WMMMisiifeMiLlflM !gM3 0A1LY CATIT &I . JO yity ALi, , SJWfWi qWW) yEDNB8DAYt FEBRUARY Aft, 1W m, a V i Vi- HWglHlltJtlO. LIMB-SUIiPIlUK SOLUTION Niagara, tho tried and . I proven it lesi. rricoa on uppit- ; ; m . n . . . ..ii cauou. special No. 2, guaran- icou du teat, at ?C.B0 por 10- n portfolio combined. Unroli n bit fur gallon barrel, full measure at ther nnd you have n smnll satchel. Salem. Mndo only by Oregon J J For sale by EIbIo L. Goodhuo, ogent. Spray & Gas Co., Portland, Or, phone 768. 2-16-lmo Hood IVvor Spray Mfg Co. ? Hood River, Or. On Sale at ! ! ' Salem by H. P. ChaBO, succes- Q A TV1 C A QTA nor to Chase & Skalfe. Golden jvuiu uuuil, iUIB. u, 1. O Willi, A proprietor. -9sj r.i iBllHlllfl BgK g?- ' Vgggggk gSJBgfg iTgggigggggggr gggggggggggggggWkEgggggggggggk IHMHHIHiMHHHH DR. STONE'S! Drug Store Tho only cash drug storo In Oro gon, owes no one, and no ono nwoi It) carries large stock; Its Bholves, counters and show cases aro loaded with drugs, medicines, notions, toilet articles, wines nnd liquors of all kinds for medicinal purposes. Dt. Stone is a rogulnr graduato In mod Ictno, and has had many years of ox pqrlonco In tho practice Consulta tions are frco. Prescriptions are frco, and only regular prices for medicine. Dr. Stone can bo found at his drug storo, Salem, Or., from 7 in tho rooming until 0 at night. ilromv' tSA' jB$E3 'BEB" rvr$ Old Dutch Dunkards Z72z made and used HICKORY BARK COUGH REMEDY for seventy years, and reared O ! a family ofeleven children. For CM f 3lir6 i UrC Sale by aH dealers everywhere OllfC V-tir6 No Alcohol Nor Alkaloids THB TRIPLEX BA0 Four Bags in One. . gimnlo. atronir. atvllsh. aorvlcenhlo "' plrBt lt.8 a pursc, A twlst of tho wrjBt and it's a handbag and music FiViMOUS HOUSE TKAIXEIt. Is now located at Canby Oregon, the best winter quarters in the Nortfl west for training and developing young horses. Sam has room for a fow more prospects, either for the road or track and would llko o communicate with anybody 'wishing tholr horse trained. Mr. Casto is conceded to bo tho best colt man in tho Woat and his success on tho Sa lem track boars out this statement. Terms rcanonablo and satisfaction guaranteed. Addresc SAM 'CASTO, Canby, Oregon. tii in ii in m ii i ilium How Journal Readers Can Save Money Head carefully, overy day tho Advertising Columns in tho ; : Capital Journal ','. Somo day you will bo likely ; ; to 11 ml n bargain advertised ' that you wnnt. A prompt ro- ply may savo you monoy. I Watch It Carefully : : iniiiiii tmiiii him in BACK GIVES OUT. Plenty of Salem Renders IIaVo This Experience. You tax the kldnoys ovorwois; them They can't keep up the continual strain. Tho back glvos out it aches and pains; Urinary troubles set in. Don't vjalt longer' tnko Doan'a Kidney Pills. Salem people toll you how thoy net. W. H. Wood, enrpenter, 260 Cot tago street, Salem, Oregon, says: "A good many years ago I wbb klckod by a mule. At nnothor time, while digging n well, It cavod in on me. Since then I hnvo had moro or lens troublo with my kldnoys. Any change of tho weather caused my back to ncho, and when I worked hard I became bo lamo I could hnrrtiy straighten after stooping. I finally procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Stono's drug store, and, although have continued to work hnrd, nnd havo been exposed to bad wcathor r.ot an ncho or other symptom of my former troublo remains. This dour ly proved that Doan's KIdnoy Pills live up to tho claims mado for thorn. I also know of othor pcoplo who havo derived grent benefit from tholr uso " For pnlc by nil dcalors. Prlco 50 cents. Foitor-Mtlburn Co., Buffalo, New York, solo ncents for tho United Stntcs. Romembor tho name Doan's and tnkc no other. Mnybo tho woman who walked 1100 mllut: to find her husband had something In mind she wantod to say to "him. Worn Out. That's tho way you feel about tho lungs whon you havo a hncklng cough It Is foolishness to let it go on and truBt to luck to get over It, whon Bal lard's Horohound Syrup will stop tho cough and heal tho lungs. Prlco 25c, GOc and $1.00 por bottlo BOULEVARD TO THE STATE FAIR GROUNDS JOINT COMMITTEE OF CITY COUNCIL AND BOARD OF TRADE DEFINING THE FOLLOWED The committees which havo boon working on tho matter are prepared to Bubmlt tho following report to tho city ceuncil: To tho Honorable Mayor nnd Com mon Council of tho City of Sa lom, Oregon. