Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 25, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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9100 Memo, ieo.
The readers of this paper trill he
pleased to learn tbst tfaero Is at least
ono dreaded disease that science has
boon able to cure la all Its stages.aal
that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Con
If comploto root and most perfect
Msdltlons Imaginable for nature
earo are what you nood, spend your Is the only posltlvo cure known to
holidays at Paso Robles Hot Springs, f medical fraternity. Catarrh be-
, Ing a constitutional disease, requlroi
California. A week or two, and & consUluUonBl treatment. Hall's
avon a fow days thoro will nccomp- Catarrh Curo Is takon Internally, act-
ltah rnoro In tho way of restored
enorgy thnu a much longer porlod
aad moro expensive trcatmont elso
whoro, boonuso good old Molhor Na
ture Is nurso and physician.
Paso Hobles la taking tho some
rank in America and onjoylng tho
same fatno for wondorful cures thnt
Carlsbad and Iladon I3adon do In
Europe Tho hotol Is n marvel of
comfort nnd luxury, and tho hsth
houso built by .the city, frco to all,
Is snld to bo ono of tho best In tho
world. It In u stubborn atlmont and
a hopolcss condition of physical
breakdown that tho minora! wntore
and hot mud baths of Paso Hoblos
will not heal in a short tltno..
Call on agont nt Salem for de
scriptive booklots 01 Paso nobles,
aad ho wilt also toll you all about
Win. Mc MOnitAY,
u-aMf a. p. a. s. p. Co.
Within two centuries after tho dis
covery of tobacco, tho Indian and
Amorlcnn In 1492, tobacco had con
quered tho world. But Us part of
progress has been besot by well-
meaning zealots nt ovcry stage.
Perhaps none of Us oppononts'havo
been moro bitterly antagonistic than
Ing directly upon tho blood raucouiJthOBO 0f tho fifteenth ccntry, whon
surfaces of tho system, thoroby de
stroying tho foundation of tho JU
oaso, and giving tho patient strontb
by building up tho constitution and
assisting naturo in doing Kb work.
Tho prarlpctors havo so much faith
In Its curative powers that thy off"r
Ono Hundred Dollars for any case
that It falls to cure. Send for list ul
Address F. J. Cheney & Co., Tolo-
do, O.
Sold by all druggists, 75c.
Take Hnll'fl Family Pills for Con
Two thousand tons of Hah aro sent
out of Slboria ovory year,
For that Terrible Itching.
Ono could hurdly toll whether that
youth who hnd to pay $4,80 for kiss
ing n girl got a bargain until ono
mw tho girl.
Hosrso coughs and stuffy colds
feat may develop into pnoumonla
ever night aro quickly cured by
Foley's Honey and Tar, and it soothos
Inflamed inembranos, heals tho lung
aa4 expels tho cold from tho systom
J. 0, Perry,
Eczema, teller and nalt rhourn kop
their victims In porpotual tormen. An
application of Chamberlain's Salve
will Instantly allay this Itching, and
many cases havo boon cured by Its
uso. For salo by Dr. Stone's Drug
Tho' Ural and Slboria produco
075,440 tons of iron each year.
DoWltfa Kidney and Dlador PI'ls
Pill- rrc t'io test plllr. mndo for
backncho, wenk back, urinary dls-
t i!tr, f(. Sold by nil dniRglst'.
It woh struggling for a foothold In
tho Old World. Tho famous "Coun
tcrblaBto to Tobacco" of King James
was only nn episode In a oruBade
ugHinst tho habit that ho carried on
porslstontly during his lifetime. I3e
sMt his "Countorblasto," hero arc a
fow apothegms whloh history nccred-
Its to Jntiies:
"Tobacco Is tho lively Imngo and
pattern of hell, for It hn by Illusion
In It all tho pnrts and vices of tho
world, whoroby hell mny bo gained,
"i-Irflt, It Is a stnoko; so nro tho
vanities of this world.
"Second, it delights them who take
it; ho do tho pleasures of tho world
delight tho mon or tho world.
"Thirdly, it maketh men drunken
nnd light In the head; so do tho vnni-
ties of tho world -mon nro drunken
"Fourthly, ha thnt takoth tobacco
flnlth ho cannot leavo It, it doth bo-
witch him. Even so tho pleasures
of tho world mnko men loath to leavo
them; and further, besides all thin, It
Is llko hell In tho vory substnnco of
it, for It is a stinking, loathsome
thing, and bo Is holl."
