Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 22, 1909, FIRST EDITION, Image 1

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"JIZ.V" !T"" "" "'"" ' "TT-i i iniii i iiiiii f -iMiiiir n mumm ,, B, , , , ,, ,
NO. M.
M"M - -- : . --. , ,.,..,,
hire will probably havo to bo a
HeMlon of tho legislature
loililaturo closed its caroer
LhU'Ej to properly ennct ono of
btDroDrlatlon bill?.
ftkijpens to bo tho ono Hint pro
i lor ill Improvements in tho
ihlldlngs of this city.
il session will bo necossnry,
ate bill No. 254. n bill appro-
ft( 1350,000 for Improvoniontn
nt statu- institutions will fall to no
como a lnw. Owing to Irregularities
tho bill was not logally passod, and
i invalid. Tho special session, If
called, will merely pass tho bill in
tho form In which It was Intended to
ho passed by tho Bosslon jUBt closed.
Tho bill which tho Iogtslatu.ro fnllod
to paBs legally is sonato bill 2R-1, by
tho ways and mcatiB committee, it
appropriates $250,000 for a now
lt44HSlliltf lllt !! llllalllBji'
50,000 Yards
for Spring showing of wash floods is the greatest as- 2
sortment of staple and fancy wash materials that was 1
ner opened up in Salem. They comprise all kinds of $
:tos ginghams, staple and fancy calicoes, wash waist-
; white goods of all the rest. The prices run from
! bayard and up. We are here with the goods.
Newest Sprine Dress Goods i
; w on exhibition 10,000 yards of the latest novelties I
j" te goods now on sale. All you' have to do is to J
: ..e to our store and look through this mammoth stock $
e will leave the rest to you. The ladies of high-
I mm taste say they are the. most beautiful goods J
wr i in this part of the world. Price yard, 25c, 35c, I
' wo, yc and up to $2.50 a yard.
Salem's Silk House!!
J? Wl!h the soods, the newest and latest shown ; ;
irDeirAnierica- Foulards, Fancy Pongees, Lou- Ji
A 2l npl.lns' Ducness Satins, etc., in all the latest ! i
"" rnce yard, 25c, 35c, 49c, 65c, 75c and up. ! !
Suits and Spring Millinery
NOW On Sain n.-U.. iL.i ...: . .....
- i mwa mat win piease you.
mwtEs n am AM H0ffl
wing, equipment, ilro protection, elc,
nt tho asylum, $17,50P for Improve
monts at tho ponltoutlary, $7800 for
improvements at tho blind school,
?G7,500 for now buildings at tho In
stitution for fcoblc-mlndnd, $8000 for
tho soldier's homo and $1000 for tho
reform school.
Jliv V.vwv Occurred.
This bill passed tho sonato as In
troduced. Tho houso amonded ono
item of tho asylum appropriation
j cutting out $10,000 for a sprinlt
lor system for flro protection nnd
Inserted $21,000 for a chemical no
system. As thus amonded tho bill
wont back to tho sonato, whoro tho
senate concurred in tho amondtnont.
Lator tho sonato reconsidered tho
voto by which It concurred and re
fused to concur. Tlion a couforoned
c-unmlttco was appointed to each
house, Farrell and Bonobrnko on tho
part of tho house, and Wood and
Bingham on tho part of tho sonato.
Tho conference committee mot and
agreed that tho houso nmondmonts
should bo strlckon out and tho bill
passed as introduced. This report
wbb drawn up by President Bower
niau and signed by all tho members
cf tho committee Tho roport was
house, so that tho Journals show
filed in the sonato, but not in tho
that tho houso passed tho bill with
tho amendments, and that tho sonato
rofuscd to concur. There the bll'o
stand upon the Journals.
It acorns that Assistant Ohiof Cloi'K
Nunor, in tho houso, asked Mr. Done
brako for tho conforonco committee's
roport, nnd ho said that Farrell had
It Tho dork thon wont to Farrell,
rnd Farroll said It was In tho Bonnto,
and ho would go nnd get It. Ho wont
out, but did not return with tho ro
port; liriico tho failure of tho houao
to take action on the nmondmonts.
Tho most Important Horn in tho np
1 roprlntlon bill aro thoso for tho
mw wing nnd Ilro protection of tho
aKylnm. All tho Improvomonts nt
each of the Institutions are needed,
but many of thorn could bo postpouod
though nt great inconvonienco. and
Injury to tho institutions.
flagships of tho division of tho fleet.
3:30 p. m. President Roosorolt
ictui'ns to the Mayflower.
5 p. in. Tho Mayflower departs
for Washington.
United Press Leased Wire.)
Washington, D. C Fob. 22. It
was unofllclnlly announced today that
Pro8ldont-oloct Taft has In mind 'in
extended trip of tho West, Including
Los Angoles, San Francisco, Port
land, Soattlo and Alaska, to begin
about tho fnflor part of next July,
and cover all of August.
