iLkvU0JBJAjMCmaj FSEJTFSw-' Tli DAILY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY fl. 1000. i G u ft SPEND YOUR HOLIDAY VACATION AT PASO ROBLES If comploto rest and moBt perfect conditions Imaglnnblo for naturo euro aro what you need, spend your holidaya at Paso Iloulos Hot Springs, California. A week or two, and ovon a fow duyB thoro will accomp lish moro In tho way of restored onorgy than a much longor porlod and moro oxponslvo troatmont olso whoro, because good old Mother Na turo Is nurso and physician. Paso Itubloa Is taking the same rank In Amerloa and enjoying the tamo fame for wonderful euros that Carlsbad and Dudon Uadoti do In Europe, Tho hotol Is a marvel of comfort and luxury, and the bath house built by tho olty, froe to all, la said to be ono of tho bost in tho world. It is a stubborn ullmont and n hopolosn condition of physical breakdown flint the mineral waters and hot mud baths of Paso IlobloH will not heal In a short time. 'Call on agent at Salem for (19 scrlptiva booklet oi Paso nobles, and he will also tell you All about rates, Win. Mo MURRAY, 12-24-tf O. P. A. 8. P. Co. C. It. Klugor, tho Jewolor, 10C0 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.. wrltes: 'I wau so wouk from kidney troublo that I could hardly walk A hundrod foot, Four bottles of Foloy'n Kidney Itomcdy clcarod my complex ion, cured my backacho and tho Irreg-! ularlttcs dlcappoarod, and I can now! .ttpnd to business ovory dny, and rec ommend Foloy'o Kldnoy Homody to' all suffororo, no It cured mo aftor thV doctors and other romedlos had! foiled. " J. 0. Perry. ' THE WANT AD FOU HAI,K For Halo -IIouso and 2 lots on 11th stroot. C-rooin hoiuo with barn and ono lot on 13th stroot. Houuo barn and two lots on 20th street, all for $1000. Houso and 4 lots, 10th and Belvuo, $1700. 208-aiuo farm, 3Yi mllos oat ot Salem, 50 por ncro. John Knight, Murphy block. For Halo UouHOhold furntturo Iron hodn, springs, tablet), chairs, couch, Singer sowing mnohlno, hontor oil stove, dishes, otc. All brand now. I'rlvato Balo. Yow Park, 1007 South 13th utreet. 2-20-3t For Sulo A horno and a Uniggy. Seo lattor nt P. J. Larson's or call on JauiOH Flunugau, 22C North 20th stroot. 2-20-3t For flale A small Iiouho with B0x 130 lot. at 1026 North Cottaso stroot. 2-10-lw For Halu A 7-room hous, wor.u shod, ohlokwu house and barn. 'J aorM ot land; 1739 Asylum avsn uo. S8-10-8W For Haltv- Thrm frwili cows, it head of Ki'Hds LtiiPoUi stock Hhsp. I'hone Fanuors 73. 8-18-lwk lOU HliNT Hoiiho for Iti'iit Close to Knst sohool. UiKiuIre at 90S Marlon Btreet. 12-28-tf For ltmit Six room house on S till street. New. bslh room and mod ern onnvvHlenees. Apply to V. . Walker at preiulMs, or nt SOS N. 84th at. 8-1 8-1 w For itont Asylum Avenue store tiullillug; will give poeeeeelon Mnreh 1, 1808. iMquire of 0x CrUwoJd. 8-80-81 Fur I tent A new s-room house uu 84th street, with uiodern i-ouvwm-leHoee. Apply to V. W. W'slker at premises or nkune IBs. 8-80tw For Hunt If you want n sniod idoiu and Ited call at 81 Liberty street. 8-80-t WANTKU Wanted Will do uxoavutlng, garden plowing, and all kinds of team work. W. K. Uunu, 1720 Iao St., phono 1628. 12-21-tf Wimtl By Fohruory 32, a lot aoimnvlioro within Clwiroh and 2 tit street and Furry nnd Union. Stato prlco and slto of lot. Must he cheap. Addrusa Mll," oaro Jour nal. S-19-3t I'Ll'MBKBH TIhhi, M. Iiirr Plumbing, hot water nnd steam hoatlnp and tlunlug; 104 Comtnerolal stroot. Phone Main 192. 9-1-1r M. J. PtfUel Plumbing, stonra and gas fitting. Succoiior to Knox Murphy, 320 Commorolal stroot Tho South SiU o in Moat Markot. op posite Divuo'a stoic FrOsh nnd cured moftt General delivery. Qlvo It a trial. Huffmnu & Mar tin, Props. 