today.
American delegates Hear Admiral
Stockton nnd Professor Wilson of
Brown university, are given tho cred
it for forcing concessions to a pro
gram toward subordinating the In
terest of belligerents to that of neu
trals. The agreement marks the greatest
rtdvancomont yet mnde In internation
al law, according to the opinion of
the conferees. Its effect is to creato
nn effective International court with
all the powers of an ordinary civil
The trend of the conferenco toward
subordinating the interests of bellig
erents wns opposed by England as has
been tho consistent stand of England
on the question In the past-. Tho
llrltish officers, however, havo agreed
to a plan of conducting naval opera
tions In tho future along the Idcn that
the interests of neutrals arc para
- y't-f.:.
fun for sprain, rhoumatlsm and all
Los Angeles, Feb. 20. Following
tho (loath of Woodmnn J. Thomas un
der the wheols of tin nutomobllu driv
en by .1. 1). Dudley, n crusade against
"scorching In tho city streets hns been
started by Deputy District Attorney
Paul J. McCormlcl;. Dudley Is under
nrrost and an Inquest over the body
of Thomas Is being held today.
United I're f-ehsed Wire.)
Tacoma, Feb. 2C.-rEmlttlng n
scream that wns heard throughout
tho offices of the Bank of California
building, Lottie Jeffries, who Is al
leged to have operated ns a counter
feiter In San Francisco, Portland, Se-
attlo and other const cities, arraigned
yesterdny nftornobn before United
States Commissioner McMillan, as
sailed Chief Operative Foster of the
United States secret sorvlco and bom
barded him with ink wells, paste
pots, paper weights nnd other mis
cellaneous obJectB near at hnnd,
driving the secret service man from
the room and causing other Bpectnt
ors to scramble madly for Bafety.
Earl and Lottie Jeffries were or
restcd about a week ago by detect
ives ns suspicious characters, together
with C. A. Crooks and his consort, al
leged counterfeiters. In -tho posses
sion of the Jeffries man nnd woman
wns found about $60 in counterfeit
money. They wore arraigned before
United States Commissioner McMillan
yesterdny nnd bound over to tho
grand Jury under bonds of $3000
During tho hearing Operative Fos
ter kept in the background and did
not appear In the room until after
the case had been disposed of. Lottie
Jeffries caught sight of him ns ho
entered tho door and before Deputy
United States Marshal Joo Statter
could prevont, she emitted a wild
scroam and began showering missies
nt Foster.
First she threw an ink well, which
struck the wall and spattered tho
room with the fluid. Next sho seized
a paste pot and her aim proved true,
for tho mlsslo struck Foster In tho
back and spattered his coat. Duck
ing his head and crouching, tho Becret
servico man ran into tho next room,
nnd dodged Just' in time to avoid
being hit with a heavy paper weight.
Lottie Jeffries is well known ns
"Poaches" throughout tho United
States because of her complexion. Sho
is said to be an expert pickpocket.
The woman works county fairs and
other gatherings, attracting crowds
with trained ennnry birds.
Ask Yourself the Question.
Why not uio Chnmborlaln's Llul
meat when you havo rhoumatlsm?
Wo fool suro that tho result will bo
prompt and satisfactory. It has
cured others, why not you? Try It
Ii costs but n trifle Prlco 25 conts;
largo slzo, CO conts. For salo by Dr.
"Stono's Drug Storo.
Seatle, Wash., Fob. 20. Callfor- ntnllated with volloyB of tho English
AsbuIbbbbbVbk fJfm. i Kasbl i .JLbkasbbs i" sW v. iJMtssBBBBBBBsffl jt4
ma's legislators nro vindicated. Pres
ident Koosovolt will now bo obliged
to secret tho big stick, nnd pormlt
the passage of nntl-Japnneso logUla
tlon. Tho yellow porll Is horo.
It arrived In Soattlo yostorday,
and In tho first oIiibIi of nrms tho
Mikado's subjoots havo been, victorious.
The soquol to this, tho first bnttlo,
was enacted In police court horo to
day, whon II. Nnmuda, honornblo
scrub man nt tho Hotel Lincoln, wns
acquitted of tho charge, preferred by
MIhh Lydla Norman, hnndsomo wait
ress nt tho samo hostelry, of hurling
at her lnngungo unbecoming nn offi
cer and gentlomnn.
Tho Lnttle was thrilling, but
bloodlo. Tho Indy wloldod a
wator-logged towol, whllo" tho nlloni
language, slightly mangled, but ser
viceable. At tho conclusion of hostilities,
Miss Normnn demanded that jtho O'rl
ontnl bo promptly 'fired." A counter
demand upon tho ngltatcd boniface
by tho 10 Nlpponeso employes of the
hotel, that tho girl bo soparatod from
her Job, said demand being accom
panied by a threat to strlko, rosultcd
In tho militant waitress being dis
Then Miss Norman secured Nam
uda'a arrest for using profano lan
guage, but Judge Gordon discharged
tho brown monnco, moroly assessing
him tho cost of tho action.
