'?iS?L.?zimte-i tJZZ FIRST EDITION 3 P. M. SECOND eDITI0N-4 P. M.- mt Hail I 1 tftmtal VOL. XIX. DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OREGON, THURSDAY, I'KURUAUY 23, 1000. NO. '17. imtmmiXK3xjms.rcxsx:7- Lh Mj Inl In lo Inilnlfnn lln yiniiniinTi?v WPgt?he? 59?'! njT- " I JKjTyjiFmriLJii; J f Xfjt J WOMAN'S WILL AND PARLIAMENTS WONT CALIFORNIA ORIENTALS ORGANIZE TO INFLUENCE LEGISLATION LEADING WOMEN OF ENGLAND GO TO JAIL FOR A PRINCIPLE BLSEI6E PARLIAMENT TO GRANT THEM THE RI6HT TO VOTE, AND REFUSE TO 6IVE BAIL WHEN ARRESTED-SERVE EROM ONE TO TWO MONTHS men have become more and moio obstructive nnd despornto. They threaten strongor measures and do claro that thoy value nolthor lite nor liberty In tho tight to win tho voting privilege for women. Tho prisoners woro all of tho niojt fashionable clasB and all appeared to bo elated over tho sentonccs. Tho court room whoro tho hearings woro hold was pneked with mon and wo men. Many of tho spectators woro suffragettCB. Jority In tho lower houso and there 1b ii general disposition to got to- gothoi on Bomo sort of n bill, although no ono sueiuB to bo nblo to outline such a measure. United Press Leased Wlre.l London, Fob, 25. Suttragotte of tho highest social position In tho United Kingdom today woro aon tenced to terms in jail for partici pation In tho demonstration of yes terday whon scores of womon at tempted to obtain n hearing boforo Prcmlor Asqulth. Mrs. Pothlck Lawronco, ono of tho lcadors who wbb arrested oarly yos- tcrday was convicted and Hontoncod today. Lady Constnnco Lytton, b'.b ter of Lord Lytton, Daisy Solomon, daughtor of tho formor promlor of South Africa, and othors cf equal rank woro given terms of from ono to two months, in Jail. Thirty suffragettes In all wcro ar ralgnod In court. Thoy rofiused to givo bonds for thofr good behavior and clioso jail sontenccs. Tho wo- if f i mi ff fff f mi ! I A Grand Exhibition !! Of 1909 Newest Merchandise Thousands of yards of Embroideries, Laces, Fancy Dress Trimmings, New Belts, New Leather Bags, New Dress Goods, New Silks, New Shirtwaists ,New Wash Goods, New Notions, New Suits, New Millinery, New Dress Skirts, New Silk Petticoats, New Flowers, New Ostrich Plumes, New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Shoes, Now White Goods, New Muslin Underwear, and all the rest, Buy here and get up to date merchandise at prices that will bring you back, and all your friends, BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT I New Arrivals in SPRING SUITS AND MILLINERY Shrewd buying In Now York en- ablea us to sell suits and mllllnory 2 at much lower prlcos than our 2 competitors. Seeing Is believing, f fis.uy.uuits now only $.r,.uo 118.00 Suits now only $ O.fiO 136.00 Suits, now only $18.00 J Como and Boo tho values. 15.00 New Rnrlnir lints nnlv SIMM) ! 18.50 Ncjw Spring Hats only ? 1.50 1 Lots of others at lower prices, J A SOME ONE SWIPED JENNIE'S NECKLACE (United Trcii Leased Wlro.l San Francisco, Fob. 2C. Although n number of Plnkorton dotcctlvos uul the ontlro ntnff of tho St. Francis hotol havo been searching alnco early yesterday morning, no trnco has boon found of tho $30,000 necklnco which so myatcrlotiBly disappeared from tho neck of Mlstt Jennlo Crocker ut tho colonial ball Tuesday night. Tho aid of tho police was asked this morning nnd Cnptnln of Dotcc tlvos Anderson detailed Detective Proll to assist tho prlvato dotcctlvos In thoir work. Tho task of explain ing the disappearance bids fair to bo a problom hard to solvo and so far tho pollco havo not tho slightest clow on which to conduct tho search. Theories aro numorous. Tho most plausible ono, according to tho pollco, Is robbory, although there linn not boon tho least bit of ovldonco brought to light which will afford any foun dation for this theory. MAY USE IT AS .... A PRESERVATIVE Washington, Fob. 25. Tho uso of bonzouio of soda as a preservative of food wos authorized today by an or der Issued at tho Instanco of Secre taries Cortolyou, Wilson nnd Strauss, who comprlso tho government board of food and drug inspection. Tho ordor la In accord with tho ro conl findings of tho spoclnl roforoo board of oxportM called to consider tho mntter nftor Professor Wlloy, tho government chemist, had declared that tho drug had a dolotorlous effect wnon usod as a prcsorvatlvo. Tho ordor Is rogardod as extremely Important in view of tho widespread uso of benzoato of soda In almost all kinds of manufactured foods. JAPS AND CHINKS UNITE TO SAY WHAT UNCLE SAM SHALL DO HAVE BANQUET IN SAN FRANCISGO AND OUTLINE