1-30-tf. LODGES CnrpciitcrH Union No. JOOB Local Union No. 10CG of Carpenters ana Jolnors of America meet over Sat urday ovenlng at 7:30 p. m. In Hearst hall, 420 State Street A. W. Dennis, Rcc. Sue. Foresters of America Court Sher wood, Forn8tors, No. 19. Meets Saturday night In Holman hall, Stato Btrcet, Ceo. P. Patterson, C. R.; J. C. Perry, financial sccrotarj Central JiOdjro No. JH, K. of P. Castle hall In Holninn block,. cor ner State and Llborty .stroota. Tuesday of oach weok at 7:30 p. m. Oscar Johnson, C. C: IS. D Andorson. K. of II. and S. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Codar Camp No. 6240. Meet every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. Hill. V. C; F. A. Tumor, olerk. Woodmen Of World Meot overy Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall. A. h. Harvey, C. O ; h. II. Flotch or, Clerk. Jan. 10, 09. OAPITAIi RAKISH V 431) Court Stroot, 1). J. Swit7or, prop. Broad, Cakes, Plee and all kinds of PAHtrles, Cookies, etc. Watch for our wagon. Phone 0B1. Special orders delivered on short notice. 11-19-tf. llyilo I Iron. Electric Co. Electric Btipplloe and first-class wiring at roasonnblo prlcos. Call at our ofllco for estimator Phono 45 143 N. Llborty street. 1-12-tf O. F. MASON BOX CO. 247 Miller St., South Snloin, inanu facturor of all kinds of boxes, crater and fruit dryor accessorial. Phon 10h i Wenger Chcrrlngtoii Pianos and organs sold on onsy torms; tola phono 1187; 247 Commorclnl Stroot, Salem. Oregon tf MIHC'ICLIiANKOUS (imii'to Worlc Got my prices on sldowalk, curbs, Mpetlc tanks and romont work of nuy kind. All work gunrnntuod Ilrst class. M. Wnrd, 2378 Maplo Ave, Highland Phono 509. May 24-09 Oct u Home IIoudoo nnd lots choap, on IiiBtalltnont 5, 10, 20, 40, 30 nnd 100-ncro tracts, cholco homos olioapj dairy ranch with cowb on It for ualo or trado for city prop erty; liorsos nnd cows for Balo. I want $5000 for flvo years at 0 per cont, first mortgage I. O. O. 1. lodgo nnd trustees oocurlty, Intor ost seml-nnnunl. Othor good loans for smaller amounts. Seo II, It. Ityan. 1-20- LUcry anil Food HtnliP-o Old PoJt olllco Htnblos, at 251 Ferry stroot, hutwoon Commercial and Front stroots.- Toluphona 188. Somo ot tho llnost llvorlos In tho city can bo found hero. Wstncott & Jonn- son u. Vogot liumlmr mid Fiu'l Co. Lu la bor, Bhlngles, building material, woixl nnd coal. Low prlcos and prompt dollvorlos. One blook ens', of 8. I', passenger dupot. Phone 108. 7-2-tf. Hullo v W'Midoroth Fine wines, llquoru nnd cigars. Wo handle the colebrntod Kollog and Cnstlo whiskies. Cool nnd refreehlag boir oonstantly on draught. South Commercial stroot 9-3-lyr. DUAY.MKN riimiiiliiH linn.1 TnutHfor Company All kinds of trnnefer work donn Furniture and pianos bixwl ready' for shipment. Prompt service in our motto. Stand and olllco nt 883 South Commercial stroot Phono 210. Ueslilonee Phone A GOOD INVESTMENT 68 s uinw houvy timber, will out 3O0U cords, three and a half mllos from Salem. If sold by Feb. 27 can be had at $3S00. If you hiivo any MINl.NQ or otlior Industrial stocks for nI, bring tlioat In. Wo luto Mivural customers. FERGUSON & FISHER. Lots uu 19th stroot. $375 and $325. 1u?ao lots will pdvnuoo In prlco soon. If you waut to got In on this cheap price act quick. Two lots, ISth and Trado. 3 lots, 12 th and Ferry. Ono lot on 13 th near Chomekota, $800. (load farm for snlu. lluuso, G rooms, and lot 16th sL, $800. K, TAIPTON, 1G73 Stato stroot 2-1-1 mo SENATE KILLED GREAT NUMBER OF HOUSE BILLS Tho following bills failed to pais tho sonate: II. 13. 188, Jones of Lincoln and Polk, pormlttlng Polk county to re tain hunters' license fees. II. D. 230, Hughos, providing a tax exemption of $300. II. I). 