'-; -J;-' - m- -- - -Mil 0ATH1U. .-MAI- .AIC OiaWOK, mtlDAV. FEDHPAnlf M, 10- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL .. UOFEn, Bd. 4 Prog. Independent Kowplcr Iieroted to AmcrtMO Principle! and the ITwcm Mil Defclopneot of All Oregon. rubllibed Brcry Broiling Eiccpt 8tindr, g)em. Ore; HfllSCmiTIO.N HATES. (InmrUblr In AdTsnoe.) ., .. Mr,ir. tr rear !.W I'M month Wc DllT, br mall, per yenr. ... Woekly, by null, por wr-.... .... 4.00 Ter month 850 ,.'.00 Six monthi ...COo - - GIRL POSES AS MAN FOR NINE YEARS After masquerading successfully flu a man for nlno years, wearing the clothing and doing tho work of n mnri, Ming Lllllo Winters, nged 22, Sunday met with oxposuro and was compelled to don woman'u clothing for Iho first time ulnco she was n child. Tho young woman's arrest Inst Thursday at Seventeenth and Morgan strootB, Buspoctcd of being n momlior of a gung which has been stoallng from rooming houses and hotel", wns tho means of revealing lirr sex Sunday. Following her arrest alio wan fined dresses," said Miss Winters Sunday nftcrnoon. "My dresses only reached my shoo tops when I dUcnrded tltpm, and I don't know how I am going to get nlong In sklrta. Dut I suppose I will hnvo to got used to them, nnd might no well begin now aa any time. In tho- future- I shall wear dros80, and Bupposo I will hnvo to find em ployment moro sultablo for a wo man." Wiw Horn In fliilvcMon. Miss Winters was born In dnlvos ton, Tox. Her fnthcr and mother worn drowned In tho flood, and bho $100 Haturdny by Judge- Tracy on ny bIio Iiob no other relative, a I he charge of Idling, undor tho name man named Richard Stonrn porsuad of Willie Winters. Yesterday, whllo'ed hor to adopt boy's clothing, she rbo was bolng hold In tho holdover, AsHlilnn't Ohlof of nteollv6s Mc Carthy bucamo Husplolous and flunt hor to tho dlaponwtry. Thoro hor sex was discovered, and hIio was re moved to the matron's room, whore she was required to don womnn's clothing nnd glvo up clgarottca and tobacco chewing. Bho said sho was r.ot vory fond of tobacco, but renort cdU Its uro thinking It would help boV In her dlsgulso. Her chief concern In being found out, sho snld, was to know what a young woman living In 8uth St. 1 mils, who In forowomnn In an over all factory,wltb whom sho hnB been kuoplng rompnny for tho last year, will think and sny when sho learnt of tho deception practiced on her. Miss Winters wont under tho name of "Wllllo" Winters. Attentive to Hneellitvtrt. "I llko her vor much," said Miss Winters, "nnd I think sh likes me. I hnvo been In tho habit of calling st her Iiohbo two or three tltncB n week and chatting with hor nnd hor moth er, mut hnvo tnkou hor to the thoatro u number of time, bought loo-creim soda for her. nnd. In faot. treated her as any young man would tront h young woman whom ho liked. Oh, I dnu't know that she will be angry. ' Hit yuuug woman nddrd. "and I guew I will call on her after I ;,-et out of tUU trouble." MUs Winters Is of medium height, weighs 140 pounds, has bin ok hali mid deep brown eye. Hur cheek are rosy, showing that she enjoy oood health. In fact, sho sy. she has never been slok a day sluoe sho leonine a "man." The shoes ho wore Sunday woro padded with cot ton, to make her foot appear largo, but she bad no way of consoallng her bands, which. notwithstanding the bard work she hne done, are still those of a woman, and wore largely responsible fur the discovery of hnr c. Mies Winters Is a rather oowely girl, but she Um )M railed lu me t tire K that she has noqulred the walk alld talk of roR. awl x perhNtoog little dltttrtilly lh ime4K on. "J know 1 shall full down d Week m nee who I out long V BayB, ana proviuoa nor wun nor nrsi suit. Then ho took hor to Dallas, whoro alio remained with him fo" two wuoks. She ran away from him bocauBO bo mlfltrontod hor, and wont to Qulney, III., whoro sho securod omplnyuient with tho Bowman Bill Posting Compnny, nnd worked for that company for a year. Sho camo to St. Louis In 1002, nnd bns baon horo Blnce. Hor llrst employment was with tho Amorlcan ItutUtn Works, Second nnd Carroll Btreots, whoro ho recolved $S a weok. Then sho wns employed by tho St, LouIb Cordngo Company, and rnn n ropo mnohlno. Next nho found employ ment In tho Union Iron Foundry Compnny, second and Harry streets and for ten months 'trovo n ono horso wagon, hauling and handling heavy Iron. Hor noxt employment wns with J. ( Doiiohue, a rntlrond grading con tractor, who waB doing work nt Sto. (lonovlovo. Mo. Flrxt Bho carried water and then wns giving n position dilvlng a team, for which sh re ceived fUfi per month and hor board. Caning back to St. LoiiU, sho bo oh roil a plnco iih rivot heater at tho Missouri Sheet Iron Works. Sovrnth and Hickory, and from there wont to tho St. Louis Architectural Iron Works. UeKalb and Loeponranee slreeK where sho drove a ono-horso wagon RMd again hnndhid Iron. At the Mlseourl Sheet Iron Works she whs paid $11.50 a week as n holper. Her last employment was nt Scan- (hat's hardwnrv store. 17J1 South llroadway, whoro she was roqulred ! F to handle stoves, Ice boxes and olhe heavy tualerlnl. Wml Willi "Wife." In all those years, ahe wiys, hr sex was never brought In queeOoe. t Hough her aasoeiaten sometimes re marked that she had eftemtuato mnueurtsms at tlwe. Since Un April she bad been llvteg at THE MARKETS SAN FItAKOISCO JIAUICETS. San FrnnciBCO, Fob. 20. Wheat San Francisco, Fob. 25. Wheat No. 1 California club, per cental, J1.8O01.82V&. California white mill ing. fl.80Qil.85; northern bluestem, $1.90B! 1.97 V4; off grades wheat, $1.051.7G; reds. $1.75 0 1.77 y4. Uarley Feed barley, $1.40 $1.42 M: common to fair, $1.35 1.40; browing nt San Frnnclsco, nom innl at $1.45 01.50; chevalier, $1.50 l. CO, according to quality. EgKB Per dozen, Cnllfornla fresh, Including cobcb, extras, 22c; firsts, 21c; Beconds, 20 c; thirds, 20c, pullets, selected, 20c 13 utter Per pound, California frcflh, extras, 30 Ho; firsts, 33c; sec onds, 30 c; storage, California ex tra, 32 o; storage eastern, 31 He; Indies, extras, 23 He. Chcoeo Per pound, California flats, fancy, 15c; firsts, 14c; socondB, 12c. California Young America, fancy, lCc; firsts, 15c. Eastern Now York cheddnrB, fancy, 17 Ho; Oregon flats, fancy, 14 He; do Young Amor lea fancy, 10 He; California storage, fancy flnta, 13c; Oregon