Now tho mnscullno "co-laborers of
Miss Normnn nro n waiting an oppor
tunity to rovongo themselves on
"them Japs," and tho second battlo
Is. llkoly to bo a sangulrinry affair.
I'litsT-iioK.N nm.nitux.
jTIiom' Sprung Kiiuii Kuily .Man-lugcx
.specially Subject to Disease.
Professor Pearson's theory that tho
first-born childrun of a marriage are
more likely to fall victim to con
sumption than the later-born off
prion has been freshly tented by
Professor Van der Yelden of Frank
fort, from material furnished by Pro
tumor Utfful of Karlsruhe. The re
sult! iu the main, says the New York
Sun, uonflrine the older theory In h
striking nmiiuur.
HrofOMsor Itlffel has made uxhaust
Ivo Inquiries In the history of S600
country families In the matter o( In
horltod tuberculosis, He found that
Iu normal families the fourth, fifth.
and sixth children were hoalthler on
1 iiiifs)ttis)im)is3iaisjinnnit4M
il f
11 tiw & k. , . . V
Refined Animated
Complete Change of
Program Today
Keep u lnughltig.
made hh.v oh fac
Tears novor
I Port Uu J Or. Phfts. Mm 11?. a
155 1. Emplrs Th outre Co. Unc.)
Leee Geo U- ltakar Oeueral
I A fntvicftl cowejr la tsrw m.u lv
11. a. uKXManoi. astbur of - The
Mmh Krm Mtuclos" and obr Umuvk
My Friend From India
Evening Pric 25o. S$o. 50c.
MttHee, 13c. 25o. MatUih Saturday.
NKXT WBKKw-Thd OsMee wid.
owM (first time, hare. In toalci
AU mall ordefi. or oWr y t,
rrdph or phoac receive tm&tt nad
Jtiiiaiimiiiinuitimnitaitiaiiiiiiiiilparttul atttoe.
Illustrated Song By
Dc Wl'fs LttUe E rly Im. gen
'o. mi .-. ilamBt. little Pver pUU
Sold b M irvgglit4
corroding. n inotliB; untruo ovon to
lovors and friends becauso Incapab'o
or undoretnndlng nny truth; caring
only for physical comfort and mental
intoxication; kissing llko Judns ana
donylng in danger llko Potor; tlru.1
of living, yet Afraid of dying, bollev
lug go 111 0 In priests nnd some- In phy
siologists, but none at nil in vlrtmo;
sent to sloop by colorodlno kpt
awnke by raw moat and dry wines;
cynical at 80 nnd oxhnustod nt 30j
yot choosing rather to drop dead In
to harness of plonsuro than fall out
of tho chariot rnco for an Instant;
taking tholr pnsnolns ns they tako
shorry In tho morning nnd blttora be
fore dlnnor; prloklng tholr satod
senses with tho splcoi of lust and
Jealousy, and cnlllng tho unholy
mvur iove; naving outworn ovory
Is the Orgoa ai7lrB,B ,
tect and Kecj, Homjl
The stomach of a child 1. .,.
can fthn nit .u-. cn"a ts
f.,tr ;: z:r:IBm
development is fast in ..,'.
the nourishment necesaa7 ?
tini ,imn .. 8 tho n
mmh '::;" .vom a pt
a child from fi "'
habit.. v.i ,;;;t.WB,tuo
Mfw ';; :" "Be o chii
,",' ":n.v iaf v,ct,inof
"""V uBr eailnB and irfe
meals. "
-I1' "!!' ".Uta o knoi
v,'.u' nacB trouble amoB
children. - 0B
Most -children are nerroua,
nlilo and cross, who dream .1 '
lesBlly, who tiro easily, w'ho;
D.. lur cnua ojcercUe, Ke&
havo stomach trouble, tadt
uu uyapepsia.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tshi.1.
ftiflrlAri 4Vt..
p lw mufuugniy digest fo
to piace tno system In )..
tain nil the nourishment It
from such food.
....vlo I111X w..h .. j
of tho system, enriching tfaeal
giving to the body thn i-.J
necessary to build up the ni
lorming ornin nnd body of the y,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tableti il
uo given to children after each 1
ua ni Dea time. Thev r .