It is amusing to know that In the
latter years of his llfo King James
himself succumbed to tho alluromcnts
of tobneco, and, though ho pig-head
edly continued to donounco It, smoked
habitually In secrot
Their crusado against tobacco has
.been continued over alnce. Uncon
sciously, and with tno very best of
intentions this army of zealotB havo
disseminated a great mass of misin
formation which ha no basis of fact
and which was conceived in tho fertile
and Imaginative bralnB of a trio of
Park Row space writers. Take, for
InBtnnco, tho sacred fiction that tho
dnrk colored oil which lodges In the
bowlB of pipes nnd stains the fingers
of cigarette stnokors Is the deadly
poison nicotine Chemical scientists
know, of course, thai this substnnco
is not nicotine, but simply tar, to
bacco tor, distilled from the tobacco
Just as coal tar Is distilled from coal
and pine tar from plno wood. Cnrl
Werner, In Tho Bohomlan Magazine
for Fohrtinry.
Toklo, Feb. 25. Reconsidering
their recent nctlon In prosontlng a
resolution againBt participation in
tbo AInska-Yukon-Paclflc exposition,
tho Ashlknga and Klrlu weavers to
day cancelled tho resolution nnd tooc
Bteps to sond a largo representation,
and a great exhibit to tho Pacific
Tho change In aontimont was
further shown today by a request by
tho government to tho Diet, asking
a largo cxpondlturo for tho Anglo
Japaneso exposition next year, lu
which good will toward America was
Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indiges
tion does the ordinary work of the
stomach, so that by taking a little
Kodol ovory now nnd thon you cniV
not possibly bnvo Indigestion or any
form of stomach trouble. Sold bj
nil druggists.
Tbo Kind You Huvo Aiwnya Bought, nnd -which i,B3
In HRn fnx nvnr lift vmio. Ima iA .. . Ju31
-w -w - - ww vi.ji scej uuil n T in ctl . 4
rtd lina l)ccniiinil.?-. .1
" ,-sz. ,. i .. ,. .-"uu
T4zzt 7::rBU
- .. ,. vu uucciro von t
All Counterfeits. Imitatiana nml".Tiif.n.. VI.
Tv.nni..n..tu 1...4- .:1n mlM. ...! l "... "
iiiin,iiim.iiw bjntu niuu nvu ,um uuunnger tho hcni
Infants nnd CiiUdren---lIiXt)crlciico ntrnlnst F.iJ
Castorla In r, li&Tnilesi suhsiituto for Castor OH
mini:, i.n'i- .-. .-.i ,-..-u..-jrijf ojrups. xc is Pleasant
conlaij noUher CMwni, Mornhlno nor niim. r
substance. In ; o s its guarantee It destroys y2
nuu m..;j A:uoiMjuuua xit uurcs juinrriicca and i
Colic. It iciieT.-.. Tc3t!-ins' Troubles, cures Constlna
an Plniiilfinev. lii :v-.shn:IiitfM tlm T?omi i.
Stunan and i?owc!s, glvlMtj healthy and natural
iiio uuiittiojrs j-unaccii 'Alio motlier's rrlcutl.
Boars the Signature of
p"-3' 4 A
The M You Hare Always Boi
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TMt cintauh oonrutr, tt mubbat tbcct, itwvonKorrr.
For 8ab Two pair of Mongolian
(China phcnsantA for salo. Kn
qulro nt T. II. Ulundoll, Morning
sldo. Phono 1372. 2-24-3t
Kor Halo or Trade fr Ifursps Small
toconiotlvo, cars, mid upright Hnx
ter engine. J. 0. I.uhrman, Cot
tage Hotel. 2-24-31
Ker HnIc -A 7-room,houin, wovO
shed, chicken houso and barn, 2
acres of land; 1730 Asylum uven
uo. 2-10-2w
Vw Hale Three .fresh cows, 22 hend
of grndu Lincoln stock sheep.
Phono Farmers 73. S-18lwk
' I'OIt IlKNT '
Houso for Unit Clotto to Kast
school. Knqtilro nt 008 Marloc
street. 12-28-tf
Conrroio Work -Got my prices on
sldewnlk, curbs, spotlc tanks nnd
cement work of nuy kind, All
work gunrantocd first class. M.
