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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
"?m?mPiKSili .MJLY CAPITAL JOURNAL BALKM, ORBGON, FRIDAY, FEimUAUV 10, 1000. v. I C . r$i Vfr "i fc BAILEY'S JOKERS DON'T 60 IN THE HOUSE JONES OF LINCOLN SMASHED 'EM-GAMP- BELL MADE A STATEMENT FOR THE BILL BY REQUEST BUT BRANDS IT AS A JOB BY VOTING NO B. D. 120, Dnltoy's bill to nmond tho tldo land Inwa, wnH battcrod to diist in tho houso. It hud como up boforo on tho onmo day and wiih de feated on a nlmply manly tiBHortlon of Farrcll that tho bill was n contlnuoun Jojjor. Although tho flonuto had pnss od It, tho cotnmlttoo had Hnnctloncd It, Oampboll apoko for It, Jones of Lincoln and Polk said It had tho ap pcaranco of Hallowo'on legislation. On roll call Cnmpboll nald ho had promised Dalloy to talk for It, and having dono no, wisely voted no. "Mr. McDonald nlono votes nyo; Tho bill tins failed to pass," said tho speaker, amid laughter. AUSTRIA AND SERVIA READY TO 60 TO WAR I 1 MP IP llll nBBVJpBpBBMpaBVJMBBBHaMBM9MHMMppppBP""p"B"Htw,Bm''" WILL EXPERIMENT IN REFORESTIZATION United Press Leased Wlre.l North Yakima, Wash., Feb. 19. flovernment officials aro now en gaged In making estimates of the size of tho burned ureas, with a view 1 1 tn reforestation of tho timber lands oi Washington and Oregon, according to plans formulated by tho depart ment of agriculture. O. F. Allen, supervisor of tho Rai nier forest reserve, is now In this city rtcolvlng applications for grazing permits from local cattlo and sheep men. Alton says tho government con templates sotting aBldo omall tracts of timber land In this district on which to conduct experiments In re forestlzatlon. This will bo dono to detormlno tho practicability of re foresting tho burned nrcaB of logged off lands. About 12,000 pounds of seed wbb gathered from tho forests of tho United States last year, and part of this Is to bo used in experi ments In Oregon and Washington, ho Bays. A FAMOUS COMPANY. (United I'rcaa I.cnscrt Wire.) London, Fob. 10. Hoslllltlon bo twoon Sorvla nnd Austria aro said to ho closor at hand today thnu at any tliuo Hlnco tho war talk Involving thoso two countries bognn. Thin In mado plain In n noto tho Austrian govornmont recently sont tn Holgrndo. It wan ro von led todny that It contained the throat that tin Icbh Sorvla dlnnrmH hor troops by February 27, Austria will doclaro war nnd rtmh Holdlors to tho frontier. Tho communication romovoB nil doubt that Austria will lio longor tt-lorato tho doprcdatlona committed by Sorvlnn bands In tho provlncos of II'Mzogovlna nnd Uoinla. Tho goonrnl Improsslon horo Is that Sorvla will not ylold, and thnt hostllltlos will opon within a fort night. Tho Austrian gunbonta In tho Danube nro on a war footing, and In an. oxcollont position to moiiaco Uol Kindo. Tho Bllnintlon Is so grnvo that tho Sorvlnn cnblnet tins boon discussing it In iKicrot session for Hovornl hours, with King Potor holding out for penco. ACCUSED OF BLACKMAIL COMMITS SUICIDE I United Prnn Leaned Wlre.l Chicago, Fob. 10. Tho Itov. Por- loy II, Powers, pastor of tho Monroe A'vonuo church, Is bolng Bought today by tho police becnuso of tho death by aulcldo of Mrs. llroolc Vonnoru, whose nrrost ho had caused on n ehnrgo of attempting to extort money from him. ' When tho woman'H doath was an nounced, Coroner Hoffman Immedi ately iBHiiod nn order