DAILY CATITAL JOURNAL, 8ALSM, ORMOON. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5H, 1M U" ! Mi - ' '" 6 NO INTEREST TO PAY And nil discounts taken, owing to the fact that wo are handling our uua.ui.-m. w.iuu, uu uwr own capital, thus ennbllng ub to sell high clnss merchandise more reasonably than any firm In the city. We do not carry trash or lnforlor merchandise but for dependable goods ours nro tho very lowest prices. MEN'S FURNISHINGS New Suspenders A large new assortment of very ser viceable and attractive suspenders Shirts By far the handsomest and largest display of new shirts-50c to $4.00 Also a big line of work shirts Overalls More new overalls than we ever handled before. The most durable and the very best. n 4i r. rt IKeau s uress uooas Read's Dress Ooods have nbso-' lutely no superior. Wo have a now, large and very handsome dls- piil III lIll'BU KUUUS. 1 1113 BUIIHUII H tendunnlcs are to plain effects in tailored fabrics, preferred shades, larlpe, wistaria1, cannrd, dark Co penhngeu, reseda, peacock and mulberry. For afternoon and evening wear arc old rosor rcsoda, straw cream and white are much H favored, and wo nro extrcmoly well prepared to meet your needs this Benson. iiiitditfiiiiiif f !iif iiieti8w ? ANOTHER LARGE SHIPMENT Of CATHOLIC CHURCH mmtrnms Spring Dress Goods EXODUS FROM NEW ENGLAND TO NEW S FRONTIER OF NORTH ONTARIO PROVINCE IS TO BEGIN Summer Wash Goods Tho largest stock ot dnluty sum mer goods that we have ever car ried. Thousands of yards of pretty tluffy goods, nl( thnt the latest fashion decrees shnll bo worn- pretty, dainty and fashionable, and ninny dlffcront patterns to choose from nil new. X13W GOODS" So many more than we can call nttoutlou to in our ads. Come and sec them. NEW GOODS NEW GOODS NEW GOODS So many more than we can call attention to In our ads. Come and see them STOCKTON ARRESTED IN OREGON, ROBBED THEIR CAPTORS Hrlstol, Tonn., Fob. 24. After having been brought from Oregon, D. 11. Meads, wanted In Virginia for murder, escaped yestorday from two officers nfter robbing them of their money, guns and watches. Meade was enptured in Oregon sevoral weeks ago. The tWIcers,'" with tholr prisoner, repaired to a iiotol to rest. Tho pris oner was liandcuffpd to one of tho officers, "Wlilla they wore nsloop -Monde soourod tho handcuff koys, robbed the offlcors and oscnpod. HORSES DIE OF A STRANGE DISEASE Kodol fo- Dyspepsia and Indiges tion does tho ordinary work of tho tomnoh, bo that by taking a llttla Kodol ovory now and thon you cna not possibly have Indigestion or any form of stomach trouble Sold by all druggists. SAME OLD FAKE ABOUT GOLD WELL The East Orcgonlnn says: William Mills Is In the city today from hU ranch near Juniper, and roports the loss of six horses which died of a peculiar malady. Mr. Mills 1b at a lo s to know what the troublo Is nnd oiiKOKod tho services of a veterin arian tn look into tho matter. The Byymptoms of tho anlrnnls .iro peculiar. Thoy suddenly appear sick and lie down. After a abort tlmo tholr hind logs tlffon straight back ward nnd remain to Tor flvo or alx hour. At tho ond of thli period thoy Hre dnd. Several other In tho Junlpor dis trict are reporting tho mmo condi tion! lo their horses. TIMMONS WILL PAY THE BILL FRIDAY Owing to the refusal of tho olroult Judge before whom C. Y. Tlmmons was fouml guilty nnd sontoncod to bang for the killing of his wlfo, Stella Tlmmons. In thin city sevoral mouths ago, to recommond commu tation of sentence, Governor Chntn berlaln has refuted to rocognlzo a petition presented to him slgnod by only two parties, asking thnt tlio son Elgin, Ox., Fob. 2 4. An old wall, four mllos from town, Is tho magnet that is today drawing crowds of peo plo from surrounding vlllagosr for the dipcovory has been mado that It noa talus gold of flno quality. Wh'lo taking sand from tho wo'I t . Timmon8 be reduced to life recently w. "W. Slon, tho owner, dls- ln,urMnmBnt. Tlmmons