Ward, 2378 Maplo Ave . Ulghlnnd
Phono COO. Mny 24-09
247 Miller St., South Salem, manu
facturer of nil kinds of boxes, crato
and fruit dryer accessories. Phono
IJrry nml Fml Hlnhl'-w )ld PoJt
olllcu Stnblos, at 2R4 Forry stroet.
batween Commercial nnd Front
streets. Toluphonu 188. Somo of
tho finest llvorlos In tho city can
bo found hero. Vstncott &. John
ton u.
For 1tiit A now G-rooiu hiiuso on
24th atreot, with modern conven
iences Apply to W. W Walker at
proiulnos or phono 458. 2-20tw
Wanlcl Will douxcavntlng, garden
plowing, and nil klndt of team
work. W. H. llunn, 17110 Iaiq st ,
phono 1D28. 12-21-tf
WHttl-ny February 23, a lot
Romowhoro within Clwirch and 2 tit
street and Ferry nnd Union. Sttto
prlco and also of lot. Must be
ehp. Addros "11," enro Jour
nal. a-19-at
Wanted A good young team, not
t than 3000 pounds. Addr-m
A. O. Achillea. Houto 8. Salem
Phono Farmor 294. 2-23-3t
Wantrtt-A girl to do light house
work. Hmall family. Itev. Henry
T. llatioook, 890 Oak street.
WaiittilA girl tor Woking and ga
oral httHMWork Family of thrto
adult, tiued wngM and paratu-
mnt ihIUo. Apply at 1399 Slate
street. Phono 300. 3-343t
Thw. M, liarrw-piiimhlnK, hot 'jf
and stMm huatlna ami ttnumb'.
164 Commcrolal street. Phoo
Main 193. 9-1-1r
M. i, IVtacI -Plumhlug. tBra and
gas nttlHK Huaeor to Kuox A
Murphy. 83 Qoiumeretal stroet
Tho Kuth Salem Moat Market, op
poslto Dauu's storo. Freh and
cured meat. Oenoral delivery.
(llv It a trial HuRman Mar
tin. Props. 1-30-tf.
Oct h Ilomr Houm4 and lota cheap.
oh Inttalltueatl, 10. 30, 40, s
and 100-aoro tracts, choice homes
ehrp: dairy ranch with cowa on
It for lo or trad for city prop
erty; hore and cowi for sale. I
want 15000 (or 8r years at per
cBt, Rrt mortgago. I. O. O. r.
lodg and trustees acurlty, lutdt
Ml MBnt-aun&wl, Other go4 loan
1st smaller amouata. 6 R, H.
Ryn, i.it-
Vogct I.uiiiImt unit Iiel fo. Lum
bor, shlngloa, building mnterlnl,
wood and conl. Low prices and
prompt dollvorlos. Ono block cnV
of S. P. passenger dopnt. Phone
108. 7-2-tf.
Ilutio .M W'eiulcrotli Fine wines
llquorn nnd cigars. Wo handle
thu cnlobrntod Kellog and Castle
whlsktos. Cool nnd refreshing bor
conatniitly on draught. South
Commercial street 9-3-lyr.
(Nimnilnn llnw,' Transfer Oompany
All kinds of transfer work dons
Furniture and pianos bixod rondy
for shipment. Prompt sorvlco U
our motto. Htnnd nnd omco nt
263 South Commercial street
Phono 210. Ilosldence Phone
CimIi In If you nwil the inonoy. I
buy Snnllntn mining stocks. Write
mo when trading. You get a dis
count on all business done. Let
me toll you of tho gigantic smolter
for tho Suntlnm. Fortune and big
Inomnn for Btookhnlders. Small In
vestors welcome. Installment or
ders aeeapted. Kindly sond all
bualueaa In buying or soiling San
Main ihIhIhk atooks to this offlee.
Addrea W J Curtis. 315 Commor-
elal lllk . Portland. Or S-18-lmo
Woodmen of World Meet every Fri
day night nt 7-30. In Hnttnnn hall.
A. L. Harvey. O. O ; L. 11. Flotco-
cr, Clerk. Jan. 10, '09.
439 Court 8trMit, D. J. Swltrer,
prop, llroad, Cake. Plea and all
kinds of Pastries. Cooklea. etc. Watch
for our wagon. Phone 954. Special
orders dellvftrvd on short notice.