from puro vegetable and fralti
KOncQl nnd rnnlnln n i . . .:
.....: ,lu uurmiai (i
icais whatever. The tif0 of theiJ
ieis win give greater vim to a (
in its scnool work or at IU
Thoy will produco aDnetlte
sootho nervos, destroy abnormtl i
ings nnd will nllny tho bad eff
sweets and Improper foodi ai
children enjoy nnd will cat no
tor whnt Is done to prevent IL
It is duo tho child that hit i
nch bo protected by the parent,
If Stuart'B Dyspepsia Tablets are'
en after rneals, tho habits of
child will not tear down the iton
nnd destroy tho dlgestlvo Juices 1
ly so rapidly. Stuart's Dnny
Tablets aro given to each and ej
cogrco of life. Any condition of
stomnch welcomes them, from
strongest to tho weakest. Tor
by nil druggists, prlco 50 cents. ;
us your nnmo nnd nddress today j
wo will mnll you at onc&a trial pq
ngo freo. Address F A Stuart 1
150 Stunrt Bldg, Marshal', Mlchl
o- -
Itnllans of tho poorer dais gen
ally onjoy good health This 3 pi
ly attributed to the fact that
working classes of I'a'v tat lets 1
uian tnoso or otucr hitman
timnverKge than the first, moohi! or j form of oxoltomont except tho gam
third. While the lattor neouwbMlriilor'swhleh novor pnlls. which thoy
Tho nbovo is the 1 ntr.o of s Q"ra
cliomlcnl, which Is co cf the
valunblo Ingrodim cf Fo'cjrs
noy Remedy. If. xnmcthylentt
mine Is recognized by med cat ta
books and authority as a uric 1
solvent nnd antl-eent' for tbe urN
Tako Foloy'o Kidney Remedy ai 1
ns you notlco any Irregular ties,
avoid a terloua malady J C ?ti
lu n lestier degree to infantile com
plnluui. they were fur more liable to
be killed by. cousHinpUon. Moreover,
tut)' were more subject to other In
herited dseeHKes.
This seems to be especially the
cse with the offspring of surly mar-
1 win sun pursue when thoy shnll not
have a resl tooth In tholr heads, tho
women of modern sooloty oro porhaps
at once the most fovorlah and tho
most frivolous, the basest nnd tho
feeblest offering of n falso olvlllza-
uon. it ) strancfl thnt nnMn
S?r . '"''rtty uf flrst-borH ,ksuW evftr av bMl R f ,
hlblrw ftlM akammii. Profseeor WWWli UHt aUo e8rtnn, h
Van der Velden ys. when the father those of a certain elaa.
Is over as and the mother over H
is lutoreeotig to find that ae
aurdlug to the latet OttriHan statls
tles peoplu lu KHtuptt, contrary to tho
seiipral belief, starry younger than
thtr grandfHtheni. In 1SCT In Ger
many tho average ae of, the hustmnd
wua 30 aud ot the wife I7M years.
Nw the average Urlilegnxim is 2S.9
years una tne averaae bride 2S.7.
certain elaas.
Th Ignorance displayed by some
IMMjpIe Is simply appalling. For In-
stance, J. M. Lawrence, who. In most
things knows what ho Is doing, put
Tlioso figures hold good both for the! , , app lq hU 8how
urban nnd the rural popaVatkiH. wloow this morning, and at tho
Inothor BuropeMcoMtrtes. If the'rU"ut,me pUt cards on them 8ay
German statlstlos are to be relied up
on, the marrying age U also deolla
Ing, with the sole taeotttlon ot the
Uulttnl Kingdom These earlier mar
riages do not. howeer. soud ap the!
birth rate, which Ir all Huropean
eountrU'S is (ailing steadily
OuUki tMI Woiihhi.
As a tohmr hater Oulda sur
passed them all. Her invectlvo wM
never so magnlflseat as when dl
rctej ' with sledge-hammer foroe
agalnat her own ex. Take, for In.
slant, the passage in Moths, wherel
?fi Site frv rela to her rancor Audf
"L" worn iaotly what she thlak.
ot ibema-.
i'K thoy are "60 conts."
Mr. Muuoy's lecture on Qpos And
Ourry counties Is ltable to cause a
aegrla to that section or, emphasise
Snokane. Wash .Ft 26 The j
port that ngonts ri-" cnt -g E
Harrlman were anially bci nd
rocont purchase i.f ,hn NfJ Pj
Idaho Klectrlc Rallw.1 't
lametto Vnlloy OH C irpanv 1
orally bolloved he '
The rond. which 1- n wunden
struotlon, will cor.nt' S-i Pert 1
Vollmon. two Idaho r .es. Tt r
way would clve HaTr;iran an c;p
tunlty to enter north (.n'aUi
a rich field.
a R. Kluger, tho Jeweler 1
Virginia Ave.. IndlanapoH.
writes: I was ro weak from
trouble that I could hardly
hundred feet. Four bottles of
Kidney Remedy cleared my eaM
Ion, cured my backache and tfi
nlarltlfH. Hlcanneared. and I ca
ttiAn,i tn hnslnp9 everr day, aci !
ommend Foley's Kidney Bedy
all suferers, as It cured me f '
doctors and other remedies
failed." J. O. Perry.
the nnoosalty for an addition to the
Lasylum far tho Insane.
Now Timmons knows, hut the
caaaee are he will never get near
naoagh to the ethereal' shade of tho
wmaa he.murdcwd to pffer his sin
f regrets.
,Dr Qwens-Adalr muaC be a wot
HiaB.-the name sounds femlninei',aal
the law suggested by him, her or it.
vu.e,e a. huUrnU4Howa that,he, .Mor it. is immuae
. lUlMJWiii-
ts mm
fJocky Pountain Tea r.
luuutrw t 1- ' j f
4 a '
V B1
jiti, -vV"