will without covered what nppoarea to uo a goiu , ai ut be executed Friday. mine lu tho grnlns. Th doomed man la yet in good Ho took a sample to Dakor 0"- LpiriU. and la improving in health wnere an aBsay proveu mat, tne 8aua,day, wouui run about Jo to mo ton. mo Montreal, Quebec, Feb. 24. After a lapse of centuries bIiico tho pioneer iluyp, tho Honmn Catholic church, which plnyed such a great part In the iNiiloratlon and settlement of tho United States and Canada, has again taken up tho work of colonization and Is lending nn exodus of French Canadians fron New England, whoro they have settled to tho number of several thousands in tho last twenty years. Tho place selected by tho church for this important revival o( seventeenth century methods is tho timbered region of northern Quebec and northern Ontario. DIshop E. A. Latullpe, tho apostolic vicar of Temlsknmlug, who bus often been called the ' olshop of coloniza tion," Is at tho head ot this great enterprise, which means tho oxpo'td lturc of hundreds of thousands ot dollars Immediately and millions tn time. DIshop Lntullpo has boon In this city recently conferring with those nbovo and bolow him lu tho church and with railway nnd trans portation compnnles nnd making other preliminary arrnngomonts for the establishment of hendquartors, which will bo at 58 Notro Datflo street in the city of Montreal. Ho lms selected Hov. Eugene Corboll, pop ular with his peopio, as well as an enthusiastic and onorgotlc organizer. The bishop Iuih also Invited Dr. Hrls hou of tho Colonization Society of Montreal to assist in the Bottlomont of land adjacent to tho linos of tho Grand Trunk Pacific and Toiulskn- mlng. Hark to Foii'sta Primeval. Al this point, near tho height .1 land and running away west along the lino of the transcontinental, lien a rluh clay belt fifty miles wide and boiiio three or four hundred miles long, and In this district, whoro aplon did wheat has already been grown in a few elenred fields, It wilt bo tho aim of tho colonlzors to establish ninny settlements of farmers. Al ready DIshop Lntullpo has planted a cross non i Vlllo Mnrle, west of Que bec. This Is a sort of foundation atone or guide post, for horu at l.u Tuqu Is tho gateway to tho now rn glon to be peopled by those pricata and tholr followers. Hy LnTuque from, tho east and by tho T. & N. O and Cobalt from thn south will I bit future settlors entor this promised laud. The French belong to the tmaii tribes, Just as tho Creos diffor from the plalnx Indiana. Thoy suttbi in the forest' and chair tholr home, while the JSngllsh. Canadian and American settlor profors the iiikui elea led fields whoro ho can gn to work growing wheat without having to clenr the land. Tho "habitant." ns he Is called, Inherits a contented mind. With a little homo, a hearth "iJ 4H i, . , JUST RECEIVED J Everybody admires the Now Pastel Shadings now so much in demand, "V Satin Wools and fireside, surrounded by his grow ji Are the favorites this season in both plain and fancy? lug family, a team, aomo cattle andt T n tow pigs, no win nvo nappy over j wuave&j TOU II IIOUCQ an 6111110- UUSence OT TlUSIiy C0I0I after and bring up his family to bo '. ; contented In that little world within ,S COmbirfatlOilS 111 1 1-C ASS AH eoAflS. Thfi nnVfl MAS am mostly blendings of subdued indefinite shades that har- wlileh Its lines have fallen, Xcw Ihiglnnd's 100,000. i'or years, in common wmi inner -r i i . ,re t i it Canadians, French Canadians have!;; "lOnlZO be&UtlfUlly, Today. WG are making a To Look Young boon drifting over tho bordor. Ac-n curuiiiK iu inu uiBv cuimim lunuiiti nearly four per cent of bom population of the or nbout 400,000 people, are French Canadians. Most of these have Bot tled In Now England, whore thoy have filled tho factories and lumber camps nnd hnve brought about radi cal changes In labor conditions, on account of tholr numbers. It will ( bo the aim of DIshop