Wcogor K Ctwrrtngton Pianos and
orcana sold on eay terms; tol
phono 11H7; 847 Commercial
8tret, 8alm, Oregon tf
HrOo llro. KJoctrtc Co. Wrtrlo
uppllea and flrat-claaa wiring at
leaaonablo prices, Call at our
otneo for esttraatev Phono 451
143 N. liberty atrot, 1-12-tf
llUTTKlUSirr HKK.1D.
It la worth more than any other
btcad, yt tho prlc Is o htgher.
For U at your grer,
AM. CHAN(JI:h of cony for Hrl
nlnte M iniiat li- Id The Journnl
(Ifflrr by C o'clock tin- evening before
the ilny on which the ml In lo appear.
Are you going to buy
farm or city proper
ty? Mote these:
IIouso nnd lot on Asylum avenue,
city water, bnth, etc, 11400.
flood 8 -room houso, Inrgo lot in
ICnglowood, 31000.
Lnrgo houso nnd lot 132x165,
cIobo In, 3C000.
Good houso nnd barn, lot 90x248,
on Stnto atrot. 32300.
Six noros, 8-room house, 3 aaros
orchard, good bnrn. 31750.
Klovon nnd onu-hnlf norett clone In,
good buildings, w II Improved
HUTV. Forty acres, 3 miles Snlom, a flno
plnce, wol Improved, 37000.
Thrco hundred and twonty-olght
acres; 200 acres In cultivation,
$30 par ncro.
Thrco hundred nnd sixty acres ad
joining above, 1 35 per ncro.
Wo havo a largo list of farms of
nl slxou and prices and It will
pay you to Investigate beforo
Olmsted Land Co.
n7 Ktnto Ktrovt
Snlom, On.
t3 4 noriw heavy timber, will out
3000 cords, thrtw and a half miles
from Salem. If sold by Feb. 37
eon bo hnd at $3800.
If you havo any M IN IN (5 or
other Industrial Mock for
Mile, tiring tluio in. Wo
him M'vernl customers.
Lots on 19th street, 3375 aud $335.
Ineao lots will Mvnnco In prlc
soon. If you want to get In on
this cheap prlc act quick.
wo lots, 18tb and Trade.
3 lots, 13th-and Ferry.
Oao lot on 13th near Chemeketa,
Good farm for salev
House, 8 rooms, and lot, lta at,
1873 Ut street 3-l-lea
Good 7-room houso on Chomekotn
Modorn 5-room houso, wood floor
plaster, pantry, bnth, toilet, sopttc
Howor, on Chomekotn st. Snap.
fl I UUU I
Modorn 7-room houso, wood fiber
plastor, wired for olcctrlclty, pan
try, bnth, toilet, washstnnd, soptlc
sower, largo front porch, closo In,
only thrco nnd n hnlf blocks to!
poBtofflco; for a fow days 31800. !
, 10, SO, 10 AOUU TltAOl'S.
Improvl and Unimproved Orchard
(nidi, Stock mid Dairy Farms.
Five and ono-hnlf ncros, very host
of soil, Improved, with a 4-room
homo, woodshed, barn and about
ono ncro la borlos, on good road
Just outsido of tho city limits. Von
will havo to ho quick If you want
this Bnnp. Prlco 31100, with
Nearly ton ncros vory best of land,
about half set to bearing fruit
trees and berries, different varlo
tlou; good 7-room houso, barn nnd
outbuildings; spring nnd well wat
er, on main rond; telophono and
rurnl routo; four miles from city
limits. This plnco is woll worth
32500, going oust, will sacrifice for
150 nort8, In tho beautiful Waldo
Hills, noarly all undor cultivation;
snap. 350 par noro.
Another Ono.
310 ncros, Waldo Hills, oloso to rail
road, a rottl snap 331 per a ere'
If taken toon.
40 ncros, all In cultivation, an cxc3l-!
lont boarlng orchard, good houso,
barn and other outbuildings, live
stock, farm imploments, hay and
grain includod. It will pay you
to Investigate this.
Ei;ht ncros, closo In, rock road bow
dors tho placo, 300 cor Is of wjid
on placo, all fenced, Is a good bur
at 3000.
20 acres, 3 mllos from city, nil in
crop, good soil, on grnvol road, woll
fonccd, nnd Is n bnrgaln.
Wo havo acreage In small and largo
tracts at reasonable prices.