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned commlttocH of your honorable body nnd of tho Salem lloard of Trndo, who weru appointed for tho purpose of investigating a feasible route for a boulevard from tho city to the state fair grounds, hereby beg leave to re port. After spending considerable tlmo on tho ground nnd acquiring all tho Information possible, wo concluded to recommend either of the follow ing routes, subject to the futuro ap proval of your honorable body, or suoh committees as may be appointed for that purpese: First It Is proposed to go north from Court streot on Capitol atreot as far as tho Garden road; thenco through tho Ii. C McCoy property to what Ih known nB tho Tile Works road, following tho lino of Capitol Htroot; thenco easterly on tho Tllo Works road to n point about 200 DEBTOR HITS CREDITOR WITH BAG OF MONEY Unltcil 1'rvoi Ltaieri Wire Uolllnghani, Wash., Fob. 24. " 'You'ro a flno Christian. A rich man llko you a bothorlng mo for u little monoy llko that,' ho sayH to mo, and thon ho flung a wallet at mo loaded down with silver, and It iitruok mo In tho oyo, as you can see for yourself, sow I want n warrant for him. 1 don't caro for tho money but I want him lookod up. That Isn't nny way to troat a man." This Ih tho recital glvun In Judge (iouthorklll'H court today whon II. P. Johnson, a loonl grocery iuhii, applied to tho police court for u warrant charging Hum Oairom with hitting him In tho oyo with a bag of monoy. Johnson declared he found hltt l iron Mttlo Hlow hIkmU payhiR his bill, so ho wont to see him. Ostrom iiiut him at tho door, says Johnson. and when he learned the iiiituru of tho errand, boonm xoltod. This .lata ..f iiilml l.finamu unrHU UH till) 1 convorHHtlon progrewieil. with tho io- .suit s'atod. Johnson says ho did not wait to pick up the wallet. ILADY PREFERRED ' MERCURY TO MARS i (United Prawi Lwuwd Wire.) North Yakima, WmIi.. Vt. 2-1. While the m Hruininel anil the Gay UHimrlw of NiiohoM City, h little town cut tb North YKklniR Mini VNlley inll roail, wwre endenvortiiK to Mttl by , MrHls of QutHHtsbury methods their cUlow uMin the Imnd of the fulr ! vlllne bell, the "vllhtge cut-up" hn lirovel hi opiHirtunlty mid today is In a fair way to win out. The trouble Blurted at mmMjuer mle Iwll. Ileati Uruuimel took her to the ball and I.otlmrlo attempted to , take her home. A duel with fists was nrrHHMed for yiMterdsy morning. . It was tu be to a finish. The belligerents met at tho ap iKiiutud tlmo and stripped for the fray. At this point nomo one sug gested that It would be well to find out how the girl sts.od In tho matter. n emissary was sent to her home. The measeugor happened to be the tillage ' cut-up." The belle appeared to have doubts as to tho propriety ' or accepting the result of n fist fight taut would dutorniluo her future. The iueMMnger noting her Induelslon, of- f.rwl Hlutelf as a happy medium. The , off i was looked upon with favor and won! ui that effect sent back to the nililn. There v. a Ho fight. HUSBAND WORTH $100,000 TO HER il altMl I'm !.! H'lre.1 I riMkane. Feb 2-1 Suit to recover ! Jiwo ooO damages from tho Northern I'mific Railroad Cutntmny. which she hold reaiionslble for the death of li- husband. K. M Drannlck u prom- Ini-iif Portland buslneaa man. bns Just In n rilfd hero by bis widow. Drldget MAKE A REPORT ROUTE TO BE foot beyond tho S. P. right of way; thenco northerly parallel with tho S. P. right of way Into tho fair grounds. Second North from Court streot on Capitol atreot to tho north lino of tho Ii. C. McCoy trnct; thonco east erly to a point about 200 foot west of the S. P. right of way to tho Tllo Works road; thonco Biuno na above. Your committocs would respectful ly request Mint your honornblo body appoint a permanent committee to net la conjunction with a llko com mittee from tho commercial organi zations of tho city, who shall uncur tain nnd report back to your body some plan for devising ways and means to accomplish this much do b I rod end. Rospcotfully submitted, W. 8. LOW, J. Ii. STOCKTON, N. D. ISIiMOTT, , Comuilttoo of City Council. J. 11. AM1I3UT, ' i. N. DKltllY, J. M. IiAWHKNOU, W. H. STI2USLOFF, D. II. JAMES, Committee of Salem Hoard of Trado. Drannlck. Drannlck recotvod Injuries from which ho died while riding on a ca boose attached to u freight train on tho Northern Pacific on February 1 of last year. Tho train was running between Hntton-and Cnnnoll In Wash ington whon It started suddouly, throwing Urannlck to the floor, Ho died, twenty-two days Inter. Uran nlck for many years was vice pros! dent nnd gonernl managor for tho Portland branch of Studobakor Dins. WHEN HE QUITS RUNNING FOR OFFICE (ITnltvil I'rwn l.pflncd Wire. 1 Pueblo. Colo.. Fob. HI.