PLAN OF AGTION AGAINST THE COAST'S DEMAND FOR EXGLUSION o- WETS AND DRYS BOTH WORRY United I'rru Leased Wire. Olyinpla, Wash., Feb. 25. Tho lo cal option situation Is, If anything, worso today. Last night tho somite public morals committoo drafted a bill which Cameron and Smlthson, .wo "wot" members, ngreod to sup port, and It was expected that with thoso two supporting tho measure It would have nodlfflculty In pnHsIng tho sonnto. nut this was proven untrue this morning vhon tho provisions of tho bill boca.no generally known. Tho "drys" aro now wqrriod for fonr thoy will not be abio to hold thoir ma- MEN TO VOTE ON FEMALE SUFFRAGE ' Olympla, Wash., Fob. 26. Acting Qovornor Hay this morning withdrew formality, nnd in tho presonco of Mm. Dovoo, head of tho womnn'n anf frngo movement in tho stato, and Senator Piper, who onglnoorod tho bill through tho aonato, signed the bill, providing for mibmlsslon of tho question of woman suffrngo to a voto of tho pooplo, and a fow momonts lator Socrotnry of Stato Nichols nf- flxed tho sonl of tho stato, and tho long fight which tho womon havo. wagod was ovor. WHITE SOX COMING TO PLAY BASEBALL Chicago, Fob. 25. Tho Whlto Sox special, with a delegation of fans, will depart for tho Pacific comjt. ovor the Northwestern railroad at C o'clock tomorrow ovonlng. The train will a rlvo In San Francisco at 8 o'cIoik on tho ovonlng of March 1. ' Tho outfit Includes nit tho squad practically, and many young Eastern stars, who havo signed to play in the Pacific coast leaguo during tho coin ing season. UNITED STATES STEEL BUYS OUT COMPETITOR SPECIALS FOR THIS SALE J sues, yard, 19c and up; calicoes, yard, 4c; outing flannels, yard, 4c. 15c dress ginghams, yard, 9c; In dia llnons, yard 8 l-3c. 85c dress goods, 49c. and so along tho lino ' with all the rest 41 i wmVft --' .'.. M4i JJjlfZr? PFOPi't: fifrw '" t faff f f f f f f f f f f f f f m ff f f f f f mml (United Press Loasod Wire.) Portland, Feb. 25. For a consid eration mild to bo about 11,000,000. tho Aniorlcnn Steol nnd Wlro Com pany, genornlly rogardod us holng a subaldlnry concern to tho United States Steol Corporation. Iihr pur chased all tho internals of the Pa cific Steal nnd Wlro Company of Oak land, Portland. San Frnnolsco. Bo attlo, and Now York. The one deal In Itself Is not considered of groat Importance, but because of tho Intl inato conneotlon botwuon tho Pacific company and tho groat DeKalb Fence Company of DoKalb. III., thoro Is good reason to believe. It Is said, that the steol corporation has taken ovor both concorns. Today representatives of the pur chasing company, the American Stoel and Wire Company, with C. K. Illoom, Portland sales agent for the company, are taking an Inventory of the Pa cific company's stock in Portland. Tho company has a warehouse and distributing branch nore. "The American Steel and Wlro Company might have purchased tho Western Hemisphere and I wouldn't know of It." asserted Mr Hloom to-! day. "All I know Is what wom con tained in a telegram which I received from tho head offices In San Fran cisco It Instructed mo to take an inventory of tho Pacific company's stock hero." Local ngontH for tho Pacific com pany admitted today that a snlo had boon mado and that tho Amerloau company had ncqulrod thoir Interests. Thoy also received telegraphic word to this effect. More than seven your ago tho Pacific 8tal and Wlro Company was organUed In San Fi-uiioImuo with a capital stock of 1250,000. A factory was oroetod In Oakland. At thai time It whs partly eontiolled by what mhh then tho National Fence Company and tho National Wire and Stoel com pany. Lator tho Pacific company be came separated from tho larger con cern, which wont out of huulnoiui and was reorganized au tho DoKalb Fetich company, now one of tho mammoth Industries of Its kind. Itecently tho Pacific company wus reorganized, but tho details have been kept qulot. It waa believed that It had bton taken In by the DeKalb company. If It be a fact that tho steel cor poration ban purchased tho DeKalb interests It may be that which lion long threatened tho buying up by tho corporation of a majority of tho smaller Independent concerns, has been started in earnest and that the so-called trust Is really fighting for IU life. United Press Lcaicd Wire. 8an Francisco, Fob. 25, Japancao nnd Chtncoo morchantB of thin city hriVo roachod an amlcablo agreement for concerted plans to protect mutual luterostB in tho United Statos, fol lowing a banquet last night ut tho Hung Far Low roataurant, in China town. Iu addition plans wcro formulated