jAmOACTTAL JOURNAL 8AMBI. OKBQON. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 36, 1909. CUri iavi 01 )ins PACIFIC CO. ectlre Sunday, ' (4 K"" If li PsM,cn r"" Or. EiPrw" MFALS 15c Call and try thorn. Meals 16c. Board per week $2.76, also fur nished rooms very reasonable. AT THE Salem Restaurant i lp,nScb:i'fl5scngcr- EnS"- taii!onl Expr" 339 COURT STREET. IffJtIlB- '. FrncIco tip. K?. j ?l& Electric bailwai iuiium w " --.. tK. 1008. Itjffrcl "- If1" . .... Vntl Jut. I1 B J-.-2fiiJ"fel:,. " ggKffSS Hlllsbero, n- p m irrire Frem: .!Siitelotl,sa6.m. ,BSU!n)-T8litln, M-10.80 a.m. T .:'i'Ji i oft n.m. i$i ;m. OAgygJwHuiiUwgBflailJ FRENCH FEMALE PILLS. X 8iM, Cniil Riuir for Semens UtmrainoK. . uA B.....UM .. ..tl B..... S...l B . .- fttitH rniunii lu rii. ""J "."-" F""I,T V-ilon !BtriDtfl cr Mowy ltfaDfed. 8ol lffftld I rltOOnrboi. Will khI Ifctraoatrlkl.tafc fill for bta n:(T4. 8unpl t'ra. U jtmr tfrnjUldowDot k.i.itun ftpntt vaaf .rrf.,. fa Ih. 1 UNITtD Mr.OICLCO.,oxT. UmMBTtw. Pa. Sold in Salem bv Or. S. C Sfcf UU 7 Hoflse Restaurant For negalar , iBcDianer at 2flc ; fbtj can't bo beat McSilchrist & Son ; proprietors. ), C. T. Co. ISazers Otcgona and Pomona rilor Portland Jionaay, wcuuw ...i tu.v nt in n. m. TllPfl- EHindsrand Saturday at 6 a.m. i cent. . I ate for Corvallls, Tuesday, -i.rmrt Ritnrdav RDOUl I D. m. M. r. haij1)vi., Agu Fence Works EJnu1ers for Wovon Wire Hrsrftf, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Wtry Kettlns, Shingles, Mai IdJ Roofing P & B Ready k&t. All At Lowest Prices. CMS. D. MULLIGAN SMCtartSt Phono 121 Now is the Time to visit California When summer has WMd In these north ra sutei, the sun la a.r mild under th bright blue sklea or Bouthsrn California. Till U one of nature's PP7 proTlsIons tttrnal summer for tiow who oftnnot en 4ar i tn0re Revere dimte. CllfornU has been 11M ae "Meee of tt winter teerlt " li lte' and siop 'S P'sees re ai hum 8 ikoH a ''J, reWUted eitie trs ran lway8 "4 soUnble aeoia .. eoBgwlal rnte8, and rar- - retung rwrea tfeai. S5JTHERN PACIFIC CO. Tted!,tTt8re' s:s. , ,a deta" the te tr.a Wea J Ifei. 7,.31 mora $5B. ifi r?jt.i,,8to I- w"" VILIIIT' 1K. Waect,0 California PhoDb 44 Main 141 N. Hlgb t C. W. YANNKE Proprietor of THE FASHION STABLES Cabs RDd Llvory, all Riga Modern Rubber Tiro. HHI H 1 1 H 1 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 1 1 i t IIGraber Bros.i PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING Will glvo prompt attention 4 to all orders, gunrantco our work to give aattsfactlon and t to be up to tho sanitary stand- nrd. t WE WILL RE PLEASED TO GIVE ESTIMATE8 ON OONTRAOT& - ; Wo aro ngonta for tho Ala- ', mo, Victor and Ideal Gasollno ' Engines. '. ', Shop on Llborty jtrcot, back 2 ; I of Bnrr'B Jowolry Store. (llllllHlllllHIHIilHll HUIE WING SANG CO. Removal Sale-All Goods At Cost Wo innko up all kinds Ladles' Un derwear, Wrappers, KlmoruUi and Waists. Wo keep al kinds of Dross Goods and Silks, Gent's and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, China M'arc, Mat tings, Shoes, Trunks, niankcts, Com forts, Etc. 330 N. Coinnicixlnl St. (First store N. E. Side, Salem, Or.) Gold Dast Flout tLUif by TnE SYDKEY POW ER COMPANT, Sidney, Oro roi. Made for family use. Ask oiar grocer for it, Rraa j and aborts always or hand. P. B. WALLACE, Agt. LENT AS KEPT BY GOOD CATHOLICS Lonten sorvlces were begun at St. Joseph's Catholic church Wcdnesdny morning with tho blesslrg and dis tribution of ashes, symbolic ot pen ance. During tho Lenten period, which covers forty dnvs. mnsa will be held daily In tho church except Saturday, when It will bo hold In tho convent; on Wednesday of each week will be hold tho rosary nnd the bene diction, and on each Frlduy the sorv lces In commemoration of tho way to tho cross. Following the tho laws which the faithful aro obliged by conscience to observe: All obliged to fast aro allowed flesh moats three times