- William JuunliiKM Hryau Is preparing for old axe- During lib rucuat visit In Den ver he Informed former (loveruor Al- va Adams that ho had recently bought " Txhm fruit much of H10 Hero, ! which In now doing planted. "lB uommonor riKiium iiiui uio "es will bo hiring fruit by thti tllllO llU IH Sixty ywirH dill. WllUll ' bent with hk oxpuotH to """ "Hl "' '" mu " " rmwn. wiiiou lie iiopea win nring nun a lmndMimu Income. The property Is near llrowiisvlllo and Is In a rleh fruit belt. NEVADA BANK CLOSES ITS DOORS Ualtwl Vitm Umtml Wlra.1 Tiinopab. Nvr . Keb. tf-t. AUhuiitfh aolveat, the Tonopah braueli of the N)e and Orniaby County Iwiik. baa eloaori I la doom and will receive no more depoalta. Depoaltora will be iwld in full. The bank eloaed during the late panlo and aluoe reopening haa paid fX.auu.OOQ to depositors. It la stilted today that the Institution's preaent nsoeta are $1,000,000 and the llabllltleti $800,000 tjii) iiiMi.-Mrt ,m,. win ap preclato tho help and comfort of a pair of good ruirtlng glasse or lenses that will ovorcomo tho defect Ir. sight. Knablos you to do hotter work and moro. K.tlgmatlsm noarslght. ' far sight, etc., promptly chocked and rolleved when your eyis are fitted by us. Barr's jewelers B B Just Coffee, but perfect I I Coffee. 1 Your grocer will crind it C bottor If ground at home not too fine. I 3 THE STOMACH OF THE CHILD Fh tho Orgon all Parents Should Pro tect nntl Keep Normal. Tho stomach of a child Is tho or gan nbovo nil others upon which the futuro of a child dopnndB. Bodily dovolopmont Is fast in chlldron, and tho nourishment nocossnry to meet such dovolopmont Ib tho ono cason tlal domnnded from a paront. Most mothors nnd fathers, Joalously gunrd a child from tho formation of bad habits, yet lit this ago our chlldron early bocomo tho victims of wrong food, ovor eating and Irregular meals. It is most appalling to know the offoct of stomach troublo qmong our chlldron. Most children aro norvous, irrlt nblo nnd cross, who dream, sleep reai lOBBlly, who tiro easily, who have no tloalro for child oxorclao, gonerally havo stomach trouble, Indlgeetlon and dyspopota. Btuart'n Dyspopsla Tablots aro In tended to thoroughly digest food and to placo tho systom In shnpo to ob tain nil the nourishment It needs from Biich food. Tliorfo tnblots mix with tho julco of tho systom, enriching thorn and giving to tho body tho. Ingredients nocoBsmry to build up the raphllr forming brain nnd body of tho young Btuart's Dyspopsla Tablots should bo glvon to chlldron nftor each moal and nt bod tlmo. Thoy aro made from ptiro vogotablo and fruit ei is u con nnd contnln no harmful chom loals whatever. The uo of thoso tab. lets will glvo groator vim to n child In lt school work or nt Its, play. Thoy will prnduco appotlto and sootho norvos, d oh troy abuormnl crnv Inga mid will allay tho bad offocts of sweet nnd Improper foodB ns most children enjoy and will eat no mat ter what Is dono to provont It. It Is duo tho child that his stom ach be protoclod by tho pnront, and If Btuart'n Dyspopsla Tablots aro giv en nftor moats, tho habits of the child will not tear down tho stomach and destroy tho dlgostlvo Jul cos near. I no rapidly. Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nro lvon to onoh nnd ovsry t'egree of life. Any condition of Ilia stomach weloomos them, from the strongest to the weakest. For sale by all druggists, prlco B0 tents. Bend ua your name and addreea today and we will mal yoir nt ono n trial pink age free. Addreaa 1 A. Btuart Co. 1)10 Stuart Dldg., Marshall, Allah. DeWltt's Mttlo Marly Itlsors, gen t'o, eay, pleasant, Mttlo liver pills. Sold by all druggists. yGf&bodffs agazme "WHAT DOIIEENY DONE" "The Need of Change" ai4 "OctopoJouw ft-rox " are three t the kind ol stones to be found only in EVERVHODY'S. If they don't male a lik, jou ai hard to suit. It's money in your pocfc id read " The Stock Yards of Now Yewi," and it's a warm spot in year Iwarl to read "Thc'lltlc Market." 1'OIt NAIjK IIV ALL DKATiKllS tfATZ? 0Af0S I -i 7 . .z&mw fi.rzr 133 S. COMMCDCIAl - jatu"i"t-'"