for a campaign of concorted cotton ogvJust lu tftysago of.antl-Orlontul oxcluslqn legislation In tho United Statos. Although no direct word was apok on regarding an alliance between tho Chlneso nnd Jnpanuso or this city, tho fact that mutual protection against antl-Orlontnl discrimination In p) ninttorB Is naoded, was frequently al hidod to by the speakers. Tho banquet was attended by the Japanese and Chinese consuls and tho staffs, representatives of the Chi ncso Six Companies And Japaaera business organisations and Chinese and Japanese newspaper editors. Doth Japaneso and Japanese consult spoko In favor of tho plan. Although no direct statement was made, th gurornl Idea of tho meeting waa taat of inocoBBity-of organising t&v tb protection of mutual IntorostB in this country, Stress wan also laid on tho noooiri ty for forgottlng tho rocont blttor nosn occasioned by tho Chlnoso bor cntt of Japanese goods, which was lately withdrawn. PRESIDENT SENDS SPECIAL MESSAGE (United Press I.ricl Wlre.1 Washington, Fob., 25. Prcaldont HoobovoR today sont a spoclnl moo sago to cougroHs announcing tho ap pointment or tho following Joint committoo to donl with tho question cf tho numbor and location of navy ynrdB: Admiral A. T. Graham, rotlrcd, chairman; Rear-Admiral Sperry Roar-Admiral Wnlnwrlght, Captain C Molt. Wlnttlow, Major-Qonernl Roll, Rrlgadlor-Qonoral Wlthorspoon and Drlgndlor-aonornl Marshall. Tho Presldont, fa Bonding tho naval committoo report, says: "Tho whole objoct of tho organlza tlon of tho navy dopartmont Is to erect mnchlnory, which In tlmo of peaco can proparo for war. Such Is Rio wholo object of tho war dopart mont. Tho two socrotartoB should be supremo, but thoy should havo the most responsible military advlco." The report of tho naval committee, transmitted by tho Presldont, favors tho centralization o7 powor In the soerotary of tho navy, with tho crea tion of an advisory board to furnish advlco regarding military operations and nnotlier board to suporvlso tho technical branch of tho service. It also recommends that the secre tary of tho navy bo permitted to ac cept or roject advlco. Tho chief of tho advisory board, to bo nominated by tho secretary of the navy, U to preside over tho body, and In time of wnr to command a great fleot. In time of peaco," during each summer. It is provided that he 'hall take command of the conom, t rated battle force of tho navy for maneuvers, targot practlco and snob, cruising aa he may deem advisable.! It recommends tfiat thoro bo cr-j aiftd a chlof technical aselstant to tho, secretary or tno. navy, and a asecond technical assistant, weather turna colder It Is fonrod that n dlBnator Jrom tho rising wntors will result, Intorurbnr. cats connecting the rlvor towns havo boon forcod to nu pend operations bocnuso of tho high wator. The rlvor is rising two tenths of nn Inch hourly, nnd Is ex pectod to roach tho 55-foot mark to night. Faclorlos In tho bottom lands have boon compollod to closo their doors and re mo vo goods from the lower Iloora or tho buildings. It la OJtl mated that 5000 mon havo bcoa thrown out of work ou this account, I Louisville, Ky., Fob. 26. The Ohio rlvor continued rising hero to day, though not so rapidly aa it did yotorday. Tho conditions hero and In tho surrounding country havo im proved, i CALIFORNIA S0L0NS HAVE A MIX-UP OHIO RIVER AT DANGER POINT (Un.tcd I'rwi Uae4 Wlr. Cincinnati, 0 Feb 2P Tho Ohio passed the flood stage here today un der continue tkaw, b unlets the; (United Prosa Leased Wlro.) Buornmouto, Fob. :'fi.- After an at tack on Suutor Leioy A. Wright and a Han Franulsoo newspaper man by Ooorgo II. Meltuu. a lobbyist, Inst night In tho cloak room or tho sen ate, a lively soquol Is predicted for tonight whon tho Islals Creek bills. ovor which tho trouble started, comu up lii'foiH llm HtMumbly uoiuiultlou o flnauco and navigation. Tho newspaper man whm intervli-w-lug Meltuo ovor tho alleged passago or money to legislators to seouro tho dofwit of the bill. McJtao booaino angry nnd Htruolt the reporter. As sumbbiuun Wright, who was prosent, attempted to Intorfero and got n punch on thu Jaw. Others Interfered and led tho angry participants nw.ty Mcltao was alleged to have remark ed that Wright was favoring tho bill because "liu hstd not got his" In tho Hhago of money. McRaedenled that he .made such a remark. - To Hatch . V,lih, ' "" (United PrwaLeaaod Wire.) Washington. Feb. 25. Tho house this afternoon voted an appropriation of fSO.OOQ for tho establishment ot a fish cultural station on Pugot Sound pyyMj'Wft' j