on Sunday, once a day on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, excepting Saturdays of the Ember days nnd Holy week. The ubo of ffsh, milk, butter and eggs is permitted on nil days of Lent at tho evening collation, nnd tho principal meals on those days on which the uso of flesh meats Is for bidden. In the morning a small piece of brend Is allowed with a cup of cof fee, tea or chocolate or some similar drink. When tho principal mcnl cannot bo taken before noon, the order may bo inverted and tho collation taken in tho morning and the dinner In tho evoulng. Lard or grease may bo used in prepnring tho lawful victuals. Thoso of tho faith who are oxompt from tho obligation of fusting can, on the days when the uso of flesh meats is permitted to all of tho faith ful bo allowed to use It several times a day, ns on Sundays of Lent, when tho obligation Is not binding. Tho uso of both flesh meat nnd fish to gether nt tho snmo meal Is strictly forbidden during tho whole of Lent. By vlrtuo of the Indult, granted for ten years by tho Holy Sco, to tho bishops of the United States, work ing men and their families nro al lowed tho uso of flesh meat on nil tho fast and nbstlncnco days through out tho year, with tho oxcoption of all Fridays, Ash Wednesdays, tho Wodnesdny nnd Saturday of Holy weok nnd tho Vigil of Christmas. Thoso who avail tiomselves of this dispensation nro not nllowed to cat fish nnd meat nt the samo meal and they aro oxortcd to perform somo oth er acts of modification and pennce, In accord with the spirit of tho holy season of Lent. A most useful and commendable custom Is thnt of ab staining during Lent from stimulants In honor of tho Sacred Thirst of our Divine Lord. Those who aro excused from fast ing on nccount of ago or hnrd Inbor, may uso flesh meat moro than once on the dnys on which it Is allowed. Members of tho church under 21 nnd over 60 years of ago are oxompt from thoso rules, as nro also thoso compelled to do hard manual or tax ing montnl labor, nnd thoso whoso weak physical condition demands tho moro nourishing food. All nre charged to avoid nil public entertainment nnd social pleasures and Intoxicating bev erages, and no marrlago ceremonies rro porformed until tho first Sunday after Easter. Do Yob Open Tour Mouth Like a young bird and gulp down wht evor food or medicine may be offered you 1 Or, do you want to know somothlng of the composition and character of that which you tako Into your stomach whother u food or medUme? Most Intollisent and scnslblo people now-a-days insist on knowing what thoy employ wli..tr as f -id or as medicine Dr. pi.-rce Im'Iu-vw thny havo a perfeel right to in Tiff pon such know'edge. So he pub)lhos.MfcQ4doast nnd on cash bottle- n an he ll'l'iT. WhlLrilHTiidlcIno nr.l mmln nl osJ3T?ii3tr-iMJLfc This h7 frpls can UKToril trwli lnnntK n,n n... - ' -- " - - . t: UlT nigrod,. nupf which hi mcHctnp are re u)r r -'inhod .mil nniinr-t,, , I ihi rnoiv wlilir.ir superior curative vTruT-l tLm'Uirc,l,iS'iE tor the cun of woman's peculiar weak nesses, Irregularities and derangement giving rise to frequent headache, back ache, dragglriR-down pain or distress Ii lowiraMom'nal or pelvic region, accom panlod, oftt mes, with a debilitating pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of r-raknoss. Dr. Plorco's Favorlu Prei-rlptlon I a mmt ofllclent remedy It s equally efTiKllvo In curing palnfu periods, In giving strongth to nursing mothers and In preparing tho system o! tho expectant mother for baby's coming thus rendering childbirth afo and com paratl vcly painless. The Favorite Pre scrlntlon "Is most potent, strongthenlni tonic to the general system and to tin organs distinctly feminine in particular It Is also a soothing and Invigorating nervine and cures nerveu: exhaustion nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria spasms, chorea or St. Vltus's dance, and other