Lntullpo and ins army in iihhimwiium iiui uiu; iu , hold the men they have but to beckon ' those who have wandered back over tho border. They havo been working at this scheme for boiuo years, and now tho building of tho Grand Trunit Pacific gives them tholr opportunity. It openH n new empire In tho north- land, n country with a cllmato vlth;S which tho French Canadians nre well acquainted and of which thoy nro not afrnld. Tho timber wealth nlono of this great territory Is oxcoodlngly val uable, not to mention Its agricultural possibilities, 'lneso nnd tho undo eloped but known minora! resources nro the lure mat leads them on. The torrltory under tho Jurisdiction or DIshop l,ntullpe Is GOO miles wldo by! SOO miles long, extending from tbfl limits of the diocese of Lake St. Joftn lu tho east toward those ot tho UHCese (II 31. IHilllluct) in mu wum, reaching up north to James Hay and south to Cobalt, from tho Luurenttiin mountains nnd streams of Quebec to tho -vvhent lands or Manitoba thin is tho region toward which this modern MOM will load bin peopio from tho mill towns and rooky hillsides of Now England. The dovolopmont of Cobalt and otnor mining regions will uronto a homo mnrkot for all tho pro duct of the tiow-iuade fields along tne line ot the traiiiH'outlnuntnl rail wiy. Itopotitlon t Early History. During tho onrly (lays of tho set tling of Canada, the ltoiunu Catholic church uiih foremost In the work of exploration, and the advontuioa and I heroic achievements or Poro Mar quette and i' hi her Jollot are aa much a part of Amorlonn history as of Ca nadian. It la tho oxamplo of men like thoao whh'h DIshop Lntullpo nnd Cure Corbell Intend to follow, al though It la aevoral hundred years ainee the church ceased It active onsus returns '; r? 1 n 1 e n ' r m iX f the foreign Special Display of this Season s Choicest United States, i . . r J . Dress Fabrics ' ' x "is 1 1 Wo havon't a yard of last year's noveltios to show you,: ! because we closed them all out In tholr" proper season;; If you want to see what's going to bp worn by tho bost; i drossers this season come today to I ) i uUM2rsst&i' io&4Si "We Undersell Regular Stores" W& oS3 i Our store closes at 5:30 every evening excepting Sautrday! WHEwma mmmm vl shown great sympathy for him and his undertaking, which If It hi success ful may develop Into u patriotic cru- sad 'of historic Importance. o- HARRIMAN SAYS: "I'M NO D- D FOOL" nowa of tho dlacovory soon spread over tho surrounding country, in.l aiort sees visions of a groat fortune. ; o You can't think a faco Is homsly U you eoo a beautiful soul through it V1N0L CURES CHRONIC COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHITIS Aftor Other Remedies Fail " have been troublod with a chronic cold and bronchitis for a long lime fid-to.e trl.J many remHIoa without bnufn re..e.. 'iarough nw kind sug ge0on rf a friena 1 uled Vlnol, and Rfinr u-lng four bottles, am eatlrely cartd." A. :i. Wllie, 7S3.6iU .Avonue, Mimieaiwi.a, Muu. Sj McDcaalJ, 147 W. Congresg SLI Paal, Mira-. wrltei: "I eon tragtd a teveie cold last winter and theft at I t.-o .id never net rid of it- I trip Vlnol -. a teat resort, and It has cqpUtely cured me." Juol oomb'D'sa twe world-faed m, the healla?, msdlclaal proeer tie of cod llvor oil anu toale iron, ii Haigusly pIaUble uad agreeable to the weaheat noiaach. For thJa reaaan. Vlnol is uuexcellod as a lGSW" daUoeie .qh.1- bufi!6r for old people, dren. weak and run-down pereena, at terelckDftJs and for Chronic Coughs, Ppjda and Droncbltla. O. W. PUTNAJH CO. The Meadeney of the coming death doea not seem to uear on uu feel young and stay young iwor,. of twuim ,, ,t,B wiidoruuaa keep the blood pure, tne stomach right, the bowels regular, the skin clear and the eyes bright w;th n.lnd muca. a latod by his daatu watches WANTS TO TACKLE ATTELL ONCE MORE (United Pre Leasod Wlro.) Waahiagton. Feb 24 Governor Glllett and Spoake'r Phil Stanton