Tho President's Journoy Into Alas
ka will bo mndo after ho visits tho
Alaska-Yukon-Pnclflb exposition at
Seattle. If ho can so nrrnngo his
Itinerary, ho will arrive in Denver
when tho Trans-Mississippi congress
la in Kosslon there. IIIb prosont in
toiitfon is to stop nt as many wostorn
c'tles as his time will permit, for ho
has never made what might bo called
a trip that has enabled him to study)
conditions in tlie Tnolflc coast states
United I'resii Leased Wire.
Washington, Feb. 22. Represen
tative Rnlnoy, of Illinois, today de
clared on the floor of tho house that
the report that ho over opposed tho
construction of tho Panama canal
was tho grossest misrepresentation
Ralney said ho had simply called
attention to what he believed was
ovidonce of graft in connection, with
transactions there. Ho added that he
was as good a friend of the projeot
a i tho President has ever beon.
Ralney denied tho charges that ho
had been getting his information on
tho Panama canal scandal from ex
convlcts and blackmailers. He
scored President Roosovelt for at
tacking him iii a letter written to
President Obaldla, of Panama.
United Press Leased Wire. J
Old Point Comfort, Va Fob. 22.
Littlo Old Point Comfort wont hilar
iously mad with Joy as sho wol
comed tho return of tho Atlantic bat
tleship fleet today. Cannon, bolls
ond factory whistlos added to tho din
of thousands of human throats, as tho
groat world-glrdllng battleships
Bwung past tho Mayflower to tholr
anchorages, A drhszllng ratn couM
not dampon tho ardor or enthusiasm
of tho multitudes ashoro or tho
masses of spectators clustered on ev
ory concolvnblo craft afloat.
A donso fog clouded tho soa oarJy
in tho morning, but lator lifted and
permitted thoso on shoro to obtain
glimpses of black columns of omoko
f loin more than a score of funnel
which marked tho approach of the
groatost armod floet ovor gathorel
undor an American flag.
By 8:30 a floot of nowspapor boat
and plensuro craft started to msec
the Mayflower and the floot. Boforo
tho flagship Conuoctlcut could como
within sight of tho Mnyflowor, Roar
Admiral Sporry ordorcd slnglo col
umn formation, nnd this wns held un
til tho rovlow was ovor.
With tho first sharp roport of th
forward starboard 'eight-Inch rlflo of
tho Connecticut n din of firing began
that lasted for moro than 30 minutes
ISvon though smokeless powdor was
used In tho saluting, tho slight puffs
from tho muzzlos of tho'rlflos raised
a thin hazo that partially obscured
tho view of tho vcssols at tho end of
tho column.
As tho last ship of tho welcome
squadron passed tho Mayflower prl
vato yachts, pross boats and excur
sion stonmoi'H foil in nnd pnssod In
informal rovlow.
Ashoro, ono of tho lronios of tho
occasion was tho prosonco of Roar
Admiral Bronson, who ns ohlof of tho
buroau of navigation formulntod tho
original plans of tho -fleet's groat
Admiral Bronson was prosont in a
prlvntp capacity bocnuso of dlffer
oncos with President Roosovolt short
ly nftor tho floot sailed moro than
a year ngo, ovor placing hospital
Bhlps undor tho command of sur
geons. Through thnt quarrol Bron
boii was prevontod from further di
recting tho course of tho floet
around tho world.
Rear Admiral Sporry, his division
officers and tho captains of tho fleet
camo aboard tho Mayflower shortly
after tho fleot's anchors wore lot go
in tho waters of Hampton Roads.
The president addressed thorn In
typical words of welcome, and whon
ho visited tho ships of tho fleot ad
dressed substantially tho same words
to tho offlcors and men of tho ves
sels. Tho presldont began by referring
to tho passage of time since tho fleot
sailed on its long cruise and told
them how tho hearts of all filled
with pride as thoy saw the fleot re
turn. Roosvelt said:
"You'vo beon In the northern and
southern homisphorcs. Four times
you'vo crossed tho lino. You'vo
steamed through all great oceans nnd
touched tho coast of ovory continent.
Ever your goncrnl courso has boon
westward. Now you como back to
tho port from which you set sail. This
Is tho first battleship fleot that has
ovor circumnavigated tho globo.
"You havo fnlslflod ovory predic
tion of tho. prophets , of - failure In
all tho long crulso, not an nccldont
worth v rt mention has hnpponod fo
a slnglo battleship, nor to crulsors or
tori "'" bouts. You departed In a
high state of battlo efflcl-'i.cy and
you rotr.ru with your efficiency In
cr. .'cod. You are bottr nropnrod
thpii wh'.i ;)ii left, no' only l.i per
sonnel but oven In mntotials.
"Incldontally I supposo I need
hardly say that ono inoasuro of your
fltnoss must bo your clear recogni
tion of tho l'ood to always strlvo to
rondor yoursolvos moro fit. If you
over grow to think yourself fit
onough, mako up your mind thnt
from that moment you boglu to go
"As a war machine, tho, floot re
turns In bottor shnpo than It loft.