flats, fancy, 14 He; do Young America, lCc. Potatoes Per contnl, Early Robo, $2; rlvor whites, fancy, $1.4001.00; No. 2 (wntor soaked stock), $1,000 $1.25; Lompoc Durbanks, $1.8502; do Salinas, $1.0001.75; do Oregon, $1.05 01.75; sweet potatoes, por ernto, $1.0501.75; do per sack, $1.15. OttloiiB Por snek, OrcgonB, $1.75 02.00. Oranges Por box, nnvols, Btnndnrd $1.2502.25; fnnoy, $2 02.50; tun gorlncs, hnlf orange boxes, $101.50; mnndnrtnos, por box, 75o0$l.OO. PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat 'Track Trices. Club $1.00 Dluostom $1.10 Turkoy red .98c I r 18 kwI iMwlHtM Kuy to have rtMUr immiov h kand. mi It te hJr UHetnew iKiUni' nut to mw It whore II ralK whuv IblHg wh,U fm are woJUims " ftx'aBHklvi luygeUneut. U wttl earn lUre im t with no. ami Vm ftTttfeblo vb wanted. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Red RtiSBlnn 90c Vnlloy $1.00 Flour. Pntonts $5.45 StrnlghtB $4.75 04.85 Exports .$4.00 Valley $5.25 Graham, 1H aack $5.00 Wheat, whole $4.05 Ryo 85.60 Ilnrlcy. Food $8.00 Onts. No. 1 Whlto $35.00 Gray $31.00 liny. Wlllamotto vnl. fancy tltnothy$lG.00 Willamette vnl ordlnnry. .. .$13.00 Mixed $18.00 UuHtorn Orogon, fancy $1750 Alfalfa $16.00 Clover $4.00 MlllntuffH. Ilrnn $20.50 Middlings $33.00 Shorts, country $31.00 Shorts, city $30.00 Chop f $22.00 Cliceso. C. Twins 15H01CO V. C. Triplets ...15H01GC Young Amarlon 17c Crenm brlak 189200 Swiss, block lSe20a Umburger ise20c DruKM'il Ment. Hogs, fancy 7 HIT So Hukh. ordinary 6 IJ 7c t5 lMeHle 10a SCHOOL PANT Fo the Boys This is the greatest opportunity to securi the boy a pair of everyday pants you havj ever had. Many have taken advantage already. Don't fail to coi at once as they will not lastl ong the way they are goini Just think! 50c, 75c, $1 and $1,25 valu now 30c PA1R All Ages, 4 to 1 6 Years Salem Woolen Mill Stori mmmammmmKmmmfmm5te3KmswBsa5wmmmmmsx Onions, por cwt $1.26 01.50 Rctnll Market. Flour, por sack $1.25 Eastern Orogon l"ln Ilrnn, por sack 0Go Shorts, por snek $1.351.50 Wheat, por bu 1'0B Rolled $29.00029.50 Drowlng ?27.60 IammI Wholcsalo Market. Wheat, por bushol 80c Oats, por bushol 45 Flour, hnrd wheat C-'B Flour, valloy G20 Mill feed, shorts $32 Mill feed, bran $30 Hops, 1908 crop 507c Hops, 1907 crop 2 03 He Chlttlm bark 306c Wool, coarso 13 Wool, modlum 16c Mohair 20 Hay, cheat . . $13.00 Hay. clovor $12.00 Potatoes, bushol 40 045c Apple, bushol 5Oc0$l.OO Onions, por owt 85 0 90c Prunoe, por pound lHHc Crnnborrlos, Howo'b vnrloty, bbl - $13.00 Huttcr nnd KggH. I Co' Eggs UOtter. Ruttor-fat 3Ci Choeso, twins i o ; orenmory 30c . S flltn W -o- fciMlU Sixth street with a woman I roMMtaHioH. who iMtosotl a Mre, WU-i Vv Wnltere. MUs Winter, as a mah, had been provWU the other woman with tow) SHtt elolkUg. The otoer wohmih. wko elelwed to le Mr Winters, celM at the police tattoM Friday aod Irflhl to arraHie ImmmI for her "kusbaml." but was im eHceeefnl. When oltleem oalled -t lUe tlAtk street addraee yesterday eke whs Rot timed. It wn Mtatml tee had left with a trunk eoHtalalHg the pereoHal neol of lotk. MIm Win tre la an oxtHtrt at reltlHX elgnreUes and ehuwed tabitooo while talking to AwtloUut Chief MeOHrtky