174, Jones of Clackamas, permitting school dlstrlots to provide for textbooks for pupils. II. B. 350, Dryant, authorizing county courts to appropriato not to exceed $2000 annually, for agricul tural fairs. II. U. 270, Farrell, Increasing ex penses of master fish wardon' from $1700 to $3000 per annum, S. B. 223, Balloy, fixing rates to be paid stato prlntor. II. II. 250, Clackamas county deio- ration, providing uniform olght-hour workday In manufacturing Insti tutions operated continuously. S. B. 248, Nottingham, providing for compotltlvo bidding In procuring plans nnd architectural work on pub lic buildings. II. B. 207, Hughos requiring -.1 gnu-burning apparatus to bo suppllou with safety dovlcc. S. B. 04, Barrett, for protection of snlt-wator crabs In Lincoln county. II. B. 129, McKlnnoy, requiring pernon and corporation!) oporntlng mines to fllo sworn stntemont of thulr financial standing. NOTICE! At.l, ciIANdHS of roiy for Itrnl MhIiiIc A'ln miiNt Iik In The Jouriiiil (irrirp liy r ocliMk the ivtnltiK lifre tht dy on which I ho nil I to iipptmr. Aro you going to buy farm or city proper ty? Noto these: ' Houso and lot on Asylum avenue, city wator, bath, otc, $1100. Good S-room houso, largo lot In Knglowood, $1000. Largo houso nnd lot 1 32x105, closo In, $0000. Good houso and barn, lot 90x2 18, on Stato Htrot, $2300. Six nores, S-room house, 3 nor en orchard, good barn, $1760. lfilovon and one-half aores olose In, good buildings, well Improved $3000. SO.MK SNAPS IN PAHM PltOP- MHTV. Forty aorea, 3 miles Salem, a flue place, wul Improved, $7000. Throe hundred and twenty-eight aoroa; 200 aeree In cultivation, $30 per uore. Three hundred and sixty acres ad joining above, $81 per acre. We have a large Hat of farms of al slaee and prloea nnd it will pay you to Investigate befogs buying. Olmsted Land Co. :t7 Stati Street Salem, Ore. IUNGAI.OW. Do you want this elegaut uew mod ern bungalow fur a home? Nov offered at bedroek prlee. Keutem ber this Is a saerltlee sale. Must go this week. Step lively. Farms. We would be pleased to show you our list of bargains In fnrm prop orty. Houses oh Installment plnu, also iHilldlng lota on easy terms. List your property with us. Wo want to trade a good Salem home for country property. Mutual Fire Insurance written. H. A. Johnson & Co. MPltPHV ItLK. SALHM, OUH. Cash in If you need tho inonoy. I buy Santlam mining stocks. Wrlto mo whoa trading. You got a dis count on all business done. Let mo tell you of tho gigantic smelter for tho Santlam. Fortune and big income for stockholders. Small In . voatora welcome. Installment or ders aooepted. Kindly send alt business In buying or soiling San tlam mining stocks to this otttea. Address W. J. Curtis. 215 Commer cial Illk.. Portland. Or. S-lS-lmo 3 XTLJTVJZi II. B. 33, Bodllllon, providing for collection of road poll tax in Incor porated cities and towns. II. B. 124, Reynolds, creating ofllco of flro marshal. Only five votos for bill. II. B, 302, commltteo on banking, providing additional dopiuty bank ex aminer nnd requiring semi-annual examinations of all banks 9 to 10 II, B. 154, Altman, reducing cotiroo of study in county high schools from threo to two years. o Proposals for Supplies. Sealed proposals will be reclvd at the office of the Board of Trusties of the mate Instltutonl for Feeble Minded, groceries, nry goods, drugs, gon, until 2 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, March 2, 1909, and then publicly oponod, for furnishing for tho use of tho Stato Institution for Feobte Mlndod grocorles, dry goods, drugs, hardware, otc. Dotnllod lists of the various cAipplles required and Instruc tions to blddors may bo secured by addrosslng tho Clerk of tho Board. Tho right Is rosorvod by tho hoard of trustcos to rojoct any or all tills or to nccopt or rojoct any part of a bid. Salem, Orogon, Fobrunry 12, 1909. S. A. KOZER, Clerk. Fob. 15-lD-22-20-Mar 2 F SALE $1000 Good 7-room Iiouho on Chemuketa Stltt't. $1100 Modern 5-room houso, wood