for tho man's nrroHt. Ho la bollovod to bo somo whoro In Arizona. According to the utory told by Mrn. Verniers, shortly boforo hor donth, tho Itov, Powers re quested moiioy of hor, whan ho lonruod that she posBossod $2500. Bho tmytt hIio advanced him Jtfi and nlno priMontud him with a 40 stloK pin. f Tho wontttn doclnrtd that when she nuked him to return the monoy he caused hor nrrost on n charge of o.x tortlon. Tho pronohor appoarod ngnlnst her In uuurt, and accused her nf trying to blnokmnll him. Mrs. Volition wiih lined $10. Powers U said to have dUappoarod directly after the lino win linpoiod. The woman paid tho lino, and later she ntteutptod to commit suloldo bv nuphyxlutlou. Bho wan tmmtecosBful In this attempt, but later swallowed oorroslvn HtibUmato. Hor death fol lowed. Tho Hev. Powers will ho UBsl nnd dlamanted the schoonor liuM na ft wit now If ho can ho fouml. IMorln la drifting at tho morcy of tho Akllktltntlta fff Pnitl QnnitnnH Imlni ntnl U men on hoard aro la danger of llll . Iik water grave, unlw rescuod soon The rwvoiuio cuttor Parry loft hore pant ovonlug In an attoinpt to locnto iMiuqunh. Wuih., Fob. 10. Al- lno a'wtblo olioonor and rosoue hor roudy tho mother of 10 living ohll- ,.roWt nd llnl0M B.orma 8ot i it ia 9! Iinll. ..! tl.n n..Xn ...ill .......... .1 I i U-...U.U... i, iv vimur nui iuicuuu III TARIFF WAKES ALL THE PEOPLE Indianapolis, Feb. 19. Tho Na tional tariff commission convontlou adjourned yeetorday nftor a Bonslort which, nfllclnls and dologatOH'aBuort, has marked a now opoch In tariff inuklug In this country, Tho convention rosolvcd by tin in Iiiiouh vote that Its labors shall not end with moroly tho demand for a tariff commission. Tho pormnnont organization formed to contlnito lU work will uxtond Ub Inllttonco -to every state, and particularly to Wash liigton. Tho ohalrmnn of tho porman"jt orgnnlwillon noloctod by Ghnlrmaii Van Glenvo are: J. 10. MIIob, of ltd tlno. Wis., of tho oxooutlvo commit too. and John Horhort of Dayton Ohio. Mr. Van Glenvo waB chosen by tho convontlou as pormnnont flhnlrmau of tho organization. Aborting that tho present mot hod of making tho tariff Is a J:t of Moramhlo about nnco ovory ton ytaitt. and ndvocalolng the commie hIoii plan, undor which tariff might be In process of revision all tho time, D. A. Thompklns, 0f Charlotte, N P., dllvored n notable address. o- SCHOONER WRECKED ON ALASKAN COAST Skagway. AhiHka. Feb. 10 Tho only dramatic century plant from which flowers .nro always being picked, if one may bo pnrdonod the nnachronlsm, Is "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Things tuny como and things mny go, but this moving tnlo of slavery days goes down tho corridors of tltno for ever. I It HooniH hardly possible that any body mny not have Boon "Undo Tom's Cnhln," yet packed houses greet the famous StetHon compnny wherovor It appears and countless thousands laugh, cry nnd applaud an though It woro a now dramatic offering Such Ih tho tenacious hold thnt drama has J on tho affections of thentro goers ' when properly presonted. Poor ver sions of tills play and poor "Uncle! Toiu'h Cnhln" companion hnvo for years dottod the son of drama like I ho many active marine carryalls. Most i of thorn are long hIiic.6 strewn along tho shores of tlmo, like so many dere- i locts. The Stetson company, which pre sents tho piny at tho Grand oporn house Monday