dlstrcsing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dls eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all tlu several schools of practice, recommend each of tho several ingredients of whirl "Favorlto Prescription" Is mado for thi cure of the diseases for which It Is claimed to be a euro. You may read what the say or ouriet by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of oxtracti from the leading authorities, to Dr. R. V Pierce, Invalids' notel and Surgical In stitute, Buffalo. N. Y..and It wtlfcoae fas rou by return post. Defined. Johnny Pa, what Is an inflnted currency? Father Tho money you blow In. February Bohemian, o Twaa a GIotIohs Victory. Thero'a rojolclng in Fodora, Tono. A man's !lfo has boon saved, and now Dr. Kinc's New Discovery Is tho talk of tho towa for curing C. V. Poppet ot deadly lung hemorrhages. I could not work or got about," ho writes, "and tho doctors did me no good, but, after UBlng Dr. King's Now Dl8co7ory three weeks, I ieI liko' a no man, and caa do good" work again." For weak, aore or JIs cased Lunga, Coughs-and Colds, Hoot orrhagos, Hay Fever, LaOripps, Asthma or any Bronchial affection It stands unrivalod. Price 50o aad 1 Trial bottlj free. Sold aad guaras teed by J. O. Perry. o Out of a total of 18,77,000 acres of cultivated land in Siberia, 11,625,- 900 aro under crop. THE STOCK BOOKS . For tho North Santlnm Mining company, aro still open for vestors. . A limited amount of Btock Is now for sale, at tho LOW PRICK of 6c per shnro. SAVAGE & HERREN I FISCAL AGENTS. 120 S. COMMERCIAL ST. iiiiatiifnit8Hiiif)iiata SPRAY YOUR TREES WITH DEPENDABLE BRAND LIME AND SULPHUR SOLUTION You get the best spray on the market. Made by Salem I peopie ana guaranteed dv saiem neon e. Guarantee and test tacked on every barrel. Manufactured by the z biuturo siuu: company, Salem, Oregon. For sale by the following dealers! TILSON CO. FLETCHER & DYRD. D. A. WHITE & SONS. II. I. CHASE. LE BOLD BROS. i.iiimllfll B fH-t!lli !! iaiaiif 4ifwiiaf iiiiiifrii(iiaiaisui Nothing Better on the Market G DS BEARING THIS MARK ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED WHEN SOLD BY THE Salem Hardware Company 120Com'i St Phone 172 I81ttllltl ! !!! 8l I lllilHllflMl Special Shoe Sale the Rest of the Week !! Do Witt's Cortollzed Witch Haze 3'lvo, the original, b good Jpr any thing whon a salvo is needed, and is ospee'allv good for piles. Sold by nil (IfUggiftS. Men's, Boys', Women's and Children's Shoes nro to bo sold nt BARGAINS NEVER BEFORE HEARD OF IN SALEM. Thoso goods must bo sold to inalto room for our SPRING STOCK. !! lAPAH YrVfTT' The Shoe !! Jr.,M9 t-m.9 Man 345 State Street, Salens Ore, iaiimittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTniiiiii'l For a rusty utovo sprinkle lomun Julco liberally ovor the rust before blackening and polishing the stove. W' No fewer than 8282 modlcal stu dents attend lectures at tho univer sities of Gormany this winter. ,ItatTln, Henry McGinn." Henry McGinn hai, so says Fire Proof 1te a5enu, Selesa, ku ... or KSfiiif FP Fool Proof In considering making your own light, or cooking, why not consldor tho r. P. Gas Machine and Slub bers Light. Will sell and install this machine and guarantee It to give 100 per cent more light for the same money than eleotrlolty or city gas. Let me figure with you, estimates furnished. Call at my shop and see the light and stoves In operation. I also carry PYRO DENATURED ALCOHOL utilities.. Safe economi cal, odorless. A. L. FRASER Phone 133 238 State St- CMESTERSPILLS X tifl Ak rw rfTl fa f ". wtikl ttk Mw rZuml W lltr. fw.'-w V ssrerEre rtAnkAmkBSAae a ftAa'W mkl xunxLwsnfyfxtmM. 