fiber plnstur, pantry, bath, toilet, soptlc sewer, on Chumoketa st. Snap. $IUUU .Modern 7-room houso, wood fiber plaster, wlrod for electricity, pan try, bath, tollot, washstand, soptlc sowor, largo front porch, closo In, only thruo nnd u half blocks to postoffico; for a fow daya $1800. CHOIUIC VACANT LOTS OLOSH IN. IIOl'SKS AND LOTS SOLI) ON IN STALLMENTS. .1, 10, HO, W AOIIK TUAOTS. Iinpr)t(l ami Uiilmprovetl Orchard (rain, Stock and Dairy Farms, $2000 Noarly ten ncroa very bost of laud, about half sot to bonrlng fruit treea and borrles, dltforout varie ties; good 7-room house, burn nnd outbuildings; spring and well wat er, on mala road; telephone and rural route; four miles from olty limits. This place Is well worth $8(00, going east, will tworlflae for $8000. Farms. lfiO acres, In the beautiful Waldo Hills, nearly all under cultivation; snap. $60 per aero. Another Ono. 810 aores, Waldo Hills, olose to rail road; a real snap $81 per a ore' If taken soon. 115 Acres la Polk county, near Salew; nearly all under cultivation; $7K per acre: adjoining land held at $100 per acre. 360 Acres, $25 per Acre. This Is one of the biggest snaps In the whole WlUamette valley; 360 acres, half under cultivation, bal ance In timber and pasture; esti mated 1000 eords of wood in the Umber;. I miles to a good 11. H. town, not far from school nnd church; good 7-room house, large new barn, graluary, tool shed, 3 springs of water; farm wn fenced nnd oross-fenced with woven wlro. The adjoining farm Is being plant ed and subdivided into smnll tracts, selling at $150 to $300 por aoro. This Is an Ideal stock, dairy, grain or fruit farm: n money-maker. In vestigate at once. Wo will show you tho land froo. Will glvo terms. This is well worth your tlmo to look this up. Go to BECHTEL & MINT0N ;ttl State Street. Salem, Or. mJTTKRXUT DREAD. It la worth moro than any other Utead, yot tho price Is no higher. For al at your grocers. CALIFORNIA BAKERY, Thomas Cooley, Props. SALEM WATER COMPANY OFFICE CITY HALL For water service apply at office Bills payable monthly In advanc READ ttfitfi 15P bsi&ys&g Tho Kind You ITv "o A.V....3 in ttso for over 80 yr-rwi, . nit? lifts been iwulo under Ills pcr Vt2; . soiinl Rtiporvisiou slnco its Infnncj. CCrCCAit Allow o nun in dnnnlvA vnn In lili. z&&. All Counterfeits, Imitations ami " Jual-a.-good"aro but; Exporlment that trifle with and cmlmmrcr tho health of Infnnte and CMldvcn Experience ngnlnst JSxporimont. What 5s CASTORS A Osurtorla n ft barmk wibatltute for Castor OH, Pnro- ' gorir, T.-O' r:A 8rr.'5Hrjr Syrtips. It is Plonsant. It turn Mr; :i: W r 0..: uu, Morphlno nor other Narcotic eiii......... ." , ajro j 2 U. guarantee. It destroys "Worms and r --", TVv:I.ibtc, It enroa Dlarrhoon and Wind OoUp. ft Tf Uevwi Toetltingr Troubles, euros Oonstipatiou and Flatulency. It aasimllatcs tho Food, regulates tho Zl-vLaAt ar.d Borol, Kivln- licnlthy and natural sleep. The CUiidron'0 VatUK;4:a Tho Mother's Friend. OEP3UINE CASTORSA ALVAYS S$ Bears tho 4fv jzuc The Kinu You Have Always Bought Use Kor Over 30 Years. THK OCNTAUn COMNT. TT MllBBfY STRtCT, NCWWOnrt OITf. Y EVERYB FARM PROPERTIES I ALL CLOSE IN 40 acres, all in cultivation, an oxoal lont bonrlng orchard, good houso, barn and othor outbuildings, live stock, fnrm Implements, liny and grnln Included, it will pay you to Investigate this. Eight ncros, closo In, rock road bow dors tho place 300 cor Is of wojd on plncc, all foncod, is a good bur nt $900. 20 acres, 3 miles from city, nil In crop, good soil, on grnvul road, woll foncod, nnd Is n bargain. Wo havo acroago In small and Inrjju tracts at roasonnblo prices. A snnp Largo tract of tlmbor, will out sovornl thousand cords ot wood, ono mllo from railroad sta tion, good soil and good nprlng wator. Prlco In roach. Call and seo. We have an employmont buroau In connection with tho renl ostnto of fice. When you aro wanting help ot any kind, on tho fnrm or In the house, ring up Mnln 149, nnd wo will furnish you help free of chargo. For the best bargain In city prop tie call ou the ijiiMIO Aril's, Only !?"