night, hears tho repu tation of a rnrn-avls among tho pro ductions o( this drama nnd wins the , highest commendation. It Is nald to dwarf all other productions of this drama nnd wins tho highest common dntlon. It Is said to dwarf all other productions of this play, an tho Him alayas dwarf a molehill. In Manager Wnshhurn's production It la almost a now play, so modern and up to date aro the various accowiorles to Its suc cessful presentation. Tho play Is presonted by an excel lent company, perfectly adapted to tho demands mado upon each, and tho four nets nro wild to move ns smoothly and ImprotMlvoly as a motor paeur. Tho hcuiiIo uffuctH aro pronounced rumnrknbly fluo, while tho Twcewmry inochuiilcul'ndjuiiotH will ho found all that can ho desired In order to make It good enough to he call stupendous, bunts on wile at box office Monday at 0 u. in. o ICodol In a combination of all tho unturnl digostlvo Julce: round In prdinnry healthy ttomnnh, and will digest your food In n natural way. Ploasnnt to take. Sold by all drug gists. f BIG PIANO CONTEST Five big premiums to be given away to Ladies' in Salem or the vicinity. No matter where you live, city or country vou have the same show to get the Piano. This means you, any Lady may enter the contest and can get the iano if she will devote a little time and energy. Everybody knows STOCKTON'S BIG DEPARTMENT STORE and knows that it stands for the best there is. Everybody has to buy goods and why not buy at STOCKTON'S. Now here contestants, this contest starts the 22nd of this month, Monday morning. Get right in with determina tion to get that Piano. Contest closes March 27th, so don't lose any time. IT'S WORTH WHILE FIVE BIG PREMIUMS: 1 st. Handsome Eiler's $425 Piano; 2nd. Trip to Alaska-Yukon Exposition at Seattle, expenses paid; 3rd. A 3-8k Diamond Ring; 4th. and 5th. Ladies' 15 Jewel Waltham Movement Gold Watches. They are yours for a little time and energy. Piano will be on display in store window. Remember every 25c coupon sold gives you 20 votes. Every $1 .00 coupon sold gives you 1 00 votes. Every coupon will buy its face value in merchandise at Stockton's, You be a Sales Lady for the store and get the Piano. Don't delay but be early on the start Monday morn ing February 22. Stockton's Big Dept, Store I MORE TARIFF ON SUGAR THAN AUTOS (United l're Lciurd Wlre.l Chicago. Fob. iff. As tho oponlng move in war for cheaper augnr through the reduction of tariff 'du ties, a national coitnnlttoo of whole- no w amounts to SO pcr cent of the Btigar value in bond. This Is hold to ho nu injustice, as automobiles, which aro claseod as luxuries, nro sub ject to u duty of only 15 per cent. As 2,201.701 of 3,186,780 tons which wore used hist year woro Im ported the merchants point out tho sale grocers minding out a lottori Importance of securing n considerable showing the effects of the present reduction of tho cost on foodstuffs nlgn schedule. , by the removal of this particular According to this lottor tho duty duty. Thoy ostlmato thnt such a step would reduce the cost of granulated sugar 2 cents a pound. Ask Yourself tho Question. Why not uso Chamborlaln'a Llul mont whon you have rheumatism? Wo feel Biiro that tho result will be prompt and satisfactory. It has curod othors, why not you? Try It It costs but a trlflo. Frlq'o 25 cents; largo size, GO conts. For salo by Dr. Stono's Drug Store. ' BUNGALOW