Offlcoi-H nnd mon havo shown thorn-
solves tho best of nil possible am
bassadors and hofaldors of poaco,
"Wliorovor you havo landed you
havo borno yourselves so no to mako
us at homo proud of being your
countrymen. You havo shown your
solvos to bo tho host typo of fighting
mnn that tho son knows.
"Wo'ro proud of nil tho ships and
of all tho men of tho wholo floot.
Wo wolcomo you homo to tho country
whoso good reputation among nations
hnB beon raised by what you havo
'Tho baJUoshlp Kentucky which
brought up tho roar of tho column of
sixtoon bnttloshlps, was given tho
honor of escorting tho wolcomo
squadron of Roar Admiral Arnold.
Tho wolcomo squadron pnssod boforo
the Mayflower at a distance of a
thousand yards from the battleships.
Tho bnttloshlps passed nt tho rate of
four knots nn hour.
Fleet. Shows Up.
Old Point 'Comfort, Va., Fob. 22
- -At 9 o'clock today tho Atlantic bat
tleship fleot was sighted oft tho capo.
Tho vossols woro approaching at slow
speed. Tho fleot passed tho capos at
10: 2C this morning.
Tho fleot passed tho Mayflower,
tho Connoctlcut loading. Connecti
cut bognn saluting nt 10:58.
over greek laborers
United l'res Lensed Wlre.l
Omaha, Nob., Feb. 22. Tho board
of flro and pollco commissioners to
day Issued a statomont plncing the
blame for tho disastrous riot yester
day on those who gathered at a m&
meeting at which speeches woro mada
Inciting tho populaco to attack the
Crooks, who woro doomed objection
ablo. Hospitals today reveal that 30 per
sons aro Buffering from wounds. Six
of the victims nro In a sorlouB condi
tion. Tho city waB quiet today; although
tho military 1b bolng hold in readi
ness for nn outbreak.
Largo numbors of Q rooks bare
loft the city, nnd none nro working at
packing houses.
It Is estimated that tho damage
to business will rcaJi $50,000.
Had Another Think.
Omaha, Fob. 22. A numbor of
0 rooks today proposed n mass moot
ing horo for tho purposo of organiz
ing an army to march on South Oma
ha to rovongo tholr compatriots for
tho Injnirlos and losses Inflicted on
thorn by a mob yoitorday.
Coolor heads provallod, and tho
ldon waB abandoned.
Old Point Comfort, Va., Fob. 22.
Tho ofllclal progrnm for tho recep
tion to tho battleship fleet was an
nounced today as follews:
5 a. m. Fleot stnrtB from South
ern drill grounds, about 50 mllos off
tho Vlrvlnla capes, steaming slowly.
8:30 Tho fleet sighted from tho
0 a, m. Presidential yacht May
flower arrives at tho tall of tne
horseshoe about half way botwosn
Old Point Comfort and tho ca'po3.
11 a. m. Warships saluto Presi
dent as thoy pasB tho Mnyflowor,
1:30 p. m. Tho fleot anchors off
Old Point Comfort.
2 p. m. Rear-Admiral Sperry, his
division commanders and ship cap
tains visit tho Mayflower and ire
greeted by Presldont Rooiovolt,
3 p. m PreB'dent begins visit to
flagship Connecticut and tbo other
I United 1'reia r.oasod Wire.
Roseburg, Or., Fob, 22, Two mon
giving tho naiiios of J. R. Wilson and
L. L. Merrill, who say thoy rocontly
arrived from Sau Francisco, whro
thoy woro employed ns nowBpapor so
licitors, are undor arrest horo today
following tho wrocking of a safo In
local laundry by safo blowers hvtt
Tho booty consisted of $2 In
change. Wilson nnd Merrill attract
ed tho attontlon of tho pollco, and
thoy woro tnkon to tho pollco sta
tion. Tho pollco say tholr otorlea
conflict. Tho prlsonors will bo given
a hoarlug some tlino today.
Bolllngham, Wash.. Fob. 22.
Word wim received horo today that
Thomas K. Rudo was Instnutly killed
Saturday by a blast whllo clearing
land at Lake Torrill, about fifteen
miles from hero. George. R. Rudo, a
brother, was Injured by tho sumo
blnst. Tho two brothers woro blow
ing out stumps with dynamito, A
hoavy charge had beon placod in a
big stump and tho fuso was broken.
Believing that tho spark had died
out tho two mon approached tho
stump and woro within throe feet of
It when tho chargo wont off. Thomas
Rudo was blown about sovonty-flvo
foot in tho air. George escaped with
a severely bruised body.
Congrestf Recognizee, Iay.
Washington, Fob. 22. Tho Wash
Ington's birthday exorcises In con-
gres3 today woro simple, brief : and
appropriate. Senator McLearln, of
Mississippi, read Washipgton's fart
woll address to his army, whllo Rep
resentative Boutell. of Illinois, road
tho address In tho house.