4; JiaSalfrffiS n M ttankanmiaEMi -- i . "W-j.i tho Oregonlan, brought suit to tot the validity of Judge Gaton's title. This reminds the writer that years ago, when the Hon Johc M. Gearin was prosecuting attorney in Multnomah county, that he and McGinn were walking up Morrison street (at that time the fashionable one for Port land's elite) and behind them walked a couple of sons of Ireland, who could e'ther of them have given even Henry McGinn pointers on how to keep St. Patrick's day. As they walked up the street, Mc Ginn punched Gearin in the ribs with his elbow as one of the men behind remarked: "That Johnny Gearlu Js the d dst liar on earth," and Gear ing just gave McGinn one of those far-away Idoks of his, as the oth&r fellow said: "That right, sure he Is, barrln' Henry McGinn." o ' Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup not only allays Inflammation and tr rltatlon ot throat and lungs, but It drives out tho cold from the system by a free yet gentle action of the bowels. Sold by all druggists. Tne forest preservation society ought to do something to raake It harder than It Is at present for reck less persons to get possession of matches. o DeWltt's Little Early Risers, gen tle, easy, pleasant, little liver pill'. Scld by ail druggists. lMWttl jIUlaJYwHutlliwIi Scared With a Hot Iron. Or scalded by overturned kettle- cut with a knife bruised by slam med door injured by gun or in any other way tho thing needed at once Is Bucklon's Arnica Salve to subdue tho inflammation and kill the pals. It is earth's supreme healor, infal lible for Bolls, Ulcers, Fever, Sores Eczema and Piles. 25c at J. C. Por ry's. Tho French havo nearly complotnd a loiopnono system which covo.s their great possessions In Africa, o , , Great Chinese Doctor L. M. HUM Han medicine which will cure an known disease. He makes a special ty of, and guarantees to euro Catarrh Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheumatism, Debility, Stomach, Lfver. Kidney Troubles; also any blackened oi swollen soreness, broken limbs; Smallpox; Epidemic; all hind! oi Bolls, Lost Manhood, Female Wtak nets, Hernls Troubles and Paralysis Consultation free. Care of Yick Be Tong Co., Chinese drugs and hebs 163 High St., upstairs, Salem. Or o the use of telephones during the last threo years lhaa London and Paris combined. Wr THE HOUSEHOLD EXPENSE BOOK Will show a decided argument In favor of our handling nH tho laundry work making us wo do tho lowest prices ncd preserving tho linen entrusted to our estab lishment by our up to dato meth ods. Bettor givo us a trial this tlmo if you want full satisfaction Salem Laundry Co. Telephone 23. 130-100 8. Liberty St. A, V 1 V 4dL KSSBBV - tiifl 1 1 ii Coryn,f,T THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY EVER HAD Can be obtained from our prlrao, ton dor nnd Juicy Beef, Mutton or Pork. All our moats aro selected from tho choicest, und prepared for tho tablo to suit tho demands of the fastidious. Our prices aro lowor for qi nllty (hnn you can find at any place in Salem. E. C. CROSS & SON READY TAILORED CLOTHE rOHP WELL DffCSSBD MEN, yfl tAJfStlW sWn0VF wrr PPIGC RANGE &2Q TO 40 Washington' Plague Spots Lie In tho low marshy bottoms ut the Potomac, the breeding ground of malaria germs. These germs causj chills, fever and ague, bllousness, Jaundice, lassitude, weakness and general debility, and bring suffering or death to thousands yearly. Bat Electric Bitters never fall to destroy them and cure malaria troubles. "They are the best all-round tonfc and cure for malaria I ever used," vrltes R. H. James, of Louellen, B. C. They cure Stomach, Liver. Kidney aai Blood Troubles, and will preveat Typhoid. Try then. 50c Guana tee fcy J. C. Perry. Portland's Popular fire-Proof Hotel THE OREGON Our Rathskeller Grill finest dining service In city, with Hawaiian orchestra from 6 to 12 p, m, Most perfectly furnished, Moderate Priced, Modern Hostlery in the metropolis of the Northwest. ANNEX IS NOW OPEN Our capacity has been doubled and our free bus will hereafter meet trains No, 6, and train No, 12, limited, Oregon Electric that arrive in Portland at 10:55 a, m, and 4:55 p, m, M. C DICKINSON, Manager THE OREGON 1)1 I t