A snnp Largo tract of timber, will
cut Bovoral thousand cords of
wood, ono mllo from rntlroad sta
tion, good soil and good Bprlng
wntor. Prlco In roach. Call ana
Wo have an omploymont bureau In
connection with tho ronl ostato of
fice. Whon you aro wantinir hol.-
of nny kind, on tho fnrm or In tlid '
houso, ring up Mnin 149, and wo.
win furnish you help freo of
Como to tho Orogon Capital Co-Op-
oratlvo Land Co, whon you wani a
Phono Main 149. 478 State St.
Salem, Oregon.
Jill Statu StrtHt.
Snlum, Or.
32500 9-room hard finished, mod
ern houso, built two years ago,
largo lot, only threo blockB from
buslnoes part of town.
3200 por acre, 414 acres fine fruit
farm, 2 miles from Salem, on gooj
road, 13 acres In bearing fruit, 30
now In crop, in timber, runnlug
water, C-room plastorod houto,
barn and good outbuildings; pet
ronal property worth 31000 goes
with placo.
1 800 1 aeroo. all In bearing fruit,
Insldo city limits, flno building
31100 New 4"-room plastered house
3900 Good 6-room house and 3
We have some choice country homos,
dose to town, from 5 acrea up.
Good bargain In 67 4 -acre farm. 5
mllas south on rock road.
Balldlag lots on oasy torms.
list your property with us.
Mutual flro Insurance written.
Every two mlnutea a ton of coal H. A. Johnson At Crt.
---- -v -- w
I ournea up at Panama, every mln- -muiipiiy IlLK.
ut 12 car loads of rock and gravel ' '
aro torn from tho earth, every hour
1666 pounds of dynamite are exBlod-'
ed In tho mountain and Jungle, evary
tuluuta 3134 I apent for labor
Putnam's Magailne.
For Salo C0-acre farm, 40 acres n
hops, ono-hnlf mile from Oregon
eleotrlo line. 1 1 miles north of Sa-1
lem, 35000. House and 4 lots on
19th street. 31700. J. Knight,
Murphy block. I
For water service at.ilr t nma
Bills payable monthly in advanr
A Mlnuto at Panama.
200 acres, good houce, 2
acres In cultivation, fine 1
fonccd, on good road, vi
cd. Plonty of fruit, ba
nnd pasture; only )60 pa
G acres, good house, barn,
water, on good road, a go
A snap; 31900.
53 acres; houso, fruit, 40
vutlon, bnl. good timber,
por aero.
vacant lots in uu pans oi.i
Wo havo some snaps
houses from 3800 up In
of Salem. It you want
or want to buy, see
Itooni O, over United States i
Also houses to rent
No. 22 5-room houso and
150. 3950.
No. 16 Good C-room houte
lots, 16 benrlng fruit tr
No. 13 5-room house an!
150. Prlco 3760
Nn M Nlcn resldenc ai
barn, on lot 37 l-2xl
Six good lots wi'h plenlr
and a splendid house as
Prlco 33000.
No. 344 good lots and a
room houso; plenty of ti
shado trees; f ne view aaj
thine desirable For par
400 State St.
('ui-iK-iitt'ru I'lliOll No K
Union No. 1065 of Carpatj
Joiners of Anif" " '"r "
urday evening at 7 SO P
Hearst hall. 42" State
A W. Dennis. UT sec
Furrstcrs of America Court
uinml Vnristrrs N3
Qnlnr.tnv nlfhl )D HC.C
Stntn Btreat. Geo F Pa
It.; J. C. Perry, flcanc'al
pniMii YwfA u 1H- K
Castle hall In Ho'man bll
ner State and l(
rt .. Tn-r-J C Cii
til. umai wwm -
Anderson. K of R n5.
..... ...-... nt Amerlc
-j- r.mn Kn 5J4.
r. Thnrdav vTninrj
i..i. In ITnlmsn bait
mi! V r - F A Turner
Foley' Orino Laxative cares con-'
Hpattoa and liver tronbla and raakei
tha hovels healthy and regw.hr.
Otlao U superior to Mils and tahtt
aa It "oa not grip or nanaata. Fay
tak aayUla sImT
Plae farm of 240 acres, less than 3
!! from city; best Investment
on the market at 365 per acre.
3509 Fine lot on Court street.
We can sell your property.
32500 Choicest l- 1 'Wt'Jj
380054x165, on Court atrt
31500 96x165, on 1 cm. -1160096x165,
on Sute t
01I and Be v-
Meyer & Bell Land Com
Statesman BWfc Room 1; Uprtw"
. --- f - . --"
. -m