THEATRE HAS FAMILY ENOUGH BUT MARRIES AGAIN I dron. Mrs. T. Golidoll hni Just rev turned to thU plnco from Seattle whoro bho became tho brldo ot James Hall, who la himself tho father of live grown ohlldren. Tho bridegroom U 18 and tho brldo 67 years of ago. Tho new Mrs. Hall Is n talented woman of German nutlvlty, and Is htlll attractive In porsonal appear ance and poskwsob n face on which tlmo hnu left no trace ot enre. lu ad dition of hor own little brood of 13, Mrs. Hall bun 48 grandchildren. A year ago Qobdoll died of heart dsoaue. Hall has been a widower forvflvo years. her mission. OJL0XO3llX.. SICMtW CLym&&t MOU.IYtH' fttcky Mamtiln Ts Nuftpts A Dai Mfelltlst ft Buy Ffl. IWsgt 0U HmIUi m4 Utntwfcl Vltfcr. A ntoollti) for 0nlimhm. lmll4tku. IJta sua KUuey TrouU-s hmlc. Yxitxw. lujpujt UUMt. IU.I llrtMtih. ilorU, llNbUcU n4 IUc4(Im. JIM H.wky lwintlu IV lu Ub M fonn. u .''1n' ,u0 .,,lJ', b' IttfLutrfcK Iim CVur)iv, MaJi. t. nQLOEN Nl'CCETS FOR SAU0W VWl H angelical Tho lecture last night at tho Unl arlun church by Itov. Mnot J. Sim ons, of Clovolnnd. Ohto, Mas a mastor piece far olenrnos and simplicity The speaker first correctod tho gener al Impression that tho main conten tion of Uultnrlaulsm Is for tho Unity of (lent. It stands rtrat for lutolloc t unl freedom In matters rollglous. as ell as overythlug elo. Truth for authority, nnd not authority for truth, ia tho motto. Tho IMblo and the creeds are but tho work of other i men of other days, and cannot meet the needa of tho greater day of kuowl odgo In which wo live. Christian character Is organic, not artificial cornea not by conformity to arbitrary rulos. ftoniethlng apart from the soul III or tho Individual. Mr. Simons will preach at tho Unl t 'it Ian ohuroh Sunday morning. Ho Is a polished speaker nnd worth hear ing. L. D. R. Salem, February 19. i Portland, Or.. Phonos, Main 117, A Water1 132-1. Emptro Thentro Co., (Inc.) Lessee . Qoo- L- llakor, Goneral Manager. WcPk Commencing .Sunday Mat luce, Fohrutiry 1 1, lOt). Chnnniug Pollock's dramatization of the widely rend novol. In the Bishop's Carriage l)y Miriam Mlchelson. As played by Josle Uusloy. Ono of the boat stock plays over written. Kvonlng Price H."V, as, SOe Matiuws IS, 23c Matinee Saturday. Next week. "Tho College Widow." First tlmo in stock. All mall orders, or by wire, recolvQ prompt nnd careful attention Grand Opera House JNO. P. OOnmtAY, Mgr. Monday, February 22 Stethon'n Hlg Double Spectacular UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO. The Itanium of Them AH. 23 Men, Women and Children 23 Scenic luveotitujv n Kcvelntlon. 10 SiHctaculrtr S(eclalty SoumuIous 1U Colored People from tho Cotton Holt. lluck nnd Wing Dancers. Pack of Dloodhounds. EVA'S ASCENSION. Baud and Orohoatra. Prices Sec. SSo and 2 So. Seats on sale at box office Monday. 9 a. m OTUmX 11 : mr jM 1 "' -WM MI 1 1 B Bl H CopYTlght laoS. Dutchc Utg. Co. SALEM WOOLEN MILL STORE HMMMMMHMMBHHHMHMHMHMHHMaiiaHHMHHBJNMHaa Did you ever have too many trousers? Never heard of a man who did. It's about this date trousers get house sprung, threadbare about this time when the wear comes or when they're ragged around jhe bottom. A PAIR OF OUR NEW PERFECT FITTING TROUSERS WILL GIVE YOU ALMOST A NEW SUIT EFFECT. Prices $2 to $8 .- .i2JEte& mmmmmmmmmmum - ..fatr ii i ,- - - --' 3fc 2h AaifiLiteA..i . fiia m1h?"T? :;'-'-'' - riw s xtji- a