abeut ht self. The Ohio State Journal Hotea toe mtoorlNts look wueh funnier u the eMItor wheH the) 're lu eotue other iwer. Yee. but they look about ten (titte as big lu hi own paper. TARRH A Reliable Romody Ely's Cream Balm Ciit Rthtl t 0c. It 4ttM, oxbr, kW Mtd IWttv'U the tUwM-4 utw- Uru rve.tutu fww Cinb n.1 .Utvt aw? a IV4.1 iu the Ho4 Ukl. li.yy rcVF Uotm the HcuKeor iim I tf U oVvloH ml How, lame 5c Veal, extra 10c Veol. onllMIT T & 8c Vea.1. heavj" Co Mntloa. fay C7c Ootutge roM lie UreMkfsMt 15 j 21 He Hegtilar short eioarA. awoktl 13c Ditto, uwswiikul 12c Clear Uaeks, smoked ... iSc Shoulders .... . .lie Poullr). Qhlakous, mixed IS v u 13c Hens. faneD" 13j 1 4c Koostere. old 10c Urollers and trre IGffUc Dressed poultry, 1 tint pound high er. Duoks UfflCc Oeosa. live 10 0 lie TurktD's 1701SC Drtued ... SO v 23c lluttcr, Fauey v 3Stf37c Choice . .30c Store IS 20c Kg. Uxtrae f . . SlttSSo Eastern 30 W 35c Potatoce. i Duylne prices, per evt . . $ i is u l 3e Sweets, cwt $3 Id Frwh Fruits. Oranges J5C3 Umona Yte&.0e Grapes, orate Q1 Pears, box TktMOIr rruKrrla h Arret . .114eOtlSAa Arrcatcd. A cough that has been hanging on Z m M. .. r.nha kv tatlnir Tint W xur oyer mu muumo m..u0 lard's Horehound 8yrup. If you have a cough don't wait stop It at once with this wonderful remedy. Spleu. did for coughs, colds on chest, Influ onza, bronchitis and pulmonary troubles. Price 25c, 60c and $100 Sold by all dealers. MIUs)tgl"Bjo)aitH lHHllhOfHHH The Mill of Circumstances and YOU mummmmmmmmm In this city, as everywhere, the Mill of Cir cumstances is grinding away 24 hours a day and today it may be grinding YOUR GRIST, It may be turning one of the.jncidents of this town's daily life into an opportunity for you into an ad vantage for you. When a merchant gets caught in "the Mill," and is pressed for cash, YOU benefit in the en forced sacrifice of some of his stocks that is, YOU BENEFIT if you keep posted on what is going on at "the Mill" by reading the ads. A real estate owner gets into "the Mill" and sacrifices some of his property in ordei to pet out again pays his toll. The owners of things automobiles, securities, businesses, machinery, horses and carriages, typewriters, office fixtures, houses, books, pic turesget into tills "Mill of Circumstances," and out of their troubles come your opportunities, They pay the toll. Incidentally, it's better to watch the ads and to profit by the products of "the Mill" than to get caught in it yourself, Although, if your turn should come, an ad will usually get you out safety Try The Capital Journal. is)inffiatnmitHiiifr-r444f Hole-Proof So The man who wears socks with holes in them darned or otherwise is -"J " unhappy fwt, and th& man with unhappy feat Is bound tbe unhappy and ucct- himself, The man wwtrs out his 1dm. his tamwr and his Dooketbook through wea tn-i his socks; his wife wears oout har fingers, hor patience and her time darni tnesesocM Buy Hole-Proof Sox, $1 .50 for Six Pr. wi ' i foiiiet all this unhappiness G. W. JOHNSON & CO 141 North Commercial Street TM-'e m4 KeU JNiUtWiU alruj. ftwt vl la I 4ul f.r:u, 'ii u, it lhxbM,ftti Vjnu StrtMt, h wk. I Uanana. ouad S&64I