of California ar two of tho great men of the UbIUhI SUtea today, by ape clal approval of i'rttddnt Kooaevelt Stantoa'a mother, father and brother. C J Stanton of Xew York, were IntrodHceil ui the president b railed State Seaator Flint of Cali fornia The president was dee lighted." and exelalmod. "I am proud to meet the relatives of kuntoa. He to J of he Kreat men of the eouatry CallfomU ought U he proud of uch men .m Governor OHWt. PKr Stanton and the men who took part In U recent affair la the legislature out there." .. i O r- Stitani!hlii Kan Agrouud. (rnlivd !" l4 Wlre.1 Ke-w York, Feb. J4.r-Afwr belrg feundejd in G.gaey channel for y. ral hpurs the fiteamshlp Kaiser Wll bejm II was released today; undam aged. The boat ran aground In the fog. BEECHAM'S PILLS and leading nuttier Jo new homea as well aa sotting tholr feet lu the paths of spiritual progress. Hlshnp Latullpe is a striking ahar actor, jtotutessed of much energy and patlenee, but above all with a deep devotion to his country. 's haa de termined to make jhls his Ufn work. It la hardly necessary to add that tho bMiop lounts very nun h on the aa (United Press Leased Wlro.) flan Antonio, Tox., Fob. 24. H. H. UHrlrmnu Is not worried today over tht- market roports from Now York, V.'hon It was suggoatod thnt hla 'ib s'nco had posslbTy boon usod for a brar raid, ho Bald: "Thom followH will wako up aomo of thoso dnya." lie was practicing pistol shooting with "llobblo'1 Qoolot when Inter- viewed by n roportor. Apparently Wall atroot was tho thing farthest fiom his mind, nnd tils caru-froo man ner prompted tho quostlnn as to whether ho had out hlniHolf off entire ly from tlfb busfnoss world. "Young'mnn." roplled tho rnllwuy king, "I'm no damnod rool. Hut don't prut thnt lu tho pnpor." "I'll say darned," nuggostod the reporter. Ilexamothylonototramlne. Tho nbovo Ifl tho nnmo of a Qorman chomlcul. which la ono ot the moat valuablo Ingrodlonts ot Foloy'a Kld noy Ilomody. IIexnmothylonetetra' mlno Is rccogntzod by medical text books and nuthorltloa us a urlo acid aolvont and autl-soptlc for tho wrlno, Tnko Foloy'o Kldnoy Ilomody as soon aa you notlco any Irrngulurltlos, nud avoid a sorloua malady J. C. Perry. Mr. Wu tlilukn ono of tho great I eods Is a universal language. Tho Kolfera and baseball dovotoos are doing their host to build ono. Keimedy'8 Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of the system through a copious and Itanttliu nrllnn ftf ttk Knufl4 "No, Blr." eiuphntlcnlly Instruotodi '"'''"' ""u" "' "" --" ., ..- -if vou sav anything' Relieves coughs by cleansing the i mnrfniii wn m nrn n n mn irimTiw rirmw you'll my 'damnod.' Vt i i u ,.... .. ...- i-.. ... .a i.,i and bronchial lubes. I IMIII it wim ISUIIiqil llll.v ..- followed hla usual oiistoiu or haviug bis oamp oonnoctod with tho ouUldo world by a apooinl tulograph wlro How oloarly a lawyor states thlngB If he isn't trylag to win a nit Sold Everywhere. in boie 10c. and tie. nUUinie of his colleagues, who have taso "As pleajsnt to tho taste as Meplo Susar" Children Like It. Fr BACKACHE- WEAK KIDNEYS T(j feWM i Kldnoj iRd iliddr Pllli Sure u4 SM H()l.l) IIV AM IHCAMMtfl. E9aSSI The Hotse Fttnisfiing Co. THE HOUSE FURNISH ING CO. 9 -i - ii i m V J THE J arsov for use closid. A word as to carta Wo simply hove the groatost s collapsible ever shown In Salem. Us action is the most per fect we have seen at any price. Folds with una motion, and although being ull metal, is light and easy to handle. This cut does not do It Justice. Old tires repaired. 'J hat iiu-tnl bed proposition will not be properly solved until ou Invest In ono of our Qhllleas Heds. They are shapely, smooth nud onlly cured for ONLY FURNITURE HOUSE ON LIBERTY STREET SJMaaaaisiWi il t ,VSZL Virayr MMlftsi TnBBBBBBBBBfeJalaii Uo not bo aurprlsed If we ask you to look ami nut only look but ex amine carefully our ParK Mill" car pets. No one will question Park Mill" quality V ' 4