." por Acre. An Ideal dairy or walnut and fruit farm, only I miles from It. It. sta tion. This Is the biggest snnp la the outlre Willamette valley. Stop and think ot the location, to nn In vestor's interest, for convenience to trausiHirtntlou for so smnll a price per ncre, and so largo nun valuable m farm, which has suen large Improvements, and the very beet so'!. There are noarly SCO acres In cultivation, balnnco in pasture.- awl second-growth wood. There are at least 3000 cords of marketable oak wood on the plnoe, which will readily sell on the mar ket at $5 per cord. Has large and convenient farm house, three good sized barns, one nearly new; also granary and tool house. Severn! excellent springs of running wntei. Farm is well fouced nnd crofs fenced with heavy woven wire. This farm Is of tho vory best loll for growing walnuts. Land Is slightly rolling. Tho ndjalnlug farm Is being planted to walnut orohards, and Is siubdivldod Into fa acre tracts, selling at $300 per aero. Romomber. Mr. Buyor. the above described 260 aores Is r money-making lnvostmont for you Suoh splendid soil, so largo a farm and only a few miles from Salem and 4 mllos from a good R. R. station, and only $25 per acre. Whoro can this bargain bo sur passed, so oloso to tho thriving olty ot Salem, which Is only 10 mllos distant. Investigate this at oneo. for It will bo offored for a few day only at $25 per acre. Call on J. W. Thomas & Sons. We have this valuable property for sale. We will show you the farm froo. We will alio glvo you ex cellent terms. You cannot afford fmEMFi. mmmms E&!,Si5Mai35flBBBBBBBBBB j. bought, nail which Iw.9 bcou has homo tho Mgnnturo of Signature of $444, icaygji to miss th' opportunity; for it Is an exrept'nnnl and unequalled In vestment In the Wlllumotot valley atthl date. Itemombor'It is closo to tho thriving city ot Salem, "The Cherry City of the World." Look this up at onco, Do not dolnyl Do It now! Co mo to tho Orogon Cap ital Co-Operativo Land Co. when you want a bargain. Phone Mnln 149. 478 Stnto St. Salem, Orogon. REAL ESTATE . AEGAINS 200 ncros, good liouco, 2 barns, 100 ncros In cultivation, fiuo lnnd, woll foncod, ou good road, woll water ed. Plenty of fruit, bnl. timber nnd pasturo; only $60 por ncro. 6 ncros, good houso, barn, fruit, lino wator, on good road, a good homo. A snap; $1900. WE HAVE SOME FINE ACREAGE CHEAP. 53 noros; houso, fruit, 40 in culti vation, bnl. good tlmbor; only $50 per noro. Vacant lota In nil parts of tho olty. Wo havo some snaps In good housoa from $S00 up in nil parts of Salem. If you want anything, or want to buy, soa A. C. SMITH .t CO. Room 0, over United States National Panic. Also houses to rout. Must Sell 900 Iarge house and 2 lota; for a few days. $8850 New modern g-room house on corner, lot 71x130. $500 Lot 50x10 ou Court street. $400 Lot j8x106. Inside property. $800 Lot 5 1x186 on Court street. List your properly with us now. MEYER & BELLE LAND CO. STATESMAN UUI LD1NG Room 1, Upstairs. FOR SALE. No. 22 6-room houso nnd lot 50x 150. $950. No. 16 Good C-room house and two lots, 16 bearing fruit trees. Price $700. No. 13 fi-room house and lot OOx 150. Price $750. No. 11 Nice resldenc and good barn, on lot 37 1-2x165. Price $3000. Six good lots with plenty ot fruit and a splendid houso and barn. Price $3000. No. 34 4 good lots and a good S room house; plenty ot fruit and shade treos; fino view and every thing desirable. For particular? see SCHULTZ & RARTLETT tOO State St. -v xsm hht m mss lipj WkW IM&mmm J? AT TV V jP f- 0